#oh i also like sierra. she’s fucking unhinged but also i Love Her. she’s so funny. her lines are always perfect too.
feralthot420 · 2 years
i have. unusual opinions of total drama characters. i’m actually a fairly big eva fan. i think she’s hilarious. her voice actor does a terrific job and nails the line every time. she’s impulsively angry and goes too far and is clearly ashamed of how carried away she gets at times. and i’m also impulsive and do stupid shit that alienates me and like. Also i love her design.
when she screams “what are you saying” at the irish guy i fucking lose it every time like Swetie that is not appropriate!
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
What are your top 10 virginity loss scenes in romance?
Well, I already mentioned Greer losing her virginity to Embry in American Queen by Sierra Simone (fun fact: Embry is the only one of the triad you don't see in a virginity loss moment; like, you see the first time Ash has sex with a woman, you even see his first srs bsns sexual encounter with a man and he technically... has both of his first experiences with penetrative sex with a man with Embry? Embry is out there popping everyone's cherry in that series). I really find Greer and Embry's sexual dynamic so fascinating in that series because it's often more off the cuff and less "sceney" than then sex they both have with Ash? Like, Greer and Embry do scenes together, but the first time Greer has sex of any kind with Ash it's this very choreographed thing because he is so conscious of her consent and like, being able to get heavy with her without violating her... Whereas when Greer loses it to Embry years before, they're both super fucked up about Ash and he's like, taking full ownership of her, and it's this crucial moment where she realizes like "oh, I can have this intense connection with someone other than Ash".
I also really love that she does the thing where she doesn't tell him she's a virgin until he puts it in and whereas in like every other book I've read the guy is like "OMG NO I HAVE SOILED THEE I SHALL STOP" even if the heroine wants them to keep going... In that scene she's like "but keep going" and he just. Goes for it WHOLEHEARTEDLY lol.
Anyway. Others include:
--Auden losing his virginity to St. Sebastian in Feast of Sparks by Sierra Simone, after a ritualistic antler woodland chase (honorable mention: every other virginity loss scene in Thornchapel)
and I can't include another Sierra Simone scene but I'm gonna be real Mark deflowers both Tristan and Isolde with APLOMB
--Sebastian and Evie in Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas. I just really love Evie's whole "I am in a well and there is a beautiful water sprite gently touching me" and wakes up to Sebastian like. Fully going down on her. Being all "well fuck you sure are hard to wake up". All ending in him looking down in horror at her because he a) enjoyed it way too much and b) came inside her by accident, before staggering over to like, splash his face with cold water and be all "GET IT TOGETHER MAN".
--When the Duke Was Wicked by Lorraine Heath. Both the first time Lovingdon and Grace have any kind of sex (say it with me: RUM ON LIPS) and the actual penetrative sex scene. Lorraine doesn't write super detailed sex scenes, but they're always sooooo romantic and when she knocks it out of the park so erotic in a very emotional way. That scene has a lot of factors that make it so incredible; it's these two people who've known each other for forever having sex, he's so tender with her, spoilery things that make it even more emotional, and of course, him being like "marry me even though I can't love" immediately after, her standing there naked with the blanket around her and kicking him outta her room, him being all "I'M GONNA TELL YOUR DAD THEN", telling her dad, and her dad going "lmao fuck you go fix shit with my daughter yourself" because Sterling is a fucking boss.
--Isabel and Winter in Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt. I love a virgin hero with an experienced heroine, and because this is Hoyt, it's so unhinged lmao. Like. They're in a moving carriage, it's really the first time they both admit she knows it's him under the mask, she's in his lap, she kinda hesitates because she knows it's a big deal to him, he goes "JUST DO IT", they fuck real fast, and then he stumbles out of the carriage immediately after to go face possible death. And Isabel is left with his cum dripping out of her in the carriage like "well what the fuck am I even doing with my life".
--Neomi and Conrad in Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole, because IAD gets one hero virginity loss scene and one heroine virginity loss scene from me. This one is so sweet though because Neomi is super experienced and they're in the midst of this intense "BRIDE BRIDE BRIDE" haze that Kresley's vampires get into, and she literally is like "you're too amped up, go take a walk in the swamp", and he DOES and then he comes back and still basically comes from humping her leg like a dog. Not the last Kresley hero to do that! And he's so EMBARRASSED and she's like "it'll be fine we'll try 5-6 times tonight and eventually you'll figure it out" (Neomi is my FAVORITE) Only for her to crash immediately after, wake up, and promptly deflower him. It's both insane and SO SWEET.
--Lothaire and Ellie in Lothaire by Kresley Cole. THE ICONICITY OF THIS SCENE. Lothaire being like "we can't have sex because I will pop you LIKE A GRAPE"??? Ellie going "well I would like to anyway" and bugging him about it for approximately ten minutes before he relents??? Neither one of them admitting they're in love but also being super hype about it??? Her saying she's going to ride him like a lazy horse or something and him being like "my god, I never know what her hick language means, but I'm into it". His leg jogging while he waits for her to hop on it because he's NERVOUS???? ABOUT PLEASING HER??? And then when they really get into it and he's like "TELL ME YOU LOVE ME" because he's a fucking loser and her inner monologue going "oh we absolutely are not gonna give him that power nope".
It is. Perfection.
--Ilya and Shane in Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid. I'm don't... think either of them are actually virgins. Ilya definitely isn't, and it's kinda vague with Shane because he alludes to like, having sex with women but it seems uniquely not into it, so in a lot of ways this reads as a virginity loss. And it's super tender and sweet and also quite horny, and they don't even really know each other at all? Which I love. Also, Shane almost having an anxiety attack during because he's like "what if we get STUCK this way". God. Love it.
--Soren and Nora in The Saint by Tiffany Reisz. Look, I'm not saying it.... a morally awesome relationship. It's not! But you build through the entire book for this big scene, and like, Soren does this entire dorky ass thing where he's like "Pick a number" and Nora always picks the highest number and finds out what the number is for after, and she thinks she's getting five orgasms or something and then he's all "actually, it's five weeks until I finally take your virginity lmao". It's fucking insane lmao. It's ridiculous. It's honestly a pretty brutal virginity loss scene because it's him. But again, by this point, if you're into Nora and Soren, this is like. Such a satisfying scene.
--Hester and Galen in Indigo by Beverly Jenkins. I mean, Beverly doesn't write super explicit sex scenes, but the slow burn is sooooo good. You just wait forever for it to happen, and he's such a rake but he's so in love with her, and it really feels like this moment where she's finally indulging her true desires. God. It's so good. He woooorships her.
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ariesbilly · 3 years
say more abt parentdale psych ward!
hell yeah! okay
well... most of these bitches have severe depression. and a few others got some other shit going on. the only parents (as teens) i cant really see putting there would be tom, sierra, mary and hal (though i can see hal being put in one during the period where alice was off being pregnant and he was real down and out about it and his parents would just... throw him into the looney bin ya know. but i dont see hal and alice being there at the same time and quite frankly alice seems to have more shit going on so she gets top priority), oh and hermione i dont see her being there either
fred would be there for depression, eating disorder, pill addiction
hiram would also end up there for his eating disorder (headcanon by julia)
fp.... i mean what is he NOT there for. depression. ptsd. drug and alcohol abuse. behavioral problems. so many things
alice i just see with depression and suicidal tendencies
gladys is there for being batshit lmfao jail wasnt working so the courts were like “maybe this will help ???” she just gets to be unhinged i think its sexy of her. im thinking angelina jolie in girl interrupted
penelope... i mean how do you NOT end up in a psych ward after being adopted solely to be forced into marriage with your new brother. shitll fuck you up. plus shes got quiet weird girl energy which i personally think is necessary in media set in this environment
fred and fp are roommates.... who fall in love. and if one of them dies tragically by a nightmare dwelling boogeyman..... then thats life you know
i see hiram being in deep denial that he even needs to be there and is constantly acting like everyone else is a wack job and hes totally fine. 
gladys is constantly causing problems cuz shes determined to have a good time wherever she is. aint nothing gonna break her stride
i can see alice and penelope forming a sort of friendship like they arent besties but i can see them having kind of similar quiet girl personalities + being irritated by everyone else 
fred i would like to see first starting off in a really dark place but as he starts adjusting and getting better he starts taking on the attitude of trying to make the best out of whatever situation hes in and he gets real friendly with the staff and other patients and hes generally the only person who can calm fp down when hes having nightmares or outbursts
fps the angry kid like he hates being locked up - it triggers bad memories of his childhood. he hates being on a schedule, he hates having no freedom, hes tired of being poked and prodded at, he hates everyone around him. the only benefit to this place is hes guaranteed a bed and 3 meals a day. and freds not so bad.... he guesses..... (we found love in a hopeless place mental institution)
and then if you had freddy krueger on top of all this lmfao i think it would be fun! or you could skip that and just make it like a black comedy i do not know. its up to you. or we can do drama. a dramedy, even. the possibilities are endless
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floggingink · 5 years
Riverdale, “Chapter Forty-Seven: Bizarrodale”
the print on Josie’s bomber jacket? confounding
“If there’s no wedding reception, it means the Gargoyle King has won.”
Ms. McCoy in bright blue? confounding
have Moose’s eyebrows gotten thicker? he...he fine
Cheryl’s sheaths: like a true gay icon, Cheryl wears both a satiny demi-cup bustier and a flannel in bed with Toni, who’s rocking a sort of cottony Aerie bralette
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Hermione’s earrings look like divining rods, which makes sense
“dangerously unhinged,” in this day and age? UNHINGED?
Cheryl is “legacy” in Riverdale’s version of Smith College
Cheryl’s pins: in her droopy 1920’s lady-reporter tie, Cheryl has a pin that is probably a bee but is POSSIBLY a giant frightening moth like in the Silence of the Lambs poster
Moose’s hair is longer or something and he’s like? I don’t know but I’m a gay boy all of a sudden, like let me at All That
I like how he pauses but goes in for more kisses after Kevin tells him he wants to ask him something
he’s like…..so tall….and he has this a little mole on his cheek….
(RIP Midge)
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: you look me in my pale astigmatic eyes and tell me the little snitch canary “told you they were in here sir” smug Malfoy stool pigeon ISN’T a pillow queen and I’ll give you this money RIGHT NOW. THAT thin-lipped smirk? with THAT cleft chin? he’s a gay, your honor
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: oh fuck!!!! Sweet Pea has a VERY vulnerable, soft-masculinity speech about his heartspace and emotional boundaries and he’s so fluffy-haired and trying to be gentle with himself……….SWEET PEA……..
Best costume bit: don’t miss the two-second shot of a Prostitute in a turquoise pencil skirt and red velvet blazer and pearls AND GLASSES leading a man by the tie down the Maple Club hallway
“Damn good coffee”: also this jazz music and Cheryl’s short pantsuit
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The Blossom spawn: I know Penelope Blossom is not out here suggesting there are no lesbians in what I assume is a women’s college. I remember when I got into My Women’s College one of the nuns at my church was like, Ha ha! Don’t let the drug-dealing lesbians get you! and I was like, How do you already know the plot of Riverdale season 3? but then I was also like, Ma’am why did you join this monastery?
Fifth period is AP English: “THIS IS THE PRICE OF SALT.”
Lawyer McCoy is right, Ex-Sheriff Keller IS a snack and this bitch’s blood sugar is low
I love Sierra and Whatsit playing Lawyers in bed because it happens to be my thing too and I want to be there with them
Certified pedigree: his name’s Tom right? he’s SO HANDSOME. everyone is so handsome right now!!!!!!! (I’m ovulating)
this is the same fancy hotel room Jughead and Betty stayed in when he sort of proposed to her? this is just the upscale version of the sex bunker
Kevin eats when he’s stressed, as you will recall from the drive-in S1 episode
“an epaulette to cry on”
Cheryl’s hair: and Cheryl’s sleeves!!!!!!!
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Sixth period is Intro to Film: “looking like a community theater production of The Talented Mr. Ripley” is the SECOND time handsome bicurious Tom Ripley has been name-dropped (also the drive-in S1 episode)
“I can’t go back to Fox Forest” is like the most tragic thing. HE CAN’T GO CRUISING AGAIN
“Oh, sullen, tenderhearted Kevin.”
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: “RAPTUROUS”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like that Cheryl continues to use words like “whilst” and “amongst”
is Moose wearing a denim Henley? MOOSE?
the closed captioning renders it “O shutterbug of my dreams.” “O,” LIKE CHERYL IS SHAKESPEARE
I absolutely buy that Cheryl would ask if this was their first fight mid-fight
only Toni among us could wear that many necklaces at once
I did get a little confused when Toni confronts Cheryl in the bathroom, like at first it was about how you shouldn’t out people but then it was about her not being in the Serpents? let’s focus, ladies
The 2001 Josie and the Pussycats movie was a masterpiece: Josie’s commitment to keeping her eyeshadow coordinated with her jackets over her commitment to boys is aspirational
Every triangle has three corners, every triangle has three sides: I LOVE ARCHIE’S SIDE-EYE, LIKE………“SWEET PEA?”
Reggie on kneecapping: “Does that really happen?”
Reggie’s voice cracks me up. he’s just a big gorgeous squeezable side hustle dummy bro, so down for the ride, remember when he slugged Jughead? neither does he
“You can be my Baby Driver” uuuuuugggghghhhhhkkhhhhhhhhh REggggeieiee
“JUST PLEASE DON’T SCRATCH MY CAR” has more sexual energy than I think Archie has ever manufactured with anyone EXCEPT BETTY when they kissed that one time you know?????
why do you think Reggie is such a good doofus boyfriend while Archie was such a bad doofus boyfriend? is it because Archie tried to think for himself? or has Reggie just not been given the chance to fuck something up yet
I like Penelope bringing up Sierra and Tom getting married not to shade them but to just be like, They should be happy if they want. I was like, Damn, Penelope! You’re right!
“He is a vicious and petty god.”
lol oh yeah Hiram got shot
Gay?!: as has been discussed, Veronica is reading some classic lesbian pulp fiction for no other reason than I suppose she fucking likes it, and that is BDE
Summer + Blair = Veronica: Veronica would wear those shoes to baby drive
Archie > Dawson: Archie is a hot-or-cold boyfriend but he is an EXCELLENT beard!!!! GOOD, ARCHIE
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: Reggie takes the same positive attitude towards getting shot and surviving that I hope I would have, which is “at least I can say I got shot”
Moose is like, out and THEREFORE dtf, as if they couldn’t have secretly been having sex this whole time
Toni conceded to Highsmith’s business formal dress code insofar as she wears a black vest over a plaid tie and that’s it
Veronica’s blue plaid coat SHOCKS me
Veronica was rich: Gladys admires Veronica and Reggie’s gumption showing up with only half the money
is it a coat or is it a miniskirt with a matching jacket?????
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God bless jingle-jangle Moose: Moose is so excited that he just absolutely tells Cheryl he’s finally going to have sex. I know the show needs him to say it so Cheryl can tell him to BYOS, but it’s still cute of him, himself. is Moose kind of precious?
remember when Moose got gunned down in that car? Christ
I love when people take off their whole belt, as if you can’t just undo it and still take your jeans off
dope deer skull! plus: everyone’s fucking
Mädchen Amick, MÄDCHEN AMICK: I’ve lost track a little bit of whether or not Alice KNOWS Betty and Jughead are literally/colloquially sleeping together in Betty’s bedroom, or are they taking advantage of her being gone?
The female gaze: Reggie’s chest is the new Archie’s chest
Moose is MASSIVE like, do you see those arms?
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Fwoopy hair is the best hair: HIS BEAUTIFUL FLIPPY HAIR ON THE PILLOW
Dilton Doiley Ethel Muggs The Gargoyle Children: the RROTC guy is Chris Cooper in American Beauty???
Gay.: Sierra was halfway right about “the jealousy thing”
even FP, conducting his interview in his flannel, is like, bruh
These students are legally children: his “Man, the Sisters did a number on you” feels like Riverdale’s version of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’s “The Catholics really fucked you up”
Jughead doubts it: Jughead makes a good point. is there one costumes everyone keeps using or is it that easy to DIY your own Gargoyle King?
oh I can see Jughead about to be disillusioned by his family coming a mile away
Archie’s soft soft sweater? confounding
at least Moose isn’t moving to Toledo, am I right
What damn high school in America: Cheryl’s girl gang is 100% Teddy girls and I love them
THE WHITE STRIPE ON REGGIE’S SWEATER and the little black birds on Veronica’s shirt!
Gladys & JB are already a more powerful duo than FP & Jughead could ever hope to be
wait Moose is moving to Glendale? SABRINA-GLENDALE? MOOSE WAIT A SECOND?
NEXT WEEK: Gladys tells Veronica to pray, OH BOY
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