#oh i just realized i can't see the answers until the time's up huh πŸ˜”
dorianpavus Β· 1 year
help friends i'm choosing my dos2 romance at long last. no spoilers but should it be
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Final Farewell
sorry for this guys ik i'm Not Done with the story summary yet but i'm just gonna drop this thing that is basically an out of context spoiler. i uh apologize in advance πŸ˜”
In the darkness, the girl who was once filled with fear and self-hatred tries her best to see. Obviously, she struggled a little, but then a light came from behind her.
Pamolia turned around, and was greeted by the sight of the one person who has always been there for her through thick and thin, surrounded by blue butterflies as they all gather around him to give some light to him.
"Pupa!" She called out, running towards the man, who in turn whipped around to see the girl. "Ah, Pamolia, hello." He greeted calmly. Something about the overall vibes he gives off at the moment feels...different to the girl.
That made her fear for what will come next.
"Wha...What are we doing here?" She asked anxiously, glancing around the dark void, before glancing back at Pupa, who's lips curved into a small smile. He lets out a light-hearted chuckle, before giving the girl his answer.
"Why, because it's time for me to say my final goodbyes, silly!" He replied. The way he sounds so happy about this makes Pamolia even more scared. "W-what? What do you mean, 'your final goodbyes'?!" She asked urgently, feeling her breath hitch.
"Remember when I told you that I'm gonna accompany you until you're ready to live life independently?" Pupa asked back, raising an eyebrow at Pamolia, who stopped panicking for a little bit. "...Yes...? What does that have to do withβ€”Oh."
The realization hit her as hard as a large rock would.
Her heart dropped in an instant.
The truth is clear to her now.
Pupa is going to leave her forever.
"H-huh...? N-no...no no no no no. No! I- I'm not going to let you leave me like this!" She shouted at him. Pupa sighed in frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Wow, you're so stubborn even after all of this time. C'mon now, Pamolia. You're better than this." He told the girl.
The fact that he really is trying to shove the truth further down her throat made Pamolia sick to the stomach. "No! Shut up, shut up, shut up! I don't want you to leave yet! I can't...!" At this point, her eyes are starting to water. The sight of the panicking girl made Pupa feel a bit bad, but she had to accept the truth somehow!
Otherwise, she could never be able to live her life to the fullest.
"Pamolia- Pamolia, look! I...I know this is all so sudden, and I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner, but please. I want you to just move on and forget about me after all of this." He told Pamolia. That statement didn't made her feel any better. In fact, it made her feel worse.
"I know! But c'mon! If you don't move on from me then you'll never survive life, you idiot!"
After that, deafening silence.
All that can be heard is Pupa's panting.
"....Sorry." He then said, trying his best to calm himself down. "Just- Please, Pamolia. Please. I've always cherished our time together, I really do! Honestly, at first, I thought you were a really annoying little girl who couldn't stand up for herself and is just so meek and helpless."
"But...I guess over time, I managed to bond with you more, and because of that, my opinions on you changed a lot. You're...more than a helpless person to me now. You...you've grown to become someone who's independent and brave. You have more courage in you than I ever will, actually."
"You don't know this, but at this rate, I see you as a little sister to me, and I...didn't exactly wanna leave you anytime soon. But rules are rules, and if I break them, both of us would be dead as hell. So, I'd like it if only one of us is dead, and that one of us is me."
"Pupa, Iβ€”"
"I don't need anymore words from you anymore, Pamolia. I just wanted to say...thank you. For everything, really. You're an amazing person, Pamolia, so don't let those people's words get to your head, okay?"
Pamolia looked down, her eyes watering even more as she stared down at her shaking feet. That is, until she could feel warm hands on her shoulders. She looks up, and sees her guardian figureβ€”no, her brother, smiling at her with equally tearful eyes.
Pupa inhales, before heaving out a sigh, blinking his eyes several times to get rid of the tears that were threatening to spill. "Alright. Enough is enough. Maybe to make this final farewell more...joyful, why not I offer you for one last dance?" He asked, offering a hand for Pamolia to hold.
Pamolia looked at his hand for a moment, before smiling widely, putting her hand onto it. "Sure, I guess." She replied, nodding. A chuckle came from the other person in the void.
And so, the two dance with silence, enjoying each other's company throughout the entirety of it. These are their last moments together, after all, so might as well make the most of it.
Step, step, step, step, twirl, step, step, step, step, twirl, and repeat.
But then, Pupa slowly separates himself from Pamolia. That gesture did made the girl confused in a sense, but nonetheless, she let it slide either way. Though, after awhile, she realized something is wrong. She stopped dancing, and then looked around for any signs of the man.
Sadly, her suspicions were right.
Pupa is gone now.
Pamolia sighed sadly, then sits down on the ground, reminiscing on her time with Pupa thus far.
A lot of ups and downs for sure, but still, he was an enjoyable person to be around with.
So having him gone while she gets to live on feels unfair to her.
So, she knew what she had to do.
"Butterflies, restore memories of the past, so that he can make new ones!"
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