#oh and some people said the cases defending bad guys are corny but like its the reality of working at a large company they have salaries
sweetsuenos · 2 years
Youngwoo and Junho have known each other for MONTHS, their relationship followed the typical kdrama "start confessing around ep 10" timeline, and yet there's still people calling their romance forced, contrived, illogical etc.
"The romance should just round out the series" aka its okay for her to experience love but you'd rather not see it.
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"My patience is tried by the romance plot too" I hope you say that everytime anyone on screen has a romantic relationship on tv...but I doubt you do.
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There's too much about this that doesn't add up but the fact that they show us in episode ONE that Youngwoo knows her client loves her husband, despite hitting him after his 50 years of agressive outbursts, and she even points out her loving actions towards him, just makes it more ridiculous.
The show has never shown Youngwoo not understanding her father's love for her, she knows it so well that she even feels suffocated by it at times! She feels so suffocated by it that she tries to move out and switch law firms! And she only changes her mind because the other law firm is run by her birth giver and she thought it would be wrong to abandon her father to go work for her mother.
I have watched sooo many dramas over the years and have never seen anyone question and criticize a kdrama's romance like this. A romance with two grown adults who aren't perfect but who care for and respect one another is somehow a hard couple to root for.
Not a peep when characters end up with their stalkers, give a second chance to abusers or cheaters, or for the many dramas where one character is a minor, in a position of power over the other, or where one is just like the most unlikeable ass on the planet.
Like hello?? I did not sit through the 1536364 posts calling the Vincenzo villain a misunderstood baby who really loved the FL, for that ultra pro romance energy to suddenly disappear like this...
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