#oh yeah. for the maybe confused ones.i use all pronouns with berenice!!!
littlenekosfan · 2 years
usually i would post this on my priv, but hey, i will indulge a little since nobody talks about them
i already made a little summary of their bg on discord and i have some brainworms rn for some reason... like quincy brainworms, but him especially and jugram’s aide too (but this time, no sapphic, only berenice bg)
ill make it short, i realized that ritters are all pure blood quincies, so berenice cant have mixed parents... unless, i make one of them (lets say the dad) be like jugram case, jugram isnt an unique case and im not really sure about how much a quincy is self aware about being one (they never tackled that with jugram unfortunately) but lets say their dad was one of the “defectives” one but never knew he had quincy heritage in the first place, as for their mom, she is aware about her powers, but deems them as curse (thanks to the church) so she pretends she doesnt know about them (i can even go and say berenice parents unconsciously meet and were compatible from the fact they are quincies but never knew lmao) berenice is an only child, but she would have step/half siblings who were “better” than her bc they would do what the church says to do (the mother didnt have other children, the dad did but he didnt give “proper” quincies bc he’s not a “normal” one anyways), berenice is the type to question.. a bit too much, but for the good reasons.. anyways, at some point she kinda snaps and makes enough noise to be not only kicked out from the church but also considered as a witch, and so, they would exclude themselves from the village, living alone wasnt so bad, but its no fun to be fearful that someone finds you and wants your head.,, one day some kids (just two,, like juazz :) ) would wander too close from berenice’s shack and one of them would trip and hurt themselves.. berenice hearing the crying, he hides and see the kid, he uses his quincy powers to heal, the kids were really apprehensive at first (i mean, seeing glowing hands that looks like fire... yeah) but they were amazed by berenice skills who was still learning.. anyways, the kids leave and would sometimes visit them to offer something as thank you, they always kept the secret since berenice told them to, few months passes by and one of the kid would discover they also have quincy powers, berenice shocked and worried, tells the kid everything they need to know, the kid learning more about their heritage would come more and more often to practice their powers bc they didnt consider them as a curse since berenice only shown it as a good thing, and so, they became berenice first “apprentice” (the other kid would also come to assist and cheer their friend) but that didnt last long when yhwach found them, berenice didnt want to join at first, she thought it was some kind of trap to kill her for “converting kids” but yhwach was able to gain berenice trust pretty quick by proving he’s the quincy king and this and that (not to pull another juazz moment, but lets say the kids didnt join bc they were too young, yhwach was only taking strong quincies, not all of them)
its just some rambling for fun, i like to imagine some scenarios but i figured id share with you guys if you want, im not really good with fics and art takes a LOT of time... so yeah :)
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