#ok nvm she's way bitchier than i remember
lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 years
stupid lil AU i thought of
Warning: I'm taking things that appeared in the third movie (Light Furies, Toothless's teleportation, etc) and making them canon in this AU. Also there are other Night Furies (this premise pains me but I'm doing it anyway for the lolz).
I'm probably not gonna write any proper fanfics about this or anything but I'll give y'all a detailed run-down:
Viggo Lives AU
Viggo comes to live on the Edge with his Skrill, called Beast - note that Beast is blind in her right eye from an injury sustained when she saved Viggo during an alternate Triple Cross, and wears an eyepatch handcrafted by Viggo to protect the wound during flight.
Toothless and Beast get along like lovers, they're always spending time together and they're super close
Seeing this makes Hiccup trust Viggo even more and they begin to become close friends
One day Beast helps Toothless discover that split-spine ability that he would normally get during the second movie
Beast also seems to be aware of Toothless's lightning-teleportation ability from the third movie - I refuse to believe the third movie is canon even more than I refuse to believe that Viggo died, but we're keeping that ability because a. I like it and b. the mental image of Beast redirecting lightning so Toothless can teleport is very sweet
Beast keeps trying to teach Toothless how to teleport, but he doesn't understand and since Beast is a Skrill, she can't show him
One night Viggo's doing his usual staying-up-way-too-late-thinking routine when he realises that Beast knows way more about Night Furies than she should, considering she's only just met Toothless
He asks Beast about it, asks her if there's anything she thinks he should see, and Beast seems to want to take him somewhere-
-so the next morning he asks Hiccup if he wants to go on a flight with him; there's something he wants to check out.
Hiccup trusts Viggo now, so he and Viggo fly off together, Hiccup and Toothless mostly following Viggo's lead and Viggo himself just letting Beast do the flying.
The flight gets longer and longer; it's further than they've ever flown before. Mist blankets the horizon and the surrounding land is getting pretty sketchy. It's getting dark.
Hiccup: "Viggo, where are we going?"
Viggo: "To tell you the truth, I have no idea."
Hiccup: "What?!"
Viggo: "Beast has been intent on showing me something, and I suspect it has something to do with Toothless. I'm trusting her to know what she's doing, but if you wish to turn back..."
Hiccup is confused but intrigued and dismisses Viggo's suggestion of turning back. He wants to find out what's going on as much as Viggo does, especially if it has something to do with Toothless.
And then they come across this huge natural fortress - whether it's similar to the Hidden World or Valka's Sanctuary or Dragon Island I haven't decided. All I know is that it's contained within some sort of rock formation, there's some form of lava and lots of crystals and plant-life, and it's very dark. Beast is very insistent on going inside, so they do-
-and inside there's hundreds of dragons; Skrill's, Light Furies, and oh fuck, that's another Night Fury.
Hiccup and Viggo are absolutely stunned to see this community of dragons living together, this community of Night Furies, the dragon they'd thought extinct.
Of course, Toothless and Beast are fucking ecstatic to meet all the new dragons and drop their guards entirely, so they can't react quickly enough when two Furies show up out of nowhere and pluck Hiccup and Viggo from their saddles, because apparently these endangered dragons understandably do not like humans.
Toothless tries to fly after Hiccup, but begins to fall out of the sky. Beast swoops down and grabs him in her talons, and they soar after the two riders. Beast starts redirecting lightning in order to attack the Furies, but Toothless's instincts kick in and he pulls off his first ever teleportation, dragging Beast with him.
They heroically appearing out of thin air to rescue Hiccup and Viggo right as the Furies are about to drop them into a lava pool.
They set their riders down on a nearby ledge and Viggo has what's basically a micro-panic attack due to his trauma from the previous volcano incident. Beast is in a bit of a frenzy trying to calm her rider down, which confuses the observing Skrills.
Meanwhile Toothless is roaring very aggressively at the Furies who tried to do away with Hiccup and Hiccup is trying to calm Toothless down while simultaneously geeking out because Oh my Thor, Toothless can teleport.
At which point three other Night Furies land nearby. They run over to Toothless and examine him, staring at his eyes and his tail. Then this huge fucking Night Fury the size of a Monstrous Nightmare lands nearby and sniffs Toothless, and it's quite clear that the large Night Fury recognises Toothless.
Hiccup looks around at all the other Night Furies in the fortress and sees that most of them have yellow eyes (a reference to those cursed McDonald's toys used to promote the first movie), though some of them have purple or blue eyes. The Night Furies surrounding them are the pretty much the only ones to have green eyes, and there's also some other distinguishing features such as similar scale patterns and the shape of their spines that make Hiccup realise that this is Toothless's family.
There's this adorable little scene where Toothless's brothers and sisters are all excited to see their long-lost brother and they're all nuzzling up against him and stuff, while Toothless is trying to make his way towards Hiccup,-
-who the large Night Fury is stalking. This is Toothless's mother, and she does not like Hiccup whatsoever. Toothless breaks away from his siblings and rushes over to defend Hiccup, roaring at his own damn mother in order to make his point clear. Toothless forces Hiccup into his saddle and Hiccup shows them how his prosthetic tail works, and how Toothless needs Hiccup in order to fly.
Toothless's mother stands down and lets Hiccup go, but never once does she take her eyes off of him.
Hiccup, Toothless, Viggo and Beast spend some time in the fortress, seeing all the different dragons that live there. There's Night Furies and Light Furies and Night-Lights, and Hiccup is absolutely captivated by them, almost as much as Toothless, who has resorted to "silly mode" now that Hiccup is no longer in danger.
Viggo, meanwhile, is absolutely captivated by the Skrill population, and he stumbles across Shadow Skrills and even a Titan Wing Skrill who has noticeable scarring. It sees Viggo's scarring and comes to take a liking to him.
More fun exploring shenanigans. Hiccup refuses to map any of it out - he doesn't want anyone to find this place. Viggo, too, swears to secrecy.
There's this buildup of tension between Hiccup and Toothless over time. Hiccup isn't sure if Toothless will stay with him or go back to live with his family. Hiccup comes to terms with the fact that he might have to let Toothless go, and even starts work on an auto-tail (like the one in Gift of the Night Fury). He's fully willing to let Toothless go if that's what Toothless wants to do. After all, he's been alone his whole life, and now he has a family, right?
Viggo and Beast also have a moment together, where Viggo encourages Beast to do what she wants, even if it means leaving him. Beast refuses to leave, taking Viggo's hand with her talon and placing it against her eyepatch, placing her other talon on his cheek. They're each other's eyes, and they need each other, both literally and metaphorically. She's too loyal to him to leave him.
Toothless sees the half-constructed tail and promptly destroys it, solidifying that he will not ever leave Hiccup, even if it means leaving the other Night Furies behind. After all, Hiccup is family too, more so than the Furies will ever be.
Toothless, Hiccup, Viggo and Beast leave. They just leave. Oh, trust me, they'll be back, they've still got studying to do, but they're leaving for now. It's time to go home. Toothless and Beast have made it clear that they are staying with Hiccup and Viggo. Toothless wasn't interested in finding other Night Furies anyway
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