#oh these poor kids
scarletwix · 8 years
Oh look, it's a new day and I'm being kept awake by two snoring dogs! So, time for daily headcanon! Once Pietro actually /tells/ Erik 'I'm your son', Erik tries /really hard/ to be a good dad. Except he's not actually very good at it, because, let's be honest, his son is a dramatic and snarky prankster and Erik is... dramatic and snarky and honestly wants what's best for mutant kind and also a hug. And Pietro's a little past the point where parenting might be helpful. Much awkwardness abounds.
Erik feels so bad that he not only missed out on Pietro’s childhood and wasn’t there for him like he always thought he would have been for his children, but that he was in prison and his son had to come and break it out. He spends many a night feeling ridiculously guilty because he feels like he failed Pietro and his mother, and he led Pietro to a life of crime because he wasn’t there for him.
Pietro eventually has to sit him down and tell him the kleptomania is a side effect of his mutation, and to be fair, he did have a stepfather for most of his childhood. Erik insists on continuing to try and be a good father, but he was still a new dad with Nina, and he didn’t get to parent her for very long, and she was a girl, too. Raising a girl and a boy are wildly different experiences, and he doesn’t even get to raise Pietro. He just feels like he’s kind of butting in after so long not knowing. 
Their personalities are so similar in so many ways that they clash on a lot of stuff. Erik keeps trying and Pietro is grateful for it, really, but at the same time he doesn’t know how to act around his father, because he’s been wondering who Erik was for so long, he’s imagined who his father was so many times there was bound to be a disconnect. 
Of course, when he finally meets Erik again after realizing “yeah that’s my dad” it’s kind of an “aha, that makes a lot of sense” moment for Pietro because they are so similar. 
The fact remains that there is a lot of ground to cover after so long and they just don’t know where to begin.
And then Pietro introduces Erik to Wanda and Erik has to start all over again.
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zany-brainy · 12 years
Someone help me? I was just listening to some random songs on Youtube and put on 'Eyes Open' by Taylor Swift and now I'm assaulted by feelings for teen comic book heroes. Particularly the Batkids, Marvel's Runaways and the Young Avengers. 
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