#oh look a sprinkle of RT in there too
dezitello · 1 year
"Champions Of The World" ROTTMNT Bohemian Rhapsodu AU Chapter 3
Leo sat on the bench of a bus stop, scribbling words on a piece of paper. He tried to ignore the person sitting next to him who kept staring at him, though he didn't mind too much. He hummed to himself and was snapped out of his thoughts when a van pulled up in front of him. Donnie was in the driver's seat, opening the doors. "Get in, hotshot! Hope you peed before we leave."
Leo rolled his eyes and walked in. "You're late."
- "This thing is trippy!" Raph exclaimed from underneath the van. It had broken down again on the side of the road, the tattered old thing. Donnie looked up from his phone. "I think it's counterclockwise, Raph. You're screwing the wrong way."
Raph scowled and peeked his head out from under the vehicle. "Oh is it now? Thanks Donnie, would you like to do it? Please feel free."
"No no, you're doing a good job."
Mikey groaned and bit into a sandwich he had brought with him. "We sold out every pub and uni south of Manhattan, and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere eating a ham sandwich!"
"Trouble is, we're not thinking big enough." Leo mumbled, leaned up against the van. Donnie glanced at him and smirked. "Ah. What have you got in mind?"
"An album."
Raph scoffed and stood up. "Please. We can't afford an album." Leo looked out at the isolated terrain and smiled. "Oh, we'll find a way. How much do you think we can get for this van?"
Mikey looked up from his sandwich and stopped chewing. "I hope you're joking."
Leo slapped a stack of dollar bills into a man's hand with a smug smile on his face.
Raph looked bewildered as he watched the exchange. "Ugh...That was three months wages..."
"And a perfectly good van." Mikey grumbles. Leo rolls his eyes and walks away. "Oh, don't be so dramatic. You're recording an album tonight."
Raph played back the recording they had done so far, Leo pacing behind him as he listened. He stopped it and turned to his brother. "Don't you think I sounded bad?"
He shook his head. "No, its good."
But that wasn't convincing enough for him. He looked at the man who owned the studio, who sat in the seat next to Raphael. "Can I try again?"
He shrugged. "Sure, it's your money."
"You are mine I possess you I belong to you forever Aaaaaah!"
He held the last note and raised it even higher, as he heard playing it back. Raph takes off his headphones and looks at him. "It's much better."
Leo still looked unconvinced. "Hm...try bouncing it left and right with the 'ah's'."
They played it back and he listened carefully, pointing left and right to the beat. Donnie leaned forward. "And dead center to the last!"
"And then blast it!" Mikey shouted, a newfound excitement rushing through the room.
Leo smiled as he heard the results come together, nodding. Finally pleased. "Yes, yes!"
The whole rest of their time in the studio they experimented with different sounds and methods. Mikey sprinkled coins on his drums and lightly pounded on them with cloth over his drumsticks.
Leo and Donnie passed the microphone back and forth with string tied to the wall, Donnie using a quarter instead of a guitar pick. Raph placed a tambourine on the strings inside of a piano, causing a hearty jingle as Leo played.
With thirty more minutes left to spare, a couple of journalists walked in. They stopped and stared, watching as the boys fumbled around in the sound room.
"Hey RT, Who are these kids in the box?" One man asked. "Some student band doing some weird stuff." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"They got a demo?"
"More than that. I've been up all night..."
Leo flopped on his bed in his apartment, sighing. He picked up a notebook and looked at a drawing of their band's new logo Mikey had scribbled. It was perfect.
Usagi walked in from the living room and sat next to him. "So the new name is Queen?"
"As in her royal highness. And because it's outrageous." Leo said, smirking to himself. "I can't think of anyone more outrageous than me."
Usagi chuckled and looked at the bed, a piano hovering right over the edge. "This is the most impractical bed."
Leo smiled and reached his hands up. Without looking he placed his fingers on the keys, slowly playing the beginning of a melody. Usagi laid back and listened. "That's beautiful."
Leo crossed his hands over and pressed the final key, letting them drop at his side. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "I think it has potential."
Yuichi smiled and reached his paw over, slowly tracing the turtle's stripes. Leo's eyes fluttered and he let them close, breathing deeply. There was a feeling in his stomach, it only awakened in him around this rabbit.
Probably nothing.
Something in Usagi's eyes shifted for a moment before he sat up. "I've got to get to work."
"What? I won't allow it." Leo grabbed Usagi's hand and pulled him back, dipping him. The rabbit laughed and shook his head. "Are you going to support me if I get fired?"
Leo smirked and shrugged. "Sure. I'll always take care of you."
Usagi smiled and looked away for a second. "I...I'm going to...be late." Leo's eyes softened and he let him go, watching Yuichi walk out the door.
'Come back...' He thought. He scolded himself and tried to push away the ache in his heart. "Stupid..."
0 notes
itsclydebitches · 4 years
RWBY Recaps: Volume 8 “Creation”
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Happy Saturday, everyone! Oh man, oh man, oh man. I think I'll need to steer clear of the general RWBY tags this week, simply because I know the sort of responses I'll see to this episode. From smug celebration at Ironwood's downfall, to bad takes about what makes us human, this episode is a petri dish of sensitive material handled insensitively.
Let’s unpack it, shall we? 
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We open on an action that feels like a summery of the last three volumes: a grimm attacks an airship from the front, no doubt killing its pilot, while the other grimm conveniently ignore our heroes, no masking in sight. The group looks a little sad at the destruction around them, but ultimately ignore it because they have bigger, heroic things to do. I could write a whole, additional essay on how the huntsmen code — to protect the people — has been warped and abandoned by our protagonists in their effort to do what they think is right. It's a tale that might have been compelling if only RT knew they were writing it.
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We get a shot of Atlas drones unloading the bomb before one is taken out, presumably by Qrow and Robyn. Segueing to Ironwood and the Ace Ops, they're waiting for Penny to arrive, the former carrying a massive gun presumably capable of capturing her. Despite the horror we saw on their faces last episode at the realization that Ironwood would kill Marrow for speaking up, it seems that now the Ace Ops are entirely in agreement with these measures. A week ago the implication was that they fell back in line out of fear, but now Harriet talks passionately about "putting down" the group if they were stupid enough to accompany Penny. "The General gave his terms." Vine sighs at this, but doesn't actively disagree. He's just "retracing the steps that led us here."
So, congratulations on introducing four new characters, not bothering to develop any of them, killing one off while ignoring Qrow's hand in that, and having the other three become all, "Yeah! Mass murder is a perfect solution!" off screen. Marrow is the only one with something resembling development and, as covered in these recaps, that's been pretty badly executed too.
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Ironwood sends them to deal with Robyn and Qrow after Winter reappears to "assist" him. That gets quotation marks because most viewers at this point have realized that she's who our two birbs spotted in the elevator. Winter isn't on Ironwood's side anymore, she's just skillfully clearing the field for the final attack. Indeed, we get a moment where she hesitantly brings up the bomb and Ironwood responds that he hopes she's not going to try and talk him out of it. No. Winter doesn't think that's possible. This was her final attempt at peace.
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One of the reasons why I think I'll stick to my own blog for a while is because the fandom has a tendency to paint broad personality traits as evil when applied to some characters, yet simultaneously heroic when applied to others, when really it's about how that those traits are used. What I mean is, I've seen a lot of Ironwood critical posts that emphasize how stubborn he is. He thinks he's right and he won't back down. He wont listen to others. He's going through with this plan and if anyone tries to stop him? That's their mistake. Totally evil, right? Except, this is the exact same behavior Ruby displays, particularly in Volumes 6 and 7. She was stubborn about stealing from Argus and continuing the fight to the point where it endangered her and her teammates, to say nothing of the rest of the city. She refused to listen to Qrow, or Ironwood, or the Ace Ops, loudly announcing that she was right about, well, everything. If they didn't agree with her, the options were to leave the group entirely, or fight her. The actual difference here is that the writers have taken Ironwood to an extreme, one that's incredibly easy to understand as bad because it is bad: bombing Mantle has no defense. Ruby pulls the exact same nonsense, it's just not to that same extreme and her actions are followed by scenes that are meant to make us forgive her: a sad look because she didn't mean to get a city attacked by a leviathan grimm, a cry on the staircase because she didn't mean to risk the lives of an entire kingdom... even though she did. Ironwood is the bad guy because he's been written to take specific, OOC actions like shooting unarmed kids. He's not the bad guy because when other characters go, "Don't do this" his response is, "I have to." Because that's been Ruby's motto ever since she "had" to use the Lamp to rip Ozpin’s life story away. RWBY introduced those extreme actions of shooting the youngest in the group (for no reason) and threatening to bomb a city (for no reason) or shooting a councilman (for no reason) because when you remove those you've got a man who looks exactly like our hero. Ironwood's arc has been peppered with these confusing, unpersuasive actions because if you just keep the story as him stubbornly keeping to a plan he thinks will save the world, you're left with the reminder that all Ruby has done lately is stubbornly keep to plans she thinks will save the world. This moment with Winter just highlights how ill thought out Ironwood's descent has been because he does everything Ruby does... with a few, tacked on, “and randomly shoots people!” moments to ensure we understand that he’s definitely evil. No comparison to our heroes here, folks! 
Ironwood is a bad guy now. That’s certain, but he was made that way so the story never had to grapple with the question of what that means for Ruby if we really start condemning things like lying, secrets, stubbornness, or endangering others for the greater good. Well then damn, if we strip away the hypocrisy then she might not be a good person after all. Or the people she’s simplistically labeled as bad might not be the devils Ruby claims they are. 
But that’s a level of nuance RWBY would rather pretend doesn’t exist. 
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All of which is highlighted by Ironwood’s reaction to "Penny." He sighs and sags over the gun, immediately putting it aside. With his hand on her shoulder, Ironwood tells her she's "done the right thing." Precisely the same way Ruby would lower Crescent Rose and give someone a smile when they decided to fall in line with her.
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Which, of course, is the moment when Emerald reveals herself, dispelling the Penny illusion and revealing Team JNPR The Second behind her. She gives a quip about it feeling "weird" to do the right thing before disappearing.
From there the action picks up fast. I really enjoyed this battle simply from a choreography and energy standpoint. It gets the blood pumping, Ironwood's hand-to-hand is spectacular — especially that moment against Ren — and the group actually displays teamwork for the first time in what feels like forever, all of them needed to land a hit on Ironwood. As always, out of the context of the rest of the show it feels and looks great. My primary issue is that we get this fantastic fight against Ironwood. Not Salem, not Cinder, not Watts (like last volume when Ironwood was still a hero), not even Emerald as a means of transitioning from murderous villain to the group's best bud. No, what's arguably the best action sequence in the volume thus far goes to beating up the guy they betrayed from the start. There's no catharsis for me here, only frustration as we watch Ironwood stand in shock as Winter powers up Nora — who's fine now, I guess — and she slams her hammer into his face. 
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It never should have come to this and when a good character is done so dirty, their downfall doesn't evoke the emotions the writers are looking for. Watching Ironwood fall doesn't generate feelings of victory, or even tragedy at a course of events others were powerless to stop. It's just frustration at watching years worth of bad writing, sprinkled with fantastic ideas that never go anywhere.
Oscar gets a few hits in, Ironwood snatches his cane, and just as he's about to throw a punch, Winter arrives with the most dramatic sword slash I've ever seen.
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Ironwood's aura breaks and he falls, unconscious. We cut to an image of a droid's head separated from its body, one of Robyn's arrows through its skull. That doesn't have meaning or anything.
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I suppose I should be grateful they didn't rip Ironwood's arm away during the fight, or outright kill him, though I'm still expecting him to die before the end of the volume.
Hmm. Wouldn't that be something? If after Salem's arrival, freezing cold, a Hound attack, grimm soup, a giant whale, a massive army, and a hack ending in self-destruction, the one character who actually dies is Ironwood. 
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It's looking more and more likely.
Honestly, beyond all the obvious, what's so frustrating about this fight is that characters are only now using their impressive abilities to their fullest. Emerald creates an entire fantasy of what's happening and then straight up disappears, but she only does a half-assed version of that when fighting against Penny. (And really, she put more effort into helping the heroes she just joined over Cinder, the woman she's been obsessed with since the start?) Marrow refuses to use "Stay" against a group they wanted to peacefully arrest because that's just too horrible an act, I guess, but he'll do it on his own teammates the second Qrow and Robyn don’t want to fight.  
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This is what I mean when I say the rules of the world bend to assist the protagonists in absurd ways. It's not nearly as egregious as Amity suddenly being up and running, but the fact that characters become substantially more powerful while fighting for the protagonists than they do against them is still a significant problem.
So Ironwood is down and out. As much as I hated watching that and didn't necessarily want more, am I the only one who felt like it was... a bit lackluster? I mean, the action was great, yes, but relatively short. There was no dialogue, such as another delve into the moral questions that led to this fight in the first place. There certainly wasn’t any hesitance against fighting a former ally. (Again, we’re meant to believe that the Ace Ops won because they just couldn’t bear to fight the group seriously, but every former ally here is capable of wailing on Ironwood without a single pause or pained look?) Ironwood just skillfully blocks for a while, is blindsided by Winter's betrayal, and then falls unconscious. Given that we learn he and Jacques will be evacuated after the rest of the kingdom, it's possible he'll escape somehow and we'll get a fight 2.0, but if not that feels like a rather tame end to the guy forced into the antagonist seat. Plus, what was the point of having Qrow frothing at the mouth to kill him this whole volume? I never wanted that to happen, I'm glad it hasn't, but I'm nevertheless left to ask why we bothered with that eleven episode side plot if we were going to erase it with one sentence from Robyn about Qrow being better than this. If that's all it took, let them work through Qrow's irrational anger while sitting around in a cell.
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Winter tells the group to move onto "phase two" which is when we're treated to a flashback. We return to the ending of the last episode, with Ruby realizing that opening the vault is an option. Jaune, all smiles, goes, "We never considered using what's inside!"
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This is what I mean about no consequences! This is what I mean about it all being a meaningless circle that ends with undeserved praise for the group! We started this horror show with Ironwood going, "We don't have a plan to protect the people, so I'm going to take what people we do have to safety" and the group going, "We don't have a plan either, but we're going to stop you implementing your plan because it's not perfect, risking a kingdom's worth of lives in the process." Now, the group has used two plans, one of which two characters knew about at the start and another they could have devised with the information they had. Oscar and Ozpin's, "We have an all powerful magical blast in our cane" and the group's "What if we used the Staff for something other than raising Atlas?" are both things that could have come up in the office debate. These were both always on the table! Instead, Ruby grew furious over the mere thought of cutting their losses, betrayed Ironwood again, attacked his people, denounced him to the world, and then two days later goes, "Oh wait! We could do something now that we could have easily done before if we hadn't made a needless enemy!" 
Everyone realizes how much worse they made things, right? Turning against Ironwood, bringing everyone left in Mantle directly under Atlas, sitting around while an army was devoured, drawing it out until Penny was hacked... all of it would have been avoided if the group had thought and discussed things for a few minutes, not jumping straight to violently resisting what Ironwood came up with first. "We never considered..." Ruby says. Yeah, you didn't, except that's not something to smile about. The group made the situation a thousand times worse with their reaction when they could have just magically evacuated the kingdom from the start. “Maybe we could use it to save Penny and get everyone in Atlas and Mantle back to safety." Nothing has changed! They had this ability the whole time! Nothing about the last twelve episodes led them here, they just randomly thought of it after RT had padded the volume with needless drama. Considering that they're heading to Vacuo now, we could have just made this the finale of Volume 7 instead: big fight with Ironwood, revelation, get everyone  evacuated while Salem attacks, leave her behind, then Volume 8 begins in Vacuo with the group knowing Salem is out there looking for them. This entire volume has been pointless. What did they accomplish?
Oscar got kidnapped and beat up, Nora was scarred, Ruby and Yang realized horrible things about Summer, and the whole world is panicking about a witch. Good things are... Ren and Ruby unlocked some semblance stuff? Weiss loves her brother again after he proved himself useful to her? Great work, team.
So this one moment makes everything they've done up to this point useless and, of course, once thought up the plan goes off without a hitch. Note that the summary of this episode says, "It's risky, dangerous, and nearly impossible — but it's the only plan they've got." Nearly impossible? That's a whole lot of talk for a plan that was implemented perfectly.
There is, admittedly, one snag, but one that is likewise made meaningless just seconds later. We'll get to that.
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We see Winter call Weiss who also smiles at hearing from her sister. Obviously interactions like the group's with Emerald are the bigger concern, but it's still an issue that no one reacts as they should to people reappearing in their lives. Rather, RWBY continually confuses audience knowledge with character knowledge. We know Winter is on their side now, but Weiss hasn't a clue. Last she saw, she and Winter were agreeing to head down different paths. She has no reason to think her sister isn't loyal to Ironwood, so why isn't the group treating this call with suspicion? What if it's Ironwood trying to mess with them through a presumably safe party? I swear to god, with any consistency in the story this group would be dead ten times over because their decisions are so stupid. Oscar decides to believe in the guy currently beating him to a pulp, the group decides to trust a villain over a flawed ally, and now they see Ironwood’s second calling and are like, “Great, big sister Winter is checking in!” There’s a difference between a hopeful story filled with second chances and characters whose reliance on the narrative bending to assist them makes them come across as insanely naive. 
None of which even touches on characters forgetting that other characters are presumably dead. Ironwood shot Oscar off the edge of Atlas, but doesn't react to learning he was kidnapped, or when he shows up to the fight. Thanks to Marrow's comment, Winter thinks YJOR have perished in the whale, but also has no reaction to them appearing to help with this plan. Absolutely nothing is followed up on.
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We then get a flashback within the flashback (fun) of Winter — shock — not arresting Marrow. It's precisely as I assumed, with Marrow angrily asking why she hit him and Winter responding with, “Because you were about to get killed if I didn’t do something!” As I said last recap, I feel like I should let the marginalized groups lead this discussion, but I do want to add that no matter how well intentioned — or strategic, as I mentioned last time — the imagery itself is still harmful. No matter the context, we were still left with white woman Winter putting her knee on black man Marrow's back to arrest him, and it’s an image that everyone in the U.S. should be familiar with the horror of. Far more of a problem than the (presumed) ignorance of this scene is, I think, the choice to make Winter entirely unrepentant. I think some of this discomfort could have been alleviated if RT had written Winter as apologetic, contrite that it came to that and asking Marrow to understand that she only did it as a means of assisting him. Asking his forgiveness. Instead, we get this
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So what, the only emotion we have room for is gratitude that Winter beat him up? Yikes.
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As a lighter side note, I find the animation here unintentionally hilarious. Winter's assistive device makes her shoulders look too high, making this gesture more, "Woman exaggeratedly pouts about not getting ice cream for dinner" and less, "Woman sternly closes off during a disagreement about saving lives and betraying their general." Gotta find our humor where we can, right?
What's intentional, but far less funny, is the needless animation to show us that, yes, Marrow is peering at Winter calling Weiss. Oh, the shenanigans. 
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The elevator opens where Qrow and Robyn spot them. "Speaking of help," Winter says, as if she has any reason to believe Qrow didn't kill Clover. He and Robyn lower their weapons a bit, as if they have any reason to believe Winter and Marrow aren't still loyal to Ironwood. Would it really be so hard to have Winter immediately throw up her hands in the face of their almost-attack, blurting that she's not their enemy and needs their help, please listen? Again, RWBY can't remember which characters know what, let alone what their motivations and reactions should be.
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We then enter the third part of the flashback where everyone piles into the Schnee dining room and discusses doing the things they could have done from the start. I'm metaphorically banging my head against that table. In RWBY's favor though, we also get a long shot of Jaune continuing to boost Penny’s aura.
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Though it's only one of many issues, just the other day I asked, "Hey, why has Jaune always needed to hold onto the person he's assisting, but now suddenly he can touch Penny once and the boost remains?" It still doesn't explain why he was letting go before/why him needing to boost her continuously didn't put a hard time limit on their plan — not that Mantle's hour limit meant a thing — but at least they're showing more of that here.
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Oscar notes that Atlas has enough gravity dust that it won't fall immediately when they use the Relic, but they will have to move fast to ensure no one is underneath. Yeah, like all the civilians you put there. He also cautions that the Staff isn't a "magic wand" that they can just wave to make all their problems go away... even though that's precisely what they're going to do. Ozpin gets some lines that aren't apologies or followed by attacks — hallelujah! — about how the Staff's spirit is a "character" and requires that you be able to precisely explain anything you want him to make. Blueprints, examples, a firm knowledge of how this will be accomplished — all of it is required to actually get what you're after. That's a cool limitation. It's just too bad we didn't know about it episodes ago, forcing our heroes to find ways to meet those requirements. Instead, they already have everything ready to go the moment they learn about it: Penny has her own schematics and Whitley apparently has knowledge of the entire kingdom after sending some ships out. Normally I'd go, "Really?" but I'm still just struck by how much good he's done compared to everyone else in this room. Your show is seriously broken when the side character the writers didn't even want the audience to like until a few episodes ago is more active, mature, and sensible than the heroes.
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From there we see the group implementing the plan. They fly up through the hole Oscar left, straight to the vault. Penny opens it without any trouble and Ruby uses her speed to grab the Relic and stop time, halting her self-termination. I do like that combination of skill and their knowledge of how this magic works. That felt like a smart move. What's interesting though is that the Relic appears to stop time in the entire kingdom. We see people in Mantle and Atlas slowing to a halt too. I assume no one remembers that happening after time restarts, otherwise people would be freaked out by suddenly being frozen in place.
Wouldn't that have been cool though? The group often takes a while to use the Relics, either deciding what they need, or watching Jinn's information, so what if you had a population that blinks and suddenly, from their perspective, half an hour has passed? How long might Ozpin have sat on his knees after Jinn told him he wasn't able to defeat Salem? How long was that space frozen? We could have had a world built around rumors and fairy tales. Not the random stories Ozpin brings up to make a point and that we never hear about again, but tiny details that foreshadow these revelations. A Beacon where the kids tell each other spooky stories of people suddenly losing time, once a whole day. The wives, sisters, daughters, and nieces who disappear, or wake up one day with horrifying, unnatural powers. We see magic influence the world around it, but we've seen very little of the world reacting to that influence. The one time I can think of is Blake reading a book about "a man with two souls," the fiction clearly inspired by knowledge of Ozpin. And indeed, it felt great to recognize that as a significant detail and then be proven right years later as the lore was revealed. We could have gotten so much more of that if RWBY was better planned out.
I'm getting off track though. As time stops we see a series of images: Ironwood being led to a cell with Jacques, Penny succumbing to her hack, Team JNPR The Second preparing to contact the kingdom about what's going on. Then everyone is distracted by the giant, blue, buff Ambrosius who comes out of the Staff.
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...there's a lot of innuendo in that last statement lol. At least RWBY is committed to the crazy design they chose? I was never particularly comfortable with the image of characters gaping up at a giant, naked woman in chains, so it's nice to balance that a bit with an equally giant, naked dude in chains.
From here things get confusing. In all honesty, I'm not sure if this is another moment where RWBY is trying to pass off a retcon as the group being brilliant, or if I, as an individual, simply didn't follow the logic. I won't bother to rehash the slow, meandering way that Ruby reveals their plan — that certainly didn't help with the clarity. Not in an episode where we didn’t even know these rules ahead of time — but it boils down to this:
The moment they have Ambrosius create something new Atlas will start to fall. Two of his creations can't exist at the same time.
He needs clear instructions about what he's making in order to create it.
The group has brought him Penny's schematics so that he understands how she's built.
They want, specifically, "a new version of her... using her exact robot parts."  
They can't just create an exact duplicate of Penny because that would carry the virus with it.
They can't create an exact duplicate without the virus because that Penny would cease to exist as soon as they used Ambrosius to make an evacuation plan instead.
So they essentially want Ambrosius to create a new Penny by removing all the robot parts from the Penny that currently exists, carrying the virus with them, and leaving only the human parts of Penny behind: her aura/soul. Then, the purely robot version is destroyed when Ambrosius creates something new.
Except... this new Penny, this human Penny, still needed a human body. That's what Ambrosius created and that's the snag I don't understand. They want a version of Penny that's just her aura, just her soul, but that soul still needs something to be housed in. Ambrosius himself notes that. At first I thought the group would just have some wisp-like version of Penny they'd have to find a new body for — perhaps leading to a new one for Ozpin too — but she's just... given a human body when he takes the technology away, something she absolutely didn't have before. That is Ambrosius' creation. That is what should have disappeared along with the removed parts of Penny, leaving only her soul — what Ambrosius didn't touch — behind. Instead, the plot oh so conveniently has Penny get a new body for free and it's untouched as they move onto the next task.
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Ruby drops a casual line about Ambrosius not being able to kill, or destroy, or something, which I think is meant to be the justification here. The rule (which, again, we JUST learned) about not killing anyone supersedes the rule of two creations not allowed to exist, allowing Penny to stick around. But even if that’s true, it’s a load of bull. What, does the magic think no one in an entire city might die if the floating mechanism is removed and it plummets to the ground? Ambrosius didn’t say, “Sorry, can’t stop floating Atlas because thousands of people are still here and they’ll die if I create something new,” but we’re supposed to believe the group skated by on, “Sorry, can’t destroy the last creation like everything else because there’s a single person still using that body and she’ll die if I create something new”? 
Seriously, did I miss something? Or is this another, "Amity is ready because the group needs it" situation? The rule of creations ceasing to exist is bent because the group needs to have their friend around. Ambrosius is certainly enthusiastically complimentary, saying how "smart" the group is and that they've "done their homework," but I'm not so sure. It feels like a moment where the show is (once again) insistent that the group is far more talented and brilliant than their actions actually imply. It's only the rules of the world twisting and turning that allows for their success. To say nothing of how the episode dropped all these rules on the viewer in a ten minute info dump, ensuring we didn’t have any time to think about them before the deed was done. 
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It doesn't add up for me and honestly, even putting that aside? I hate this. I absolutely despise it. Look, if it turns out this really does make sense then props to the group for coming up with that plan. Our snag aside, the rest is a legitimately well thought out wish. I don't have a problem with the execution so much as the message. I've been saying since Volume 7 that RWBY has done Penny a disservice in terms of her "real girl" narrative. Whereas before we had a firm message that you don't need "squishy guts" to be human, to be real, Volume 8 continued to carry us further and further into the idea that it is necessary. That Penny's body is entirely inhuman, something to hate, but at least her soul is human and good. That's what the virus arc taught us: your terrible, technological body might be betraying you, but hold onto the parts of you that are really human. I hated that too, but I never thought RWBY would go this far. They made Penny fully human and went, “THIS is the version that always should have existed.”
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And this isn't just me reading into the implications. It's right there in the text. Blake says that they're looking for “Penny, the girl who’s always been there underneath." Meaning, underneath the metal. The girl exists trapped in the robot body. Yang holds up her arm and says that the metal is only "extra," it's not really who you are. 
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That gets into two perspectives on disability that RWBY just doesn't have the nuance for: what's an integral and celebratory part of one person's existence can be seen as something separate and discomforting to another. Though there are many people with disabilities who would happily cure themselves with a magic Staff if given the chance, there are just as many who say no, this is a part of my identity. I don't want to change, I just want the world to accommodate my existence. However, RWBY takes a hard stance here, saying that any metal in your body is intrinsically bad. We didn’t use to have this take, but now the show has embraced it. Blake says the real Penny is trapped in there. Yang's words implies that she'd get rid of this "extra" bit of her if possible. Mercury with his metal legs is the enemy. Ironwood with half his metal body is the enemy. Whereas once difference was truly accepted, now it's shunned and fixed whenever possible. Those who can't be fixed, like Yang, must simply deal with the lot they've been dealt, reassuring themselves that the metal isn't really them. But Penny? Penny they can fix.
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So they do and the very first thing Penny does is hug Ruby, exclaiming, “Do hugs always make you feel this warm inside? Wow. More!” and proceeds to hug all the others. 
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What's the underlying message there? Penny didn't understand hugs before this moment. She never experienced the "warmth" of them while an android, despite the fact that here warmth is entirely metaphorical and has nothing to do with a literally cold body. RWBY really went and said that the "real girl” android was never actually real at all — not as real as she could be — because it's only when she's given "squishy guts" that she understands the true happiness of a hug.
I mean seriously, wow. 
Never-mind that, you know, we've seen that happiness and warmth since she was first introduced.
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RWBY is really rewriting all the core themes introduced in Volumes 1-3 and it sucks. The show is absolutely the worse for it.
To say nothing of all the other disservices to Penny's character here. There's all this buildup about whether she'll still be the same Penny once the wish is complete, but of course she is. We wouldn't want to have Penny struggle when she becomes something other than what she's always been, would we? After all, it took Yang an entire volume to work through the shock of a metal arm, but taking away a metal body for a human one is in no way traumatic. Having a normal, human body is intrinsically a good thing! Of course Penny accepts it with nothing but smiles. Becoming human is celebratory, but becoming more machine is a horror.
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She gets to watch her body self-destruct, glitching out and collapsing in front of her. But again, nothing to unpack there that can't be covered with a hand over her mouth.
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There's no discussion of whether Penny still has the Maiden powers, or whether a wish like that would mess with the transfer in any way. How did the group know this action wouldn't register as a clear-cut death, forcing the power out of her and into someone new? Obviously they couldn’t know, but no one even thought to bring it up? 
And the entire time they're formulating their evacuation plan, there's no talk of whether these portals will appear before everyone currently alive in the kingdom. I mean, if they do then Ironwood and Jacques can just waltz through and escape into Vacuo. If they don’t, then Maria and Pietro don't necessarily have a way out. We still don't know if they're stuck floating in Amity, or if Amity crashed, or if they made their way back to Mantle or Atlas. More importantly, the characters don't know. I have no problem with RWBY keeping that a surprise until the finale, but I absolutely take issue with Pietro's daughter walking through a portal, seemingly not to care whether her father is going to make it out too.
It's been the same with Qrow and his nieces' relationships. The show is good at insisting that these families love each other because they hug and smile while on screen together, but when shit is actually going down, none of them care about pesky things like disappearances, arrests, or “The last time I saw you, you were with an old woman on a damaged station after a villain attack, potentially stranded in deadly cold if life support failed.” 
So yeah, this entire arc with Penny has been a disaster. From throwing away her framing subplot, to giving her a virus that did absolutely nothing, to giving her the Maiden powers which she's also done nothing with, to erasing her android status for a “She's really human now” message, Penny has been done dirty by the show these last two volumes. Not nearly to the extent Ironwood has, but still. At this point I wish they'd just kept her dead dead. Why do I want her back when that resurrection produces no reaction, her conflicts lead nowhere, and one of the core things that made Penny Penny has now been magically erased?
I've been saying for weeks that killing Penny off and keeping Penny around each had serious downsides attached, yet I never expected RWBY to do BOTH.
Also, I'm warding off any, "But Pinocchio was made into a real boy too" defenses. RWBY is not Pinocchio. Penny is not Pinocchio. I thought the allusion was going to be the Pinocchio inspired girl heading into the whale, not the show forcing the exact plotline  —  down to a blue, magical creature — onto a character whose entire journey has been about accepting herself as an android. Congratulations, RT. You just obliterated years of work.
Again, if you'd like an example of how to do this far better:
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As Penny's character falls apart, Atlas shakes, alerting Jaune and the other that a new wish has been granted. Jaune pecks at the screen and realizes "That did, uh, something…?” but doesn’t realize that there's a giant, red "LIVE" up in the corner.
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Jaune tries to warn the entire kingdom about their plan, but what he actually says is
“Atlas is falling, but — !”
And then the communications cut out. 
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Watts, perhaps?
Our heroes are really good at saying things that make large populaces panic, huh? This is the one (1) snag in their "impossible" plan, but as said above, it doesn't amount to anything. We get a shot of Nora, horrified at the thought of kingdom-wide communications being down, but literally seconds later Team RWBY has made portals appear that everyone can walk through. So... why do we care about communications? More importantly, why does the show try to make us care? So much time is spent getting the viewer invested in problems that never come to mean anything. 
Including the problem of Salem herself.
Because the group successfully creates that evacuation plan. This is it. Everyone is leaving while Salem still reforms. 
Yang asks if they can use the vaults themselves as a single point for everyone to go to and Ambrosius agrees. So everyone is going to pile into the Vacuo vault that can only be opened by an unknown Maiden? They're going to put an entire kingdom's worth of people, including their enemies, into the vault where the Relic of Destruction is? Yeah, that's great. Prior to this — like if this had been the plan at the end of Volume 7 — I would have 100% agreed that these risks are better than death by Salem/grimm/cold. Now though, Oscar as axed Salem for an unknown length of time, the cold is having no impact on the civilians outside, and the grimm only attack background military personnel that supposedly no one cares about. They couldn't have spent another few minutes (especially with time stopped!) to figure out a means of getting to Vacuo that doesn't involve revealing and providing access to the location of a super secret vault? To say nothing of what they're going to do if Salem wakes up and snags one of those portals for herself. Two kingdoms for the price of one!
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But that's what they're going with. Weiss gives Ambrosius a schematic of the kingdom, I guess, and he makes branching pathways appear with numerous portals for everyone to step through. They'll enter through one and, when they exit another, will be in Vacuo. Easy peasy, right? Especially since Ambrosius doesn't seem to have any limitations about how often his power is used. Is it three creations every 100 years like Jinn? We're not told, at least not to my recollection. However, I was expecting there to be a waiting period, that they'd fix Penny, go to evacuate the kingdom, and learn that sorry, I can't make another creation just yet. It feels like the sort of shit move these beings would pull — "Don't cry to me when it's not what you wanted" —  it would have been another commentary on the group's insistence on putting friends over the people's safety (like demanding the Ace Ops not bomb the whale because of Oscar), and crucially, would have kept the action in Atlas. Isn't that what this volume is? The battle for and potential destruction of the Kingdom of Atlas? We have two episodes left and, unless something unexpected happens, we're moving that action to Vacuo. Why? 
Meanwhile, Penny's corpse is just chilling in the background 😬
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While all this is going on, Winter reassures Jacques that he and Ironwood will be evacuated too, though she makes it clear saving him was Weiss' idea. It checks out, considering Weiss is the one who turned her father's arrest into a joke last volume. Winter still takes his abuse seriously.
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The group prepares to leave with a celebratory, "We did it!" from Weiss. I'm still banging my head against that dining room table. Before they can pass through the portal though, Ambrosius leaves them with one, dire warning: "Do not fall." 
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In any other story a line like that is a neon sign announcing to the audience that someone will absolutely fall, and maybe they will, but RWBY has dodged consequences so often I wouldn't be surprised if this was merely another way to string us along. Remember all the hype surrounding Salem? The cold combined with her army and magic? How she was going to decimate Atlas and leave our group broken in a Fall 2.0?
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I mean, we still have two episodes left. Forty minutes of content. Salem might still decimate them, especially since something has to happen in the finale. But god, it's a problem that we've come this far without a payoff. Salem randomly decided not to attack anyone, was stopped by a weapon added in solely for this purpose, and now the whole kingdom is being evacuated with a plan the group could have used at the start. This volume really is meaningless. 
“We go to vacuo and hope we’ve thought of everything” they say as the camera zooms in on Cinder's smiling face. For the second week in a row.
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Bingo time!
Winter betrayed Ironwood, the group used the Staff of Creation, and I'm axing Maria on behalf of Pietro. You can't have the guy's daughter become human — after he was killing himself to give her his aura?? — and magically walk to Vacuo, not knowing if he's even survived since she last saw him, and expect me to think he hasn't been forgotten. Same with Maria. Has the group mentioned her since Amity cut out, notably for reasons they couldn’t explain? Of course not. Did they care to find out what happened? Of course not. I have no doubt they'll both re-appear in the next two episodes, Pietro crying over how perfect his girl is now and Maria congratulating the group on their actions, but we're still marking it.
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This is the ugliest thing I’ve ever created, I hope you all are enjoying it :D
Another week, another couple feet added to the hole we’re digging. I know I keep saying I have no idea what's going to happen next... but I have no idea what's going to happen next. A Vacuo ending was not in the cards, not outside of them miraculously showing up in ships. Maybe they have been on their way to Atlas (somehow...) and will arrive precisely when everyone has left! Anything is possible at this point.
See you next Saturday, everyone. Hold on until then lol. 💜
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viewagain · 4 years
Some Pun Involving How ‘Gay’ Also Means ‘Happy’
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The film’s opening credits starts with a collage of images, which I will sprinkle throughout the review. An interesting blend of tacky, unflattering art style and uncanny valley. All-in-all, completely appropriate.
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Mackenzie Davis with Kristen Stewart (allegedly)
“The Gay Agenda strikes again! America weeps!!1” shouts the strawman homophobic keyboard warrior. A stereotypical rom-com has been made, except now the lead couple are lesbians. But I will console the bigot, who is now lamenting another hetero-institution being destroyed by the gays, this is not a case of tokenism and shoehorning as they so hate. “Happiest Season” is actually a story about LGBTQ people and their trials and tribulations. Unfortunately, it’s also not very good.
There are two types of Christmas movies. One, are movies that take happen to place on or around Christmas - ‘Die Hard’, ‘Catch Me if You Can’, ‘Eyes Wide Shut’. And others which are about Christmas. And for the latter, Christmas isn’t just a holiday, it is a way of life. It is a concept, a cult, a universal constant that you are either a part of or a weird outsider, who has yet to be converted. “Happiest Season” is bookended with extra-capital C, capital M ‘Christmas Movie’ scenes. It starts with the couple where one, Harper (Mackenzie Davis) is the Christmas-lover and the other, Abby (Kristen Stewart), is a curmudgeon. And it ends with a snapshot of a Hallmark saccharine utopia: 2.5 children, beautiful, big living room with an over-decorated tree, stockings perfectly lined up over the fireplace, and everyone in matching robes. But in between, the film kind of forgets all that. Christmas is just the coincidental backdrop.  Abby doesn’t even go into believing in the spirit of Christmas, but its more of an indifferent acceptance.
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Maybe it’s me who doesn’t know what Kristen Stewart looks like.
The film has further trouble knowing what it is. It inhabits the gray zone of comedy-romance-drama. There are scenes of slapstick humor; scenes of emotional hardship as a relationship starts to crumble; scenes of off-beat characters saying odd things; scenes; and scenes where events transpire, but nothing happens emotionally or comedically. Considering the ending, it is trying to seriously tackle LGBTQ issues. And ‘wew lad’, what an ending.
Do you love those scenes at the end of every rom-com, where the main character gives an impassioned speech, soft sad piano in the background, pure pathos? They are at the verge of tears, onlookers – since there always has to be a public display – watch wide-eyed with serious expressions? If you do, then you’ll love this movie. It has at least 5 (five) in a fifteen-minute stretch. Not to say that the movie has a lot of energy throughout, but it really draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaags its feet at the end.
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Ok, closer, but I don’t know, something still seems off...
The film ultimately tries to be about a life-experience that many (most? all?) LGBTQ people can relate to. The central conflict may be Harper and her inability to come out of the closet, fearing what her family will think, she even forces the woman she loves to come back into the closet with her. And yet, this is told from Abby’s perspective. She has no arc; she doesn’t even have the Christmas movie arc of learning to believe in the spirit of Christmas (she just becomes to indifferent acceptance). Harper’s parents are non-characters, since they are in the film for so little and don’t have meaningful interactions with Abby. Beyond one off-hand sarcastic comment about a ‘lifestyle choice’, I did not feel like there was any hostility toward homosexuality, no tension of ‘oh no! What if they find out?!’. Oh, by the way, Abby’s parents died on Christmas. Not that it has any bearing on anything really, it’s just something the movie mentions a half-dozen times throughout, so you don’t forget.
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Am I going crazy or are the faces really shoddily photoshopped on?
As a non-LGBTQ+ person, I did not feel engaged about the thematic crux. I found it to be too barebones and simplistic. Something more at home ten years ago, and I would like to think that society has moved on to be more nuanced on the topic. However, I see the value in it. For some, it may be significant to see this topic that they have experience with in their own life, represented prominently like this. And here I will close, by blatantly stealing the summary of my own ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ review. Despite my negative review, I am glad this movie was made. There should be more representation of every demographic in film. This means there should be more representation in bad movies, mediocre movies, forgettable movies, and hopefully great movies as well. “Happiest Season” just isn’t one of the latter.
IMDB: 6.9 RT: 83% / 84%
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 37: Gotta go fast!
I’m gonna sprinkle in some chat segments from the live watch that @miyukomatsuda and I did of the episode as it aired, but this is mostly my watch of the RiderTime sub.
(I’m also hoping to do a watch of some of the recent episodes again, but with the O-T subs, so that I can get a more… well phrased translation.)
As always, spoilers for Zi-O episode 37 below the cut.
So, a giant meteorite just hit. It doesn’t have a Rider inside this time, though! No, it has Worms! Shapeshifters! Who are basically the Zygons!
(I don’t go to Doctor Who anymore, but that’s what I’ve been told, and the impression I got from Marcosatsu’s History of Kabuto vid.)
Team 9-to-5 are watching a news broadcast at breakfast about the meteorite – aaaand nope, newscaster’s a Worm, much to the poor cameraman’s surprise.
Cressy: Woz: Welp! Found out who we’ve got this week!
Miyuko: “My turn to do things.”
Miyuko: “Also, we dealt with the gas leak.”
Miyuko: “We should all be sane again.”
(The idiot ball was in full force during the Kiva Arc. We will never let it rest.)
Sougo, Tsukuyomi, and Geiz are headed off to see where that second meteorite hit, the one with the worms on it, when a third one shoots down, in the other direction. So, off they go, splitting the party. Again.
Poor Geiz, he’s with Woz again. Who, by the way, is nowhere to be seen, having ditched the team to go do his recap.
At… the Hachiko statue.
And the key player for this fortnight’s worth of episodes… Kamen Rider Gatack – Arata Kagami.
Who is clearly in a state of “Not this again...” as another meteorite streaks by. Or it could be that one that split the party, it’s a little hard to say.
They used part of the Kabuto opening – with the beetle wings – to cut into the OP this time! Nice touch!
I was host for the stream Miyuko and I did when we watched the Raw, and I BLINKED AND MISSED THE FORM RUN THROUGH that time! And here I pride myself on noticing differences in the OPs!
But Kamen Rider Woz’s base form has been replaced by his Ginga form, with the ‘base’ version, Ginga Finaly shown in full, and the Planet and Sun forms shown in bust form.
And FINALLY, they notice that the Another Rider’s aren’t erasing the previous Riders from history anymore! They haven’t been doing that for a while, guys. I mean, if they were still doing it, you wouldn’t have been able to have all of your senpai help you out in the movie last December… you know, shortly before you moved into having Future Riders for a while, and then back into the older Legend Riders.
You might write it off as ‘odd’, or ‘paradoxes have messed with space-time nearly beyond repair’, but I still say that time travel doesn’t work like you think it does.
I will hold my ‘they have been faking it’ theory until absolutely proven otherwise, folks.
…and I’m still going to be using it in ReUnited, anyway. ~Fanfiction land says I can do what I want.~
Besides, Sougo’s having fun! He’s getting to meet all of these Kamen Riders, after all!
…Sougo, kitty, I’m pretty sure you still don’t quite get how serious some of this is, but you get a solid B for effort.
At the third landing site…
Woz. Woz you are so unbelievably petty. “I will be giving the orders around here, let’s go.” For crying out loud, Woz, just work as a team with Geiz, please.
So, off they go, into battle against a swarm of Worms using Faiz and Kikai!
Miyuko: if sougo goes to space i’m gonna yell that I called it
SOUGO. You already knew that they could copy people. You SAW one do it on tv. So why would you assume that the people working at the crash site, where that broadcast came from, were normal humans?
Sougo, PLEASE.
Also, it looks like the Worms agree with me: right before they drop their disquises, they’re giving him this look like “Wow, this kid is dumb.”
And before Sougo bothers to transform, shots fly from off screen~!
Hey there, Gatack! Nice to see you’re doing okay!
Meanwhile, over with Woz and Geiz, we’ve got them landing finishers on a pair of Worms… but there’s still more of them. And, as Woz finally bothers to mention…
Worms can go faster than you can see when they get stronger.
(I agree with Geiz’s frustration at not having been told this sooner! WOZ!!)
Good thing they’ve got Revive Typhoon and Shinobi~~!
Back with Sougo and Kagami… They finish off a mass of Worms, but something red knocks them down.
Something – sorry, someone – that Kagami calls ‘Kageyama’.
Enter PunchHopper.
And with his entrance, Kagami goes into Gatack’s cast off Rider form – and right into Clock Up.
Cressy: “Hey, new kid, how fast can you go?”
Cressy: Actually, super speed is a problem for Sougo!
Miyuko: Sougo: UHHHHHHH
Miyuko: He has to hide
Cressy: Because he couldn’t keep up with Revive so
The battle starts to deal some collateral damage to the infrastructure, leading to rubble starting to fall towards a mother and child.
Tsukuyomi says no.
A stopwatch ticks.
The rubble freezes in midair, letting the civilians escape.
Tsukuyomi sees something.
Herself, younger, and three people facing away from the cameras viewpoint. At least one is an adult – presumably male, in an outfit that looks an awful lot like the one Swartz wore in 2009. The other two… I think the one to the left of the screen is a young girl, with pigtails. The one on the right looks to be an adult male… and it’s very grainy, but that style of dress looks like a black and white version of what Sougo’s uncle wears.
Of course, she only focuses in on young her and almost-definitely-Swartz.
Please, Toei, Shimomiya, I am begging you, do not let anyone be related. We’ve got both time travel and amnesia going on in here already, we do not want you to go that route!
Swartz sees this from a nearby roof, and notes that her powers are getting stronger, and soon they’ll completely awaken.
Someone asks what will happen when they do.
Miyuko: **YELLS**
Cressy: Tsukasa: Sup.
Cressy: Look at that posture
Cressy: Daiki showed up.
Cressy: he def was.
Tsukasa: “So… you’re connected to that girl somehow. I’ve been doing some investigating…”
Swartz: “Oh, yeah, sure. Do what you want… If you can.” (he says in an ominous tone, ominously.)
Tsukasa: “Thanks. I’ll do just that.”
Back on the ground, Sougo… is getting his ass handed to him. But! He does have the realization that the speed PunchHopper and Gatack are moving at is similar to Geiz Revive Typhoon… and he’s figured out a way to counter that.
It used to be that he was only looking one move ahead when he used Zi-O II’s precog abilities.
He’s looking ahead three here.
Sougo knows he won’t be able to react in time for the first two strikes, but the third…
On the third he can time a strike of his own.
And he knocks PunchHopper down.
Gatack tries to finish him off – but a red blur takes the hit.
Another Kabuto has made his appearance, and it looks like he’s Sou Yaguruma, former alias KickHopper. He grabs PunchHopper, and nyooms right on out of there.
Miyuko: IS IT TIME FOR HIM TO SUFFER (We saw one was a worm
Miyuko: (shame we uh
Miyuko: (remember the rider sona
(Miyuko’s at least watched some Kabuto, but not very far. I, on the other hand, have seen exactly none, and would have no idea which one we saw in the cold open.)
Now then, we jump to Kagami explaining the situation to Woz and Sougo at the shop, giving them a basic run down of who the Hell Brothers are, along with showing them pictures. Pictures of the terribly dated late ‘00’s Hot Topic discount bin wardrobes that those two wore.
Kagami: So, the PunchHopper is definitely a Worm mimicking the original.
Woz: How can you know?
Miyuko: Woz intensifies
Miyuko: “Pretty sure he’s dead.”
Cressy: “So, yeah, he’s dead, but. uh. Apparently not anymore.”
Miyuko: “Fuck if I know, guys.”
Miyuko: Shibuya!
Cressy: “Also, it’s really weird that Shibuya exists again.”
Miyuko: “Wait what”
Miyuko: Sougo: :)
Miyuko: Woz: “THE FUCK?!”
So, yeah, the timelines are a mess here. In 1999, in Kabuto, Shibuya was destroyed by a meteorite – one carrying the Worms. It’s … incredibly intact here.
OH. DUUUHHHH. That’s why Woz was at the Hachiko Statue!
It’s at Shibuya station.
WOW, I feel dumb. I remembered who Hachiko was, but didn’t catch the link as to why Woz would be there until just now.
Also, Sougo, I get that you were born in 2000, but. Like. That was only one year later. I thought your only decent subject was history! If this happened in the current timeline, you ought to know about it!
At an overlook, Geiz finds Tsukuyomi, having been told about her using her time powers again, and she tells him that she remembered something. Her mother and father, and ‘another man’.
… wait SHIT I said that the seated man’s outfit looked a lot like Junichiro’s, didn’t I? ABORT MISSION! NO, NO, NO! CALL IT OFF! STOP THE RIDE, I WANNA GET OFF!
Tsukasa appears on the scene. “Hey, so. Do you want to take a look and see what was going on back there? I’m trying to find the source of why the fabric of space and time is getting holes poked in it, so if you want to come along…”
… Okay, so he says ‘distorted,’ according to the RT subs, but it amounts to the same thing.
Geiz thinks this is a terrible idea, but Tsukuyomi wants to know who she is. So she goes with him.
Er, Tsuka- Tsukasa? I think you are a poster child for ‘sometimes you are better off not knowing who you used to be’, just as much as you are for ‘don’t lean too hard into the world-destruction prophecies.’ You may want to rethink your stance on this.
Mind you, you’re also a shining example of ‘there’s no escaping destiny’ and ‘you can’t thwart stage one’, so I guess that ship has already sailed.
So, a quick call between Geiz and Sougo, and we switch back to the Sougo and Woz team. (Man, we’re really getting the groups together this week, aren’t we?)
They’re confronted by Kageyama – who, yes, is a Worm. And he admits it. But he still has the original Kageyama’s memories as a human, and he wants them to help his brother. Worm or human, he can’t stand to see Yaguruma as an Another Rider – as a monster. They’ve seen too much hell for him to want any more.
Woz: My lord, this is clearly a trap.
Sougo: You need to start trusting people, Woz. Besides, we want to help save Yaguruma, too, don’t we? :)
Except that that is not his usual ‘This is going fine!’ smile. That is a smile of ‘he knows what’s going on.’
… You know, So Okuno’s really grown into his role, here. I think he’ll be able to do pretty well once he graduates from Sougo.
(He’s grown into his role, if not his clothing. Seriously, wardrobe department, could you let him wear clothes that fit properly? Why was this whole ‘everything is minimum a size and a half too big’ thing a decision?)
ANYWAY. THIS is a good scene for the instrumental of Toki no Ouja.
Also, you can hear the belts and chains Kageyama’s wearing well before you see them.
A quick interlude to Junichiro, back at the shop, having just fixed a radio. He goes to make sure it’s actually fixed, and turns it to the news.
There’s a large meteor headed for the center of Tokyo. And it’s much larger than the previous ones that have hit.
(cue shot of said meteor in space)
And now, to a totally-not-suspicious definitely-not-a-trap perfectly-harmless warehouse.
Sougo: So, Yaguruma’s supposed to be in here, right? (proceeds to walk in, with his back towards the guy who literally calls himself one of the Hell Brothers, like an idiot)
But he doesn’t get to – because Kagami bodychecks him away.
Kagami: “Kid, NO! You’re too naive! Walking into a trap like this!”
Kageyama: “Ahahaha… I mean, yeah, it’s a trap, but it’s not for the brat.”
Another Kabuto SLAMS into Kagami.
Kageyama: “We’re after you.”
Kagami and Kageyama both transform.
Miyuko: Aw yiss
Miyuko: Shoutout to Mouri USING THE RETURNING LADS
PunchHopper LUNGES at Sougo, who is just standing there – there’s a clicking sound – and a massive surge of gravity slams PunchHopper to the ground. (cue Miyuko and I basically just shouting WHAT into the chat)
Oh my god. Turns out Woz’s attack is even more ridiculous than I’d thought. He’s allegedly channeling the gravity of 10,000 black holes, because that’s totally a thing that’s possible. … Meh, he’s got reinforcements from the armor, he’ll be fine.
Woz: Ah, yes, as expected of my overlord. Taking advantage of the enemies trap-
Sougo: Er, actually, I just wanted him to take me to Yaguruma. Now we just have to defeat the two of them. (goes to transform)
Everything starts to shake.
Oh, there’s that giant meteor!
Rider Time!
Zi-O! Fourze!
3! 2! 1! Fourze!
Miyuko: Sougo pls
I mean, if it stops a GIANT METEOR FROM HITTING TOKYO? I don’t CARE if he gets the catchphrase wrong!
And it’s pretty close, anyway. Way better than his attempts at Ex-Aid’s and especially Build’s catchphrases.
Back to Gatack versus the Hell Brothers, who are soon joined by Woz.
Turns out, Yaguruma doesn’t care that Kageyama’s a Worm, since he’s the only one willing to be his partner.
After being tremendously outsped, and taking a few good blows, Woz unleashes an incredibly over-the-top finisher in the form of his Planetary Explosion. Yes, I know that’s not the actual name, but my computer’s autocorrect is a pain, and I’m not going to try typing out any of the forms that attacks real name can take. I don’t want to teach my computer that.
And there’s a huge explosion of flame, flames spreading across the floor… Woz gives a grandiose pair of quotes in a very Tendou style, down to the pointing. But a sound comes from ground zero of the attack.
A green suit drags itself into a standing position.
KickHopper: I don’t believe in the power of the universe… I only believe in the power of hell…
He lands a Rider Kick that Woz just manages to get a guard up in time to block. When Woz can look up… nobody’s there.
Geiz comes in… but none of the three returning characters are around anymore.
There is, however, a ‘message’. Someone’s left a package of instant bowl ramen, and a note, with one word.
Miyuko: “Wait, I’ve had this form one ep why am I being worfed”
A portal appears in the air, in 2058. Tsukuyomi and Tsukasa step out, to when she would have been 8 years old, into a ruined city.
With an incredibly ominous looking cloud front and thunderstorm off in the distance.
Back to 2019… Geiz… is in no position to do anything but leave the whole meteor thing to Sougo. A man in black, with copious chains, drags himself through the river below. “Did… someone laugh at me?”
Yaguruma, what are you doing there?
Sougo’s ready! He can do this! He -
Did not realize how big that was actually going to be!
But he drills through the meteor with a Limit Time Break, shattering it… and also releasing a bunch of Worms that were in there into the vacuum of space.
Oh well.
Except that one wasn’t the real problem.
No, the real problem is that the grey meteor?
Is a pebble in comparison to the giant red one behind it.
Everything is very red in 2068.
Miyuko: oh shit
Miyuko: oh boy SOUGO PLS
Miyuko: POSE
(He was pretty close, with the pose! It’s… probably easier in 0G, given Gens whole thing.)
Miyuko: But Damn that was toei making it up to us from last week huh
Cressy: OH YES
Cressy: Tsukasa: “It’s not technically spoilers if it’s your own past, right? Right. I could have used this sort of heads up.”
So! Yeah! We were! Basically just completely screaming after that!
This is a much better episode than the last two. Thank you, Mouri-san! THANK YOU!
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bwicblog · 7 years
AH: ⋛⋋ it ⋌⋚ AH: ⋛⋋ is ⋌⋚ AH: ⋛⋋ TIME!!! ⋌⋚ AH: ⋛⋋ https://youtu.be/Woeao_ZLlR8?t=31 ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ ur welcome ⋌⋚
MN: thE fuck did .I just walk into
AH: ⋛⋋ magic. ⋌⋚
MN: that looks lEss likE magic and morE likE somEonE nEEds to lay off thE mEad
TT: shouldn'T you be busy (\/)rushing on your besT friend bird boy TT: lololoplololololololololo
AH: ⋛⋋ um???? excuse u???? ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ i dont have a crush on caelon thats dumb ⋌⋚
TT: you TT: heard TT: me TT: nerd TT: bird
TT: youre dumb
AH: ⋛⋋ ur dumb >:v ⋌⋚
TT: no you
AH: ⋛⋋ also MN u wouldnt recognize magic if it was right in front of ur nose ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ http://taimatrolls.tumblr.com/post/139073378698/edward-glock40-hands-finally-this-meme-gets-an ⋌⋚
MN: .I. rEcognizE thE magic of intErnEt mEmEs
AA: omgggg, that shit is classic.
AH: ⋛⋋ hell yeah!!! ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ finally. ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ someone who understands tru beauty ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ ;v; ⋌⋚
AA: y. only one flaw: therne's, like, zerno birnbs, dude.
AA: so lemme ftfy.
AA: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-TcLxlkc2pA
AH: ⋛⋋ dyhfcjfkg ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ lmao ron ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ like if u cry every time ⋌⋚
TC: Lemme smaaaaash
AH: ⋛⋋ no ron ;< ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ go find becky :/// ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ http://taimatrolls.tumblr.com/post/133649685023 ⋌⋚
TC: You wa~t sum fuk?
TT: This is The dumbesT sTuff ive seen and i've seen rikkin in person
AH: ⋛⋋ i guess u havent seen urself in the mirror lately then lmaooo ⋌⋚
TT: yeah i have and i am beauTiful
AH: ⋛⋋ (=v=) ⋌⋚
TT: even when i am asleep on sTarla's (\/)ou(\/)h i look fanTasTi(\/)
AH: ⋛⋋ so u dont mind if i post those snaps here then ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ (ov~) ⋌⋚
TT: i mean sure, i am jusT hoping ThaT you donT geT Too jealous
AH: ⋛⋋ why would i get jealous??????? ⋌⋚
TC: After~oo~ drama - ! love !t
TT: be(\/)ause i goT To be (\/)loser To sTarla Than you were able To geT To (\/)aelon duh
MN: oh .MY. god thE mEmE magic is too strong MN: no .I.m out .I. haVE to kick somEonEs ass byE
AH: ⋛⋋ ???? ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ what u cuddled her? ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ big deal ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ ive known her for sweeps n shes kinda cuddly to me too nerd lol ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ besides, why would i be jealous of u when i got a face like this just saying http://68.media.tumblr.com/40772c20bdf201449fb18ddc8d14d4de/tumblr_oatnerlI131sjachbo2_400.png ⋌⋚
TC: The gree~ o~e has a po!~t, they're adorable
AA: !!
AA: !!!!!!
TT: and i am adorable Too i am jusT Trying to find my phone
AA: omg, arne you the kid frnom the alley?? >:}
AH: ⋛⋋ (~vo) ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ ... ok first of im not a kid just bc im short!! im almost 8 ⋌⋚
TC: A small l!ttle w!ggler
AH: ⋛⋋ second of all idk??? who r u??? ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ ur just jealous im younger but still more beautiful ⋌⋚
AA: i am supern fucking wounded you obvs did not google my shit. like, supern supern wounded. like, knife thrnough the pumpbiscuit wounded.
TT: http://i.imgur.com/PoQgD4B.png TT: yeah i am sorry buT There is more Than one horse in This (\/)uTe ra(\/)e okay TT: and i am in The lead
AH: ⋛⋋ ???? ⋌⋚
AA: ~// (Hi! Who are all of you? :D) \~
TC: Who the fuck
AH: ⋛⋋ i still win taskur get lost bye ⋌⋚
AA: siparna!! duh. AA: unless yrn anothern fluff topped grneenie. in which case, _lmao._
AH: ⋛⋋ and uhhh??? i mean i meet a lot of ppl in the alley- ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ OH ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ ITS U ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ :DDD :D :DD ⋌⋚
TT: hey (\/)an you guys shuT The fu(\/)k up and pay aTTenTion To me
AH: ⋛⋋ no ⋌⋚
AH: ⋛⋋ and my name is rikkin uvu ⋌⋚
AA:~//Cool I'm Tallow :D \~
AA:~//Does anyone here like Supertroll\~
TT: i haTe all of you
AA: ~//Wildfire spots his newest archenemy\ ~ AA: ~// The likes of which can almost be compared to the aquatic atrocity \ ~
AA: see, i know a rmiccin, so I was like: nnnn that is T Ö T E S not the name, and AA: uH. >:}
AA: dnw, tt, i think the pupa likes you.
ID: let's pay even less attention to tt and pay attention to me.
TC: H! S!para
AA: ~//I'm not a pupa I'm 6 shut up\ ~
AH: ⋛⋋ omg ⋌⋚
TC: Go away Hadea~
ID: hmmm.... nah.
MD: Dude no that's still pupa age. AA: ~//Who asked you!!! >:C \ ~
AH: ⋛⋋ brb i gotta check on the food ⋌⋚
TT: ki(\/)ks dirT everywhere
TC: Gasps
AA: SDLKosdfhsdfkjf;sdf jldfskjlkjlkjlJ AA: sdlkjFSDLkAHAHAAHHHH AA: ~//THE VILLAIN HAS TRIED TO CUT OFF MY LINE TO MY ALLYS!!\ ~ AA: ~//THIS IS WHAT I MUST DEAL WITH IN MY HEROIC PURSUITS!!!\ ~ MD: Or you could try not playing dumb wriggler games in public chats MD: That works too
TT: (\/)hill
AA: arne we all rnoleplaying now?? AA: bc i'm outies, holy shit.
ID: as a guy wearing fairy wings right now.
TC: I roleplay that ! have a soda
ID: i can say you're all losers.
AA: ~//What \~ MD: What
TC: !s th!s how you do !t
AA: ... did you make a hat forn yrn lusus??
ID: no, asshole is getting enough love. people keep fucking feeding him.
AA: and n, n, you gotta say I DUMP THE CAN ON TC'S HEAD AA: duh.
ID: instead of me. it's a fucking travesty.
AA: they'rne feeding him and yrn not stealing the food??
AA: ~// Why are you a fairy? \ MD: Why are you wearing the wings in PUBLIC???
AA: wtf, it's like yrn not hungrny at all. f a K e.
ID: i don't eat hay sip.
ID: i'm fae as fuck right now.
ID: peeps keep asking me to make them wings though lol.
MD: Tallow I think we should lea:ve AA: ~// Why??? >:C \ MD: Because you're too little to hear about this AA: ~//AM NOT!!! \
TC: ! stop AA from dump!~g the ca~ o~ my head a~d the~ dump !t o~ the!r head
TC: Yay, we're roleplay!~g!
AA: ~// Wait what??? D: \ MD: Not you, dumbass.
AA: fucking success. see, we'rne prnos now. AA: beeteedubs, I totes meant TT. wtf all you peeps got TS for??
MD: Was any of that actual words.
TC: Do~'t make fu~ of S!para
MD: I'm not. MD: I'm asking what language Sipara is speaking.
ID: sip get to the faire already. =>:I
AD: oO hiiiii~ Oo
AD: oO it's looking very red in here today~ Oo
AA: I'm like an hourn out, fuck offffffff.
ID: red is best so.
AD: oO well red is very pretty so! Oo
AA: come out and fight these cullbait fucking drniverns so they'll stop drniving like they'rne petting theirn goddamn lusus with both hands, and, like, we will be therne S Ö Ö N E R. >:}
ID: tell them the fucking fairy prince will have their heads. =:P
AD: oO pfffft what Oo
AD: oO are you a fairy princess now Oo
ID: prince.
AA: n idk, ad, but you can lrnn2rnead orn stfungtfo, ikwim.
AA: >:P
AD: oO well i'd love to learn to read Oo AD: oO but i don't think you sound like a very good teacher! Oo
AD: oO but my sincere apologies for dishonoring the fairy prince Oo
AA: girnl, i am the best schoolfeed evern, soz. >:} AA: and yyy, good, will shout out abt the fairny prnince next time someone rnefuses to pass.
AA: strnike F E A RN in theirn H E A RN T S.
ID: on it.
AD: oO yes of course Oo AD: oO you cannot pass through this Oo AD: oO the court of the fairy prince Oo AD: oO who is really very scary! Oo
AD: oO may his sparkly powder sprinkles spell your demise Oo
ID: i feel like i'm being mocked. =:P
AD: oO of course not sir fae Oo
ID: good. because like. having fins is just as weird as having wings.
AD: oO hehe Oo AD: oO if you say so~ Oo
ID: totes did. is anyone here actually at the fair yet.
AA: phern is at the fairn alrneady, he got therne, like. yesternday?? AA: bc he does not believe in nornmal shit like S L E E P I N G.
AD: oO i just got here! Oo
ID: i'm having a hard time finding him. but then i haven't looked at a map. because stalls are distracting.
AA: his boytoy might be therne too, idefk. >:} uhh. prnobs the mossball.
AA: .. idk anyone else.
AA: call him!! AA: orn go chill with bubbles. strnangern dangern, whassat.
ID: i am having my stranger danger meter filled already, no bubbles needed.
SS: (I want it on record that texting and driving is, like, extra terrifying when its on a vehicle that definitely requires both hands to steer.) SS: (And on a totes unrelated note, I think Sipa might be anglin to kill us both! (\quq/) )
ID: what a way to go tho sip. i guesss i should call pheres. see what my getup is going to be.
AD: oO did you at least remember to wear your helmet Oo
TC: Psst Hadea~, what w!ll you be wear!~g there? ! wa~t to f!~d you so ! ca~ stuff po!so~ !vy dow~ your sh!rt
ID: that's implying i'll be wearing a shirt!
TC: Oh that makes th!~gs so much eas!er!
ID: =:P just enjoy the fucking faire and try to have fun for once.
ID: without hurting someone.
ID: you fucking weirdo.
TC: God ~o
AA: W E H A V E A R R I V E D.
ID: finally.
AA: don't sass me, brnah. therne was trnaffic. AA: and lal squalling in my flaps, A N D on my phone. AA: did you know he texted me to say, i was going2fast??
AA: like, stfu, stop starning at the speedometern and look at yrn damn phone. >:P
ID: i am all sass. i am the s a s s i e s t.
AA: n, soz, p surne that goes to prnisma.
ID: prisma isn't here to defend the crown so i rule. =>:P
AA: wherne you at, anyway?? AA: turns out i totes lied, btw, phern was off doing goth shit and not at his booth at A L L.
ID: no fucking wonder i couldn't find him. i'm at the shopping area.
SA: someone said my name.
SA: I woke up from my nap specifically becauseof this.
SA: I'm joking, my clairvoaynce is not that strong.
ID: are you at the fair yet?
AA: but is yrn clairavoyance??
AA: >:P
ID: i hope you didn't nap through your stop.
AA: .. how the fuck did you nap aftern drninking coffee??
AA: cappachino. w/e.
ID: maybe caffeine doesn't afect prisma too.
AA: i think he fell asleep again. so, like, obvs it doesn't. >:}
AA: orn else he needs to pourn morne down his chute.
SA: Sorry, I was unpacking. I am at my hotel now, actually.
SA: The caffiene only worked for so long.
SA: I will... change soon, and then I will go to the fair.
SA: Yes?
AA: yyyyyyyy.
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