norwegianfriedokra · 6 years
Frankfurter Kranz
Over the weekend Jens made a Frankfurter Kranz.  It’s a cake specific for the region, made with sponge cake layers, dark cherry, raspberry and krokant.  Krokant is small bits of hazelnuts coated in sugar so the are crunchy.  
Suffice it to say we’ve slowly been trying to offer it up to people, unfortunately it’s been found to be a common breakfast supplement, and midday snack.  Seen below is the remains of his big undertaking.
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In other news, today is the day after my job shadow.  The “Probe Tag” went really well, I enjoyed myself with the work a lot more than I would think. Everyone was super nice there, and it was a really easy going place.  I’ll talk more about my job after I’ve been at it for a while, but know this...Thursday I go in to start talking paperwork and job offer numbers.  So, this job thing it’s happening. 
Also...I fell on some stairs today.  I’m fine! They were in the middle of cleaning them so wet right after mopping.  I was following Jens and a friend down them, and both feet slipped out from under me and I landed on my back.  But like straight down my back.  
We got home (luckily the friend lived a block away), and then I immediately took a break for two hours to make sure everything was ok.  I will have a nasty bruise, but NOTHING feels strained.  I took a walk to go to food shopping around 3 hours later and had no real issues.  I can tell I will bruise, and my left is unhappy but definitely not strained.  
I’d already gone for a run this morning, and I’ve been doing a lot of climbing and exercise so I think my body took the brunt of it well. I will keep everyone updated in case things change, but I’ve had enough things happen over the years I can tell this is just a bruising thing, and I’ll be back to normal in a couple of days.  
When it happened Jens immediately wanted to take me to the hospital though because it freaked him out so bad.  He said the fall itself looked really bad, but I was able to immediately sit up, and we waited a few minutes to make sure everything was ok before I moved.  Fyi, Jens has been and will be asking me for the rest of the week, if I’m still ok. Despite the fact that he, himself, is suffering from a cold, he’s gonna freak out over me for a bit.  It’s ok, he’s gone full Dad on me.  His first real child.  I hope I make him proud :)
That’s it for now. I’ll try to update everyone after my meeting on Thursday about the job.  Ciao Ciao!  
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