#ok after last week's prompt was a resounding success let's get back to the regular weirdness
secretwhumplair · 1 year
Whump prompt XIX
Two (more or less) friendly rival whumpers who keep stealing whumpee from each other.
For them, it's little more than a game. Do the whumpers compete in who can make whumpee more afraid? Or do they heal whatever injuries the other inflicted before they have their own go? Both?
And for whumpee...
Whumpee stuffed in a tiny, dark wardrobe, box, or other tight space to hide them. Whumpee tied and gagged in the trunk on yet another bumpy car ride. Whumpee desperately wishing for a reprieve from their current whumper but not like this, not them-
Whumpee marked as each whumper's property over and over and over.
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