#oh and lets talk aboutt he apartment.
xxk3vonicaxx · 2 years
This is a Part 1, because this post broke the 30 image limitt, prepare for some long posts aheadd:
TW: Possible ableismm, n*zi and CP mentionss
Soooo Blurry and his fans have done more stuff that you guys probably don't know aboutt, aaand I can't just sit back and take it like I've been doingg, 'cause this has been affecting not just mee, buut multiple people as welll, mmm
Zavrozo's probably gonna have to edit the doc laterr, buut oh welll For starterss, let's talk about the elephant in the room that most of you are probably unaware of existingg:
Blurry and his fans making fun of my typing quirk on Instagramm:
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Noww, from what I believee, this is ableist behaviorr (I thinkk?), aaand also it's hypocritical coming from Blurry's partt (notee, the screenshot in the bottom left cornerr)
Likee, if I dare joke about Risk like thiss, it's badd, buut if Blurry and his fans make fun of my typing quirk like thiss, it's okk?
Worse thatt is that I'm a real person, for onee, I have feelings you knoww? >:'<
Aaand apparently Blurry has a history of doing this tooo, sooo that makes it worsee (This was from 2021, buuut stilll, it happenedd):
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Aaand when I showed this screenshot to Blurry on the rightt, he acted like he didn't know what Miles was talking aboutt (Contextt: This was when Miles and Blurry were having a fight about Edgar's (A character from FON's) backstory as Miles had apparently changed some stuff without telling Blurry firstt:
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I was talking for Blurry during this fightt ('cause back then me and him were still friendss). He had apparently banned Miles from the private FON discord I used to be apart of because he blew up at himm (Blurry was a mod back thenn, now he's the main adminn, this was the same server where Mobox was shown lying about the n*zi art not being hers aand making fun of Crying Blossomm)
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(Notee, I was the one who say this sounded fine for Miles to dooo, not Blurryy, he still hadn't apologized even thenn)
At the end of that fightt, we went on a group chat on Insta so it could get settledd, buuut Blurry never really said sorry to Miless (The fifth screenshot happened while Blurry was talking to Miles in this group chatt, the joke thing Blurry was talking about was about Edgar and Baxter being adopted siblingss)
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Miles had apologized during that behavior during that fightt, buut Blurry had never apologized for hiss. He had only said that "he had problems reading Miles' tone at timess", buut he never really said anything on how to fix itt, like using tone indication or somethingg, he only really cared on how to fix the character backstoryy, not to at least try to help Miles with thiss. Soo because of thatt, Miles stopped using his typing quirk around Blurryy
"Buuut Kevinn! Why are you bringing up that fightt?" You may askk
Welll, it's 'cause he did the same thing to mee (Tea.sammich is Blurry's altt):
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Notee: He asked for his fans to tone it downn, buut he never apologized for his own behaviorr, 'cause he was apart of it tooo!
Aaand alsooo, Blurry is twisting the person's wordss, they never said it was ableistt, they said they could be exaggerating that it was ableistt
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Aaand I know this because they confronted him on his behavior about thiss (Notee, the fifth screenshott):
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Aaand this was Blurry's responsee:
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Blatent lies and ignoring thingss:
Zombify had also confronted Blurry on his behavior with Mobb, aand Blurry lied to them multiple timess, basically ignoring the things Mob didd, particularly with the n*zi artt. Zombify had asked if Blurry had known about itt, aand Blurry ignored the question 3 timess! He had also ignored it with mee, tooo, changing the topic to me posting suggestive art in my server when I've already stated what my audience iss, it was shown in the docc (Not to mention Blurry defending Mob's gore art):
(Proof of Blurry knowing about the n*zi artt):
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Aaand here's Blurry ignoring Zombify's questions about it tooo:
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(The screenshots of these last two bits of the chat about this topic will be shown in the next part in a reblogg, 'cause I broke the 30 image limit with this postt)
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