#oh and well… heh.. roe and pewt- (gets exploded gorily)
sawtual · 2 months
any fiction recommendations? :3
ANY??? ok sure i can give you a really wide array of shit i like ^_^ im rewatching arcane rn , really obvious popular rec but its so damn good … ummm. queens gambit book+tv show are sooo good. everyone should be required to read and watch these imo. yellowjackets! yay lesbian cannibalism. doki doki literature club… im severely just backrolling through my hyperfixations AKJDFNGKD oh ive been really enjoying frieren beyond journeys end!! its so good x) i love elves so much sorry everyone! i love elf! baldurs gate 3 is such a good game but its also pricey so </3 if you have spare money for it id definitely rec it but dont put yourself out for it. random ass show i love dearly is probably greys anatomy. only the real ones get this one. I JUST THINK THERES SM INTERESTING COMPLEX WOMEN IN IT IDK <3 and their complex relationships with one another.. its crazy i love it a lot. plus meredith grey is just so insanely borderline i love her dearly ^_^ …id recommend breaking bad and better call saul . was actually stunned that despite the love and attention these shows get i didnt find them to be overhyped at all, they literally exceeded my expectations i cant lie. jimmy and kim being the one heterosexual relationship that gets me going “theyre yuri.” its because of the roe and pewterisms!! okay!!!! i liked bojack horseman … diane and sarah lynn <3 .. SAW FRANCHISE!!!!!!!! the first three movies specifically though <3 JAWDROP FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE GO WATCH CRAZY EX GIRLFRIEND. AKJDFNKGDF THAT DAMN ASS SHOW!!!!!!!
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