#ok ima be real with yall i didnt love or hate taku when i was playing SD
surodameconfess · 2 years
huge spoilers but WHERE is the defense for taku from the 'pathetic middle aged man who makes bad decisions' squad?? he had to make difficult choices with the intention of helping a child abuse victim. yeah he went about it the wrong way several times, but towa DID break down when he found out the truth about his past - he nearly killed himself it was so hard for him to process. taku was completely under the thumb of the takasato-gumi for his whole adult life and he still works to lessen the harm they cause every day in spite of being one of their chess pieces. he watched towa go through unimaginable horror in euphoria, and devoted years to protecting him. was he supposed not to be terrified of asakura showing up and making the same incisions on towa's back that he made years ago? the same wounds that taku previously sewed? he's traumatized! he's had no personal agency since he was 18! he was the only person who cared about towa's wellbeing for years! you don't have to like or agree with the mail burning/tracker tagging/attempted murder because towa got THAT close to falling back into the same hands that broke him, but he just didn't want towa to suffer that fate again. i just feel like i see so many unsympathetic responses to him and it makes me sad. he's complex and imperfect, but so is the whole rest of the game. it's strange to me that i see more anger directed towards taku than madarame or eiji (disclaimer i love them all) when they kept secrets from towa too, and with much less of a noble cause. i don't need people to LIKE taku i just wish more people would try to understand how horrible a position he was and is forced into, and how hard he works to keep towa safe.
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ill let the post speak for itself this time. anon you did a v good job explaining taku's character tho ngl
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