#oh boy here i go waxing poetic about objects again get out the tomatoes people it's gonna be a long night
tracfone · 1 year
Any ship where one or more characters is an object or a robot or whatever is infinitely more interesting to me than a human/human ship, at least nowadays. Idk. I think it is nice to explore the relationships we have with the inanimate, how we express love to them and how that could be reciprocated
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1x20 · 7 years
Yo, what if artist! Stiles couldn't stop drawing a hot stranger in his college class who looks really hot with glasses (aka Derek). And then he gets dared to actually sit next to him in class and then the Hot Stranger, and accidentally leaves his drawings of Hot Stranger behind as he leaves and hot stranger just wants to give them back and ask Stiles out because Stiles is his Hot Stranger.
Hello I am back with another prompt fill!!! This is semi-nerd!Derek, I hope y'all aren’t too disappointed with me…
Thanks to @sterek for looking over this for me!!!
Also on AO3
Title: Picture Us Together
Stiles remembers the start of this year clear as day.He’d been sitting next to Scott, both of them equal parts terrified andexhilarated, and Stiles had just been complaining about how he was goingto focus on his studies instead of finding a significant other — stop laughing,Scott — and that’s when he walked in.
He being Derek Hale: two hundredpounds of muscle wrapped in a package of adorableness, bunny teeth andthick-rimmed glasses. Stiles isn’t ashamed he fell in love at first sight.Well, it was more like lust at first sight. The love came when Stilesdiscovered he and Derek were in the same History class and Derek always,without fault, knew all of the answers to everything and handed his assignmentsin three weeks before the deadline.
Scott, the traitor, had told Kira, who’d told Allison,who’d told Lydia, without letting Stiles know, and Stiles is left trying tofigure out how the hell this situation got so out of hand.
“What the hell are you all doing here?” he hisses,pushing them away from the window.
“I just wanted to see if your new… infatuationlived up to me, and I must say you have an excellent taste in people,” Lydiasays, a smirk on her face as she eyes Derek up and down and honestly? Stilescan’t blame her. He’s done his fair share of ogling himself — maybe more thanfair, actually — and although he feels really creepy doing it, he can’t stop.
He looks over his shoulder, back at Derek — becauseLydia can be subtle, but right now she really, really isn’t — only to findDerek staring back at them, eyebrow raised and shit.
“Get out!” Stiles whisper-screams at them, becauseDerek saw them staring and he’s going to die.
“Aw come on, Stiles, why don’t you introduce us?”Scott asks, eyes pleading. Normally Stiles would agree to anything Scott askswhile he looks like that — something which Scott knows and abuses endlessly —but this is different. This isn’t some stupid prank. This is Derek freakingHale.
“Dude,” Stiles says, leaning back against the windowso they can’t look through it anymore. “I’m not even sure if Derek knows who Iam, and I’m not just going to introduce a bunch of strangers to him.” Lydiapurses her lips, ready to go on the offence, but Stiles continues before shecan even start. “Besides, my class will start again soon. I have to be backlike, right now. So go eat lunch or something and I’ll catch up with you later.Bye!”
He flees back into the classroom, slamming the doorbehind him and resisting the urge to lock it. He wouldn’t be allowed to anyway,but it’d make him feel a hell of a lot better. What he is allowed to do,however, is close the blinds in front of the windows, which he doesimmediately, pretending he doesn’t hear his friends — ex-friends — loudcomplaints.
The professor clears his throat, looking pointedlyfrom Stiles to Stiles’ seat. Stiles blushes, shooting him a sheepish smilebefore sitting down. Class starts as soon as his ass touches the seat. Stilessighs. It’s still as boring as ever: the professor’s monotone voice droning onabout stuff he already knows, the classroom dark and warm.
He opens up his drawing pad and starts sketchingeverything he can see, trying to make it look like he’s actually payingattention and making notes. He sketches the desk, the windows, the clock, theceiling lamp, before he grows bored of inanimate objects and starts to look forother subjects. Most of the students look as bored as he feels, and they’re dullanyway. He’s about to give up when his eyes land on Derek and — and oh.
Derek’s actually focused on the professor, adetermined glint in his eyes as he nods along with the things that are said,occasionally looking down to make some notes. His hair keeps falling into hiseyes, soft curls sliding forward until he pushes them back with his fingers,fingers that mould into broad palms and strong wrists, the tendons moving underthe thin skin —
Stiles sets his pencil against the paper and starts todraw.
Like he promised, he does meet up with his friendsafter class for lunch. They’ve already started without him, of course, soStiles is the only one stuffing his face with food and probably making adisgusting mess of himself. Usually he has Scott, who also turns into adisgusting mess when he eats, for Bro Solidarity, but Scott is too busy makingeyes at Kira to notice Stiles’ glare.
“So, Stiles,” Lydia says, her lips curled in a smirkand Stiles feels his stomach drop. Nothing good comes out of Lydia looking likethat, twisting a strand of her hair around her finger. “When are you goingto ask Derek out?”
Stiles chokes on the sandwich, coughing harshly andswallowing water until he can breathe again, tears squeezing from the cornersof his eyes. He glares at Lydia, but he probably doesn’t look all thatintimidating with his face as red as a tomato.
“Excuse you,” he says, voice hoarse, and takes anothersip of his water. “What gave you the impression I’d ask him out, like, ever?”
Lydia rolls her eyes, tilting her body towards him,legs crossed and leaning forward. Stiles swallows. He’s about to get it.
“I don’t know, actually? Maybe it’s the way you lookat him, or the way you wax poetic about his eyes—”
Scott pipes up with a, “Don’t forget his hair, hisglasses, his nose, his mouth, his co—”
“Yes, thank you, Scott,” Lydia continues, cutting himoff. Stiles would be grateful, he really would be, but Lydia’s talking abouthim asking Derek out. Stiles. Asking out Derek Hale. “As I wassaying, there’s plenty of evidence that points to you asking him out somewherein the near future. Also, I might’ve taken a look at your drawing pad while youwere buying lunch.”
Fuck. Today wasn’t even the firsttime Stiles had drawn Derek — he’s about three-quarters through his sketchpadand he’s sure at least half of those pages are devoted to Derek’s, well,everything.
“Lydia!” he yells, hugging his bag to his chest andglaring at her. “That’s invasion of privacy!”
Lydia rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her water,lipstick leaving a small stain on the rim of her glass, long nails clickingimpatiently against the side. Stiles would say he hates her, but that’d be alie. His sketchpad, though, is his. His and no one else’s.
“It’s all for the greater good, I promise.”
Stiles huffs. What greater good, killing him byhumiliation? Just thinking about going up to Derek and introducing himselfmakes him want to jump out a window, let alone asking him out on a date. Yeah,no, Stiles is going to stick to pining from afar and stay alive, thank you verymuch.
“Come on, Stiles,” Kira says, sending him a sweetsmile. Stiles feels himself melt a little — there’s just no way to hate Kira. “Youcan at least sit next to him right? Introduce yourself? It’s not that weird.”
Shit, he thought Kira was supposed to be the rationalone. Is everyone really going to betray him like this? Stiles slumps down intohis own seat, pretending he’s not pouting. “You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“She’s my girlfriend,” Scott says, pulling hertighter against him and shooting Stiles a glare. Again, Stiles wonders wherethe Bro Solidarity has gone.
Stiles shrugs, taking a bite out of his sandwich andsaying, “Well, she’s the most reasonable of all of you.”
“Stiles,” Lydia says, her nose wrinkling indisgust as she stares at his mouth. Stiles promptly shuts it. “Kira’s right.You can just sit next to him during class. You’re making this harder than ithas to be.”
“Something’s hard alright,” he mumbles, swallowing thebite. Lydia kicks him in the shin, and Stiles shoots a betrayed glare at herbecause really, Lydia? Stiles really is going to dump, like, all of themASAP.
“Come on, don’t be a chicken, Stiles,” Lydia saysagain, her eyebrows raised and Stiles feels his heart sink. There’s no way thisis going to end well for him, not if she’s looking at him like that. Heglances over at Scott to see if Scott will help him, but the small smile onScott’s face doesn’t predict anything good either. Fuck.
“Yeah, if you don’t sit next to Derek the next classyou two have together, you’ll,” Scott pauses, quickly trying to think of someincentive. If it was anyone else, Stiles might get away from this bet, but Scotthas always known what he liked and has never once resisted the urge to egg himon. “You’ll owe me three bags of Doritos.”
Fuck, the Doritos. Scott’s serious about thisthen, if he’s bringing Doritos into this. Stiles leans forward, eyes narrowedas he stares at Scott, hoping Scott will back down, but Scott just smiles backat him, innocent like he doesn’t what he’s doing. Bullshit, Stiles knows,because Scott is sometimes smarter than people give him credit for.
“Doritos, huh?” Stiles says, and Scott immediatelynods, smile growing bigger until his dimples come out. Shit, Scott has him.Stiles has taken the bait, he’s gone and done it. “Well, I hope you have 911 onspeed dial just in case I get a heart attack because Derek looks at me.”
“Deal,” Scott says, holding out his hand for Stiles toshake, and Stiles clasps it in his own.
“Boys,” Lydia sighs, shaking her head.
Stiles really, really, really hates hisfriends.
The next time he and Derek are in the same classroomturns out to be two days later, on a Thursday, and Stiles is both grateful andpissed off by this little break. Grateful, because it gave him some time tomentally prepare himself for the eventual disaster, and pissed off because hisfriends won’t stop bothering him about it.
But, he thinks, that might be his own fault,considering he won’t stop bothering them about Derek either. It’s not like hedoes it on purpose though, sometimes he’s merrily just going about his day whenBAM, there Derek’s face is in his mind’s eye in all its gorgeous glory. It’srude, that’s what it is.
What’s even more rude is Derek’s actual, real-lifeface. Derek’s not even looking his way, but Stiles already feels hisheartbeat speed up at the sight of that dark hair and those cute little ears.
Stiles is so fucking fucked.
He breathes in, out, again, until the urge to throw uphas left him, and scans the rest of the classroom for an available seat beforehe realizes that oh, yeah, he has to sit next to Derek doesn’t he.
The chair left to Derek’s is empty, and he slowlywalks over to it, trying his best to delay the inevitable.
“Uh, hey?” he says, waving his hand awkwardly. Derekturns around to look at him, his eyes a mishmash of colors beneath his glasses.Stiles doesn’t realize he’s staring until Derek raises his eyebrows. “Is thisseat, uh, free?”
“Yeah,” Derek says, nodding and motioning to seat,looking Stiles over. He’s probably thinking about how inadequate Stiles is incomparison him. “Go ahead.”
Stiles sends him a smile, one he hopes isn’t tooexcited, and tries to calm his racing heart, sitting down in the seat. Dereksmiles back, eyes crinkling at the corners and bunny teeth visible. He quicklyputs his bag on the ground, looking away from Derek and grabbing his notebook.
He doesn’t look up until he has to leave and hopesDerek at least finds him acceptable.
“Shit,” he mumbles, running his hands through hishair, throwing his notebooks on the ground, resisting the urge to screambecause he can’t find his fucking drawing pad and everything’s on there, hiscommissions, his projects, his — Derek. “Shit, shit shit… Scott?! Scott,do you know where my drawing pad is?!”
“Nah, I haven’t seen it since this morning,” Scottsays, stretching his arms above his head to wake himself up from his nap.Stiles is this close to murdering him. “You okay?”
“No,” Stiles says, running his hands over his head.“No, Scott. I’m not okay. Do you know why I’m not okay? Because I can’t find myfreaking sketchpad.”
Scott frowns, lying back down on the couch andscratching his head. Stiles doesn’t get how Scott can be so chill about thisbecause nothing is chill, everything’s going wrong, what if Derek hashis drawing pad what if he sees those drawings what if —
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“But I sat next to Derek yesterday because of thatstupid fucking dare and what if he has it, Scott, what if Derek has my drawingpad and sees the drawings I made of him and think I’m a creep, he’ll never goout with me then —”
Scott hand lands on his shoulder, squeezing softly,warm through the fabric of Stiles’ shirt. Stiles clenches his hands into fists,scraping his nails over his scalp until his breathing has calmed down a little.
“Look man,” Scott says softly, carefully. “You can’tdo anything about it now. You can go search for it tomorrow, but right now youneed to focus on something else, okay?”
Stiles can do nothing but nod, his throat dry andfingers shaking. Fuck, he’s so fucking tired and he has a headache. Scott’shand squeezes another time, and then he says, “Should we watch something? StarTrek?”
Stiles nods again, and settles back into the couch asScott goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. He sighs — he may complain alot about his friends, but for all his complaining, he does love them.
Stiles has calmed back down again by the time thedoorbell rings through their apartment, but the shrill sound has his heart rateincreasing again. He presses a few buttons on the remote to distract himselffrom the possibility that the person standing at the door might be Derek.
“Stiles!” Scott yells from the hallway. “It might bebetter if you take this one.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck, there’s no way that isn’t Derek.Right. Stiles can do this. Maybe Derek just found his sketch pad and didn’tlook inside it. That’s probably what happened. Stiles is going to be fine.
“Right,” Stiles mumbles as he passes Scott. Scottsqueezes his shoulder and mouths talk to him. “Right, I can do this.”
The door takes an eternity to open, every muscle inStiles’ body tensed to get the fuck out of there. He peeks around the corner,only to find Derek on the other side, no glasses on and eyebrows raised. Stilesquickly opens the door and pretends he wasn’t acting weirdly, and Derek shootshim a tight smile. If you love me, God, please kill me, Stiles thinks,but it doesn’t work.
“Uh, hi,” Derek says, hands hanging next to his sides,fingers curled around — oh god — Stiles’ drawing pad. “I think this is yours?”
“Yeah, that’s —” Stiles clears his throat, prayingthat Derek can’t see how red his cheeks are. “That’s mine. Thanks for bringingit back.”
“I just, uh. I wanted to ask you about this?” Dereksays, opening the sketch pad to Stiles’ most frequented page, the one where he drewDerek’s profile and managed to capture the slope of his cheekbone and the curveof his nose perfectly. Fuck. Fuck shit this is totally heading in the wrongdirection.
Derek thumbs through a few drawings, smudging a few ofthe pencil lines and Stiles can’t even be met if he wants his face erased fromStiles’ sketch pad, because he’s such a fucking creep, what was he thinking?
“It’s fine if you want to draw,” Derek says, still notlooking at Stiles. “I think being creative is very cool, but there are a lot ofother good-looking people in class and —”
“Yeah, but they’re not you,” Stiles says, quickly,rushing it because he needs Derek to understand how much Stiles lo — howbig Stiles’ crush on him is, because Derek is so gorgeous and nice and hedeserves so much and oh god.
Derek’s just standing there, blinking at him, eyes wide and eyebrowsraised. Stiles’ heart is fucking pounding out of his chest, oh jeez, he’s goingto throw up, someone get him a trashcan.
“Oh,” Derek says. Stiles doesn’t know what to say tothat, but he should say something because this silence is awkward and somethingneeds to happen. He clenches and unclenches his hands rhythmically, trying todistract himself from the current situation. It doesn’t work. “Oh,”Derek repeats and Stiles is dead, goodbye cruel word.
“I, uh,” Derek continues, his hand folded in the crookof his elbow. There’s a light flush on his cheeks, coloring the skin a softpink and Stiles is torn between wanting to sink into the ground, wanting to hughim and wanting to fuck him into the door. “I was actually wondering if you’dbe willing to get coffee some time? With me?”
Wait. Wait. What? Did Stiles hear thatcorrectly? Did Derek Hale — Derek freaking Hale, Derek nerdy andfucking gorgeous and probably the love of Stiles’ life Hale — ask him out.On, like, a date? Did Stiles die and go to fucking heaven?
“You — you want to have coffee,” Stiles says dumbly,pointing from Derek to himself and back again. His pulse is through the fuckingroof right now. “With me.”
Derek nods, slowly, the tips of his ears red, hairspread around it in little curls, and Stiles is dying oh my god. “Nopressure, I mean, if you don’t want to…”
“I want to!” Stiles says quickly, reflexively taking astep forward and oh, Derek looks even more beautiful up close oh god. “Alot, actually, if the drawings didn’t tip you off…”
“Ah, they did. That’s kind of why I’m here.”
“Yeah, I figured,” Stiles snorts, hand hoveringawkwardly in the space between their chests. Derek looks down at it, then tohis face and back down again, like he can’t believe they’re actually thisclose, that this is actually happening. Stiles almost wants to crybecause he feels the exact same fucking way and so much of this melodramacould’ve just been avoided if Stiles had opened his big mouth like he usuallydoes.
“So… coffee?” Derek asks, clasping Stiles’ hand in hisand shaking it awkwardly. Stiles would laugh at the situation, would probablylaugh if he saw this from someone else’s point of view, but Derek is touchinghis hand, their skin is touching, Derek is voluntarily touching him —
Derek pulls his hand away, blushing and refusing tolook Stiles in the eye. Stiles coughs and scratches the back of his neck.“Coffee, yeah. Just let me grab my stuff?”
“Sure,” Derek says, broad shoulder shrugging. Stilesimmediately runs back into their apartment, grabbing his phone and wallet and acoat and quickly putting them on, his hands trembling with adrenaline andexcitement and good things.
“Scott, cancel the movie ‘cause I have a date!”
Scott whoops from the couch, immediately grabbing hisphone to call Kira and gloat about it probably. Stiles would be mad at it forhim but he also wants to gloat because he’s going on a date with Derekfucking Hale.
Stiles loves his friends.
Aaaah thanks for reading this lil thing! I hope you liked it ^^ Please lemme know if you did because I am struggling with writer’s block at the moment so I feel like this might be kindy shitty I don’t know aaah…
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