#ok so. this does not fit the byler week prompt bc it is not birthdaygate or any gate
strangeswift · 2 years
Will had assumed —reasonably so, he thought— that a year into the actual apocalypse, birthdays wouldn't be a very big deal. Maybe a passing acknowledgement, if that. Really, it felt a little selfish to expect anything at all. 
Like, People are dead, and your friend is still in a coma. She might not wake up. Congratulations on being alive, asshole. 
Though admittedly, for Will specifically, being alive was sort of an accomplishment in itself at this point, given everything. And Will was happy to be alive. Most of the time, at least. 
He just didn't expect anyone to throw a party about it. 
It wasn’t until Will groggily descended the Wheeler's stairs and spotted the notebook paper sign strung up in the kitchen, Happy Birthday Will, distinctly in Mike’s handwriting, that Will realized they were indeed doing the birthday thing. It still felt weird, but he couldn’t help the embarrassed smile that spread across his face as everyone in the kitchen sang Happy Birthday to him. Nor could he help the hammering in his chest when Mike made his way over to him and slung his arm across his shoulders midway through the song.
All in all, the day was fairly uneventful after that. They let him have the last can of SpaghettiOs for lunch while everyone else had watery vegetable soup, which was nice. 
He didn't have to go on the supply run they had planned for the day. Actually, he would rather have gone, especially since Mike went, but Mike was oddly insistent that Will stay behind, so he did. It wasn't until after Mike returned that Will found out why he had to stay behind. 
"Can you just trust me?” Mike asked.
“I do trust you,” Will said, “It’s just that letting the clumsiest person I know lead me down stairs blindfolded is a little nerve-racking.”
“I’m not gonna let you fall. Jesus,” Mike said, exasperated, as he slowly led Will down the basement stairs, “Just three more steps.”
Once they reached the bottom, Will asked, “Can I take this off now?” gesturing to the bandana that was tied over his eyes.
Mike answered by taking it off for him, and Will blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. Mike looked incredibly pleased with himself, and Will soon saw why.
On the coffee table, set out on a plate, were two perfectly square brownies with chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles on top. A lit candle was sticking out of one of them.
"Where did you get these?" Will asked in disbelief. None of them had tasted anything sweet in months. "I know damn well you didn’t get this shit at the grocery store. Or Melvald's."
Mike grinned sheepishly. "Don't worry about it."
Will frowned "You– Where did you go for this?"
“Doesn’t matter,” Mike said, “just blow out your candle!”
“Mike,” Will said, crossing his arms.
Mike sighed, "You're relentless, you know that?"
Will looked at him expectantly. 
"The gas station on the other side of town, but it’s not a big–"
"Mike!" Will scolded, "What the hell is wrong with you? You went all the way across town? That is so not safe!"
Mike shrugged. "I didn’t go alone. I had Nancy and her big ass gun to keep me company,” he said, “Besides, it was for a good cause?” he tried.
“You’re an idiot,” Will said, grinning in spite of himself.
Mike grabbed his hand, and Will tried to ignore the fluttering in his stomach as Mike led him to sit on the couch in front of the coffee table.
Once they were sitting, Mike dropped his hand, but he stayed close. He knocked their knees together. “Go on. Make a wish,” he said quietly.
Will shook his head, searching Mike’s eyes. “I don’t have one,” he said.
Mike cocked his head. “There’s nothing you want?” he asked, a teasing smirk on his face.
Oh. Well, Will could think of one thing.
“I mean, maybe,” Will said, averting his eyes, “It’s stupid, though.”
“If it’s what you want, it’s not stupid,” Mike said firmly.
“Well, it’s embarrassing,” Will amended, flicking his eyes back to Mike, who leaned in, ever so slightly.
“I’m sure it’s not,” Mike said, “But you don’t have to tell me, anyway. Actually, you can’t tell me. If you do then it won’t come true.”
Will huffed a laugh. “I wouldn’t tell you anyway.”
"Fine," Mike said, "blow out your candle, make your secret wish."
Will laughed and leaned forward, blowing carefully on the candle and watching the small flame flicker and fade into a wisp of smoke.
"Think it'll come true?" Mike asked.
"I don't– I mean, probably not," Will said, "I'm still not telling you, though."
“Really?” Mike asked, pouting. “Can I guess? I think if I guess it, the wish is still valid.”
“I think you’re just making up wish rules now,” Will teased.
“Maybe,” Mike conceded. “Can I guess anyway?” he asked, leaning even closer – and god, he had no idea what he was doing to Will, did he?
Will raised his eyebrows. “You have guesses?”
“I have one,” Mike said.
It was a bad idea, Will thought, to let Mike guess. A very bad idea.
“Please, share,” Will said.
"Okay..." Mike said nervously, "Yeah, okay." His cheeks went a little pink, and he flicked his gaze down to Will’s lips. Or– No, that was probably… Wishful thinking. 
“God, I hope I’m right about this,” Mike breathed, and he leaned in even closer, so close their noses were almost touching. Will watched with wide eyes as Mike brought shaky hands up to cup his jaw.
Mike let out a breath, and Will could feel it on his lips. 
Mike closed his eyes, pressed forward, and kissed him.
Kissing Mike was nothing like Will expected it to be. It was soft and slow, and Will wanted to melt into it. He wanted to stay in the moment forever. If Vecna did come for him, that was the happy thought he would run to. He wouldn't even need music, just the memory of Mike's lips against his – that would be enough. 
Mike pulled back, and Will resisted the urge to chase him.
"Did I guess right?" Mike asked breathlessly, letting his hands slide down to rest gently on the sides of Will's neck.
"What?" Will asked, dazed. 
"Your wish," Mike said.
"Oh," Will said. "Yeah. That was– Yeah."
Mike beamed. "Cool," he said.
"Cool," Will repeated, a smirk playing at his lips.
Mike leaned back. "Now eat your birthday cake," he instructed. 
Will picked up one of the brownies. "These are gas station brownies," he pointed out.
"Birthday cake," Mike insisted. 
Will took a bite. It was heavenly. 
"Oh my god," he groaned, "I've missed sugar."
Mike picked up the other brownie, taking a bite. "Oh. Wow, yeah. Holy shit," he said, taking another bite. 
"It's so good," Will said, laughing giddily. He popped the last bite in his mouth.
Mike smiled warmly. "Happy birthday, Will."
"Thanks," Will said, "but if you ever risk your life for brownies again–"
"Oh come on," Mike said, "Cut me some slack. I was romancing you."
Will's eyes went wide. "You– What?" he squeaked. 
Mike flushed. "I mean– Whatever."
Will burst out laughing, and Mike couldn't help but join him. Somehow, Will felt years worth of tension dissolving as he laughed so hard tears began to form.
After a couple of minutes, they settled into comfortable silence, grinning at each other. "I want to kiss you again," Mike announced.
"Well, if that’s what you want," Will said, leaning in.
And for a little while, nothing else mattered. Just Mike, who was warm and tasted like chocolate, who was romancing him with stolen brownies and kissing him like he needed it.
It was a good birthday. 
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