#oh wait this is the bimbo pipeline
dreamlostdevourer · 1 year
Hmmm. I want to find more of the things I love, but they were only created on accident and then discontinued due to unexpected reasons.
It would be nice to have simple and broad tastes.
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pickmeforjesus · 3 years
Tradfem to c*mbrain f*tishist pipeline
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∆ Peep the OP that post (that is making round in tradfem circle):
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Here's the post below the one who's been reblogged:
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And here's what one of the pigs reblogging OP's post had to say (as if anything relevant about women could come from a porn-tradfem fetishist blog):
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See? That's why CHRISTIAN tradfem should be extremely careful with the stuff they blindly endorse as "traditional feminity". Sorry but this girl
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...has NOTHING traditional or Christian. Her clivage and dress length would be considered OUTRAGEOUS a few decade ago (that's right: hi 50s fandom tradfem, in the 50s, that lady would be called a "wh*re" so you're a clowning yourselves if you're looking up that kind of aesthetic 🤡).
The Bible is very clear about MODESTY and not wearing alluring clothes. At some point some of you need to stop putting your frivolousness over the actual word of God. God isn't calling us to have a snatched waist, disfiguring His work by wearing make up, and obsessively seek for male approval/attention (these incessant male positivity posts as if a true man of God as such a low self esteem needed to be constantly pampered by women....)
Authentic biblical women looked more like this
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than the bimbo " Christian feminitity" tradfem"/tradfem fetishist are fawning over. But oh wait, these women are much less "sexy" so you'll hardly see tradfem fetishist get a hard-on on them.... which is actually a good sign. Because satan HATES God. So these lust demon inspired people would NEVER be appealed by the authentic brand of Christian female-ness.
@christian tradfem reading this: for the love of God, USE YOUR DISCERNMENT and stop seeking after alluring things on worldly standards. Of course, you can't choose whoever is reblogging your posts, but at some point, if your content is found alluring by the vilest brand of degenerate scrotes, you have to make some serious self introspection and ponder whether whatever you're seeking after is really the will of God. Does God want you to seek after male validation or after HIS validation? Does he want you to wear the cutest dress you'll find online, or the new clothes of you being renewed in the Lord?
God's Light CANNOT attract darkness. If you do, you are the problem.
*drops mic*
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