#oh well im so mad now grrr growls
gayspock · 3 years
OK bake off ep 2
- the intro sketch is evil. i never want to see paul hollywood eat matt lucas ever again
- lizzie i do love you a lot but you are so obviously some sort of disney adult / harry potter adult and i could tell that before you mentioned the latter but god. im trying to live in bliss. so dont mention it again
- oh i loathe amanda . i fucking hate her. shut up. wriTTTTTing... SHUT UP !!!! SHUT UP!!! (GOES FOR HER THROAT)
- when no-brits tumblr dot com mock the bri'ish accent am ike 😁✌teehee cheeeeeseee ubt when oughghh. when a missus like her tries to take the piss out of it in a very clear classist context am like oh crikey. die i'll fucking go bite your nasty ankles you little cunt snap snap snap trust the cop 😐😑. i hate her shes the villain for me she shoulda went last week fr fr
- rochica tooo omggg yaaayyy i love it my cute girlies
- let him be chilled out i lurv it when the bakers are just calm and cool theyre like "well.. im in a pickle, arent i? aha oh well" its so funny
- jurgen (am sorry omg u dibt =have umlauts on my keyboard and im going fast live so icant paste them in) but wowee it looks so delicious and scrammy and-
- giuseppe being like ehrm. WELL ACTUALLY- to paul yeah go ahead you fucking tell him get his ass . giuseppe you point out that you- OH NO HE JUST DROPPED HIS BRANDY SNAPS
- i love everyone here btw (except for amanda) theyre all my besties they really are
- hahaa seeeee giuseppe did it in the end haaahaaaa paul (rips him apart)
- also i was busy during the ad break (was washing my face) but is prue.... whats that show with prue. -_- i hate it whatever it is.
- every time they bitch and , moan about too strong flavours i just dont trust it theyre not so bad this year but nonetheless its paul and prue fucking fusspots like shut uppppp
- (handshake) matt: it means nothing from me, you know jurgen: it means everything to me oH IM OBSESSED
- jammy biccies... :3
- oh for gods sake, yet again with the "its all about the temperature and its hot today" please stop, for the love of god, forcing the drama with this PLEASE. invest in AIRCON. its not giving the good tv bits you hope it does bestie...
- also paul being like "haha, well you're from south africa" to prue we dont need to be reminded. (gives prue a VERY stern stare)
- also subs arent on todays ep for some reason. um. -_-<-furious
- they need to stop giving them these stupidly hard showstoppers so early. fr, last week they had the gravity defying cake: when nadiya did that 5 years ago, that was like ICONIC and awe-inspiring... why the hell was it a week one bake? stoppppp over complicatying things besties. they just make a mess.
- like fr. they used to just have them make a structure, sure... likw why are they making them make full on interactive toys with gingerbread now?
- i hope amanda's rocking horse is the one that breaks. i hope her rocking horse dies.
- her choosing a soft cookie and then going ahhhh why is it breaking</3 HAHAHA AMANDA. GET IT.
- I LOVE it when they engineer cool stuff though its soooo epic. especially the engineers when theyre just sat there going fucking bonkers with all their little measurements-
- also wait. rochica??? how big will that be?
- OMG YES CRYSTELLE YESSSS YESS a makeup thingy. i would loooveeee that. literally sooo cool.
- i would love to make one of those heads. you know those doll heads. where you braid their hair.
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- matt im screaming. "do you know whats wrong? british technology".
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- i didnt get giuseppe's but this is also very cool. the insane detail and engineering with them both.
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,- matt referring to his doctor who stint. i am obsessed. (slaps his bald head) love.
- oh my god if they send jairzeno home bc hes a lil messy i'll kill you boot amanda she trainwrecked completely
- literally jurgen and giuseppe. the literal mvps.but it would be SO fucking funny if jurgen got it second week in a row like yes bestie go for it ...
- now send amanda home. do it for me.
- ....
- .
11 notes · View notes
v0m1tgutzx · 5 years
Depressing December
 ( Jse egos )
                                              (By:  Michaela Boyd)
It's getting to around that time of the year when it’s christmas and everything just seems tough at times and all you want to do is scream in your pillow.(me XD)  In the Septiceye house (egos House) Chase brody is being dealt with a lot of drama in his days and with christmas coming that isn't helping at all for him. Also  With stacy keeping the kids from a Cringemas party that’s going on and for like all the time from chase seeing them, what will happen in this drama-comedy story along the way? It turns out it’s going to be a Depressing December….     (warning this story contains viloince and suicide, and some swearing also. And maybe some smut involved. You've been warned. Have fun!
The Outcast
“Marvin?” Chase saw Marvin was on his hands and knees  looking under a table like he was looking for something. He was whispering something and cursing “where is the damn thing!”  He rose up quickley and bumped his head on the table “ow, fuck!” Marvin hissed as he got up and rubbed his head. “Marvin…. can i ask you something?” Chase repeated. “Oh it's you chase what do you want?” he said annoyed still rubbing the bruise. “Well i was ju-” “Oh and if you wanna know what i was doing ,I'm trying to find my wand- hey i bet Anti has it he's probably playing with it like  a knife- i'm gonna kill him!”  Marvin said  ignoring  Chases question.  Marvin noticed Chase wasn't too happy he had a frown on his face and almost tears in his eyes. Marvin stood up and put his hand on Chases shoulder. “Hey are you ok?” Being more calm this time. “I just got off the phone with Stacy and-” He was just interrupted by a crackling laughing noise by Anti. “HAHAHHAA!” Marvin looked up and gritted his teeth “ANTI! THERE YOU ARE YOU BASTARD!” Marvin yelled and walked over to Anti which was still laughing and also Darkiplier was there  strangely. “Oh look the kitty wants to play hahaha!” Anti glitched and sneered. Dark and Anti both laughed. “Hisss!” Marvin spat like a cat “You better start running you fucking jackasses!” He took anti by his black t-shirt and looked in his green glowing eyes “where's my wand! I know you took it and dont try to play stupid either!!” he said very angry. “HA! I didn't touch that worthless shit! Then darkiplier yelled out “Hey kitty cat!” Marvin took loose of Antis shirt and his eyes got wide. he saw Dark call his dog, DarkChica, and she came running to darkipliers side. “Grrrrr!!” she snapped at Marvin and barked. “ROOF ROOF ROOF GRRR!!!” “GIT THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!” Marvin tripped and fell. Chase came to help him up, as dark and anti laughed again  “don't worry she dont bite hahaha! Anti glitched. “Ugh why is one of the “ipliers” here? Chase looked at Dark with a disgusted look. That was to mean that the ipliers are Markiplier's egos. Anti looked over to Chase ignoring the comment he made to his friend Dark, “oh hello Chase- came to help your friend. Oh and how are those kids of yours  doing?? he smiled showing sharp teeth, making a smart comment back. “U-um that's known of your concern.” chase looked to the ground then for some reason he had a sense of courage come in him, he knew Anti wouldn't let him feel bad this time. , “you know- a-anti i think you should just shut the fuck up! Give Marvins wand  back now!” he yelled “oh sorry pretty boy didn't mean to hurt your little feelings hahaha!!” Anti and dark both laughed again.  Marvin stepped in front of Chase as if to protect him from Anti. “LEAVE HIM ALONE!” “or what?” Dark said with his eyebrow raised. Chase pushed through marvin. “Or we’ll call Henrik!” anti and dark laughed again Anti almost choking, “THAT BITCH DOCTOR CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!!” Anti screeched. “HE'S WEAK!!” Anti twitched.  Chase tried to say something but something was holding him back he was almost scared of Anti a little and didn't know why Marvin wasn't really even helping anyway.  Marvin then shoved chase “Stay out of this Chase!!” he looked at him with a mad look “don't make this already worse than it already is!” he almost looked like he didn't care if anti did anything he just wanted his wand back. “B-but Mar-” “GIVE ME MY WOND YOU FUCKIN IDIOTS! Marvin was yelling in Anti and darks faces cursing. “NOT TILL YOU GIVE ME MY KNIFE BACK YOU HAD TO OF TAKEN IT!!!!!” Anti glitched.  “I DID NOT!” they fought back and forth. Chase didn't know why Marvin didn't want to help him.. He felt like an outcast in this fight, as if he was a child and had to shut his mouth. I'm tired of Marvin he doesn't even care about how I feel... “ Chase thought. I miss Henrik.. He hasn't come back yet.. I wish he was here he would know what to say ...” 
Chase was lost in thought as he saw Anti push Marvin as if he  was trying to knock him on the ground. At that point Marvin was hissing and Anti was up in his face, this didn't look good. “GIVE ME MY KNIFE BACK OR I'LL TEAR YOUR THROAT OUT!!!! Anti growled spitting in Marvin face. “I SAID I DIDN'T TAKE IT ARE YOU DEAF!!!!!!” Marvin yelled louder “YOU FUCKIN LIER!!!” Anti yelled back with a high pitched voice cracking. Chase was covering his ears as now darkiplier even started to join in they were all yelling in eachothers faces all because of a fuckin wand and a knife! Chase seemed to become very angry and wanted to yell for them all to shut up but something stopped him- 
“SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!”  everyone looked up to see Henrik yelling at the top of his lungs, Chase was shocked to see him back.Mostly relieved.  Everyone's eyes widened. “What's going on!” Henrick looked at all of them. “U-um… “ Chase looked at him trying to tell him what happen when marvin pushed him and pointed to anti. “This bitch wont give me my wand back! He said.  Anti grumbled and screeched “he wont give  me my knife back!” Henrik looked at both of them with his arms crossed and he looked pissed. “Both of you give each others stuff back.. NOW! He said. Anti looked at Marvin smiling. “UGH!” Marvin growled, he pulled the knife out of his pocket in his cape. And held it up, with a disgusted face. “well ,well well. Hahaha.” Anti giggled he snached the knife out his hand. “Now give him his wand back” Henrik looked at him with a look. “What if I don't want to … doctor..?” he smiled. “NOW!” Henrik yelled as if anti was a child. “Fine” anti moaned. He took it out of his back pants pocket. “here … bitch” he cursed under his breath as he was going to hand it to him. Marvin went to get it from his hands when anti snatched it away as if he wouldn't let him have it. “Anti!” Henrik yelled. Then Marvin said  “give me it you fuckin brat!” he was trying to get it from antis hands when anti threw it at Marvin. “Here i didnt need it anyway. He cracked his neck and looked at dark and back at his knife. “At Least I have my precious knife back”  he smiled. Marvin rolled his eyes as chase picked the wand up that anti threw and handed it to him. Marvin snatched it from him and put it in his pocket. “Im sorry Henrik…” He looked up at him. “No.. don't be sorry! He said quickly, “these imbosolts should say sorry! “Now go to your room Chase” he said still angry.. Chase almost said no, but did as he was told and went. He felt as if even henrik was upset with him. He wiped his eyes and slammed the door. “Okay.. as for you Dark, you shouldn't even be here!” “I was leaving anyway..” he gave him a death stare and looked back at Anti and took chica and went. “Both of you go to your rooms i don't wanna see you for the rest of the night!” They quickly went to their rooms. “Vhat is vrong with everyone lately..” he went to chase's room which the door  was locked. “Chase?” he knocked on the door. Chase got up and opened the door and hugged Henrik. “Z-zhat was unexpected” he rubbed his hand on chases back and hugged back. “May  I come in” “y-yeh” chase said wiping his tears that just had fallen. They both sat on chases bed which had his dirty clothes on it. “vhats wrong Chase?” Chase knew he could tell him anything. “I-i called stacey about taking t-he kids to the Cringemas party b-but she said they didnt w-want to go-” Chase sucked in his snot and wiped his eyes. “H-ey- hey don't vorry about them just forget about vhat she zaid” Henrik put his  hand on his shoulder and held his hand. “B-but.. I just wanted to s-see them a- ag-ian.” tears came from chases  eyes and he hugged Henrik very tightly and cried in his white coat. “Shhh, Chase i'm here for you.. I promise.. You got to lizten to me now.” He rubbed his back trying to calm him down. “Forget about them”.... “th-ank you for helping me feel better… your a good d-doctor.  he looked at him and henrick wiped chases tears away. “For now on.. call me Henrik, i'm your best friend” he smiled. Chase blushed a little and cleaned his eyes and he calmed down. “What will I ever do without you” They both cuddled and finally fell asleep in eachothers arms.
“I really like writing this :D  Can't wait to do the next part! Teehee ^^”
Chase was on his bed on his laptop  looking at Jacksepticeye’s instagram. “Oh Jack.. why are you so happy and successful I have  to live in a house with these losers”.. "I have nothing to be thankful for." Chase pouted  to himself while looking at  pictures of jack, which he looked very happy in. It was very early in the morning he was up all night thinking about the kids and didn’t really have much sleep only when henrik got up to brush his teeth.  “*yawn*” Chase had to get up too, but didn't feel like it, so he put his laptop down and threw the sheet over his head and laid down.his eyes grew heavy and he soon closed them and went to sleep, When he heard his door open, “get your ass up!” said someone. The voice sounded like Jackieboyman, but chase ignored him.  “Go away” chase moaned. “Ok but i guess you don't wanna say goodbye to Henrik.” jackie ran out the room like a baby. “Wait what?!” Chase quickly rose up and looked around. “Jackie???” Chase got up and chased after jackie but then bumped into henrik on the way almost kissing . “Ow!” Chase shouted. “Henrik! You're still here!”   chase said blushing “zhere you are ! Oh and  zorry i didn’t see you coming ``Henrik said with a smile.  “Y-your leaving aren’t you.” Chase looked at him with worried eyes. “Yes.. I have to do my job you know I'm a doctor.” He said. “B-but i thought you don't work on Sundays that's not fair!” “I have sick patient i need to vorry about” “so you don't have to worry about what I'm going through.” Chase argued. “Of course I do!” Henrik reassured him. “I care about you more than anything chase, you just need to learn that i can't be here for you always.. You need to start taking care of your own problems.” Henrik said very calm. “Yes doctor..” chase felt kinda guilty now that Henrik had told him to deal with his own problems Chase didn't know how to do that. “Lizten you are young.. But itz time you take care of your responsibilities you underztand me?” “yeh..” Chase looked down at his feet in shame. “Im sorry” Henrik hugged him. Chase buried his face in heriks chest, he felt as if he was going for a long time.. He hated whenever he left he would always got into trouble or had to be alone all day. “Remember stay where Jackie can zee you, he will be watching you, ve dont vant you to get into trouble like you did last time.” “okay, okay i know” Chase said annyoed “I’ll be back zoon i promise.” Henrik grabbed his coat and put it on. “Bye..” “bye chase… and remember dont even think about your wife or the kids.” Chase didn't answer he just thought how boring the day would be with Jackie and Marvin. Then jackie ran  into the room while tripping with a coffee mug in his hand. “WAIT DOC!!” he yelled. “Oh yes, i need my coffee!" Henrik took the coffee and took a big sip. “Oh heeeeyyy Chase.” Jackie rubbed the top of chases head. “Oh and you forgot your hat.” he reminded Chase and he had his hat in his hand. “Ugh.. thanks.” Chase took his hat and put it on. “Im gonna make sure you dont do anything stupid haha!” jackie laughed.  “Oh i won't!” chase said with an attitude. “I'm going to my room” Chase left kinda pissed off. “Well bye doc.” “bye Jackie, make sure Chase doesn't feel too bad about me leaving,.” “sure” Jackie pushed Henrik out the door and slammed the door behind him. He quickly jumped to his feet happy that Henrik was gone. “OH MARVIN!!!” jackie yelled while running to jump onto the couch beside Marvin who had a bowl of popcorn. “What are we gonna watch?”Marvin asked putting popcorn in his mouth.  ‘SPIDERMAN!!!” jackie yelled “YES!” Marvin yelled back, putting his arm around jackie ready to watch the movie. 
Chase was in his room on his phone looking at Twitter. He then put it down and lay in his bed for a while thinking. Since Anti was out with Robbie and Jameson(two of antis closest friends in the house)  Chase didn’t  have anybody to hang out with. Besides Marvin and Jackie. Chase got up and went to check what they were doing. He crept to the living room and saw the both of them. It looked like they were playing?  “Haha stop!” Marvin giggled. Jackie was tickling marvin as Marvin threw popcorn at him. It looked like fun but Chase kinda wanted to keep watching.  Fools. Chase thought to himself as he watched them. Marvin was trying to push Jackie off the couch it looked like.  “Come on Marv!” Jackie laughed almost getting on top of marvin.”i just wanna play!”   “Hahahahaha!! Get off me you jackass!!” Marvin laughed and giggled Chase hadn't seen Marvin that happy before.”hahaha Marvin!” Marvin was still fighting him and Jackie was still playing. “Hahahaha! Jackie no! Haha! stop hahah please!. Marvin  kicked jackie's belly, still laughing. What the fuck are they doing? Chase continued to spy on the two as they wrestled. . “Come on say it Marvi!”  Jackie said laughing taking marvins mask off. “Don't you love me?” Jackie giggled. he kept tickling as he Marvin giggled too. “yeh! “ Marvin laughed even harder. “What was that? Come on say you love me haha!”  “Oh my god! Yes i love you jackie hahah!”  He kicked The bowl of popcorn which fell on the floor.making a huge mess.”how much!”  Jackie gave Marvin a kiss on the cheek. Marvins face was covered red. “I love you alot jackie.” Marvin stopped laughing and smiled at jackie. Chase noticed that he never actually saw marvins face before. But now it was kinda clear that Jackie and Marvin are in a relationship.   Their together?? but i didn't know that they were? Yuck! How did I not know? But why?. Chase thought. And oh my god marvins face looks so weird without a mask.  “OKOK STOP!” Marvin laughed harder. “Aww ok” jackie got off and laughed as marvin’s hair was messed up. “You look funny without your kitty cat mask on haha!” he giggled. “Fuck you!” Marvin pulled jackie's mask  and then let go of it as it hit his face with a smack. “OW!” jackie yelled.  “But ...You look cute without your mask too..” jackie said with a smile. “Oh..” marvin blushed again.   “Lets go check on Chase!” Marvin changed the subject. And jackie got up.  “Shit!” chase  whispered and ran to his room and quietly slammed the door. “Dude they're a couple!?” chase said to himself. “Wow.. and eww.” chase said.  Then chase remembered the time when he had a partner.. Stacy. Chase was lost in thought when Marvin opened the door. He had his mask back on, and jackie had a cup of water. “Chase we've come to check on you.  Jackie  said and handed him the cup of water. “Eww water?” “well isn't it better than drugs??” Marvin remind Chase smiling.  “but- “ chase whined. “Oh c'mon you know Doc doesn't let you have that shit!” jackie said. “We are trying to get you off that duhhh.”jackie said touching Chases nose as Chase looked at him disgusted.  “so what were you doing?” Marvin said. “Oh! I was er- on Youtube watching Jacksepticeye’s new video.” Chase lied. “Me and marvin were watching spiderman!”  Jackie lied as well. “what video was it?” Marvin asked Chase. “U-um.. The one about.-. Him playing a game!” Chase studdard and his face turned red. “Oh really can we see?” Jackie said curious.  Chase looked at them with a mad face. “Why don't you believe me!” “you think i'm doing something like… trying to kill myself?GEEZ!!” Marvin and jackie both looked at eachother "Jesus Christ no!!" Jackie said.  “No- no of course not!” Marvin said quickly. “We just are following doctors orders” jackie said. “Chase laid on his bed and threw a pillow at them   “get out!!” Chase screamed. “Chase!” Jackie picked the pillow up. “What's the matter?”  Chase was pretty upset.. Chase looked down at his feet thinking about the kids and what hnerik had said.  ignoring jackie. ”i said get your asses out!!” Chase yelled again. Marvin was kinda tired of Chases attitude he knew what he was thinking...  “Well it's not our fault your wife left you!”  Marvin said walking out the room. Chase looked up with wide eyes he couldn’t believe marvin would say something like that. He knew Chase  had depression about all of it. “Marvin!” jackie turned around to go after Marvin.  Chase got up and slammed the door behind jackie and locked it. He sat down and buried his face in his knees. “Chase?!” “ you didn't have to get so mad at us? And now you made Marvin mad just open the Goddamn door !” jackie yelled.  ‘NO!!” chase cried. “Please!” jackie said. But chase didn't answer. Chase looked up to here what jackie would say next, he never said anything. For a minute chase thought jackie left. “Jackie?” Chase checked. He didn't answer. Chase got up and looked through the crack in the door jackie was gone. With a sigh chase went and sat on his bed and drank the cup of water. “Yuck” he swallowed it, it tasted plain and gross. “Where did this come from the toilet.” with a sigh Chase laid it down on the table. He then got out his phone to call  Henrik.  “Pick up pick up!” He said hoping henrik wasn't too busy. When his phone rang a couple times he never answered. “God Damn it!”  Chase screamed in his other pillow. He thought that he would never have fun with jackie and marvin here they never wanted to do anything with him. Chase got up and opened his door and checked to see what they were doing again.
Marvin and Jackie were in the kitchen sitting at a table,  and it looked like they were sharing cookies and milk with each other. Jackie touched his nose on Marvins and looked into his eyes blushing.  “I love you Marvi…” Jackie said and then Marvin said “i love you” back  closing his eyes. Chase watched them “eww” chase whispered to himself. And walked away. “Fine if there gonna be to busy making love or something er- whatever- I'm outta here!” he whispered and then went and grabbed his hoodie and went quietly out the door.
“I ship Marvin and Jackie! Yay! ”
You Can Say It’s Just Jack Frost.
Chase walked the streets with his hoodie on his head with his hat on. It was freezing out there. “Brrr.” Chase shivered. “T-this i-is the r-right thing t-to do….” he said holding himself. “I gotta f-fi-nd s-somewhere t-to g-go.” Chase kept on walking he didn't even know why he left to start with. Even stupider that he didn't even take his car. “I-im s-such an idiot.” he closed his freezing eyes, it seems like it was going snow. He was thinking about going to Anti and the others for help.. But he just realized he didn't know where they went. “I-im gonna f-ffreeze to d-death!” chase said gritting his teeth. He came to some houses. He wanted to knock on them but didn't bother.. He remembered what Henrik told him. “Never approach strangers” he remembered. He pulled out his phone to call Anti. Surprisingly he picked up! “Hey chase!” Anti said, and he sounded happy? “H-hey A-Anti.” chase shivers.  “are you crying?” Anti said being mean. “N-n-o!” Chase tried to explain. “I-m c-c-old!” chase said. “Who cares.” Anti said annyoed “and why the fuck are you outside your gonna die!- Well i probably wouldn’t care.” anti said coughing. “W-what?” chase said not hearing Anti’s comment.  “W-hat are you e-even d-oing?” “were just hangin… wanna come i can get Jameson to come get you.” Anti said. “S-ur-” Chase almost said when he remmberd what Herik said. Don't trust anti.. Stay away from him.” The thought shivers through chases spine. He wanted to accept the offer so badly. “Comon Chase, you wanna hang with us… right?” Anti said trying to convince him. “Y-yes..” Chase said like a baby. “Then come on..”  “i-.. Ok…” “hahahaha” Anti giggled. “Ok wait somewhere Jamseson is coming. “O-ok..” Chase found a bench and sat down, scrubbing his hands togethor blowing in them to make him warm.  The  bench was really cold and icy on his bottom. “F-fuck t-its c-cold.!” chase said, wishing Jameson would hurry up. I don't even know why Henrik told me to stay away from Anti.. I trust him. Chase thought to himself.  I wonder how the kids are doing..” i wonder what Jackie and Marvin might think about all this.. If they find out i left im dead! “Well i might be dead if Jameson doesn't hurry his ass up!!” Chase yelled out loud as white fog came out his mouth. Suddenly a small white snowflake came down from the sky. “O-oh God..” Chase muttered.  And it landed on his nose  as it melted. Then came more and more.. It was snowing. “Brrr” chase shacked and freezed. “I-it's-sn-owing!” more and more snow fell as Chase began to freeze even more.what was Antis problem? Couldn't Jameson really take that long! soon minutes past. Chases hands were numb and he couldn't feel his legs anymore. Then what's even worse he had to pee. He couldn't talk either he was beginning to wonder if it was really worth leaving.. Or even trusting anti… He laid on the bench and covered himself with his hoodie “i….-i h-hav-ve t-o c-call H-hen-rik….” Chase said beginning to freeze. He forced himself to try to pick his phone out of his pocket and   then he turned it on.. It was almost frozen. But when he turned it on it died.. “N-no…” Chase looked in despair as his phone fell to the ground. He knew he probably wouldn't survive in this condition.  Chase took all his strength and threw himself  on the ground  and used his arms to drag himself through the snow. Then Chase realized.. Jameson never showed up...Anti lied to him…  As chase tried to pull .. he couldn't bear it much longer.. His eyes closed and tears filled his eyes… “i_im so-rry…. “ Chase then finally past out in the middle of nowhere freezing ..to death.
Counted how many times I say “even” in this story
The Doc Is On The Case
“Chase!” A voice shouted. “CHASE! GET UP!” The voice shouted again. Chase couldn’t get up.. He heard the voice and it sounded familiar. But couldn’t make out who it actually was. Then the person picked him up. And took him in his car. Where am i… and whos caring me.. Chase thought to himself. Chase heard whoever was saving him saying something. “Chase you’ll be ok! I promise just hold on! Stay with me!” The voice cried. Then chase tried opening his eyes he was too cold and he still was kinda frozen up. He felt a hand on his face it was really warm.. And felt a warm blanket go across his body. The car was warm too everything around was warming up. He finally could open his eyes. He saw the face of his most bestest friend..Henrik, first off he thought he was dreaming but he wasn’t it was a christmas miracle! “H-henrik..” “Chase!?” Henrik smiled and held chase’s hand. “Don’t vorry we'll be home before you know it..” Henrik cranked up the car and began to drive while Chase sat beside him bundled up in a blanket. “I-im.. sorry” Chase said sniffing.   “No don’t be… it's not your fault.” Henrik kept driving, since he was a doctor he knew what to do about Chase. As they drove Chase couldnt be more happier that Henrik was there he knew he would be ok.. “Thank you..” Chase began to fall asleep as he heard henrik say “your velcome.” in his beautiful german accent. Chase was actually warm inside and didn't want this moment to end. At home~  Suddenly chase woke up and he was placed in a warm bed. It was henriks bed. Maybe he wasn't placed in his own bed because it was a mess. Chase had been placed in an orange tank top and some sleep pants. “Henrik?” Chase said opening his tired eyes yawning. “Yes chase?” Henrik answers. “You're a lifesaver.” Chase laughed. “Oh no problem.” Henrik gave chase some coffee. Chase took a sip as the warm liquid taste on his taste buds were so delicious and warm. And he swallowed it, it was so much better than water! (speaking of gross) “Wheres Marvin and Jackie?” chase asked. “Oh those two troublemakers!” Henrik said. “I sent them to go get some groceries and some other stuff for you.” Henrik scratched his head. “But I can't believe they didn't notice you were gone.. I'm sorry this happened to you Chase.. I'll make sure they will regret doing that!” Henrik said in a mad voice. “No.. it was my fault.. They didn't let me go..” Chase sat up and put the coffee mug down. “I went on my own..” He finally said. “What? Why?”  “you never picked up your phone i called but you never answered. So I snuck out of the house and went to find somewhere else to go…``''oh chase! Why.. you almost killed yourself…” and then henrik just realized what he said.. Chase usually  wanted to do that! “Chase it's not your fault.. I'm sorry I didn't pick up the phone, I was probably with a patient. “So why didn't you ask someone for help? When i found you you were laying in the ground bundled up.” Henrik explained. “I-i called Anti.. He said he would get Jameson to come pick me up-” chase was interrupted by Henrik “and the bastard never showed!” Henrik shouted not believing what he was hearing. “Y-yes…” Chase knew he shouldn't have brought Anti up.. “I told you to stay away from Anti!” henrik said angrily. “Im sorry.. I couldnt help it i was freezing!” Chase augured back. “Why did you let him get into your head!” “I didn't know!?..” Chase said confused. Then right when henrik was going to say another comment Jackie knocked on the door. “Hello??” “doc are you in there?’ Jackie said. Henrik got up and opened the door seeing Marvin with a bowl of soup and jackie with a blanket. “ come in.” henrik said kinda still mad at Chase. They both came in and looked at Chase. “Well you sure do look warm.” Marvin said sitting the soup on the table. “Yeh..” chase was almost feeling  guilty Marvin Jackie and Henrik were both trying to help chase for something he did wrong.. This was all his fault. Jackie sat down next to chase putting the blanket over his feet. “There ya go.” jackie smiled. “Um.. thanks? Your not mad at me for leaving? 
Jackie looked up at Chase with a confused look. “Of course im mad!” Jackie said. “Yes chase we all are mad at you!” Henrik said. “Oh…” Chase looked down and closed his eyes shut.. He really couldnt believe they all were mad at him.. But he did think that henrik wasnt that mad.. After all he was upset because of Anti. Henrik to a deep breath. “Chase we don't actually blame you.. This could happen to anyone.”  Henrik said trying to be calm. “I know.. But I'm the one that listened to Anti.” “Anti?” jackie said looking surprised. “Yeh Anti told Chase that jameson will pick him up and bring him, but he never showed.” Henrik explained. “Oh that's tough!” jackie said. “Im gonna get that jackass!” Jackie said. “Wow calm down.. No ones messing with Anti.” Marvin reminded Jackie. Jackie got up and put his hoodie on his head “no worries i'm a superhero did you forget?” He bragged holding up his fists. “Sit your ass down!” Henrik said. Pulling on Jackie's hoodie.  “Whatever!” jackie sat down beside Marvin who was sitting near Chase who was getting kinda annoyed that everyone was sitting on his legs. “Guys? Can i have some space?” Chase said with an annoyed face. “Um no  i see that your better now. Did you think you were sick?” “yeh cmon get up its my turn!” jackie pulled on Chase's arm jumping on the bed. “Dude what the fuck! Get off!” chase yelled. “C'mon we want some attention too!” Marvin pulled the blanket off of chase. “What no!” Chase pulled the blanket from marvin and stuck his tongue out at him. “ very immature chase.” Henrik said. Chase looked at him with a stupid face. jackie laughed and  jumped on Chase and was trying to push him out the bed. “Cmon me and Marvin cooked cookies lets go!” Marvin got out of the bed and went with henrik in the kitchen. “Don’t you want to finish your soup?” jackie sat down in front of chase. “No.. I hate soup. Chase pouted. Jackie pulled chase’s hat over his face."aww Chase you hate everything!" "Well.. Soup taste like shit!" Chase whined again. “Then let’s go eat those cookies before they do!!!” jackie jumped off the bed and ran out the door. Chase rolled his eyes and went after him.  
Dr. Scheeplestien saved the day.. Hey i thought jackie was the superhero! XD
Not Gonna Reach My Telephone
Chase was in the kitchen with Robbie eating some cereal which was from Halloween and it was gross too. Chase was eating some sour patch kids cereal, which was probably gross too . “Mmm!” Robbie said crunching loudly. “Eww how can you eat that stuff!” Chase said disgusted. “Robbie is on box. ” Robbie said pionting at the box. Since robbie didn’t know how to talk properly he didn't really know much. So he kinda sounded weird when he talked.”this is robbie's favorwite cereal. Robbie said sticking his tongue out.   “but why are you eating it its too old.” “your a meanie Chase, it Halloween duh.” Robbie said acting like Chase was the dumb one. “Whatever.” Chase said putting another spoon full in his mouth. “ how are eating that shit?” Robbie said looking over in Chases bowl. “Because I saw it on a commercial duhhhh.” Chase said back at robbie who was slurping down his milk. Like a pig.Then Marvin came walking in with his eyes looking tired.  “Hey guys.” Marvin sat down beside them yawning.  “Chase why did you put sour patch kids in your cereal?” “this is my cereal!” Chase said laughing. Then Robbie started laughing as Chase had a milk mustache. “Haha you look like Jameson hahaha!” Robbie laughed pionting at Chase.  Chase wiped his mouth with his sleeve. “Pass me the milk.” Marvin asked   “ill help!” Robbie offered to help, so he grabbed the milk with one hand which his hand sipped and the jug of milk  accidentally dropped and the milk poured it all over the floor “oopsies!!” Robbie said slipping on the floor falling on the floor on his bottom. “Owie!!” Robbie cried. “Robbie!” Marvin looked at him disappointed. “Are you ok?!” chase went to help him up. Marvin rolled his eyes and help dry up the milk. “Im stupid…” robbie whined. “No your not… i fall on my ass all the time haha..” Chase laughed embarrassed. “Hahaha tanks chase.” Robbie hugged him and chase shrugged. “You really should be more careful Robbie.” Marvin looked at him crossing his arms. "Fuck off!" Robbie said sticking his tongue out. "Um. Robbie you do know who your talking to?" Chase said. Marvin smiled and rubbed the top of Robbie's head. "Its okay robbie." "Okay! In that case! Here ya go!" Robbie yelled and was slumbling to pour some milk in a cup and handed it to Marvin. "Er- eww- thanks." Marvin looked at it and snatched it away from Robbie. "Jesus.." Chase said being annoyed at both of them, but more of Marvin. "Marvin why don't you go shit in a litter box!" Chase said taking the cup from him. Robbie laughed and cleaned the rest of the milk up. "Oh go cry in a corner!" Marvin said back. Chase looked at him with a death stare, kinda concerned. "Go make out with Jackie! Hahaha!" Chase said back making Robbie laugh. "WHAT! HAHAHAHAHA!!! MARVIN X JACKIE!" Robbie yelled spitting out his milk pointing. Marvin's face was turned flush  red under his mask.. He was really embarrassed. "U-um-" Marvin studdard blushing. "Fuck you guys!" Marvin said running out the room almost knocking over a chair. Chase sticked his tongue out. "Yeah! run scaredy cat! Ha!" Chase laughed Robbie laughed harder enjoying Chases company like he always did. Chase was a good friend maybe because Anti is close to Chase and that makes Robbie like Chase. Chase stopped laughing and realized who he was with. He remembered what Anti did to him.. Leaving him in the cold like that other night on purpose.. Chase obviously needed to deal with the problem. "H-hey.. Robbie can you do me a favor?" Chase said sitting straight in his chair. Robbie looked up with a confused face. "What?" Robbie looked in Chase's ocean blue eyes. Chase kinda didn't know how Robbie was gonna react because he was so young but Chase had to know for some reason. "Um… I need to talk to you okay?" Chase said acting like Robbie was a baby. "Ok… " Robbie's voice sounded weak and it cracked. "Where were you last night?" Chase said trying to sound calm. He didn't want to argue with Robbie after all. "We went to..  place where to sleep." Robbie explained in a quiet voice.  "Oh so when you mean we you mean JJ and Anti and you?" Chase asked. "Yeah duhh " Robbie answers sitting up straight. "Do u know where you were??.. I mean what did u do?" "We went and  eat pizza Robbie's favorite!" Robbie said with a happy smile.. Chase looked at him smiling and maybe thought Robbie was gonna be easy to talk to. "Um.. So where did u go to sleep?" "Anti calls it apartment? But we went to sleep there Robbie have no sleep..I hate it there" Robbie pouted. "Yeah.. You missed it here huh?" Robbie didn't answer instead he got up to put the milk up. "Why are we talking again?" Surprisingly Robbie said that plain and simple. Chase just said it out loud. "Why did Jameson never show up?" Robbie yawned and looked at chase. "What?" Robbie said. Chase groaned and got up and walked over to Robbie grabbing him. "Dude! It's not that hard just tell me why Anti lied to me?!" Robbie's eyes widened. "Anti lied?" Chase face palmed himself. "Didn't u know about what happened?" "Nope??" Robbie said sounding dumb. "OH MY GOD! U FUCKIN IDIOT!" chase accidentally said out loud. Henrik came in the room looking confused. "Chase?!?!" He shouted which made chase jump. "Zhat are you doing to that poor child!" Henrik came and shoved chase off Robbie. "Were talking about Anti!" Robbie blurted out. Chase looked at Robbie and then towards Henrik . "well… why don't you just head on to bed Robbie I'll deal with chase here." Robbie went walking limp.  "Chase.. Please don't tell me you vere talking about vhat happen?" "I-i'm sorry… I just wanted to know why." Chase looked up at Henrik. "Oh chase… I know your young and curious about different things.. But you know how Anti is.. " Henrik took his finger and put it on chases chin and lifted his head, looking him in the eyes. Chase kinda blushed. "I know.." "As we all know we don't know what Anti is planning or anything.. He can be bad at times and good at times." Henrik shrugged. "Don't start trouble.. Its already bad enough that you have to deal with Stacy and the kids.. I don't need you making more things happen that's not your concern. " "anti is the least of your problems is vhat I'm saying" Henrik said with a very calm voice. He was very concerned for Chases safety. "I know you're trying to make me stay away from him.. But it seems like I can trust him." "Yeh and see where you ended up.. " Henrik reminded. Chase let out a sigh. Thinking of a way to make Henrik not make at him. "Please understand.." Henrik touched chases shoulder.   "I do.." Chase smiled a little. "Forget about what happen it doesn't matter don't let him get into your head.." Henrik kept trying to talk some sense into his best friend. "Its like I have to forget about a lot of things.." Chase clenched his eyes shut. "I wanna be able to trust that you take my words seriously chase.. I'm not playing this time. I gave you your varning" Henrik said with a concerned voice. "Your a young boy chase.. With a lot to learn, I'm telling you if you don't change your life you'll end up in a situation you'll regret happening." Henrik kept talking fluiding chases mind with different thoughts which he totally didn't care to hear why should I listen to a doctor.. I mean he's my best friend. Its where to the point, I can't control it any longer…. Chase interrupted Henrik. "Fine.. I'll work things out with Stacy.." Chase finally said. Henrik looked up surprised. "Oh chase that's wonderful!" Henrik smiled. "Or maybe you should go to her house and work things out?" Henrik said. Chase really didn't think that was a good idea last time he went to see her they had a fight. "Um.. Maybe.." Chase said finally still thinking.  Henrik took his phone out his pocket and gave it to chase to call her. Chase looked up and smiled "ok." He took the phone and hugged Henrik very tightly and put his face in his chest. "Thanks again..". Henrik let out a sigh and looked down to see chases happy face in his warm chest. Henrik didn't answer he just was proud Chase felt safe.  
Time skipped ~ Chase went in his room and sat on his bed cracking the door so no one would barge in.  Chase dialed Stacy's number. Number by number Chases heart raced. He didn't know how she was going to react He didn't talk to her in awhile. He really missed her…oh maybe she wont answer.. I mean- I want her too.. After all i'm sure we can work something out? Right? Ugh what am i thinking its stacy!
Then chase shot up when he heard a tempered voice. He was glad to hear. “Oh it’s you Chase what do you want?” Stacy said in a mean voice. She almost sounded like Marvin when he got annoyed with Chase. Chase gulped. He stood there for like 10 seconds staring at his phone. “I know it's you Chase pick up your damn phone!” Stacy yelled. “W-what!? S-stacy??” Chase said quickly. “Oh come on what do u want, you better not have a stupid exuscuse to want me back its not happening. Stacy said. “No! That's not it! I.. i just wanna ask you something.” Chase tried to say calm. “Fine it better not be something dumb like begging to me about some stupid shit.” Stacy didn’t seem at all happy that Chase was on the phone. “Im sorry.. Just please don’t hang up.” Chase begged. “If you were sorry you'll be a great father and a great husband.” Stacy said with an attitude. “I-im sorry stacy please let me just talk to the kids.. And i promise i would be a good father..” “how can i take you seriously when all you do is drink!” “i stopped that!” chase said getting mad. “You make me sick chase. The kids don't want an alcoholic for a father! And I don't want a looser for a husband.” “stacy.. I'm sorry!” “you already said you were sorry!” Chase couldnt believe what he was hearing he never thought stacy would be this mad at him. “Please! I'll do anything to see them.. Can we just work things out.. “ Chase pleaded. “And dont bring up that stupid party i already said they don't care to go.” “n-no.-” Chase tried to explain. “The kids don't want anything to do with you right now chase..” Stacy said. Chase stopped for a second.. He just wanted to cry but didn't because stacy would just beat him down for that too.. “Stacy.. Why..” 
“No chase! I'm sick of your bullshit if you don't want to get your life together, so be it.. Your not gonna see the kids again!” Stacy said pissed off. Chases heart just felt like it sank.. He was crushed for the fact that stacy would say such horrible words.. Tears started to fill his eyes. His stomach felt like it had a stone inside it. “Wh-hat…” Chases voice cracked with tears rolling down his cheeks. “You heard me, don't speak to me again or I will be calling the law on you!
“Goodbye!!!” Stacy went to hang up when chases phone slipped as he caught it in time. Holding it close to his ear. “W-wait!! Just let them stay only on the weekend??!!-” Chase quickley studdard but it was too late Stacy hung up…. “Stacy!? Stacy??- …. Im.. sorry.” Chase clenched his eyes  shut as tears kept falling down his cheeks. He threw his phone at the wall.. He was truly broken inside.(actually the phone is xD) Chase laid on his belly sobbing in his pillow as hard as he could. 
He cried for a long time only when he heard the door squeak. “GO AWAY!!” Chase sobbed harder at the person at his door. But nobody answered. Chase thought it was someone just playing. “DID YOU HEAR ME I SAID G-” Chase rose up and stopped when he saw Jameson standing at his door with a scared look. Chase wiped  his nose and eyes. “Jameson.. It's only you..”(here's where it gets boring -_-) Jameson nodded and sat beside chase with a warm welcoming smile. Jamseon was a mute so he needed to do hand gestures. What's wrong? Jameson hand signaled. “I called stacy.. It didn't go..so well.” Chase told JJ  telling him everything. Im sorry. Jameson wished he could just talk and tell chase how he really felt about all this but it wasn't really easy to do hand gestures. “Oh sorry do u need something to write on.” Chase went under his bed and pulled on a whiteboard and a marker handing it to Jameson. Jameson bowed his head thanking chase. Jameson wrote on the broad. Chase i'm sorry that has happened to you, but you shouldn't let someone get the best of you.. Listen  no ones perfect.. That's why pencils have erasers..  Jameson wrote and then he looked up and shrugged. No i actually need an eraser!  Jameson smiled. Chase kinda giggled and gave him an eraser. Chases eyes were still watery so Jameson gave him a handkerchief out of his pocket. “Thanks..your a good friend.. Better than everyone else could be to me...” Chase smiled. It's gonna be ok Chase i promise.  Jameson hugged Chase as he saw the tears coming back, it was hard to keep it together because he seemed like such a baby and he still thought of life without the kids now.. Jameson was worried for his friend he just wanted to cheer him up. “I-i miss them..” chase sobbed. I know. Jameson said that time with his mouth movement. You know chase.. It takes a real man to cry in front of another ... Jameson wrote that and chase was kinda cheered up by it. “Oh jameson what will i ever do without someone like you..” Chase hugged tighter making jameson hug more. (Jesus christ) They sat there awhile. Wow… JJ sure did help me calm down.. Now i kinda feel bad for blaming him for leaving me in the cold. Chase knew that things were not over between him and the kids, he knew it.
Stacy is a bitch! Lol but the next part is kinda stupid XD
This is based on the song telephone by lady gaga.
Hurts Like Hell 
  Jameson went and chase was still laying in his bed.and Meanwhile  He got up and was looking in his drawer for his phone. He completely forgot that he through it somewhere. He searched through and came across a photo of him and the kids. It was the one where they went to DisneyLand together.. Chase looked at the photo.. Wishing that he could change the past.. But he can't. “Why did this have to happen to me.. I'm such an idiot..”  “stacy's right.” Chase looked down at it. “Right about what?” Jackie shoved the door open hitting the wall. “Dude whats your fuckin problem?!” Chase got up. “What are you doing??” jackie smiled. “Nothing get out of my room.” Chase just wanted to be alone right now besides he was already mad enough about stacy. “Oh please just tell me, hey! What's this” jackie took the photo from Chase. “Give that back!!!” Chase yelled. “Ohhhh your kids.” “jackie! Im not in the mood for your bullshit give me the picture!” Chase struggled to get it back. Jackie grinned. “Hey, Chase were you on the phone with Stacy?” Chase looked up how did you know!!?!” Chase was getting frustrated. “I was kinda looking in on you.” Jackie said. “Why the fuck are you trying to get in my business!!” “why were you trying to get in my business?!” jackie looked at him mad. Chase stopped and looked at him. “What the fuck are you talking about?” 
Jackie looked at chase and then at the picture. “What r u doing??” Chase looked at jackie concerned. Jackie quickly took the picture and ripped it apart throwing it to the ground. “NO!” chase shouted picking them up.”WHAT THE FUCK??”  “YOU WERE SPYING ON ME AND MARVIN WEREN'T YOU?! YOU KNOW EVERYTHING AND YOU TOLD EVERYONE!” "LIKE CANT I HAVE A LIFE WITHOUT YOU GETTING IN THE WAY!?  Jackie surprisingly yelled out loud. “W-what?” chase remembered that.. Was he not suppose to know? “DONT PLAY STUPID CHASE! WHY DONT U MIND UR OWN BUSINESS!” jackie yelled at him.chase was getting really mad.  “WHO FUCKIN CARES IF YOUR DATING THAT BITCH ANYWAYS!” chase shouted back. Marvin walked in the room he looked mad too. “Don't talk to him like that!” marvin said. “Why are you loving your own person?! Thats stupid!” Chase said." Your disgusting! "  At this point it was kinda turning into a fight. “SHUT UP CHASE SINCE WHEN DO U HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT?? IT'S NOT LIKE ANYONE LOVES YOU!” jackie was really angry, chase's face was shot with anger as well."SHUT UP!"  “You cant even take care of yourself!?” “yeh your the stupid one! Now i know why your wife didnt want you!” “THATS NOT WHY SHE LEFT ME!!” “ohh then why did she?” Marvin said with a smart comment. Chase looked at Marvin  and jackie with a death stare wishing that he couldt just punch those two right in the mouth. “YOU TWO DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW I FEEL!” “YOU DONT KNOW HOW IT FEELS!” Chase raged. “OF COURSE WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FUCKIN LIFE THATS NOT OUR PROBLEM!” Marvin yelled. “WHY DONT U GO CRY YOURSELF ASLEEP LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO CHASE??” Jackie yelled. Chase never knew that he would get in a fight with them.they were one of his true best friends. “THAT'S ALL THAT YOUR EGO IS GOOD FOR CRYING!  ALL DAY YOU  CRY ABOUT SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EVEN  WANT YOU!” At that point robbie and jameson were at the door watching the fight. “ALL YOU TALK ABOUT IS STACY! SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU FOR THE LAST GODDAMN TIME!” “ SHE MAY NOT CARE ABOUT ME… BUT ATLEAST I HAVE A HEART!”the fight went back in forth. “I FUCKIN HATE THIS PLACE DO YOU THINK I WANNA SPEND MY LIFE WITH EVERYONE HERE! OF COURSE NOT!” Chase was talking over Marvin and jackie now they actually stopped to shut up. “NO ONE EVER CARES ABOUT HOW I FEEL! ITS NOT FUCKIN FAIR… I WISH I WAS DEAD!” chase got so loud now.. All the egos came in the room. That even everyone stopped to here what he had to say now . And chase was even crying too. “I HATE EVERYONE IN THIS GODDAMN WORLD! “But chase..” robbie began to say but Anti shook his head no to shut him up. “EVERY FUCKIN DAY I PRAY TO GOD THAT MY CHILDREN COME THROUGH THAT FUCKIN DOOR...BUT THEY NEVER DO BECAUSE MY ASSHOLE WIFE IS KEEPING THEM AWAY FROM ME!.. “AND I CRY EVERYDAY LIKE A FUCKIN LITTLE BITCH!” “DO YOU THINK MY LIFE IS SIMPLE! “ "I SHOULD JUST  KILL MYSELF! MAYBE THAT WILL FINALLY GET YOUR ATTENTION!!!" Henrik was staring at chase with tears in his eyes.. Everyone was.. Even Anti had to say.. He kinda felt bad for him. “I'M DONE WITH ALL OF YOU!” chase finally said wiping his tears away.”chase.. No..” Henrik pleaded. Chase didn't even bare looking at Henrik he just walk off pushing henrik pass him. Chase went out the door.  “What’s gonna happen to chase..” robbie said. “Well.. he’ll be back.” Anti said with his arm around robbie. Henrik picked the photo up. “Poor chase..” “i-im s-sorry doc…” Jackie looked to the ground upset. “I know you are jackie… I know….” 
When chase said Marvin didn't have a heart- well he does on his forehead XD lol this chapter was long..-_-
"Mommy.. When is daddy coming back.." The kids were really upset they haven't seen their father in a month.. Stacy looked at her little girl. "I'm sorry honey.. But he isn't coming back.." Stacy forced herself to say. She knew she was lying to her own kids but she obviously didn't seem to care. "W-why..?" The little boy said. "Oh he doesn't want you guys anymore.he said that he didn't want to see you ever again." Stacy told the kids in a lie. "But Daddy loves us doesn't he?" Their voices sounded soft and muffled. Chase was desperate to see his kids that's the only thing he wanted. "I'm sorry kids he just doesn't have time for you.. But hey, it's better than not having no parents at all." Stacy hated her ex and couldn't see that he only wanted to change what he done in the past. Stacy was frustrated with his foolish choices.  Since he had been doing drugs about some time she can't trust him around her own children. "Now. I don't wanna hear you talk about him no more ok?". They both looked at their mother believing her . " yes mam." She hugged them both smiling.
~Meanwhile…   Jackie was getting some breakfast while thinking of what happened the other day. He couldn't believe that Chase wasn't coming back.. It was coming to the point where Chase might of left for good. Henrik came in the kitchen and saw Jackie staring off in the distance. "Jackie?" Henrik walked over to his friend to see if he was okay. Jackie seemed upset Henrik never seen him like this before. "Henrik.. Hey"  "What.. U doin?" Henrik said . he's probably worried about Chase. Even Henrik was sure of that everyone was starting to worry about Chase because he hasn't come back this morning. "I-its all.. My fault.."Jackie finally said in a baby voice.  Henrik looked up in shock. "What? No, no it's not your fault Jackie.." Henrik went to grab his shoulder.  Jackie around to face him. "Chase is gone… and it's all my fault!…" "Don't blame yourself He's gonna come back.." Henrik wasn't sure about that though. "If I have never been such a selfish bitch..He would have... still been here.." Jackie looked at the ground holding a cup of milk in his hands. "How is it your fault?? You couldn't have known chase was gonna storm out like that!" "Well who started the fight!" Jackie looked into the doctor's eyes looking really worried. "Jackie… please don't blame yourself.. I know Chase is probably.. Gone.. -look Chase was mad okay? Henrik studdard to say.. He loved Chase like more than a patient but as a brother of course he wasn't letting this get to him fast. " Why even bother talking some sense into me.. I'm the reason he's not coming back! What if… -what .. If Chase does something bad.. What if he trys to commit suicide again!." Jackie studdard hard where to the point he was trembling. Henrik was too. "Don't say that!!! He's gonna come back.. I know he is" "how do you know- Oh don't tell me.. Because your a Doctor.." Jackie said with a whacky voice. "I'm your friend Jackie stop blaming yourself!!" "Okay.. So what.. Chase can just never come back.. We're never gonna see him again!" Henrik looked at Jackie with a face that scared jackie, "ughh stop Jackie! I'm not gonna deal with someone that is gonna keep beating their self down for something that wasn't their fault!" Henrik's accent was sounding strong now. "Well… At least not ..again" Henrik cracked his neck and scratched his head gathering his thoughts. Jackie still looking at him worried."I don't know.. Everything I did was wrong.."  Henrik took a deep breath. And grabbed Jackie making him jump.   The cup dropped to the ground shattering.  "Listen.. Chase was wrong, to leave out mad...You were wrong to tour that photo… And Marvin was wrong to even join in in the fight.. Ands what made it worse…We were all wrong to just watch as chase was defending himself.. We could of stopped him …. But we didn't-" Henrik's eyes grew watery. He only cried when something really was sad to him.. He had a job.. And it seemed like a failed his patients. "Are you okay doc?" Jackie "y-yeh.." He said wiping his tears. "Look it's been a long year.. It's almost Christmas.. We all need to fix our mistakes, Now we need to hope that chase is gonna be okay, ok?" "Yes doc.. I mean. Henrik" Jackie smiled a little. "And don't let Chase tell you anything about love.. You and Marvin are fine together.." Henrik smiled back. Jackie sighed sadly. "Looks like its gonna be a depressing December after all huh?" Jackie Shrugged changing the subject. "I guess.." Henrik was uneasy he couldn't understand why Jackie was so at edge.. He never seen him like that. Maybe it is just the season, But season or not.. Chase was still out there.. And Henrik was gonna find him. 
Marvin just came out of the bathroom from doing his business when jackie came jumping in front of him. Marvin almost wet his pants again (lol i make no sense XD) “jackie!?” Marvin screamed. “Heyyyy Marv!” Jackie smiled happily. “You fuckin scared me!” Marvin took a breath. “Geez!” “oops sorry, hey can i talk to you?” Jackie asked. “Ok, it better not be long i gotta help decorate the tree.” Marvin and jackie sat on the couch Anti and jameson were helping decorate the tree.. Mostly jameson, Anti hated to. Robbie was there caring the star which was to heavy for him.  “So, what's up?” Marvin quickly asked. “Im very worried about Chase.. I dont think hes coming back.” jackie said. “Well.. I'm sure he will, i mean he's probably not gonna survive out there by himself.” Marvin told him. “I was afraid you'd say that..” Marvin took his hand and placed it on jackie's leg. “Don't overthink it, Chase is smart enough to come back.” “we yelled at him..pretty badly..” Marvin sighed at jackie's comment. “What are we gonna do?” “since i started the fight.. And ripped the picture.. I'll go find him.” “no!” marvin cried. “Don't go out there alone im coming with you..i love you.” Marvin said. “I love you too Marv.. but i think chase was kinda more mad at you.” jackie laughed a little. “Excuse me??” mavin said. “Let me go by myself.” “fine, just take someone with you.” marvin said with a smile. “Ok bye love you.” jackie kissed marvins cheek with marvin blushing. As jackie was leaving he bumped into Robbie. “Ow!!” robbie said falling down. “Hi jackie!” jackie helped him up. “Be careful geez.” “where going?” Robbie asked. “None of your business.” jackie pushed him. “Why?” robbie said. “Huh?” jackie didn't understand what he meant. “But i want come- I mean to- I WANT TO COME” “haha what?” Jackie laughed. “Ughhh i want to come with you!” Robbie shouted trying to sound normal. They both busted out laughing. “Whatever who cares!” Robbie said giggling. “So can i??” “no.” jackie stopped laughing. “Whyyyyyy.” Robbie whined. “It's too dangerous, im sorry but your a kid.” “i'm no kid! I'm a man!” Robbie said putting his hand on his chest. “Who cares what you are i'm going to find chase.” Jackie laughed. “Oh. i miss chase.” robbie said upset. “Dont worry ill bring him back.” jackie got down on his knees and looked at robbie. “Ok.. bye jackie.” robbie hugged him. “Bye robbie make sure to tell the others and make sure to leave an ornament for me to hang on the tree.” “okie buh bye!” robbie waved as jackie got up and went to the kitchen. Jackie was sure that he would find Chase.. He probably was at Stacy’s??? Jackie wasn't sure actually. Jackie bumped in henrik on way while spilling henriks eggnog on his turtleneck sweater. “Jackie! That was a new sweater!” “ow! I keep bumping into people today everyone is so in a rush.” jackie said helping him. “Their not the only ones.. Where you off to?” Henrik said with one eyebrow raised. Jackie sighed and looked up at the doctor. He knew he couldnt get away with it. “I'm gonna try to find Chase..” Jackie finally said. “Oh… well.. I'm sure your not going alone. Are you?” Henrik asked wanting to go with him. Jackie smiled and patted dhenrik on his arm. “Oh doc of course you can come.” Jackie said answering Henriks question. “Oh ok. Let me get my jacket and change.” Henrik said walking away. “Ok i'll clean this up..” jackie rolled his eyes and started to clean the eggnog. ~Time Skip~ “ok lets go. I'll take the car you coming?” Henrik said getting in his car. “HA! I'm a superhero i can fly!” Jackie bragged putting his hoodie on. “Hmm? Ok.” Henrik cranked up his car and began to leave. And jackie just walked. (he couldnt fly XD) ~While on the way.~ “CHASE!! WHERE ARE YOU!” Jackie jumped rock to rock. He ran through the woods trying to find his friend. “Ugh where are you..” ~Meanwhile~ Henrik kept trying as the window was down he looked yelling chases name over and over. “CHASE!!!” Henrik cried. “Come on.. Where are you?” Henrik whispered. “I will find him if i have to search all night.. I will.”(he never did XD)  ~Meanwhile, Again.~ “CHAAAAAAAAASE!” jackie yelled in a tree. “Damn it.” jackie sighed. “What have I done... “ ~10 Hours passed~ it was getting dark and the doctor and the superhero still haven't found Chase.. They both called each other to head back to the Septiceye house and continue the search tomorrow. But still somewhere out there Chase was alone.. 
(Hey guys, when i was Roleplaying this i thought of Chase singing the song Let Me Make You Proud :D so that’s what he does. Ok back to the story.)
Let Me Make You Proud | Music Video | Tangled: The Series 
Chase was determined to get away from everyone as soon as possible, especially marvin and jackie.  The wind blew and it felt really nice outside. Not hot or cold. Chase thinked that he wouldn't be able to find somewhere else to go but also..He never had a fight withMarvin and Jackie  before  that bad.. And chase never felt that made since his last fight with stacy.. He thought Jackie and Marvin were his best friends.. He just didn't wanna think about them right now.. Chase was really mad mostly crushed cause of the words he said to them… it all came back to him. I wish i was dead.. If i kill myself that will get their attention.. I'm done with all of you… Chase clenched his eyes shut a shiver came threw his spine. He soon grew tired of walking. And the winds blew through his hair. He sighed and just looked around to see all the houses. He looked around for somewhere to sit but didn't see any place. He turned around to hear a noise from off the distance. “What the-?” He started to walk over and see. “Who wants ice cream!!” A cheerful voice said. Chase looked to see a man with vibrant blue hair, blue, white, and pink checkered shirt, a blue-and-white soda jerk hat, and a simple white apron. He was pulling an ice cream cart and a sign that said “ get your icecream 50 bucks!’ Chse watched with his hands in his PMA hoodie pockets. The man  looked very happy and had a big smile across his face.  Chase wonders why no one was showing up? Usually everyone wanted ice cream! Then finally a mom and her little girl showed up. The man looked at them with a smirk showing his teeth.”my names mad mike wanna bite!” He winked at the little girl and her mom.  “I GOT SOME ICE CREAM!” he shouted at them. “Mommy momy! I want icecweam!!” The little girl jumped up and down tugging at her moms coat. Chase kept on watching and couldnt believe how much it reminded him of his own little girl. “Okay honey one ice cream please.” “OF COURSE!!!!” Mad mike said. He pulled one out of his ice cream cart. “That will be 50 bucks!” He said handing to the little girl. “What???” the woman told him. “Thats too much i cant afford that!” She looked at him with a mad face. “Oops did i say 50 i mean 500.” He smarted off. “Excuse me??” “FUCK IT IT'S FREE!” He started to give the ice cream to the girl  and laughed. The woman looked at him with wide eyes. “Hurry up and eat it honey.. This guy is weird.” she whispered in her daughter's ear. “Okie mommy.” Mad mike looked at her and bit his lip. She gave the icecream a huge lick, and then suddenly her face scrunched up in disgust. “EWWWWWW!!!!! TISth TATHSSS BAD!! The little girl shouted sticking her tongue out. The ice cream dropped to the ground. “It's good for you.. Yummy drugs!” Mad mike said happily. “WHAT!!!!???”” The woman shouted with an angry face. Mad mike got another icecream out the cart. “HERE HAVE ANOTHER!” “NO! I DON'T WANT IT!” The little girl shrieked. As her mom hugged her. “EAT THE ICECREAM YOU LITTLE SHIT!! IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!” He shoved it in her face making it spladder. The little girl started crying loudly “MOMMMYYYY!!!” she shouted. Her moms face grew with anger. “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!” The woman got up and slapped him right in the jaw. Mikes face turned red and he rubbed his cheek. Then out of nowhere a man came it looked like the woman's husband. “Leave my wife and daughter alone!” He said angrily at mike. Mike grew of shock and gulped. “S-sir.. Want some ice cream hehe..” He said beginning to walk away. THe man took hold of his apren and cursed in his face. “YOU CAN TAKE THAT ICE CREAM AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKIN ASS!” He said picking him up. Mad mike didn't say anything instead he nodded very quickly as the man let go dropping him to the ground. “Lets go sweety she picked up her daughter and went with her husband as he stepped on the ice cream his daughter had just dropped. Chase looked at the family in shock. “Thanks babe” The woman kissed her husband. And they all went home with mad faces.  Chase looked at them with sad eyes wishing that was him and stacy.. Then he also began to walk away shoving the thought away he quickly walked so that he didn't have to be caught in any business with that guy… when out of nowhere someone grabbed his hat. “What the f-” Chase turned around to see Mad Mike standing in front of him. They both looked in each others wide  eyes. And surprisingly they both said at the same time.. “Do I know you?” 
(this is where the shit gets real!)
“U-um.. hello..” Chase awkwardly said with his face turning red. ”hmm you look really familiar..“   Mike said squinting his eyes. “You too… “ Chase said with a calm voice. “Hmm?? “  Then mad mike shook his head to clear his mind. “Hi! How ya doin?” he asked taking out an ice cream. “I'm just dying inside now can i have my hat back.” Chase said being rude. “Haha! Aww cheer up! U should have some ice cream!” He said giving it to him. “No thanks..” Chase said disgusted. “But it's free!” Mike kept talking. “Ugh leave me alone! I don't want your damn ice cream.” Chase began to walk away. “Fine….i guess you won't be needing your baseball cap. This looks good on my head!” Chase quickly turned around and tried to grab the hat. “Ugh give it to me!” Mike snatched it away from chase and then he noticed something. “What's wrong with you?” he asked. “U-uh nothing i just had a rough day..” chase told him. “Wowie!” Mike cheerfully said not caring what chase said. “Wait? I swear i know you!” chase looked up and looked at mike. “Who are you?’ chase said with confusion. “The question is who are you?” mike touched his nose. Chase blushed and rubbed his nose. “Really who are you.” mike said laughing. “Oh! My names Chase.” Chase said putting his hands in his pockets. “Last name?” Mike questioned with one eyebrow raised. “Does it matter!” Chase said. “Well i guess not.” Since chase couldt trust Mike cause of their nice little conversation it was clear mike was a nice person.”Chase Brody.” Chase answers. “Hmm? Still doesn't ring a bell.””they ring a bell! Like ding ding ding top of moring!  Haha!” Chase said out loud. “WHAT!?” Mike looked up. “W-what i didnt say anything.” Chase awkwardly said. “What did you just say?” Mike repeated. “Nothing.” Chase said being stupid. “Oh ok.” Mike was sure that he knew him but he couldnt place where he saw him from either could chase. Anyway Mike forgot to introduce himself so he gladly did. “My names Mad Mike!” Mike grabbed chases hand and started shaking it while shaking chases whole body. “U-um ok hi Mike.” Chase said stumbling on his feet. “But you do seem like a nice guy.. Accept you look kinda down..what's the matter?” Mike said with his head tilted. “Would you really wanna know.. I mean since we both obviously know each other… I guess i can trust that do wouldn't be rude about it. Chase shrugged looking at Mike who was still dangling chases hat around. Chase watched and then shook his head. “So..um listen so i'm not that good with relationships.. You see my wife left me-” Chase started to say when mike jumped up and interrupted him. “Aww thats so sad..”  Chase looked at him. “And well you see i have kids.. And now she wont let me see them.” Chase heard Mike gasp. “You have kids that have been taken away from you.. Me too- well actually my little girl was..” Mike said with a sad voice. “O-oh really what happen im so sorry.. That must of been hard for you..” Chase asked picking at the hairs on his beard. “Well i'm actually angry mostly.. But theres no way shes coming back..” Mike said. Chase gaspd “im so sorry for your loss..” Chase said. “W-what? She's not dead!” Mike said looking up. “Oh sorry.” “you sure say sorry alot.” Mike said being mean. “I know its a bad habit.. I miss her..” Chase said thinking out loud. “Who?” “my wife duh.. Her name was Stacy.. I loved her more than anything and then when she had kids that was the only thing that i cared for so much in the world.. She had a boy and a girl.they loved to play different things with me , i really miss them.. But one day Me and her had a big fight and she told me to leave.. Ill nevr forget the look on my kids faces as i slammed the door and left.. I just heard their cries yelling “please don't leave us daddy..” And now Stacy wont let me see them at all anymore.. I used to on the weekends but.. Now I don't..” Chase explained the whole story of how Stacy completely took away the advantage to see the kids.. And how his drinking problem became even worse. Mike listened to that part and knew chase would love to hear his secret about the ice cream. But  As Mike listened his face grew mad and frustrated. “If I were you I would just take the kids and run- but i guess that will be illegal, huh?” Mike shrugged. “I'm not kidnapping my children!” Chase told him. Mike sighed and began to tell his story. “Well my daughters name is Annie i loved her so much.. Don't worry I may look like a psychopath- er-but i really was a good father or that's what I thought.. ..accept when they took her away from me…” Mad mike said looking at the ground. Chase looked down to see him clenching his fists in anger very tightly, he looked really mad.. Chase gulped. “W-whose t-they?..” chase asked scared. “The police… “ mike answered in a quiet voice. “Oh..” chase said. “i - i did a bad thing.. Chase.. “ mike said. Before chase could talk mike quickly shut up and said. “Please don't call the police! - i-i can't go back!” mike grabbed chase by his arm. Chase looked down and then up frightened. “I-i wont… I promise!” chase said very quickly. Mike let go of him. Chase could see the angrez flashing in his bright hazel eyes. Chase was scared now but wanted to trust him because they both were going through these things. “I trust you chase.. We are both fathers and miss our kids.. “ mike said. “Im sorry Annie didn't deserve to be taken away from you.. You deserve so much in your life.” chase said trying to cheer his new friend up. “Yeah but your wife sounds like an asshole! Ugh that's why i hate females-``''pfft yeah… I guess.” chase said in a sad voice. “What did you even do to make the police take her away?” chase asked. But Mike didn't answer he was looking in his ice cream cart. “Wanna see something?” Mike asked pulling out a crate. Chase nodded and realized all that time mike still had his hat in his hands. Mike accedaentilly dropped the crate it seemed heavy, and it opened. Chase's eyes got really wide.  Whiskey bottles were inside. “Pick them up! I can't let anyone see this!” Chase jumped and quickly started helping. “Why the fuck do you have drugs in this-are you selling them?” “shhh! Geez- yes i'm trying to get rid of it before the police finds out.” when they picked it up mike showed chase. “You can take a bottle if you want.” Mike winked. Chase looked at the bottles of whiskey and wanted to chug down every last bit of it.. Accept he remembered what Henrik told him that he shouldn't drink.. “U-um no thanks I don't do drugs anymore-” “what!? You quit drinking! And to learn to be happy when we became friends.`` Mike crossed his arms in an attitude. “It's not that I don't like it, it's just that my doctor tol-” “your doctor! Doctors are losers! They just try to get in your head- what should really be getting in your head is the good feeling of being drunk, just fill your mind with empty thoughts, forget about everything.” Mike calmly said in a pleasing voice that made chase want it. He licked his lips as mike lifted it up and drank some. “Ahh thats the good shit!” Mike gulped looking at chase smiling. When they both heard a phone go off. The ringtone was “All The Way” chase jumped up as he heard his own voice. “Wowie is that you singing?” “no! Its my phone ringing.” chase said not getting what mike ment. Chase took out the phone and saw that it was Henrik. He declined and quickly put it away acting like it was something to hide. Mike was trying to peek at who it was- maybe cause he was worried that chase was trying to call the police. “W-whos that??” Mike quickly said worried. “I-its nobody-” “are you trying to call the police!” “what why will I ever do that i'm your friend!!” “Give me your phone!” Mike said. “What? I didn't do anything!?” Mike layed down  the hat and the bottle  “give me the damn phone!��� mike grabbed the phone out of chases pocket and through it  “dude what the fuck!!” Chase shouted. Mike picked the hat and bottle back up sniffing. “I'm sorry- i just-..” “no.. its ok Mike..i guess i did the phone anyway- i mean well not know more” chase said. “What's that supposed to mean??” Mike looked at him worried. “I don't know.” “well.. Since i can trust you and were best friends. You have to promise you won't tell anyone ok?” “ok.”  “wowie i can't believe I found someone like you- i haven't had a friend like you in ages..” Mike told him. “Yeah.. me too my friends don't care about me no more that's why i left..” “oh-” Mike looked up to hear a noise off in the distance which made him look scared. “Do you hear that?”  Mike asked looking around. “No..” chase gulped looking at mike. It was the sound of sirens!! “Oh fuck!!” Mike  jumped up . Police cars were coming around the corner. Mike looked at chase, chase saw his scared eyes. “You called the police!!!” Mike's voice sounded fearful. The police cars stopped where they were and two policemen came out with guns. “FREEZE!” One of them said. CHase jumped up and looked at mike they both looked at eachother . There's no way chase was ending up like this. One of the policemen grabbed chase but chase quickly punched one in the mouth. Chase quickly grabbed his hat and grabbed the whiskey out of Mike's hand and stuffed  it in his hoodie pocket. “I SAID FREEZE!” The police said starting to run over to Mike. Chase looked at Mike and then sprang out running the other way, “COME BACK HERE!’ Mike shouted. “YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE! The policemen grabbed MIkes arms.  “NO!!! I CAN'T GO BACK!!” “NOO!! YOU PROMISED!!! Mike cried “YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T TELL!!” Mike struggled to get free but the policemen were to strong. Mike started crying as one of them got out the handcuffs. “You're gonna go away for a long time.” The policeman said. Mike had tears falling and the anger in his eyes were too much. He pushed and pushed but it was no use. His arms were too weak to push them off. Chases heart was pounding as he ran faster and faster. Looking back to see Mike being handcuffed.. And being forced to be put into the police car, he heard his cries and the look on his face when chase ran..  and now chases heart beating as hard as it could when he heard Mike cry even louder“YOU PROMISED!!” Mike yeled louder and louder still trying to fight them. “AHHHH!!! NOO!!!” Chase  heard Mikes pitiful words as he ran  Mikes voice  grew quieter and quieter as chase went father. And the blue and red light from the police cars were around the corner. What have i done! I'm leaving him- and he was my friend...but he kept on running. And then he tripped over a rock. “Fuck!” He shrieked. HIs hand was bleeding and the sharp pain hurt badly.  he heard someone coming It was the other  policeman. CHase got up quickly still tripping over his feet and then sprintied off to where he ran as fast as the wind. “STOP!”  Chase ran even faster he couldnt believe what had just happened but he wouldn't stop running he wasn't going  to jail. He had a family and he had friends.. But the thought of that hurt his heart alot.. Mike had a family too.. Chase hated the fact that he was the bad guy in this Mike was innocent.. As the policeman chased him through the street chase thought of all the ways that he could just say sorry over and over  again to everyone that he dissopointed... But it wasn't the time to. The man was getting closer as Chases stomach was aching and his heart. In his mind he pictured Mike trying to get  free from the police man's grip but couldnt and he was yelling for chase to come help…. The faster he ran the more he breathed harder. He finally came across a park that was closed for the night. THere was his way to escape! There was a fence there and CHase thought that he could probably lose the the man for now.  Since Chase did different stunts when he blogged,  he could jump over the fence pretty easily. Chase sped up and got ready to jump as he heard the policeman coming. He then sprang as high as he could and fell on his feet stumbling on the other side into some bushes.cutting his hand even more. As the police ran by chase was relieved that he was free. With a sigh he made sure he was gone for sure. Poor mike didn't deserve to get taken  by the police.. And when he broke a promise..he probably will never see Mike again. Chase got up and it turned dark. Chase couldnt take it anymore, he sat on a bench which wasn't comfortable he wished he was at home  In his soft bed. “I miss you Henrik..im so..sorry..” he said beginning to fall asleep. “But I don't care anymore.. “ then chase got out the bottle of whiskey and look at it in shame.. “To forget about everything..” chase unscrewed it.. And slowly put it to his mouth. “Im sorry… even 100 sorrys wouldn't be enough for you..huh?” he lifted it up and started to chug it down. To him it was everything he wanted. He truly didn't care anymore.Its like the drugs numbed the pain chase was feeling inside and the physical ones too. Drinking was his only way to forget all of his mistakes and problems, it was like medicine. As he drank even more it was coming to the point where he couldn't sit up. He drank the last sip and blacked out, Hugging his hat, it's like the thought of his family and friends washed away by the drugs. And that day he would never forget Mad mike.. And the words he would never forget will always be..
You promised…
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
more of dem vampire feels
Mr. Tsubaki: *knocks* "Naho?" naho *she opens her door* ?? Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles, holding a wrapped box* "How are you feeling?" naho: ok.... Mr. Tsubaki: "Good...Um...I had a belated Christmas gift for you..." naho: what is it? Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "You'll only know by opening..." naho: *she unwraps it*....*shiny eyes* *hug* thank you! *hic* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hee hee..." *pats her back* "You're welcome..." naho: ^^ *hic* h-happy birthday sir... Mr. Tsubaki: *pats her head* "Thank you, Naho..." *concerned* "You sure you okay?" naho: ..... *she tells him what happened* please dont be mad at sham... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *frowning* "...Did he hurt you?" naho: n-no...but...i feel ashamed of myself.... Mr. Tsubaki: "Please, don't...It happened, you did nothing wrong..." naho:....*tearing up* Q~Q Mr. Tsubaki: *hugs her* "It's okay..." -elsewhere- mephisto: ah~ nice and refreshed for the new year! *in only a bedsheet* Amaimon: "...Are you the Baby New Year?" mephisto: who knows~ XP felisia: ^^; *also draped in a bedsheet* Amaimon: *stares at Felisia* "...Should I not be here right now?" maid: 7_7; Amaimon: "...Or am I supposed to be in a bedsheet, too? I'm lost." maid: *pulls him away* Amaimon: "???" mephisto: >->; well then....did you want to go for a second round? felisia: 7w7 mephisto: *growls and glomps* felisia: >///w///< -elsewhere- Kepuri: *small moan* akaderu: you ok? Kepuri: *shakes her head* "I worried I drank too much last night..." *covers her mouth* akaderu: *pats her back and helps her to the bathroom* easy does it... Kepuri: *struggling to walk and not vomit on the way...* >~< -elsewhere- Benimaru: *lying asleep in bed* fang-hua: zzzz... *in her own room* Tsukiyo: *reading* -\\\\\\- Konro: *doing morning patrol, whistling* kirei: *standing at the foot of the shrine* .... Konro: "Good day, Sister." kirei: !!! ah! commander. a pleasure. Konro: *bows* "Sorry to have startled you--and happy new year, by some traditions..." kirei: *she nods* how is commander shinmon? *slight blush* Konro: *friendly laugh* "Still asleep. Last night's festivities kept him up all night--not because he was partaking, but because he was trying to keep the peace..." kirei: r-right..... .///. *thinking back to the previous night, where they shared a kiss.* Konro: "??? In any case, would you like me to pass along any message to Young Master?" kirei: hmm? oh, he's always welcome to visit the shrine if he feels like it. Konro: *nods* "I think I'll encourage him to pay a visit. Say hi to the twins for me." kirei: right. -elsewhere- Hibana: *wiggling her freed toes* "So good to have that cast off...but not looking forward to getting muscle mass back to my leg." gabriella: aww. *snuggle* Hibana: *cuddles* "But...if I have to go through recovery with you, that's just lovely. Happy new year~" -elsewhere- tsubaki: happy birthday~ Black Star: "WOO! Thanks!" soul: *smiles* kilik: ^^ Black Star: "What'd you all get me?" -elsewhere- kurome: ^o^ Dabi: -______- himiko: :D *has a sweater on that says 'lil villain on board'* kurome: *hug's her father's leg* i love you papa! Kurogiri: ^^ "Papa loves you, too." kurome: hehe! Dabi: "Tch...Babies." himiko: yup! there's gonna be two babiiiies 8D sachi: hehe~ Dabi: -________- yuuji: *smiles at sachi* Kurogiri: "It is quite good. You will be an excellent mother, Himiko." himiko: yay! 8D Dabi: *stands to exit...* -elsewhere- Arthur: *yawn* tamaki: zzzz.... Arthur: *cuddles next to her, smiles* tamaki: zzzzz....=w= Arthur: *holds her, small kiss on her cheek...* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Mikuni: "..." metsu: he's been off the past few days... Jeje: "Hmm..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *holding up a new calendar* "Yay!" eibon: another year has come and gone. <lets work our hardest for the new year> Gopher: *claps his hands* "New year! New year!" -elsewhere- Black Star: *munching on cake* "Thanks for all the gifts!" soul: no problem, dude. sid: happy birthday kiddo. *back pats* Black Star: "Thanks, old man!" *grin full of frosting* tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "Now I'll just have to beat all you all with even better birthday gifts!" kilik: ^^ Black Star: "But seriously, thanks for all of this...I'm gonna use these gifts to be even more awesome!" -elsewhere- Relan: *jogging, panting* ryuuko: *timing him* Giovanni: *wheeze* *sneaks up behind Ryuuko* "How is he doing...?" ryuuko: !!! he's improving sir... Giovanni: "Gooooood...I will help him..." *pulls out a flamethrower* ryuuko: please do not. mikami: D8> -elsewhere- Kid: *drying off* stocking: how do you feel? Kid: *smiles* "Refreshed. You?" stocking: much better now. Kid: "Good..." *swings his towel over her and around her back, drawing her towards him* stocking: eek! haha! >///w///< Kid: "You're so cute~" *kiss on her cheek* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *kiss on the other cheek* "Too cute..." *small pat on her bottom* stocking: hehe~ *smooch* here's to a new year~ Kid: *smooch back* "To the new year...I think we have a lot to look forward to..." stocking: yeah. Kid: *pulls back, smiles* "I suppose I should put some clothes on..." -elsewhere- Emine: *stretches* lin: zzzz.... Emine: "..." *strokes her cheek* lin:.... =w= Emine: "Happy New Year, Lin..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: *walking around town* -elsewhere- Bakugo: *putting out a fire* "Jeez! Don't they have firefighters for this stuff?!" mina: to be fair, you diiiid kinda go overboard with the fireworks ^^; Bakugo: ಠ益ಠ) "I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO, SO BACK OFF!" mina: O-O; Izuku: *holding a fire hose* "Ochako! Turn on the faucet!" ochako: right! -elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." *looking at photographs* miwa: *writing things down* Akitaru: *sighs...* miwa: you alright? Akitaru: *shrugs* "Just thinking about what to do with this new year. I'm not that great on resolutions." -elsewhere- Ponera: *petting ants* ant: ^o^ Ponera: "So cute~" *hug* shaula: zzzzz.... Medusa: "Grimoire, what is on the itinerary for your organization?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." soul: you ok? Black Star: "Just thinking...I'm a year older and all..." soul: soon we'll be graduating... sayaka: yeah, a real bummer im a year behind you guys. and i still plan on doing the ALT classes too... Black Star: *some mockery* "Aw, are you going to miss us? Hee hee..." sayaka: im getting there! >3< Black Star: "Ha ha ha! I know you'll get there!" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *in bed, groaning, holding her stomach* akaderu: you sure you're ok? Kepuri: *shakes her head "no"* "...Last night is still a blur...Did you use a..." akaderu: i think so. Kepuri: *groans* "I hope so...Just in case, get me a pregnancy test..." akaderu: right... Kepuri: "...And ice cream. And ginger ale. And crackers..." akaderu: o...k.... Kepuri: *groans, huddles in bed* "Fuuuuuuuuuuck..." -elsewhere- Lawless: ….. julian: you seem off again, are you sure you're alright? Lawless: "...I'm fine." *hugs his doll* julian: ..... romina: .... -seems the doll was customized- Lawless: "...What?!" romina: nothing. >.>; Lawless: "..." *sets his doll on the mantle* "In any case, after what that freak-job Tsubaki did, I don't trust anyone getting near him. I say we wipe them all out..." julian: even so, we dont know their location. Lawless: "Grrr....Has to be a way to find out...Who would know? I mean, besides Tsubaki herself." julian: then maybe ask her? Lawless: "...Okay." Lawless: [yo, tsu. where art that tsubaki guy's secret lair?] tsubaki: .... [dont remember. sorry ^^;] Lawless: [oh really?] "...She just lied to me!" tsubaki: ...... Lawless: "Hmph. She's not going to spill...Just have to find another way to dig up Tsubaki's location..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: "...I am sorry, Naho." naho:....*sigh* well, best to just forget it, eh? Shamrock: *nods* "I agree." naho: ....aaanyway, sakuya, lila and i were gonna visit the shrine~ Shamrock: *nods* "Enjoy the visit--and don't draw attention to yourselves..." naho: ok~ Mr. Tsubaki: "I will repeat Shamrock's point--" *pulls on Shamrock's ear* Shamrock: X_Q;;; Mr. Tsubaki: "Be careful..." naho: *she nods* come on, i even got us new kimonos! Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Those look lovely." *tugs harder on Shamrock's ear* "Don't they?" Shamrock: X_____Q;;;;; "Yes!" -later- ao: happy new years everyone. midori: here's hoping your wishes all come true. Mr. Tsubaki: *shiny eyes* "OH! That is a wonderful kimono--congrats!" naho: hehe~<3 lilac: it's....nice. Meme: *looking around* "Huh...Odd fashion choices..." Mr. Tsubaki: "The food--the outfits--the lighting--the architecture! Happy happy happy!" tsugumi: well, i guess it's traditional for the new year....at least from how i remember it. Sakuya: *spots Tsugumi, overhears* "??? You've been to these before?" tsugumi: *she nods* my family always visits the shrine back home. do you know what you're going to wish for? Sakuya: "...Yeah, I have some ideas..." mahiru: *at the shrine* -he wished to help resolve the mr tsubaki incident soon- Sakuya: *spots Mahiru* "!!!" Sakuya: *hides behind statue* ("Crap crap crap...") mahiru: kuro, did you want to wish for anything? tsubaki: ^^ Kuro: "I wished that Nintendo would stop delaying on mobile apps..." mahiru: *sweatdrop* Kuro: "..." *tap on the shoulder* "I was kidding. Can't you take a joke?" mahiru:....anyway, its your turn tsubaki. tsubaki: ok. Mr. Tsubaki: *wandering nearby* Mr. Tsubaki: *shiny eyes* "!!!" tsubaki: *making her wish* -she wants to resolve the mr tsubaki incident peacefully- Mr. Tsubaki: *watches from afar* Mr. Tsubaki: *calmly approaches Tsubaki and the others* "Good day." tsubaki: !!!....hello. Mr. Tsubaki: *holds up his hands, open* "I am here as a bystander, only. I am unarmed." mahiru: !!! *notices something behind a statue* excuse us. Sakuya: o_o;;; ("Crap crap crap!!!") Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles at Mahiru, before looking at Tsubaki* "...I am sorry." tsubaki: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "My subclasses were awful for what they did to you, and I am sorry that you were hurt." tsubaki: it's fine. let bygones be bygones, eh? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods, before making his wish...* -with sakuya- mahiru: sakuya! hey! Sakuya: o\\\\\o "H-Hey?" mahiru: here to make a wish for the new year? naho: O///w///O Sakuya: "Y-Yeah...Just...Here for that..." *scratches back of his neck* "How you holding up?" lilac: h-hey..mahiru. mahiru: doing good. kuro's doing well too.... oh. hey lilac and....you're naho, right? naho: *nods* Sakuya: -_-;;; "Yeah...This is Naho." naho: dont mind me~ ^///^ mahiru:....ok...say, if its ok, did you guys want to go to the karaoke bar later? i'll even invite ryusei and koyuki! naho: (thinking: put your arm around him! come one! closer! closeeerrrr...) Sakuya: "...I'll have to ask Tsubaki, but I think he'd be fine with that..." mahiru: great! i'll be just like old times! Sakuya: -\\\\- "Yeah...Old times." mahiru: so, see you guys this afternoon hopefully? Sakuya: "Yeah, see you then." *waves* naho: *pouts* Sakuya: -_-;;; "Stop that, Naho." naho: o3o; Kuro: "??? Is it really a good idea to hang out with the other side?" mahiru: even if he is tsubaki's subclass, he's still my friend. Sakuya: "...Naho, go convince Mr. Tsubaki to let us go karaoke-ing..." naho: can and will do! *goes to do that* lilac:.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Okay, Naho, sure...Who is going?" -naho tells him- naho: pleeeease? i really...want sakuya to be happy. Mr. Tsubaki: "I see..." *pat on the head* "Go ahead!" Sakuya: "...Lilac? You okay?" lilac: do you....like mahiru? Sakuya: "...What?" lilac: you seem to...r-really like him.... s-sorry if that seems too personal to ask! naho: we got the ok guys! Sakuya: "..." *looks away* "L-Let's see what else is around." -\\\- -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, we got new recruits--what's the plan? When we get to hurt more people?" hina: well, right now, the plan is crowdsourcing our next plan. PlushFix: "??? Huh? What does that mean? Like, raising money online?" hina: ....*shrug* anyone got any ideas? PlushFix: "Hmph...Well, after some games of 'Strip Poker' and 'Cuddle the Teddy Bear,' I suggest finding rich people, get money off them, then hide the bodies." hina: sounds good. -elsewhere- Relan: [texts pic of himself, flexing an arm: "progress"] shinra: [lookin good ^^ <3] Relan: [aw thanx. not at your level yet] shinra: [soon tho ^^] Relan: [maybe. how are u?] shinra: [doing good. u?] Relan: [commander giovanni scared the crap out of me. i mean, not literally] shinra: [yikes] Relan: [yeah -_-; at least i'm in one piece ha ha. u have plans this weekend?] -elsewhere- Yumi: "Go to Daddy, Shiori!" *holding phone to record video* shiori: *crawling over* papa! lord death: come on! you can do it sweetie! -she made it!- lord death: there we go! Yumi: "Yay! Good work, Shiori!" shiori: ^o^ Yumi: *moves to Shiori, holding the phone up to her* "You are progressing so well, Shiori." *smiles at Death* shiori: ^w^ lord death: so cute! and so smart too! Yumi: "Very smart." *eyeglass flash* lord death: indeed! owo; Yumi: *kisses Shiori's forehead* shiori: mama! Yumi: "Awww, so smart. And who is that?" *points to Death* shiori: papa! Yumi: *claps* "Yay!" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *waves at Tsubaki* "Well...good night." tsubaki: *she nods and gives a small wave* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *turns to depart* naho: that went well~ well, we better go get changed~ we got karaoke toniiight~! Mr. Tsubaki: *sad smile* "Yes...Hurry along..." -later- Sakuya: “…” lilac: are you going to be ok? Sakuya: "Y-Yeah...Just, you know, hard to get back into the swing of things." lilac: i-im sure you'll be ok. naho: you ready guys~? Sakuya: "Yeah, sure..." -elsewhere- Kuro: "Sure this is still a good idea?" mahiru: yeah. Kuro: "Hmm...I guess I'm stuck going..." mahiru: *nods* now, since ryusei and koyuki dont know about you, we'll just say you're a friend of mine from work, ok? Kuro: "Yeah, yeah, whatever." -elsewhere- Yohei: "How's the reading?" chie: doing good. *nuzzles into him* Yohei: "Hee hee..." *smooch* "Need anything?" chie: some water would be nice. Yohei: "On it...Be right back..." *gets up, goes to the kitchen...* -in kepuri's room- Kepuri: T~T *hugging her pillow* akaderu: well? how'd it go? Kepuri: "Well, I'm not pregnant..." akaderu: ah. Kepuri: "I hope this is just a stomach virus..." akaderu:...should we get you to a doctor? Kepuri: *nods* "Emergency room..." akaderu: right, shit. -elsewhere- Hibana: *smooch* gabriella: >///w///< Hibana: "So cute when you blush..." *picks up a work file* "But it's after work hours." gabriella: ah. Hibana: "So, how would you like to spend this evening? In or out?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *enters mansion* "..." otogiri: welcome home. belkia: heyoo! Mr. Tsubaki: T_T "Hi." belkia: you ok? Mr. Tsubaki: *shakes his head* "I saw her..." belkia: woooooah! otogiri: good for you. Mr. Tsubaki: "And I'm not with her now..." T______T otogiri: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "I miss her! I want to be with her...and she probably hates me..." belkia ._.; Mr. Tsubaki: *sobbing* Shamrock: x_-;; "Young Master is having a moment of melancholia. We shall do our best to tend to him..." lavender: should i bust out the sake? Shamrock: "Might as well..." Mr. Tsubaki: "S-Sake?" *meek nod* lavender: hell yeah! kid's are out or asleep, which means the grown ups are gonna party! oi! higan! get on out here! it's party time! Higan: "Alright!" *holds up a whip and a blindfold* "Party time!" Shamrock: "NOT. THAT. KIND." lavender: hey, the night's still young. Shamrock: x______o;;;; Mr. Tsubaki: *sits...holds out his cup* "Just a bit of saki to start, please..." -elsewhere- ryusei: oi! sakuya! long time no see! koyuki: ^^ Sakuya: "Well, well, well--look what the cat dragged in." *bro-fist* mahiru: *smiles* koyuki: are these your new friends from your new school? lilac: .... Sakuya: "...Yeah. Lilac, Naho..." naho: Naho Toguchi, nice to meet you ^^ Kuro: "..." mahiru: ah, right. koyuki, ryusei, this is kuro, one of my coworkers at the onsen. Kuro: "Yo." Sakuya: "...Hi." -elsewhere- true cross secretary: did you hear? seems sir pheles' daughter will be doing cross training with the exorcists students. True Cross Staffer: "Really? So, she's joining the faculty?" secretary: seems so. and fresh out of school too. worker: but that wont be until june though. Staffer: "Impressive, though." *smiles* "Always good to have a variety of faculty here..." worker: mr angel, what do you think? Angel: *glaaaaaaaaaaaare* worker: O-O;; secretary: O-O; Staffer: "...Jeez, sir, calm do--" Angel: "Devils." *turns to leave...* worker: jeez, what's eating him? Staffer: "Too much coffee?" Angel: *walking away* ("What is this school coming to...?") -elsewhere- Shinoda: "How is she?" akaderu: she's....its just a stomach bug. Shinoda: "Really? All of this, to the emergency room, simply because of a stomach flu?" akaderu:....i just wanted to make sure. Shinoda: "..." *pats his back* "Good man." akaderu: if it was something-....i just cant lose her again. Shinoda: *nods* "But she's fine, now...That's a good thing." -elsewhere- Kid: "How is True Cross paperwork going?" stocking: busy. ^^; Kid: *frowns* "I wish I could help...but I'd probably obsess over dotting every 'i' and crossing every 't.'" stocking: hehe *smooch* Kid: -\\\\- "I should finish my paperwork as well..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Ha ha ha! And Mahiru didn't know he had the gum stuck in his hair for, like, an hour!" mahiru: ^^;; naho: that sounds like a....sticky situation! XD ryusei: XD Kuro: "...Ha." koyuki: so, are you three in the same homeroom or...? Sakuya: "...Um..." naho: we share a few classes. lilac: *nod* Sakuya: "Yeah..." *looking through music selection* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "HA HA HA! Belkia, y-your face is so long and squishy!" belkia: DUDE HOLY SHIT HAHAHAHA! Shamrock: x____-;;;; "...I'm drunk." Higan: *swinging his shirt over his head, his tie around his forehead* lavender: sucks that otogirin turned in for the night. *downs another bottle of sake* Mr. Tsubaki: "Duh-amn, girl! You put that stuff away!" Shamrock: "St-Stop hogging it, Lavender. At least pour some for me..." lavender: here, knock yerself out. Shamrock: *pours some into his cup--* Mr. Tsubaki: *snatches Shamrock's, drinks it* Shamrock: x_o Higan: "Hee hee..." *grabs Lavender from behind* lavender: *rolls eyes and hands shamrock the bottle* kyan~! >w< Shamrock: *takes bottle* "???" Higan: *grabs her breasts* "So nice~" lavender: >////o jeez, does booze always get you this turned on~? Higan: "Very--" *rips open her top* lavender: oho~ getting ahead of ourselves are we~? Shamrock: x____o;;; Mr. Tsubaki: "..." Higan: "Too much? Or more?" belkia: dang! lavender: well, the top was gonna come of sooner or later. *shrug* anyone interested in getting laid tonight? if so raise your hand! Shamrock: x_______o;;;;;;;; Mr. Tsubaki: "..." Shamrock: "..." *tentative hand raise* lavender: oh? so we got one hand up. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Seriously, Sham?" belkia: dang! Shamrock: X_T;;;; *meek nod* "I...would like to..." lavender: *grins and looks at higan* so should this be a three way or should i warm him up first? Higan: "I think he needs some warming up first..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *stands to leave* lavender: do you wanna give him a go or should i? Shamrock: x_____o;;; Higan: "How 'bout you start...?" *unbuttoning his own pants...* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *goes into his room...* lavender: nice! well, lets go then~ *tugs shamrock along by his tie* Shamrock: x_____o;;;;;; "O-Okay..." *follows* Higan: *pulling off his pants, following them...* Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around his room...sees his scarf...* T_T -later- lavender: fuuuck that was great. *panting* Shamrock: *panting as well* "Wow..." *gulp* "Th-Thanks..." Higan: *lights up a cigarette* "Awesome..." lavender: at least ya didnt break anyones legs this time. Shamrock: "..." *shamed* "I...just got enthusiastic...You, um...do well with your mouth." Higan: "Ha ha! Yep! She does..." lavender: so should i do the other way around then~? Shamrock: x____o;;; "...I want that..." lavender: *smirks and turns around, shaking her rear and rubbing higan's length between her bosom* Higan: *already getting long* "D-Damn..." *holds cigarette in his mouth* Shamrock: "..." *holds her backside, as he guides himself into her sex...* -in mr tsubaki's room- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." doll: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: *hugs the doll* "...I have to change..." \you know its not that simple\ Mr. Tsubaki: "B-But, surely, I can make an exception. I have to fulfill my mission, but--" \the girl?\ Mr. Tsubaki: "...I can...I can convince her..." \oh?\ Mr. Tsubaki: "...What should I do? I want to do what I was destined to...but i want to be good for her..." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Feeling alright?" tamaki: yeah, why wouldnt i be? Arthur: "Just making sure...Want a blanket?" tamaki: sure. Arthur: *takes one out of the dresser, puts it down...* "...You're warm." tamaki: .////. Arthur: "..." *small kiss on her forehead* tamaki: *blush* Arthur: *hugs her* "Tamaki..." tamaki: >////< Arthur: "...You okay?" tamaki: i-im fine-nya! Arthur: "...Would you be fine...if I did this...?" *kiss on her cheek* tamaki: *blushing* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...Huh. Not a bad set of pipes, Naho." naho: tee-hee~<3 lilac: *was too nervous* Kuro: *looking through songs* "...Here." -elsewhere- Mr. Arthur Angel: *walking through streets* "Letting that demon into the school...and as a teacher. Awful." licht: you've been at it for 30 mintues, just let me have a turn already. -_-; Lawless: "I need that doll for dress up, so butt out!" licht: i bet i could have gotten it in quicker time than you. Lawless: "..." *steps back* "Hmph. Let's see your mettle, then. Have at it." licht: you got to set your mind on what it is you want. work your hardest for it. *using the control stick with one hand and...playing piano with the other?* -a piano barrier surrounds the doll, letting the crane hold onto it better- -WINNER!- licht: there. Lawless: -_-;; "Who knows himself a braggart, let him fear this, for it will come to pass that every braggart shall be found an ass." -\\\\- "Thanks for the doll." Mr. Angel: "???!!!" *approaches* "What power was that, to conjure that child's game?" Lawless: "...'Child's game'?" licht: it's because.....*pose* im an angel. Lawless: and the most stylish angel there ever was~! Mr. Angel: "Hardly! Because it is I--" *pose* "--who is an angel!" Lawless: *annoyed twitch* "...No." licht: *twitch* excuse me? Mr. Angel: "I am Auguste Arthur Angel!" Lawless: "..." ("A...A...A?") licht: *unimpressed* Mr. Angel: *unseathes his sword* Lawless: "Oh, thou is gettin' all badass over yonder..." Lawless: "Yo, Licht. Show this guy who the real angel is." Mr. Angel: "Ha ha ha! With what? Those childish wings on his back?" Lawless: "THOSE WINGS ARE AWESOME!" licht: where did you get that sword? at a discount costume store? Lawless: "LOL! Good one, Lich-tan!" licht: *KICK* i wasnt asking you shit rat. Lawless: "Ow! What the hell?!" Mr. Angel: *stares...then FLASH STEP* Lawless: "Huh?" *Mr. Angel slices at Lawless, neck, shocking him...no damage...until...his "Hyde" name-tag comes off, landing in Mr. Angel's hand* Mr. Angel: *smirk* licht: *jumps up and kicks him in the face* nope. *reclaims the name-tag and returns it to hyde* Lawless: -_-;;; "Thanks..." Mr. Angel: "How dare you kick into my glorious visage!" *slices at Licht* -piano shield- licht: you talk way too much. Mr. Angel: "Ha! No sin can withstand God's glory!" Lawless: "Tch. I'll take that challenge..." -elsewhere- Kid: *massaging Stocking's back* "Better?" stocking: much better~ Kid: "You will be a great teacher...and I will be home, to give you all you need..." stocking: *she smiles* since the true cross order and DWMA work so close together, maybe i could see you during coffee breaks too~? *wink* Kid: *smiles* It's a date..." *kisses her cheek* stocking: hehe~<3 man, june cant get here any sooner... Kid: "Yes...So much to look forward to...Graduation...and..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "..." *leans down, kisses her lips* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: "...I love you so much...and I always will." stocking: i love you too kid. and dont forget that, ok? Kid: *holds her hand* "...I won't..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *cuddles* gabriella: UwU -elsewhere- naho: we're hooooome~ Sakuya: *looks around* "...Where is everyone?" belkia: *upside down* IIIIIM GONNA SWIIIIING FROM THE CHANDELIEEEEER~! otogiri: -_-; Sakuya: "...You have fun with that. Try not to scuff the ceiling." otogiri: tsubaki's in his room....he cried himself to sleep. lilac:..... Sakuya: "Where's Shamrock?" otogiri: you dont want to know. Sakuya: "??? Well, okay. I'm gonna head to bed. Night." otogiri: .... naho: *yawn* niiighty night.... Sakuya: *walks by Lavender's room...* lavender: ahhhh fuck that was good~ -creeeeeak- Sakuya: o________o;;;; Higan: "Yeah, you like that--" *SPANK SPANK SPANK* Sakuya: o_______________o;;;;; Shamrock: "AH! N-Not there!" Sakuya: o_______________________________o;;;;; lavender: oh~! oh fuck~! Shamrock: *smacks his lips* "You are quite tasty, Lavender...But I think I need to taste something else..." Higan: "Heh heh...Yeah, right there, Sham..." Shamrock: *lick lick* lavender: *moaning* oh~!<3 Sakuya: *squeak of fear* -mr tsubaki's room- Mr. Tsubaki: Q_Q otogiri: tsubaki? are you asleep? Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff* "N-No..." otogiri:....*sits on the bed and pats his shoulder* Mr. Tsubaki: *whimpers* "Why is this so hard...?" otogiri:.....*listening* Mr. Tsubaki: "...How do I...complete what we were asked to do, against these Sins...when that means I could lose her...?" otogiri:... Mr. Tsubaki: "I don't know what to do...except cry out all of this sadness and confusion." otogiri:...coffee? Mr. Tsubaki: *meek nod* -morning- Shamrock: X____Q "Why did I do that last night...?" naho:...*pap pap* Sakuya: Q_____Q "My eyes...My ears..." Higan: *satisfied sigh* lilac: ?????????? Mr. Tsubaki: *passes plate of fruit to Lilac* "When you're older..." *smile* ame: morning.... *rubbing her tired little eyes* Mr. Tsubaki: "Good morning, Ame~ How did you sleep?" *glares at Higan, Shamrock, and Lavender to tell them to behave* ame: *rests on the couch* tired...orange juice please.... lavender: comin right up kiddo. Mr. Tsubaki: "Aw...Was your bed okay?" ame: *nod nod* Mr. Tsubaki: "Just a bad sleep? Nightmares?" ame:...i miss mama and papa.... Sakuya: "..." Higan: "..." Shamrock: "..." otogiri:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smiles* "Want to see them today?" belkia: q.q ame: really?? *shiny eyes* Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "We just have to determine where to meet..." Mr. Tsubaki: "We could meet at one of your favorite places, Ame. Where do you like to go?" ame: *doodling a small playground area* ^u^ Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh! I know that spot!" Mr. Tsubaki: "I'll let your parents know we will meet them there." ame: *nod nod* Mr. Tsubaki: "Otogiri, I will need your help." otogiri: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "I will need cover, especially against any threats..." otogiri: understood. Mr. Tsubaki: "Ame, get ready to meet your parents~" ame:..am i...going to go home with them? Mr. Tsubaki: "...We're going to find out." -elsewhere- Black Star: *stretches, yawns, turns in bed* tsubaki: zzzzz.... Black Star: *hug* "I want you to know something..." tsubaki: mmmn? *yawn* Black Star: "I'm gonna exceed God..." *kisses her cheek* "...and you're always going to be way better than I ever was." tsubaki: aww.. >///< Black Star: *light laugh, cuddles* tsubaki: ^///^ Black Star: "How 'bout we go out today?" tsubaki: sounds wonderful. Black Star: "Awesome! Maybe swing by the park for a walk, get ice cream, pick up something with that gift card?" tsubaki: sounds like a date~ Black Star: "Well, we are boyfriend-girlfriend, so, yeah, a date! Hee hee..." *kisses her* tsubaki: hehe~<3 Black Star: "You want the bathroom first? Or should I make breakfast?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *snore* tamaki: zzzz.... Arthur: *whimpers* "D-Don't hurt me..." shinra:....?? Arthur: "Let me go home...You've kept me here long enough..." shinra: arthur? Arthur: "No...No...NO!" *fists goes out--* *THUD* Arthur: *falls onto floor* "...Ow." tamaki: ?!?! shinra: *exits* tamaki: AT LEAST HELP HIM ASS! D8< Arthur: "F-Forget it, Tamaki. Sorry. I woke you up..." tamaki: its fine. *she gets out and helps him back up* Arthur: *looks up* o\\\\\o "...We have a few more hours before we have to report...Want to get back to bed?" tamaki: mayb- *slips on the bedsheet and lands on top of him* O/////O Arthur: o\\\\\o "S-Sorry...I'll help you up--" *accidentally grabs her ass* tamaki: h-HEY!! >///////< Arthur: "S-Sorry! I--" *tries to let go--and instead pushes her crotch against his morning wood* -SMACK- Arthur: X_______X tamaki: U/////////U# Arthur: *slurred speech* "I didn't mean to..." -elsewhere- Lawless: *snoring* romina: ya’ll want to wake him up or should i? cranz:....lawless? you awake? Lawless: *turns over* "N-No..." romina:..... Lawless: *turns over--and falls out of bed* "FUCK!" julian: you ok? Lawless: "...I don't want to talk about it. Stupid blond douche." cranz: D8> Lawless: "...What? No, not you. That stupid Angel douche me and Licht fought." cranz: ??? julian: did you get drunk last night? Lawless: "No! Not really. Maybe. Sort of? Yes???" -elsewhere- lilac:....... Sakuya: "???" lilac: ??? a-am i doing something wrong? Sakuya: "N-No, not at all...You having an okay day?" lilac: yeah, just.....just thinking... *looking at his wrists* Sakuya: "...Lilac...Are you...?" lilac: ??? !!!! s-sorry. Sakuya: "...Hey. You know we care about you, right?" lilac:....*trembling* Sakuya: *hugs Lilac* lilac: eh? *slight blush* Sakuya: "You are here, you are important, you deserve happiness...and you are loved." lilac:....*hic*.... naho: you arent alone. *huuuug* UuU Sakuya: *smiles at Naho* "What she said, Lilac." lilac:.... *crying* Sakuya: *pats Lilac's back* "It's okay..." lilac: s....s-saku....she....she.... Sakuya: "Saku?" *frowns* "Lilac..." lilac: she...she said the others d-died b-because they....because they were weak.....i...i dont...want anyone else to die.... Sakuya: "...No. Lilac, it...it's not like that." lilac: *hic* ?? Sakuya: "No one could have known what would happen...They weren't weak. You knew our friends so well. They were strong, compassionate, kind...I don't want you blaming yourself." lilac:....*trembling* ...mei....tadashi...i-im sorry.... Sakuya: "...Lilac? I think we should do something to honor them..." lilac:....... Sakuya: "Why not host another memorial for them?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: [text to Vivian: what would you like to do the next time we meet?] vivian: [--->(') <3<3 83 ] Kishiri: o_____o;;; ("I WILL NO LONGER BE A VIRGIN!") [for real? i mean, i am ready--i just don't want to pressure u] vivian: [i know a nice hotel we can stay at~<3] Kishiri: [hell yeah. when u get back?] vivian: [^^ after work hours tho] Kishiri: [totally! boss lady will let me out after work hours--but don't tell her what we're up to or she'll flip] vivian: [i wont say anythin ^^] Kishiri: [want to see something to hold u over?] -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddles* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: "Good morning..." stocking: murnin.... Kid: "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: *nods* "I as well..." *kisses her lips* -elsewhere- Amaimon: *snore* -at the park- ame's mother: AME!! *hugs her* ame's father: *hugs as well* ame: mommy! daddy! *hug* ame's mother: oh thank god you're alright... Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* ???: i heard there's a place that sells really good crepes in the market plaza. Mr. Tsubaki: "???" -black*Star and tsubaki are walking along the path, holding hands, not noticing him- Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!!!" Black Star: "Really? Awesome! I can almost taste them!" tsubaki: hehe~ Mr. Tsubaki: "...Otogiri? I...I..." otogiri: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "...What do I do?" otogiri:....*looks at ame and her family*...... Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs* "I...I..." otogiri: we should go now. ame:...*waves* byebye. *hug* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! ..." *hugs Ame* "Be safe, Ame...You have to be there for your parents." ame: ok. -ame and her family return home- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." otogiri:....we should go. Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I just..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *crying, as he walks with Otogiri* otogiri:...... -later- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." lavender: to be honest, im gonna miss the kid....but it's for the best that she's with her family, rather than a dangerous place like this. Sakuya: "...Everyone deserves to be with a family..." Shamrock: "Can't have someone like that here...Making a mess..." Mr. Tsubaki: >_< otogiri: *glares* lavender: ....... Sakuya: "???" *glances at Lilac* lilac: ..... Sakuya: *holds Lilac's hand* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sighs* -elsewhere- Patty: "Sis?" liz: yeah? Patty: "What do you hope for this year?" liz: not sure yet. Patty: "Hmmm...I hope a lot of good things happen..." Patty: *hug* liz: *she smiles* Patty: "Love you, sis..." -elsewhere- Asura: *shudders* mikan: *rubbing his back* im here... Asura: *nods* "I am sorry..." mikan: *smooch* i love you so much... Asura: *nods* "I love you...I love our child..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "That was tasty!" tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "So, was it a good date for you?" tsubaki: very much so. Black Star: *smiles* "I'm glad..." *smooch on the cheek* tsubaki: hehe~ Black Star: *hugs her, sways with her* "You are so awesome..." tsubaki: aww. Black Star: *small kiss on her lips* tsubaki: ^^ -at the onsen- Kuro: "You okay?" mahiru: yeah. Kuro: "...We need to talk about something." mahiru: what is it? Kuro: "...Your friend does work for Mr. Tsubaki...and I...wanted to talk about my abilities..." mahiru: ....ok, i'll listen. Kuro: "I don't trust Sakuya. I want...to be ready to go against him." mahiru: ...... Kuro: "Up to now, you haven't begun to see what I'm capable of..." mahiru: ?? Kuro: "...I'm gonna need some space, a large area to demonstrate. This space may be too small..." mahiru: right. i think there's a clearing in the park... Kuro: *nods* "Good spot." *goes into cat form* "Carry me there..." -and so- Kuro: *breathes* "Okay...Don't freak out when you see this, okay?" mahiru: ok... Kuro: "..." *pants, pants...then a loud roar* mahiru: uh.... O_O -elsewhere- licht: what the fuck?! Lawless: *feeling the ground shake* "...Oh no..." julian: are we under attack?! romina:... WOAH! well i'll be a golden goose egg in the chicken coop! will ya'll look at that! -at the hot spring- misono: WHAT THE DEVIL IS THAT?! Lily: "Misono, stay behind me!" Hugh: *sipping tea, calmly* "Relax...It's just Sleepy Ash..." the mother: !!!!....well, there's something i havent seen in a while. ray: um. there's a giant lion outside. should we be concerned about that? Gil: "...Yes. Usually, when I'm on the stuff, I see pink elephants, not lions." una: !!! it's the king of gold lions. if we catch his tail, he'll reward us with riches for generations to come! uzuki:..what? sayaka: OH MY GOD! IT'S SO FLUFFY! Big!Kuro: *ROWR* mahiru: ......well then. *hears screams from all over* uh kuro? you're kiiinda making a scene ^^; Big!Kuro: -_-;;;; "Fine..." *slowly reverts back into kitten form* Kuro: *panting* "That...took more out of me than before..." mahiru: you ok? -at the estate- belkia: OH. MY. BAJEEZ. TSUBAKYUN DID YOU SEE THAT?! Mr. Tsubaki: *sneers* "My, my, my...Big brother certainly lives up to the stories I've heard..." belkia: oooh now what do we do? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I am going to need something..." belkia: like what? OwO Mr. Tsubaki: "Belkia, what unites a Servamp to their eve?" belkia: it's the contract item, right? and, correct me if im wrong, you have the ability to break the item without having to weaken the bond! Mr. Tsubaki: "Indeed..." *sneer* "Just need those items~" belkia: we got 1 taken down, now we just have to take out the other 6... Mr. Tsubaki: "Indeed...then the Sin of Melancholy will remain..." -elsewhere- mitsuba: did anyone else just see that? hyakuya: giant ass lion? mitsuba: good, it wasnt just me. Jun: "...This makes work more difficult. Damn it." yumikage: guess we're stuck investigating, eh? Tsurugi: "Looks that way..." hyakuya: shotgun! Tsurugi: Hey _I_ wanted shotgun! shinoa: seems to be coming from pinewood park. mr junichiro, since you are our designated driver, we leave ourselves in your care. *bows* Jun: "...Um, okay? Well, get on in..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "She keeps going on and on about a 'big lion'..." shiori: big kitty! big kitty! Yumi: "??? Maybe she wants a new doll?" lord death: perhaps! TO THE TOY SHOP! Yumi: -_-;;; "You spoil her so much...AND I WANT TO AS WELL!" ^^ lord death: >w< -elsewhere- Kepuri: *in hospital bed* "Two more days..." *sigh* akaderu: *holding her hand* Kepuri: T_T "Thank you for being here..." akaderu: *he nods* -elsewhere- scarlet: *looking through old files*....hey, check this out. Joker: "???" scarlet: something called the 'scorpion flame murders'. the charred remains of the victims were done to resemble images. Joker: "...Fine art..." scarlet: ....creepy. seems the main suspect vanished without a trace....but it's believed the were a 3rd gen ability user. Joker: "...Without a trace, huh? I like that challenge..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Did Tamaki hurt you?" shinra: im fine.....mostly. my ego is a bit bruised though... Relan: "..." *passes a hand over Shinra's forehead, looking for scars* "...If only your ego is hurt..." shinra: ./////. -there is a foot mark on his face- Relan: *frowns* "...'Bruised ego,' huh?" shinra: 7///7; *hug* Relan: *hugs, kisses his forehead carefully on the mark* "It's okay..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Yo, Gab." gabriella: kishiri. *nod* Kishiri: "I'll be off from work soon, right?" gabriella: soon, yeah. Kishiri: "Heh...Awesome." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug from behind* "Paperwork finished." stocking: finally *streeeeetch* Kid: *as she stretches, he lays a hand along her belly* stocking: *blush* oh~? Kid: *kisses her cheek* "I love your belly..." stocking: >//////< Kid: "Just how I like it..." *slides a hand up her shirt to touch the skin directly* stocking: *soft moan* Kid: *pulls her shirt up, over her head* stocking: *blush* Kid: *turns her around, get on his knees, kissing along her stomach* stocking: oh~ kiddo~ Kid: *licks around her navel...as his fingers tug along her waistband...* stocking: *shuddering* k-kid that tickles! >///< Kid: *continues licking, as he pulls down her pants and underwear...* Kid: *smirks* "That's the point..." -elsewhere- Kuro: "...So, now you know." mahiru: wow. that's really something else... *flying back on the broom stick* Kuro: "...Does this change things?" mahiru: what do you mean? Kuro: "I mean, I turned into a large lion. Most people are terrified of that." mahiru: it was surprising....but it looked pretty cool. Kuro: "?!! ...Really?" mahiru: *he nods* Kuro: o\\\\\o "...Thanks." mahiru: no problem. -kuro hugs him from behind- mahiru: .... !!! o////o Kuro: "...Yeah..." mahiru: .//////. oh, seems we're back now. Kuro: "..." *sighs* *reverts to cat form, holds onto Mahiro's shoulder* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "...I delivered the flowers..." mana: good job today! Shotaro: *nods* mono: so tired -.- Shotaro: "??? You had an exhausting day, Mono?" mono: *nod* Shotaro: "I'm sorry...You going to be able to get some rest?" mono: probably. -elsewhere- Black Star: *finishes brushing his teeth* "So, anything you want to do tonight?" tsubaki: maybe watch a movie? Black Star: "Cool!" *hands her the remote* -elsewhere- soul: *relaxing in his apartment* finally some peace and quiet... -soul's phone buzzes- soul: ?? Spirit: "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOUL!!!" soul: O-O loud. Spirit: "...Oh! Sorry! Are you okay?" soul: yeah, why wouldnt i be? *re-heating some dinner blair had made for him and dropped off* Spirit: "Just...checking in, that's all? You eating well?" soul: eating dinner right now. Spirit: "That's good...Is it a healthy meal?" soul: ....does tuna count as 'healthy'? Spirit: "Close enough...Have you had a physical recently?" soul: not yet? Spirit: "...Okay. Well, I think you should...You know, want you to be well..." soul: i know. Spirit: "...Good. Um, what else is going on with you?" soul: i made some new friends over the past few months. Spirit: "That's great! You're getting along with them?" soul: more or less. 7.7; Spirit: "...Well, that's great. Hey, would you and your friends be interested in dinner? Sachiko and I would love to have you over..." soul: ....i'll see about that. Spirit: "Alright, let us know...I'm glad you're surviving." -elsewhere- PlushFix: *sticking pins into the wall...* saku:....?? PlushFix: "...What? I'm not going to make myself into a voodoo doll, and I'm bored, have these pins..." saku: ...... PlushFix: "Don't suppose you know someone I could torture for a bit. I'd even take an inanimate doll or toy...especially one of those stupid Ken dolls..." -elsewhere- Kid: *pant pant* "Aah..." stocking: ahhh~....that was....amazing.... Kid: *smiles* "You always are...Stocking...You looked beautiful when I first met you...and you look beautiful every single day." stocking: *smiles and blushes* Kid: *holds her hand* "...It feels like only yesterday...our first date..." stocking: yeah...5 whole years practically.... but it only feels like one, hehe ^^ Kid: "Hee hee...You know what that means..." *light kiss on her lips...* "One..." *light kiss* "for each..." *light kiss* "...year." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *two more light kisses, then he hugs her, rubbing her side* "Mmm..." -morning- the mother: *bringing in bags upon bags of party decor* mind helping us set up for una's birthday? tetsu: *already helping put up decorations* misono:....wow. Hugh: *in bat form, hanging up streamers* Lily: "Quite a lot of decorations..." ray: cake's ordered! Gil: *holding a wrapped gift* -\\\\- una: *asleep on a coffee table* Kuro: "...She's sleeping in _my_ spot..." mahiru: umm....miss kuwabara? we need to eat there...*light nudge* una: zzzzz.... *rolls onto the floor, posed like the statue of liberty* mahiru:....no comment. Hugh: "At least she's not asleep in the washer again..." Gil: o\\\\o misono: how is she even comfortable sleeping like that? ray: one of life's greatest mysteries. Kuro: "You'd be surprised..." Lily: "Indeed~" Kuro: -_-; "Not that..." the mother: you think this is impressive, you should see her in combat. Gil: "...Given what's waiting for us..." una: *yaaaaawn* hnnn~? Gil: "...Looks who's up..." una: hmmm? oh, hey gil -w- Gil: "...Hi." *holds out present* una: *she opens it* ah. i was looking for something like this! una: so fluffy.... zzzzzz..... ray: already asleep. *sweatdrop* Gil: ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *serving himself tea* -knock knock- Mr. Tsubaki: "Enter." otogiri: *looks at shamrock* Shamrock: O~O "Hello..." Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Otogiri? What's wrong?" otogiri: what's our next course of action? Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "I think we should invite my siblings over..." otogiri: who shall we start with? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Pride will have to be removed quickly, so we'll have to use the others to contain him. Sloth has too much pep in him right now...Gonna need bait...Lust is too easy...Ah! Sloth has a little too much pep in him, so a little too difficult. Greed will be easy to deceive. Otogiri, do you think you can do that?" otogiri: since we took a peek into his subconscious....that shouldnt be too difficult... Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Go forth...because when this is done, I will get all I want..." ("Including my Camelia Blossom...") -elsewhere- *Fire alarm going off* Black Star: "Shit shit shit!" tsubaki: *using the extinguisher* phew... Black Star: T_T "I was gonna surprise you with waffles..." tsubaki: the thought is appreciated ^^ Black Star: "...Head out for brunch?" tsubaki: sounds good. Black Star: "Right...I'll just shower..." *small flame on the top of his hair...* tsubaki: *licks two fingers and puts it out* -tsss- Black Star: -\\\\- "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *reading* akaderu: how're you holding up? Kepuri: *small smile* "Better...Medicine working, food not as bad as yesterday..." *shifts in bed, winces* "Bed sores suck, though." akaderu:..... *holding her hand* Kepuri: "...Can I ask you something? If I was pregnant...would you be ready for that?" akaderu: i...i dont know....but if it's with you....i'll try with all i got. Kepuri: *nods* "I don't think I'm ready yet...It's a lot to think about..." *scrunches her face* "Some babies can be...kind of fugly." chie: *peeks into the room* pardon~? ^^# Kepuri: o____o;;; "...One, I didn't say _your_ baby. Two, _your baby_ isn't even _born_ yet. Three, I am hospitalized, and you wouldn't _dare_ hurt me!" chie:.....im watchin you....*exits* Kepuri: Q~Q *clutches Akaderu* "DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE WITH HER." -elsewhere- Kid: *holding up a spoon* "Come on, Shiori--it's tasty!" shiori: *nom* ^o^ Kid: "Yay! Good for you for trying this new food..." stocking: *smiling* Kid: "Stocking, would you like to?" *offers spoon* stocking: *feeding shiori* here you go~ Kid: *quiet squee* shiori: hehe! Kid: *thinks about last night...Stocking's belly...* -\\\\- stocking:.....!! oh boy, kiiiid? im gonna change shiori now. O-O; Kid: *sniff* ._. "...Good idea." -elsewhere- Arthur: *doing situps* iris: *timing him* Arthur: *continues doing situps--and then hits his face into his knees* "GAH! My eye!" tamaki: !!! are you ok? Arthur: *uncovers his face* "...Am I still pretty?" tamaki:....adorable. -///-; Arthur: T~T "Thank you..." *snot coming out his nose* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *packing a box* kim: what's that? Jacqueline: "I'm packing some clothes I don't wear anymore--some not in fashion, some I'm too big for--to donate." kim: ah. Jacqueline: "Anything you would like to donate?" *smiles* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *smirking* fang-hua: oh no. -_-; Tsukiyo: "Come on--you know you want to know..." fang-hua: .... !! kirei: ....!! fang-hua: sister yanase! what brings you here? kirei: oh um....is the commander in? Tsukiyo: -__-;;; "Yeah, he's in his room...Just knock." kirei: .///. t-thank you. *knocks* commander? Benimaru: "???" *slides the door open; he is in his sleeveless outfit* "Oh, Sister. Hello." kirei: m-might i...come in? fang-hua:.....?? Benimaru: "...Of course." *stands aside to let her in* -she went in- fang-hua: sister yanase's....acting kind of off.... Tsukiyo: -3- "Beni-Hottie never lets me into his room...Why does she get let in...That's not like her..." Benimaru: *slides the door closed* kirei: .....about a few days ago... Benimaru: "???" Tsukiyo: *whispers to Fang-Hua* "Let's eavesdrop..." kirei: it...im still a bit shocked that you would even think of kissing me like that....ah! i-im sorry, was that uncalled for? fang-hua: ?! O_O Tsukiyo: *glaring at the door, shaking...* Benimaru: "...What?" kirei: during the fireworks....it...felt nice. Benimaru: "..." *leans closer to Kirei's face* Tsukiyo: *twitch twitch* kirei: c-commander? *blush* Benimaru: "..." *his hand comes close to her face...* kirei: c-comman- Benimaru: *his fingers go along her left eye, pulling it open* "Hmm...Pupils aren't dilated...Maybe you have brain damage..." kirei: ....eh? fang-hua: T___T; (thinking: are you kidding me?) Tsukiyo: *small sigh of relief* Benimaru: "You're having memories of things that did not happen. I did not kiss you at the fireworks display." kirei: w-wha.......*realization* ...... *trembling in horror* Benimaru: "..." *glares* "...Those dopplegangers..." kirei: ....*horrified scream* no no no no no no! Benimaru: *clutches her in a hug* "You're safe. You're okay." kirei: *crying* Tsukiyo: "!!!" *whispers to Fang-Hua* "What the hell is he doing to her?!!" Benimaru: "..." *shaking in anger* fang-hua: commander?! *opens the door*.... o///o; Tsukiyo: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT SISTER, YOU SICK F--?" Benimaru: *DEATH GLARE* fang-hua: *backing off* Tsukiyo: o_o;;;; *hides behind Fang-Hua* Benimaru: *pats Kirei's back* "Let it out..." -after the situation is explained- fang-hua: what?! Tsukiyo: "...See, this is why I advocated for strip searches of everyone--" fang-hua: what now? Benimaru: "I find this impersonator, and I let them know the actual power of the Commander of the 7th..." *flames around his eyes* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Miwa, you got a minute?" miwa: whats up? Akitaru: "How are your troops holding up?" miwa: pretty good. you? Akitaru: "Arthur hit his eye with his own knee, Tamaki kicked Shinra in the face...Um, Iris made some tasty carrot cake muffins?" miwa: ah. Akitaru: *looks around* "Wait...Are all of your troops accounted for?" miwa: yeah, why? Akitaru: "Where's Misora?" miwa: oh right, apparently a family emergency cropped up... Akitaru: "Aw, that's too bad. Hope it isn't too bad..." miwa: ......*worried* Akitaru: "...Maybe we can do something when she gets back..." miwa: right. -elsewhere- Hibana: *holds spoon up to Gabriella* "Does this need more or less salt?" gabriella:.... too much >.< maybe try putting half a potato in? it should absorb the salt. Hibana: "Darn it..." *sighs* "Okay...Pass me a potato--" -elsewhere- Relan: -____-;;;; "Am I going to have to talk with Tamaki?" mikami: i dont know..she....seems scary. Q.Q ryuuko:...... Relan: "Yeah, she is...and I'm scared of her...But she hurt my boyfriend!" mikami: m-maybe we can talk to her? Relan: *nods* "I think that would be a good idea..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Feel better, Mono? Sleep okay?" mono: yeah. Shotaro: *smiles* "That's good! Hey, maybe I could do my good deed for you today!" mono: y-you dont need to- Shotaro: "I could make you a meal! Take your suit to the dry cleaner! Serenade you! I've been practicing on the trombone!" mono:.....uhhhh... Shotaro: *pulls out trombone, starts playing* -elsewhere- Wes: "Holding up okay?" liz: yep. Wes: *nods* "That's good...Hey, I was wondering, after graduation, up for a trip?" liz: sounds good. anywhere in mind? Wes: "Well, how do you feel about a tour of Europe?" liz: that sounds amazing! Wes: *smiles* "Cool! I'll get my agent to set things up. Just tell me anywhere you want to go, and we're there..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *falls asleep during movie* tsubaki:....*smiles and puts a blanket on him, then checks the mail* *A letter addressed to Tsubaki* tsubaki: ?? Letter: "Ms. Nakatsukasa--We have a shared goal, and we would appreciate your assistance with a particular matter..." tsubaki: ?? *continues reading* Letter: "We are with an organization that monitors certain persons of notable abilities--beyond those of weapons like yourself, or those with Dokeshi abilities, Flame abilities, Quirks, and so on. I think you know which kind of persons we monitor--as you have been in repeated contact with them." tsubaki: .... Letter: "We will be contacting you shortly, regarding your services to us." tsubaki: ..... *The bottom of the letter includes a symbol...in the shape of a 'C'* tsubaki: ??.... *she puts it away someplace* (thinking: 'C'?) Black Star: *yawns, looks up* "Hey, Tsubaki? What's up?" tsubaki: hmm? just looking through the mail. just the usual stuff. Black Star: "More bills and junk?" *stretches* tsubaki:.... -elsewhere- Yohei: "How's Kepuri recovering?" chie: doing better. should be home tomorrow afternoon Yohei: *nods* "That's good...Not fun going through appendicitis." chie: !!?? Yohei: "???" chie: n-nothing.....s-she is fine, right? Yohei: *nods* chie: *she nods* that's good... Yohei: "...Feeling alright? You and our baby?" chie: yeah.... *rubs her stomach* Yohei: *rubs along with her* "So amazing..." -elsewhere- Konro: "He is troubled..." fang-hua:....is sister yanase- Konro: "...She is troubled as well." fang-hua: no kidding.... Konro: "I'm going to need your help to find this impersonator. I know it may be difficult for you, given these circumstances..." fang-hua: i'll do my best. tsukiyo will too. Konro: *smiles* "Thank you...I'm sorry for this happening..." -elsewhere- Gil: "How was your birthday, Una?" una: it was wonderful. thanks guys ^^ *group hugs* the mother: 7///7; no problem. Gil: o\\\\\\o ray: hey, you're part of the family, we gotta stick together, ya know? Gil: *nods* una: i appreciate it ^^ Gil: "...We appreciate you." -elsewhere- Kishiri: [how did ur day go?] vivian: [good ^^] Kishiri: [same. ready for classes to start again?] vivian: [i guess :\ ] Kishiri: [what's wrong? worried about subjects?] -elsewhere- Arthur: *stretches* nozomi: *making lunch* Takehisa: "Need help?" nozomi: oh, sure. ^^; Takehisa: *takes over a bit of cooking* "...I would add a little vinegar. It roasts the food more easily." nozomi: right. *goes to get some* Arthur: *gets a glass of milk, passes it to Tamaki* tamaki: thanks. Arthur: *smiles* "You're welcome, my nurse..." tamaki: 7////7; Takehisa: "There--meal is finished. Enjoy." shinra: looks good. Takehisa: *nods* "Thank you." Akitaru: "Thanks, buddy!" *scoops up a helping* -elsewhere- belkia: *peeeeks out the windows* Shamrock: "??? What are you doing?" belkia: people watching? 83 Shamrock: "!!! What?! What do they look like?" belkia: you wanna look? Shamrock: -_-; "Brats...How troublesome." otogiri:.... shall we let them in? lavender: it's been a while since i had blood. Shamrock: "Fine...Just make sure they don't get out..." otogiri: i will ensure that. student 1: this place is creepy guys, m-maybe we should go home. student 2: aw come on, after all the trouble we went to finding the place? lets at least go in a bit! Student 3: *holds up flashlight* "Looks rather clean for an abandoned mansion..." student 4: kind of reminds me of ao oni. Student #3: o_o; "D-Don't bring that up..." Shamrock: *watching from shadows...* -something shatters from another room- student 2: EEK! student 1: what was that? Student 3: "CRAP CRAP CRAP!" *starts running to the front door* -locked- student 4: im gonna go check it out... *she goes to where she heard the noise* Shamrock: *towers over her from behind* "Hello..." student 4: ?!?! *she opens her mouth to scream, but...* -chomp- Student 3: "...Did you hear something?" student 2: maybe there's a window open someplace? Student 3: "Up the stairs? Maybe can reach one of those near the ceiling?" student 2: yeah. hey aiko, you're the tallest, could you check upstairs? aiko: b-but its so dark up there! Student 3: "...I'll need to stand on someone's shoulders to help us get out--I can go with you..." aiko: um.. t-that's fine.. *gulps and heads upstairs, gripping the flashlight tightly* Student 3: *looking around, listening...* aiko: *trembling* *sniff* (thinking: smoke?) Higan: "So beautiful~" aiko: !!!! *paralyzed with fear* Higan: "I am going to preserve you..." Student 3: "No!" *punches Higan in the jaw* Higan: "..." *spits out blood* "...Okay, then..." *kicks Student 3 down the stairs* aiko: !!!! lavender: *jumps student 3 and sinks her teeth into his neck* Student 3: *screaming* Higan: *approaches Aiko* "That just leaves you..." aiko: *tries to run into another room* Higan: *slowly walks* "Sure, make this a game...it makes it more enjoyable..." aiko: *looking for someplace to hide* Higan: *enters the room, ignites a cigarette* "Just a matter of time..." student 2: *still downstairs, petrified* ....... belkia: SURPRISE! *stabs her through the chest* student 2: !!!!! Higan: *opens the wardrobe...pulls out a dress* "Hmm...Nice." aiko: ....... Higan: *tosses dress onto the bed...then looks under there* "Not there...That just leaves..." Higan: *approaches the chest...* aiko: *trembling* *Hand breaks through the chest, grabbing Aiko* aiko: NO!!! Higan: *lifts her by her neck, smirking* "So tasty~..." *opens his mouth, reaches her neck--* aiko: *shuts her eyes tight as the fangs puncture her neck. the combination of fear and pain causes her to pass out* Higan: "Mmm~ Delicious~..." -later- Shamrock: "Better than expected..." otogiri: i put them in cold storage now... lavender: mmmn~ fuck that was good~ Higan: "Delicious~" *licks some blood from the side of her mouth* lavender: hehe~ otogiri: *rolls her eyes* Shamrock: "...In any case, at least we have a meal for Mr. Tsubaki..." Higan: *hugs her from behind* sakuya: i thought he couldnt drink the blood from someone who wasnt his eve? Higan: -_-; "Can't I just lick blood off of Lavender's mouth in peace?" sakuya:...sure....(thinking: fucking gross...) Shamrock: "Let's all just await Young Master's return--" Mr. Tsubaki: "My return for what?" Shamrock: "?!!" Higan: "Oh, hello..." belkia: killed some intruders for ya. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Oh. Are they absolutely dead?" belkia:....you can check on them. they're in cold storage. Mr. Tsubaki: "I will...Thank you." *goes to cold storage...looks at the persons inside...* -3 of them are dead, aiko just stares in terror...- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at Aiko* "...Hello." aiko: p...please....i dont...want to die... Mr. Tsubaki: "...You do not have to." aiko: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "It is obvious we are vampires. I am Tsubaki...and if you drink of my blood...you would become a vampire as well." aiko: *trembling* Mr. Tsubaki: "At least then, you would not die...in the conventional sense." aiko:...*whimpering* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hey...It's okay...It's your choice...What is your name?" aiko:......... Mr. Tsubaki: "...It's okay...You'll be okay..." aiko: i dont....want to become something like that....i dont...want to kill anyone... Mr. Tsubaki: "...In this world, sometimes it's kill or be killed..." Mr. Tsubaki: "...I could make your death as painless as possible..." aiko: *wide eyed terror* Mr. Tsubaki: "...We have medicine that would put you to sleep..." aiko: *tearing up* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *holds her hand* "I'll stay with you, to the end." aiko: *whimpering* Mr. Tsubaki: *cleans a spot on her arm...prepares the syringe...* "...Goodbye..." aiko: *crying* p-please.....no.... -elsewhere- ???: "Soul?" soul: yeah? Maka: *smiles* "Hello." soul: *smiles and hugs her* glad to see you. Maka: *pats his back* "Same...Feel okay?" soul: yeah. *he tells her about all that happened since last time they spoke* Maka: "...You seem to be making new friends." *smiles* soul: yeah.....*smiles* i think that lawless guy and i might just become friends...i guess angel guy too maybe....maybe is the keyword here. Maka: *smiles* " 'Maybe,' then." *pats his head* "You're still such a softy." soul: *small puppy whine* Maka: "Hee hee..." *hugs him, kisses his cheek* "My puppy..." soul: >//////< Maka: "...Soul?"' soul: y-yeah? Maka: "..." *small kiss on his lips* "I will always love you...but..." soul: b-but...? *heart drops* Maka: *strokes his cheek* "...You have a life ahead of you...I don't want you to have regrets..." soul:...... Maka: "...If you ever meet someone, who is alive...I don't want you to miss that opportunity...I want you to be happy." soul:....right. Maka: *wipes tears* "Okay..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *lying beside Sachiko* "..." sachiko:....you ok? Spirit: "...I was just thinking...about Maka." sachiko:.....*holds his hand* Spirit: *sad smile* "I think you would have gotten along well with her." sachiko: *smiles* i bet izumi would have loved her too. Spirit: "Heh...Maka was an only child...I think she'd have liked having a sibling..." -elsewhere- Ashi: "Oh, hey, Mono!" mono: oh hey, whats up? Ashi: "I heard you weren't sleeping too well, so I got you this--" *holds up an eyemask* mono: oh...thanks. -elsewhere- -it is now beginning to rain...hard- Kid: "??? Heavy downpour?" stocking: looks like it. -phone rings Kid: "???" kirika: hey bro, listen, the training session got rained out, so gopher and i are stayin at giriko's place till the storm blows over. Kid: "...Be careful. Giriko is...Giriko and Gopher is...Gopher." kirika: and im...well... me, so i'll be more than fine. Kid: "Of course. Let us know when you are coming home." kirika: ok. -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Okay, I got the last of your potted plants brought in, Iris. Should be able to keep them in the kitchen 'til the storm passes over." iris: thank you commander. Takehisa: "At least Hibana's earlier refurbishing on the roof means no more leaks in the firehouse." -elsewhere- lilac: *trembling and hides when lighting strikes* naho: eek! *hides* Q-Q Higan: "Nasty outside..." lavender: no shit. Higan: *stretches* "Weather like this just makes me want to crawl into bed...* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." otogiri:....tsubaki? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *turns and starts walking away* lavender: yeah.... i always hated working nights like this. Higan: *nods* "Rain just saps my energy..." Shamrock: *watching Mr. Tsubaki leaving...* Mr. Tsubaki: *steps outside to the backyard...* belkia: where's he goin? Mr. Tsubaki: *steps out into the rain...* otogiri:....... Mr. Tsubaki: *head down, stands in the rain...* "Wash it all away..." otogiri:...... Mr. Tsubaki: *shudders, holding himself...then starts wailing, tearing at his clothes and skin* otogiri: ?!?! Mr. Tsubaki: "Why?!" *yells at the sky* "Why do you want this?!!" otogiri: !!!! *looking around....uses the tsubaki marionette to hug him* it's....ok.... Mr. Tsubaki: *his kimono is ripped, he is collapsed on his knees* "...The awfulness...I am awfulness..." otogiri:..please...come back inside... tsubaki puppet: *hugs him* Mr. Tsubaki: *struggles to hold up his kimono* "...You will hate me...It is only a matter of time...Everyone will..." otogiri: *she shakes her head* you're....good to us. we want to help you..... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." ("Family...Monsters...What even are we...?") *unable to form the words, cries, collapsing onto the floor of the mansion* Shamrock: "!!!" lavender: !!!! h-hey, easy there. belkia: *trying to help him up* easy there, we got ya. Mr. Tsubaki: *recoiling from them--ashamed for what he did to them, frustrated with his inhumanity, unable to get the crying of that girl out of his head* otogiri:..... belkia:..... Shamrock: "...Let's put him to bed, get him a change of clothes, warm tea..." belkia: *sending a text* Mr. Tsubaki: *crying, as he's pulled into his room* -elsewhere- tsubaki:....?? belkia: [hey tsutsu XP listen, tsubakyun's been feeling really messed up right now sooooo could ya come over and calm him down plz?] tsubaki:..... Black Star: "What up?" tsubaki:....*she shows him the message* Black Star: "?!!! The nerve!" tsubaki: ..... -a pic is sent- belkia: [plz, otogiri punched me as a result of taking this pic of tsubakyun Q-Q she its hard. plz.] Black Star: -_-; tsubaki: ...... *sighs and kisses black*star* i just want you to know i'll always love you, ok? but right now, someone has to be a link between these two groups... thinking simply, as mahiru would put it,it may as well be me. *soft smile* Black Star: "...I love you too...I got to admit, I'm bothered by this guy...and I don't want you hurt...Should I go, or would it be better that I stay here?" tsubaki:...*smiles and holds his hand* i'll be ok. i promise. Black Star: "..." *kisses her hand* "You better be...I'll hold it again you if you're not." *smirk* -and so, tsubaki arrives at the estate- Shamrock: -_-; "...Ma'am." tsubaki:..... belkia: *points to mr tsubaki's room* Mr. Tsubaki: *sobbing, shuddering in bed* tsubaki:.... *breathes* *knocks on the door softly* tsubaki? it's me. may i come in? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *shrieks* "WHY DID YOU BRING HER HERE?!" Shamrock: ._.; tsubaki: *winces but stands her ground* i heard...you were upset....they were just concerned for you... Mr. Tsubaki: *hides under his sheets* "Go away...I don't want you to see me like this." tsubaki:....i wont judge you for feeling upset about something....i want to....i want to understand you. it might help to resolve all this easier. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sits up in bed* "...There is no resolving this..." tsubaki:...you wont know if you dont try. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *covers himself* "...Enter." tsubaki: *she goes inside and slowly approaches* its ok....*reaching out a hand* Mr. Tsubaki: *winces, pulling back like a scared animal* tsubaki:....*softly pets his head* it's ok. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *shocked, unable to move...his face is frozen as the tears fall down his face* tsubaki: *kneels down and smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *his face breaks, as he falls forward on the bed, sobbing* tsubaki: !!..... *awkward hug* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *limp hug around her* "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...Forgive me..." tsubaki:...*small back rub* im not mad at you.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I know you _will_ be..." tsubaki:......its not a good idea to worry about the future. it's best to focus on right now... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Right now...we did something awful..." tsubaki:......*listening* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Some students came into the mansion while I was out..." tsubaki: !! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* tsubaki:...did you- Mr. Tsubaki: "...Her name was Aiko...She was near death...drained by my subclasses...She...She was so scared...about to die...I offered...I offered--" tsubaki: *listening* Mr. Tsubaki: "...She would not have survived, not after what they--we did to her. I offered her a choice: I could make her a subclass, or end her life as painlessly as possible..." tsubaki:.......what did she do? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I killed her." tsubaki:........ Mr. Tsubaki: "...Monsters..." tsubaki: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "We are monsters...born to this world to destroy monsters..." tsubaki:....*she doesnt know what to say. all she can do is stroke his back* Mr. Tsubaki: "...I didn't want you here...You came..." tsubaki: perhaps....you needed someone to reach out to you.....i guess, it should be me, right? i guess....im a link between these two sides. Mr. Tsubaki: "You didn't ask for this...I am imposing..." tsubaki: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *embarassed, covers himself in his bedsheet* tsubaki: ....i guess....im conflicted. black*star....he is my partner, and i love him with all my heart.....but at the same time...a part of me wants to reach out to you, and tell you everything is going to be ok. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Tsubaki...I...feel something for you. You remind me of the humanity I lost. I don't know that anything can be okay..." tsubaki:.....should i...go home then? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Could you stay, just a bit longer?" tsubaki:....i suppose. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *rests his head in her lap...cries...* tsubaki:...*petting his head* Mr. Tsubaki: *cries himself until he is asleep* tsubaki:...*puts him to bed and exits*........ Shamrock: *standing outside the door...* -\\\\\- *grunts* "Th-Thank you for seeing him..." tsubaki:....hopefully i was of some help. Shamrock: "...He is now asleep. I call that progress." tsubaki:....*weak smile* belkia: thanks tsutsu~! ^^ lilac:...... tsubaki: ?? lilac:....t-thank you..... tsubaki: *she smiles* i dont believe you're completely evil...any of you. Shamrock: "..." lavender: aw, thanks....i think. Higan: *loud moan* belkia:.....?? O-O Higan: *from far away* "Just like that! Beautiful art!" Shamrock: x_-;;;;; otogiri: -.- belkia: HIGANO SHADDAP YER KILLIN THE MOOD! tsubaki: ^^; see you later then... Higan: "..." *muffles himself* Shamrock: "Good night, Miss Nakatsukasa..." tsubaki: *waves and leaves* Shamrock: "...She makes Young Master happy." belkia: is she gonna be our mommy? otogiri: *rolls eyes* good grief. Shamrock: x_o belkia:....what? Shamrock: "SHE IS NOT OUR MOTHER!" belkia:..... TEAM MOM! TEAM MOM! TEAM MO- otogiri: *CHOP* stop. Shamrock: x_-;;; -elsewhere- lilac:....sakuya? are you...in here? Sakuya: "??? What's up?" lilac: are you.....alright? a-a-after what- Sakuya: "...After those kids?" lilac:.....i...get too scared to...drink blood....directly...... mei and tadashi....always made sure i got it from blood bags..... Sakuya: "..." *nods* "This isn't something normal to get used to." lilac:......d-did you ever....? Sakuya: "..." *nods* lilac:...... (saku: your friends.....they died because they were weak)...... Sakuya: "...Lilac, you don't have to do that. No one is going to criticize how you survive..." lilac:.......is...drinking blood...the only way to....get stronger? Sakuya: "...Not the only way. Blood is just to keep you alive...Getting stronger...Well, there are many ways to get stronger, and they don't mean drinking more blood." lilac: ....... naho: >->;; *has almost never drank blood* Sakuya: "Look at Naho--she's plenty strong without blood." naho: OwO;;;; lilac:..... Sakuya: "So, let's find a way for you to get stronger--not just physically but up here, too." *taps Lilac's forhead* naho: y-yeah! totally! *punches a punching bag.....and is slammed into a wall*.......owie. Q-Q Sakuya: -_-;;;; "...Not like that. But similar." lilac: are you...ok? naho: X_X im gooooooood to gooooo. Sakuya: "Take five, action hero. I'll show you and Lilac how to throw a punch..." lilac: should i...get the ice pack? Sakuya: "...Yeah. That's gonna leave a mark on her." naho: Q^Q -elsewhere- Black Star: *running from the mansion to make it home before Tsubaki* tsubaki: going somewhere? Black Star: o____o;;; "...Hi. Fancy seeing you around here..." tsubaki:.....did you honestly follow me? Black Star: "...Yes." tsubaki:...*soft sigh with a smile* i guess i shouldnt be too surprised that you'd be worried about me. *pats his head* Black Star: -\\\\\- "...I will always have your back..." tsubaki: i know. *smooch* Black Star: -\\\\\\- *hug, kiss* -elsewhere- Giriko: "Rain still going..." kirika: yeah. arachne: *serving dinner* Gopher: *smiles* "That looks delicious, ma'am." -w- kirika: thanks for the grub! *nom nom nom* Giriko: *smiles* "I appreciate this...You feel okay?" kirika: well im still breathin, aint i? Giriko: *nods* "I was asking her..." *points to Arachne* Gopher: .^.;;; "I-I'm happy you're breathing!" arachne: ^^ im doing well. our little one is too. kirika: 7///7; !! oh, did you figure out what it's gonna be yet? Giriko: "Well, about that..." kirika: ?? Giriko: "We're waiting to find out..." kirika: ah. Giriko: "Gonna be one heck of a baby when they're born. Good genes!" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *rubs her arms* "The rain just makes my skin crawl sometimes..." kim: hm..... tsugumi: *hanging up little ghost dolls* teru teru bozu~ teru bozu~ Anya: -_-; "...What are those?" kim: yeah, halloween was months ago. Jacqueline: *examining the dolls...* tsugumi: oh these? these are teru teru bozu. they're supposed to be charms to keep rain away. mio:....it doesnt seem to be working. tsugumi: i think they're supposed to help make the next day sunny, or at least not rainy ^^ ao: right. Meme: "Hmm...Guess we'll need more umbrellas." -elsewhere- Relan: *playing with Buttons* "Rain, rain, go away, come again another day..." buttons: *nuzzles against his finger* Relan: *smiles* "I bet that fur keeps you nice and warm. So cute..." buttons: ^o^ Relan: *smiles at Ryuuko* "What do you do when it rains outside?" ryuuko: usually i just read. Relan: *nods* "That's a good activity. How about you, Mikami?" mikami: i-i usually just wander around the estate....but here, i just stay here and find something to do. Relan: "...You like board games? Video games?" mikami: well....my sister did teach me a few card games. Relan: "...I don't know many, but I'm up for playing." ^^; mikami: ok. ^^ -elsewhere- Hibana: "Come on...It'll be fun!" -elsewhere- Kuro: *curled up against a large cinnamon roll* "Sweet..." mahiru: ^^ Lily: "The sounds of rain falling is so relaxing~" misono: i suppose it- -the clock strikes 9- misono: zzzzz....... Kuro: "...???" mahiru: he fell asleep again -_-; Lily: "So precious~" *picks him up* "Time for bed..." -morning- Mr. Tsubaki: *grunt, pulls bedsheets closer around himself* lavender:....who's gonna check on him? Sakuya: "...Not it." naho: >->; lavender: not feelin it. belkia: i almost got strangled last time ^^ Shamrock: "I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUNG MASTER IN EVERY--" Higan: *slaps hand over his mouth* "No." otogiri: ...... Higan: -_-;;; "Fine. Sham, you're up." Shamrock: *squee* *clears his throat, composes himself...* *knock knock* "Young Master?" naho: 8D Mr. Tsubaki: "Grrr..." Sakuya: -_-; "Calm down, Naho..." Shamrock: "I'm coming--" Higan: "PHRASING." Shamrock: -_-;;;;; "...in." otogiri: ..... (thinking: you're one to talk. -_-; ) Shamrock: *opens the door, enters...to fine Mr. Tsubaki buried in his sheets, pillow over his head* Mr. Tsubaki: "Grrr..." Shamrock: "...Sir? It is morning. Time to start the day..." Mr. Tsubaki: "...Fine...Give me five more minutes..." Shamrock: "..." *sits on edge of Mr. Tsubaki's bed, looking around* "...You sound better~" Mr. Tsubaki: "I feel nauseated." Shamrock: ._.;;;; "Um..." otogiri: should i....? Sakuya: "Yeah, this is turning into a train wreck. Go ahead, Otogiri..." otogiri: *she goes to the medical room* Shamrock: "Sir, please? It is a beautiful day. The sun is up. Rain has passed, and--" Mr. Tsubaki: *sits up, in just his bedsheet...* Shamrock: X_O Mr. Tsubaki: -______- "I had a bad night. I am sad. Let me be sad." otogiri:....*looking at aiko's corpse*.....maybe....we should put her to rest....higan? Higan: "..." *nods* "I think so..." otogiri:....*nods and brings her out back* Shamrock: "...I know you have much to feel sad for...but we are here for you.." Mr. Tsubaki: "...Are we monsters?" otogiri:.....we cant....use her blood anymore.... Shamrock: "...Sir...I..." Shamrock: *looks out the window, sees Otogiri...* "Sir...Get showered and dressed." Mr. Tsubaki: "I told you, I don't feel like--" otogiri:.....higan... would you, do the honors? Shamrock: *lifts Mr. Tsubaki out of bed, rips the bedsheet off of him, and throws him into his shower* "Shower, damn you!" Mr. Tsubaki: "?!!!!" Higan: "...I can make a decent tombstone...and a casket, too..." Shamrock: "And wash behind your ears! Don't make me come in there and scrub you down!" belkia: wow. Sakuya: "Naho, stop..." Higan: "...Maybe cremation would be simpler. You think so, Otogiri?" otogiri: that is what i had in mind. naho:.....what? OwO~? Higan: "...Very well..." *chants "Ashes to ashes..." as he burns the corpse...* Shamrock: "...You done in there?" Mr. Tsubaki: *exits in towel* "Yes, yes--stop ordering me around--" Shamrock: "Good." *rips the towel off him* "Let's get you dressed." Mr. Tsubaki: "H-Hey!" lilac: *covering his eyes* naho: *KO* XwX Sakuya: *catches her* -_- "Unbelievable..." *Mr. Tsubaki exits, dressed, and led to the backyard...* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Otogiri?" otogiri: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "Lilac? What's going on?" lilac: are you...dressed now sir? Mr. Tsubaki: *sigh* "Yes, I am dressed...What is going on in the backyard?" otogiri:....we...laid her to rest. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Aiko?" otogiri:....*sad nod* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* "Thank you." otogiri:.... belkia:.....so....what now? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I want to honor Aiko...We killed this girl and her friends...I don't want to do that, when we don't need to." *pats Lilac's shoulder* lilac:....*trembling* -they made a grave for them- Mr. Tsubaki: "...We are vampires. But we do not have to be monsters..." naho:...what do we do? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Want to rob some blood banks?" belkia: HELL YEAH! Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Shotgun!" belkia: YEAH! lavender: nice! Shamrock: *sigh* "Very well..." Higan: -_-;;; "Hope we don't get caught..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *stretches in wheelchair* "Glad to be getting out of this hospital..." akaderu: no kidding......you sure you're ok? Kepuri: "Doctors cleared me--and I think I know my body better than them!" *crosses her arms, nods her head--then winces* "Ah! But...the doctors did say to go easy when I get home..." akaderu:....did you want anything? Kepuri: "...When I was stuck in bed, I used to play with Legos..." akaderu: oh? Kepuri: -\\\\- "Could you get me some Legos, sweetie?" akaderu: O/////O r-right! Kepuri: "Thank you~" -elsewhere- Relan: *knock knock* ryuuko: yes? Relan: "Hi...Um...Is your ceiling leaking?" ryuuko:....no? Relan: "Oh, good...because mine is...and my bed is all wet. From the rain." -elsewhere- Kid: *straightening his suit* liz: date night tonight? Kid: *smiles* "Indeed. You?" liz: maybe. Kid: "??? Are things okay for you and Wes?" liz: of course they are! but hey, i dont know if i have plans set up for tonight, just playing it by ear. Kid: *nods* "Just making sure...if you're ever up for a double date, I'm sure Stocking would love to catch up with you and Wes, too..." liz: noted. Kid: "...Is this suit too formal for date night?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *kisses Tamaki's cheek* tamaki: >///< Arthur: *whispers in her ear* "Your underwear are so cute...and sexy." tamaki: >/////////////////////< Arthur: "You know what else is cute? That little 'nyah' sound you make..." tamaki: i-i dont know what your talking a-meow-t! Arthur: *smirks* "So, you wouldn't make a noise if I did this..." *small kiss behind her ear* tamaki: n-nyan~! >////< Arthur: *hugs her from behind* "So cute...Tamaki, you are so cute..." tamaki: *hiding face in hands* >////~////< Arthur: "..." *smirk, as he pats her bottom* tamaki: O/////O a-arthur! Arthur: *chuckle* "What?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "...You feel better?" tsubaki:....yeah. Black Star: "...I got a bad feeling, about some anonymous group bugging you about those vampires..." tsubaki:.....im not sure if i can trust them completely either..... Black Star: "Hmph. Which one, the vampires or that 'C' group?" tsubaki:....the ones who sent the letter, obviously. Black Star: "..." *sigh* "I know you want to see the best in that guy...I'm just not convinced." tsubaki: ...... i do want to see the best in him....but i wont just ignore the bad he has done either... Black Star: "..." *pats her shoulder* "Whatever you decide, I got your back." tsubaki:...*she smiles* Black Star: "Whoever this 'C' group is, let's watch out for them..." tsubaki:...*she nods* Black Star: "...Well...I guess we got the day ahead of us to worry about this stuff later..." tsubaki: right. Black Star: "Anything you want to do?" -elsewhere- Lawless: *looking through a book* licht: *practicing* Lawless: *looks up* "...So cool..." romina: *listening* Lawless: *listening to the music...imagining a scene with him and Ophelia...* TT\\\\\TT julian: *reading the story of jekyll and hyde* Guildenstern: "Decent book?" julian: *nods* Guildenstern: "...Want to know the ending?" julian: i've read it a few times before. Guildenstern: -_-; "...Oh. Was hoping to spoil it for you." julian: *smirk* Guildenstern: "...Well, you ever read 'Treasure Island'?" julian: *nods* Guildenstern: -___-;; "Well, that's all the Robert Stevenson stories I know, so..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *examining a blood bag* "...They're like Capri Sun. Only gorier." naho: gross...*trying not to gag* Mr. Tsubaki: "You aren't going to drink, Naho?" naho: i-if i have to....*nom* *shudders* >.< lilac:....*drinking* ...... Higan: "...This lacks any aesthetic value..." *pathetic slurp through a straw...* Shamrock: x_-; "If this is what Young Master wants..." naho: *cringe* lavender: hey, it's ok kiddo. i know it's hard since you're still fairly new, but it gets easier with time. Mr. Tsubaki: *sympathetic pat on Naho's shoulder* "Give it time..." naho: ....... belkia: hey nyahon~ , remember your first day as a subclass, and you went to take a bath but walked in on higano? naho:.......*excalibur face+shudders* Higan: “Oh right, feels like it was only yesterday.” Sakuya: "Hey! Why would you even bring that up?!!" belkia: >3> naho: ......... Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, please, that's just disgusting...and hardly what Naho wants to see..." *winks* naho: EEEEW >3< lavender:....7w7 Higan: "..." *pats Lavender's behind* lavender: oh~ UwU naho: EW GROSS OLD MAN! Mr. Tsubaki: *whispers to Naho* "I meant some of your doujin scenarios..." naho: ...oh that! defiantly that, but not with the old geezer. >3< Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, of course not--someone younger, attractive--" Higan: D: lavender: but you still have the best dick game out of all of them~ *wink* Higan: -\\\\\- Shamrock: "..." Mr. Tsubaki: "...Gross." belkia: TMI!!...... Q~Q Mr. Tsubaki: "Let us change the subject--we have filled up on blood...What to do next?" -elsewhere- Gopher: -w- kirika: zzzzzz.......*they crashed out on the couch* Giriko: "...D'aw." *snaps a pic* arachne: oh my, what's this now~? Giriko: "I think they've coupled up." kirika: *opens her eyes*.....O//////////O h-h-h-hey! jeez! >////////< Giriko: *switches to video camera mode* "How's the happy couple?" Gopher: *yawn, stretches...turns on the couch and grabs--* -SLAM DUNKED- kirika: -/////////////////////-;;; arachne: O_O; Giriko: "...See? I told you her training with me would make her awesome!" Gopher: D: kirika: h-h-h-hey! dont record us! *trying to grab the camera, but cant seem to reach* *angry kitty noises* Giriko: "Hee hee!" *holds camera over her as she paws at it* "Come on! You can do it! Ha ha ha!" kirika: g-gimme dat! >n< arachne: *soft chuckle* Gopher: *upside down* "Kick him in the balls, Kirika!" -swift kick to the nuts- Giriko: "EEEEEEeeeeeEEEEK!" D: *collapses* arachne: O_O Gopher: D: "...Good thing you're already pregnant, ma'am..." -elsewhere- Emine: "...I need a good idea for a bad deed." lin: knocking someone's trash over? Emine: "...Good idea. I will knock over the trash can here and make that kappa pick it up..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *holding a lost kitten* -_-; itsuka: *looking at the poster* we should be there soon... Bakugo: "Good...'cause this thing is clawing into me..." itsuka: ^^; Bakugo: *stares at the cat* "You think you could let go there, buddy?" -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzzz...." mahiru: *watching tv as he lets kuro lay on his lap* Kuro: *yawn* "There's never anything good on..." mahiru: *watching news* TV Reporter: "--and a string of odd robberies across town. One witness claims to have heard, 'This stuff isn't gonna drink itself!'" mahiru: ?? TV Reporter: "The Blood Bank reports that while the amount of blood stolen was comparatively minimal, it urges residents to continue donating so to keep a consistent supply--" -elsewhere- yumikage: shit, looks like we got to step in again? Jun: "Son of a..." yumikage: so should we handle this or train those kids some more? Jun: "Train them--this can be helpful..." yumikage: got it, you go find tsurugi then. -elsewhere- Kid: *holding up a True Cross teacher's guide* "How is the reading going?" stocking: doing well. apparently i have to take some classes with the students to complete the training. Kid: "When are those classes?" stocking: next fall. Kid: "Ah...That should help you and the students..." stocking: ^^ Kid: "And I'm sure you'll be a great teacher to them..." stocking: *smiles* Kid: "So, have you considered what you would like to do for date night?" stocking: how about a movie? Kid: "I would like that. Any one you had in mind?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: "..." kirei:....commander? Benimaru: "!!! ...Sister...Um...Hello." kirei:....how have you been? Benimaru: "...Conflicted. Angry. Sad." kirei:...... Benimaru: "...I'm sorry I hurt you." kirei:..._you_ didnt do anything to me.... Benimaru: "It was my face, and you thought it was me...and I...I didn't mean for you to be hurt by what you think of me..." kirei:....i hope this doesnt sound superficial but....what do you think of _me?_ i-i-i know you didnt really like me at first....but time has passed since then... Benimaru: "..." *nervous scratch on his cheek* "I...appreciate you, in this community..." kirei:...*small smile* Benimaru: "...You are attracted to me." kirei: ?! 0////0; Benimaru: "Is that the truth?" kirei: um... w-well... *somewhat flustered* Benimaru: "...Sorry. I did not mean to put you on the spot. I wanted to be direct in case the actions of my impersonator were bothering you, or if they have compromised anything currently between you and me." kirei:..r-right... Benimaru: "...Sorry. I made this awkward. I just do not know what to say. If I say, 'You are my friend,' I worry that says, 'I like you only as friends.' If I say, 'I like you,' I worry that is vague. If I say, 'I find you attractive'--" kirei: i-i-i understand.... *silent* ...maybe we should leave it as ambiguous for now... Benimaru: "...Odd way to put it, but yes..." -elsewhere- stocking: that was hilarious, haha! Kid: "Hee hee...Yes.” stocking: XP Kid: "Aw, I'm sorry." *kiss on the cheek* stocking: it's fine. still a good laugh though Kid: *smiles* "...You ever imagine yourself in films?" stocking: eh, not really. Kid: *holds her hand* "I think you would do well..." stocking: maybe. Kid: "You certainly do excellent on stage, performing music..." stocking: aww >w< Kid: *smiles* "I mean every word of it. You are one of the most talented people I know." -elsewhere- Wes: "Feel okay?" liz: yeah, of course. *hug* Wes: *hugs back, kiss on the cheek* "Glad to be with you..." liz: ^^ Wes: "..." *small smirk, as he spins her around for a small dance-step* liz: hehe~ Wes: *dances a bit with her, then dips her* liz: *smooch* Wes: ^\\\\^ "...I love you." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking up at the sky* naho: nice night out. Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Surprised to see the stars out..." -a light snow begins to fall- Mr. Tsubaki: "???" naho: chilly.....i hope spring gets here soon... Mr. Tsubaki: *small smile, as he adjusts his scarf* "The spring brings blossoms..." naho: mmhmm. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *shares a blanket with her* naho: =w= nice and fuzzy~ Mr. Tsubaki: "Heh heh...Indeed. I forget how cold I can get in human form." naho: .......hey mr tsubaki, since the others are all kind of like flowers, what kind would i be? im thinking violets? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small laugh* "A shrinking violet?" naho: no >3< that would be lilac. but that's kind of already taken 737; i dont really know. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Violets tend to represent friendship, admiration...resurrection...What do you think of roses?" naho: too obvious =3= Mr. Tsubaki: "Heh heh..." *pats her head* " 'Violet,' then..." naho: maybe. but im still the same naho i always was! >u< Mr. Tsubaki: "Of course, Violet Naho..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *in bed...and already built 27 inter-locking but unrelated Lego sets into a functioning replica of a theme park* "...I'm bored, now." mana:.....wow. Emine: "..." *moves to knock it all down* akaderu: *GLARE* Shotaro: *hand smack* "No! Bad Emine!" Emine: >_< -elsewhere- -morning- sayaka: *running around the neighborhood* phew....jeez, where did i end up? Sakuya: *walking nearby* "...???" sayaka: oh hi! do you know where i am? i kiiiinda got lost, haha ^^ Sakuya: "...Prospero Estate is right over there. The old ritzy neighborhood, before things went to shit." sayaka: neat....wait, you look familiar....you're.....watanuki, right? Sakuya: "...Yeah. Sakuya Watanuki. And you're Mahiru's buddy..." sayaka: mahiru? oh! right! from work. yeah. Sakuya: "Yep...You haven't been around here before, have you?" sayaka: not really. i've lived in this city so long, but there's still places i havent even heard of yet! Sakuya: "...Places that can be a bit dangerous..." sayaka: no kidding.....*thinking of stein and johannes.....shudders* Sakuya: "..." *stomach growls* o\\\\\\o "...Um..." sayaka: *offers him a pack of crackers* here. Sakuya: "Oh...Um, are you sure?" sayaka: *smiles* Sakuya: "..." *takes the crackers, munches on one* -\\\\- "...Thanks...You need directions?" sayaka: im good. i think i'll take this as an opportunity to explore some more. catch ya later! *she leaves* Sakuya: "...Yeah. Later." *waves* -elsewhere- Arthur: *practicing with his sword* tamaki: *totally owning a mannequin* Akitaru: *holding up punch-mitts* "Good, Maki! A bit harder on your right..." maki: hah! Akitaru: "Right! Like that!" Takehisa: -\\\\- -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Feel rested?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "Good." *kiss on her forehead* "Any plans today?" stocking: i was thinking about going to the library and cramming. Kid: "Need any study help? Note-taking?" stocking: if you want, i wouldnt mind~ Kid: *smiles* "I would love to." *holds up a notebook and a pen* "Ready~" -elsewhere- Black Star: *looking through news on his phone* kilik: anything interesting? Black Star: "..." *reading the blood bank story, trying to keep calm* "...Just the usual." *flips to another story* -elsewhere- Patty: *STARE* liz:....what is it? Patty: "..." *holds up a shark* liz: O________________O Patty: "...I know, right?! How am I even holding this thing?!!" -a few days later- tsubaki: seems winter break is finally over. Black Star: "Time for the last semester..." tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: "..." *pats her back* "Make it an awesome one!" tsubaki: *smiles* right Black Star: *offers his hand* -in class- Patty: "Soul!" *hug* "Happy to see you back in class!" soul: great to see you all again! Kid: "Indeed." Black Star: "BEST YEAR EVER!" ???: good to see you all again. -mami smiles warmly- liz: hey mami! Crona: "H-Hello...everyone..." soul: hey chrona, great to see you again. Crona: *smile, blush, nods* stocking: it's our final semester, so lets give it the best we got! Kid: "Yes!" Black Star: "YEAH!" Mineta: "Yes!" Kid and Black Star: "..." -stocking threw him into the trash chute- Patty: "Thank god!" Kid: "...But I didn't do it." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *walking down the stairs* "At least I can do that again..." akaderu: *smiles* Kepuri: *smiles back* "I think I can handle something other than crackers and ginger ale now..." -at the school- misono: *studying in the library* Lily: *in butterfly form, hiding by staying close to Misono* "Find anything?" shinoa: this seat taken? misono: we- *notices shinoa* i dont see anyone sitting there, do you? shinoa: i take that as an ok then? *she chuckles* Misono: "...In my own way, yes. Hello." shinoa: *she nods and sits down, peeking at his book* 'Alice in wonderland' hmm? Misono: "...An old favorite. I wanted to see what more I could learn from it." shinoa: ah. Misono: "...You have read it? What do you think of it?" shinoa: it's quite the classic. i actually preformed in a school play of it one year. Misono: "Really? Who did you play?" shinoa: the march hare. Misono: "...Oh. I always paid attention to the White Rabbit--" Lily: *in butterfly form, making small laughing sounds...* shinoa: ?? oh? a butterfly? is that your pet? Misono: -_-; "I can't get rid of him..." Lily: *wings go down, as if pouting* shinoa: hehe, i think it's quite adorable. it almost likes like you have a ribbon in your hair. Misono: -\\\\\-;;;;; "...Thanks?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *walking through halls of the Academy* vivian: TORRY~!! *GLOMP* Kishiri: o_O;; "!!! H-Hey! Vivian!" *smiles* "I'm happy to see you!" vivian: hehe~<3 Kishiri: "How was your trip back?" vivian: it went well. Kishiri: "..." *hugs* "I missed you." -elsewhere- naho: 3rd term of school is finally here~ Sakuya: "Yeah, surprising...Hope classes don't suck." naho: are you thinking of joining a club this year? Sakuya: "Not really. You had one in mind?" naho: i was considering joining the track and field. Sakuya: "Ah. That would keep you busy. I just don't get a sense of interest from much around here..." naho: hmmm. oh! maybe you can join music club? Sakuya: "...Might as well. I like music." naho: neato! >u< Sakuya: "How fast do you run?" naho: i can run fast >3< Sakuya: "..." *small laugh* "Then go out for track, then." naho: YAY! -elsewhere- Benimaru: "So frustrating..." fang-hua: no kidding. Benimaru: "We've reviewed medical records, interviewed residents...No leads..." *looks at Fang-Hua* "I'm sorry." fang-hua: hey, you're doing your best. Benimaru: "...I have no idea what this monster did to others...after what he did to the Sister, what if he had hurt someone else...like you?" fang-hua:........ Benimaru: "...Sorry. Just shaken by all of this." fang-hua: it's understandable. Benimaru: "..." *covers his face* fang-hua:.... commander? Benimaru: *a tear falls down his face* fang-hua:.........*gentle, but somewhat awkward hug* Benimaru: "!!! ..." *awkward pat on the back* -elsewhere- lilac: *under the covers with a cold compress to his forehead* Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh dear...You are quite under the weather, aren't you?" lilac: *whimpering* Mr. Tsubaki: *feels Lilac's forehead* "Still a temperature..." *frowns* "...Is there something troubling you?" lilac: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: *holds Lilac's hand* "Please...tell me..." lilac: just.....feeling sick.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'm sorry. Would anything sit well on your stomach?" lilac: n-no....just....my head...burning up..... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *refills Lilac's glass* "Drink...Water will help." lilac: *takes a sip* t-thank you..... Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Just ring the bell if you need anything..." lilac:.....*he drifts of into a nap. when he wakes up, the room is dark, but he sees something lurking in the dark*..... !!!! ‘Lawless’: "Huh...I missed a spot..." lilac: !!!!! *trembling* no....no please... ‘Lawless’: "What a mess you are...I better clean up...by wiping you off the FACE OF THIS EARTH!" *his face stretches and contorts, until he is cackling, and a clawed hand reaches for Lilac* lilac: *screaming as he jolts awake, breathing hard* Shamrock: "??!!! Lilac! What's wrong?" lilac: NO! n-NO! *crying* p-PLEASE DONT KILL ME!! lavender: !!! Shamrock: "..." *backs away* "Lilac...We're not going to hurt you...You had a nightmare..." lavender: shhhh. its ok... *she hugs him close.* lilac:.....*hic* *sniffle*....*slowly starts to calm down* Shamrock: "..." *turns to leave* belkia:.....i swear there's magic in those things.....*touches his own chest and frowns*..........oh well, what's done is done. *shrug* Higan: "Indeed, they are magical~" Shamrock: x_-;;;; "Must you do that?" otogiri:..................*facepalm* Higan: "...Belkia, I think Otogiri's may have some magic..." -SMACK- otogiri: *poker face, but her fist is steaming* belkia: O_O; yeeeeah best _not_ to make her upset. Higan: "...Worth a shot." *his mouth is now up next to his ear, but he still puts a lit cigarette into it* -elsewhere- Relan: "Happy to be back in class?" shinra: yeah. Relan: *smile* "Yeah..." *holds his hand* shinra: *smiles* Relan: "Let's make this semester a successful one." shinra: right! Relan: "Any plans after school?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: -w- "Just a few more months...and a new home..." kim: yeah. *she smiles* Jacqueline: *taps her books, chiding Kim* "So make sure you keep up on your studies." kim: i got ya...so, are you planning to join a club this year? Jacqueline: "I'm not sure...There are so many options: sewing, cooking..." kim: you're really smart, so maybe you can join library staff? Jacqueline: "..." *looks at the books...smiles* "I could do well at that work..." -after school- naho: is he feeling any better? Mr. Tsubaki: "...He is shaken by the nightmares...I don't know what to do..." naho: ........i won this in a crane game. *she holds up a hello kitty plush* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *pats her head* "My violet...I think Lilac would like to see that..." naho: ^^ hey lila~ i won this for you~ *she gives him the doll* lilac:...*hugs it* t....thank you, naho. Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* -elsewhere-
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