#oh well basically bye and I love you Shelby I don’t know how anyone could ever do that shit to you TO YOU LITERALLY A REAL LIFE SHOJO
customizablefriend · 4 months
Fuck you Wilbur
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part Six
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*Leah starts to write out her feelings. Leah & EZ have a friendly encounter.*
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Writing has helped me organize my thoughts this last week.
I have not written about Erik…I told myself it may be good for me to write about the situation, but I also do not want to relive those moments.
My mind has been flooded with the thoughts and questions as to why Angel has been giving me a cold shoulder.
The moment we had when he was stabbed and shot, when he reached for me, that’s all it was – one simple moment. I get the impression he forgot, or he’s playing it off like he forgot.
I checked on him and Coco three days after the incident, the boys stayed at the clubhouse overnight and Shelby checked in on them for a few days and asked if Kendra and I could follow up.
Angel was his usual stubborn asshole self. Few words were spoken, eye contact avoided. No thank yous. Like I said, the moment we share the other night was just that, a moment. Now over a week later, I cannot help but still think back to that moment.
I’m snapped back to reality when Kendra calls me, “Leeeeeee.” She exaggerates.
“Kenzzzzzz.” I mimic.
“How do I have five more hours left?” She whines. Poor girl picked up an extra 12-hour shift today and she’s hating every moment.
“You have rent due at the end of week, that’s why you hate it so much.”
“Being a grown up fucking sucks. Who do I call to cancel this subscription? I’m over it, it’s too expensive.”
I bust out laughing, “If you figure that one out, have them cancel mine too.”
We go back and forth for a few more minutes while she’s on break.
“You’re serious about making dinner tonight? Like I can just come crash on your big comfy couch and you can bring me food?” She asks.
“I’ll even go visit Felipe to make sure I cook you a good meal.” I offer.
“You know, if EZ and I never get serious, this whole idea of us becoming a domestic lesbian couple becomes more appealing by the day.”
“Hoes before Bros.” I reply.
“Preach, sista. Okay I gotta go, I’ll text you when I leave here. See you later – love you-bye.” Kendra says as she hangs up the phone.
I finally get myself off the couch and I make my way to Felipe’s shop.
“Hola Felipe!” I say as I enter the shop.
“Aleeah, como estas chica?”
“Bien, y soy cansada.” I reply with a laugh, more than likely butchering every single Spanish word.
“My my, your Spanish is improving by the day, sweetheart.” Felipe says to me with a smile as I approach the counter.
“Thank you, I really am trying – you know, in between working in the ER, the clinic and babysitting the bikers.”
Felipe chuckles, “Yeah, I’ve heard my boys have been keeping you busy lately.”
Rather than diving in to details with Felipe, I opt to just stay mum about it. “You’ve heard right, I’m afraid.”
“I’m just thankful that it’s you that is caring for them. I’ve seen how you are with the kids at the clinic, and even people around here – you’re a natural healer Leah.”
That comment makes my heart melt. I’ve been coming into Felipe’s store only the last three months, but he has made me feel like I belong here, that I’m doing something right.
“How’s the pediatric clinic? You’re still over there, right?” He asks, snapping me out of my daze.
“The clinic is great, I primarily work there now, and I’m contingent at the hospital. Kendra and I are on the same schedule yet more times than not, when I’m at the clinic, she’s at the hospital so when we have the chance to work together, we jump on it.” I say with a laugh.
“Kendra, she’s a character. I’m glad you two are friends, and I’m even more glad to know you two are still working in town. This town is better and dare I say, a little bit healthier thanks to you two. That clinic has worked wonders.” Felipe praises some more.
“Working at a clinic like this, it was something I could only imagine. If you would have told me four years ago that I’d be in the field I am now, with a Bachelor’s Degree – I would ask to take a hit of whatever awesome green y’all are smoking.” I say with a laugh.
It’s so true though, after the news of Jax’s passing and having Marcus basically come into my life and act as my forever guardian – I never knew which path I would end up on, or if the thoughts of me going to school and working in the medical field were far fetched.
“Never stop dreaming, Leah; and never sell yourself short – you my dear are way too smart to do that.”
I offer Felipe a warm smile, as I truly am taken aback by his words.
As Felipe is wrapping up my order, I reach into my purse for my cash and just as I pull some out, Felipe starts shaking his head at me.
“Your money still isn’t good here, chica.” He explains as he hands me my order.
I laugh sarcastically with a mix of shock, “Felipe! Come on, here please take this. I have the money, you have to let me pay eventually.” I plead.
As I try to make this deal with Felipe, the front door chimes and in walks EZ.
“EZ, can you believe Aleeah still thinks her money is good here?” Felipe says with a chuckle and grin.
EZ cannot help but laugh along with his Pop.
“I’m glad you find this comical.” I spit with sass.
“I give you credit for being persistent Lee, but the old man is stuck in his ways. Count your blessings, he could be charging you double.” EZ tells me with a curious look, which causes me to snap back at Felipe and quirk a brow.
“I don’t turn down business, but if I don’t like someone’s attitude, you bet your ass I’m charging them extra.” Felipe explains.
“Well I’m glad you like me, Felipe. Thank you again, you really are the best.” I say as he hands me my order.
“I should be the one thanking you, you’re keeping my boys in one piece.”
I shrug my shoulders and look to EZ as he gives me a weak smile.
“I try.” I respond, and then change topics somewhat as I make conversation with EZ.
“Why are you here? Don’t you have like, a run to be on or some other biker shit to do?” I ask poking fun as I playfully punch his arm.
EZ gives Felipe a serious look, which then makes me feel a bit uncomfortable – I get the vibe that EZ doesn’t like telling Felipe club shit.
“Oops, sorry. I should have known better than to ask you about that.” I tell EZ.
Another chime at the door, a middle-aged couple has walked in.
Felipe nods at EZ, and EZ takes me aside.
“Lee, you’re fine. Pops, he knows enough. Anyways, I’m glad I ran into you, I texted you the other day, but you never responded, I just wanted to check in with you.”
“Oh shit, yeah you did text me – I mentally responded.” I laugh, “I think I mentally responded then told Kendra you texted me and then she said that she was going to text you because you didn’t check in on her.” I explain with more laughs.
EZ scratches his head, “I don’t know what I’m going to do with that girl.” He says with a smirk.
“Just treat her right, or I’ll stand by my word and make you breath out of your forehead.”  I remind him with a big smile and bat my eyelashes.
EZ laughs it off, “So, what I really wanted to ask you is if you’ve spoken to Angel lately?”
A look of confusion and humor take over my face, but EZ doesn’t find it humorous.
“Oh, that was a serious question?” I ask, I stutter for a moment but collect myself.
“EZ, I don’t even have Angel’s number. It’s always you, Bishop or Coco that contacts me. Plus, why would I need to talk to Angel?”
EZ shakes his head, “I was just wondering, hoping actually that maybe you two have spoken because he’s just been really off since the incident.”
“No shit, he was shot and stabbed – practically ambushed at his girlfriend’s place. That’s a lot to process. Did you guys ever find out who stabbed him?” I ask.
EZ looks over to Felipe, to make sure he’s still busy with the other customers that walked in.
“No, we have no leads. Angel basically wants us to forget it, but Coco isn’t having that. Angel, he’s been around off and on ever since Shelby gave him the okay – Gilly hasn’t been able to keep tabs on him, we all know he and I aren’t on speaking terms. I just want to know he’s somewhere safe, I don’t trust Luisa.”
Another confused look comes over me, “Who the fuck is Luisa?”
EZ must find my expression hilarious as he gets a good chuckle out of that one.
“That’s Adelita’s real name.”
“Umm excuse me? That bitch has been using an Alias and no one felt the need to clue me in?” I say with a slight raised voice, looking around to make sure I’m not causing a scene in this small shop.
“Relax, Lee. That’s an irrelevant fact.”
“Psh, yeah for you maybe. When you find my body missing or chopped up, I think it’s important for you all to give a correct name to the authorities.” I sarcastically say.
“What are you talking about, Leah?”
“You don’t recall my abrasive monologue from that night? I basically dragged her ass through fire. She deserved it though, there’s always been something off about her to me.” I explain as I take a seat at the small table next to where we are standing.
“Ha, yeah. We all were just talking about that actually. The boys were impressed on how you handled that. Especially given her history of what she’s capable of.” EZ says trailing off.
“That ex rebel bitch does not scare me – her trying to play doctor to a stabbing and shooting victim, now that scares me.” I say with a playful wink.
EZ gives another laugh and takes a sip of water that he grabbed from the cooler behind him.
“She means well, she just, I don’t know – I’ve never fully trust her either. I guess I’m just worried about my brother.” He says quietly.
We have a brief moment of silence, and then I see him flex his muscles – now I am inno wayattracted to EZ like this, but the man has veins us nurses drool over.
“EZ, has anyone ever told you your veins are a nurses wet dream?” I ask while touching one of the veins popping out.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Oh come on, Ezekiel, Kenz hasn’t said that to you? She hasn’t asked if she could practice drawing blood or anything like that?” I continue to ramble as I trace one of his veins.
“Umm you two still need practice?” He asks nervously.
“Always, it’s always good to practice in case you have to drug someone up for long periods of times or when you accidentally give them the wrong dose.” I say wickedly as I stand up from my chair.
“Leah, I mean this in the nicest way – but some days, you straight up terrify me.”
I give EZ a playful sin filled look, “Good.” I respond with a wink.
“I’ll see you in a few days, on the 4th?” I ask as I gather my belongings.
“Yes you will, Kenz will be there too later on but I am sure you already knew that.” He says with a smile.
“You sir are correct. She’s working the afternoon shift, I’m working 7p-7a the night before so once I become a functional member of society that afternoon, I’ll make my way to the clubhouse.”
“I’ll be there all day, I’m on firework duty.”
My face drops, bikers + explosives = Leah never gets a break
“I’ll be safe, Lee.” EZ tries to reassure me by putting both hands on my shoulders and giving them a squeeze.
“Yup, uh-huh, sure.” I say walking towards the door, “I’ll still bring extra supplies just to be safe.” I say tapping his shoulder.
“Adios, Felipe! Thank you very much.” I say as I wave from the doorway.
“Take care Aleeah!” Felipe shouts.
“See you in a few days, Lee.” EZ says with a wave, I remain still at the door with it half open, “Oh yes, it’s going to be a bang.”
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