#ok i hope this is ok ashdfkasdhf i know i write sasuke different than canon because oyu know how i feel about him in canon
konohamaru-sensei · 9 months
parental troubles.
Merry Christmas @akamikazae!!! <3 I hope you enjoy your day and have a few times off <3 I know we don't talk as much as I would like, but I very much like you a lot and I'm glad you joined the anxiety squad so we can talk more! I attempted to write your lady and I hope you forgive me if its not exactly what you have in mind. I wanted to write her with Ko first but then I decided on this situation in my AU! Hope that is ok!! <3
ikigai au, sharingan cult arc. uchiha kids are being attached so their parents come to the rescue so their sharingan can be stolen
sasuke and sakura had twins before sarada. both twins are @wrdn-tabris oc's - ren and takeshi (3)
itachi is alive, married to @uchiharomance's haruka and they have two kids (shisui (4) and mikoto (2))
there is also one mention of my sayuri and her son obito (5)
She didn’t have to ring twice before the door was ripped open. Sasuke’s hair was dishevelled as if he had run his hand through it one too many times and both his eyes were visible. Probably he hadn’t looked into the mirror for hours. He looked positively stressed out, which was such a strange view for him, especially in recent years.
“Upstairs,” he said and turned around without even saying hello and she just about found the time to discard her shoes and follow him before he disappeared around the corner to the stairs leading to the second floor. It had been about a year at this point since she’d last seen him, but tonight she’d suddenly gotten a call from his house and an urgent “Please come over”, so of course she had hurried there without a second thought.
Sasuke turned into one of the boy’s rooms. When Akami also entered, she could see what the problem was: Ren was turning on his bed, face red and sweating and eyes pressed close as if he was in restless sleep.
“We thought he was okay, but he suddenly started running a fever,” Sasuke said and sounded a little desperate. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do to help him.”
She felt flattered that he had thought of calling her first and foremost, but there was also a part of her that was amused at witnessing his first struggle as a parent. “Where are the others? Sakura-chan and Takeshi?”
“Hospital,” Sasuke said and, refusing to elaborate, continued: “Can you ease this for him?”
Akami crossed her arms: “No.”
“Why not?” The look of betrayal in his eyes almost made her laugh out loud.
“Your son needs his father to take care of him,” she said matter of factly. “You can do it, every parent can and if you don’t know how, you will learn it now.”
It was true that his mission often took him away from his family and that Sakura, being a world class doctor, would probably be more responsible for exactly these situations, but Sasuke needed to be able to handle it too. They had two kids after all. 
“Get a towel.” Akami gestured to the door. “Cold water in a bowl, look for fever medicine wherever your medicine cabinet is, come back.” She snapped her finger - he walked out instantly
She wondered for a second if Sasuke even knew where towels and such were in his own house, given how seldomly he checked in, but when she heard cupboards open and bowls being moved she felt at ease. She’d long since felt that he was probably back in Konoha more often than he was willing to tell the Hokage, Itachi or even her.
Ren groaned and she put her hand on his forehead. He was quite heated up, but not life threatening if he would get some medicine and sleep. She wondered what had happened, especially with Sakura in the hospital with Takeshi too. There had been some commotion in the village during the day. She wondered if that was related and hoped it wasn’t. 
Sasuke came spriting back, water spilling over the edges of his bowl. He sat down in front of his son and then looked up at Akami. “You are smart, you figure out what to do next”, she said and leaned against the cupboard behind her.
“Medicine,” Sasuke murmured and put the bowl down. She watched him open the little bottle and fill a bit of it on a spoon he had brought. His hand was slightly shaking when he brought it up to Ren’s mouth and forced the boy to drink it.
Ever since she’d known him he had been such a serious person, often frowning, always questioning. As an adult he had grown even more distant, wore mostly black and covered half his face so that even less of him could be seen, but here he was, his full worry and fear of being a bad parent on display. In the end his good heart always won
Ren took the medicine and Sasuke dowsed the towel in the water he had brought and put it on his forehead. The little boy whined a little at the sudden cold, but then eased back into his pillows. Soon he’d be asleep from the medicine and then his little body could recover.
Sasuke got back on his feet and wiped his own sweat off his head. “This is more stressful than getting away from a group of rampant cultists,” he murmured.
“So will you tell me what happened to Takeshi?” Akami put her head to the side. “Both kids caught the cold?”
“They were attacked in the morning,” Sasuke grinded his teeth together. “Coordinated attack on all the people related to the Uchiha, but they targeted the children first. Not only them, Itachi's and Kakashi’s son Obito. I was lucky to be in the area and having a gut feeling that something was up. I found the boys surrounded in the forest, but Takeshi was already seriously injured…”
Akami sucked in a breath of air and clenched her fist. 
“..I took him to the hospital and Sakura took over. We thought Ren was alright, if shaken up, but now he suddenly got a fever…” He looked down at the child.
Who would do such a thing? Attack a bunch of 3 year olds to get to their parents? “What did you do with the attackers?”
“Cut their heads off,” Sasuke said coldly.
She smiled. “Good boy.” If he hadn’t done it, she surely would have. 
“What about the other kids?” she asked, while mentally already replanning her morning so she could drop by the hospital and bring Takeshi some get-well-soon sweets.
“Itachi got to the guy before he could even touch Shisui,” Sasuke said and sounded a little proud. “Guess they thought they could fool a blind guy, but Itachi is Itachi.” Indeed, Akami thought, Itachi might have stopped being an active shinobi but he had always been outstandingly talented. “Haruka was sleeping with Mikoto in the inner house so they didn’t even notice what was going on.” Mikoto was so tiny, Akami didn’t even want to imagine what would have happened if they’d gotten to her.
“Obito was alone,” Sasuke sighed. “But Naruto heard him yell and came to his rescue. He brought the boy to Kakashi where we all found ourselves eventually.”
So that was what all the commotion had been about. Akami had seen soldiers running back and forth, but in the nature of Konoha being a ninja village this hadn’t seemed that extraordinary. “So what was it?”
“Someone wanted something from an Uchiha. Maybe revenge? They got access to the village without being spotted by the security system. Looks like we have a traitor around.” He let out a deep breath. “Everything seems to be adjusted for now. The biggest concern right now is that Kakashi’s wife is out somewhere on a solo mission.”
That explained why she had seen Saya leave the village in full ANBU updo. It was so rare for her to run missions these days. 
Ren turned over and groaned a little. Sasuke instantly reacted and pulled the towel from his forehead to douse it in cold water again. Akami remembered suddenly how it had been when Sasuke had been first sick under her care. You never wanted to see your own kids suffer like that.
“They will be fine,” she said. “Both of them are strong and have strong parents.”
He didn’t turn to her. “I wonder if I’m ever going to be cut out for this.”
“You already are. You called me, because you know you needed help. If you weren’t cut out for this, you would have just left him there.” Akami slowly tried to get his hair back in order as if he was still 10 and too late for school. “You will never stop learning with these things, but you’re not doing too bad.”
“Maybe I’ll stay a little,” Sasuke said.
“That would be good, you need to keep an eye on him tonight.” She looked at the sleeping boy.
Sasuke got back up. “No, I mean here. Maybe I’ll stay here to make sure everything is fine. Put my mission on hold.” He clenched his fist. “Make sure they don’t come back.”
“Call me immediately if they do,” Akami poked into his chest. “So I can partake in the beheading.” He snickered a little. “Also, just call me in the morning, tell me how he is, how Takeshi is.”
He smiled and oddly reminded her of the person he was before he left the village all those years ago. “I will.Thanks for everything.”
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