#oh well i have elevator music playin in my head at all times when im playing ER
tarnussy · 2 months
Do we know why the Godrick knight in Fort Haight had one of Mohg's ashes of war to drop? Also all the blood roses? Tho I guess those bloom wherever blood is shed but the knight? One of the monuments refers to a bloody conspiracy concerning the siege of Leyndell, and I keep reading online in comments here and there that the conspiracy was something about Mohg making Godrick betray Radahn during the siege so he fled back to Stormveil but I thought the person just pulled that info out their ass. But still, makes you wonder why Godrick's knight drops a Mohg aow.
Edit: so the ghost nearby says "the knight bedeviled by blood" so could it be that Mohg somehow enchanted the knight to take over the fort so Kenneth would think it was Godrick's doing?
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