#ok i deleted a few of them to fit all the tags i wanna have upfront LMAO
bluepallilworld · 2 years
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J'ai publié 574 fois en 2022
264 billets créés (46%)
310 billets reblogués (54%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 554 billets en 2022
Seulement 3% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#reblog - 155 billets
#ask - 147 billets
#not my artz - 131 billets
#reblogg - 78 billets
#delete later - 49 billets
#drag' - 44 billets
#me doing artz - 37 billets
#self reblog - 35 billets
#zuz's art - 34 billets
#> - 30 billets
Longest Tag: 92 characters
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
365 heads challenge post!
First week ↓↓↓
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107 notes - publié le 7 janvier 2022
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Some drawings I did this week because I'm obsessed with the pokemon train guys-
For the first I used @/furiouskettle 's design :)
Here a few posts/people that got me down the brain rot train hehe train faster-
There's even a crossover with undertale that is hilarious-
Ok I'm too lazy to go seek out other posts, there're too much
Fics too
124 notes - publié le 6 mars 2022
Here's the explanation for the countdown I had going on these days ^^
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141 notes - publié le 8 juin 2022
Last year was absolutly amazing so let's do this again this year! Feel free to participate or not ;)
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11th of july -> 17th of july
Day 1: Greetings or Bye
Day 2: Enjoy or Dislike
Day 3: Dawn or Dusk
Day 4: Turn around or Stay here
Day 5: Water or Fire
Day 6: Perfect match or Useless fit
Day 7: I will always... or You will never...
Rules! (Pretty much a copy of last year's X3)
- the ship "aftermare" is between Geno and passive/uncorrupted Nightmare. You can use the corrupted version but the 2 must have known the other before corruption <3
-you can use aus
- Nightmare must be adult obviously !!!!! (I'm saying that since canonly Night' had the accident when he was 6 >w<)
-there are 2 prompts for each day, you must choose one OwO/
-Ooooooor you can mix the two prompts ;). For exemple : day 4 -> "stay around" ; day 7 -> "I will never" etc
-Have fun, mess around, break the rules (not the rules I'm writing here tho 'k òwó). I love seeing creativity ! Jump over days, mess with the order, find an original way to follow the prompts or just ignore them ! The prompts are more guidelines than anything :D
-only SFW please UwU
-romantic or platonic ship your choice ;)
-you can include your own ocs or others' if you want
-don't forget to tag it as "aftermare week 2022" so people who want to avoid it can!!! (And tag me I wanna see everything) 🎉
If you're going to participate or are just interested by the event, don't hesitate to give this post a reblog ÙwÚ
Or to ask questions if you have some ;3
Version with prompts on it ^^
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147 notes - publié le 1 juin 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Hello there!
Here is the beginning of a project 10 artists worked on since last week to celebrate the birthday of a really sweet person!
С днем ​​рождения!
All the ocs drawn in this chain belong to Kotikaleo ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Here's the art chain's song:
-the original version of the song (it's in japanese)↓
-the version we're using (english version, youtube link)
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And now I call the next one in the chain ! Your turn, @diofasolia ! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
156 notes - publié le 13 juin 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
6 notes · View notes
Show Must Go On
Part 6 of We Dance Together Now
An O’Knutzy au where Leo and Logan are still playing for the Lions, but Finn is a musician/grad student they met by chance on a roadie in Montreal.
Read Part 5 here: 
Part 5 - Gold Rush
I also stuck this up on AO3, my username there is the same :)
As always, these beautiful characters and their world belong to the incredible @lumosinlove ! Her work is amazing, and I’m so happy to get to play with some of the people and places she’s created <3
The songs I referenced in here are Show Must Go On- Queen (briefly), I Wanna Dance With Somebody- Whitney Houston, and Ocean Eyes- Billie Eilish. 
I hope you like it!!!
@sunflowerfox87 thanks for requesting to be tagged in updates! :)
Logan stood nervously in front of the door to Finn and Leo’s apartment, wishing for the hundredth time that day that he hadn’t given in to Leo’s badgering to come by before Finn’s show tonight.
He was not looking forward to dealing with the consequences of his spiral last night. But he also didn’t want things to stay messed up between them, the way they had been that morning.
What he did want, was to pretend the whole thing had never happened. So, he’d spent his day searching for reasons to delay coming over, prolonging the amount of time he could spend not dealing with it.
But eventually he had run out of excuses, so now he was here. He could hear laughter coming from inside. That seemed like a good sign. He reached up and knocked before he could talk himself out of it, listening to the familiar sound of footsteps crossing the entryway.
Then Leo was there, smiling and holding open the door, still in the sweats he wore home from practise.
“Hey Tremz, come on in.”
Logan never been good at faking smiles, so he just nodded down at Leo’s legs, “Nice pants. You should have told me it was dress-down day at the Burrow.”
Leo just gave him a sarcastic look. “Ha ha. Very funny. I’m on my way to get changed now. Finn’s in the kitchen. Eat something if you’re hungry. I’ll be right back.”
He seemed like his usual self. That made Logan feel a bit better. Maybe he’d overreacted. Maybe everything was fine.
Leo left for his room, and Logan headed over to where Finn was finishing up the dishes in the kitchen.
“Hey, Fish.” He took a seat at the island, hoping he sounded normal too.
Finn turned at the greeting, his face lighting up when he caught sight of Logan.
“Lo! Hey. You’re here. How were the kids?”
Part of Logan’s procrastination that afternoon had involved volunteering to spend several hours playing a pickup game with the Dumais kids and their friends at the outdoor rink near their house- something he liked, but certainly wouldn’t have brushed off Leo and Finn for any other day.
“They’re good. Katie’s getting pretty cocky on the ice. I think she’s gonna end up as a captain one day.”
“Ah. Good for her.”
An awkward silence fell. Finn fidgeted with a dish towel, smiling nervously at him. Finn was never nervous.
Ok, so things were definitely not fine. Logan felt guilty as he remembered the laughter he had heard through the door. He didn’t want to be the cause of another ruined evening.
Leo reappeared at the other end of the kitchen island. “Do you want a drink, Tremz?”
“I’m sorry.” Logan blurted out.
Leo and Finn both looked surprised at his apology.
“Sorry… for what, exactly?” asked Leo, looking confused.
Logan was already regretting saying anything. But he was committed now. “Uh… for this morning. And last night, I guess. I was in a weird ass mood, and I didn’t mean to be weird to you guys too. I’m good now, though, so Finn, you can stop being all nervous around me. I don’t want to fuck up the evening. This is stupid.”
Finn jumped in to reassure him. “What? No, Logan, no, we were all weird this morning, don’t worry about that. That’s not what…”
He stopped suddenly, and shot a glance at Leo, looking even more nervous than he had a few moments before. Leo nodded back, subtly, but Logan caught it.
Now he was confused. What the hell was that?
He watched as Finn took the few steps around the island to stand next to Leo, who was looking at Logan with careful eyes.
“Tremz, we wanted to talk to you about something, if that’s ok?”
It was an innocuous question, but something in Leo’s voice put Logan on hyper alert. He jerked his attention to Finn, who was looking nervously up at Leo. He felt a chill go straight through his chest and settle in the pit of his stomach.
He forced his eyes down to where their fingers were touching on the countertop.
He stood up quickly, his chair screeching loudly as it slid back on the tiles. He couldn’t look away from their hands.
Leo followed his gaze down and yanked his arm back toward himself. “Lo…”
“Non.” He interrupted, “Non. Désolé. It’s good. That’s good, I- I am happy for you guys.” He swung his eyes wildly around the room, looking for an escape. He needed to leave, to get out, but Leo and Finn were standing between him and the front door.
He backed up a few steps, nearly tripping on the chair he didn’t remember knocking over as he remembered the balcony door. He grabbed for it, yanking it open and rushing out, sliding it closed behind himself.
He slid down the wall next to the door. Out of sight. Déjà vu. Just like that morning.
He was dizzy.
Breathe, Logan. He sucked in the fresh air. Once. Twice. Three times.
He tried to let the evening breeze calm him. He was making this into a scene again. He needed to pull it together before it became a thing.
He tried to reason with himself. You saw this coming. You know how well they fit together. You’ve suspected it since Ilvermorny.
He had even thought he would be ok with it.
He hadn’t known it would feel like this, though.
Just get it together. Make it through the night. That’s all you have to do. You can do it.
He gave himself to the count of 5 to compose himself, and then stood and slid the door back open. He stayed where he was, though, and waited for them to join him. He could do this, but he couldn’t do it inside, where he couldn’t breathe.
When Leo and Finn came, neither of them stood between him and the door, and Logan was grateful.
“Lo…” Leo’s voice was hesitant. “You didn’t let us finish.”
“Oui, je sais, I’m sorry, I was just surprised.” He plastered a smile on his face. “But, uh, congratulations?”
Finn shook his head. “That’s not really what we wanted to talk to you about. Or, I mean, it is, but that’s not all of it.”
It seemed to Logan like that first bombshell was more than enough information for the day, but he didn’t want to make this worse, so he went along with it anyway. “Ok. What else?”
Leo took back over, speaking slowly, like he was considering each word before he said it. “So… this afternoon, Finn and I talked, and we realized that maybe this—” He gestured between the three of them. “Us. Isn’t what we thought it was.”
Logan wasn’t following. Finn noticed and tried to explain.
“I told Leo, or, well, I guess I didn’t tell him, I kind of just sang at him, but it mostly got the point across, and—”
“Finn.” Leo cut him off, gently.  
Finn flushed. “Right. Sorry. The point,” his voice softened, “is that I made him aware that the feelings I had for him were more than just friendship. Which you figured out. But we also talked about the fact that… well, we know you feel the same way about him too.”
Finn’s voice was gentle, cautious but his words cut through Logan anyway. He felt the panic start to rise again. Fuck.
“What are you talking about?” Logan knew his words were sharper than they needed to be, but he couldn’t bring himself to temper them.
“Logan, it’s ok. I promise. That’s how I feel about you too.” Leo rushed, all of his previous caution gone. “And it’s how I feel about Finn, and I also know that’s how you feel about Finn. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other, and I’ve been looking at you both the same way. You just didn’t notice. None of us noticed.”
Logan was frozen in place, his eyes zigzagging wildly between the two men standing across from him.
They knew. They knew.
“What the fuck?”
He couldn’t deny it. He didn’t know if he wanted to deny it.
“Leo. Finn. What the fuck??”
Finn took a step forward, wide brown eyes completely unguarded as they locked onto Logan’s. His vulnerability sent Logan’s heart spinning. “We wanted to talk to you. We wanted to see if you wanted this too. If there was a way, if there was any way, that we could make this work. All of us. Do you think there could be?”
All of us. Logan hadn’t known that was a thing that could happen. But now that the idea was in front of him, it felt right. Like it had been right all along. His heart soared. Of course he wanted it too. With every fibre of his being, he wanted it. They liked him. They wanted him.
He could never have them.
Reality came crashing down around him.
He forced himself to answer Finn’s question.
“It doesn’t matter what I want, Finn. I can’t—” He looked at Leo. He would understand. “Leo. It can’t work out like this.”
“It can, Logan. As long as we are all on the same page, it can.”
Leo didn’t understand. Suddenly Logan felt very alone. His temper flared.
“You know it’s not that easy, Leo.” He snapped. “It doesn’t work like that! It can’t work like that. We are in the NHL, Nut! The NHL. We’ve worked our whole lives for this, and you’ve seen how people are. Look at what happened to Cap!”
Leo hadn’t been there at All-Stars after everything that happened to Sirius and Loops. He didn’t see how bad it got, how many phone calls Sirius had to take from Coach, how scared he was that entire weekend. Logan had taken his phone and deleted every social media app he had, but he had still been bombarded with hate from hockey fans and, worse, from people within the league itself.
Leo’s voice was firmer now. “Exactly, Logan. Look at Sirius. At his example. He is our captain. He is our gay captain, who is still very much playing in the NHL. And not just playing. He’s leading the league.”
“That is the POINT, Nut! He is the captain. He is arguably the best player in the league right now. And there were still that many people trying to kick him out! This is my second season. You’re a rookie. Do you really think people are going to go to bat for us like they did for him? For the two newest, youngest players on the team? We are expendable!”
He had thought about this. About the impossibility of it all. From the moment he had recognized his feelings for Leo, he had known it would never work.
He waited for Leo to get it now, to agree. But instead, Leo just moved to lean against the wall next to him, keeping a few feet between them. His voice was gentle when he replied.
“Yes, Logan. I do think they would go to bat for us. I know Sirius would. Coach would. Alice would. I’m not saying we should do anything publicly, but behind the scenes, you know that they would work to help protect us in the case that anything ever came out in the future.”
He shifted, turning so that he could look Logan in the eye for what he said next. “It was never going to be easy for people like us, Tremz. I’m terrified too. I never meant to be in this position either, but we are, and… what happened with Sirius…” He shook his head, his gaze dropping. It was still hard for him to think about too, Logan realized. “…what happened with Sirius showed us that the people who matter, the people we need to have our backs, will. We are allowed to live, Logan.”
Logan had never wanted something to be true so badly. He ran over Leo’s words in his mind. We are allowed to live.
“I don’t want to lie, Leo. I don’t want to hide. That’s not who I am.”
“We don’t have to. We can tell the people who matter, Lo. It’s nobody else’s business. It’s only about what makes us comfortable. What makes us happy. Neither of us are ever going to push you into anything you don’t want, or that you aren’t ready for. I just don’t ever want you to think that you can’t have what will make you happy. You deserve to be happy. Whether it’s with us or not.”
Logan listened to the kindness in Leo’s voice, and felt the fight drain out of him. He was so tired of constantly battling against himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. That fire that always burned inside him had fizzled out, leaving him with nothing but the feelings he had been trying to push away for months. Feelings for the two people who were standing right in front of him, right now, telling him that they wanted him too. That he could have them, too. That he could have this, and his career, and it could work.
He wanted to believe it.
He looked up at Leo, beside him. At Finn, standing quietly across from him. He tried to imagine walking away from them right now. It made him feel sick.
Finn spoke into the silence. “Logan, I can’t pretend to understand what your job is like. And I won’t try. But I do need you to know that I am here, and I’m not going anywhere, no matter what you decide to do. I’ll always be here, in whatever capacity you need.”
Logan’s throat tightened at Finn’s words and suddenly he knew that he was done. It was over. He was going to trust them. Relief flooded through him as he accepted it.
He didn’t want to talk anymore, but he knew they needed to hear him say it. So he pulled together as much composure as he could and tried his best.
“I didn’t want to want you. I tried so hard not to want you. I told myself so many times that I could do it, that I could keep my feelings under control.” His voice was shaky. He looked at Leo. At Finn. “But you took over everything. Everything.”
He breathed out the next words as he felt himself moving closer to Finn. “I don’t want to fight it anymore. I can’t- I just want—” He hoped they could understand what he was trying to say.
It seemed that they did, because suddenly they were both right in front of him, and one of his hands was behind Finn’s neck, and the other was desperately reaching out for Leo and finally- finally- he stopped fighting against himself.
He pulled Finn to him, and then Finn’s lips were on his lips, and Leo’s were on his jaw, and all of his senses were lit up like a lightning storm. In that moment, his entire world was just that apartment, that balcony, those boys. He let himself get lost in the feeling of it all, pulling away from Finn to connect with Leo, pulling away from Leo to let them connect with each other. Everything was so bright.
It felt like forever, and not long enough, when they finally took a moment to catch their breath. Logan let his eyes roam over their tangled forms from where he was still wrapped around Leo, and let out a quiet, wonder-filled laugh. Leo turned to him and tilted his head in question, his chest still heaving where Finn was resting against it. Logan just leaned in and kissed him again, gently this time. He leaned their foreheads together and touched his fingertips to Leo’s lips. “Quand je t'embrasse… je vois des couleurs.”
Leo’s shining blue eyes softened at that, and Logan felt his grip tighten around his waist before Finn, never a fan of being left out, started to complain. “Hey! Don’t speak French. That looked cute. I want to hear the cute things! What did he say?”
Logan laughed, and Leo grinned at him mischievously before turning back to Finn. “Logan’s vision goes all technicolour when he kisses us.”
Logan’s jaw dropped mid-laugh. “Nutty! That is not what I said! It was much nicer when I said it. You make it sound like a bad Austin Powers scene.” He pouted.
Finn laughed back and ran a thumb along Logan’s lower lip, erasing the pout. “Well, if you would speak English in the first place, you wouldn’t have to rely on a faulty translator.”
It was Leo’s turn to protest. “Hey! I’m not faulty!” He paused, fighting back a smirk. “I’m freestyling.”
“Oh, fuck off!” Logan laughed and gave him a shove. Leo was just reaching out to retaliate when Finn’s phone interrupted, suddenly blasting Show Must Go On at an absolutely obnoxious volume.
All three of them startled, Leo and Logan freezing with Logan’s hand still twisted in the shoulder of Leo’s shirt. Finn frantically spun around, looking for the source of the music.
He finally spotted his phone on an end table and scooped it up, silencing it with a relieved sigh before looking over to where Logan was staring at him incredulously.
“… what?” He looked a little suspicious as he tucked his phone back into his pocket.
“What do you mean, ‘what’? Was that an alarm?? Why don’t you have beeps like a normal person?? Merde, Harz, you scared the shit out of us.”
“It’s Finn, Lo. He used a song to start this party, of course he’s going to use one to end it.” Leo’s voice was playful. Finn wrinkled his nose at them.
“Beeps are boring.” He crossed his arms defensively. “Music is more fun. And it’s my reminder that I have a show tonight. Hence—” He swept his arms dramatically out over the balcony railing and bowed to an imaginary crowd, “—'Show Must Go On’.” He spun back to smile brightly at the two of them. “It’s perfect. You’re just a hater.”
Leo laughed, but Logan was still stuck on what Leo had said.
“Hold on, Nut, back up. You said he used a song to start this party? Finn said he sang things at you. Can I know the story?” He wanted to know how they had gotten up the nerve to set this in motion.
“Oh,” Leo turned to Finn, who nodded even though he suddenly looked uncharacteristically self-conscious, “I kind of walked in on Finn playing a song about us this afternoon. When I got back from practise.”
“A song about us? Like, he wrote it? About us?” That was not what he expected. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it- after all, he hadn’t exactly been his best self around Finn recently.
“Ya, that was pretty much my reaction while I listened, too. That’s what finally made us talk about all of this. It’s a beautiful song. Prettier than either of us, that’s for sure.” He teased
“Hey, speak for yourself, I am very pretty.” Logan retorted reflexively, but he was distracted.
He had been watching Finn as Leo talked, and he noticed him doing the thing he always did when they brought up his music, twisting his hands together and looking anywhere but at them- looking, in fact, like he would rather be doing anything else than talking about his music. He’d never asked him about it before, but he’d always wondered.
“Hmm?” Finn looked up, a smile returning like it had never left.
“Why do you do that? Look away when we talk about your music?”
“Oh. Umm…” Finn looked surprised, his eyes going wide before darting back down again. He opened his mouth as if to continue, but closed it again without speaking.
Logan felt Leo’s hand tighten around his shoulder, but he ignored the gentle warning and barrelled on.
“You’re good, Finn. Like, really good. As in, you could do this as a career, good. So why are you so shy when we say that?”
Finn didn’t look back up, and when he replied, his voice was small, and quiet. Not at all like Finn.
“I can’t, actually.” He scuffed his shoe against a mark on the balcony floor.
Logan tilted his head, puzzled. “Can’t what?” He prodded gently.
Finn took a breath and looked back up a Logan, his jaw set. “I can’t do music professionally. I tried. That’s why I moved to Gryffindor. I spent the first few years here only going to school part-time, and spending as much time as I could just writing, and practising, and playing any venue that would have me. I have knocked on every single record label door in this city. Multiple times. They don’t want me. And it took me a long time to understand that. So, I gave that dream up. Now I just play for fun. For me.”
Logan was stunned. “Finn, I’m sorry, I—”
Finn cut him off, his expression softening. “No, Lo, you don’t have anything to be sorry for. I should have told you guys that before. It’s not like it’s a big secret. I just… it’s hard. It’s hard to hear people say nice things about my music when I know it’s not good enough. You know? So I don’t always like talking about it. And it’s also… I mean, you’re both professional athletes. I’m so proud of you guys all the time, because you know what it’s like to work hard for what you want and to actually achieve it. And I didn’t want you to think less of me because I couldn’t do that.”
“Finn…” Leo started to reach out, but pulled his hand back. “I am so sorry if we’ve ever done anything to give you the impression that we would ever judge you. I promise, nothing you’ve ever said to us, today or any other day, could ever make me think less of you.”
Finn chuckled a bit, still looking at the ground. “I know. Logically, I know that. But sometimes it takes my heart a while to catch up to my brain.” He studied them for a moment before continuing. “I am really glad that you like my songs though. That makes me happy.”
“Like them?” Leo scoffed. “Finn, I threw away every rule I’d given myself and kissed you after you sang to me. I more than like your music.”
Finn actually laughed then, finally, and stepped toward them. Logan watched him reach out for their hands and slide their fingers together. He rubbed his thumb along the edge of Finn’s calloused fingers, imaging the guitar strings underneath them.
“That means a lot. Really. It took me a while to be able to write again after I finally realized it wasn’t going to happen.” He chewed his lip as he considered his words. “I was in a pretty dark place. It was Molly, actually, at the Burrow, who convinced me to let the music pull me out of it. And she was right, of course. Once I stopped trying to think of every lyric as a job application, I was able to actually enjoy it again, to remember why I loved it in the first place. It’s how I sort out my thoughts when everything is too messy in my head.”
Something shook loose in Logan’s memory then. “Wait… that song. The one you played the first night we came to see you here. There was a line… ‘I remember nights when art didn’t feel like work’. You said it was about moving to Gryffindor but… is this what it was actually about? Is that what you felt like?”
Finn looked surprised. “You remember that?”
“Yes. I also remember telling you that I liked that song and wanted to download it, so you should have known I would remember it.” he teased.
Finn grinned at him. “I thought you were just being nice. And yes, that is what that song was about. But, if it’s ok, I don’t really want to talk about it anymore right now.” His expression grew mischievous as he pulled himself closer to Logan, and to Leo. “I have two beautiful, perfect men standing on my balcony that I would very much like to—”
His phone blared from his pocket again.
“No!” Finn yanked it out of his pocket, silenced it, and threw it grumpily onto the chair cushion. “Rude. How did that go by so fast?”
Leo laughed, reaching his hands above his head for a lazy stretch before pulling Finn’s head in for a hug. “So, is that our siren call? Do we have to head out now?”
Finn sighed, deeply and dramatically. “Yes. The time has come, my friends. It’s to the plank we go.”
“Oh, shut up,” Logan grinned, ruffling Finn’s hair. “You love the Burrow.”
“I would love it more if it wasn’t interrupting this.”
“We have all night to do more of this.” Leo reminded him. “Lo and I have the day off tomorrow, and you don’t have class on the weekends.”
“That’s true.” Finn perked up. “You always were the smart one, Marigold. Ok, let’s go!”
Finn ducked out of Leo’s reach as the younger boy tried to retaliate against the nickname Finn only ever used to annoy him. The two of them were laughing now, but Logan felt his anxiety start to rise up at the thought of leaving the apartment, of going into a public space.
He reached out an arm to catch Finn on his way through the door. “Wait. Just… one second.”
Finn and Leo both stopped, looking at him curiously. He suddenly felt self-conscious.
“Um, before we go, can we just… can we agree that this is just between us? Just for now?”
Leo moved to stand directly in front of him, right next to Finn. He waited until Logan met his eyes, and then held them, steady.
“Logan. Of course. We told you we have no intention of doing anything you aren’t ready for and we meant it. And you’re not alone. I don’t think either of us is ready for this to be between anyone but us right now either.”
Finn nodded his agreement. “For everyone else, we are just three best friends, going to a coffee shop to watch a show and drink some liquid sugar. It’s us, Logan. You’re safe with us. I promise.” He grinned and shoved Logans hat down over his eyes. “Now seriously. Let’s go before I kiss one of you again and miss my start time.”
It was the longest show of Finn’s life. He tried his best to be in the moment, but all he could think of was how badly he wanted to be back at the apartment, with the two men he absolutely could not look at the entire time he played.
He had glanced over when he had finished his set-up, taking a moment before starting to just remind himself that they were real, that all of this was real.
Leo had been laughing at something Logan said, and Logan was watching him from across the table with a look that tugged at Finn’s heartstrings. He would never get over it- these two athletes with their strong postures and broad shoulders, their open smiles, and beautiful eyes. One so kind, and steady, and sure, the other so wild and passionate. And they wanted him. It was insane. Leo had noticed Finn watching and sent him a smile that made his heart skip, and Finn knew if he wanted to get through the set, he couldn’t look over again. It was a weird moment for him, as he remembered how awful it had been the first time he’d thought that exact thing, in this same place, at the first show they had ever come to see him play. This time he had a much happier reason to avoid looking their way.
Finn worked his way through the setlist he had rehearsed, trying his best to be present and give the audience his best. It was an easy enough set, all cover songs he had played a hundred times before. He decided at the last minute to throw in a new cover of one of his favourite Eagles songs, taking a quick glance to see that Leo caught the joke. He did, and Finn watched him lean over to explain it to Logan before he had to look away.
For once, the boys were ready to go immediately after he finished cleaning up. He stuck around long enough to give Molly a hug, feeling particularly sentimental toward her after that afternoon, and then they were all piled into his car and blasting Leo’s 90s pop playlist with the windows down.
Finn felt lighter than he had in a very long time. The weight of his secrets was finally off his shoulders, and the knowledge that when they got home he could kiss the boys currently screaming along to Christina Aguilera in the passenger seats of his car eclipsed all his other worries.
They managed to keep it together for the entire walk up from the parking lot, but as soon as the door shut behind them, Logan had Finn pinned up against it. Leo linked back up to the Bluetooth system and Whitney Houston’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody blared through the apartment. Finn laughed into Logan’s mouth when he heard it, pushing him forward into the living room and shoving the coffee table out of the way as Leo danced up behind them.
Leo grabbed Logan’s hands and drew him in for his own kiss, dipping him low and spinning around to twirl him away and pull Finn in. The air was electric as they moved: spinning and touching and kissing and jumping. Too full of dizzy energy to stay in one spot for more than the amount of time it took to pull in close and explode apart. They were sweating and panting and laughing in the dim lighting, reveling in each other’s touch as they danced together in a way they’d never been able to before.
At one point, Finn had tried to step back from the chaos, to let Leo and Logan have a moment while he tried to take it all in. But Leo had reeled him back in close instead, pulling Logan in to sandwich him from the other side.
“We dance together now.” he had said, voice low and confident in their ears.
His words had lit Finn up, set his mind reeling with everything that had happened in the past 12 hours, with the feeling of having both boys there in his arms. He didn’t think he would ever be calm again.
But as the night wore on the energy gradually shifted, and by the time Ocean Eyes came up on the playlist, Finn was finally slowing down. Logan was next, dropping his head to Finn’s shoulder, and then Leo wrapped his long arms around both of them, swaying together as the lyrics washed over them. They were quiet together then, just breathing in each other’s presence. Finn buried his face in Logan’s dark curls, and felt Logan reaching for Leo’s hand. Leo had his chin resting on Finn’s head, and Finn had never felt more right than he did in that moment. He sang along quietly to the lyrics, relishing the way Logan sank further into him as he did.
As the final notes played out, Leo pulled away long enough to switch off his phone. They collapsed together on the couch then, somehow even more wound together than they had been before. Finn wasn’t sure he ever wanted to be farther apart from them than this, ever again.
The three of them sat in silence for a few moments, hands roaming and fingers tangling together as they settled down. Leo couldn’t stop pressing kisses to Finn’s temple.
It was Logan who eventually broke their silence, sighing contentedly from where he was burrowed low in between them.
“I like this apartment.” His voice was soft as his fingertips traced shapes on Leo’s leg.
Leo caught Finn’s eye before the two of them looked over at him.
“You do?” Finn asked.
“Ya.” He paused for moment, looking thoughtful. “It reminds me of the woods, back home.”
That made Finn smile. “Lo, we don’t have so much as a potted plant in here.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Logan looked a little embarrassed then. “I meant like, mentally. I don’t know. It’s kind of stupid, actually. Never mind.”
Leo pulled Logan a little tighter. “Hey, no. Keep going. We want to know.”
“We do.” Finn agreed, running a finger down the length of Logan’s nose before leaning down to kiss the tip of it. “Please tell us?”
Logan rolled his eyes, but he was smiling again now. He shoved himself up to actually sit properly on the couch between them.  “I just… at home, when I’m hiking or camping, it’s just quiet.”
Finn turned to fully face Logan, his arms wrapped around his legs and chin resting on his knees. Leo leaned against his end of the couch as they listened to Logan talk.
Logan continued. “It’s just you, you know? There are no other voices around to get in your head, nothing to worry about or stress over, and it’s… free, I guess. I’m free in the woods” He paused for a moment, looking like he was trying to decide whether to say more. Leo ran a reassuring hand down his arm and wove their fingers together.
Logan smiled down to where they connected, took a breath, and continued, “It’s the only place where I didn’t have to pretend. Where I could let myself feel all of the things I needed to feel. Admit things to myself that I never could have when there were other people around. Other reminders of the real world, you know?” He looked up at Leo. “It’s the place where I finally accepted that what I felt for you was much, much different than what I was supposed to feel for a teammate. It’s a safe place.”
Leo was looking at Logan. This impossibly beautiful boy. Logan was looking back at him, evergreen eyes open and unguarded. It made Leo’s stomach flip. He reached out for Logan then, and pulled him close.
Finn spoke up, quietly, from where he still sat. “And that’s what you feel when you’re here?”
Logan nodded. “Ya. That’s how I feel when I’m here.”
Leo watched Finn melt, sliding down the couch to hug Logan from the other side. “That makes me so happy. I want this to always be that place for you.” He whispered, twining his fingers with Leo’s where they rested on Logan’s chest.
“You’re that place for us, Lo.” Leo pressed their hands firmly against Logan’s heartbeat. “You make us feel safe too.”
After a moment, Logan cleared his throat and spoke again.
“Those woods are also the first place I accidentally drunk-peed on a skunk.”
That pulled a surprised, and probably highly unattractive, snort out of Leo.
Finn pulled back to look at Logan incredulously, “I’m sorry, the FIRST time?!?”
Logan just grinned in response.
“Please tell me that’s a real story.”
“It is.”
“Tell it to us, right now!” Finn demanded gleefully.
Logan laughed again as he leaned back into the couch cushions to start his story. Leo took a second to just take it all in. Logan, care-free and laughing. Finn, eyes glowing with delighted anticipation.
He sent out a silent thank you to whatever part of the universe had worked its magic in the last 24 hours, and settled in to listen, arms wrapped around both of the boys.
His boys.
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moonlightchn · 4 years
Not to be a soft motherfucker but I've been wanting to do this again for a week now so I guessed I would try my best to fit as many of my thoughts here as I can without being annoying or tumblr fucking up plz bear with me heh but we know none of those are actually possible anyway so THERES THAT also this is fucking long wow ANYWAY
WARNING WORD VOMIT sjsjsjsj I dont even know what i wrote I'm sorry but I'm tagging yall anyway
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Some of you I speak to on a daily basis, yknow? Like,, as admin. And its fucking insane because like- I don't know but like isn't it insane? sjajsjsj How fast some people come to grow in your heart and get under your skin and become so important for you. I think it's crazy. That in four months or so I've made more friends in here that in my whole life and I've learned so much about life and myself and I've gotten marked and some of you imprinted on my mind and heart forever. And like HELL I wasn't here when most big dramas happened but I was here for two very big ones and like??? idk it feels like all of us have been through shared crises and somehow grown closer sjajskwjs idk I'm weird and im sensitive today and I just feel like wow what would I be doing without all of you right now? probably studying. or scrolling Twitter in which I never spoke to anyone. or watching Instagram stories and getting sad over how all my ex class partners are still in contact and hang out and keep strong relationships while I just sit here. like, I know we all say this place sucks and we hate it and its toxic and don't get me wrong of course some people is fucking shitty and they take a toll on a lot of others but that like... it also happens in real life yknow?? but like in real life how many people do you think would actually idk sit with you through a panic attack or stay up with you till 8am or wake up in the middle of the night or rave with you or hype you up or have meme wars or send you daily jokes or just randomly tell you how much you mean to them or make posts asking where you are when you disappear or been gone for too long or make people that doesnt know you send you birthday wishes? like I'm not saying it doesnt happen but isnt it wonderful that it happens HERE with US where maybe out of 10 people only 2 know each other in real life? Isnt it wonderful that we're from all around the world? that you half of the time dont realize someone isnt from English speaking places because they're too good or even when they're not that good no one judges you because this is such an inclusive and wonderful place for people of all races and colors and sexualities and nationalities and body types and hair colors?
idk I'm just RAMBLING but like I wanted to let everyone know that even if we dont speak, even if we NEVER spoke, even if we're only on each others tag lists, or even if I was and you took me off or I took you off or if you deleted or if you have 817383 bots and you speak to me in all of them or only one or whatever PLEASE just know that I love you so much and I appreciate you and you're awesome and if you made some mistakes know that you CAN fix them you CAN learn and be better you CAN grow.
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I believe that everyone is capable of learning and changing and everyone deserves a second chance as long as they genuinely show the intention of changing and bettering themselves. I believe that we're capable of forgiving and maintaining healthy relationships without hard feelings. I believe we all have goodness. I believe we all are small universes and we have stars in our eyes and supernovas in our brains and a million things to discover and I believe its funnier to be together than alone and I'm rambling again but like idk just yesterday I was sending someone a message telling them how maybe I'm fucking delusional and naive because who the fuck goes out on their daily saying "be skeptical. dont trust too much. always pay attention" but then after two days of talking with someone they're fucking platonically whipped and would sell their soul as long as they can see those around them happy? trick question I know many of you do too which WORRIES ME PLZ DONT PUT YOUR HEARTS ON THE LINE SO EASILY I drifted I forgot what I was saying oh welp
Anyway for some of you i have so much to say I could write endless paragraphs about you about admins and characters and life and wow I do speak a lot to admins sometimes I speak more to admins as admin that the characters and for some others I can only say a few things or wish you to have a good day some of you I only ever spoke to your character or we talked too little or never at all wow I say that a lot but like one thing yall have in common is that I love you so much even if you don't know me or dont care alright I dont care if you don't care I LOVE YOU and you can FIGHT ME if you dont wanna accept it smh I just want you to know that this place so many of you have been feeling is crumbling down or hurting them or isnt the same anymore is MY safe place too is a place where I feel comfortable and secure and I know, well decide to believe, that you guys would never do willingly anything to hurt another and yknow sometimes I just sit in bed and look at my account and I'm like wow I suck I should delete but then I'm like I could never do that to you I really couldn't because I've been told so many times I'm peoples safe place too and I would never want to take that away from you yknow
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I mean I'm not gonna say we shouldn't pay attention to the bad things that happen because this is somehow our home and it's on us to protect it but I think that we shouldnt focus so much on it. because theres still so many good things that we overlook when we think of the bad or when we let things get to us or when we decide to act out of impulse and not think through stuff yknow
ANYWAAY what I'm trying to say is that I love you all so so so so so much and this is my safe place because you're here for me when I need it and I would never give you guys up for anything and like i have so many people for whom i stay daily and try my best and I hope that someday when you need a reason i can be that for you too because I've said this in private but I want everyone to know that this is my corner too and I will always fight for it and protect it so like we can all fight for it together whenever things get rough or you can leave me alone and maybe I'm being super dramatic and putting a lot of weight on this but I started overthinking like halfway and in just tthink that I want to keep yall close to me and my heart forever ok so stay safe and healthy and happy yeah fight for your happiness fight for what you deserve fight for what you want and don't let anyone ANYONE EVER take away from you your joy and your spark and your will to be yourself ok bye
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20. “Why are you crying?”
Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Anon asked: again my love ❤️ the first one 20.why are you crying, Angst with coco 💚☺️
Word Count: 3.5k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Warnings: this shit was painful fo' me. Feeling angst.
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to: @angels-reyes
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Yea', she's really a nice gurl'”. Coco shrugs his shoulders, sitting in his chair in front of the bonfire, with his brothers surrounding it too. “I just met her at the market and we just were talkin'... And, man... she's da' one, I felt it, I feel it”.
It sounds like a knife ripping off your chest, opening you up, while you have to show him your fakest smile. Yes, you're happy that he finally found someone who can love him unconditionally. As you do. But without being you. Creeper and Angel have his gaze on you, sitting by Tranq' side. Your father has an arm over your shoulder, narrowing you without drawing too much attention. They know what's in your mind. They know what's inside your heart.
Coco and you have been friends for the last six years, when he joined the Mayans. You two had a special connection since the first time you crossed your gazes. He's wonderful. He has an amazing mind, full of paranoids and good advices. He's kind, funny, a born listener, empathetic and sincere. He has taught you a lot of things to face life and he always has taken care of you. As you did, with every wound, every shout, every cold, every mental break down. Together in the good times, but especially in the bad ones, when his life looks like hell, when he doesn't want anyone around, when he hate himself so much that he just wants to end with everything. You're there, holding him, loving him.
And you can't blame him for meeting the love of his life at the market. You can't blame him for not loving you back. You can't blame him for just seeing you as his best friend, as if you were one of his little sisters. And you can't even blame him because he canceled your day off together, just because he wanted to spend the sunday with her. In life, sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. 
Without a word in your lips, you get up of your chair. He doesn't even stop talking about his girlfriend, he doesn't even look at you very concentrated in telling his brothers how good was their first date. Keeping your hands inside your pockets, biting your inner lip, walking towards the clubhouse to have some minutes alone to alleviate pain. Closing the door after your steps in, you grab the Jose Cuervo and a small shot glass sitting at the table. You serve and drink, serve and drink. Six time. Six shots ripping bittersweet your throat with the tears falling down through your cheeks.
“I'm sorre'”. Angel is behind you, but you can't even turn at him.
“For what?” You shrug, unable to feel anything other than sadness.
“You know why”. Palming your head to make you get up, he adopts your position pulling you to his lap.
You can't help crying, when he wraps your waist and your arms between his, resting your body against his chest. You feel unconsolable, and you want to hate him, to stop feeling what you're feeling. But you can't. Angel caresses your arm, trying to make you feel better even if he knows he can't. Leaving a kiss on your temple, he holds you tightly with a heavy snort going out of his throat. He also doesn't know how Coco never noticed it before, it was too fucking clear.
“Hey, what's'ap? Why are you crying, mami?” The king of Rome leans towards you, bending by your side with a hand touching yours.
“No—Nothing, don' worr—worry”. You say, as the bad liar you are but used to hiding what happens. Getting up of Angel's lap and cleaning your tears, you try to smile. “Just an... exam. I thought I would get mo—more grade”.
“That's why you cry? C'mon, baby, you're the most intelligent kid on earth”. He says putting an arm on your shoulders, hugging you slightly. “Take a break, it's okay if you don' get it, you study a lot”.
“Yea', I know... I know”.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
It's been almost five months since that night. You continued acting like it didn't affect you, coming back from San Diego every weekend with the hope to share a Sunday off with him. But he started to cancel it. Coco stopped calling you everyday, as he used to, turning your talks into some random texts every two or three days, one week, two weeks, until hopefully you talked a few times a month. It was painful seeing how he was pushing you away and by one hand you understood him. But not by the other. You have been with him in his good and in his worst. Even so, you still can't blame him.
Because of that, you never came back to Santo Padre, being visited by the crew one time per week. And you, stupid, always hoping he would come. But he never did. And you know that you lost the battle his morning' birthday, when you call him to congratulate him and tell him that you had a present, and it was his girlfriend who answered the phone, telling you that he didn't want to talk to you. Your heart broke into thousand pieces, nodding in silence before hanging up. Of course, you didn't go to his party, spending the day drinking in your flat in San Diego. Maybe he finally noticed it and that's why he didn't want to have anything with you, because he didn't want to have any problems with his girlfriend. So, you just tried to understand it and giving him whatever he wanted, as you always did. Even if that was killing you slowly.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
Another college year is finished, so you're coming back to Santo Padre for the summer. You have to take a deep breath, before crossing with your car the entrance of Romero and Bros. straight to the clubhouse. All the bikes are there and you feel like your heart turns when you see his. Parking next to them, you get out of your car putting well your clothes on, walking nervous towards the front door. 
The crew receive you between cheers, kisses and hugs. It's been five months and you still feeling the same pain consuming you, getting worse when you see him sitting in a corner with his girlfriend hugging him over his lap. Coco's face turns to some serious gesture, not even saying ‘hi’, ‘how are you’, nothing. Angel brings you a beer, holding your shoulders with a tattooed arm, to guide you outside towards the porch, sitting on the stairs.
“You ok?”
“Of course 'am not, but... what else I can do? I tried, Angel. I wrote him everyday, I called him, but he chose that girl. And it's okay. You don't always win”. 
“I'm sorre'bout what's happening. He also changed with me, because I told him I used to go 'see you every weekend to San Diego”.
“And why he cares?” You ask frowning, having a sip of your beer. “You're my friend. And he decided he didn't want to talk with me anymore”.
Angel turns his face towards you confused, not knowing about what you're talking about.
“He stopped calling and texting me”.
“Did he...?” Something seems not to fit.
“Yes, he did. I also called him for his birthday. I was ready to take my car and drive back here, to give him his present”. 
“Did you...?”
“The fuck is wrong with you questioning all I say?” You take off of your pocket your phone, showing him all the unanswered messages and the times you called him and he didn't answer. “See? I get it, Angel. He has a girlfriend now and he doesn't want to make her feel jealous, or... whatever. I just want him to be happy. And I'll keep myself away”.
There's something on Angel's face that you can't decipher, but he doesn't say anything. He just nod drinking of his beer.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
Maybe a Mayan party is not where you want to be, but your father asked you, so did the crew. It’s been a long time since you spent some time with them, so you thought that you could make somekind of presence for one or two hours, at least. You’re sitting between your father and Angel, while the guys are talking about something that happened in the last travel they drove to Arizona. Some chairs away, in front of the bonfire Coco holds Sara above his lap with both arms wrapping his body, sharing hugs and kisses as if no one of you were there. You don’t even know why they are here, if they don’t want it. The oldest Reyes feels the tension running through your body, holding your hand and tangling his fingers with yours to raise them and kiss the back of your hand. You leave a heavy sigh flies off of your lips, supporting your head on his left shoulder, drinking the beer his offering you. 
“So, wha’bout you, guys?” Hearing the feminine voice with humorous tone, straight to you two, you can’t help but roll your eyes.
She trying pushing you into Angel, at the minimal dearly gesture between both, is something that you know would happen. And by the look he gives Sara, you know he’s about to explode. But you stop him, placing your free hand on his chest calling for his attention. You shake your head, begging in silence. But he lose his brother too. And it’s not fair.
“Yo’, my girl made a question”. Coco says then, being the flame that was missing to light the wick.
Angel leans on his chair, supporting his forearms above his lap with a petty smile on his lips. 
“Hey, Sara, let me answer you with another question”. Angel’s voice is turning to somewhat funny, enjoying the moment, even if you don’t understand what is happening. “How many (Y/N)’ texts you delete of Coco’s phone?”
Silence. All the gazes turning to her, you dying inside because of the shame and the confusion.
“The hell are you talkin’bout, man?” He asks turning at his girlfriend frowning. 
“All those nights you were fuckin’ crying as a fuckin’ child. All those nights you got drunk telling me that you gave (Y/N) the best of you fo' nothen'. All those nights blaming me for no reason. It wasn’t she. It was your girlfriend”. You can’t believe what he’s saying, leaving the beer on the floor. “(Y/N) showed me all the text she wrote you. The hanged up calls. Do you know she called you for yo' birthday? Do you remember what happened that day?”
“He fuckin’ broke ma’ nose ‘cause he thought that I poisoned you ‘bout him. But what nobody knew is that you had called him. You answered the call, rai’, Sara? You told her that Coco didn’t want to talk her anymor’”.
“Are you fucking kiddin’ me, bitch?” Tranq is getting up of his chair, as she does. “Did you made my daughter believe that her best friend broke his heart, all this time, just because you wanted to set them apart?”
“She did ‘cause (Y/N) is in love with him since ever”.
The crew is staring at you with your gaze on your feet, biting your lower lip.
“You’ve to be kidding, papi”.
“Ask your girlfriend, man”.
Coco gets up of his chair, full of rage and wrath. Sara is sobbing trying to explain herself, but she doesn’t have any defense.
“Give me your phone”. The man walks towards you with a raised arm, and a hand waiting for it.
“I do—”.
“Give me your phone!” He shouts at you, so you give him with trembling fingers.
He unlock it having a quickly look of all the text you sent him, all the calls you made. Everything. He doesn’t know how to feel, even if he’s falling down into pieces right now, looking at you with incredulous eyes. Nobody says anything. No matter who is your father, nor if Coco is a Mayan. It’s a trouble between three people, nobody else. 
“Get the fuck outta’ my club. Go to my house. Pack your things. And leave Santo Padre before I regret letting you alive”. His voice is rough, loud and clear. A firm tone of voice that does not hesitate.
“Coco, listen…” She begs, trying to walk closer, being blocked by Angel.
You can't move a single inch seeing how Coco walks inside the clubhouse, coming back some minutes after when his, you hope, ex-girlfriend left the Mayans yard between tears, curses and yells. Your father is trying to make you feel better by leaving some caresses on your back, while the crew sighs alleviated 'cause seems like they saw her as a trouble too. The mexican offers you a hand with the other holding your phone. Tranq pushes you softly to go with him, following towards your car.
Coco drives in silence, leaving behind Santo Padre till you're close to the border. He stops on a side of the road in the middle of the desert, then he gets out of it, sitting on the hood and lighting a cigar in his lips. You can see him through the glass reading all your messages, where you told him that you were sorry for anything that could bothered him. Where you told him how much you care about him and his happiness. Where you told him that you missed him. All those messages that started talking about your days in San Diego or remembering old times, continued with you asking him to forgive you, and finished telling him that you never wanted to end like that, that you never wanted to end your friendship, believing that you were the one who fucked up the love between both. The last text was something like ‘I'll set myself apart, 'cause everything I want in life is see you being happy, no matter if you're with me or not, I have always loved you and I'll always going to do it”.
Getting out of the car, taking some time and doubting about what to do, you leave the door opened. Your feet move slowly towards him, looking how he's watching all the calls that he didn't hang up. All the calls Angel was talking about. Till the last one made in his birthday. But noticing his tears, you stop your steps. He throws away the cigar, letting go the smoke as a painful and silent howl, supporting his hands on his thighs and leaning forward.
“I'm so fuckin' sorre'”. He sobs with a broken voice, turning his gaze to you. “I'm so fuckin' sorre'”.
You can't say anything, biting your lips about to cry too.
“I left you alone. I left you alone with all this shit in yo' heart. It's feels like… I fuckin' betrayed you fo' a fuckin' pussy”. He says with a taut voice, getting up of the car to face you. “I thought you were mad at me 'cause 'her, 'cause all this time you only… wanted me for some quicklies or shit like tha', and when you lost the chance, you just left me”.
You shake your head with trembling pursed lips.
“All this time… you were in lov' with me. But why? Why you left me? Why you didn't tell me, ah?”
“You looked happy with her. And that's all I wanted, Coco. Your life has always been a tragedy, till you met her. Who was I to spoil something like that? I thought we could still being friends. I thought I could be strong enough to be her friend too, so I could stay by your side. But then… you started to pushing me away, and I'm not blaming you. She was your girlfriend and you wanted to be more time with her. So… I just kept myself in the background”.
“You didn't keep yourself in da' background. You left Santo Padre”.
“'Cause it was painful seeing how I was losing my best friend, and my fuckin' love! What the hell was I supposed to do, ah? Stay here? Trying to rebuild my fuckin' heart shattered? For what? For… maybe a gaze? Maybe a smile? It wasn't fair, Coco”.
“I was waiting ya' in my birthday. I passed all day holdin' my phone, waitin' for your call thinking you forget it 'cause your final exams”.
“I called you when I woke up. I was getting dressed to take your present and drive towards here. Then, Sara told me you didn' want to talk. So, I ju—just got drunk looking our photos, and watching our videos together, trying to figure out the point I fucked up everything”.
“You did?”
“Yea'” You nod taking your phone off of his hand to keep it in your pocket, before crossing your arms on your chest. “I never wanted to hurt you, Coco. Only made you happy”.
“You did it like shit”.
“You fuckin' broke my heart. And you also thought I just wanted your fuckin' cock, as if it is the golden one”.
“And I'm sorre'bout that. I don't wanna lose you again, (Y/N)”. He grabs your forearms, opening them to push you into his body.
Finally, after five long months, he's hugging you again. You close your arms surrounding his neck, sinking your head on it and closing your eyes to focus on his smell and his heartbeat. You're feeling how the pain is fading as he holds you tighter, leaving some kisses on your head.
“I missed you so fuckin' much, mami. So fuckin' much”. He whispers, making you cry softly. “I love you. I need you. Living without you has been an agony. I'm so sorre'bout the shit I made you, I never meant to do'et”.
“It's okay, Coco…” You mutter pulling him away, putting your hands inside the pockets of your jeans.
“No, it's not. Don'... Don' do that again. Shout at me, mami, tell me tha' I'm an asshole, a shithead… Whateva'. Why aren' you angry?”
“'Cause sadness won that battle. I just kept the good feelings about you, even if I was fuckin' sad trying to type your number by heart, to call you again even if you weren't gonna answer”.
“I love you, (Y/N). I've always don'it. And I just… feel fuckin' stupid. But this is not gonna happen again, you hear me? No secrets, no hiding feelings. Tell me you're gonna stay, please”.
You nod in silence, confused about how you should feel right now. He takes the step placing both hands on your neck, pulling you closer so he can kiss you. You've been waiting for this almost seven years and you can't believe it's already happening. Tangling your fingers on his black flannel shirt, you take some air by your nose, moving your lips has he does in a lovely and softly way. He tastes like tequila, you taste like beer and it's the perfect combination, drowning a low gasp on his mouth when his tongue sneaks into your finding your saliva and your own tongue. Bristling your skin, he lifts you up after his hands travels to your thighs to sit you on the Mustang' hood.
“My fuckin' mami, all mine”. He sighs resting his forehead on yours with closed eyes, and your legs wrapping his waist. “Shit, I'm fuckin' in love with ya' since ever. 'Amma fuckin' idiot”.
You don't want him to continue apologizing for something that it was out of your hands, pressing your lips against his again. The tip of your tongue caresses them, kissing every single inch wanting to make him feel better. You know the nightmare is over, feeling how life comes back to you, feeling the butterflies and the tickles in your stomach being under his tattooed arms.
“We were on a party, you rememba'?” He asks pulling you away to regain his air.
“You wanna com'back?”
“Just to have some tequila and go home with you”.
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chelsfic · 4 years
The Hot List, in which the NYC Familiar Discord Ranks their Masters - Nandor x Guillermo Fanfic (one-shot, crack!)
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Summary: The familiars of New York City use Discord to connect and blow off steam...and also to rank their masters’ hotness. Nandor discovers this impertinence and throws an internet fit.
Tags: Crack with a touch of angst
A/N: I don’t know. 
NYC Familiar Chat #thirsty
Celeste-is-Best: nngh, have you guys seen Mr. 50ss’s’s’ss instagram story????
Celeste-is-Best: He’s so pretty! it’s like turn me, already!
Imurdad | colby: I know, right? I can’t believe he’s only 7 on the hot list…
[Gigi the great and sam teh pretty like this]
Gigi the great: Don’t forget to vote on this month’s poll!!
Best Hair!
We’re the ones who make them look pretty--but who’s the prettiest one of all? This month we’re voting on the NYC vampire with the best hair. Cast your vote!
A. Simon the Devious
B. Nandor the Relentless
C. Tilda
D. Evan
E. Houston
F. Nancy the Relentless
Guillermo locked his phone with a little smile. If he could he’d vote a hundred times for Nandor’s hair. It was unlikely that his master would win against the likes of Evan, Tilda and Nancy. He’d thrown Simon on there as a joke and was kind of horrified by how many familiars seemed to be into the limp mullet look. To each their own, he guessed.
On that note, it was almost nightfall and Nandor’s hair wasn’t going to brush itself. Guillermo made his way into the crypt, lighting candles and gathering the soft brush, comb, detangler spray and hair oils. Nandor was what he lovingly referred to as “high maintenance.” He was also surprisingly pitiful for a 750-year old warlord. It took Guillermo ages every night to carefully tease out and brush the knots from his hair without hurting him. It should’ve been annoying after so many years, but the chore remained one of the highlights of Guillermo’s day. 
For one thing, he got to touch his master without being scolded or hissed at. So that was nice. For another thing, Nandor’s hair was as soft as his personality was prickly. Guillermo would often drag out the task, running his fingers through the silky strands and lightly touching Nandor’s jaw to get him to tilt his head this way or that. 
He was doing just that, as well as admiring the expanse of cream and bronze skin revealed by the open collar of Nandor’s loose shirt, when the vampire opened his mouth. 
“Guillermooo...Did you happen to get any virgins for tonight?”
Guillermo’s fingers momentarily tightened around a hank of his master’s hair. He imagined giving it a sharp tug. He forced himself to loosen his grip and replied, “No, master, I’m sorry. Virgins are getting pretty thin on the ground lately. I managed to pick up a couple people from a bible study class, though. They should taste pretty innocent, right?”
Nandor made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat before answering, “You’d be surprised.”
NYC Familiar Chat #the-struggle
Gigi the great: I know we all jealously guard our sources, but I’ve been in a dry spell for a few weeks and my master is going to lose it and drink me one of these nights. Anyone have any new leads on virgins in the area?
Gigi the great: I’ve tried the usual stuff...LARPers, church socials, chastity clubs (surprisingly unhelpful…). I’m kinda desperate!
Direct Messages
Celeste-is-Best: only because you had my back last month when I ran out of burial sites…
Gigi the great: OMG! Celeste, please!! 🙏 🥺
Celeste-is-Best: there’s a magic the gathering tournament in brighton heights this weekend...😈
Gigi the great: You are like the virgin whisperer, Celeste. Thank you!
Celeste-is-Best: np
Celeste-is-Best: hey! Are you posting the poll results soon? I voted for Tilda--don’t tell Houston!! LOL
Gigi the great: The results are in! The vampire with the best hair in NYC is……..EVAN!
Check out the Google Form for the full results...
Evan (26%)
Tilda (22%)
Nancy the Relentless (17%)
Simon the Devious (16%)
Nandor the Relentless (13%)
Houston (6%)
“What are you typing over there on your intelligent phone?”
Guillermo hurriedly tucked his phone away and looked up to find his master mopping blood from his mouth with a lace-trimmed handkerchief. They were in an alleyway a few buildings down from the comic shop. The limp body of Nandor’s victim lay discarded on the dirty ground. Guillermo smiled affectionately at Nandor trying and failing to clean himself. He took the hanky from him and set about doing the job himself. The snow white fabric was quickly drenched in dark red arterial blood. 
“I was just, um...checking on another potential virgin source,” he lied. 
The familiar Discord was strictly secret. If any of their masters ever found it and saw their human servants’ uncensored discussions... The thought sent a panicked tremor down Guillermo’s spine and he thought--for the thousandth time--that he should delete the app and not look back. But the idea of continuing with this emotionally draining, thankless job without his little support system was just as disturbing. Besides, the server had really come through for him tonight.
“Well done, Guillermo!” Nandor praised him and Guillermo’s heart swelled pathetically. A small, shameful part of him imagined Nandor patting him on the head and he didn’t hate it. “That was the most delicious virgin I’ve had in months!”
“Thank you, master,” Guillermo smiled sweetly, his cheeks dimpling. Nandor watched him for a long moment and he could swear he saw his master’s eyes linger on his mouth. He shut that thought down before it could bloom into a hope that was only doomed for disappointment. 
“Well…I’ll see you back at the house.” Nandor vanished before his eyes, taking his bat form and darting out of the alley with a high-pitched squeak and a furious flap of his leathery wings.
Guillermo sighed, looked at the broken body and wondered if he’d be able to fit his car down the narrow alley or if he’d have to drag the corpse to the opening. He fished out his keys and started the short walk back to his parking spot. All the while thinking, with distracted horror, Simon the Devious beat out Nandor for best hair?!? Really?
Direct Messages
Gigi the great: Hey, thanks! The Magic tournament was a hit!
Celeste-is-Best: i do live to serve…
Gigi the great: Har har.
mish-bish: Ugh!!! Pretty sure my asshole master is hypnotizing me again.
call-me-karen: That’s rough, Misha! You wanna talk about it? My master lets me take the car whenever I want. I can come pick you up…
mish-bish: Yeah, like...I definitely have a huge black hole in my memories from last night. Fuck.
mish-bish: Oh, that’s ok Karen. Thanks.
Gigi the great: Hey @mish-bish. Sorry you’re having a hard time. If you feel up to it, check out the #support channel. A lot of other familiars have gone through this and talked about it there. Sometimes it helps to hear how others cope!
“Guillermo! Guillermoooo!”
Nandor’s panicked bellow reached him all the way in the basement where he was checking his lye supply. Guillermo huffed it up the stairs and raced into the fancy room where he found his master staring aghast at his laptop.
“Wh-what is it, master?” he asked, bent over and catching his breath.
“Someone named...Rap4Unlyfe has sent me a fake news!” Nandor wailed, gesturing to the laptop as if the device was personally responsible. 
Guillermo suppressed an eyeroll and walked over to sit beside his master. He watched in dismay as Nandor scooched farther down the couch but he tried not to let it sting too much. 
The browser was open to Nandor’s Hotmail account. He leaned forward to read the open message, unsure what to expect. The blood drained from his face as he read.
subject: rofl bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah
Has ne1 else seen there familiars on this site??? I hypnotized mine last nite to give me his phone password and...👀 
Mierda. There were two screenshots attached. One was the survey results page from the “best hair” poll. The other was an excerpt from the chat, specifically Guillermo posting the winner of the poll and the link to the results. 
Guillermo’s face fell into an adorably distressed frown. He darted a glance at Nandor but the vampire just looked confused. It wasn’t clear if he yet suspected that his own familiar might be “Gigi the great.”
“Huh…” Guillermo leaned back and smoothed his expression into one of untroubled amusement. “You’re right, looks like fake news. You should probably just ignore it.”
Nandor punched his fist into his thigh and snapped, “But Guillermo! I cannot let this go unanswered! This...this...ludicrous insult! Imagine...me losing a hair contest. Everyone knows I have the most beautiful hair!”
Guillermo blushed magnificently, “Of course, master! This is just...a prank. Someone playing a mean trick on you. You shouldn’t give them the satisfaction--”
The laptop chimed. Guillermo dove to prevent Nandor from reaching it but the vampire simply slapped him away with a petulant whine, “Give me that! Fucking guy…”
Nandor’s lips curled into a snarl as his eyes scanned over the screen. 
“Oh, no! Now they are making a mockery of me on the ether net!”
subject: RE: rofl bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah
Oh! That is too delicious! Suck it, Houston and Nandor! 
It gets even better. Have you seen this, yet?
“Guillermo, what is a hot list?” Nandor asked with a worried frown, clicking on the attachment. 
“No, master! Don’t--”
It was too late. He watched as his master’s eyes lit with understanding and then intrigue and finally outrage.
“29?! I am number 29 on your dirty hot vampire list!? What is the meaning of this?” Nandor bristled like an angry porcupine, his eyes shooting metaphorical quills into Guillermo’s soft flesh.
“It’s not my list, master!” he insisted and then, guiltily, “Not only mine…”
“Guillermo!” Nandor gasped, his eyes returning to the screen for a moment before pinning him with outraged accusation. “So, it is you!? You are...Gigi the great? Well, I do not think you are so great, little guy! In fact I think you’re pretty un-great right now! And disrespectful!”
Guillermo sank into the couch cushions, melting under his master’s ire and replying miserably, “It’s not as bad as it looks!”
Nandor turned back to the screen and began reading off names from the top of the list, “Viago! Nancy the Relentless! Evan! I suppose these are all vampires you’ve been dreaming of doing the hanky panky with! Putting them on the top of your list above your own master! That’s two demerits, Guillermo!”
“What!? No! Master, I didn’t make the list! We vote on it! Everyone gets a say. If I made the list of course you’d be at the top--”
Guillermo snapped his mouth shut. His face was on fire and he felt like crying. Nandor must have some inkling of his crush, right? After ten years of service? This couldn’t really be the life-ending mortification that it felt like. He waited, wide-eyed, for his master’s reaction. Nandor stared at him, his huge, dark eyes filled with shock and anger. After a long minute he turned back to the laptop, waving a hand dismissively in Guillermo’s face.
“Go to your room now, Guillermo! I need to think of how to punish this impertinence!”
Guillermo stood, barely holding in humiliated tears. He gestured to the device in Nandor’s lap, “My laptop…”
Nandor held it out of Guillermo’s reach and hissed, “No! Vampire only computer time, Guillermo!”
Guillermo left, trudging out of the room with a sinking feeling in his stomach as the sound of Nandor’s flop-wristed typing followed him out the door.
Gigi the great: Is everyone okay?
call-me-karen: not fukcing great!
Imurdad | colby: Seriously! WTF!!?
Gigi the great is typing…
Guillermo lay on his little cot with the crocheted blanket his amá made for him pulled up to his chin. Tears streaked down his cheeks and the phone’s glare reflected in his glasses. He thought back to every off handed complaint, every silly photo turned into a “master-shaming” meme, every confession, every joke. All of them laid bare to the world. The Discord server started out as goofy, harmless fun. The hot list was the perfect embodiment of that. But it became so much more. Being a familiar could be lonely. You were isolated from other humans and surrounded by cold, uncaring monsters all the time. Guillermo loved Nandor. Everyone knew this...there were even memes about it on the server! But sometimes his master’s aloofness got to be too much and he needed to reach out to other humans who understood him! 
He threw his phone down onto the mattress, angrily pawing at his teary eyes and wondering if this was it. Not just the end of NYC Familiar Chat, but the end of Guillermo the Great, his long-dreamed-of vampire alias. There was no way Nandor would keep him as a familiar after this…
Direct Messages
Celeste-is-Best: OMG! Guillermo, have you seen this?
Celeste-is-Best: http://familiar-hot-list.colinrobinson.net
Celeste-is-Best: hey, if this is Nandor’s big revenge scheme I think you’re going to be ok
Celeste-is-Best: we miss you! 
Guillermo heard his master calling him and cringed. It had been a week since the hot list incident and Nandor had spent every waking moment making little jabs at his familiar and grousing about how he’d been betrayed on the internet. But to Guillermo’s surprisingly intense relief, he hadn’t been fired. After ten years of disappointment and hopeless pining, Guillermo half-expected to welcome the prospect of finally being put out of his misery, so to speak. He was kind of shocked, therefore, to feel happiness and gratitude that his master had decided to keep him around, even if only as a verbal punching bag.
He found Nandor in the library, smugly brandishing the purloined laptop. 
“Come have a look at your punishment, Guillermo,” Nandor patted the couch beside him. “This is what happens when you disrespect vampires on the ether net.”
Guillermo swallowed the lump in his throat and collapsed beside Nandor feeling like a man condemned. Their thighs pressed together but for once Nandor didn’t move away. He shoved the laptop at Guillermo and handed him a yellow sticky note with Colin Robinson’s handwriting on it.
“Colin Robinson has assisted in creating a webpage for your disgrace. We have done our own hot list! A familiar hot list. All of the New York vampires voted. So, now you can see how not nice it feels to have your hotness besmirched for all the world to see.”
Guillermo typed in the URL and blinked as the neon green background scorched his retinas. The page was a hideous callback to the internet of the late 1990s right down to the hit counter at the bottom. There was a border of pixelated dancing Draculas surrounding bright orange text.
NYC Familiar Hotness Ranking
1. Guillermo (Nandor the Relentless) - 19%
Guillermo looked at the screen, then over at Nandor, then back to the screen again.
“Master? Have you looked at the results yet?”
Nandor’s brow knit with confusion, “No, why? What does it say?”
He grabbed the laptop and squinted against the garish colors. Guillermo watched Nandor’s face carefully as he read the results. He looked surprised and almost...pleased at first, before giving in to his patented aggravation.
“Fucking Colin Robinson!”
New NYC Familiars Group! #welcome
Imurdad | colby: Hey @everyone! Welcome to the new Discord server. Guillermo has stepped down as a mod but he’ll still be around. We don’t have a perfect solution for the security problems we had with the last server. We’re asking everyone to be vigilant about hypnosis and if you feel like you’re losing time, please be sure to secure your phones/computers away from your masters….
subject: Something you might want to see…
Hey Nandoorman! How’s it hangin’?  
Listen, I’m sorry that your revenge didn’t go as planned. I noticed you’ve been a little short with Gizmo ever since this whole thing started. As someone who cares about my roomie, I want to advise you to knock it the hell off. Also, I don’t relish the thought of returning to the days before Gizmo came along. Do you even remember what the house used to look like? Pools of blood everywhere. Dead bodies. Melted candles all over the place...
I digress… I managed to snag this screenshot from Count Rapula. I think you may find it interesting.
Your pal,
Colin Robinson 
Gigithegreat: Hey guys. This isn’t easy for me to share but I know I’m not the only one who’s dealt with this and if I can help one of you feel less alone then I’ll be glad. As most of you know, I recently “celebrated” my 10th anniversary as Nandor’s familiar. I was convinced, absolutely convinced, that my master was going to make me into a vampire. Well, once again it didn’t happen. He made me this weird portrait out of glitter instead. And the thing is...like, I should leave, right? He’s never going to turn me and that’s the basis for our whole arrangement. I serve him faithfully, he turns me into a vampire. It’s simple, right? So why am I still here? Why am I still burying bodies for him and making human sacrifices? Dressing and feeding him? Treating him like he’s some kind of god and not an ancient cranky baby?  It’s because I’m in love with him. Hopelessly, stupidly, self-destructively in love with my vampire master who thinks of me as nothing more than a really well-trained poodle who can talk. Why? WHY? Because he makes me laugh. Because he’s fiercely protective of his vampire family and (sometimes) that includes me. Because when we’re alone he can be so adorably, painfully vulnerable and it feels like a privilege that I get to witness that side of him. Because he does ridiculously stupid but considerate things like spending hours making me a glitter portrait. When he’s happy with me I feel like I could float and when he’s disappointed I feel like being swallowed up by a sinkhole. And, yeah, he’s also man-of-my-dreams outrageously hot and I cannot believe you cretins have him ranked #29 on the hot list. It’s a crime. 
Gigithegreat: So, yeah. That’s why I stay. I’m no longer hoping for a bite that will never happen. Now it’s a kiss, a hug, a touch, a look. Anything he’s willing to give me I’ll gladly hoard in my little closet-room along with my glitter portrait. Because I’m pathetic. That’s it. That’s the confession.
Imurdad | colby: Brave words, Guillermo. Hang in there, friend.
blood_princess: this is a mood
sam teh pretty: Sending you healing head scritches ❤️
Celeste-is-Best: look, i think i speak for us all when i say we need to see this glitter portrait!!!
[You’re Viewing Older Messages … Jump To Present? ↓]
Nandor looked uncharacteristically thoughtful while Guillermo readied him for sleep. The familiar guessed he was still angry that his little revenge plot had backfired. He couldn’t help but feel a little smug about his position as the hottest NYC familiar. Even if he was pretty sure it was mostly due to the other vampires messing with Nandor. Guillermo couldn’t really enjoy his victory, though, not with Nandor’s feelings of betrayal still weighing on his heart.
Nandor’s face was a stoic mask as Guillermo helped him undress. He cooperated listlessly, picking up his feet for Guillermo to remove his heavy boots, lifting his arms up over his head as Guillermo took off his brocade tunic. Finally, he placed his giant hand in Guillermo’s soft, small one and stepped up into his coffin. Guillermo stood by the side of the coffin as he always did, watching over Nandor with affection choking his throat. Nandor smoothed his hair down and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Sweet dreams, master,” Guillermo whispered, leaning across him to catch the lid of the coffin.
“Wait, Guillermo,” Nandor spoke without looking at him, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. “I wish to say something to you.”
Guillermo’s heart sank in his chest. Oh no...his stupid middle schooler revenge didn’t work and now he’s going to send me away… Tears pricked his eyes and he choked, “C-can’t it wait until tomorrow, master?”
“No. I must say this now,” Nandor responded, oblivious to his familiar’s internal drama. “I want to say to you that--and I think I’m being extremely gracious and lenient here--it is fine for you to have your little, pathetic familiar group on the dark internet.”
“O-oh,” Guillermo quickly swiped the tears from his eyes, “thank you, master…”
“But no more mee-mees, Guillermo! Master-shaming...very disrespectful!”
“Of course!” Guillermo laughed, delirious with relief. 
Nandor looked up at him with a final warning glance before softening, “Alright, then. As long as we are clear on that…”
There was a long beat of silence during which Guillermo found himself locked inside his master’s gaze. Nandor’s eyes were like pools of rich, melted chocolate. Guillermo imagined himself as the German kid from Willy Wonka and for a second he was in danger of breaking down into giggles. But then his master spoke in that soft, uncertain tone he only used when they were alone and he was feeling fragile.
“Guillermo...did you really vote for me to be the number one hottest vampire?” Nandor toyed with the buttons on his shirt and looked up at his familiar with a shy, open expression.
Guillermo’s cheeks burned and he wanted to laugh and hide and kiss his master on the mouth all at once.
“Yes, master, I did. You’re…” he cleared his throat and tightened his grip on the lip of the coffin, “so handsome, master. So beautiful...”
He watched his master’s chest expand with pride and his lips twitch into a haughty smirk. 
“That’s true, Guillermo. Good job for noticing,” Nandor praised him in a voice that was a little too loud. It rang with a false sense of self-assurance. After a few seconds he went on in a quieter tone, “Do you know, I--this is very silly, Guillermo, you mustn't tell anyone this--I voted for you, too. As the hottest familiar…”
Guillermo’s stomach did a little swoop and his lips curved into a blinding smile. His dumb, beautiful master thought he was attractive? Guillermo tried to reel himself in; he tried to remind himself that Nandor probably only voted for him to boost his own reputation. But--wait?--hadn’t the list been meant as a revenge against Guillermo? God, what a handsome idiot.
“Thank you, master,” Guillermo gushed and now he was certain that Nandor’s eyes strayed too long on his smiling lips and red, dimpled cheeks. 
“Alright then!” Nandor pulled the emergency break on the moment. “Time for my evil slumber. Night night, Guillermo!”
And in a slow motion moment that would feature in Guillermo’s dreams that night, Nandor reached up and put his hand over his. Nandor’s cool, smooth palm rubbed over the back of Guillermo’s warm hand and his fingers squeezed slightly. The breath rushed from Guillermo’s lungs and he could only squeak in reply, shutting his master into his coffin and moving away with a dazed smile on his face.
A muffled sound came from the coffin just as Guillermo reached the door to the crypt.
“...And I don’t think of you as a poodle…”
“What was that, master?” Guillermo called.
“Nothing, Guillermo!”
Guillermo shuffled off to his little room feeling like he was carrying a happy little flame inside his chest. For once he gave himself permission to hope without fearing disappointment.
New NYC Familiars Group! #thirsty
Celest-is-Best: SORRY NOT SORRY!!!! Simon can get it…
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blood_princess: ummmm thirst after your own master, Celeste. Oops sorry she’s 12.
mish-bish: Lmaooo. Gross Celeste!
Celeste-is-Best: listen.
Celeste-is-Best: ...i got nothin. I want his evil dick.
Gigi the great: Please look respectfully at this photo I snuck of my master the other night. Do I really need to explain myself further???
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Celeste-is-Best: that’s it. guillermo, ask nandor if he needs another familiar. my body is ready!
Gigi the great: Back off, bitch!!!!
Gigi the great: jk love u
Gigi the great: but srsly back off
mish-bish: submitted without comment
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[Imurdad | colby, Gigi the great, Sam teh Cat, and 6 others like this]
Gigi the great: 🙄🙄🙄
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Gigi the great: I hate him I love him
black-peterrr: ohohoho, has anyone talked to Guillermo lately…..?
black-peterrr: a little raven told me he and Nandor were seen HOLDING HANDS in the park the other night…
call-me-karen: WHATTTTTTTT
Celeste-is-Best: @Gigi the great, CONFIRM OR DENY!! GIIIIIGIIII!
Gigi the great: ……...I don’t kiss and tell 😉
Imurdad | colby pinned a post
Imurdad | colby: This is momentous.
Gigi the great: hot take…
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Imurdad | colby: bahahaha, okay…
Imurdad | colby: 
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Gigi the great: But have you considered…
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Imurdad | colby: lol compelling
Call-me-karen: I mean…..👀
Celeste-is-Best: Ha...ha...ha…*sob*
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Direct Messages
Celeste-is-Best: Gigi! we miss you! ur never online lately... 
Celeste-is-Best: too busy getting that ottoman empire dick, huhhh??
Gigi the great: OMG Celeste! You’re out of control!
Celeste-is-Best: that wasn’t a denial…
Gigi the great: Hey guys...sorry I haven’t been active lately
Gigi the great: Quick update though....
GIgi the great:
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blood_princess: OSDFJweoiflkdfaf omgggggg gggggiiiiiiigiigigig!!!!!!
Jameson: Holy shit, man. Congrats.
Celeste-is-Best: GuillerrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmooooooOooooO!O my baby! you look amazing!
call-me-karen: DO YOU NEED A FAMILIAR!!?!?!?!?
Celeste-is-Best: jesus, karen lol
blood_princess: my master is having an orgy right now. I just locked myself in the bathroom--I’M FREAKING OUT!! What is it like? IS that blood on your collar??? OMG how was ur first feeding?
Imurdad | colby: I’m kidding. OMG I’m so happy for you! (And burning with jealous rage)
Celeste-is-Best: look how fucking happy Nandor is
Celeste-is-Best: i’ve been shipping you two from the beginning, Gigi!
Celeste-is-Best: …..hope you’re not going to forget who helped you out with those virgins last month…
“Guillermo!” Nandor’s voice was half whine, half growl. “It’s very difficult to sleep with that light filling the coffin! What are you doing anyway?”
The screen illuminated Guillermo’s grin as he answered, “Just posted that selfie we took to the familiar chat. They’re freaking out.”
Nandor turned onto his side, nuzzling his face into Guillermo’s neck and tickling him with his beard, “That’s nice. Sleepy time now, Guillermo.” 
“Yes, master,” Guillermo breathed and Nandor purred low in his chest. Some things had changed since becoming a vampire and others had stayed the same. Calling Nandor “master” had taken on a new, thrilling subtext.
Nandor’s arms snaked around Guillermo, tugging the smaller vampire into his chest. He let out a contented sigh and his body went still as he began to fall asleep.
“I guess I should probably leave the group,” Guillermo yawned--force of habit. “Since I’m not a familiar anymore.”
Nandor wrenched himself from sleep with the power of his own petulance, “Hey! What do you mean ‘not a familiar anymore’? Just because a guy gives his boyfriend the gift of eternal life he thinks he can quit being his familiar!? Who’s going to brush my hair?! ‘Not a familiar anymore’...fucking guy…”
39 notes · View notes
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Ok so I found an amazing post about a dating app for our monster S. O.’s and since it’s ORCTOBER I was like YES I NEED THIS. So even though I’m in school. I still wanna do this. It’s rather short but it’s cute. And @thetravelerwrites​ and @thetravelerscompanion​ they wanted to be tagged. So here you go. I hope you all enjoy it too. 
Orctober- OkCryptid
You were sitting on the couch playing a game on your tablet while your daughter watched TV on a quiet Wednesday night, it was just the two of you. You were a single mom, a widow to be exact and your number one priority was always taking care of your daughter Anarra, who was 8, and when your husband had died about a year ago, he left you with quite the life insurance policies through work and a private policy which meant that you and your daughter were taken care of financially for many years to come. You had already gone back to school before he died and had gotten your license to be a massage therapist, so you already had your own business, working part time at a nearby salon that your best friend Dawn owned and you made your own hours and because you had incorporated yourself to make your own business, when your husband had died, it was easy to get health insurance for you and your daughter and because of his life insurance policies, you still didn’t need to work full time and you and your daughter could live very comfortably. You were lucky. 
But, you were also lonely. Granted you were no stranger to vibrators so your “needs” were mostly taken care of. But it’s just...not the same. You were a half elf and half human and your husband was mixed too, his father was half human and half orc while his mother was half human and half dwarf and he had turned out to simply look half human and half orc. And Anarra reflected all of that, she had your husbands blonde hair, compared to your dark auburn, your turquoise eyes and your shared fair skin tone, she was just as beautiful as you were at her age but she definitely had the more slender but very physically fit physique of an elf where as you were very voluptuous thanks to your human heritage. 
But lately, you just wanted...something more, it was fall, you missed cuddling on the couch under throw blankets and having date night with your husband and just...well... honestly you missed that good bone rattling sex where your husband would bend you over the kitchen island yank your pants and panties down to your knees, spread your legs, before sliding into you, grab your hips and pound into you from behind until you were sure you were going to break the god damn kitchen island! No vibrator could really do that. 
“Mom?” Anarra suddenly asked, pulling you out of your lewd thoughts. 
“Hmm?” Came your reply. 
“Are you gonna start dating again?” She asked which made you shake your head before you looked at her incredulously. 
“Why do ask? Do you want me to start dating again?” You asked. 
“Well, if you wanted to, I know you miss dad and I do too, but there’s lots of other kids that don’t have moms and you’re a really great mom and if any of those kids had a dad but not a mom and maybe they’re like us and their dad is a really great dad and together we could be a family, I'd be ok with that.” She offered and you wanted to burst into tears at her sweetness and thoughtfulness. 
“Ok, well if you’re ready, we could look together.” You offered before you got your phone out and downloaded OkCryptid and together you made a profile before you went through who you were matched up with already before you found a few profiles that looked good, you cross referenced them via Facebook, a few immediately became disqualified by some of the contents and pictures you found that they were tagged in before there was just a handful of possible options, two were just single guys, three were single dads, a human, an elf, and an orc. The human though was looking for an elf, the elf was also looking for an elf and the orc...judging by his kids, had been married to a human before because his two kids looked like half orc and half human to you but you couldn’t be sure but he was “open to anything" species wise. Within half an hour all three dads were in your inbox and a few of the single guys you had already disqualified who once they found out you were a mom, weren’t interested in being a father, but were interested in “hooking up with a hot milf” to which you politely declined. 
So you set up dates with all of the single fathers since they didn’t have any issue with you already having a child of your own, one Friday night, one Saturday night and the third on Sunday night, all at the same place. A famous trampoline park chain - since they all had kids. 
Friday came and it was the human up first. Daniel, father of two very rowdy, misbehaving, disrespectful, hellion boys. He was divorced and you could immediately tell why she left him, he just oozed self entitled asshole. He was disappointed and actually repulsed that you were curvy, thinking that because you were half elf, judging by your ears and features in your selfie, that you’d be skinny, but he seemed to make peace with it as he poked and prodded at your personal life and seemed especially keen on how much your husband’s life insurance policies were and if there was anything left or if “you had blown it all shopping for clothes and makeup” and when he asked about what you did for a living, he was thrilled then propositioned you for a “happy ending” massage which you promptly shut down and threatened to call the police because that was illegal which he backed off and backpedaled and apologized and said he was “only joking” and that you “need to lighten up”, yeah right. From there, all he cared about was how much you worked, how much you made, if you had a good credit score, if you had any STD’s, how clean you kept your house and how good of a cook you were and how good you were at laundry because he and his boys were “tough on clothes”. That date lasted a whole 30 minutes and was the longest 30 minutes of your life and you had hit the liquor store on the way home and even Anarra was relieved it wasn't going to work out because those boys were really rough in their play and it took an orc halfling who she was friends with to come over and tell them to go away and rescue her before he brought her over to play with his little sister who was a year younger than Anarra but the same size. 
Saturday, was the elf’s date, Althidon, he was also divorced, had nothing but condescending bullshit to say and had two very pretty girls who were the quintessential "mean popular girls" who you wanted to slap, he was disappointed you weren’t more elf like in body shape and the fact that you were half human made him turn his nose up at you and the fact that you worked “such a meanial job” that you “needed to be rescued from” because it was beneath anything that had any trace of elf blood in it because if an elf woman had to work- it should be something more “dignified” like a doctor- lawyer- ceo type since he was an architect himself and the fact that all the education you had was a highschool deploma and massage liscence, which he automatically assumed he knew more about your job than you did because “it couldn’t possibly be that hard” because he was “an intelectual” with a “top 3% IQ” and that you had never really “applied yourself” and were “hindered by your human half” but that was only after he inquired how much your late husband’s life insurance polices were and if you had spent it all yet, yeah- fuck no, there was no way in hell you were going to tell him something like that. That date lasted not even 20 minutes. Again, the longest 20 minutes of your life. 
By Sunday, you were beyond tired, beyond disheartened because they both had been in love with your face but repulsed by your body and obviously only thought you were worth their time if you were going to center your life around them or was a cash cow for them. No fucking thank you, you were going to be happy with your vibrators, you didn’t need this shit. You were about to delete the app because surely nothing good could come of it. All these guys wanted was to either hook up, or a fucking mother to take care of them and their little hellions. Ugh!
So with a heaving sigh you prepared yourself to meet with the last guy, Dektar. You showed up fifteen minutes early, got a drink and managed to slip a little bottle of cherry rum into your Dr. Pepper as you looked out of the corner of your eye as an orc was doing the same thing to his drink and you both noticed the other and recognized the other, you both had seen the other here before, but you always seemed to sit at opposite ends of the little cafe area when he wasn’t sitting in the massage chairs scattered throughout the rest of the trampoline park which the cafe area actually wasn’t that big, you kind of sort of knew him. He was Dex, he brought his boy and his girl here usually on Friday nights and stayed until glow night which was the last two hours the place was open on Fridays and you’ve actually been seeing him around for several months. His daughter was Talna, who was a year younger than Anarra but about the same size and his boy was Tark, they were actually really well behaved and played well with Anarra and the few times they had hurt themselves, you had been there with bandaids and neosporin and a kiss to the booboo to save the day because your own daughter was a little accident prone and you were always prepared which Dex was always grateful and appreciative of. 
“Long day?” He asked. 
“Very long weekend, you?” You asked as you nodded over to his drink and the face he made- made you giggle. 
“That bad huh?” You asked which he nodded emphatically to. 
“You?” He nodded over to you. 
“Oh, one of the worst I’ve had in awhile.” You said before you glanced up at the clock again. 
“Waiting for someone?” He asked. 
“Yeah, my date.” You answered. 
“Me too.” He nodded. 
“Really? Who are you waiting on?” You asked, curiously. 
“Brillianna Sarsys.” He answered as he looked at his phone again. 
“...Dektar Bruke?” You asked as you realized he actually was your date! He seemed to realize the same thing at the same time, relief clearly on his face. 
“Oh, hi,” He waived awkwardly before he got his stuff as you got your stuff and you met at a table in the middle. 
“Hi, I thought your name was Dex?” You recalled. 
“A lot of people can’t seem to pronounce it correctly, they think it’s Dexter so I’ve gone by Dex for decades now. And I thought your name was Bri- as in Brianna.” He chuckled in amusement. 
“Yeah, most people can’t get my name right either, it’s been Bri since elementary school, also decades.” You laughed. "Well let me just say I'm so happy and relieved that you're someone I kinda sorta know already." You laughed.
"Likewise. So what's made your weekend so bad and so long?" He asked curiously.
"Oh the other dates I've had this weekend. They were complete disasters. I got on OkCryptid because I've been a widow for a little over a year and my daughter basically gave me the go ahead that she was ready to move on so earlier this week, I made a profile and you were one of my matches.” You explained. 
“So the other matches weren’t great?” He guessed. 
“Oh my gods were they the worst! Uh the single guys I was matched up with only wanted to hook up, which I’m not into casual sex, I don’t have anything against others who are into that, it’s just not for me. Otherwise I’ve only gone on two other dates, the first was a human, who thought I was “exotic” because I was half elf but disappointed I was fat, he had two boys that I’m sure if I had to mother them, I’d break a belt or two whooping them because they were just the worst, really rough, really rude, really crude and basically bullys and I would put them on any domestic terrorist list and potential shooter list if I could.” You listed off. “And because I am a licensed massage therapist he of course was all about the “happy ending massage” which is propositioning which is illegal, I did actually call the cops on his ass.” You added as Dex looked both sickened and enraged. 
“Yuck.” Dex snarled in disgust. 
“I know right? So that was my Friday night. Saturday night I had a date with an elf, who was actually disgusted I was half human, thought my job was meaneal and beneath anything that had even a drop of elf blood running through its veins. He only seemed to care about how much my husband’s life insurance policies were and his daughters were literally mini “mean popular girls” who I would again- slap their mouths off if I had to mother them. So yeah, lovely weekend.” You quipped sarcastically. “My week was actually just fine, just the last two days have been particularly awful.” You explained before you took a long sip of your spiked Dr. Pepper. “So how has your week been?” You asked. 
“Oh, just as awful, I also had two dates, but I didn’t bring them here, we went out to eat. The first was a single woman who thought she knew how to parent my kids better than me and had nothing but opinions about how I was raising my kids all wrong because even though she has no kids herself she has a degree in it apparently.” He began as you grimaced. 
“Yikes.” You hissed. “I hate that don’t you? When people who don’t have kids, usually aren’t even married feel they’re qualified to give advice? Or the people whose kids are the worst, think they’re the perfect parent.” You offered. 
“Yes! It drives me up the wall! Now I have seen the way you are with your daughter and she’s awesome so obviously you’re doing something right, I think it’s probably the fact that you’re willing to actually discipline her.” He ventured. 
“Oh very much so and I’ve noticed your kids are really well behaved too, I’d think I’d be safe to assume you do too.” You returned as he grinned proudly. 
“I’ve been known to get after them when the occasion arises.” He nodded in confirmation. 
“So was that it or was there more?” You asked before he rolled his eyes and shook his head before taking a long pull from his drink too. 
“I wish I could say yes but sadly no, I’ve been on OkCryptid for three months and so far it really hasn’t worked out, most women just want to hook up or if they are looking for a relationship, they don’t want kids or especially if they have careers, they don’t want to give that up which I get it, some women have the “mom chip” and some don’t and if you don’t- don’t have kids but they’re usually “overwhelmed” by my situation, which I can empathize with, because I have a difficult situation to deal with. Going into a family with kids can be overwhelming.” He explained. “Honestly you were my last attempt, if it wasn’t going to work with you, I was going to delete the app and just try dating the old fashioned way, actually what’s funny is if you had not been well... you I my plan was to ask you out this Friday when I saw you again.” He confessed. 
“Aww, that’s sweet and I would have been open to that.” You admitted. “Also, wow you’ve been on there for 3 months? I can’t imagine sticking it out that long. I’ve only been on there a week and I’m ready to throw in the towel.” You admitted. 
“Yeah, well it’s kind of...well...a coincidence that we’re in similar situations, we’re both widowed, both with kids and just both of us looking for a decent parent because I was in the same boat as you, it wasn’t until my kids suggested I get back into the dating game before I did.” He ventured. 
“It is a coincidence. And I don’t have to tell you that as a parent you’re ready and willing to do whatever it takes to take care of your children and protect them yet teach them at the same time and while I’m sure you’re probably just as lonely as I can be sometimes, you’ll put up with it and endure it because you need to be picky about who and what is around and influencing your children and you should be guarded, they’re great kids and they need to be protected.” You insisted and he looked at you like you were the most amazing being in the universe. And before you knew it, you were both leaning forward across the table and talking like you were long lost best friends and this felt so natural and it was so easy to talk to each other and actually shared some of the deeper parts of yourselves with each other and come to find out, his wife was a human orc halfling, she had been an absolute sweetheart and been such a great mom and cancer had come out of nowhere and by the time she started showing signs she was sick, it was too late and they couldn’t save her and it had absolutely devastated the family. 
You shared that your husband had gone for a motorcycle ride and a driver didn’t see him and changed lanes and side swiped him and pushed him into a cement barrier on the highway and even though he had been wearing a helmet and an armored motorcycle jacket and every piece of safety gear possible, it wasn’t enough. And he didn’t press or even hint at wanting to know how much you had gotten in life insurance policies, he was simply content and happy in the knowledge that you were taken care of and doing well and able to stand on your own two feet. 
You quickly exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch and made plans for a second date and when he kissed you right before you parted, it stole your breath away. 
Ok, so OkCryptid was actually amazing.
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fanartfunart · 5 years
Heya, trying to start an ask blog here and I know you're an abundant fountain of good advice. So what are your thoughts on reblogging one of those OC suggested ask pages? Do you think they help encourage asks? Do they clog up the blog? And also, it's an AU with a story so i'm worried i might not find a good set of asks that don't deviate completely from what's happening but I also don't want to make my own set as though i'm going "ask these".
(my dragon horde is just a pile of advice and psych facts….. along w/ pencils and drawing books.)
Honestly, I made a post that said “Hey, ask me about an au character’s backstory and I’ll draw a tiny comic about it” and THat is what turned Daydream au INTO an ask blog (idk after that post people just sent questions unprompted and I was like ‘huh, ok!’). So like, hell ya, ask games are great for helping kick off ask blogs! And if you don’t find a good set of asks for re-blogging, then home-made is fine!! Gives people a prompt! I doubt most people will think anything negatively about it (and if they do then…. they are just not playing nice)
Personally I’ve never re-blogged one of the actual OC ask game/prompt things, but I do have some general ideas about how it might be best to work w/ them.
1) if you’re worried about ‘clogging up’ your blog, A: it mayyyy get clogged up anyway at one point by a few random comments-turned-convo so don’t stress it much B: don’t re-blog more than one at a time, wait for any asks to come in within maybe a day- if no asks, reblog it again, or reblog something else, and delete the old one that didn’t have any asks related to it, (mainly if you’re trying to maintain a chrono link or anything like that)
2) Keep to smaller posts, both for in-blog scrolling reasons and, I personally, as an asker, take one look at those “99 asks” things and go “nope!” unless there’s something I reaaaallllyy found interesting in like the top, 30 or so. (but also, this is mostly my personal ideas about it and honestly, I bet other people love reading through it all and stuff so, like, you do whatever you like best.)
3) If you have a few asks that you think will deviate from the plot you got, just say ‘that won’t/doesn’t apply’ (in whichever way you’d like tbh) and, people will understand.
4) have a tag for it, either for people to go and find ask-prompt posts to ask w/, or for people to filter out. (honestly, just have a tag for everything >w
((I’ll also suggest linking back to the ask-prompt post in the resulting asks (especially for ones you really like), so that people can just click the link to find more asks to give you, but that’s like…… extra))
Overall, I think it’s really up to you and how you’d like to manage it. Whatever’s easier and funner and ect for you. I think OC ask games are great!! I personally wouldn’t use them (as I like to make my own tiny prompts :P) but if you think they’d do you good, you shouldn’t hesitate to try it out!
…[also, if you still wanna do that, and reaaaallly don’t wanna make your own post, but haven’t found something to fit your needs, I suggest looking up the tag ‘(oc) ask game’ and something specific to your au together….. might help narrow it down….. (or you could just send me things you’d like to be made an ask game via submission or something and you can just pretend you’re re-blogging from me. :P I don’t mind being a middle man for such things)]
Good luck w/ your blog! (and sorry I ramble so much…. again… advice horde.)
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Brown Sugah Baby: Chapter 6
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Here we go with another installment of Brown Sugah Baby! I only own the OCs in this story and the events. There is a hint of abuse mentioned in here, I was once a victim of mental abuse and I’ve gotten better. If you need someone to talk to, my box is always open. Without further ado, here we go! Let me know if you wanna be in the tag squad! Feedback is always appreciated!
Word Count: 3,434
Warnings: mentions of physical abuse and language
Tag Squad: @maddiestundentwritergaines || @destinio1 || @designerwriterchic || @terrablaze514 || @themyscxiras || @sirenmouths || @chaneajoyyy
In the midst of everything going on, winter break finally made its way to Southern University. This game of ‘not talking’ between M’Baku and Nefe, went on longer than anticipated. But for the holidays, Nefe to Miami for Christmas and Nattie went to Wakanda with T’Challa. At this point in time, he told her his true identity and what he was doing at an HBCU for.
Nattie didn’t know how to take it at all. She did however pass out in the middle of the throne room and hadn’t woken up for a good few hours or so.
“So you mean to tell me that, you’re about to become king of Wakanda. The most technologically advanced country in the world?”
She asked with a questionable expression on her face, sitting next to T’Challa as he held an ice pack on her head, on his bed. His room had overlooked the city below that was breathtaking.
“Yes I am. Nakia is a war dog, she presented the idea to go to school in America. I hope this doesn’t change anything about how yuh feel about me.”
Placing a hand on her cheek to ease her pain, Nattie placed hers on top and smiled sweetly. Breathing evenly before responding.
“It’ll take me some getting used to, but I also know that I have to tell Nefe. We promised no more secrets after the whole Sean and Melanie thing. She chewed my ass out over that and I hate myself for it.”  
“You did what you had to do. She is your best friend, and sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good.” Holding her close to him, a gentle kiss was laid.
“Oh and about telling Nefe, you can't tell her anything. At least not yet.”
“Ok pause. What do you mean I can’t? You know how she gets T’Challa, I can’t hide shit from her anymore.”
Feeling her head throb in pain, she laid back down to close her eyes and center her breathing more.
“You can’t say anything because,” T’Challa sighed heavily and closed his eyes before continuing on.
“Because what-”
“Because M’Baku has to tell her. That’s why.”
What was he talking about now? None of this made sense at all and she needed to to know more.
“What does that have to do with M’Baku? It’s not like he’s detained to be king too.”
There was a poignant silence in the air, as her eyes got wide in astonishment.
“No way. You mean to tell me that M’Baku is going to become-”
“King of the mountains. Jabari Land to be more accurate.”
All of this didn’t make sense to Nattie at all, but then a thought came to mind. She remembered the metal looking bracelets she saw on Nakia and Okoye’s wrists at a party one time, but never questioned them.
“You guys have these thick metal bracelets right? Y’all never leave the house without it.”
“These are kimoyo beads. Made out of vibranium and somewhat holographic.” T’Challa explains as he tapped on the bracelet and a hologram of his sister popped up.
“Brother, is everything ok- oh my. You told her!” Shuri shrieked through the projection, causing Nattie to chuckle a bit.
“Yeah he uh- finally told me. I now have to keep it a secret from Nefe. Which will be hard to do, seeing as though she scares the hell outta me and we promised to not keep secrets anymore.” She directed her attention towards T’Challa who looked apologetic for all of it.
“If I know my brother well, he’ll let you know when to tell her. Or have M’Baku do it. Has he told her yet, after finding out they’ve known each other since they were kids?”
Nattie rolled her eyes at T’Challa, knowing he told his sister.
“You really can’t hold water can you?”
“You told me, so I told my sister. Who I’m sure told all of Wakanda.”
Shuri shrugged, waving goodbye to them both before disappearing.
“We have to get back to school tomorrow, and I want a bracelet.” Nattie looked at T’Challa with a sweet expression, causing him to smile and chuckle.
“Are you indicating, that you see a future with me already?” The soft caress on her cheek made her look into his eyes lovingly.
“Maybe. Only time will tell, my Prince.” She kisses him sweetly, holding his face in her hands before breaking it.
“Time to pack?”
“Time to pack.”
-24 Hours Later-
Nefe made it back to Shreveport safe and sound, with focus on finishing junior year strong. Only one more yet left and she couldn’t handle all the pressure of drama; boys and possibly failing classes. She needed this degree in science of music. At least she’d have something to fall back on.
Before everyone left for Christmas break, Nefe made sure to talk to Nattie about not keeping secrets from each, other or the crew ever again. To be completely honest, Nefe was already breaking it by not telling anyone that Sean had hit her a few times. The only person who probably noticed the marks under the makeup, which was hidden very well with an untrained eye, was M’Baku.
He knew but didn’t say anything because he knew how much she loved Sean, yet saw his true colors a few months ago. All that is behind everyone now, and everything should go back on track. The weather is nice out, the crew is back to normal or so they thought.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Nefe mumbles to herself as she unravels a scene before her very eyes.
Melanie all over M’Baku again, in the courtyard, even after the whole fight that broke out. She wanted to scream; she wanted to cry, but she knew she couldn’t do any of that because it would be held over her head. She had feelings for M’Baku and didn’t know how to tell him at all. It broke her down so much.
Shooting a quick text to Nattie to meet her in the yard, she could’ve sworn Melanie looked at her. For a split second she sent a menacing smile and wink, towards Nefe, and kissed M’Baku. She couldn’t look or think straight, the rage boiled up in her with rage and fury as she stormed off.
Nattie came once she saw her best friend walk off in tears. Curiously over the scene 20 feet away, she saw the beginning of the fight between the two. She couldn’t tell her best friend yet till she was calm and ready. So she comforted her with buying her lunch and decided to have a sleepover with the Deltas.
“Melanie! What the fuck was that?!” M’Baku growled in rage as he pushed her off him, wiping his mouth off in disgust.
“Giving you what you missed all winter break, baby.” She placed her arms around his neck, and was pushed off once more.
“I told you once, and imma tell you again: I don’t want you anymore. We are done. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull?” M’Baku was beyond pissed off at this point.
“Why do you like her?! I don’t fucking get it! What does she have that I don’t?!”
Giving Melanie a once over, he scoffed while rubbing his chin. Shaking his head before responding, he arched a brow at her.
“Self respect and integrity for one. You just get on my nerves. I put up with your shit for too long, just go to Sean. He knows how to deal with you better than I can.”
He stormed off leaving Melanie in shock and embarrassment, causing her to storm off as well in anger.
Meanwhile, M’Baku took his anger out at the gym like always. He couldn’t stand the fact that Melanie didn’t understand that he wasn’t into her like that anymore.
“Girl troubles I see?” T’Challa asked as he leaned on the weight bar, occasionally spotting M’Baku to help out.
“You have no idea. She won’t leave me alone at all.” M’Baku didn’t know what to do anymore about Melanie, and it put a strain on his friendship with Nefe. Which frightened him.
“Forget about her. You need to focus on Nefertiti, mainly because she saw you earlier.” Erik chimed in, taking his Beats out of his ears.
“Damn it. I’m gonna have to talk to her.”
“I’d rather you let her cool off. She looked pretty peeved about it. It might’ve been karma? Which is a bad example and imma shut up now.”
“At least you tried T’Challa.” Erik snickered a bit, causing M’Baku to join in. He sighed gently and rubbed his face with a tired expression.
“Are the girls busy tonight?” He asked with caution.
“Yeah they’re having a pj party, tonight. The welcome back bash.” T’Challa responded while getting his stuff to head to his Greek house.
“I’ll probably talk to her tomorrow then. Cause I saw Sean with her earlier too. This can’t go on forever.”
M’Baku left the gym with god boys with determination on his mind to talk to his best friend.
-PJ Bash-
“Nefe! Can you grab the China Glaze polish case please?” It was the annual DST pj bash, as an event to say welcome back to school. Knowing that Nefe wasn’t in any mood to talk about what had transpired over the last few hours or so, she faced the music anyway.
“Yeah I got it.” Getting up from her spot on the couch, after deleting all her pictures of her and Sean from her phone, she grabbed the polish bucket from the cabinet.
The bash was going outside in the grand hall building, where every party was held and was occupied by many students for the bash. Not just the divine nine. Heading down to the bash with the girls, with the supplies, she felt comfy yet sexy in her pajamas. The were a simple silk tank top and shorts set with a matching robe, that floated behind her every time she walked. Her hair was in a high puff ball, in all its wash day glory. She saw M’Baku walk in with his friends and immediately felt her heart beat out of her chest.
She wanted to talk to him. No she needed to and now was a good time as any. ‘Man he looks good’ she thought to herself. She watched as his dri fit white shirt cling to his muscles, as his grey sweatpants accentuated his ass like a god that he is.
“Damn..” she mumbled to herself eyeing him over and over again. Thinking about the possible things she wouldn’t mind doing to him.
“Hey sis. I gotta talk to you about something.” Nattie grabbed the polish box, breaking her friend’s concentration, and guided Nefe towards the balcony.
“Uh sure. What’s up?”
“Well you know how over winter break I went to Wakanda with T’Challa? And before when we promised we wouldn’t hide anything from each other?” Nattie started off shakily and fiddled with her red robe string.
“Yeah. What about it? Need to tell me something don’t you?” With an arched brow, Nefe leaned against the railing, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Yes yes I do.” Nattie sighs gently and braces herself. “Over winter break I was Wakanda, obviously, and T’Challa had mentioned something to me. Something important.”
Nefe furrowed her brows and was waiting for her friend to finish.
“Go on.” She urged her.
“He told me he’s next in line for the Wakanda throne, Nefe. He and Shuri are royals; Nakia and Erik are war dogs, Okoye is his badass general and M’Baku is a royal too. But he’s next in line for the Jabari Land throne.”
Once she got it all out in one breath, the space between then two was silent. Nothing but silence and it was broken by Nefe laughing. She held her sides as she continued on.
“Oh that’s a good one. An African prince coming to America for school, that’s rich. On top of that, his friends coming along as well.” Nefe couldn’t believe her friend at all. What would a prince come to America for school?
“You think- you think I’m lying? You’ve really gone down to that point in our friendship. Wow, can not believe that my best friend is calling me a liar.” Nattie shook her head in disbelief at her friends accusation.
“I’m not calling you a liar. I would never do that to you. We’ve been through too much growing up and I would never, I swear on my Nikes.” If she swore in her Nike’s, she meant business.
“Why would royalty come to America for school? They’re from one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, and they came here. That doesn’t make sense to me.” Nefe felt out of place and not in the right space.
“Listen, I accept your apology if we go get gelato tomorrow. Who you need to talk to is him.” Nattie moved her head in M’Baku’s general direction, to where he was at the party.
“Deal on the gelato. I’m so very sorry for accusing you and I appreciate you for telling me the truth. I’ll talk to him about it soon, along with something important.” Nefe hugged her best friend tightly before heading downstairs.
Making her way towards the dance floor, in a busy sea of college kids it their pajamas, Melanie and Nefertiti glanced at each other for a split second before minding their own business. Feeling her nerves rush towards her again, as she journeyed closer to him.
“H-hey, ahem. Can we go somewhere and talk?” Tapping his shoulder gently, Nefe saw his smiling face for the first time in a month since they last talked. Receiving a gentle nod from him, she took his hand and headed towards the door to head her sorority house. Which was literally next door.
“Uh where you think you’re going?” Melanie stood in front of them, blocking their way.
Nefe didn’t have time for this again. She got in her face and was real personal about it.
“Move, or be moved.” She gritted her teeth and flared her nostrils. Making her fear her. Melanie gulped and moved out the way.
With a roll of her eyes Nefe continued her path with M’Baku in tow. Heading upstairs to her room, and locking the door just in case.
“What do you see in her? Honestly that’s got to be one of the dumbest choices you’ve made.” Nefe scoffed and walked around the room with her hands on her hips.
“Oh my dumbest choice? That’s funny coming from someone who dated the score keeper.” This was the chance M’Baku has waited for. He wanted to tell her off but also express his feelings.
“Score keeper? What are you talking about? You went out with Melanie and watched her make my life hell cause I’m friends with you!”
“Nefertiti you went out with Sean, that was the stupidest shit you’ve ever done. We’ve tried to tell you over and over again, he was using you!” He never called her by her full first name and it scared her. Yet she was never one to back down.
“I know how to handle my goddamn battles M’Baku. You know me, damn it! Melanie thrives on making my life hell-”
“Sean tried to make mine hell but I beat him to it every time.”
The tension could be cut with a knife between theses two and their bickering. Nattie and the gang had followed them of course to be nosy, trying to listen against the door and the walls.
“You need to make a god damn choice, M’Baku! I’m not gonna be waiting forever.” Nefe was fuming mad over all of this and needed to get it through his head that he needed to make an choice.
“I have to make a choice now? What about you? This isn’t just on me Nefertiti! Me or Sean?” Once he got in her face, his voice dropped a few octaves, making it extremely hard for her to focus.
It took her a minute to collect her bearings; felt her rage build up all at once, and had the courage to talk back to him.
”Me or Melanie? Take your pick, because at this rate I’m done playing charades with you. Your highness.” The grit in teeth and the emphasis on highness, made it worse.
The color seemed to drain from his face as he looked into her eyes, when the moon reflected upon them. His breathing was heavy and caught in his throat. Who told her?
“How do you know about that? How told you?” He was more worried than he should be.
“Nattie did. Told me all about her winter vacation to Wakanda, to meet his mother. I’m surprised Melanie doesn’t know. Ha, she’d go through hell or high water just to keep your demanding ass.” The snarl didn’t help her case anyhow.
“My demanding ass? Wow ok. You’re the one whose demanding, you’re the one who was stuck up so far Sean’s fake ass that you couldn’t see the truth. You couldn’t tell anyone, expect me, as to why he hit you!”
“He what?! Imma kill his ass.” Erik mumbled in a whisper on the other side of the door.
“Not until I get him first.” Nattie added with him. No one hurts her best friend and gets away with it.
This time Nefe’s face fell in embarrassment and regret.
“I-” her words were choked up.
“Nothing to say huh? It hurt me when you said it. My best friend, from childhood I might add, was being hit because she told him no. But when shit hit the fan, you finally left and let go.” His voice was softer and soothing. He lifted her chin to look into her eyes, to make sure she heard every word.
“I didn’t know what to do after the third time. It was all a shock that it happened to me. When I told him I needed a break he wasn’t happy and stormed out. He tried to get me back that day before our date, and I told him that we’re done. He gave me one last hug and I guess you saw that.” She explained and then remembered all of it, scene for scene.
“I did and that’s why I broke our date. I thought he got you back.” His thumb caressed her high cheekbone, as her eyes shifted.
“I was gonna talk to you too, but Melanie kissed you earlier and just infuriates me how much she craves-”
M’Baku couldn’t take it anymore with their constant bickering, so he took matters into his own hands, and just pinned her to the wall kissing her with everything in him.
The sudden gasp that left her lips, as they kissed, made her light headed. She didn’t know what to think or do, so she just went with her gut and returned the kiss in all its entirety.
“You...you just kissed me.” Her voice was hushed. Their breaths mingling in synchronization with their heavy breathing, as the kiss was broken. The shear moment alone took her breath away, freezing the muscles in her body as he kept her hands on his biceps. Having dreamt of this moment for years but never thought it would happen. Thankful to the gods that it is.
“And uh, I’m about to do it again.” He whispers against her full lips, pulling her curvy body closer to his rigid torso. Letting his rough hands take their perspective journey along her back, as if they were destined to be there. Her hands were locked around his neck, debating on what to do next. Throwing caution to the wind, going with what her heart wanted, she looked up into his soft loving brown eyes with her golden brown ones, and bit her lip.
“What’s stopping you?” She whispered back, kissing him harder than he did before. A pleased groan escaped from both of them, all the pent up frustration leaving their bodies into the atmosphere. Their lips fit together like a puzzle piece as the moves in sync, holding on to each other for dear life. Her nimble fingers moved under his shirt, tracing the hard working muscles. His hands traveled as well, from her hips to over her voluptuous ass and gave a hard squeeze. Earning a shaky moan from her, while she dragged her nails against the back of his neck. There was no turning back now, and neither of them cared.
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serialthrillkisser · 6 years
99 questions tag
I was tagged by @imthetree-yourethecar
I have no closet door, unfortunately
out because i never make my bed i’m a slob
no, but the street sign in front of our house almost fell once and we were realtempted lol
I use post it notes at work on the daily, but i wouldn’t say i enjoy it lol.
yes, unless it’s a really good coupon.
bees, because like you could get away from the easier
no :(
i don’t like my picture taken so i avoid them, but i do smile if i’m forced to lol.
when people make really loud eating sounds, eeewwwww
yes, a lot, especially when using stairs
who hasn’t?
no i’ve not lol.
14. I think I deleted this question on accident. Oops. 
well..... more like 98 questions then....
Where Have All the Flowers Gone by Marlene Dietrich
Guys should wear whatever they want, who are you to tell anyone what they can or can’t do? PSSSSH
I never really liked cartoons much, tbh. 
Any of the Shrek movies, I just can’t, sorry.
I live in the desert, so like somewhere there lol.
Water or soda, not dark soda’s tho.
i like sweet sauces
I could watch Prisoners and Sciario like 1000 times, I love most anything Denis Villeneuve touches.
I don’t like people to be anywhere near me, so never....
I was a girl scout for a few months, but I was bullied out of girl scouts... lmao....
NO, but I have nothing against people who would.
I wrote all the Christmas Cards this year, so in December.
No, but I am a quick learner.
I don’t drive.
See #32
Whenever I fall asleep....
Yes, lol.
Usually a cat, or a witch.
I can’t even speak English GOOD
No, but I do want to subscribe to this one British Crime magazine that is really good.
Legos because you can do more with them
It depends, like if I know I could do it better then the other person, yes. But if I am not confident, then I can give up control. 
I don’t care for either. I did meet Jay Leno once when I was a kid, his fancy car broke down at this gas station near this place I was volunteering at, I got my picture taken with him.
No, I don’t much that much TV
At my sisters wedding.
They aren’t my favorite, but I don’t hate them. Kind of depends on what it’s about
Yeah, they’re good
I don’t like pie because I don’t like cooked fruit
I wanted to be a hairstylist, and then a crime scene investigator. I’m not smart enough to be a crime scene investigator, lol. 
I really want to believe them, I feel like I’ve had weird experiences, but I’ve never seen a full apparition, or anything. I really wish I could, lol. Basically I’ll believe it when I see it.
I actually get this feeling a lot. It’s weird....
I should take iron every day, I’m really anemic, but I clearly don’t love myself so I don’t lol.
I’m wearing some now.
No, I have one I never use it.
usually just a shirt
Coheed and Cambria
I prefer Target, but I usually go to Walmart because cheaper
Cheetos, Fritos are way too salty, unless they are the BBQ Twist ones, those are good.
We did this thing in middle school were we had a victorian ball, my grandma made me a ball gown, and we learned to ballroom dance.I was the only one with an all black ballgown, but it was dope, lmao.
um, being an actor, you know I’m going to marry jake gyllenhaal right? = b
Into a taco yes, but not into a clover like some weird ppl.
lol. no
I’m sure I have, but I can’t remember when. Like literally everything makes me cry, so...
I own a few, mostly Simon and Garfunkel ones, and I do own one of Tubular Bells, the Exorcist theme song
I do
I burned some last night, actually.
2PM in 2014 or 2015? I’m not really into KPOP anymore, but I do like 2PM a lot.
Depends, but I like both.
I like both.
Sugar Cookies.
Yeah, I can swim alright.
I try to be.
I once won a polaroid picture of one of the members of 2PM
I haven’t, but I’d be willing to get it
I like both, I love olives.
I can crochet
Living Room
If it happens, great, but it’s not really a goal of mine
I don’t wanna say
I like purple
The question is, do they miss me?
tagging whomever wants to do this, this was fun, lol. 
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bleusarcelle · 7 years
Author ask Thingy
So, @goramidiot tagged me on one of these, and I had fifteen minutes free before an interview (yes, a 9 pm interview yey) so I thought, why not?
1)      is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
Well…I kinda have this one story that I deleted bc uh, it was about Klance coming back to earth but like, their relationship took a turn bc it was a new environment from where they established their relationship, so they go downhill from there but like, in the end they want to make it work.
So yeh. Posted it. Deleted it. Trying to edit so I can do their relationship justice, you know, like a good healthy relationship should be.
2)      what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
Hmmmmm. None? Like, sure, I have a couple where they might be lil cringy in the writing but that’s because I was still learning. So, I can forgive myself.
3)      what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
Fave scenes first and then chronological.
4)      favorite character you’ve written
Lance and Keith. Neck to Neck.
5)      character you were most surprised to end up writing
Pidge. I didn’t expected me to fall hard for her, man.
6)      something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
Environment descriptions. Like, I usually focus on emotions and dialogue, what the character is doing and showing but damn, it’s a hard time for me to describe or find the time to put what’s around them.
7)      when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I’m okayish. I don’t ger overexcited because then I would have to explain the plot and …yah know? Not a lot of ppl are accepting of stories of people falling in love, if you know what I mean.
Embarassed, tho? No. Never. I’m proud of my writing.
8)      favorite genre to write
Why are you looking at me like that, it’s fluff.
……….. and angst.
9)      what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Life, tbh?
10)   write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
Background noise and people. Like, I usually write whenever I’m not overwhelmed at work, so I write in my office with chatter behind me or aimless music.
But like, when I acknowledge the silence when I’m alone? It’s a lil unsettling. I prefer to be surrounded by people but in my own world, if that makes sense.
11)   what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
Damn, dude, I really wouldn’t know?
Maybe the transaction from scene to scene? Character’s emotions?
And like dialogue, letting it be more natural.
12)   your weaknesses as an author
I have no idea?? Why do I have to auto analyze myself, oh my god.
Uh, okay, let’s see, what do I struggle with? Forgetting details of the characters?
13)   your strengths as an author
14)   do you make playlists for your current wips?
Nah, man, I suck at those.
15)   why did you start writing?
I was reading some nature fics back in my day and I was like ‘ok but like, I think this would have been better’ and then I was like ‘……Imma make my own that fits my likes bc I wanna read that shit.’ And TA-DAAAAH.
16)   are there any characters who haunt you?
Sonic the motherfucker.
17)   if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
My what now?
Is that like? Past me? Baby past me?
18)   were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
Probably, dude, tbh. My writing style changed at some point but I can’t remember when or how.
Tho, one thing I remember seeing, it was a post, like some of those tips writing posts that said like “Write like you are telling the story to your best friend.”
19)   when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
You ask the wrong person here.
I try not to panic, tbh, bc big fics scare me when Im the one writing them. Pace, transition, relationships, emotions, natural flow of actions and feelings. They are so complicated ya know?
So, I usually write down all the scene I WANT TO SEE IN THE GODDAM FIC, explaining a lil about them, like the meaning behind each of them between  these [ ] and then I start making like the timeline with the scenes, organizing them and shit.
It took me a while to get the hangs of the timeline of the current multichip im making. It was….a trip.
20)   do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
Both. Depends on how much time I have or inspiration.
I love it when I have long sit-downs, tho, they are interesting and like, really fills you with adrenaline. (because you think everything you are writing is amazing lmao oh just you want for the next day when you are editing, oh boy)
21)   what do you think when you read over your older work?
‘Nice, nice, oh I like what I did there, ….okay was that really necessary? Oh no, that’s a 2012 old me, what is it doing here? ….ok that one was funny! I approve. Oh man, really? A typo? In front of my salad? …I’m honestly confused on why this has kudos….Oh god, dude, this is super angsty chill the fuck out, what the fuck……..oh wait it’s still my fic, alright then……….note to self, don’t be so dang angsty and people don’t have that many tears inside them, relax.’
22)   are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
Any subject that I’m not familiar with, tbh? Not that I’m uncomfortable, per se, but I don’t want to write them in the chances that I might fuck it up.
If I didn’t live it? I don’t write it, simple as that tbh.
23)   any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
Not really? Obscure? Nah, dude, I’m pretty basic, I just daydream a lot.
24)   have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Dialogue. And TEXT FORMAT.
25)   copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
I have over 100+ fics, bro, so like, I’m just going to use something from the last fic/drabble I wrote:
Keith doesn’t know what makes him pause but suddenly his eyes fall to the empty space on his right and then he frowns.
Where is Lance?
Why I like this part? Because you stablish a few things:
1)      Keith senses something is out of the ordinary.
2)      Automatically looks to the right where Lance usually is (ya know, right hand man, you see what I did there)
3)      The realization that Lance is not there annoys him so you know that it’s not a common occurrence that Lance disappears.
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geek-gem · 7 years
OK KO The Power Is Your's
3:39 pm I've just watched the episode and okay gonna say this first. I missed the first part a bit and started at the part where this giant spray was being well spray a can of it.
Because I was watching this video talking about these leaks about possibly PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale 2 being announced this October which is this month and just those leaks from 4Chan were deleted and just like the guy said just....take it with a gain of salt but the fact that stuff was deleted makes me think. Including how just....the choosing just these four characters at first sorry whatever this is something else.
But basically I missed the first part a bit.
Honestly I did like the episode. Yet really just it's not my favorite. But yeah I missed the first part and that could of affected some of my thoughts. I'm talking about the part where the world gets sprayed.
Yet I also wanna talk about this. I'm not a fan of Captain Planet yet I'm thinking I forgot if I've ever seen the show maybe. Including I seriously question why the fuck Ian and who else decided to think of this crossover could be a good idea. Yet I'm sounding like a douche but what the episode shows and speaks I think I get what it's trying to do. Oh head no it doesn't suck.
Really let's say and I am one of the people just it's not a major game. Yet I'm not the biggest fan of Captain Planet's being included in a game called Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL which I have for PS3. But also me being not the biggest fan and despite the theme of the show. I think I have seen episodes when I was very young.
But sorry let's talk about the episode. So it seems like a Captain Planet villain shows up and teams up with Lord Boxman and his robotic children, they start some pollution with a spray mainly around the plaza despite the world is shown. Including the villain makes the mention some people believe climent change however it's spelt doesn't exist.
Let me say just yes their are people who seriously think that oh head yet I believe come on it's obvious it exists.
KO is the first to notice this. Yet Rad and Enid don't give a shit despite the signs. Including with KO finding out it's Boxmore on the other end doing this. Also seeing it's kind of well yeah flooded. One of the original Planeters however it's spelt but one of the people who has one of the rings arrives and KO and him team up.
Including with Rad, Enid, and that skeleton guy and bear guy I can't believe I don't know their names yet. He gives me them rings too.
KO has heart and honestly that fits him so much.
Rad had fire.
Enid has water.
The other two skeleton and bear have wind yet they have to share.
Basically them and the other guy summon Captain Planet and try to kick the villains ass, yet because of Boxman and his robots he basically disappears not killed.
Then they try to summon him again but the others argue and the original guy mentions of why the others got jobs and KO is able to get them working together again because of his ring of heart.
I'm honestly gonna say this episode was silly. Yet it's mainly due to how I remember how weird it is. Including just I am not so used to Captain Planet yet I just....I forgot if I ever made fun of him. Yet I grew up around people who didn't like the character. It's just weird and yet this could apply to any person who's a fan of a franchise or series that has a crossover with a series they were never really a fan of.
Yet yeah it was funny at times but I feel and I was thinking about the episode of what it was trying to do.
But I wanna mention this I don't know just if this is the episode itself or my tv yet I saw some black lines going back and forth a bit like it was something old long ago. It's not too noticable yet it's something I saw. I thought it might be something they did on purpose and the episode was gonna end like all of a sudden and we go back to the real world of OK KO and the characters go like what the fuck in a way.
But no it doesn't end like that. Including I wanna say it seems Boxman develops a crush of some sorts on this Captain Planet villain yet she goes away because something you can make anywhere dirty or just the shit that happened. Including it breaks Boxman's heart despite how silly it is of how it's portrayed one of the times I found funny.
Now we get to the ending. When KO mentions stuff like everything is back to normal and some shit. Captain Planet talks about how that's not really true.
I think I had thought of this during the episode. Listen and wanted to talk about this OK KO is a light hearted show yet it's very meaningful at times.
But during the episode and I don't wanna cause drama but basically just I feel the whole episode was trying to tell us something. I know I'm sounding stupid because it was trying to teach us this.
Basically Captain Planet and the other guy sorry forgot his name and just I'm sorry out of focus not seeing the first part and I don't focus on names at times unless their said a lot despite I remember it was shown. But they talk about how even if Captain Planet can clean some stuff up. It's gonna keep happening. Including the other guy I think it was him no must be him said climent change is permanent.
Then we get to just the weirdest part of the episode. Where it seems to be the most silly.
Yet I was well kind of horrorified ha lol okay to smile yet everyone such as Captain Planet, the other guy, and the other people who originally had the rings come back, in their original art style. But to make things no not worse oh my head but crazy KO, Rad, Enid, and Mr. Gar show up and just is very weird.
Wanna be honest if I can but some what disturbing. Meh I don't wanna say I hate it. Yet I'm shocked they did that. Because it's just okay not out of nowhere but you don't expect it.
I even wanna say I was thinking when I saw that. People on Tumblr mainly OK KO fans are gonna have a lot of fun, for some stupid meme shit and people's reactions being WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK for me just seeing in a real realistic versions of characters I like drawn like that was weird.
Yet I feel people are gonna have fun with those and people are gonna be freaking out because I was bothered to by that ha okay to smile.
But I'll just skip to this and wanted to say this before I wanted to write this and okay maybe during the episode.
I think of Ian and seriously no offense if someone else helped with him this please tell me yet I keep reading this was Ian's idea. Yet I feel like what he was trying to tell us with this episode was this.
Guys this shit is happening for real. We are seriously ignoring it. Our world is in some real shit and I'm talking about climent change. Theirs actual fucking people who don't believe in that shit so to prove my point I'm gonna bring a character from my childhood and have him crossover with my own show. We did to do something, we need to help the planet, our president fucking sucks he's one of the people who doesn't believe in climent change. We need to actually fucking help or some shit.
Okay that was a bit too long. I wanted to mention the president thing just I don't like talking about politics at times and our president if I remember has said he doesn't believe in climent change. I don't wanna make that the big deal of this. Also seriously the past few weeks have sucked and I question the government at times and even said one time I'm surprised we haven't....become the Helghast and overthrown our government. That's a reference to Killzone and just some stuff has made me question of reblogging stuff about some news sorry.
Really it was a nice episode I don't mind it. But it's not my favorite and during yeah looked at my last paragraph. Ether it's just me or I'm not the biggest fan wow I am being a big hypocrite.
Yet I was gonna say I'm not the biggest fan of crossovers like this. These silly short ones. Why I mentioned I'm a big hypocrite I liked Rugrats Go Wild where the show Rugrats crossovered with The Wild Thornberrys, the Nicktoons Unite games, and that Jimmy Timmy Power Hour trilogy. Those are ones I mostly enjoyed because of them being stuff I like.
Including I wanted to mention I'm so used to awesome kick ass crossovers such as the guest characters in games like Mortal Kombat, Injustice, also yeah the comic book stuff such as DC crossovers but I'm talking about other stuff. Including PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale, and despite Marvel vs Capcom Infinite seems to be the weakest of the Vs Capcom games some of the story haven't watched all of it. It's very simple yet it's nice to see some interactions despite some choices being made. I even like Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe yet that game is weak compared to others after it.
Also Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe is the reason why I seem big into crossovers okay the Nicktoons Unite games started it or some shit. But playing MK vs DC when I was younger when it first came out inspired me to think of and draw a shit ton of Cartoon Network vs Nicktoons.
Including I'm one of the few or many people who wants a Sega vs Capcom. I even talked to myself last night I'm surprised Sega and Capcom haven't done that yet, and me discussing Sonic has been in T rated games before.
But also I wanna talk to my friend about how I would be horrible at picking characters for the Sega side because I like Sega and some of their games. Yet the first big characters list I had to make it to 48 when I put 9 Sonic characters because I felt they were important.
That got off topic yet was talking about crossovers.
Got tags done and well I put spoilers and was gonna put now but yeah I put spoilers in case despite the tag 4:29 also was gonna say again I'll see the new viewing to see the start 4:29 now turned 4:30 pm forgot to mention this.
I wasn't the biggest fan of the Steven Universe Uncle Grandpa crossover despite at first liking it and I did like Uncle Grandpa, but over time just meh I have to grow up I just don't like it much. Yet this episode was enjoyable and silly but not one of my favorites and I in the words of Lori Loud I littertly talked about crossovers 4:31 pm
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Social Media Showdown
After we all saw Tyler’s Snaps the last few days…This had to be written.
Summary: You’re Tyler’s girlfriend and you find the girls backstage swooning over Tyler’s rather risqué posts. You decide to extract some revenge which leads to a heated (and sexy) showdown with Tyler.
Tag Squad: Seriously, I’m trying guys. I’m going to gather up a list of all the people who I know follow my stories consistently and create a new tag list, plus add those of you who have recently asked to be tagged. I have absolutely NO clue what’s going on with the tags but when I have the time, I promise to get a proper tag list together and try it all again! Any new tips would be greatly appreciated. I don’t want to have to retype the list every single time, but copying it seems to not be working at all.
“Oh my god,” Alexa practically whistled through her teeth when I rounded the corner to the makeup room.
“Look at those thighs,” Sasha laughed, leaning over the back of the chair to get  a better view of the cellphone clutched in Alexa’s hand.
I was supposed to do Alexa’s makeup in five minutes, so whoever she was drooling over this week would have to wait.
“Hey girls,” I announced myself, wrapping my brush apron around my waist.
Alexa quickly locked the screen and dropped her phone in her lap. Sasha took the opportunity to slide out of the room, after casting me a quick but guilty smile.
“What’s up?” I watched her leave as I opened an eyeliner pot on the counter.
“Nothing,” Alexa replied nervously “Absolutely nothing…Just this guy on Tinder, no big deal.
"You’re looking for dates on Tinder?” I raised an eyebrow, as she tilted her head back for her smoky eye to start taking shape.
“Mhm,” she mumbled, shifting nervously in her seat.
“Sit still, you want the liner to your ear,” I laughed, trying to hold her cheek steady with my hand as I propped it there.
She managed a giggle but it was one of those forced, nervous ones.
“So I take it you found a contender,” I smirked, dipping the brush back into the dark black liner.
“It was just some guy,” she sighed “Nobody important.”
“Oh my god, did you see…” Bayley burst through the door and then stopped the minute her eyes landed on me.
She too, was clutching her phone.
Alexa sat up, liner sliding across her cheek and Bayley immediately dropped her eyes to the ground.
“What’s going on?” I looked back and forth between them “What are you keeping from me, Alexa?”
“It’s nothing,” she tried to protest, as I walked directly over to Bayley and grabbed the phone from her hand.
“It’s, it’s not as bad as it looks,” Bayley sighed “I’m sure that he just wanted to show off his progress, you know how proud he is of being vegan and gaining muscle and…”
I stared at her phone. Tyler’s SnapChat had not one, but two pictures of him in his underwear. His pants pulled to his ankles, one hand barely covering most of his underwear clad crotch.
My boyfriend. My boyfriend of six months. He was posting pictures of himself more than half naked for the entire world to see. Including, the girls backstage who had as easy access to him as I did.
“It’s not big deal, girl,” Alexa stood up, her finger swiping at the makeup on her cheek “Guys do this all the time. They get all conceited about their bodies and think they have to show off and…”
“He’s in his fucking underwear, Alexa!” I turned to her “And you two were in here drooling all over him.”
“I would never, ever, do anything to try to get between you guys,” Alexa shook her head quickly.
“Yeah, you guys are so perfect together,” Bayley placed her hand carefully on my shoulder “Tyler loves you.”
“Well, clearly he doesn’t respect me enough not to post things like this all over social media!” I snapped at her and she flinched away.
Just then Monica, another artist, came through the door. I ripped my apron off my waist and handed it to her.
“Do Alexa’s makeup,” I instructed her, since I was the one in charge “I have something I have to take care of. Now.”
“Don’t be too hard on him,” Bayley sighed, as I handed her phone back “He’s just proud…”
“Bayley,” I turned to her “I get that you’re trying to help here…But don’t, ok?”
She nodded, as I stormed out and down the hallway.
I practically ran head on into Charlotte just a few steps later. My cheeks felt flushed bright red and I was fighting the urge to cry.
Her eyes grew wide immediately and I realized that just like everybody else, she knew.
“Girl,” she sighed, holding my shoulders between her hands “I know you’re pissed and believe me, I’d be just as mad as you.”
“Does everyone know?” I yelped, a sob trying its best to creep up my throat.
“Have you talked to him?”
“You wanna get mad…or get even?”
“Even?” I shook my head in confusion.
“Yeah, even,” Charlotte laughed “You need some new pictures for your portfolio and Instagram page, right?”
I nodded slowly, feeling a tear slip down my cheek.
She reached out with her thumb and rubbed it away.
“Then, let’s get even. I have an off night, we’ve got all the time we need.”
Charlotte was actually very good at makeup herself and between the two of us, we had me all dolled up in no time.
Dark smoky eyes, contoured cheek bones, soft pink lips, my hair in waves around my face and just enough blush across the apples of my cheeks.
Char had dug through her ring gear and found what basically looked like a bra and panty set. It was black, tight fitting on me since I was little more curvier than her.
“Perfect,” Charlotte smiled as she stood back to look at me “If this doesn’t get the guys around here talking, nothing will.”
“You sure about this Char?” I sighed “I mean, I wanna piss him off but…”
“It’s harmless,” she shrugged “You need new pictures anyway. You’re not having to hold your hand over you crotch to hide what you got.”
Over the next thirty minutes, Charlotte became photographer to a bevy of Instagram photos and SnapChats of me posing.
I should have felt guilty. Some of the poses were rather seductive, while others were more fun. Every time I decided I shouldn’t do it, I remembered Tyler’s pictures and I kept on going.
We sat down afterwards, going through the best ones for Instagram. I took a few of the makeup job I did on Charlotte to balance out the latest additions and then we waited.
Before long, likes and comments began appearing on my pictures. Rollins, Enzo, Finn, even Pete were going through them and liking them all.
“See,” Charlotte held up her phone with a smirk “Now, let’s see how he likes it.”
“What in tha bloody hell is this shit?” Tyler breathed into the phone when I answered a few hours later.
He was doing a show in Florida and we were in Texas.
“What?” I asked innocently, as I waited to do touchups backstage.
“Your arse is hangin’ out in half the photos ya just put up on your Instagram,” he growled into the phone.
“That’s funny,” I laughed angrily “I could say the same for your dick peeking out around your hand on your SnapChat today.”
“So that’s it?” he snarled “Ya did this ta spite me?”
“I needed new pictures,” I insisted “I just decided now was a good a time as any, that’s all.”
“When I get ma hands on you,” he sighed and I could tell he was pacing.
“You’ll what?” I heard my voice turn far more raspy.
“You’ll pay for this,” he growled before hanging up.
That night, Tyler was due to fly in to be at a Smackdown taping in San Antonio.
I had already moved into our hotel room for the night and was rummaging through my bag for makeup remover when I heard a key inserted into the lock.
Here we go. Social Media Showdown.
I was ready.
Tyler came trudging in, pulling his suitcase behind him and slid it against the wall. His eyes looked sleepy, his hair all mussed up. He had on a white t-shirt and low hung grey sweat pants, which he always wore to travel.
“Hey,” I managed to say, as I continued to look in my huge makeup bag.
“Hey ya self,” he huffed, tossing his jacket on top of his things.
I finally found the remover and headed for the bathroom, but he stepped in front of me and blocked my path.
“Take down those pictures,” he whispered, in a deep throaty voice “That isn’t a request eitha’.”
“So you’re demanding me?” I laughed “After half the world has seen you practically naked?”
“I’m not the one with my ass hangin’ out in half the shots!” his voice rose angrily.
“No, your dick was just practically hanging out!” I shrieked, my hands pressing against his taunt chest.
“I wasn’t tryin’ ta look at all sexy or whateva’,” he took hold of my hands “On the otha’ hand, you meant every, single, thing ya did in those pictures.”
“How does it feel to know other people saw me like that? Saw my body like that,” I pressed myself against him and he looked down at me with his eyes on fire.
“Take. Them. Down.”
I jerked my hand away and grabbed my phone. Tossing it to him, I went into the bathroom to change.
I heard him feverishly cursing and deleting pictures as I changed into my nightgown but decided to keep my make up on.
“Fuckin’ shit,” I heard him groan when I entered the room.
He was siting on the bed, staring at the phone intently.
I crawled up beside him to see him looking at a particularly good photo of me. I was on my knees on a sofa, looking over my shoulder as my ass peeked out of my shorts.
“You like that one?” I whispered against his ear.
“Ya shouldn’t be showin’ this ta tha whole god damn world,” he grumbled.
“Who should I be showing it to?”
My lips went to the side of his neck, kissing a trail up to his ear.
“You’re tryin’ to change tha subject!” he stood up “I’m fuckin’ pissed!”
“Well, how do you think I felt with your pants around your ankles and the whole women’s locker room gawking over you?”
I stood up and stared him down. I could be just as angry as he was and I had plenty of ammunition to back it up.
“So, you’re pissed at me?” he moved closer, his hands drawing me toward him by my waist “You’re pissed cause I showed how much fuckin’ work I’ve done ta ma body. That pisses you off?”
“Yes!” When you’re showing it to everybody else,“ I groaned, my hand sliding down to grip his muscular thigh ”This is mine.“
"Is that so?” he ran his tongue over his lips “I belong ta ya, do I?”
“Do you?” I growled, my fingers digging into his leg.
“Do ya belong ta me? Will ya keep that sexy lil body for ma eyes only?”
“Can you keep your fuckin’ pants up?” I pulled away from him.
“Not when I’m around you,” he grabbed my arm and pulled me against him, hard.
HIs lips bit at mine, drawing them against his, his rough beard scraping my cheeks. My hands went into his hair, tugging on it.
“Admit it though,” I gasped when our mouths parted “Those pictures turned you on.”
“Yeah, I’ll admit it,” his warm mouth pressed tightly against my ear “I neva wanted ta fuck ya more in ma life.”
“My sweet baby,” I giggled, his lips trailing down my throat to my collarbone.
“Oh, I’m still ya baby,” he looked up at me “I just happen to also wanna fuck this horny lil pussy.”
His fingers slid up under my nightgown and into my underwear, causing me to moan into his chest.
“You’re horny for me ta touch ya,” he laughed.
“And you’re not?” I pushed his hand away and pulled his shirt over his head.
“They only get ta see pictures of me, love,” he traced his finger down the side of my face “Ya get me whenva ya want me.”
My hands slid down his muscular chest and my mouth went to kiss one of his pectorals. He groaned, as my tongue traced a path all over him.
“I want you every day,” I whispered against his warm skin, kissing a trail back up to his throat.
“Now you tell tha truth,” his hand tangled in my hair as our faces met again “Ya liked what ya saw in ma pictures too.”
I smirked and pulled on the drawstring to his pants. They fell to the floor and I pushed him toward the bed. He wiggled them off his feet and propped himself on the bed with his arms behind him.
“You mean, these thighs,” I whispered, my hand sliding across the muscles.
His breathing got more shallow as I slid my body to straddle over one of them.
“What are ya doin’ ta me?” he pushed my hair out of my eyes and brought his lips back against mine.
I moaned softly into his mouth before pushing him away, and slowly winding my body against his leg. He groaned when he realized what I was doing and a smile turned up on his lips.
“Ya gonna get off on ma leg?” he laughed, running his hand through his own messy hair.
“Damn right,” I bared down harder on him.
His fingers dug into my hips, through my nightgown, before finally lifting it over my head. His warm mouth sucked along the top of my chest as I ground even harder onto him.
Tyler pulled me closer, his lips trailing down to my bare breasts and his tongue licking around my nipples slowly.
“Shit,” I whimpered, as the sensations of his leg started to get more intense.
His hand slid down to rub against my clit and a laugh escaped his throat.
“Ya like that?” he pressed his forehead into mine “I guess, I’ll keep doin’ what I’m doin’ every day then…Gotta keep ya happy.”
I felt my breath catch in my throat as the sensations between my legs became to much and I slid my nails down his chest as my orgasm tore through me.
I moaned against his ear and he chuckled, his hands returning to my hips.
“My turn,” he winked, before pushing me off him and puling me onto my knees “I got ta stare at this perfect arse all the way here on tha plane.”
His hand lightly railed down on me and I groaned, digging my fingers into the mattress.
I heard him quickly pull off his underwear and his hand slid up between my legs, before moving back down and guiding mine off my hips.
“If ya eva post anotha picture of ya like that,” he growled, as he leaned down near the side of my face “I’m gonna punish ya.”
“Don’t tempt me,” I gasped, as I felt his dick pressing hard against me.
He rammed into me then, a groan escaping us both as I tightened around him.
“Can I punish you?” I whimpered, his thrusts immediately becoming more intense.
“I won’t do it again, love,” he growled.
His hand gripped my hair, tugging my face toward the ceiling. I immediately saw spots in front of my eyes.
Tyler’s free hand, slapped my ass again and he growled as he traced the curve of it with his fingers.
“Tyler,” I panted, the power behind his thrusts again.
“What is it, love?” he moved his hand around to massage my clit.
“Don’t stop,” I ordered breathlessly as his fingers rubbed me proficiently.
He laughed and I could only imagine the little grin on his face.
Finally, he slowed his thrusts, skin slapping sharply against mine and he groaned loudly.
“Cum wit me,” he jerked my head up against the side of his neck.
I let go and he released inside of me as I squealed loudly. His hand roamed up over my throat before he let me go.
Sliding out of me, he collapsed onto the bed and I crawled up over him, straddling his lap. I leaned down, kissing him deeply with his hand snaking through my hair at the nape of my neck.
When we parted, I ran my finger over his black eye and sighed.
“What did you do this time?”
“Match versus Dunne, nothin’ special,” he smirked “Kinda like it.”
“Me too,” I admitted, kissing it gently.
“I saved all tha pictures ta my phone,” he admitted, his hand stroking my hair.
I cast my gaze down with guilt and he laughed.
“Ya saved mine, didn’t ya?”
“Well, it’s hard to be apart,” I whined, running my hands over his chest.
“Not for much longa’, love,” he whispered “Show’s gonna start soon…Then we’ll be travelin’ togetha.”
“So I can have these thighs any time I want them,” I smirked.
“Ya can have it all,” he ran his hand down my cheek “Cause ya mean t'at much ta me.”
“Tyler Bate, are you saying you might love me?” I giggled.
“Yeah,” he nodded his head “I guess I am.”
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quietborderlineinfo · 7 years
Hi I have a question or want your perspective on something please. So I've seen myself in other people's descriptions of bpd for a long time. My t thinks I might have it. If I have it it's the quiet type. But there's just some things that I can't see fitting? Or understand how they would be "quiet"? And some of the criteria I only experience very rarely or with certain people. 1/?
alright hey stargazer!
i can totally appreciate how much thought and detail you’ve put into this - i remember being in that place, and its so confusing and frustrating and frankly exhausting. breathe; from what youve said it sounds like your T is paying close attention and wants the best for you. over time, you’ll figure out what diagnosis & treatment(s) may work for you. until then, just focus on getting better one step at a time.
keep in mind that below i just discuss how the things you said relate to the diagnostic criteria, but no one here can diagnose you. definitely talk to your T (and if theyre not a psychiatrist, try to talk to one of those if you have access to a good one, since theyre more inclined to diagnose, in my experience)
also remember that you only need 5/9 for a diagnosis - so two people w bpd may have only 1 overlapping symptom. (so if you dont see yourself in everything you read, thats normal)
For instance 1 (frantically avoid abandonment) only w/ 2 relationships I’ve ever had, and these are more feelings than actions I take 2 (pattern unstable intense relationships) I’ve only had one significant relationship in my life and it was very intense and unstable, but I have no history of it but I also have no history of what I would call “close” relationships. I’m mostly avoidant of them) 2/?
1 & 2: saaame. i once asked a T if never letting yourself feel close to people was a form of attempting to avoid abandonment, and was told that it can be, if that’s why you do it. it can be hard to figure out why you do something you may have always done though, so it helps to both try to analyze past experiences and definitely to try to look at your feelings and how they’re motivating you as you go forward.
I’m not sure on the whole feelings vs actions thing; ask your T cause i think there can be a lot of grey area. and for #2, i had the same experience too; everyone who treated me seemed to think that the one relationship was enough evidence, i guess considering that avoidant behaviour. 
3 (id disturbance) I’m not sure exactly how this manifests or is separate from depersonalization. Like I don’t feel real when I try to engage in hobbies. I only exist when I’m doing things with others and then I feel fake and two dimensional (but this is getting a lot better and I’m afraid that means the symptom isn’t real) I’m not sure of my own hobbies and I have no internal motivations or knowledge base to make my own decisions. 3/?
. I can hardly tell right from wrong a lot of the time and use clues from others to help me. And I can change depending on the people I’m around. Is that what this means? This isn’t all things but some things 4 I am not in the slightest impulsive except if you count the impulsive texts I would send to that one intense relationship to make sure she didn’t hate me every few weeks 4/?
3. so depersonalization is a type of dissociation, so that’d fall under criterion 9. symptoms can get better and that absolutely doesn’t mean that you are now or have ever been faking; remission of symptoms with time and/or therapy is actually more likely than not. not knowing right from wrong is interesting cause at first i thought that was entirely unrelated, but realized it could come from not having an internalized moral system, which would definitely sound relevant.
what does fit the description is both not being sure of your hobbies (esp since it sounds like means youre not sure of what you enjoy/care about?), and changing depending on the people you’re around (if you feel like its more of an internal change than say, changing from business-appropriate speech patterns to something more casual when around friends vs at work).
the wiki page describes ID disturbance really well i think, but if you still have questions, definitely send them your T’s/our way.
4. neither am i, and i was still diagnosed. some people seem to think that it’s one criterion that has to be met though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it is possible that it manifests only very specifically, like w me I’m only impulsive w self-harm or recklessly crossing the street.
5 (self harm) I’ve cut in the past but I can go years without cutting, but the urge to cut will always surface every few weeks whether I act on it or not 6 (affective instability) not sure I understand this. My emotions are so intense that I have a hard time doing anything but engaging in avoidant behaviors. Focusing on school and work is extremely difficult around my thoughts and feelings, Is that what this means? I can change really quickly too based on one thought or one outside occurrence5/?
Hi stargazer anon again. Sorry I’m all over the place with this I just get confused. So missing might be the part that addressed diagnostic criteria #7. basically yes I experience emptiness. I think The end of message 5 is relating to diagnostic criteria #6 (instability of mood) and message 7 is relating to diagnostic criteria #8 (anger). Sorry it’s a mess. But I don’t think there is anything important in the missing piece. I was just going through each symptom and comparing my experience w/ it
5. that certainly counts! (proud of you for keeping it to a minimum, hope you’re working w your T to eliminate it entirely!)
6. “Patients often describe affective instability as an “emotional roller coaster” that relates to a subjective sense of strong affects and emotions experienced in an uncomfortable, rapid sequence.”
what you described sounds intense, and to clarify the changeability i think it can have a lot to do with reacting really strongly to things in the environment/in relationships. you didnt talk too much about the changes, so id say it sounds like this likely fits, but warrants more discussion just to clarify.
7. aight √
But i don’t get angry at people usually. I used to have this pattern of withdrawing from my relationships because I was convinced they didn’t really like me and I wanted to see if they would come talk to me to sort of “test them” but knowing the whole time that I was a horrible person who didn’t deserve their love anyway and if they didn’t really love me then I didn’t deserve it (though have gotten way better at this with therapy). Is that what is meant by the cold shoulder? 7 I think/?
8. see idk, it’s possible that that’s anger for you, but it sounds like you’ll wanna think more about it. i think cold shoulder is more about refusing to engage someone because you are upset at them. to me, what you described sounds more like fear than anger, but only you can know that. idk about other quiet borderlines but for most of my life I’ve had anger far repressed 🤔
9. (for the sake of completion) depersonalization, which you mentioned in part 2, is a kind of dissociation
Sorry for this essay if not ok just ignore and delete. Sorry I’m just having a hard time cause so much of this feels like me but then so many of the hallmarks don’t at all, or only rarely appear. I think I have aVpd too and it makes it hard to know because some symptoms cloud each other. Thanks can please tag stargazer if you do answer it? 8/8 I think it was?
sorry for taking so long to respond! yeah its useful to have a full discussion with a psychiatrist about this especially when multiple disorders are in question. also remember that as much as we may seek the sense of identity labels can give us, you dont need to fit something specific to have valid pain that deserves to be treated and warrants a break from work.
please let us know if you have any follow-up questions. good luck - it’ll get easier with time & work!
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Title: Tattooed To Misaki {2} “Whoa, Saru. You’re in JUNGLE?”
Originally Posted On: July 22, 2016
Word count: 2837
Rating: M
Relationship: M/M
Parts: 2/11
Tags: Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki, Suoh Mikoto/Totsuka Tatara, Fushimi Saruhiko, Yata Misaki, Mikoto Suoh, Tatara Totsuka, Tenkei Iwafune, Nagare Hisui, Tattoo, Saruhiko is a tattoo artist, AU, Misaki is part of Homra gang, Jungle, Fluff, Cathedral, Slowish Build
Summary for Chapter 2: YAY! Chapter 2 is out. Thank you for the comments. Comments make me so happy. Ok so here we go: Saru and Misaki meet again but today is Sunday which means no tattoos today. Oh well. But Misaki has something else planed. Misaki wants Saruhiko to check out his gang hangout, Homra Bar.
Once again, congratulations on reaching 5th place in JUNGLE. Prizes include: $2,000, access to: test new games, VIP lobby/chat room, making of new missions,  and all expenses will be payed when doing missions/monthly JUNGLE parties.
Fushimi sighed and nibbled a little on his shirt collar, bored. He looked through the other notifications in his inbox and clicked on the “unread.”
JUNGLE monthly party.
Sunday, November 6th.
The rest of the message was just times and information on attire and events, but one thing stuck out.
Bring a date.
A date, huh? Not happening. He frowned at the message, not really interested… Although, he thought, it could actually be a good change for once. The artist stood up from his bed and walked into the kitchen, dropping his laptop onto the counter and grabbing an energy bar to curb his hunger for a little bit--but when he went to grab the bar, he just grabbed empty air. Shit. I have to get more.
He frowned again and shuffled into his room to put his knife harness and jacket on before he left.
Fushimi never left the house without his knives, ever since he had left school. Apparently it's pretty easy to jump a skinny nerd like him, so every other week a gang decided to take advantage of this. Hikawa was a small gang, but ruthless to people who opposed them; when Fushimi was walking home one night, a few gang members were hiding in an alleyway to jump him. The artist was pinned to the wall, and one of the gang members managed to empty his wallet. The others were beating Fushimi up when a bright light suddenly shined down on them. It was amazing. The air prickled with sparks as a man walked up, his red hair glowing despite the darkness of the night. In a short flash, all of the Hikawa members ran off, leaving just Fushimi and the man still standing in the alley. The man just chuckled. “Wow. They ran off quick.” The artist stared at the man for a second more before running away.
The man was Mikoto Suoh.
The doors slid shut behind Fushimi, the plastic bag in his hand rustling as the boxes of energy bars jostled around in it. Bright midday light blinded him for a moment before he started down the sidewalk, sticking to the shadowy side of the street. A cyclist on his phone zoomed past, nearly hitting him. Fushimi clicked his tongue and glared after the biker.
Fushimi glanced up to see the redhead from yesterday. Misaki was wearing a great big smile. “Saru! We were just going to go to the shop to see you.” Misaki bounced up to Fushimi, his hand wrapped around some stranger.
He raised his eyebrow. “Who's this?” Fushimi glanced at the guy.
The man managed to wriggle his wrist out of the skater’s grasp. “I thought we were going to that tattoo shop you were talking about,” he mumbled to Misaki, not answering Fushimi’s question. The man wore his hoodie so that you couldn't see his eyes, only the long strands of blond hair framing his face.
Misaki glanced at Fushimi, then sighed. “This is Fushimi Saruhiko, the tattoo artist.” He smiled again. “This is Eric Solt. We were wondering if you could do the tattoo for him.”
“The shop is closed on Sunday. Don't you know most businesses are closed Mi~Sa~Ki? It says it on the window.” Fushimi smirked and leaned down to tease the skater.
Misaki gave him a glare. “I forgot. Okay? I was going to ask to get an appointment this time.”
“Tsk. Of course you were.” He straightened up and looked at Eric, who had slipped his PDA out of his pocket.
He glanced at Fushimi and put it away. “Am I going to get it now, or not?”
“No, not today. Tuesday afternoon.” Fushimi moved his bag to the other hand. “Are we done here?” He desperately wanted to be home, not standing in the middle of a sunny sidewalk.
Misaki frowned. “I guess…” He looked like he wanted to say something else, so Fushimi prompted with a small nod. “Could we go to a cafe or something?” His face lit up red like Christmas lights as the question slipped from his lips.
Fushimi stared at him for a moment, confused as to why he would invite him, of all people. “Why?” he deadpanned.
Eric had walked off a little, but both of them ignored that as Misaki answered hesitantly. “I-I well….. I wanted to talk to you more… so I could get to know you more….” He tried and failed to hide his embarrassment behind his beanie, which he pulled down over his face a little.
The artist looked at him in surprise. Nobody ever wanted to know anything about him. Someone wants to get to know me? If this is a prank or dare, I'm fucking stabbing him in the face. “Okay? So?”
Misaki didn't meet his eyes. “So whatever. Nevermind. It's not like you would care about me anyways.” He bit his lip hard and turned to go back to his friend when Fushimi put his hand on his shoulder.
“Fine. We can go talk somewhere.”
Misaki’s eyes lit up and a smile returned to his lips. “Ok! I'll tell Eric.” The skater went over to his blond friend.
Fushimi watched as Eric nodded to Misaki and waved goodbye to Fushimi. Misaki came back over. “Where do you want to go?”
“Home,” he mumbled and started to walk. “Just don't make this a waste of time for me.”
“I won't.” Misaki walked beside Fushimi back home.
Saruhiko placed his shopping bag on the counter and faced Yata.
Yata blushed slightly, realizing that they were in his house. He glanced around. “Your apartment is so…. bland.”
Saruhiko glared at him a little, pulling off his jacket. Yata watched him. Saru let the jacket slip off of his shoulders, revealing a knife harness that framed his body perfectly. Yata trailed after the artist as he walked into the bedroom and opened the closet. Saru undid the harness and put in it’s case. The skater sat down on the bed and watched him.
The artist glanced at him, then snapped, “I didn't invite you in here.”
Yata’s eyes went wide. “I-I'm sorry. I'll just go into the living room then….” He went to get up when Saruhiko just waved his hand, motioning him to stay. “O-okay?”
Saruhiko grabbed a v-neck from the closet and shut the doors. Yata watched as Saru retreated into the bathroom.
Once the bathroom door closed, Yata jumped up. He glanced around the room. There was nothing, except for a bed, nightstand and closet. Wow. This guy seems to have no interests. His room was pretty much the opposite. Yata’s room was covered in posters, old skateboards, video games and clothes. Chu, what does he do all day? Stare at the wall?
The skater spotted a notebook on the night stand. “I'll just leave my number…. I doubt he will ask me for it,” Yata muttered under his breath, and he picked up the pen and flipped to the back page so as not to see anything that was inside. He quickly scrawled his number and name.
The door opened and Yata squeaked in surprise; he fell back onto the bed.
“Klutz,” the man sighed. Yata didn't hear his next words as he stared up at him. Saruhiko was wearing a black v-neck that fitted perfectly to his body. His skinny hips could be clearly seen beneath the fabric, which made a blush rise up Yata’s neck. Saru’s sleeves were rolled up to reveal dark reddish-purple wristbands.
“You don't have tattoos,” Yata blurted out before thinking.
Saruhiko just raised an eyebrow. “That wasn't the answer to my question.”
“What was your question……?”
“You wanted to go somewhere to talk. Where do you want to go?” Saruhiko clicked his tongue in annoyance.
Yata itched the back of his neck and stood up. “Do you have a laptop or something? I forgot the address.”
Saruhiko walked out of the bedroom for a moment then came back with the laptop. “Here.” He dropped it in Yata’s lap. “Don't mess with or delete anything. Just look up what you have to look up.”
“Okay.” Yata nodded and opened the laptop. A green box was right in the middle of the screen, as if Saruhiko had forgotten to close out of the program.
JUNGLE monthly party.
Bring a date.
“Whoa, Saru. You're in JUNGLE?” The skater’s eyes widened. Saru went to say something, but Yata cut him off. “That's so cool!”
“Uh….” Saruhiko was taken aback about the comment. “Yeah. I am. Fifth place, to be exact.”
Yata’s eyes sparkled and his smile widened. “That’s awesome, Saru! You must be really smart to get that high up.” He seemed to completely forget about looking up the address. “It says here that you can go to a party. Who are you bringing?”
Saruhiko shrugged. “Might not even go.”
“So you don't have a date? Bring me!”
“What?!” The artist took a step back, not expecting the question.
Yata beamed up at him, unaware that the word date usually meant a couple’s date, not just two guys hanging out somewhere.
“No. You're not going.” Saruhiko shook his head and snached up his laptop. He quickly closed out of the program and opened a search engine. “Look up when you need to.”
Yata scowled at him, but he had walked out of the room. Fine. If you wanna be that way. Yata quickly looked up the place and wrote the address down before closing the laptop and heading out into the living room.
He walked in on Saru eating an energy bar. As if this was a personal offense to the skater, he walked up and took it from him. “What are you doing?” Saruhiko raised an eyebrow.
“You should eat something better than this.” Yata glared up at him.
“You don't have to scold me. You aren't my boyfriend or whatever.” Saruhiko took it back from him and finished it.
Yata blushed slightly and tried not to show it. “Here.” He pushed the address into his hand and grabbed his skateboard.
Saruhiko rolled his eyes and opened the door once he got his boots on. “I have a car.”
The skater nodded and walked out, spotting the car. He hopped over and got in once Saru opened the door.
“This place?” Fushimi stared at the building.
“Yep!” Misaki nodded. “Come on. We don't bite.”
“Mikoto might,” Fushimi said under his breath as Misaki opened the front door of Homra Bar.
Right when Fushimi walked in, he was assaulted with the smell of ash and alcohol. A shiny polished bar sat across the back wall of the room. A few people sat there, and one person made Fushimi freeze. Mikoto Suoh.
“Saru? What's wrong?” Misaki was looking up at him.
Fushimi pushed in his glasses and shook his head. “Nothing. So…. This is where your gang meets?”
“Yep!” he piped up. “But it's a bar, so anyone can come in here.”
Fushimi nodded and gazed at the rest of the room. The blond man from earlier, Eric, was on a black couch with some redhead fussing over him. A bartender stood at the bar. He waved at Fushimi and called across the room, “Oi! You must be Fushimi-kun. Yata told us about you.”
“Of course he did.” Fushimi sighed and walked forward. He glanced at Mikoto before sitting down, leaving a seat between them.
The bartender must’ve noticed and let out a laugh. “Don't look so worried. Mikoto is all bark and no bite.”
“I wouldn't guarantee that.” Mikoto took a drag from his cigarette.
The bartender just shook his head and grabbed a couple of glasses from behind the counter. “I'm Kusanagi Izumo.”
Misaki was sitting on Fushimi’s other side. “So this is Homra! Mikoto is our king.”
Fushimi nodded but kept his gaze on the bar top, so as not to look at the king. He only looked up when two glasses were set down, one in front of him and the other in front of Misaki. “The usual for Yata and a surprise for Fushimi.” The bartender smiled. “Enjoy!”
The artist muttered a thank you and took a sip of the blue drink he received. It wasn't that bad.
“Oh. You're awake, Anna?” Fushimi glanced over to see a little lion standing in the doorway leading to the back room. “Did we wake you?” Kusanagi asked.
The lion shook her head and walked over to the bar. She hopped up onto the stool between Mikoto and Fushimi. Her hood fell off to reveal a little girl with pure white hair. “Hello.” She looked at Fushimi. “You’re Misaki’s friend.”
Fushimi didn't know what to say at first, other than to ask why there was a little girl in a gang. “Uh… We're not friends.”
Anna took a sip from the juice Kusanagi had put on the counter. “The way he talked about you made it look that way.” She put the drink down.
“What did you tell her, Misaki?” Fushimi looked at the redhead.
Misaki blushed a little. “Nothing much. Just that you did my tattoo for me and stuff…”
“Nothing much?” The blond who was sitting on the couch scoffed. “We had to force you to go home and sleep or you would’ve been talking about him all night. And when you got here this morning you still just kept talking about him--” he made his voice higher to mock Misaki’s voice-- “‘He's so cool!’ ‘I want to see him again!’ ‘We should invite him over!’ The only thing that shut you up was King asking if he was your boyfriend.”
“Really?” Fushimi directed his attention to the scarlet-faced skater next to him, who was currently downing his drink. “And what was your answer to your king?”
“Shut up.” Misaki mumbled into his hand as he wiped his lips off.
The artist smirked, finally feeling relaxed enough here to tease him. “What was your answer, Mi~Sa~Ki?” He let each syllable draw out.
Misaki didn't say anything, and the deep rumble of Mikoto’s voice answered instead, “‘He isn't my boyfriend. That would be pretty sweet if he was though.’”
Fushimi actually blushed slightly at this and looked at the one in the middle of this conversation. Misaki had pulled his beanie completely over his face. A few words could be heard, but it sounded more like muttering. Kusanagi laughed slightly before speaking. “Yata, go make something for us to eat.” Misaki took his advice and ran out of the room to go hide in the kitchen, leaving Fushimi stranded with the gang members.
“So… Fushimi-kun. You look a little uncomfortable.” The bartender leaned against the counter.
“I'm not.”
“You're lying,” Anna said.
“No I'm no--” Fushimi glanced down at her and stopped. Anna was holding a red marble in front of her eye and was staring at the artist through it; it would’ve looked more serious if she wasn't wearing a lion sleeping onesie-thing.
Anna spoke again. “I noticed it when I came down here.” Her voice was light, but it held the kind of wisdom that usually comes with age.
“I was just curious about your powers.” Okay. That wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the main thing concerning him.
Anna didn't seem to notice that he wasn't giving a complete explanation--or she just decided to let him go. Kusanagi took a cigarette out of the box and flicked his fingers in front of it, lighting the stick. “I am too, actually. The power seems to travel down the gang members in Homra. I couldn't find anything when I tried to look it up, but I stopped trying once my search had reached Scepter 4, an spy and programming agency that works for the government. I wouldn't mess with Scepter 4, unless I wanted to be under the command of…. What's his name?”
“Munakata Reisi,” Mikoto informed.
“Yes. Him. I've heard stories about the people he deals with. They might be fake. Who knows?” Kusanagi finished.
Fushimi nodded and finished off his drink. “I'll guess I'll find Misaki. Thank you.” The artist got out of his seat and quickly went into the kitchen.
1 note · View note
bottlecap-dreams · 7 years
Bio ;;
Quick little about me section so I can delete some things from my discription box ~~
My name's Arin,, I hate my real name n I also hate people calling me it so please don't
I'm 21
Gender ;; a mess.. I honestly don't even fucking know .. but seriously , I'd probably describe myself as agender // nonbinary & because of this I prefer they/them pronouns
I'm engaged to my fiancé so pls don't flirt with me -- not that y'all would because I'm ugly as fuck but you get what I mean...
I'm pansexual ((this term still doesn't fit me very well but I'm using it for now whilst I search for answers ok so bare with me))
I don't really want to go into my mental health but everyone fucking does on this site so yah ,, I find it cringe to just list off what's wrong with me..I have diagnosed problems and disorders that I don't feel comfortable putting here so if you ask me I may tell u
I also have a lot of physical health problems ,, this I don't mind talking about here,, I have epilepsy -- grand mals since a few months old and developed absence and petit Mal epilepsy from the age of 13 .I suffer with chronic debilitating migraines In which I have to go for regular injections for. Nd I have anemia and shitty achy joints n bones , I'm currently being investigated BC I have malabsorption so I'll find out if all this is connected ???? Anyway I'm just not healthy LmAOOOO
Also just a warning , if you send me links to anything , I will never open them. Screamers and flashers not only cause me to have seizures but because of issues I have it fucks me up so bad , panic attacks, night terrors when I go bed all that dumb shit, so pls don't send me that shit because I don't trust y'all and won't open any of it thnx
If u wanna see my ugly mug,, please search my "my face" or "selfie" tags
My posts are placed on "bottlecap dreams" or "personal" tags
I work for a big make up company, but I'm also studying Japanese at uni in my spare time during evening classes
Interests ;;
•junji ito
•80s movies
•make up // sfx
• true crime (( I'm not one of those dicks on this god forsaken site who romanticises this shit , I just like reading about it + plus I hardly ever reblog stuff on here to do with it as I don't want to trigger ppl it's just a special interest ))
* if you have triggers or I reblog anything that triggers you let me know so I can add tags to it so it doesn't come on your dash!*
-- that being said I tag things with tw most of the time just incase
Social media adds ;;
Snapchat - crowlxy
Psn - kimmywinchester
Facebook - ask for this one
Whatsap - and ask for this one as well
Instagram - rebekxhhh
Makeup insta - kimmywinchester
Wattpad - kimbleaseII
0 notes
automationgeeks · 8 years
Top Places To Start A Blog (Updated Edition) - Thats Huge For What I Am Striving To Accomplish With My Blog)
Similar to MySpace, Xanga started off in 1999 as a social networking site frequented by teens.
One year later, Xanga added blogging capabilities.
Therefore the platform offers users the option of giving eProps to show love for a particular post. With that said, the site has an estimated 40 million users, and is the 1438th most visited site on earth. I also think WordPress is a lot better than blogger overall. You have unlimited possibilities because of the thousands of plugins people have created and WordPress is easier to use when you get the hang of it. One page for blogging, comments and a petition and one page for updating and organizing historical documents, images and pdfs as needed. So here is a question. Recommendations?
I look for to create an ongoing research based blog for a specific population. Thanks! Highly informative just bookmarked for further updates. Fact, hi that's better review for beginners who look for to start online blogging in easy way by beginning to ending bit by bit explanation thank you very much for your efforts for this article, its really helpful for us. Basically, will you kindly suggest and help? p site I have found that is free, uses Cpanel control panel, and gives me unlimited disk space, and bandwidth is while experimenting with templates am facing with problems and haven't come across any template that made me happy. All these sites are great for people that know absolutely nothing about web hosting or managing a website.
These sites give you should you rather pay upfront for a domain and hosting so have things free after that, or pay as you pick things like pages, video, traffic levels and more? This where it starts getting very entertaining, right? Will you like to monetize and keep all the earnings, or have to share? Notice, wordPress vs Squarespace/Wix/Weebly is a highly common question new website owners face. Let me ask you a few questions to see which way is best.. Will you like no glitches, or glitches?
Will you rather have communities and support forums everywhere to ask questions, or get a site thence exist in a contained and lonely environment?
Sort of an online diary.
Can I transfer posts when switching to, if I start out on WordPress.com. I look for to keep it all consistent and coherent. Must I just start out with the.org to save a headache later? While I use a plugin for this on my sites now I've direct coded them for clients and in the past for my own sites and love the extra functionality you can get by looking into those variables. Tumblr was recently bought by Yahoo, who has interesting plans for the entire blog advertising thing. At a time when WordPress and Blogger were neck and neck for new users, Tumblr showed up as the 3rd guy to the party. Actually, they received quite a few 'signups' from users wanting a tally refreshing have blogging, and have grown ever since. Nearly everyone is there already and you get taken seriously outright.
Awesome question.
Sorry for the extreme delay here as I get up to date on comments.
You won't own your blog there or be able to monetize it, for the sake of example. Google + can be used like a blog if you put hard work into sharing quality posts with the right people, and consistently engaging good circles. Oftentimes whenever making beautiful blog posts and more, s awesome for building google rankings. At the moment and really for any time in the forseeable future I like wordpress.org for running a blog. Now pay attention please. I am writing a blog about Angels for almost two years. I make no money, And so it's all about making a better world. As a result, must I go to word press? Now I just need cheap. Your advice is appreciated. Time to renew and I will like to move. I went with them as I was so new I needed that's all very new, as you can tell.
I have a registered domain name and a website on iPage.
I don't know how WordPress should / does / can fit in with the blog portion of my website.
Can I create an active blog as amidst the tabs, or do I sensibly require a separate site dedicated to a blog to do, eventually, the full range of marketing, promotion, and so on? Sites is good for private groups or a corporate intranet, not much else. Then, google does not put much effort into supporting Sites. It has very limited functionality. I am using Google Sites since 2010 for my blog/ecommerce site, and regret that I didn't start with WordPress.org. I noticed Google Sites ain't on the list. I've squeezed as much as I can out of Sites but am now considering changing. I think I am planning to start with wordpress.com and see how I get on.
Thanks for all this amazing info! Please can you clarify similar structures as a WordPress site does. Joomla is an advanced CMS used by developers to publish plenty of the websites we visits every day. Minus of blogger is that blogger do not allow to cash in if your blog with adult content. Recently I opened my new blog about erotic photos and videos -I have to say that blogger is easier to use comparing with wordpress -'htmlediting' is plus, free video downloading. Besides, minus of blogger that administation can delete your blog without alert. So this not only makes it harder to transition those images down the road BUT can affect Search Engine Optimisation if you have an image or graphic heavy site.
My additional Blogger con should be that the photos aren't stored within website either, they are linked to an offsite location. And suchlike you can't change the fact that the photo/image is linked or at least sourced to another domain, while you can add your alt tags. I added your remark about Squarespace! I only wish I had a link to your web site, I would give you credit for that kind comment. Thank you for informing everyone including myself, and hope you found a better home for your blog posts! You can do it! You should take it into account. You are right that bloggers have to learn that on their own. I'm almost sure I realised many professional bloggers prefer to write than to manage all things techie or buggy, there're many free tutorials out there to help. Myzooming.com is a blogging platform for those who seek for to use wordpress but can't afford. I appreciate your work. I hope it ok you a time to finish it. Did you hear of something like that before? This list is awesome braa. Eventually, for the most part there's another platform I think you can add. Go watch all of Gregs youtube videos.
Get download wordpress, hostgator for hosting research theme plugins, pick one, and your off and running, best of luck and any more questions, come baqck here and ask. All the best, have fun and give us your domain name when your ready so we can check it out. I'm from Indonesia and can't speak english nocely. Needless to say, free trial, thanks for share, I'm almost sure I just wanna say that ghost dot org not free. I need another dedicat ips, not dot com…hehehe thanks, I actually know you are not understand. Then again, I read that it should cost money annually to move from WordPress to, is there a way I could get past that? I'm not sure about Blogger, I'm quite sure I know you can do it with WordPress.
Say I go with Blogger, so decide that my blog will be better and worth the fees over at WordPress can I move all my content from Blogger to WordPress?
It may be by Blogger or WordPress and its main focus might be to update my readers about music, pictures, music videos, new releases, magazines, lives, and stuff,, I'm intending to start a blog.
I need to be able to do the following. It's a well if WordPress will allow me to do everything I that Blogger does I might just go with WordPress. Therefore, I've read almost almost any comment and your information about the blog options that we have, and it seems like Blogger is the right blog for me.
I think I will try Blogger out first, after that,.
That last statement leads neatly into my next question.
I do move to wordpress, how much would it cost and, is there a way to avoid the fees for the redirection link? As I said, I don't seek for to have to pay additional fees and I understand that if I go with org from the start it won't be something I want to move to wordpress, I should like to start at wordpress.
Including the via attribute which you would use to specify your personal Twitter user name for the via @soandso that generally follows a tweet, So in case you go to https.//dev.twitter.com/docs/tweetbutton and scroll midway down you'll see how you can add specific variables. Therefore if wordpres blogger or so identical if we were not able to take care of and maintain as possible, I love you for this article and I reckon anyway. Which we were able to lots of good, identical nonsense, O Lord, do not??? Did I dream that? I may have misunderstood you somewhere here but I believe you mentioned in a comment to somebody else to keep away from Bluehost. Of course, who will you suggest using apart from Bluehost, if not. While meaning specific, on topics, start niche narrow. Nearly all big brands we know of are going WordPress. It's p way if you need to build a loyal audience. Now please pay attention. People are looking to blogs more than ever for product recommendations but you can't do this Therefore a personal website on WordPress.org is your best bet.
Since it's a roller coaster, overall, go with a pic you can write a LOT on, so this blogging thing.
Revenue, and your ability to profit with a website, will come once your audience is there. You have to establish yourself as an expert in one field consequently blend in your other interests. Everyone needs one, being that it teaches you a lot about the web and is easy to use. Although, pick WordPress, I'd say if you seek for a fancy blogs with plug ins and design flexibility. Of course tips, and stuff take Blogger, I'd say in case you just need to share posts. Most blog readers should go for contents than fancy stuffs that take time to load. Notice that I think it really depends in what you seek for to achieve. Which of the two should you recommend to generate enough traffic and make connections within my industry, with what I need to offer on my blog.
I'm debating between using WordPress, that I know is the go to platform or Google +.
It'll be part blogging of information, I am in the midst of creating a blog that caters to the indie music scene, advice, tips my skills and services should be shared with artists,, personal thoughts and insight and resources but the main premise is to ofcourse network.
Great post and thanks for the insight. Get online quickly with a free trial, setup a cool design and start attracting clients -that's the motto. All over television with beautiful and encouraging ads, SquareSpace offers a nice solution for the business owner in need of a web presence. Go and share publicly I'd say in case you look for to build any sort of following.
As we've been making an attempt to dominate it for a year now, if you need a guide on how to use Google Plus we've got you covered.
Fun features like the badge make getting followers easier.
Google Plus brings you instant community + audience -two things any blogger wants more of. Some might say WP and some will say blogger. However, for an example creately thrives in the diagramming category as it has the perfection that matters. Later, as I manage to learn php and more js, By the way I transform my website in a greate cms gaming platform, build on wordpress, at firat I start as very easy blog on wordpress. Combine in it anithing and display it anywhere I seek for. I had used Movable Type for the blog section, and figured that it will be nearimpossible to make the transition to WordPress. Thanks to you I decided to revive my 'longdormant' website.
Hi, in my opinion it would've been best if you 'copy paste', republish your old posts, and backdate them if you like.
Pretty sure major blogging platforms have this particular feature.
I highly suggest you delete your.blog blog as I reckon the platform should be shutting down soon since look, there're other better options for us out there. Is the WordPress hosting package at Network Solutions limited? Essentially, how limited, I'd say if so.. They say they are using WordPress version they don't really say much else that makes sense to me. Also, I'm wondering how it fares in searches and if I control the ads and receive the ad revenue, or if they do. Consequently, what's different, I'd say in case not. I'm wanting to know how it compares to using WordPress.org -is it quite similar? Recently I built Blogging platform for IT engineers called Wiredify.
It's simple UI but focusing on software engineering. It's quite new but striving to be useful site for all developers. I have learned many things from this post. Blogger? It is a great informative post. Just keep reading! WordPress? On p of this, I can not decide that what's best blogging platform for me. Please give me some suggestion. I am a brand new blogger. I did try other CMS like Joomla and drupal but nothing is better than WordPress I believe. I started out with blogger 6 years ago but later on moved to WordPress and since so I have never looked back. A well-known fact that is. I am a photographer/storyteller, and I'd like to blog as you suggest using hostgator. Nonetheless, I have browsed the wordpress.com themes and can't find one in which the font is not tiny and greyish and in which the photos uploaded are allowed to be large enough for my liking. Thanks for answering my questions! By the way I don't know if wordpress can, I know Blogger can handle it.
I've learned what I'll need to do to backup my blog.
I gonna be able to figure that one out on my own, I believe!
There you should be able to test a demo version of it, as for your A Cwrite is a chat write that you can install in your blog or website -if you seek for to know more type cwrite in your search bar and click on the site that has cwrite ws in the URL. Therefore if I switch from a free WordPress.com blog to a domain where I pay a fee per year will my blog become part of WordPress.org? For example, I am quite worried being that a blogger ld me that WordPress.com doesn't have many options as opposed to Blogger but I don't look for to change now that I have built a small audience. However, thank you very much. Oftentimes any advice? You see, you may find articles at Hubpages you'd wonder why anyone would ever publish.
You may find better home for your blogging and writing needs.
Hubpages started as an article network, the kind of place where you were rewarded for publishing a lot of articles on any one pic like cooking, travel or homeimprovement.
Today, it boasts millions of informative articles and guides. Now look, a byproduct of mass publishing is slightly lesser quality. It's a good idea to send this to them, I'd say if you know a friend who could benefit. Then again, just send an email. Lastly, so this post ok me months to research and make. Thanks to share with us. Helps alot during creating a blog for website whose expecting for traffic. Actually a person can pay more for space and just about every item. Seriously. Basically the org side is worse although a person gets a few free templates. Although, support is a bad joke on WordPress.com. Remember, the real kicker is the price of $ 250 dot 00 for an usable backup. I am in the process of moving first of the year. For the expense of expanding WordPress.com it my be easier to buy web space from a decent host. Some info can be found easily on the internet. For less than $ 150 dot 00 a year lots of us know that there are good hosting sites who have WordPress so you can invite friends to join.
WordPress have a very limited number of social networking links available. WordPress charges for any small step and limit store space. It's not far off from learning something like Microsoft Word and becomes second nature quickly, do expect a learning curve. It's the most powerful and respected blogging platform with endless opportunities. This the case. You got it Nuien. I have made my blog with blogger grindingchocolate.blogspot.mk/. Now please pay attention. Therefore in case I do start the business I'd rather simply be able to build the site on similar platform as my blog rather than have to start from scratch. Generally, given all this information is WordPress my best bet? Hi, I'm looking at starting a blog which I may eventually need to attach to a web based business that I still can't decide if I need to gamble on starting or not -I'm also currently unemployed.
How hard is it to switch from com to org if I just seek for to try out the interface and the blog to see how both go?
In my opinion you have pointed out for the most part there're a huge number of good blogging services available!
I think I was lucky to only know about wordpress.org when I got started and didn't have to take a roundabout way to get there. I any day. WordPress does take slightly longer to learn but if you are serious about a business it's definitely the choice I recommend. So, in any of the questions above, the first scenario is the WordPress.org. For instance, you could've written 1560 posts, 200 posts, 17500 posts, or 82 posts, on the Squarespace platform, and there must be absolutely no way of knowing exactly how many posts you have published -because they don't keep count! Please update this list to include the fact Squarespace does not in any way tell you exactly how many blog posts you have. For instance, my vote goes for wordpress as I know it's quite easier than other blogging platforms. I just love the extra functionality you can add with the vast quantity of plugins.
Hey great post, been looking at the ones I haven't seen before but I believe being a web designer WordPress is my favourite and may always be.
I can't install software without corporate approval and computer management support, Know what guys, I can access the intranet and internet with Internet Explorer 10.
Which web hosts are ready to work with SharePoint from start to finish? My employer owns by rig, and to protect their internal network from malware, they forbid and prevent me from installing unauthorized software. I read a few discussions about getting SharePoint and WordPress.org to work gether and it looks like a disaster, especially for a brand new comer. Nevertheless, will the web site management software try to install on my laptop, or will it become a feature on the web site, if I try to start a blog on WordPress.org or somewhere else.
MS SharePoint Designer 14 dot 0 is authorized for use in supporting internal blogs, wordPress ain't on my employers list of authorized software. Its more like wordpress for more even if I have not been I'm almost sure I liked both the good cms platform for wordpress or blogger. My country ain't listed on Paypal to receive payments. I am currently on a trip and should like to start a blog. Remember, I can only make payments. Actually, being that I am abroad, Actually I am not able to do any payments as well. Sounds like a lovely group and place. I dunno, I'm pretty sure I like WordPress's Users panel bc you can set different levels of power Like can edit, comment, publish, etcetera hereafter email out the logins from WP. I appreciate all the work put in to the info above. Will you mind clarifying the diff between the two sites please? I've always understood ‘org' to be basically not for profit and ‘com' to be a business for financial gain. Usually, I'm still a little confused about the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com though. Those definitions is being reversed in your descriptions. You got a great read on me there I like Blogger bc it's free and fun, and WordPress.org bc you can advertise, rank well in search, and generally do more regarding the building entire websites.
We have got for the most part there're hundreds of thousands of blogs out there so unless someone has the right link there's little change they'll get there. You should better announce it with care and good timing! Your blog is private until you announce it. With that said, I like both platforms as a newbie I just start with blogspot now I move to wordpress. Loved both…. You undoubtedly should both what the big issue behind both? I'm almost sure I use weebly for my church websitre. On p of this, in spite the fact that the sites listed in here can be considered simple it's nice to know someone with 0 code knowledge can have their own creative slice of the internet world. I get positive feedback about it I am thinking to have a ddler food blog for the past 2 yrs til now I have not done so. My question, for a first time blogger that has no clue about coding is wordpress.com easy enough for a starter?? Is there another blog site that u advise others. Thank u for a great article! What do you think? Plenty of info can be found easily by going online. Still haven't decided on whether I should use WordPress, To be honest I am very interested in starting a blog. That's right! I don't have any HTML skills so I fear that settling on, I actually see the great reviews on WordPress.org. Minus of blogger is that blogger do not allow to earn money if your blog with adult content.
Check this out.
HostGator to install WordPress onto I opened my new site about -I have to say that blogger is easier to use comparing with wordpress -'htmlediting' is plus, free video downloading.
Minus of blogger that administation can delete your blog without alert. Blogger is a great intro. Or a Tumblr or WordPress, like you said a logger blog. It's dangerous to invest time making a business here in spite the fact that they are fun. Usually, ok I have opted to take it. Furthermore, I decided on godaddy. You see, I started to put gether my worpress.org stuff and have transferred my domain. Now I am stuck. Let me tell you something. I can't seem to get my temporary wordpress.org site to become my old domain name.
Which blog site is easiest for fans to subscribe to?
Is that even available in free blog platforms?
It gets missed in the massive news feed, I post it to Facebook. People complain that they have no information when I have a brand new post, there's not a subscription option, I have a weebly blog. Did you know that an experience so compelling that Katy Perry decided This Is How We Do it with the elegance of NYTimes, Sony, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Snoop Dogg and more. Consequently, wordPress requires no coding knowledge and is free software -it's the domain name and hosting you pay 'aboutasmuchasacupofcoffeepermonth' for. It gives you a website like the world's best and teaches you all about websites, find out how to make a WordPress blog. For p place to blog, and it continues to be the largest blogging community on the web. I must say bravo like in a single word. Now this updated list is really helpful for getting all the bloggers altogether. You should take it into account. Know what guys, I am owner of Namaste UI and follow a certain amount blogger that you have mentioned in the list.
Let me tell you one concern I have learned about life.
There's no MAGIC.
Have a look at my site…automotiverepairinsidernews. You still have to invest the time. Your choice. With Gregs FREE online tutorials and $ I said $ 12 This what you can build. Everything you need is there. My site crashed from my own stupidity, Hostgator had it up and running in 5 minutes. Let me know. You can lead a horse to water, but…. Essentially, enjoy the journey and if I can would have lost 50 work hours, I'd say if I had opted for a free site.a lot of free themes out there, like I said. Have you watched all of Gregs videos on you tube. So, you get what you pay for. I am sure that the $ 12 includes Hostgator, wordpress and Suffusion theme. Just go on and LOOK and Research. With wordpress, a free bog can crash. Free software gives you minimal customizations.org, you can download many free themes and customize them yourself.
Blogger is Google's free blog hosting site.
More popular at the turn of the millenium, Blogger still offers a great service but the designs are a bit elementary.
Try Adsense monetization, design a brand new layout and even edit your first piece of code. Login and publish your first post for free with only a Gmail account. 50 of the time, 'nonresponsive' support, dreadful performance, limited functionality, awful interface, My blog was down >. I know that the registrar responded instantly and were a great help. Therefore, even in transferring my domain, a manual process for them even when it's so easy to automate, they've been 'nonresponsive' and I had to bring in the registrar for which blog.com are resellers. Great insight on the world of Blogging.
I'm a complete newbie to this and … I don't have a FB account!!
My end goal is to eventually gain some ground and start my own biz someday.
I need to start a blog for cathartic reasons and wondered if journal type writing is appropriate for the web. What do you suggest? And so it's the most serious con in the Squarespace advantages and flaws list, and it would've been useful if everyone knew this major disadvantage before investing time energy into starting a blog on that platform. Literally just the domain and hosting are necessary Cheap will be getting your first month of hosting for 1 penny with the coffeemoney coupon. Cheapest will be using a GoDaddy coupon from Fat Wallet should be getting the domain name at GoDaddy. This where it starts getting very intriguing, right? This entry was very helpful. It's good that through this, I've had the chance to brush up with a certain amount blog sites that might suit my preferences. It is quite some amount of time since the last time that I've had a blog of my own and due to unforeseen circumstances, I have not maintained it and almost went on an online hiatus, in fact.
Thanks a lot David!
Not easy.
WordPress.com is designed for tally beginners who don't need much control. Adding that in. Anyways, my mom just started on WordPress.com and paid about $ 26 to get going. Have you heard of something like that before? Got any more details? Start a WordPress blog here, gether with other DB readers. Anyway, what you really seek for is a domain somewhere like GoDaddy or HostGator, and a hosting plan. Also, with these two things you can use WordPress.org which is FREE. Now look. You pay for it with addons. I'm sure you heard about this. I'm pretty sure, that's what not make any sense, Therefore if u will NOTICE I wanted free blog so If I have FREE BLOG with FREE theme why I have to pay for a customizing the FREE THEME. You should take this seriously. Wow, Xanga is still mention worthy?
Still, not that I have much of interest to say.
I'm just over the entire social networking platforms and have noone to talk to but myself!
Ive been missing the writing. Almost any blogger needs to know the exact percentage of blogs published, and needs to be able to access them at any time. You will see that you can not do this basic function, when you try the platform for yourself. You shall not know, since there is no way to count, even by number of posts per page, So in case you write 500 posts. So do not put energy into the platform without knowing this information in advance. To create an online store I will use wordpress. Considering the above said. Even the free plan has certain things the Wix free option doesn't and Weebly is easier to use overall. I feel Weebly is better. Yes, that's right! Ultimately, it depends on what kind of blog it could be. Just try out both for a week and see which you like best they're both free. On p of that, I couldn't log in anymore and I never found some ‘ customer ‘ it's just lost from that moment or after a while it was showing to me that BLOG DOES NOT EXIST or THAT I AM NOT A OWNER… This was a big disappointment for me!
Hello I used a BLOG. After a some blog a big lot, cOM for 3 years. By the way, a great article, has opened my eyes to some new options as I contemplate how/where to establish a blog look for to start. We're looking to do a multiauthor blog with a header/topic message and later posts from various members of the author group in response -each offering various perspectives on the pic at hand. Then, perhaps you can give some advice. Must I first transfer my content to wordpress.org and after that sign up, or sign up to host gator stright away? I currently have a blog on wordpress.com and I bought the domain name. Essentially, I'm looking to move to wordpress.org with hostgator doing the hosting. Try to avoid paying for redirects, it's a good idea to only have to buy your domain name and hosting plan. Nevertheless, write me any more Qs. I will 100 get the hosting setup and tell HostGator what domain you're using first, hereafter export content. I found that they have a Earn Cashback page which direct to cashback, great works bro you are doing a pretty good job. While browsing I found a site buytoearn.in. So found that this site is hosted on blogger which dont allow php and apache server on it.
Funny you ask, just made a video on a couple of kinds of advertising.
Enjoy and write me any questions https.//you love asking people to comment… well, have a happy day!
Know what guys, I might be deeply buried in your inwrite, To be honest I asked you question earlier. Monetizingwise, you can send paying customers to your business. Nonetheless, take it! Just think for a moment. You can build a trusting audience and send out good information to customers on Google +. It's true that almost any blogging platform has certain privileges and also for the most part there're ourselves. It's a well I like WordPress among all other existing platforms, when it boils down to me. Thank you very much for sharing valuable information, enjoyed the post throughout. So in case I start a.com blog will I be able to shift everything over to my new.org blog or would I have to start fresh?
Thanks Greg that's really helpful. I am not in a position at the moment to pay for a domain so in my opinion given that it's only a personal blog I will start on.com and see how it goes for quite a while hereafter when I am in a position to think about buying a domain I will reassess my situation. And so it's so simple and the ns of themes make any blog so unique. On p of that, I must say though, I have love wordpress. Doesn't it sound familiar? The article just keeps scrolling.
Now this has opened my eyes to plenty of other platforms.
Thanks for creating it, now this has been really useful though.
Wow, Know what, I didn't actually know there was so many. I am so confused on what are the steps that I'm almost sure I am mom who is interested in starting a mommy blog. Have no info what platform to use, By the way I want to buy a domain. Furthermore, I need to make my blog look pretty and add icons and stuff. Must I go with blogger or wordpress? I have a blog through blog.com.
However, Actually I started writing, and wanted to pick up that blog again… the site ain't working correctly, Since so.
I have to go through round about ways in case you are going to sign in… and I can't even think about creating a really new post without using the quickpost feature in my dashboard.
I tried blogging a couple of years ago, only got a few posts in, and after that writeped it. Therefore if wordpres or blogger so identical if we are not able to take care of and maintain as possible, I love you for this article and I think anyway, how can we take care of the website that we manage it that much good, similar bullshit ya not boss??? With that said, whenever your personal success its difficult to comprehend, That's a fact, it's unfortunate that the bad titles get rated on p on google and I'm sure some individuals can be fun for dozens of people as it helps them to share their beliefs and thinking with others.
Many blogging platforms are available these days that can won't do any good for aspiring bloggers who are looking to continue blogging for a long time. Get an actual domain name and You can try hosting for 1c so it's kind of like why not as you get to use WordPress.org like the big guys. Find your way to HostGator and use coupon COFFEEMONEY at checkout, in order to get this. Thanks and hey! Definitely wondered similar things long time ago in the past so here goes. Now let me tell you something. By the way I recommend this path, I see plenty of folks getting tied up with them and actually spending more money, oddly, free blogs are fun and ok. Hey I followed Ana's link over here to read your post -nice summary though I have an additional point I'll put in a ‘real' comment. Whenever making money is more convenient, ll also own a WordPress.org blog entirely so.
Either way is optimal though.
With the ease of WordPress.org these days and the fact people actually end up paying for things like a domain name on WordPress.com, Know what, I 100 recommend using the.org to start.
You can export/import your entire blog. You can definitely start on WP.com and move to WordPress.org later. I tried WordPress and it's not WYSIWYG with MS Word. Blogger has had a huge issue with its templates and its graphics insertion since the end of 2013 and none of their forums has figured out the answer, it's a wash. Let me know, I'd say in case you know the answer. I tried out WordPress with those same articles and it doesn't look right, the way it does on Blogger. Doesn't it sound familiar? I have a multilingual thread on my current blog, Blogger, and I wrote posts in advance. Catch with Wix is the premium features, that of course cost money, that you'll almost definitely need as you expand your website.
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