#oh god it was so bad when that fox?? guy was announced still cant look at him without the fury of a thousand suns taking hold of me
godslittlesadge · 2 years
love how bad twitter's algorithm is at its job every month or so it will pick a random person i dont even follow and it will gun to my head be like "you're gonna see their every single post every two posts of people that you do follow. sometimes you'll even see the same post three times in the same day. this is a good engagement strategy btw" like what the fuck dude
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dailyandrewandaaron · 5 years
he was lying spread out  on some sort of table he wasn't bound but when he tried to get up he found he  couldn't . there was  a weight of some description on top of him  pinning him down .  the entire room reeked of sweat vomit and dried blood -most  likely his own and the air around him had a  heavy quality and strange reddish tint to it. various gory   instruments of torture hung  swaying on hooks above his head .  he tried to stand again but the weight would not budge .. there were fingers gripping at him and  jabbing into his limbs . he was being cut, being flayed alive. an arm reached  up towards his face with a blunt weapon  and hit him.. a dull pang of pain erupted from the side of his head and he could not move his arms up to test the extent of the wound . something was squirming on top of him  and  he could hear familiar loud laughter, harsh and cruel.
Neil opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. 
he’d only been dreaming.. it wasnt real  - except that -No! - the weight was still pressed on  top of him .  No,  No!!  he... it couldn't be .. he was back there.. maybe he’d never left at all .. . maybe it was that part which was a dream after all .. the foxes... little Aaron .. and Andrew ... Andrew   was it all a dream?  a fantasy? He shouldve known. escape could never happen . It was a dream leftover from a miserable childhood . pain was his reality and it always would be. he deserved nothing more  . pain was all Nathaniel knew . even though he almost felt like crying then for the first time in so many years. Had he actually believed he’d gotten out? How incredibly foolish 
He still didn't seem able to move or stand and  could still hear laughter  -but -this time  something  wasn't  quite right - it sounded different to before-   softer, happier high pitched and -devoid of malice it didn't sound like his father at all... it sounded ...childlike
he reached and grabbed hold of the thing on his stomach it was warm and wriggling. alive . he dragged it closer  to him to inspect it which only seemed to  increase the laughter .
  It was aaron.
only little Aaron ,sat on his stomach looking extremely pleased with himself as neil slid him closer, the weapon was a green dinosaur held upside down by the tail  in a tiny fist 
hey little man," he murmured  weakly wincing  as the child bounced on top of him oblivious to any bad vibes . "my god, youre heavy . maybe Kevin's right . maybe we have been overfeeding you . “he was glad that he  hadn’t hurt the child  by accident .if he had hit Aaron or pushed him over  even in fretful  sleep without meaning it  Andrew would never forgive him. in fact if he had  hurt Aaron he wouldn't be able to forgive himself 
"I caught  you. I caught  you" Aaron singsonged  neil  wasn't in the mood to play especially this particular game which Aaron was inexplicably fond of but he couldn't think of a way to explain it so that Aaron could understand. he had been careful to never discuss any events of his past in front of the baby monster so instead he made a half hearted attempt to play along.
" yes, that's right. you caught me. “ he put his hands up “ I surrender. Can you let me up now? ” 
" you're no good at this game" aaron said  accusingly " you didn't even try to hide!"
"sorry little man , guess I fell asleep " he explained groggily. Aaron's shrill childish laughter sliced through him and at that moment with the nightmare still whirling in his brain it was unbearable "  could you just give me a minute. he pleaded “My head hurts" 
Aaron was merciless  "I'm sending you to jail" he announced solemnly. "right now."
 " All right ,All right I'm coming " he said unenthusiastically    heaving himself upright Aaron’s “ jail” involved nothing more than him being surrounded by a ring of his dinosaurs whom the child informed him  with absolute certainty, as if he genuinely believed it , would eat him alive if he tried to escape. He knew from past experience to respect the authority of the dinosaurs to avoid a tantrum from Aaron he sat in the dinosaur ring of shame for a few minutes trying to regather his thoughts " okay, you win, can you let me out now?"
"noo!!" aaron giggled  waggling a  chubby finger  " you're in jail for a thousand years"
"what if i have a chocolate bar in my pocket?" he said Aaron considered this "caramel?" he asked tilting his head in a very Andrew- like gesture. Neil nodded. 
Aaron moved a few of  the dinosaurs aside and Neil carefully stepped through the gap as to not knock any remaining dinos over and send Aaron into rage. aaron was fiercely protective of his dinosaur army in  much the same way as his brother was over his own collection of monsters 
Aaron held a hand outstretched waiting for the promised treat. neil fished the half melted half eaten chocolate out of his pocket . " he seem satisfied with this  ." you're a cheap bribe you know" he said giving Aaron’s tummy a tickle, “just like a real cop. “ 
" I'm going to catch  Andrew and put him in jail " he informed him joyfully 
 "you do that . hes probably under the stairs again “ andrew didn't hide very well on purpose  because he never liked to be too far away from aaron even for a very limited time . he was too wary too entrust others with Aaron's safety . Aaron hadnt grasped this fact though  and just  assumed his big brother hadnt  understood that the aim of their game was to not get caught . he didn't seemed to mind too much though as it meant  he always won. 
neil hoped that when Aaron was distracted with Andrew he would be able to go back to bed and take a quick  nap to sleep away the lingering horrors in his mind before the night practice without anyone noticing. no such luck
" what are you doing?" Kevin sputtered spying Andrew sat crossleged in the middle of a circle of plastic dinosaurs grinning maniacally "you're late for practice get up, get moving"
" -alas  I cannot go!" said Andrew cheerfully “ you see, Aaron sent me to jail for a hundred years “
" only a hundred?" Neil said amused " he sentenced me to a thousand" he shook his head and huffed in mock offence 'favouritism ".
 “what on earth .. “ kevin started ..
" you have to negotiate his release” Neil said laughing at the look on kevins face as Andrew refused to move from the dinosaur circle 
"for God's sake" said Kevin exasperated. “ this is ridiculous” 
“ take it up with the warden” andrew smirked 
Aaron appeared to have lost interest in his prisoner and was now attempting to build a tower out of Lego. 
"little man , “ Neil coaxed him “ are you going to let Andrew out to practice with us tonight?  
"nope"  Aaron dismissed lightly  without looking up from his lego "he cant go. hes's in jail"
"what if i let you have an ice cream?” he tempted the child.  aaron stared at him wide eyed as he been offered the moon. 
"you shouldn't be giving him ice cream. besides he already had dessert today " Kevin said stubbornly
" lighten up would you ?one ice cream isnt going to kill him kev . you can have any flavour you want” he told Aaron . “ after dinner tomorrow “
"okay! " he said excitably and released Andrew from the dinosaur prison
"you can't just bribe him with sweets until he behaves “ kevin grumbled disapproving 
" well, it's worked so far" Nicky piped up half joking
". You're supposed to set good examples for him not rewarding him for manipulating you"
" We're just playing . aaron loves this game"
" I can see why. You let him get away with too much. He shouldn't even be awake this late"
 "you aren't his father " Andrew growled “ don't act like you are”
" neither are you" kevin snapped back " you don't have any idea about about how to care for him properly
"_and you do? “ andrew said incredulous  You can't even look after yourself" 
" enough .you two ,practice. Now. Nicky put Aaron to bed  he'll sleep all through tomorrow otherwise"
"I don't see a problem with that" Nicky mumbled but went to take Aarons hand "  i guess it is late , come on little guy. “
"will you read me a story?  the one about the  boy  and the dog ?"  he asked hugging Nickys legs. 
 “oh my god , not the dog one again “  nicky groaned “ ive read it  like a million times already. aren't you bored of it yet , you've got other books ,you know” 
aaron made a whining sound in response stuck his bottom lip out and clutched his tiny hands into fists preparing to throw a tantrum  . nicky gave in to him like he always did 
“ all right  don't start screaming . ill read it again if you come and get ready for bed now 
“ i don't know why you all let him boss you about. “ kevin sighed defeated "you're the adults not him"
“ he learned from  you “  Neil replied stonily. 
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