#ok sorry i don’t vent on tumblr that much anymore but jesus
jelliegirl · 1 year
i’ve been in charge of managing my entire family’s emotional well-being since i was 9 years old and no matter how much i voice this they always fall back on me to make sure everyone is okay even when i have openly voiced that i’m not in the right emotional state to provide support and i’m getting so tired of it i’m ready to run away into the woods lol
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absurdthirst · 3 years
Ok, so this might be strange, but I've seen some of your posts/asks where you talk about tumblr etiquette etc on pop up in my feed and I got the urge to vent. I wrote a fic maybe a year ago and before posting the first chapter I asked people who had interacted with my earlier content if they'd be interested in being tagged, something I do pretty much every time I write a longer work. I gave a brief summary of the fic, including the main characters and some general info. Most people responded with excitement but one person decided to act like they were doing me a favour by even considering reading my fic, saying things like "I mean I'll guess I'll give it a shot but I'm kind of skeptical" and "I don't care about this character but ugh fine" even though they were all over my earlier work with the same characters! They could have just said no, or nothing at all, and that would have been fine. Of course, the maybe dozen or so people that did say they wanted to be tagged also ended up barely interacting with the fic. Maybe 2-3 of them gave the occasional like but no comments, no replies, no reblogs or anything.
Sorry. I just get worked up thinking about it.
You are completely fine!
First off…..rude. They asked to be on your tag list. It wasn’t like you were just randomly throwing people on a list to show them things. And what???? “I guess I’ll get it a shot?” Jesus, could you be more condescending?
That is just COMPLETELY uncalled for. I despise things that like. Now, if it was someone new and they had said “I was skeptical but decided to give this a shot and oh my God, I’m so glad I did!” That would be a different story.
It just like that issue with comparing works in the fandom. If you can’t be nice and supportive of people, don’t interact. But don’t compare x’s work with y’s work and complain because it’s not a word vomit of x’s.
As far as the tagging thing. I feel you. I have 213 people on my general tag list.
I click on URLS 213 times per story I post. That is a lot of extra work. I am grateful that people love my work and want to know when I post, but I also get frustrated when they have changed their settings and I can’t search them anymore.
One thing is that we need to normalize asking to be take off the tag list. Do not shame someone because they were on your list and send you a message to be removed. They could have lost interest in the subject/fandom, moved on to other things, just not be as active, etc.
I’ve had about 5 people come and ask to be removed over my time on this blog and every single time my response has been “Absolutely!” Because it’s just the right way to go about it.
While I understand that Tumblr is the Wild West at times, etiquette and just a shred of kindness could go a long way.
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eruriku · 7 years
play-by-play coverage of my lit review thought process
oh my god this is so difficult
i have come THIS close to crying in this starbucks at least 19 times now
i wonder what jerry is actually expecting to get from me it’s almost 7pm and i only have 311 words do you think he’ll be mad if i only send him 1000
i don’t have enough material i don’t know what to do
you know what jerry you’ll just have to take what i can give you i haven’t even started reading for the other 6,000 words i need to write in january ok
[scrolls up and down document looking for a note i made 3 hours ago] fuck this is a mess
i think it makes sense to only send like 1,000 words if it’s gonna be this quality lolololol
how did i ever think i could write about this
i knew i should’ve kept all my writing days to inside my room
writing my lit review at a STARBUCKS?? pls
okay something’s happening
something’s… happening
i have some kind of…… structure
…a semblance…… of……words… are starting to take form
@ mother: i am really not in the mood to play Subservient Daughter tonight
i’m gonna quit LINE so i don’t have to read her texts
iT’S 7:30PM
is it woodblocking or wood blocking
it’s “producing woodblock prints” lmfao ok ~technicalities~
shit ya girl is at 403 and i still have like? 10 things to talk about
am i gonna go over 1,000 words
we’ll have to see … right after the break
jokes i have 1 hour left here before i need to go to shoppers let’S DO THIS!!!!!!!!
disclaimer: @ jerry sorry in advance
by the time i submit this final thing in may i’m going to hate japan and hate film and hate writing and hate people i can’t wait
i can’t believe i just used the word “yaoi” in my dissertation literature review but i bet academia never saw this coming pun so intended
talkin like a weeb but i ain’t weeb enough i mean do i even anime anymore i’m afraid i don’t
she’s so angry -- who? -- the girl writing this dissertation
i still have so much to write holy lord
if i had this much focus for when i wrote fanfic you guys would be getting so much more fanfic from me on a regular basis
guess i just need to be scared into productivity
like santa’s elves
that’s santa as in North from rise of the guardians that’s right i’m still into it
alright time to be a good human being and feed myself ‘cause i literally have been sitting in this starbucks for a good 7 hours wow woooow
[intermission where i trek out into the -11°C but actually feels like -17°C weather with my little brother’s frappuccino to go]
so i just went through every single film on wikipedia’s list of whitewashed films and guess where 98% of them came from
you don’t even have to answer this
goddamn 1042 words??? goddamn???? what the god?? what the damn?
i feel like i’m ranting?? i sound like i’m ranting. that’s gotta be bad. literature reviews aren’t supposed to sound like rants?
i wonder if jerry will appreciate sarcasm and sardonic tone in an academic piece
probably not
ok i’m deleting that line
okay for realz i shouldn’t be working at home ‘cause i get so easily distracted with my family around good job @ me for going to starbucks to actually get shit done
hello 1336 i’m astounded i’ve bullshat my way to this word count because i have VERY FEW resources
okay kids i am at 1530 i am very ready to just send this to jerry and be done but i know…… i should keep writing……
but also do i really need to
this is half my available word count for my lit review i’m impressed
guys i thought i would only reach like 900 max
fooled myself again
tut tut, o ye of little faith in ye-self
LMFAO ok so what i’ve done is edited what i have so far (it went down to 1522 no probssss) and i outlined roughly what the rest will be about ha ha #shortcuts
it’s fine we’ll just talk about it
i almost started celebrating before i realised i still need to actually send it to jerry
ok im gna make a professional Skype account now lol can’t be answering my professor’s Skype call with an anime or disney character as my profile picture lmao
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