#oh my god i'm turing into my dad
emostudent · 1 year
tagged by @thiamsxbitch 🩷
E: Enter Sandman - Metallica
M: Moneytalks - AC/DC
O: Oh No! - Marina
S: Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd
T: Then Came the Last Days of May - Blue Öyster Cult
U: Underwater - Mika
D: (Don't Fear) The Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult
E: Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
N: Neon Knights - Black Sabbath
T: Traveling Riverside Blues - Led Zeppelin
@sadieshavingsex @elisastales @emozionidinchiostro @sammysdemonblood @self-loathing-angel-of-thursday2 @babygirldilf @isthisanything @amaranthhiding @unitedfandomsoftheworld @seccendedos @manicmoonbug @ihaveacorgi @pipperdaper @highcoltage
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lesbianopossumfriend · 8 months
Fictober 2023
Prompt: 17) “I never said it would be easy.”
Original Characters: Spencer Cartwright, Cole Adair, Estella Alonzo, Kori Al-El
Warning(s): gun violence
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Gun fire rings out. The echoes chase after them.
Running. Sweat soaked shirts sticking to hot bodies.
Shoes thumping hard against the ground as the two of them head for the garden, the soles of their shoes crunching the hard gravel, one of them skidding; losing their footing, “Spencer!”
The young woman, Spencer, grits her teeth as she gets up, the red head turning to her friend, “Keep going, Cole! I'm right behind you!”. The shots are getting closer, Spencer takes her own pistol out, holding it steady as she fires off three bullets, never blinking once.
Three bodies slump to the ground.
Spencer takes off, not looking back as she chases after Cole; her hard green eyes looking for them in the dim light. The manor gardens are both a blessing and a curse as they provide cover from being found, but are making it impossible to find Cole. Spencer goes from corner to long pathway, each step quick but calculated, “Cole? Cole?”, She calls out for them, peeking over a corner hedge, when she catches sight of the designated medic. They are on their knees, hands above their head, looking up at their captor.
It was Spencer’s Uncle. Uncle Leo, her father’s third in command.
Spencer holds the grip tighter, her knuckles almost going white, she leaves her hiding spot, leveling the gun at her uncle, “Leo. Let them go.”
Cole looks back at Spencer, their multicolored eyes full of terror, but also hope, “Hey, Spence. Sorry.”
“Shut up. No talkin’, kid.”, Leo grunts out, his deep brown eyes boring into Cole, before they move to Spencer, “This is stupid, Spencer. You’ll never get out. Just come back with me, and maybe I can get your dad to forget all this happened, water under the bridge. Come on, we’re family.”
Spencer looks at Cole, ignoring her uncle, “Don’t worry, doc. I’ll get us out of here, just hold tight.”
Cole shakes their head at Spencer, “Not a doctor.”
Green eyes roll, “‘Course you are, who else will stitch me back up?”
Leo clicks the hammer of the gun back, “Hey! This isn’t a social call!”, He levels the gun at Cole, still looking at Spencer, “This is a one time offer, Spencer. Take it.”
The Cartwright heir looks at her uncle, shrugging one shoulder, “No, thanks. I’m good.”, Spencer’s finger pulls the trigger back, two shots going into her uncle, Leo’s scream meeting the rose bushes as he crumples to the ground, gun falling from his hand, “Son of a bitch!”
Cole hurries to their feet, grabbing Leo’s fallen gun, putting in their own holster, turing towards Spencer, “Was that necessary?”
“He wasn’t going to let us go.” Spencer nudges at her uncle with her boot, “Come on, I didn’t kill him. One to the arm, one to shoulder, but he’ll be pissed when he wakes up.”
Cole sighs, running a hand through their shaggy black hair, “Please tell me Kori and Estella got what we came here for.”
Spencer digs out her phone, “Let me see”, she goes through their text thread, showing Cole a picture of Kori and Estella; Estella with an attache, and Kori with what looks like a very heavy black duffle bag, both of them looking very proud of themselves, “Looks like they did it.”
“Oh thank God. That means we can leave.”
Spencer laughs, playfully shoving at Cole, “What’s the matter, Adair? Not having fun?”
“This is not my idea of fun, no.”
Holstering her gun, Spencer laughs again, “Come on, doc. I’m trying to leave the mob. I never said it would be easy.”
Cole rolls their eyes, “I know, believe me. This is probably the easiest thing we’ll do.”
“Exactly! Only gets harder from here!”
“You’re the worst, Cartwright.”
“You love me.”
Spencer’s phone vibrates in her hand, a text from Kori,
“Car is ready, boss! :)”
“Come on, they’re waiting for us.”
The pair look around the garden once more, before running towards the rendezvous point, hopping the fence, their feet thudding as they land back on the street. The passenger side doors both open, Estella behind the wheel, “Come on. We’re not exactly safe yet.”
Cole jumps into the backseat, slamming the door behind them. Spencer looks back to the place where she grew up, trying to not let the fond memories of the place she once called home bubble up, and consume her, “Boss? You good?”, Kori calls from the backseat. Spencer shakes her head, “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.”
She gets in the passenger seat, closing the door, then buckling herself in, “Let’s go. Dinner’s on the doc.”
The car fills with laughter and Cole’s reluctant agreement to get them dinner.
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birdiesbirdies · 1 year
@partyinthemysterymachine thanks!! for the tag!!
Rules: tag 10 (or fewer) people you want to get to know better [oh god. i am CHRONICALLY shy but if u follow me consider yourself tagged! I see you in those notes. hi.]
relationship status: skip!
favorite color: yellow! A warm gold-yellow, like a dandelion kind of color. 1. its pretty 2. i got a little synesthesia and the letter n is yellow and my name starts with n so! That's my color :] I also like jewel tones because of my buddy marlow's Dark Influence. Marlow come do this game.
song stuck in my head: Example #22 by Laurie Anderson..... i've been on a Laurie kick lately... TURNS OUT!! SHE HAS SONGS!! THAT ACTUALLY INCLUDE. THINGS THAT MIGHT TRADITIONALLY BE CALLED "SINGING" AND "MUSIC" INSTEAD OF " DIFFICULT TO CATEGORIZE PERFORMANCE ART". that being said. hit song "walk the dog" my favorite laurie anderson piece past and present.
three favorite foods: LISTEN. YOU CAN'T SIMPLY ASK ME THIS. I HAVE STRONG OPINIONS HERE. okok so from least to most important to me 3. The [Mexican fast food chain] order that I've been getting for actual years now. Rice + tomato salsa + lettuce + cheese + steak + a *little bit* of guacamole. The flavors Balance Each Other Out. The Temperatures Balance Each Other Out. Cold Salsa Cheese Lettuce Warm Rice HOT Steak you put it in Your Mouth and the textures combine so beautifully... hello darling 2. Omurice. My dad makes the worlds BEST omurice it is so light and fluffy.. you put some Tabasco on that bad boy... little bit of ketchup... breakfast food of the gods 1. MANTI YOU KNOW IT YOU LOVE IT. unless you come from one of the many many cultures that doesn't have manti. in which case google it right now. and if you live in the us find a turkish or armenian place as soon as possible and go directly to it <- this advice applies to any situation at any time. go to a turkish/armenian place. Anyways this plays in to the earlier balance of temperatures thing. The yogurt sauce should be cold but THE BUTTER SAUCE MUST BE HOT. i feel so strongly about the sauces and spices i'm putting the directions in here. when the manti is done cooking the order of operations is: yogurt (base), mint then sumac, then paprika (assuming you want paprika and didn't add it to your butter tomato paste sauce. start melting the butter and tomato paste together about a minute or two before your manti is done cooking, so its still bubbling when you pour it over the rest of the sauces as a finishing touch. if you add paprika to the butter tomato paste it should happen after everything is already a liquid. thank you for coming to my ted talk. cook this.
Sorry about the Manti Moment. Back to tag game.
last song I listened to: Let X=X (Live) by Laurie Anderson... It's a sky-blue sky... Satellites are out tonight
dream trip: Take me to the abandoned mining towns itll be so fun... we can go hiking when we're not exploring the town... we can Go Inside Empty Buildings... imagining it....
last thing(s) i googled: alan turing telepathy. i am not taking questions at this time.
THANK YOU!! make delicious meals listen to beautiful music live wonderful lives im going tf to bed goonight
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d-targaryenshoe · 4 years
Night Scares • Andrew Deluca
Notes : this is my repost of my imagine because my old tumblr got blocked lol.
Summary: Andrew has a manic episode and one of his colleagues decides to call the one person he loves.
Warnings: anxiety
Word Count: 1385
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Now here you were in the bar of your dad, releasing all the steam your body was filled with after a whole day killing fires, together with one of your best colleagues, Ben Warren.
"Blowing of steam is your synonym for getting drunk isn't it?" Ben inquired, pushing the door open as both of you walked in.
"I won't get drunk when my dad is babying me the whole night." You spoke when walking towards the bar and taking a seat on a barstool.
"Hey sweetheart, you want some water?" Joe inquired when he walked up behind you and kissed the top of your head, giving Ben a clap on the shoulder before walking behind the bar with the tray on his hand.
"See what i mean?" A small laugh left your lips when you pointed your finger at your dad, filling a glass of water which made Ben put his hands up in surrender with a smirk.
"Water is healthy, alcohol makes you sing in the middle of the street and dance on top of tables in front of strangers." Ben snorted just as he accepted the glass of water your dad handed him across the bar. "That's horror."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Warren. That's not what Miranda told me on girl's night last week." You joked before raising your glass to your lips.
"So you're getting drunk with my wife every saturday?" The dark skinned man whispered, tilting his head to the side. "You're unbelievable."
"I'm an adopted daughter of a bartender that's very well known to surgeons that get their asses drunk in here after their shift, so yeah, i am." You admitted when throwing a glance at your dad as he talked to his costumers. "Oh crap."
"You never told me you were adopted Y/L/N?" Your best friend asked when you slightly froze, but knowing you had to explain anyways.
𝓣he feeling of your heart beating in your throat started to work it's way up and up and way more up every time.
Sure that this adoption was a big part of your life, but the fact that people always found out in a way. That incredibly annoyed you.
"What do you wanna know, Benjamin?" You questioned as your head was leaning on your hand while you swirled a paper umbrella between your fingers. "Joe adopted me when i was little, i don't know who my real mom or dad is, they probably didn't want me and Joe did."
The firefighter next to you nodded his head and put one hand on your shoulder, knowing that you were always strong on the outside but soft on the inside like a child.
"And you? Do you have a juicy detail about your life that I still don't know about after you arrived at the fire station?" You added with a light smile playing on your lips.
"Well if having a brother who has changed to a woman is a juicy detail, then there you go." Replied Ben with a roll of his eyes and a scoff.
"It's not a juicy detail, but it is a sign that she fulfilled her dream, he's a she now." You read when you patted his hand with a playful wink.
When it came to LGBTQ or transgender people, you were very protective because your father was gay? No, because every person is different and it is okay not to be normal and boring like a regular person.
"It took me time to accept it you know." He muttered, looking at the illuminated alcohol bottles behind the bar. "Miranda immediately accepted it, but i, i didn't."
You snorted, knowing that Ben also had his stubborn moments, and sometimes knew about himself.
A phone started ringing as you glanced to Ben but he shook his head so you grabbed yours out of your bag as it showed a private number.
"Hello Y/N, who am i speaking?" you asked, watching in Ben's direction as he gave you a questioning look.
"Good evening, this is Doctor Meredith Grey from Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, are you the emergency contact of Andrew Deluca?" A female voice spoke on the other side of the phone with a soft tone as you heard yelling in the background.
"Y-Yeah i am, is something wrong with him?" and this was when you got worried, an emergency contact was all that put you off.
"Well, Andrew is acting rather weird, and since you are his emergency contact I need you to come over here as soon as you can." The woman spoke after she ended the call.
You got of your barstool and started to gather your stuff and place a few coins on the bar, hoping your dad would find them later.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Ben got up from his barstool a wel and watched how you gathered your stuff with a hurry.
"I need to get to the hospital across the street, now." You muttered when you were done gathering your stuff and heading for the door of the bar.
"Let me go with you." Ben mentioned as he followed you across the street, not stopping for cars but only heading for the hospital. "Y/N for god's sake!"
"Not in the mood Ben." You hissed as a dark blonde female walked up to you with a slight hurry.
"Y/N?" she asked before you nodded your head, just wanting her to take you to him. So you could calm him down. "Follow me."
Walking through the hallway you soon came to a halt when you saw him sitting down against the nurse desk with his head between his knees and hands slightly shaking.
"I've got it from here." You assured her as you saw a lot of surgeons forming a small crowd around the hallway. "Could they give him some space?"
Meredith nodded as she went to go and speak to a red haired female.
Giving your bag to Ben, you strolled over to your husband who didn't saw the clarity of anything around him.
"Andrew." You whispered when bending down and placing your hand on his forearm but he flinched. "Andrew, it's okay."
"You don't know anything, Y/N." He snapped looking you in the eyes as his skin under his eyes was slightly blue. "you don't."
"You didn't have any sleep did you?" You challenged him when rubbing your eyes of tiredness as well.
"Even if i did it wouldn't mean anything to you." Your heart broke at that sentence, the tone and the way he said it and that's what made you crack.
"If it doesn't mean anything to me, then tell me Andrew. Why am i wearing this." You mumbled when atear slipped down on your cheek and get up from the ground. "We're married for 2 years, and you think i don't care?"
"Y/N i didn-" His eyes settled on his hand as it was wearing a golden ring as well. "I shouln't have said that."
"You shouldn't have, no." you mumbled whentaking your bag from Ben and walking up to Meredith and the ginger female.
"I'm April Kepner, nice to meet you." the red haired smiled when shaking your hand. "He never acted like this before."
"We didn't even know Andrew was married." Meredith spoke, giving you Andrew's clohes knowing he wouldn't finish his shift tonight. "But now we do."
"I'm sorry, he just wanted to keep it private and so did i." You answered when accepting the clothes and turing around as you walked towards your husband. "Come on, we're going home."
"Make me."
"Devo buttarti fuori di qui (do i have to kick you out of here) ?" You tilted your head to the side placing the clothes in his arms.
"No importa (Never mind)." Was the last thing he said before walking out of the hospital with his clothes in his hands.
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
Dream Come True
Steve harrington x Hopper! Reader (coraline AU)
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Summary: escaping your everyday life after you move to live with your father couldn't have been something you wanted more, luckily for you you are given the chance
Warning: swearing, Horror themes like idk It's Coraline i think that speaks for itself no?
So i don't know if im going to end up making this a series or not but hey if this does really well then I might, but just this is so long so i might have to.
In front of you sat a small box with many opportunities, two small glossy black buttons, thread and the promise of freedom...
You watched the rain drops race down the window intently as your father drove you home from the headwear store. you'd only been In Hawkins for only half a month, having to move there with your father after your mom died. And you had only spent the time unpacking, today you had finally convinced your dad to take you to get supplies so you could really make your new rooms more like you.
The car bounced slightly causing your head to lift and hit the window. "Ow!"
"Sorry pot hole..." Hopper said glancing over to you. "You alright?"
"Yea...but guess it takes a while to figure out if you have brain damage or not.." You muttered sitting straight in the car seat, crossing your arms over your chest.
"C'mon don't be that way...you get to redecorate your room..that must be exciting for you? Give you something to do while we wait for the rain to clear up. "I guess..." You perked up at a new idea popping into your head.
"Maybe I can start a garden in the front too? Make it look pretty? I have a garden box so we wouldn't need anything, el can help me too!?" You said almost as a question seeing if he would go along with the idea.
"Sure... Sounds good, just wait till the rain clears up so you aren't bringing mud in." You frowned lightly, ut had been raining for the past three days without any sign of stopping soon. "Yea...sure."
The car came to a slow stop infront of the house. "I'll help you get this stuff inside and make you lunch but I've got to go back to work." You nodded as you got out of the car.
You'd begun by rearanging the few things of furniture in the room,while hopper set to work at making you a lunch. You starting with the dresser dragging it across the room to set it in its new place.
You dusted off your hands and turned your attention to look at the new space you made, stopping once it was caught by something on the wall where the dresser once was.
"Hello..." You slid across the floor and dragged your fingers across the outline of a small door in the wall.
"Hey Dad!?" You yelled getting up to look for him. "Whats up?"
"What this?" You asked now running your finger over the key hole. "Do you have the key!?" You asked hopefully turing to look up at him in the dokr way. He shook his head and shrugged. "I...maybe? I'm not sure...if i did it's probably boared up! They're would be no point."
You rolled your eyes. "Now Food in on the counter your sister is with Mike so make sure to call in about an hour to check on her-"
"Can you please look for a key?" You cut in. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can, but I'm late so just finish unpacking and setting up and I'll look for it when I come back." You huffed but nodded and started to finish setting up your room.
After about an hour and a half you'd finished painting, unpacking and decorating your room, you had finished. Even had lunch and called El just like hopper had asked. Now you simpily sat in your room staring at the photo of your previous bestfriends that sat on the bedside table.
Back in New York with your mom you never had to worry about being bored, all your friends where their and there where places to go. Hawkins was diffrent, granted you where still adjusting but that didn't make it any less difficult.
The phone rang snapping you of of your thoughts. You hustled across the house to puck it up. "Hello?"
"Y/n! Thank god you picked up! Just the girl I was looking for!"
"Hey Robin,whats up?"
"Not much, I was just wondering since the rains cleared up would you be intrested in taking a tour of Hawkins with me and Steve?"
You thought about it for a moment, The first day you'd mobed here and met everyone they where the two you'd hit it off with, well You did with Robin anyways so you didn't see why you couldn't get out.
"Yea...I'd love to!"
"Cool! We'll be there in a few."
"So what does one do around here?" You asked following beside Robin And Steve down the sidewalk. "Well there's the arcade... " steve started but quickly trailed off. "There are some shops around town." Robin added.
"Is there like, i dunno a mall maybe? A movie theater at least?"
"Movie theater yes, mall not so much."
"It a...it burned down." Steve informed. "Oh...wow..." You followed them through town, going in and out of every store that was open.
"So Steve...." You attempted to start while looking through a clothing Rack in a thrift store.
"Got a girlfriend?"
"Uh no..no ya know I'm kinda just testing the waters...seeing if theres anyone worth dating around here."
"And?" You asked not looking up at him, you could clearly tell he was trying to act cool around you.
"And?" He repeated your question.
"Is there?...anyone worth dating around here?"
"Nah none that are really my type." He said nonchalantly fixing his hair in the mirror across from him. "Wow...are you always this increadibly douchie? Or are you like this just for me?" You asked leaning on clothing rack to look at him better.
"What I'm not...I'm not being-"
"You kinda where Harrington." Robin said from across the store earing a chuckle from you. His face flushed and he pretened to look at a jacket that seemingly caught his attention. "Ah don't be that way stevie...it's sooo charming, I'm practically swooning for you." You said sarcastically. "Shut up!"
The sun was hanging low through the trees casting that late afternoon orange glow upon the three of you as you walked back home.
"This place is...pretty boring...how do you guys manage?"
"Hawkins isn't all bad...besides It's a lot more exciting than you would think." Robin said while offering you some of her candy. "You just gotta...know where to look."
"Sometimes the intresting things find you." Steve said stopping once your house came into view. "If you say so...thanks for showing me around."
"No problem, maybe we can hang out again soon." She offered as you started to continue forward. "Yea! That would be great!" They both waved to you as you stepped into the house shutting the door.
You placed a few of the nick nacks you'd bought onto the top of your dresser for decoration, glancing at something that wasn't there before. A glossy black key.
You plucked it from its spot on the dresser and turned to the small door quickly slidding across the floor once again to get to the door. You hestitantly dragged the key across the outline of the door ripping the wall paper open before slipping the key inside.
It slid in perfectly, giving you some sort of relife as it clicked open, you pulled it open being met with nithing but brick.
"Damn..." You huffed and shut the door and placed the key back ontop of the dresser.
Something yanked you from your sleep suddenly and you lied awake, a sliver of silver moonlight hitting your face through the curtains as you did so.
It was quiet as you lied there except for an ever so faint sound of humming that you just barrely missed. You stayed still fir a second trying to pin point the sound, it continued for a while as you did so softly floating through the air from an unknown source, you finally gave in and tossed the covers off and stood up from your bed moving around the room to find it stopping when your foot hit something on the ground.
"What the hell!?" Jumping back slightly at the contact you looked down seeing a long greyish green vine across your bedroom floor. "What the hell..." You repeared examining it closer you followed it with your gaze seeing it came from the small opening of the little door a slight glow came from it along with little white particals that floated up into the air around it.
You moved carefully over to it kneeling next to it careful to avoide the vine protruding from it, as you did you could hear the humming closer now. You pulled the door open getting a blast of air blown back into your face along with a bright glow. You gasped slightly watching a tunnle appear almost instantly infront of you.
The humming slightly louder now. With out a second thought you climbed through, eventually met with another door which you easily pushed open and found yourself crawling through only to see you'd cralwed back into your bedroom. "Huh?" The humming was louder, unmistakable too, you knew that song. You looked at your bedroom door seeing the light from the living room shining in.
"Dad!?" You stood up and exited the room being greeted by the smell of food cooking. "Dad? What are you do-" you stopped a few feet from the counter seeing him move around the kitchen
"Hey sweet pea! You're just in time for dinner!" You gulped thickly when he turned to face you. "Oh god...I must be mistaken...you aren't my dad...my dad-" it was him but, diffrent. He seemed plaer yet more lively.
"Doesn't cook?" He asked guesturing to the freshly cooked meal. You couldn't help but stumble back a little bit as he approached you with a light hearted laugh. "Well thats because I'm your other father dear! Well better father"
"Why don't you get your mom and Tell her dinner is ready!"
"Well your Mother of course silly! I actually think she's in the garden out front." He pushed you forward lightly and you glanced back cautiously before going to the front door.
You opened the door and stepped outside being greeted by a beautifully bright garden. "Holy sh-"
"Watch your mouth young lady!" You jumped turning tonthe voice and and gulping.
"Oh my god....mom!?" You stopped and covered your mouth feeling tears briming in your eyes.
"Hello sweet pea!" She opened her arms and you instantly ran to her and hugged her. You could tell just like with your father she was diffrent but couldn't exactly tell whatbwas diffrent.
"You...your alive!"
"Well of course I am! Oh come look at this!"
She pulled away taking your hand and pulling you down the steps of the pourch into the flower filled front yard.
She held your shoulders as you watched the flowers practically bloom before you. "I planted them just this afternoon! Our faviorte!" It was true the flowers before you where always both you and your mothers faviorte.
"They're beautiful mom! Oh!" You turned to her with a smile. "Dad said dinner was ready and sent me to get you."
"Oh! We don't wanna keep him waiting!" She said giggling with you and guiding you back to the house.
"There they are!" Hopper yelled setting the last of the food on the table. "Thirsty?" Your mom asked as you sat down. "Mmm you know I could go for a purple cow!"
"Coming right up!" She knocked on the table lightly the lights above lowered themselves offering you said drink, along with extra grape soda and vanilla icecream just incase.
"Wow thank you!" You said taking the drink and extras. Hopper placed a plate infront of you. "Here comes the Gravey train choochoo!" You mom said earning a laugh from both you and your dad.
A toy train in fact made its way across the table stopping infront of you to dump gravey on your plate.
"Mmh! This is so good!" Youbsaid stuffing your mouth full of food. "More?" Hopper asked.
"No thank you I'm stuffed." You said leaning back and taking a last sip of your icecream float.
Hopper took the plate from you and your mother placed a cake before you that read 'Welcome home'
"We've been expecting you for a while!" Hopper said.
"Of course! You beling here! With your family!"
You smiled lightly.
"Thanks...but It's late...I should go to bed.."
"Oh of course!" You stood up and they both followed you to your bedroom. You crawled into bed and they took turns kissing your forhead and wishing you a goodnight. You slowly drifted off to sleep peacefully.
"It was so weird!" You said throwing a rock into the water infront of you.
"Well it was just a dream, nothing to freak about." Robin shrugged.
"Yea I mean your mom was there it couldn't have been real..."
You and robin both glared at Steve. "I...well thats not what I meant..." He gulped slinging his own rock into the water.
"He's right though." You said softly. "But it just...it felt so real! The food the...feeling! But I woke up and the door was all bricked up again..."
"That's just further proof it was only a dream." Robin said as you sat beside her.
"Yea..." It was already late afternoon and you had decided to stay out until the sun had set well into night.
Steve had dropped robin off at her house and so you sat alone with him in his car as he took you home.
"Sorry about what i said...about your mom..."
He said finally. "No...it's ok...like i said you where right...it's just a dream..." He frowned slightly, you could tell he was beating himself up about it.
In all honestly you hadn't gotten off on the best of feet with him but it's wasn't so awful to be around him, he just had a hard time telling when to open his mouth and when to keep it shut. But you liked him.
"Well here we are." He said pulling up to the house. "Thank." You said with a smile before getting out and going inside.
"Hey kid!" Hopper said happily as you stepped inside.
"Hey!" You smiled. "Oh hey, sorry I never got around to finding that key for you."
"Thats ok I found it"
El stood in the door way with a concerned look. "What are you-" you hurried to your room and pulled the key out and showed him.
"You where right though...there was nothing there." You shrugged going back to your room.
"Bad place." You jumped at El's voice behind you. "What?"
"Don't keep going there it's a bad place..." She said quietly. "What bad place?"
"El! Its Mike's on the phone!" El quickly left to take the phone.
"Bad place?..."
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