#oh txt
sysba · 4 years
love how every time bryce isn't joking around pb's script makes it very clear that he looks 'ODDLY pensive'. they really picture him as "no thoughts head empty tiddies out" huh
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isakvaltrsen · 4 years
lately i haven’t really followed skamfr so I don’t know the fuck is going on and at this point i’m afraid to find out tbh
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sysba · 4 years
Aurora really said 'idc if you screw over my workplace as long as we can be friends again' and y'all really wanted to fight her uh 😔
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sysba · 4 years
ethan stans during hiatus be feeling like bryce/jackie/aurora stans have been feeling since book 2 began oop
not mentioning raf stans because that's a whole other kind of pain, you guys are too strong 😔
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sysba · 4 years
bryce could've used his family's money and have it easy but instead he chose to bartender his way through med school.
just leaving this out there.
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sysba · 4 years
mc and bryce were canonically paired up and described as "two hot doctors" not just once but TWICE. by the bachelorette party girls and by Kyra. they're literally the hottest couple, they walk in the room and everybody fcking swoons
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sysba · 4 years
I headcanon that Zaid gives the best hugs but you gotta be dying or worse before he actually agrees to hug you
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sysba · 4 years
the amount of Bryce this chapter was frankly disrespectful but damn, he looks so good with that white coat
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sysba · 4 years
Ethan stans pls don’t kill me in my sleep, but the whole thing with Rafael would’ve made much more sense if it was Ethan dating someone else.
I get the whole ‘exploring more mature and realistic themes’, I do. Honestly, I like the idea of a love interest that isn’t willing to start a relationship with mc right away, but it still must make sense within the plot you created... not to mention, the actions must reflect the character. Ethan/MC is a turbulent love story: they want to be together but they can’t, and it’s so hard on Ethan that he had to get away from the country just because he couldn’t stop thinking about MC. They already have an angsty route. He already made clear that he won’t let himself be with them. So why not giving him another ‘’’’love interest’’’’? It wouldn’t be a serious relationship, surely not a highschool sweetheart (that’d make no sense, knowing him). But maybe a hookup met in a bar, where MC can see them together and he casts a guilty glance their way as he leaves. That would explore the theme of heartbreak while still maintaining an organic plot. For Rafael to do what he has done, to start dating someone while he was starting something with MC, it makes no sense. It wouldn’t make sense for Bryce, either. Maybe Jackie, but she’d be upfront about what she wants. If Raf is still a LI and this plotline isn’t an excuse to remove him in favour of a new love interest, then I’m sorry but it’s out of character.
edited for additions:
I’m seeing many different opinions about this post in the notes and I wanted to clarify a few things:
I totally loathe love triangles as a way to create angst, there are much better ways to do that that also give the opportunity to explore actually mature themes. The main point of my post isn’t that there should be a love triangle, I think it’s a terrible idea… but, if it’s the road they’re taking, surely Raf is not the right character for it!
I’m seeing many of you dragging Harper into this so I just wanna say: you do you but do not think for a second I endorse Harper becoming a mere plot point for Ethan’s development as a character. Harper is a freaking badass who deserves the world. In my dreams she’s becoming for Bryce what Ethan is should be for my MC and I’m loving that for her, just being the best surgeon and mentor ever.
And since we’re here: I, personally, do not think ANY woman deserves to be used by a man to forget someone else. Not Harper, not anyone. The scenario I described in my post didn’t mention a relationship for that reason - a random hookup would actually be more respectful than an actual relationship, given that Ethan is clearly smitten with MC (whether she wants it or not, apparently)
People commenting stuff like “Raf is not a LI anymore” - what are your sources? Because all I saw was PB’s very cryptic response, so unless you know something we don’t…?
totally get the point some of you are making about the fact that even good people like Raf make stupid ‘ooc’ shit irl - but since in fiction you get to control the story more than in life, I would appreciate if they didn’t do great characters dirty
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sysba · 4 years
I was just thinking that the most out of character thing from the last chapter of Open Heart is that Bryce did not say something on the lines of "You already look great naked 😏"
He would never lose an opportunity to compliment Vic and this is the hill I choose to die on
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sysba · 4 years
I'll say this: only Bryce Lahela could've charmed Ethan 'I don't have friends' Ramsey into being gym buddies. Like, Bryce my man strutted in there with confidence and just started calling one of the most esteemed doctors in the hospital by his first name and bullied him into joining some kind of boy band shsjsjsk 'we're THE BOYS!' and Ramsey didn't even complain, he just begrudgingly accepted that he was gonna be best buddy of both that surfer frat boy and hunky latino Captain America
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sysba · 4 years
Zaid & Ines: mlm-wlw solidarity
i ain't taking criticism
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sysba · 4 years
things I'm looking forward to see in Open Heart 2:
Bryce Lahela
Aurora will be our new roomie,,, no more sucky L*ndry,,,, A u r o r a E m e r y will live with us and most likely become our bestieeeeee (Olivia vibes, anyone?)
the Drama™ of having our boss in love with us. I don't even romance Ethan but I do love me some drama...
also Naveen is gonna tease Ethan non stop and we're gonna have some fun
Kyra's recovery because I refuse to believe she's not gonna kick her cancer's ass
are Sienna and Danny finally getting together????? and what about Elijah and Phoebe??????? they are the epitome of cuteness
more Raf interactions with the gang, PLEASE. especially with Bryce. I need them.
more Raf in general. and let the man talk about telenovelas 😭 adorable
Jackie being super competitive as usual but still beating up everyone who dares make MC suffer cause that's the kind of friend she is
Bryce fanboying over Harper Emery since she's going back to surgery
Zaid Mirani. that's it, just more Zaid. I love him
did I mention Bryce? dating Bryce? loving Bryce? finding out Bryce's secret? s*x with Bryce at any available moment? Bryce falling deeply in love with MC? Bryce being a lovable thot?
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isakvaltrsen · 5 years
all I got to say about this clip: thanks, I hate it
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sysba · 5 years
I'm curious. What do you guys think Bryce would choose as his surgical specialty?
I'd say Neuro, or maybe Trauma. Neuro is Harper Emery’s field, and he seems to really admire her. This could make him want to ‘surpass’ her somehow. Also, Neuro is quite tough, you need to have absolute confidence in your abilities and you must be okay with spending most of your time working. Bryce wants to be great, and he never backs down from a challenge. He’d be perfect. On the other hand, Trauma requires the ability to remain calm under pressure and take quick decision in a high-stress environment. Bryce never panics, he’s always able to think things through and act without hesitation.
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isakvaltrsen · 5 years
the only day i have plans and had to go meet my friends wtfock is dropping all the clips with sander
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