#ok so I've had lunch now but i didn't bring enough food to feel fully satisfied and i want to eat more!!!
tkbrokkoli · 2 years
hungry and exhausted!!!!!
0 notes
mmmmmmmmmmmmsoup · 10 months
Yandere x gardener pt.6
warning: SLOW BURN, WE ARE NOT EVEN WALKING, WE ARE CRAWLING OUR WAY THERE, kidnapping, slight nsfw but not really, yandere stuff
you started to wiggle in your sleep, shifting awake. once you sat up and did your morning stretch, you looked around the room.
"huh?" you say a little surprised.
you don't remember going to the guest room and going to bed last night.
'oh dear lord, did I fall asleep in the truck? did Cash carry me to bed??????' you think to yourself. you place your hands upon your cheeks, blushing.
you didn't care to admit it, but you were worried about having feelings for Cash. sure he doesn't talk a hole bunch and at first of knowing each other you didn't know if he even liked you as a human, but deep down he was really sweet. bringing you hot drinks on cold days, making sure you don't work yourself too hard, having lunch together every now and then. not mention his mama, who is the sweetest person in the world! And to put the cherry on the cake, Cash does this... he takes you in, gives you a place to stay for the night, where you will feel safe and be able to rest... its all just-
next thing you know, you hear knocking "oh uh, come in!"
as you lay in bed, Cashes mom opens the door and steps into the room. "mornin, dear! how did you sleep? hopefully better then the last few nights."
"I don't think I've slept better" you chuckle.
"thats good to hear! i just came in to tell you breakfast is just about ready, so don't take too long getting dressed."
"o-oh thank you! I'll be out in just a moment!" you reply
mama smiles and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
'well, I guess thats my sign to get dressed then.'
you push yourself off the bed and walk towards your bag full of clothes. you still had work today, so you put on your work clothes, nothing fancy.
once you were dressed, you headed out to the kitchen, and there was Cash frying up some bacon while mama was sitting at the table knitting, chatting with her son.
"morning!" you say shyly, not ever being in the ranchers house this early in the morning.
"mornin" Cash says back as he starts to plate the bacon.
once you sit down, cash hands you and mama a plate, it has bacon, pancakes and eggs on it, a nice homemade breakfast.
"thank you...and thank you again for all of this, you guys really didn't have to do this"
"its nothin" Cash says, he takes a seat across from you, with a plate of food for himself.
"so whats the plan for you today?" mama asks
"oh, I still have work today, so I'll be heading out shortly, and once Im done I can come back to grab my stuff and get out of your hair."
the room went silent.
" you gonna head back home? already?" mama questions
" well I don't want to over step my welcome"
" do you think you'll be comfortable enough to sleep?" mama asks
" well... I don't know, but either way I can't not go back to my house. at some point I'll have to just deal with it."
more silents.
Cash buds in, " how about you stay here for a bit longer..? doesn't have to be a forever thing, but until you fully feel safe to go back, hows that?"
you really didn't want to over stay your welcome, but if they were this insistent... plus its true. you don't think you would be able to sleep if you did go back home, home just didn't feel safe right now.
"ok. I'll stay."
mama clapped her hands, "yay! maybe you can give me a hand making cookies this week, family recipe!"
you smile and continue to eat your breakfast.
after your meal you pack your car with your tools and head off to work.
-------Time Skip--------
it had almost been a week since you chose to stay at the ranch, mama loved having you around and having someone to bake goods with.
you and Cash have talked a lot more and he seems content in your presents.
Cash was actually loving all of this week. you coming home after work, bonding with his mama... it made him feel like you guys were a happy married couple. he loved the sent you left in the house, it just smelled more like you. he loved seeing you come out of your room, in comfy clothing, looking relaxed.
and thank god his mama goes to bed early cause the things he does at night...
he sniffs the pillows lol. like once everyone is in bed, he goes out to the living room where you usually sit, and sniffs the cushions. he has had to fight the urge of using your toothbrush. sometimes he'll try and do the laundry before mama can, just so he can handle your clothes, he also sniffs them, yes the underwear too.
he's aware that the gardening season is coming to a close, and at first he was sad about not seeing you until spring, but now that your basically living with him, he doesn't have to worry about that anymore!
or at least he thought...
Cash was sitting in the living room, taking a break from ranching. you come in from outside.
"hey can I talk to you about something?" you ask
you choose to sit next to Cash, wearing your work clothes.
Cash hums, signalling you to continue.
"so this week is the last week of gardening, so after today your garden will be prepped for the winter and I won't need to work outside anymore."
Cash nods his head, hearing what your saying.
'maybe she can stay here more in the day, we could have lunch together, maybe she would want to help out with the cows' Cash thinks to himself, daydreaming of you and him alone, in the truck.
"I also wanna say thank you for allowing me to stay here with you and your mom, and I'm happy to say... I found a new place to live?"
That got Cashes attention real quick, he sits up slightly, eyebrows raised, "what?"
"yeah! i figured I would never really feel safe after what happend, so I have been doing some research and I found a new place to move into!"
This is the last thing Cash wanted to hear. so not only are you done gardening, but your moving? so he really won't be able to see you until spring.
"wha- when are you moving?"
"tomorrow, the day after I'm done working on your garden! all I need to do is sign some papers, and I'll have a new place!"
"what about all of your stuff?" Cash questions.
"I'm getting movers to come in on the same day, to move everything"
"have you told mama yet?"
"I have! she's a little sad to see me go but she seems happy for me"
Cash was feeling dizzy, he was enjoying having you here, living with him, and now your just... gonna go?? this can't be happening, no this won't happen, this can't happen.
Cash looks towards you, an odd expression on his face. you can't pin point it, but your sensing some discomfort from him.
"...I'll give you a moment to think about whats happening, I better get back to work anyways..." you stand up making your way to the door.
Cash is spinning out of control. only on the inside of course, on the outside he's just hunched over sitting in a chair.
he stands up walking over to your bedroom, as he opens the door, he looks into the room scanning all your belongings. this will be all gone, no one here to keep this room warm, no more of your little nick nacks around the house. you'll just turn into another stranger until spring, and then he'll have to work your relationship back from the bottom. what if you meet someone before then?
Cash closes your bedroom door and walks over to the window that peers out towards the garden. thankfully your back was turned towards the house, so you didn't see the Rancher staring at you.
you won't be here anymore. just thinking of a life with out you makes his chest feel tight.
Who’s he gonna come home to have a long day of work? Yes he has his ma. But it’s not the same, he needs someone he can hold close, someone he can bring to bed with, someone he can have kids with…
He could imagine it so perfectly too. You a gardener, him a rancher. during the winter season when it’s too cold for you to work, you just stay home making warm meals and caring for his ma, or you join him at work sometimes, while he’s feeding the cows, your in the truck keeping cozy… and maybe in a few years, you two have a few kids running around. One girl, one boy.
He can’t just let you slip away like this, and miss out on the life you two could have.
the sun was setting and you had nearly finished your work for the day, the garden was done and ready for winter, and all you had to do is put everything away.
you gathered the tools and headed towards the shed. As your in the shed, putting everything away, a shadow is casted over you, you look over your shoulder seeing Cash standing in the door way.
"oh hey Cash, whats up?"
Cash didn't respond, which wasn't really out of the ordinary for him. you turn around fully facing him.
" hey i just need to squeeze past you, if thats ok..." you try to shuffle around him, but oddly enough he doesn't let you pass. you look up at him, somethings off. his face hold a darker expression and his eye look dangerous.
"y'know y/n..." Cash speaks, looking around the shed.
he spots a rubber mallet on a shelf near him. he starts to reach for it.
"I've really enjoyed the time you've spent here, at my home."
Cash now has the rubber mallet fully in his hands.
"...and i think this... could be your home too"
you step back, away from him "haha... your kinda scaring me Cash"
"I think you should stay here." Cash says, but by the way he says it, you know it's not a suggestion.
you start to breath heavy, unsure of whats really about to happen, all you know, is that you gotta get out of this fucking shed.
you bolt, you don't try to squeeze past him, bumping shoulders, no, you head straight between his legs.
He clearly wasn't expecting you to do that and to be so fast at it. he tries to bring his legs together hoping you will get trapped in the process, but you just manage to squeeze out beneath him.
you just start running, heading in the direction of the house. you run through the garden, but before you can make it half way, you feel a heavy pain in your head. you fall to the ground, everything looks blurry and your head is spinning, you feel something heavy rest on your back. before you pass out, the last thing you see is a shadow casted on the dirt ground in front of you.
Cash looked down at you, your limp body no longer putting up a fight. As he sat on your back, he let out a sigh. he grabbed some rope from his coat pocket and started to tie your hands together.
"I didn't want to do this darlin, but you left me no choice..." Cash tied the last knot and stood up. he picked up your limp body and carried you to a special place he had planned.
my god. all weekend I have had nothing to do so I've just been writing up a storm. I wrote this with my laptop, I find thats its smoother to do. do ya'll notice anything within the writing compared to me writing on my phone?
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