#oh dont forget PERFECT. where's my bestie saying this shit bro
koaly-ty · 6 months
Different Princess (Episode Reacts)
Spoilers for Different Princess from episode 24 to 26. And its done. That's where I have watched till. Until I skipped and watched the last episode 36. So this covers EP 24 BEWARE
Ep 24
his ring…….:(, so pretty why sad:(:(:(
oh i thought it was a subtitle error:o
she's trying so hard not to look at the finger
aaaaaaaaand now its her turn to say sappy shit (i was happy dance, now dying of embarrassment)
pumpkin u just interrupted your a-die and step a-niang (singsong)
ik a lot more than u do, poor gongye qi, bro just cant catch a break huh
awwwwww he lights up on seeing her, u have an angel in your hands or lap literally
u say this now but ur own mother is involved…
they so sweeeeeeeet (cries happy tears)
oh no embarrassment incoming so much embarrassment (hides face)
why do master and servant share one braincell (facepalms) u have the kid and u r surprised why she mentioned parenting techniques.!!
did they lock the door(sinks a little more into the ground)
aaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhh (dies internally)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my eyeeees my eyyeyessss where r u putting your handsssss (i cant look at this i cant look at this wth wtf wth wtf) even the little white shorts dont have k.o. ability like this
welcome ladies and gentlemen to the circus of inducing second hand embarrassment, we have wandering hands, wet glistening skin, half naked men (do those shorts count as half or fully naked in ancient fantasy china…?), tripping flailing grabbing monkey clinging and the grand finale falling on each others lips
oh he lost his shorts, she screamed (rofl me dead), what right do you have to sink into that pool like that mister who_started_all_of_this
pls note i have passed away, my ghost, after it recovers will be discharged from the second hand embarrassment induced trauma unit of the afterlife's hospital and will take back up this narration
cant sleep? i wonder why, oh i dont know maybe because u traumatised all your viewers
oh you heard about it? do tell, what exactly did you hear (waggles eyebrows) does the entire estate knowww
well arent you a fountain of great ideas (remember u are responsible for what happens next) even ur employer is skeptical bro but he's gonna take it….onto the next embarrassing showdown,(will i have to be admitted to the second hand embarrassment induced trauma unit in ghostlife)
u are forgiven on the sole account that you are a character and have no idea about the tropes present, ladies and gentlemen anytime and anywhere if someone offers u things like that, u know its going to be poison or lo and be hold, an aphrodisiac (deadpan)
well father_to_be, somebody appreciated that view ;)(-‿-)
helllloooo dramatic entrance, (blows trumpet) presentingg the consequences of inbibing unknown substances sold in shady markets under shady names….
aiyyyoooo rofl, well misunderstanding debunked! sexy bedy hair flip, somebody applaud this man. he has read the sexy prince's guide to ancient fantasy romance
He's gonna wish he'd never asked….dum dum dum(insert omnius bgm)
Ep 25
overly cheerful today morning isnt somebody?
the supreme embarrassment of a morning after where u cant look at each other in the face anymore because they have now seen u at your most pathetic horny state
wow she's just really accepting of her husband's lover and the kid huh
oof bangs (appreciate the looks ur serving)
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tooooooooooo smexxxxxxxxxxy get off the screen people ewwwwww cringeeeee
YAOYAO run away, bro u are an asshole, and also everyone take a drink for every person who forgets where their body will land up in the end (here's a hint: the morgue, undergoing autopsy)
this gremlin is remorseless and a perfect actor, u two are gonna be besties bro
everyone give mr. pastels a round of applause, so subtle, so smooth, no suspicion at all (eyeroll)
the emperor is also in on this assassination scheme?
Ep 26
did u seriously drag yaoyao into, u total jerk, how much more of an asshole can u be
plss dont make an embarrassing fashion entry
and she does (embarrassed facepalm), ji chu pls give all those servants a raise
ummmmmmmmmmmm i like this guy awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, someone pls ask him which guidebook to romance he has wriiten because more characters shall need it or have once been in desperate need of it, overdressed out of jealousy, soothing feelings with food, he notices, he takes action, take that every single idiot who smiles and does nothing else, learn from him
enough said about mr pines-for-his-brother's-wife, yaoyao i hope you know what you've volunteered for because this idiot wont see you
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Year 1 - Episode 2 : Glow Cloud
Notes in messy order:
Warning ! long post !
Scientists ? like carlos ? There is snow, ya not for long #climate-change
Ok the posters seem normal
Glowing cloud, fuuuuck the angels ? or the things on the highway ? ok weird, but not weirdest thing. Fuck never mind it killed someone HOW IS HE SO CHILL ABOUT IT ???? "it's probably nothing" -every government ever Dude the government really said 'hey man, how about you wave around and dance infront of the cloud that killed someone ?'
YOOOOOO I WAS RIGHT APACH GUY oh post office ? what happened. oh ya oh that s not good. OH THAT S WORSE. EVEN WORSE !!!!! lmao 'guysss can you believe what this guy just said ? indian magic ? how disrespectful. Anyways…' LIKE THAT S NOT THE POINT "what an asshole" - cecil
bro what the fuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. What s up with the cattttttt hovering prisonn ToT noooooooooo no pet is perfect (litterally has a hovering cat) <o/// amen cecil amen
yo this commercial is like…… kinda creepy ? COCA COLA ?????? HAHAHAHHAHAAH DUDE I LITTERALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD
"strange sighs that definitly NO ONE SAW" this town is so sus what the helllll "because all of us are normal :)" this shit is the fakest sentence i ever heard you say ??????? BRO ??????? drink to forget ?
what is up with the fucking scoutssssss, blood pact scout
I feel like that is actually very important cecil. Oh the animals are dead, great. this is litterally 'cloud that rains dead animals ? you mean a normal wednesday ?' yo, i really appreciate you trying to make this situation posive, but this aint it (about teaching kids colors with the cloud)
Oh god ? Daniel Oh my fucking god, of course DANIEL NOT SPEEDING !!!!!!!! NOT IDENTITY THEIFT !!!!!!! stop sign immunity letsgoooo B)))))
oh ok, great. Why ? Library is under renovation :zany-face: Ok louis looks cool. Oh my fucking god, why do i keep thinkig this can be nice
Blood space war, what hte fuck is going onnnnnnnnnn i dont need an entire universe of nightvale
"Wednesday was been cancel" bestie i wish i could cancel wednesday too ToT what good is government if it can't do the bare minimum
Free concert ? oh this isnt going to end in bloodshed…
Ok the farmer ? let's go ? hope he's not dead ? thats not good ? more corpses ? not good ? NOT THE ICE CREAM SHOOOOP ToT sounds like a very american technic bro, what the fuck is it ??? like i'm at my limit what the fuck is up with that cloud, why are we starting to worship it ? why is this kinda making me have an existantial crisis ????
heck ya the weather ((┌|o^▽^o|┘))♪ the music is actually good ? nice song
my dumb ass thought that this cloud would be there for multiple episode :skull: :skull: :skull: Insert vanilla extract joke here Wow… this was surprisingly nuanced and philosophical. I really liked that
ok list of things yo can we go back to when the pets where found ? yo this is kinda creepy yo can we like stop ?
?????????? CECIL ???????? WHAT THE HELL ???????? CECIL GET BACK HERE ??????? sigh goodnight Cecil :(
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