#oh woa I speak spanish
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No necesitaba un recordatorio de que no soy quien quiero ser.
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tripstations · 5 years
Phrases in 5 Common Languages to Know when Traveling in Europe
Traveling abroad this summer? These helpful phrases will open doors and help you gain immediate acceptance.
You don’t need to be fluent in the language of the country that you are traveling to, but learning some key phrases makes a great impression. If someone hears that you’re trying to speak the language, they will give you their respect and help.
From saying hello to asking how much something cost; knowing some important phrases will set you up for an amazing trip. Its also a great way to meet and connect with people, you can find a secret spot that only the locals know or the best place to eat in town.
Your pronunciation doesn’t have to be perfect, all that matters is that your trying and that means a lot the locals.  Also it’s a great way to impress your friends when you start speaking the language of the country your in, works everytime!
Here are some helpful phrases in 5 common languages to know when traveling in Europe – French, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch:
If you want to learn more check out the fun online language learning tool from Babbel (you can try the first lesson for free!).
The Basics:
Hello: bonjour  (bohn-zhoor)
Please:  S’il vous plaît   (see voo play)
Thank you: merci  (mehr-see)
Goodbye: au revoir  (oh reh-vwar)
Where is the bathroom? pardon, où sont les toilettes?  (oo sohn lay twah-leht)
Do you have a menu in English? avez –vous un menu en anglais? (ah-vay vooz uhn men-u ahn ahn-glay)
How much is it? combien est-il (kohn-bee-an es-eel) 
I’m lost, can you help me find ____? Je suis perdu, pouvez vous m’aider à trouver? (zhuh swee pehr-dew puh   vooz- may-day ah tru-vay)
I would like: Je voudrais (zhuh voo-dray)
I am sorry, I don’t speak French: Je suis désolé, je ne parle pas français (zhuh swee day-zoh-lay , zhuh nuh parl pah frahn-say)
  Some Phrases Just for Fun:
I drank too much, can you call a taxi? J’ai bu trop, pouvez-vous appeler un taxi (zhay boo tro-op, poo-vay voo ah-puh-lay uhn tahk-see)
Can I climb the Eiffel tower? Est-ce que je pouvez monter la Tour Eiffel?  (ehs-ce kuh zhuh puh mon-teh la toor ee-fel)
How’s my breath? Comment tu trouves mon haleine? (kon-mahn tew troo-vay mohn ah-lehn)
  Some French Etiquette to Know:
Never say: Jokes are not appreciated in French culture. Intelligent conversation or funny real-life stories are appreciated.
Inappropriate gesture: Do not slap your open palm over a closed fist (this is considered a vulgar gesture).
Never do: Do not bring up money or religion. Do not use someone’s first name until you are invited to do so.
French custom: Instead of a 3-course meal that Americans are used to, the French traditionally serve 6 courses. In order, they are hors d’ oeuvres, fish course, meat course, salad, cheese plate, and dessert. Bread and wine are also staples that are always on the table.
The Basics:
Hello: Buongiorno (bwon-jor-no)
Thank you: Grazie (gra-tyse)
Please: Per favore (per fa-vo-re)
Goodbye: arrivederci (a-ree-ve-der-chee)
Where are the toilets? dove sono I gabinetti? (do-ve so-no ee ga-bee-ne-tee)
Do you have a menu in English? Avete un menu in inglese?
How much is it? Quantè (kwan-te)
I’m lost! Could you help me, please? Mi sono perso/a! Mi può aiutare, per favore? (mee so-no per-so/a! mee pwo ai-yoo-ta-re per fa-vo-re)
I’d like to buy___:  Vorrei comprare__   (vo-ray kom-pra-re__)
I am sorry, I don’t speak Italian: Mi dispiace, non parlo italiano  (mee dees-pya-che, non par-lo ay-tal-lee-on-o)
Drinking Toast: Salute! (to your health!) (sa-loo-te)
  Some Phrases Just for Fun:
Can you lower the price? Può farmi lo sconto? (pwo far-mee lo skon-to)
Where would you go for a cheap meal? Dove andrebbe per un pasto economico (do-ve an-dre-be per oon pas-to e-ko-no-me-ko)
I’d like the wine list: Vorrei la lista del vini (vo-ray la lee-sta day vee-nee
  Some Italian Etiquette to Know:
Never say: Do not call someone by their first name until they invite you to do so. Use their title and last name.
Inappropriate gesture: Stroking your fingers under your chin and thrusting them forward is a sign of defiance
Never do: Never talk about politics, taxes, religion/The Vatican, the Mafia, World War II, private or personal matters (income, family matters, occupation)
Italian Custom: Italians take part in something called La Passeggiata daily. This ritual consists of a stroll around the town at about 6:00 p.m. The purpose of this ritual is to see and be seen by other people and catch up with friends before dinner.
The Basics:
Hello: Hola  (oh-lah)
Please:  por favor (por-fa-bor)
Thank you: Gracias (grah-thee-ahs)
Goodbye: adios  (ah-dee-ohs)
Where are the toilets? ¿dónde están los servicios? (dohn-day ay-stahn lohs sehr-bee-thee-ohs)
I would like a menu in English? ¿Me gustaría la carta en inglés? (meh goo-stah-ree-ah lah kar-tah ayn een-glays)
How much is it? ¿cuánto cuesta? (kwahn-toh kway-stah)
I’m lost , how do I get to____? Estoy perdido[a] ¿ Cómo llego a _? (eh-stoy pehr-dee-doh, koh-moh yay-goh ah __?)
Is there a phone I can use? ¿Hay un teléfono que puedo utilizar? (I ayn tel-lay-fone-o kay pway-do u-tee-lee-zar)
I am sorry I don’t speak Spanish: Lo siento no hablo español (loh-see-ehn-toh no ah-bloh ay-spahn-yohl)
Drinking Toast: Salud! (To your health!) (sa-lu-de)
  Some Phrases Just for Fun:
I drank too much, can you call me a cab? ¿Yo bebí masiado, puede usted llamarme un taxi? (yo bay-be day-ma-see-a-doh, pwah-day oo-stehd ya-mar-may ayn tax-see)
Where is the nearest hospital? ¿Dónde está el hospital más cercano? (dohn-day ay-sta ehl oh-spee-tahl serh-can-o)
I would like one of everything, please:  Me gustaría uno de todo, por favor (may-goo-stah-ree-ah un-oh day toh-doh por-fa-bor)
  Some Spanish Etiquette to Know:
Never say: Do not talk about politics, religion, the Civil War in Spain, or Franco.
Inappropriate gesture: Making the “ok” sign (index finger and thumb forming a circle) is considered obscene.
Never do: Do not order more food than you can eat. It is considered rude to leave food on your plate.
Spanish Custom: Bullfighting is a sport that is a tradition in Spain. After a cape is waved in front of the bull, the Matador and his Picadores weaken the bull by placing spears into it. The Matador dedicates the death of the bull to his president or the crowd before performing his faena. The faena is the Matador’s “dance with death” when he stands in the arena with his sword letting the bull charge him until he finally kills it. This tradition dates all the way back to 711 A.D.
The Basics:
Hello: Hallo  (a-low)
Thank you: Danke  (dong-ka)
Goodbye: Auf Wiedersehen (all-veet-a-zen)
Where is the bathroom? wo ist die Toiette? (Woa is dee-toilet)
Do you have a menu in English? Haben Sie ein Menü auf englisch? (Have-n- see- ine- menuu-ov-eng-glish)
How much does this cost? wieviel kostet dies? (Vay-vel cos-tet dies)
I’m lost can you help me find ____? Ich habe mich verfahren, können  Sie mir helfen, __ zu finden? (Eek hab misch mivare-fa-ren, see mik-ch hell-ven___________ zoo fine-done)
Is there a phone I can use? gibt es ein Telefon, das ich benutzen kann? (Gipt –es-ine-telafon, das-eeck-ben-oot-zin kaan)
I am sorry I don’t speak German: Entshuldigung, ich spreche kein Deutsch. (Ent-shu-il-de-gung, eek sprek-a-nee doy-ch)
Drinking Toast: Prost! (May it be good) (Pro-st)
  Some Phrases Just for Fun:
I drank too much, can you call me a cab? ich habe zu viel getrunken, können Sie für mich ein Taxi bestellen?
Where can I find the best bratwurst? Wo kann ich die beste Bratwurst finden?
How many types of beer are served in Germany? Wieviele Biersorten gibt es in Deutschland?
  Some German Etiquette to Know:
Never say: Do not bring up the Nazi’s or the Holocaust. Interrupting in a conversation is also considered greatly disrespectful.
Inappropriate gesture: Do not point your index finger to your head, it is considered rude.
Never do: Do not eat with your fingers, put your elbows on the table, be late, or drink too much.
German Custom: Every year for 16-18 days from the end of September to the beginning of October, Germans celebrate Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest is the largest fair in the world with more than 5 million people attending every year. While the first Oktoberfest was a celebration of Bavarian Prince Louis’ wedding, it has grown into a festival of beer and food that is well-known and replicated all over the world.
The Basics:
Hello: Hello  (a-low)
Thank you: dank u  (dang-u)
Goodbye: tot ziens (tot-zines)
Where is the bathroom? Waar is het toilet (warr is het toilet)
 Do you have a menu in English? Hebt u een menu in het Engels? (Hept-you-ine-menu-en-ha-t-on-g-lace)
How much does this cost? hoeveel kost dit? (Ho-veel kost de-it)
I’m lost can you help me find ____? Ik ben verwaald, kunt U mij helpen____ te vinden?
Is there a phone I can use? is er een telefoon die ik kan grbruiken?
I am sorry I don’t speak Dutch: Mijn excuses, ik spreek geen Nederlands
Drinking Toast: Proost! (Cheers!) (Pru-st)
  Some Phrases Just for Fun:
I drank too much, can you call me a cab? Ik heb teveel,gedronken, kunt U voor mij een taxi bestellen?
Where can I find the best Pannenkoeken? waar kan ik de beste pannenkoeken vinden?
The tulips are beautiful! de tulpen zijn mooi! (Die-tool-pen-zin-moo-ey)
  Some Dutch Etiquette to Know:
Never say: Do not talk about your income and possessions, criticize the Dutch Royal Family, or religion.
Inappropriate gesture: Do not tap the center of your forehead with your index finger. This is a sign for “crazy” and is impolite.
Never do: Loud, outspoken, and provocative behavior is not appreciated or well-received. Try to blend in with others.
Dutch Custom: Wooden clogs worn by Dutch people of the Netherlands are an iconic symbol of their culture. These clogs are used for Dutch dancing or worn by farmers. Although they may look purely decorative they are very useful. They keep feet warm in the winter, cool in the summer, have good support, and absorb perspiration. Now days most wooden clogs are made by machine but there are still a few of the shoe makers left in Holland’s tourist areas.
If you really want to learn one of the languages, the online language learning tool from Babbel is a great program.
  Related phrase books
Europe Phrasebook, Lonely Planet
This phrasebook covers: 15 languages with mini-dictionaries // Handy pronunciation guide throughout // Easy coloured-tab navigation // Useful phrases. Languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish Swedish and Turkish.  
buy it on Amazon >>
French, Italian & German Phrase Book, Rick Steves
Rick Steves, bestselling author of travel guides to Europe, offers well-tested phrases and key words to cover every situation a traveler is likely to encounter. This handy guide provides key phrases for use in everyday circumstances!  
buy it on Amazon >>
 Good luck and happy travels!
The post Phrases in 5 Common Languages to Know when Traveling in Europe appeared first on Tripstations.
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spring-lion · 7 years
Good morning, Mae! Yes, I have a very versatile taste, hahaha. I love almost every genre so I tend to read very different books. And I'll read Warm Bodies as well! And yes, Spanish is my first language since I'm from Spain! And omg, you're a polyglot! That's really cool :o I'm a language lover too, and I really admire you (I mean, I always did but now more!!) because I think it's amazing that you know a lot of languages!! (+)
(+) I’m super proud of you!! I always wanted to learn tagalog, because I know that it has some spanish-sounding words and I found it very interesting, but I never had time nor I found really trusting websites. And it’s surprising you learned three languages as a child!! It’s really true that children learn a lot faster than adults, woa :o And don’t worry, I’m passionate about it as well and I find you a very interesting person!! Your story is amazing!! (+)
(+) And don’t worry, I’m comfortable talking to you about any subject!! And thank you so much! Don’t worry about your writings being usually heteronormative, personally I don’t really mind, but I’m very happy you’re supportive of the community! ♡♡♡ And answering your question, I speak Spanish, English, Korean and Italian. Next year I’m going to study French and Latin at school and I’ll go to a Chinese academy. I also want to improve my English! (+)
(+) Spanish is my mother language, and I’ve been learning English since I have memory. I started learning Italian by myself when I was like… 9 or 10 years old because my dad was planning a trip to Italy and I wanted to learn the language to have a better experience. (But we never went, lol) Eventually I dropped it and I picked it up again a few months ago. As for French, I studied it at school for 2 years but I dropped it when I moved schools against my will :( Because (+)
+ I had depression so my grades lowered a lot, when I moved my new school quit me from the bilingual program so I couldn’t study French anymore. Now I struggle with my grades but I hope I can get picked next year for French, because I love languages ♡ I started learning Korean like, 2 years ago? But I started learning it seriously last year. It’s a really long story; I hope I’m not a bother!! Okay so, I told you I had depression, well, It was horrible and my +
+ only scape was music. I found kpop and I started dancing. And I loved it. It was in july 2015, and I’ve been dancing since then. I found myself in love with the culture and the language, so I started learning it. I’ve always wanted to be a musician because music is truly an art and it makes me so happy and alive, and when I found that dancing is one of my passions as well, I thought that maybe I could fulfill my dream of being a musician if I joined the kpop industry (+)
+ so I started training myself, singing, rapping and dancing. Later that year I started playing piano and on my birthday (17/9) last year i got a guitar so now I’m learning those instruments as well!! I have to learn and train at home because I don’t have the money to pay classes, and sometimes it’s hard but I’m sure I can do it because I have the passion. It’s sad that people think I’m a koreaboo when I tell them this, but I’m not one. These people are disgusting, lol. (+)
+ So, as I want to become an artist there I want to be the most fluent in Korean as possible. I’m nervous to tell you this because it’s very important and personal to me, and I hope you can accept and support me >
(+) because I find it REALLY interesting and I love Chinese history and culture! Wow, okay, this was such a long answer! I’m sorry :’) But now you know more about me, too! Okay, so my question for you is: What is your favourite animal? And do you have a favourite place? (For example, the forest, the beach…) Also, plus question!! When is your birthday? With a lot of love; ♡ -your lovely anonie
Oh my goodness, my lovely anonie! I am so touched that you felt so comfortable to be able to share so much about yourself with me! It’s so cool that you’re from Spain! I was actually suspecting you were from the other side of the world bc whenever I was about to go to bed you would say good morning, haha. xD But really, I’m so moved that I was able to reach someone as far out as Spain, so thank you so much for loving my works and for reaching out to me to tell me about it, and as well as about yourself. I appreciate and love you so much. I actually long to meet you in person one day because often times whenever you come to visit me, I wish to reach out and to give you a big hug. We’re so far from each other, and I don’t know when this could be possible, but maybe in the future we can if we manage to keep in touch! Of course, again, only if you are comfortable with it. :)I realize that you are on anon for a reason, and you only know me by my pen name, “Mae.” But I want you to know that I often wish that I can go across the world to touch your hand, just like our Namjoon does for every ARMY.
I think it’s so cool that you have an interest in so many languages just like me! I believe that all the languages in the world are truly beautiful because they are the mechanisms that help to perpetuate love, community, and unity amongst one another. Actually, in Tagalog we have no word for “the other.” We only have the word “kapwa,” which is best translated as neighbor but, really it means so much more than that. It’s about community and togetherness. I think that it really goes to show that you really can’t live without other people in your life, that you cannot live without love. I think Namjoon said something similar in a vlive about the words 살아 (live), 사랑 (love), and 사람 (person). They sound similar because they cannot be without each other.
About your depression, I totally understand. I went through something similar, and it is still something that I battle, but I’m glad that you were able to find something to cope! Music was what helped me cope as well, especially Bangtan’s music, and it’s why I am so attached to them, especially Min Yoongi whose lyrics I resonate most with. And, don’t worry. You are never a bother to me! I am always willing to listen whenever you need me to. I may reply a bit late because I am occupied by other things, but I do hear you and I understand you.I encourage you to get all the help that you need and to do whatever you need to do in regards to your mental illness.
As for your interest in going into the Korean music industry, I am going to say that I am honored that you trusted me enough to reveal something so personal to you. Thank you for sharing your dreams and passions with me. I am honored that you care so much about my opinion, and I’ll admit that this puts a bit of pressure on me as I don’t want to hurt you. What I will say about this is that this industry is only one of many paths to becoming a musician. I am in no place to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do because I am not living your life, but I only hope to help you find the answer that is within yourself. This one path is going to be one of great great challenge, especially for being a non-Korean. It is no doubt that it is going to be difficult, every single idol has encountered great difficulty within that same path. I’m not going to say it is impossible; I am just saying that it is difficult and that I hope that you are prepared for what you are getting yourself into because you are going to need a lot of tenacity and endurance. But in reality, every path to success is extremely difficult, so it might as well be a path to something that you really like. Right now, it looks like the odds are against you. But the truth is, we only know what has happened up to the point that we are breathing right now, and for that reason no one is certain for what the future has to bring. I guess what I am trying to say is that you never know how much your life will turn around any moment from now because anything is possible. Nothing is for sure in this world, and the best that you can do is to control your own self. In the future, you might still be on this path, or you might be led down some way different but related to something that you truly wanted. No one knows. I don’t. You don’t. But I know that as long as you trust the voice inside of you that tells you who you are, then you will end up in a great place. So keep following what your heart is telling you. Keep thinking about it and meditating about it to see what you should do that is the best for you. It’s okay if the path twists and turns several times; paths are not always straight. Wherever you go, the journey will be long and hard. I will support a decision that you make no matter what it is because it is probably what you believe is best for you. Remember that no matter what I say, it is always up to you. 
I’m sorry if that answer was complex. It’s because a few years ago, I thought I wanted to be one thing, but it turns out that it wasn’t right for me. Even as we speak, I am still deciding what is right for me. I am always thinking about that. My life turned around into something I didn’t expect, but also into something greater than I had ever imagined. I just want you to follow your heart, but to also know that it’s okay if you life changes several times. It happens. We never really know the future.I hope that my answer is acceptable and that you understand what I am trying to say to you. I just want the best for you, and only you can know what that is.
And wow, Latin and Ancient Greek is so cool! I actually want to learn those languages too, hehe. xD One of my dreams is to be able to read the Bible in its original languages.
Again, I do not mind your long answer! I was delighted, even! I am so happy to know more about you!
As for the answers to your questions:My favorite animal would have to be the owl, specifically the snowy owl, because I always thought that white-colored animals were cool. I am actually quite fond of the arctic fox as well. I like the owl because it is often associated with wisdom, and I am someone who is always interested in learning new things and in discovering new things about life. I like the arctic fox because of its beauty and as well as its mysterious aura. I always found it to be quite fascinating.My favorite place would have to be on a patch of grass. I don’t know how else to describe it. But I imagine it as a secluded area where I could just lie down and stare up at the sky, specifically up at the night sky. I’d actually love to just lie down and gaze at the stars with someone while just talking about life. I’ve never actually been to a place like this, but I’d like to someday, and it’s the place that came to mind when I read your question.My birthday is November 25. :)I actually turn twenty this year! :OYour birthday is September 17th, right? I actually saved it last year as the 16th on my calendar but I realize you’re a day ahead, haha. I’ll fix it soon.
My question for you today is: Who are your favorite kpop groups and your biases in each? Also, do you stan both boy groups and girl groups, or do you prefer to stan one or the other?
I hope you have a wonderful day, my lovely anonie! ^.^
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