#oh boi I never talked about Crown Cookie here (my s/i)... lol
reinabeestudio · 1 year
Rockstar Cookie was one of my first Cookie Run f/os, you gotta understand how bizarre it feels to have him in Kingdom after 6 years
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shadesofhue · 7 years
Him: What’s yo name, anyway?
Me: ...Hue.  

…and that’s how it started.
I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop. Juggling ideas in my mind, while not being able to be still enough to enjoy the inspirational article I was reading. My brain was everywhere, from which one of my crystals I should grab, to when I’d finish that last section of the 4 agreements. I’m an artist, and at times I need to be centered and  grounded into one train of thought at a time… and currently, that’s my biggest issue. Between self-submitting to acting roles, to researching fashion, and utilizing my degree in sociology to help change the world through advocacy… i’m a mess in this coffee shop. But understandably so, that’s okay… we all are. 
 I’m in my 20’s. My peers usually resort to the idea of “figuring things out.” If you let me tell it i’ve got many things figured out. It’s just the matter of surrendering and allowing them to flow, without control. I pay attention to myself and all of my contradictions. Not only is my Sun sign of air, and my moon in fire, the two are the exact opposite of each other… Libra and Aries. Not to mention, my Ascending is Scorpio. Which is a whole other ball game. I’ll talk about that when i’m much more comfortable. LOL comfortable… that’s what he said.
“Do you mind if I plug this in, here?”, he asked with certainty that the way he was looking at me would seduce me into giving up any outlet i’d have available. “Not at all…”, I replied. FUCK! I should have said no pun intended… now he’s gonna think he can get whatever he wants. Had I said it, he would have thought I was some witty ho, though. Thanks, Universe! Damn he looks good. He’s wearing this black nike track suit with his hood on. He looks like a boxer… that type of competitive nature excites me. Psh! let somebody try us while we’re out! Wait, why is he my boyfriend already? See, that’s my problem. So here’s what happened:
I just finished my grande pike “with almond milk, and like… 8 pumps of vanilla.” I got to my last sip and realized I hadn’t had ANY water today. Until… this tall glass of it walked up and made me realize how thirsty I actually am. He looked at me, I looked down. Do you rub the back of your neck when you get nervous? I know I sure do. He walked to the register and returned to his table with a large iced water and a banana. He wasn’t going to sit there at first, but it was better than the bar area, I supposed. Either that or he wanted a clear view of all this greatness. LOL What am I talking about? I look like a college Junior who is over the bullshit, mad at my fraternity because they’re racist in other chapters, and recovering from the result of last nights mistake in the form of a hangover. At least I twisted my hair last night. I wonder if he uses shea butter too -jots in notebook of things to pop quiz him on, on our first date.- Anyway, after he sits down, I get up to use the rest room. I can tell he’s an alpha male, and that type of energy is a lot to take within the first few minutes. I noticed something about him though… he doesn’t spend much money. He has an iPhone 5, a Dell laptop, and he didn’t order a drink. He looks like a hustler and that he’s on his grind. He’ll understand that our first date would probably need to be over coffee… and I understand that it’ll probably be “on me.” But I don’t mind, we're both men. I’m just gonna need for him not to get comfortable, because I am certainly the type that requires courting.
Him: “Do you mind if I plug this in, here?” Me: “Not at all.”
As he kneeled down to plug his charger in, I noticed that he didn’t bend over… RESPECT! LOL. I observed him, as he observed my table. “What you readin’?”, he asked. “The 4 Agreements”, I replied. “Yo, I heard about that book! Is it good?”, he followed. “Listen… this book changed my life. I’m just refreshing because I didn’t really finish it. I started over from the beginning yesterday, and left off at the same place as last time. I’m going to start there and finish it today.”, I replied. “That’s what’s up. I gotta get into it!”, he said. I ended up telling him that he should. When he sat down, I could still feel the depth of his voice vibrating through my ears, to my heart, and to places I dare not to mention. He looks like Joe Budden to me. I’ve always had a crush on Joe Budden. Was all that time wasted watching Love & Hip Hop just a visual for my manifestation of this specimen sitting before me?
He reached for his banana. The one he ordered… and I saw that his knuckles had scars on them. I instantly wanted to nurse his wounds and rub his back. He seems gentle at heart, but this physical roughness that i’m getting from him is something else.
Him: You seem like the type to drink tea. Me: …but i’d prefer coffee. Him: I’m a tea, guy. You wanna be my honey-dip Me: lol, you silly. Him: You like cookies? Me: Yeah… and YOU BETTER NOT! Him: I like brownies, can you bake? Me: Not perfectly. Him: It’s okay. Success in life is all about effort, not perfection. Me: I like that. I thought you had some sick joke. Okay. I see you, philosopher. Him: Yo, That’s my name. Me: STFU. That’s not your name! Him: Yes, it is. I swear! Me: -smirks in disbelief- Let me guess. Yo daddy name is Christopher, and yo momma name is Phillis? Him: LOL Nah, It kind of happened like when parents name their sons “Sir” or “America” I guess. Me: LMFAO… NO! It’s not. Him: LOL Man… whatever. Don't be baggin’ on my name. -licks lips and gazes into eyes” Me: DON’T… Do that! Him: Do what? Me: That whole… LL Cool J, Lip thing you just did, then stare into my soul. Don’t do that. I have to keep things… cute. Him: But you are cute. Me: Thank you. That’s really brave of you to say… in this… coffee shop. Him: Look, just because i’m all masculine and manly, doesn’t mean I can’t be open. I dig you. You’re different. Me: …You’re right. Touché. Look I need to finish my book. As crazy as this even sounds to myself to say, I have a rule. NO DISTRACTIONS while i’m working. That involves and primarily consists of… MEN! Him: Aight, my bad. My bad! Dang… All that neck movement, you gon’ drop yo crown. -winks and goes back to seat-.
I wasn’t sure if he was acknowledging my royalty, or saying I was queenin’. Either way… he could be my king. I sat still after that to read the rest of this book. I would look up every so often and he would break his glance at me and smile like he got caught doing something wrong. I smiled, to let him know it was everything right. God, I don’t mean to question you… but YOU KNOW i’m trying to focus! Why you send this man up in here today to play with me, knowing I ain’t in the position or space to entertain. I quickly heard a voice say “TRUST ME. That’s all you have to do…” I looked up at the ceiling in disbelief, thinking God was up to something. As I looked back down Philosopher said “You hear me?”. “No, sorry. I was day-dreaming. What’d you say?” I replied. “Nothing! Aren’t you supposed to be reading? lol What you day-dreaming about?”, he said. “My attention span is very short…” I rebutted. He replied with “ahhhh… that’s very telling!”, to which I yelled out a “HUSH!… Look I got 3 more pages, then I gotta get out of here. I’m starving.”
He looked like he was wishing he could join me for dinner. Little did he know, I was going to a home he isn’t welcomed to, to sauté vegetables. After I finished the book, I made my way over to his table, where he gave me one final scan and bit his bottom lip. Giving a flirty smile, I said:
“…just promise me you’ll read it and return it within the next 3 days.” Him: How about I meet you here tomorrow at 7:30pm. With a full review. It’ll give us something to talk about. We can talk perspective and application. Me: …what are you trying to do to me? Him: Bruh, let your guard down. I’m not gonna hurt you… I don’t bite. You can trust me. Me: -rubs back of neck- I don’t trust anybody…  
Him: Do you rub the back of your neck, when you get nervous? Me: You’re observant.  Him: Look… Let’s make a deal. If this book moves me in anyway, and we meet back up to talk, I promise I’ll change your life. 
 Me: Oh, You’re GOING to give it back… My mentor bought me that book, and it costs $13…but how so?  Him: You’ll never have to worry about a single thing again, as long as you’re alive… 
 Me: Just because I let you read a word. Boy, BYE! What makes you so certain? Him: I’m not… but i’m willing to take a chance and risk it all to make you happy. I see your glow underneath this sweat suit that’s way too big for your little body. Wait… do you got a boyfriend? You GOTTA have a boyfriend. Them yo nigga’s clothes aren’t they?  Me: Haaaaaaa… You don’t know an ounce of me.  Him: I just have to ask. You fly! Got a nice smile. Sweet spirit. Good vibes and energy. I mean You look comfortable as hell! And although you got a big head… with your frame, neckline, and shoulders… I can tell you don’t wear a triple X in grey sweat suits.  Me: First of all, this is heather… and these are a Medium in pants. They just run big. It’s a XXL TOP… ONLY!   Him: No pun intended!  Me: Look at youuuu… with your sense of humor. LOL  Him: heather… grey… charcoal. It’s all the same!  Me: No… it’s not actually. But umm… I have to go, Phil. I reFUSE to call you Philosopher. LOL  Him: HAHAHA. Jokes… Aye!  Me: -turns around, scrunches up left sleeve, and ruffles through hair- Yeah?  Him: What’s yo name, anyway?  Me: …Hue. 
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