#oh yeah cole said a sexist joke too and it was so uncomfortable
@bemmiecake k den lol if you really werent talking about me and it was just a, coincidence then shit my bad lol
im on mobile so i cant add a read more sorry hoes its a long post
EDIT: finally there’s a read more
skybound is a bad season because of how poorly it treated its characters and trying to be "progressive" but instead just recycling the same harmful clichés and going nowhere with the problems it supposedly wanted to tackle.
the biggest issue i have with it is yeah, nya, this is by far her worst season, and i dont mean it as nya herself, or wherether she kicked butt in this season or not, but instead how the writers practically gave her no choice over her actions. she even says she didnt have a choice over becoming the water ninja, but its the writers who decided that, it wasnt wu, it wasnt jay, theyre fictional characters with no real life power. the writers ripped nya off all her will to choose, back in possession when they introduced her as the elemental master of water, she DIDNT have to become a ninja, her powers are not tied to lloyd in any way and she couldve stayed as a samurai just fine. but instead they decided to add more drama, because nya is a girl and girls are all about drama! right? they treat their only main female character SO badly, she's the writers punching bag for whenever they want to shove romantic drama in our face, neither pixal or skylor had it this badly (although each have problem of their own)
its not like the production doesnt know what theyre doing is bad, they do. if they didnt, then, skybound wouldnt have actually adressed these issues.
anyway, at the very start of the season nya's initial conflict is being treated in a very misogynistic way by the media. being seen only as "the girl ninja" or "jays girlfriend" and the whole love triangle bs instead of her own person.which is a very legitimate problem that not only happens to her or other fictional characters, but to women in real life, i was slightly impressed they even /tried/ to confront this concept. but of course, they had to go ahead and tie this conflict to a man, they just HAD to un-develop jays character to make more drama. im not saying nya should be isolated from men lol, but every. single. woman. in EVERYTHING EVER MUST BE IN SOME WAY INVOLVED WITH A MAN. Its not progressive to say "girls its ok to date men!", nope, no. what we lack of instead is a positive "girls its ok to be on your own!" message.
so it INFURIATES me that they tried to add "feminism" (if u can even call that shit feminist lol) by making dareth say ooc shit like girls can only cook and do their makeup so nya can tell him how WRONG he IS and that girls are STRONG and INDEPENDANT!!!!!1111(SEE WE'RE SO OPEN MINDED LOVE US) and making jay obess over getting back again. they didnt solve anything, everything felt as if some unknown forces (bad writing) forced nya to just accept everything that happened to her. in the end she didnt do anything that she wanted to do, she stayed as a ninja and her and jay got together again, even when she literally said she WANTED TO BE A SAMURAI and that she DIDNT WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP. ugh, the writers made her complain about how wu didnt let her choose and then they didnt let her choose what to do about it lol.
and of COURSE, they had to make it even worse, they just HAD to kill her off at the end. one of the oldest and most boring clichés in everything ever, and a misogynistic one at that. killing a female character just so her male love interest can grieve over her death is nothing new. and its even worse when you consider what happened to her in that entire season.
first she gets poorly treated by the media, she feels like shes not even a person of her own, nadakhan wants to kidnap her so he can marry her, then her ex gets obsessed with getting back together (jay was shit in this season), then she stays alone with said ex which probably influenced her decision on getting back with him (the whole "i knew from the moment we met" thing is so forced), later she gets kidnapped, forced to marry nadakhan and gets possessed by delara, only to die after in a failed tearjerker scene. how did her character develop? it didnt, she was used to develop jays character instead. all the things happening to her where to see how jay would react or act, not to make nya grow as a character. even after she was "part of the team" now they still treated her only as jay's love interest.
theres literally no lesson to be learned from nya dying lol we DONT need dead women in a kids cartoon, specially one that is directed at young boys. it being all erased at the end didnt make it any better tbh it just felt like this season was a waste of time.
tldr; the ninjago writers tried to be progressive but failed miserably
so yeah nya being poorly treated is what bothers me the most, ofc theres other things i also mentioned like jays un-development, dareth's ooc lines, and the bad messages this season gives to girls in general. but this post is already long as it is and my hands hurt from typing for almost an hour lol.
idk if im missing something but its almost 3 am and thats p much why i hate skybound, bye
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