#ohhh i should update my navigation post too!
dunmertwink · 2 years
I'd be interested in your OCs!! I love your art
Ahhhh thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰. I will then! I'm gonna go dig up some old posts and maybe finish some drawings I've had sitting around for a few years! 😅
Theres this blog's name sake Reynil, my Dragonborn and his boyfriend Stenvarr (who is also his interpreter; Rey is mute and uses sign language)
Theres also my dragon age ocs as well as some of my characters from a webcomic I'm fighting for my life trying to write (these chars. don't have any posts here yet - I'm a little apprehensive to post them since my art has been stolen before here... nothing too serious but still kinda messy.)
I'm gonna make some fresh posts now! In the meantime, here's some older posts about them: x
I always love my anons, y'all are so sweet!
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