#oh wow i got such a strong feelin on deja vu while answerin this one the fuck GJKSLCKLJGK boreas is attacking me
spotsupstuff · 1 year
Where do Boreas and Zephyr end up in the off the string Ancients au after getting off the string?
well, assuming that Euros and Sparrows manage to find Boreas before he fucks off on the journey to Zeph alone or Desaevio Houses manage to catch him, the three would make the journey to her together and with Sparrows bein the only one with a place to go, she'd suggest coming over to her home at least until they figure out smth better
fuckin... Euros tryin to rope the other two into the joys of baby sitting.. Boreas constantly smacks his head on doorways. Inferno gives Boreas a fucking shotgun n starts teaching him how to use it while Sparrows, very conscious of the religious importance of Iterators, is just lookin behind them like 👀💦 Inkling would get along with Zephyr WONDERFULLYYYYYY,, would try to teach her how work around the house despite her disabilities so she would Finally get to do smth else than just sit and cling on to survival. Boreas n granda glaring at each other from the other sides of a room as if one of them isn't alive strictly because of spite
they lose Brook and everybody is trying so hard to find her and at the end it turns out that she somehow managed to hide under Boreas' chlamys and has been clinging on to his back for a solid hour now. no he did not know about this
at the end of it all Sparrows family would get together and probably renovate some house from beyond the retaining walls of Euros' facilities where the Gen 1s could hide away, because ultimately Zeph n B need to stay a secret more than Euros himself. about Euros people already know! and at least he's still within his own walls. but Zeph is supposed to be a secret and B is so damnably important as a bearer of the capital city, that if they were found out the family would get into a lot of trouble
so the aged humidifiers get to have a lil dwelling in the forests nearby, seems like! <3
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