#oh my god I'm laughing but concerned why did you write all of thsi anon
kangel-official · 7 months
KAngel is like the best fucking character ever. If she was a real streamer I would watch her everyday. every second. I would be her number one fan. I would buy every piece of merch she had if she would ever sell any, I would buy everything she would want her fans to buy, I don't know, maybe I'm a bit obsessed but I really like KAngel. I also think ame chan is nice, too, I really like her design. I think KAngels character design is also pretty recognizable, which is good. It's also really fucking cute. Plus, KAngels hair is very recognizable too, although if I was designing her I wouldn't have thought of doing the dna twirly things, so that's something. I also think KAngel is very relatable, and I don't understand how some people don't relate to her. I actually relate to both ame chan and KAngel a lot. I think they're both really good characters, and I can see myself in both of them. If I could, I would spend a year only looking at KAngel. every gif, fanart, official art, video, picture, whatever. She's also really pretty, too. If she was a real streamer she would definitely get popular pretty quickly, I think. Doesn't it make sense, though? She'd be really pretty if she was real. I'm not like lesbian or anything, but. Yeah, she's really pretty. So is ame chan, they're both extremely pretty. I think you can appreciate another girl being really pretty without being gay, right? Maybe I'm just in denial but. I also really wish I had a KAngel and or ame chan cosplay. KAngel and ame Chan's character designs are really just that great, honestly. I would definitely be extremely careful with the cosplay, too. I mean, KAngel and ame chan's outfits are extremely cute and pretty. I wish KAngel was a real streamer, or at least have someone go on twitch or YouTube and stream as her in a cosplay or something. I do wish I had a KAngel and ame chan cosplay, but I barely have any money to buy it myself. I could make it myself or something, but I'm not that talented. I also think ame Chan's hair is very cute. Honestly, everything about KAngel and ame chan is cute. I wouldn't mind being her platonic girlfriend if she was real. We could be like mentally ill girlfriends in a not gay way. if that exists. I don't get how some people don't like KAngel. I mean, her design is recognizable and cute, her hair is also recognizable and cute, she's a mentally ill streamer, she has a pretty face, what is there not to fucking like? I love KAngel and ame chan so much. I relate to both of them a lot, and I draw them a lot, too. I also think the needy streamer overload soundtrack is really, really good. Maybe one of the best game soundtracks I've listened to. I think internet overdose and internet yamero are both very good songs. I mean, they're both very catchy and have good lyrics. Plus, Internet yamero has a trend or something. Even people who have no clue what needy streamer overload is have even done the trend. I think this means that even though KAngel isn't a real life streamer, she's still really, really popular. This must mean that if she was a streamer in real life, she'd most likely get very popular very fast. aghh, KAngel is just so perfect. I wish I could be her and at the same time I wanna be her wife forever. (platonically.) Also, all the KAngel cosplays I've seen have been very good and pretty. I also love seeing how they do KAngel's twisty DNA hair things and how creative they get with it. If someone were to pose as KAngel in streams though, they'd probably have to come up with a lot of ideas on their own, since KAngel's in game streams are so short (since, well, they're streams in a game, so they can't be that long.) Also, which KAngel streams would they do? cause there's no fucking way you can do all of them and still be alive afterwards. I wish there were more songs than just internet overdose and internet yamero, I've listened to both of them sososoosososososososoosososo many times. KAngel is definitely my favorite character and I fucking wish she was real. She brings me sososososo much joy. KAngel is pretty neat, I guess.
anon? anon.
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