#ok but honestly this ep was so jandy
tj-hearteyes-kippen · 6 years
3x04 thoughts
ok i honestly loved this episode so much? There was so much going on here that I was super into
-i always love when we get the little family moments with Bex and Andi and I love that we got Bowie with them too
-(were choosing to ignore the tearing down the wall thing. As someone leasing an apartment… no? As someone who realizes the target audience of disney probably doesn't care about the difference between leasing/owning… fair enough whatever)
-I love so much that they brought the muffin thing back. On one hand I always wish we could see more Tyrus on screen but also I appreciate that if we don't get that at least they’ve referenced them hanging out off screen a few times.
-also we stan the king of character development? Look at our boy being helpful to Buffy and also acknowledging his own flaws
-(small personal anecdote but I played basketball from grade 6 till i graduated high school. When I started playing in grade 6 at our first tryout there were like 2 girls that had played before and the rest of us were clueless. There were girls there in like, flip flops and skirts and stuff. Also there were only 9 of us and the school wouldn’t let us have a team without 10 so we spent the next two days at school begging every available girl to just give it a try. The 10th girl we finally convinced was actually good and experienced and initially didn’t want to try out because we were so bad she couldn’t deal with it. Basically what I'm saying is this little storyline hits a weirdly personal note with me and I’m so excited to watch it play out.)
-Jandi wasn’t insufferable this ep either. Jonah made a mistake and then fixed it and also had some nice development acknowledging his own feelings and emotions and talking about crying.
-also can we talk about “one of the three” “i can only think of two.”  Jonah’s been great this season.
-I honestly love TJ and Buffy as friends. Having TJ help with the basketball thing puts a nice little bow on the redemption arc. It also gives Buffy someone to talk to about the set of problems she’s gonna face with this team cause god knows even if he tried Cyrus probably wouldn’t be the most helpful in that regard. Also it’s nice that TJ gets to be a little snarky with Buffy still cause it would feel weird if he was like Cyrus level nice suddenly.
-BEEFs! Thats all
-as for the promo Buffy and Andi were definitely not perfect but dealing in this episode, but it looks like Amber’s gonna come in and stir the pot. Buffy and Amber just bonded at the end of season 2 but I don't think this is going to make Buffy terribly pleased.
Final takeaways:
-That was just all around a really solid episode imo. I liked all of the plotlines and none of the drama felt too overdone
-one drawback though: i really cant wait till Cyrus gets something real to do instead of just being the sidekick all the time. His character is so great and they give him all these little great moments and I just wish he could get a real serious plotline
-speaking of which, looking forward to next week:
- I have the benefit of typing this all up after the extended promo and after they updated the text game and. Ooh boy. The Andi/Cyrus texts are something. Cyrus saying he’s been in that position more than once has to be about TJ right? I hope they’re hinting that Cyrus is gonna bring it up next week.
-The promo didn’t show Cyrus at all but we know he’s gonna be in a kayak with Jonah. I’m not trying to get my hopes up cause I don’t know how likely it is but this would be a really great set up for Cyrus to come out to Jonah finally. I hope at the very least Cyrus talks to someone about TJ next week to kick off the next few episodes that he’s in.
-I still really don’t believe that they’re going to get together in 3x06 honestly, but if they don’t mention TJ at all next week then to me there’s no chance. Not to get into the game of predictions because this show is great at making me wrong but if it happens in 3a my bet is on the last episode of the 3-4 episode block TJ’s in or at the carnival.
-also i saw i few theories that the wish was Jonah’s and had something to do with Millie’s character but if that was the case then Andi wouldn’t have been surprised learning about it now so it’s probably something else. I think it has to do with Bowie still
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oceanivoxjoquainx · 7 years
Rant on Andi Mack Season 2 episode 5
I tired doing this once and tumblr crashed and I can't remember what I said so I'm starting over yay! I'm glad we went back to Andi's story this week, don't get me wrong I love my star child Cyrus and my girl Buffy but I was starting to miss Andi 😂
Andi: Andi you are evil and I love it! The banter between Andi and Cyrus at Buffys game was good to see because you barely see one on one interactions between the two (low key forgot they were besties). She's so nice too especially taking Jonahs words to heart and trying to befriend Amber even tho, like Queen Buffy said, she's a snorpion. I'm glad she got a little of that rebellious feel in the end tho. Plus the level of fierceness she attained at the end where she just owned Amber had me in stitches 😂😂 I feel bad for her tho because you can clearly see that she still hopes Bex and Bowie are gonna end up together and tbh I can see why.
Buffy: Watching that game I was internally screaming at Buffy to destroy TJ and just get the ball and slay their lives but alas she didnt which is fine because when she DOES own him it would be all the more enjoyable to watch. Her constant protection of Andi from Amber is gold. Shes here changing the Oxford Dictionary just to insult Amber. I mean she was right in the end because Amber did end up being a Snorpion so I guess that's a point for her. She doesnt care about whether or not Ambers feelings are hurt and demolishes her over the phone with Amber right there 😂 Her failed attempt at talking nicely to TJ which ended in her rowing as usual still makes me chuckle because once again when she finna comes for TJ she's gonna come hard.
Jonah: He's too pure and optimistic for this world like honestly. Always so happy and concerned for everyone. Everyone needs a Jonah in their life. Him and Buffy are like polar opposites and are put there to literally be two different sides in Andis life. Symbolism at its finest!
Amber: *Inhales* BOIIIIIII YOU DONE FUCKED UP NOW! OK OK I'll chill cuz I sorta get why she got mad and she sorta has a sad story but still doesn't excuse her LEAVING MY CHILD SUSPENDED IN A FERRIS WHEEL 😤😡 Anywho... I'm glad Andi got her and got her good at the end tho. Totally crushed her world seeing Jonah being so concerned over Andi and not her and it was glorious to see. I don't hate Amber, she's real, I just think she's deserving of what's being dished out to her. Like honey forcing and apology out of someone never goes the way you want it to. Just ask Bex and CC.
Bex: I like how she's pursuing something she's good at (her Cosmetology certification) and that good ole faithful Bowie is right there to help. She's A LOT like Buffy (or they just could've had a convo) and both tried to tell Andi the same story about the frog and the scorpion much to Andis dismay of course. Her and Bowie really need to get it together and get BACK together because they're just too perfect man. I feel like Andi watching them cut up and refuse to return to dating. WE KNOW YALL WANT IT SO GET IT!
Cyrus: My star child was comic relief this time around but I have 0 complaints about it honestly. The whole lip reading thing had me done and I wonder if it was scripted or AdLib cuz that was comedy gold 😂😂😂. His signs at the game had me deceased too and the fact he was enjoying the game on the whole had me shook. He even learned terminology to tell Andi. I mean his naivety still showed afterwards but A+ for effort 👏👏👏. He attempt to calm Buffy down to talk to TJ showed that Buffy needed him just as much as he needed Buffy with was the epitemy of "Awwwww 😍". Didnt work in the end (as usual) but once again A+ for effort!
I love how real the show still feels even tho its just a show 😂😂 Why am I so invested into this? The world might never know. We even find out the towns name is Shadyside so look at that. Oooh seems like Jandi drama and a school fight coming up next ep due too a social experiment so yasss to that! And more Andi and Cyrus plus Buffy and Jonah interaction to hell yeah to that too!
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