#oh? he's 'delulu' cause he had a crush on you? well that we can agree on
taechnological · 3 years
Forgive me, this is a long post and writing this about shipping.
I agree with you about shipping. Toxic delulu shippers. I see comments, "proofs" videos/theories of their ships and the ship war 🤦🏻‍♀️ I saw the cry of shippers when one member with other member or people, like "NO! (ship name) is FOREVER" biith stop 🙄
Here's a story of me being shipped with someone.
So this guy and I are being shipped cause of 4 reasons: attended the same church, same sport club, loves books a lot and our water bottles are the same brand and colour. There's so weird for others shipped us for just that reasons 😐 there's a uncomfortable part, I was 16 and he's 14 WTF?! Why wouldn't they ship us?!? 🤮 Well he's taller for a 14 years old and I'm short (5'2) and have a baby face, so others thought we are the same age or he's older than me. Fast forward, we are no longer in contact since I graduated and heard he's gay. That's good for him. Wish him the best. There's another one, this happened in youth camp. Where we have a 'secret friend'. This guy treated me so well and gave me small gifts. The others and I thought he's my 'secret friend', turned out he's not. He has a crush on me. Others thoughts it's so cute and sweet. I didn't cause I found out he's 15 and I was 22. Stop this is outrageous disgusting for the young ones shipped us 🤢
Sometimes I hope the boys and other celebrities/idols will reveal they are in a relationship or getting married happily with their love of their life (not the members or other celebs they shipped with), so shippers can wake up from toxic romance fantasy of them. Let them (shippers) know what they doing is uncomfortable and creepy. Tae once shut down a shipper by writing back, “You better come out of your imagination, it is not good to be there.” and there's denial shippers said it's mistranslation 🤦🏻‍♀️
Shippers taking their close interaction (like family/friendship loving way), fan service or whatever the reasons they thought of they being "couple" way too far.
I'm taking this out from my chest. I apologise for writing this that everyone stressed and tired of. I love the boys' interaction with each others, not romantically.
Hope everyone have a great weekend or day! Take care lovelies 😘
oh no anon...... i'm so sorry u had to go through all that 😔 it sounds so uncomfortable... i'm sorry u had such type of ppl around u :(
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wonjaekook · 4 years
If the Dress Fits
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A/N: This fic is 80% Y/N and Chenle whining to their respective best friends about each other and like 20% actual plot, but it’s fine… to be honest, I had a really hard time writing this one for whatever reason? But enjoy !
21 Tropes: 8. High school/prom AU + turquoise w/Chenle
Description: Zhong Chenle had somehow not gotten himself a date for prom. He had, however, found out that you have the same favorite movie as him.
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
“This one, you’re getting this one.”
The dress that your friend Ryujin waves in front of you nearly makes you dizzy with how sparkly it is and you have to close your eyes and push her hand away. “I don’t like it,” you say, frowning, “It’s too much.”
“My friend,” she says, lowering the dress and slinging an arm around your shoulder, “you’re going to get a dress today whether you like it or not and, if you aren’t going to choose, I’ll pick one for you.”
“But I-”
“Don’t have a date, blah blah. I don’t care. You’re my best friend and you’re coming to prom no matter what.” Ryujin is beyond stubborn and you know there isn’t anything you can do to convince her to let you stay home.
“Well, I don’t like that one,” you say, turning back to the racks of long, beautiful dresses.
“Choose one soon or I’ll choose for you! We have to go make our hair and makeup appointments, too!”
“Such a waste of money,” you grumble under your breath, pushing dress after dress aside.
“It’s a perfectly good use of money! This is a once in a lifetime experience. Once. In. A. Lifetime!” As she emphasizes each word, you sigh heavily and just pull out the next dress you see.
“I’ll get this one.” Your best friend scrutinizes your choice, a displeased pout on her lips.
“You just chose that one randomly! At least put some thought into it-”
“I like the color and it’s pretty, isn’t that enough?”
She stares at you for a beat before giving in. “Fine, go try it on, then.” As you close the door of the changing room behind you, she shouts out another demand. “And you’d better come out with it on so I can see!” The changing process takes longer than you would have liked to admit, but you eventually step out with the zipper zipped and ribbon tied, showing Ryujin how the item looks on you. She scrutinizes you carefully, tugging at bits of cloth here and there until she sighs. “If you like it, then I like it. Somehow you chose one randomly that looks really good on you.”
You grin victoriously, ecstatic that you’re finally done with the most tedious shopping expedition you’ve ever been on. As you’re getting rung up, you’re also happy to find that the dress isn’t priced too badly either, so you begrudgingly let your best friend drag you along to your next stops without much complaint.
Unbeknownst to you, just a few stores over, Chenle and Jisung are performing a similar operation. Standing in a men’s formal wear store, Chenle is nearly as indecisive as you, but not for lack of caring. If anything, Jisung is the one who cares less of the two as he watches his friend fret.
“Can’t you just pick one?” The younger boy prods, impatiently standing while Chenle stares at the rows and rows of ties. “It’s not like you have anyone to match with.”
“Thanks for rubbing it in,” the elder grumbles, pouting while continuing to scan over the ties. He finally reaches out, picking up three.
“Why didn’t you ask someone, again?” Jisung asks, eyes wandering around the store.
“I didn’t really want to.” He shrugs before scrutinizing each tie carefully in his hands. “...and there’s no one I’m really interested in right now.”
His taller friend looks over his shoulder and points at one. “You should get that one.”
“Why?” Jisung shrugs in response. “Just because you said that, I’m getting this one.” Chenle puts the other two back and goes to the register, purchasing the tie.
You and Chenle make a somewhat unlikely pair. While he’s at least somewhat “cool,” you’re definitely not. He’s good at languages and music and sports, but you’re good at math and science. You’re about as opposite as you can get. That’s probably your biology teacher paired up the two of you.
“Who assigns a project the week before prom?” Chenle groans.
“Can we just focus and get some of this done tonight? I have a Calculus exam tomorrow that I need to study for, too.”
“I hate lab reports,” Chenle grumbles under his breath. You would have rolled your eyes if you didn’t completely agree.
He looks up at you, surprised at your response. “You don’t like writing lab reports?”
You give him an incredulous look. “Of course I don’t like writing lab reports! Who likes writing lab reports? I may be a nerd but I’m not that much of a nerd.”
“Oh,” he says, flushing in embarrassment. “Sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” The two of you work as silently as possible for a while, only asking necessary questions. That is, until your phone begins to loudly go off. The chorus of “Start of Something New” from High School Musical blares and fills the room and you scramble to grab your phone, rejecting the call when you see that it’s just Ryujin. You take a minute to send her a panicked text, saying you’re working on a biology thing with Chenle, before you slowly turn back around to face him. He’s staring at you with wide eyes.
“You like High School Musical?” Slowly, you nod, cringing at yourself, and he lights up. “That’s my favorite movie!”
“Wait, really?” Your head snaps up and he’s grinning at you.
“Yeah! I make Jisung watch it with me at least twice a year.” You can’t help but smile back at his enthusiasm.
“I make Ryujin watch it with me every so often, too,” you say, staring back at him. “Going into high school, I always wanted it to be like the movie, but…” You trail off, the smile fading from your face. “I’m being dumb, never mind.”
“No, continue,” he encourages, gesturing at you. “I think I know what you’re talking about.”
“Maybe another time,” you say, somewhat bitterly, “let’s finish this lab report.”
The two of you don’t finish the lab report.
By the time you get through half of it, you realize that you’re basically just talking to yourself and Chenle is about a minute away from falling asleep, so you end the session there and make plans to work on it the next day. He agrees sleepily before packing up his stuff and leaving your house. You pull your phone out and flop down on your bed almost immediately after he leaves, seeing how Ryujin had responded to you earlier.
Bestie: you got paired up with Chenle? Zhong Chenle??
Y/N: YES and he finally left
Bestie: how was that? did you get along?
Y/N: it was fine, I found that he actually loves HSM too
Bestie: huh, really? cool i guess
Bestie: maybe this is your Gabriella moment and you can make him fall in love with
Y/N: stop being weird, I’m not that delulu
Bestie: I’m serious, high school isn’t over yet! it’s not over until it’s over
Bestie: plus he’s cute, you should go for it
Y/N: stoppppp you’re being weird
You toss your phone to the side. Admittedly, when Chenle had first commented that he also loved the movie, you felt like your moment was finally coming, but you shut that feeling down quickly. There was no way you could ever, or he could ever, or that could ever-
You shake your head and smack your face with both palms, trying to clear your head. You really read too many romance novels.
As soon as Chenle leaves your house, he’s texting Jisung.
JS: what
JS: why are you trying to calling a meeting rn… what’s wrong
JS: uhh, nice?
JS: haven’t you had like… one conversation with her? isn’t that a little soon?
CL: …
CL: you’re right
JS: wait a little bit, i didn’t get my gf by jumping at the first girl i thought was cute
CL: your gf approached you first
JS: okay that’s not the point
CL: I’ll wait but I swear I’ve thought she’s cute since econ with her freshman year
JS: whatever you say
The next day, you try to ignore the face that Ryujin makes at you from across the hall as you exit biology class next to Chenle, opting to wave goodbye at him and turn a blind eye to your friend’s taunting.
“Can you not?” You say to her as soon as he leaves. “You’re still being weird!”
“I can smell the romance,” she says, dramatically wiping away a nonexistent tear from her eye, “my baby Y/N is finally getting action.”
“I’m not!” You’re on the verge of stomping your foot like a little kid with how frustrated you are. “We just have to work on a project together!” “I’m friends with Jisung, you know,” she says, “I could slip in a good word about you and that word could reach Chenle-” You hit her on the arm and she winces, pouting at you and shutting up. “Let me live and stop trying to set me up!”
“Fine,” she says, “I guess I’ll just have to let it happen naturally. I’ll leave it even more alone if you buy my banana milk today…?” She tries, but you shut her down with a glare, proceeding to walk to the cafeteria with her. While you’re sitting with your group of friends and eating, you make eye contact with Chenle as he passes by your table with Jisung and he smiles and waves, causing you to wave back. Your best friend sees, nudging you after he breaks eye contact and continues walking and you glare back at her.
When Chenle and Jisung get to their own table, the younger just rolls his eyes at the dreamy look on the elder’s face. “She’s so cute,” he says, leaning against his hand, his elbow on the table.
“Just eat your food.”
One thing you would never, ever admit to her is that you did, at one point, have a crush on your biology partner. You had a class with Chenle at one point in freshman year, economics if you remember correctly. The dynamic was similar to how it is now, but you had been even more quiet then. You don’t think he even knew you existed, which you’re fine with now. When you think about yourself from freshman year, you cringe, just like most other people. But, now, working with him on this project is bringing back the tiny fluttering butterflies in your stomach that you had repressed years before. Ryujin’s comments just bring you false hope because you’re almost certain you have no chance. So, once again, you push back those thoughts and go back to your lunch.
At your house later, you and Chenle work hard on your lab report, spending most of your time relatively silently for about an hour before he sighs and collapses dramatically over his work. “Ah, this is so hard.” “Yeah,” you agree, “I hate this. But we have to finish.”
“Uh-huh…” he says absentmindedly, lifting his head and glancing around your room. “You said…” “What?” You ask, looking away from your work and up at him.
“You said you wanted your life to be like the movie, right?” Your heart beats faster in your chest at the question and you can feel heat rise to your face, tinging it red. “Can you sing?”
“No,” you say quickly, looking at your hands, “and please don’t ask me to demonstrate. I’m so bad that I shatter glass, I swear.”
His high, squeaky laugh makes you lighten up a little bit. “I won’t ask, but I also don’t think anyone is that bad. And I know, I’ve tutored voice lessons. Anyone can sing if they practice enough.”
“Mhm, maybe. You’ve never heard me sing before.” You find yourself smiling at him.
“We should go to karaoke sometime,” he says. You wouldn’t have known, but the invitation is very spur of the moment, something that just escapes his lips before he can really think about what he’s saying.
“Sure.” You agree reluctantly, not quite believing that he’s implying that he wants to hang out with you more.
In his head, he’s screaming at himself. He just casually asked you out. He just casually asked you out?!
“If you don’t sing,” he says, trying to move on from what he just did, “then, do you dance?” “A little,” you respond hesitantly. “I taught myself some just in case.”
“Wait, really?” He exclaims, surprised. “I can’t dance at all.” “Anyone can dance if they practice enough. Besides, how are you going to dance with your date at prom if you don’t learn?” He doesn’t respond right away, so you swallow hard. “Assuming you’re going?” “I’m going!” He says quickly, making you relax slightly. “I just don’t have a date.” “You don’t?” You ask tentatively, unsure of how sensitive the topic is for him.
“Yeah. It’s whatever. But even Jisung got a date! I’m gonna have to third-wheel all night.” You laugh softly at his response.
“I feel that. I don’t have one either and I know Ryujin and her boyfriend are going to be all over each other. I’m going to try my best not to look.” When you say that you don’t have a date, he looks up at you, surprised.
“You don’t have a date? Really?” “What do you mean, really? Is it that surprising?” You quirk an eyebrow at him, confused.
“Yeah, I mean, you’re one of the smartest girls in our class and you’re cute. Why…?” You flush at his compliments. He really sees you like that?
Once again, he’s internally screaming at how casually he’s saying things to you today. He’s also far too relieved by the fact that you don’t have a date to prom.
“I- I guess I just… don’t talk to guys a lot?” You squeak out. “Why don’t you have a date?”
“There was no one I wanted to ask,” he huffs, crossing his arms before he echoes your words. “Is it that surprising?”
“To be honest, yeah,” you say, your filter suddenly gone, “you’re cute and popular and you’re good at what you do, so…” Silence hangs somewhat heavily between the two of you as you blush at each other, contemplating what could come next.
“Do you want to-”
“Maybe you and I-”
You start to speak at the same time and stop. “You go first,” you say. “No, you.” He responds. Smiles slowly creep onto your faces before you both start laughing, eliminating the tension in the air. After your laughter dies, you smile at him again.
“We should probably finish this stupid lab report.”
He nods. “Yeah, probably. Do you want to watch High School Musical after we’re done?”
You agree and get back to work. As you finish the assignment and sit on your bed with him, watching the movie, you try to ignore the fact that Zhong Chenle called you cute and that you called him cute back. You definitely try to ignore the fact that you almost asked him to be your date to prom when you’d only had like two conversations with him and the dance itself is in two days. However, you try the hardest to ignore the way that the two of you had just clicked when you were talking and how sitting next to him, watching your shared favorite movie under mounds of your pillows and blankets, feels so natural, too natural.
You try to ignore how your heart beats faster when you talk to him and he excitedly talks back to you during biology, or when you meet eyes with him across the cafeteria and he smiles at you.
But, no matter how hard you try, you can’t ignore the reemerging feelings. As you’re getting your hair and makeup done, you can’t help but wonder what he’ll think when, or if, he sees you at the dance. You can’t help but wonder if he was messing with you when he said he didn’t have a date, or if you were getting your hopes too high up that maybe he had been about to ask the same question to you as you were to him when you were studying together, or if you would even see him at all.
Ryujin snaps you out of it by literally snapping her fingers in front of your face, jolting you out of your thoughts. “Hey, today is a happy day! I can see those gears turning in your head and I’m telling you to turn them off and enjoy yourself for once. This is prom! You’re going to have fun whether you like it or not and I’ll make sure of that!”
“This is why you’re my best friend,” you say, hugging her, “thank you.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” she says, lighting up again. “Now, let’s get you into that dress.”
On the other side of town, Chenle is fretting about nearly the same thing as you, but a bit more vocally.
“What if she’s just being nice? What if she doesn’t actually think I’m cute? What if she doesn’t want to dance with me because I told her I’m not good at it? What if-” “Please, please stop,” Jisung whines, sick of hearing his friend complain about this girl for hours. He aggressively adjusts his tie, manhandling it into the right place as he speaks. “Just ask her to dance later. It’s not hard. You’re supposed to be the confident one, so just do it!”
“She’s too cute. I won’t be able to handle seeing her today.”
“You’ll be fine. Just try to have a good time.”
For the nth time, he has to agree with Jisung, even if it’s quite as romantic of an outlook.
When you step out of the relatively nice car that Ryujin’s boyfriend is driving, you feel like a princess. Even though you don’t have a prince of your own yet and you had been moping not three hours before, you find that the venue is dazzling. Pretty fake-crystal decorations are draped around lights and everything is adorned with off-white cloth that falls beautifully, like tiny waterfalls of fabric. Your best friend gasps when she gets out of the car, grabbing onto your arm and pointing at the various pretty things all around. After she is done with her initial shock, she reaches out, grabbing her date’s hand and dragging him along with her, with you trailing behind.
To your sadness, you don’t spot Chenle until everyone is sitting at their tables, eating the nice dinner that your school had catered for you. You can only see the back of his head and shoulders, his hair seeming to be neatly styled and a tuxedo replacing his usual casual outfit. You forget about him for a while as you eat and chat with your friends, sending compliments to everyone at your table. When the dancing starts, you have a decent time standing in a circle with your friends, making a fool of yourself with your silly dance moves under the disco ball and colorful moving lights setup, and having more fun than you had expected. Then, the first slow dance starts and you awkwardly step off the dance floor with all of the other single people, standing back and watching people dance.
Except, as you step off, someone taps on your shoulder.
You turn around and find Chenle, no date in sight, just like he had said. His eyes are wide when he looks at you, staring at your whole getup. “You look really pretty.”
“Thanks,” you say, grinning up at him. “You look handsome.”
Your gaze travels over his outfit, stopping at his tie, and you freeze. The two of you seem to realize at the same time. Your dress, a long, sweeping gown with ample lace and sparkle, is the same shade of turquoise blue as his silk, patterned tie.
“I guess this means something, right?” He looks at you, meeting your eyes earnestly. “You don’t have a date, I don’t have a date, but we somehow ended up matching anyways. Even though I’m not good at it, do you-”
“-want to dance? Yes.” He takes your hand, pulling you onto the dance floor.
For the first time in your life, you feel like you’re a part of a story, dancing at prom in one of your cheesy high school romance novels or movies. You’re Gabriella and he’s Troy and you couldn’t be happier just swaying with him, avoiding complicated steps and just enjoying each other’s slightly clumsy but entirely heartfelt moves.
After the song ends, you escape with him to a quieter part of the venue, chatting with him for what seems like hours about anything and everything that comes to mind, only occasionally going back in to dance sometimes. At some point, while you’re outside the main room with him, Ryujin passes you on her way to the bathroom, making a face at you, and you know you’re going to be getting some sort of scolding later. Chenle laughs his cute, squeaky laugh as you pull a face back at her. You think a few people from your grade who pass you are confused when they see you together, wearing a matching dress and tie, but you find it in you to not care.
But, the night has to come to a close at some point, and you reluctantly say goodbye to him when Ryujin sends you a whiny text that she wants to go home. The magic doesn’t leave as you go to her house for a small after party, featuring a movie that you both fall asleep to after you take your makeup off and change into more comfortable clothes.
When you wake up, your feet ache from the heels you wore the night before, and the pain is the little evidence you have to prove that the night actually happened. You hope with all your heart that the night meant as much to you as it did to Chenle and your heart slowly sinks as you check your phone, finding no notifications from him.
Then, while you’re eating breakfast with Ryujin, you see it.
Chenle: Since we just did something you’re good at and you agreed to it earlier, karaoke some time?
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