#ok this turned into steddie hcs so fast
phoenixwwitch · 2 years
some eddie munson hcs i have and are very correct because me and him are basically the same person:
he is a cat person and takes care of every stray cat in the trailer park. there is one orange tabby that sleeps on his trailer’s roof that he buys toys for all the time.
he is constantly listening to music, i mean constantly he needs the noise because he hates getting stuck inside his head for too long and he cant focus properly without noise of some kind
he cannot cook jack shit he has almost burned the trailer down like 6 different times. once he forgot to put water in to cook pasta and set the kitchen cabinets on fire
he hates getting angry because it reminds him of his father so instead he digs his fingernails into his palms and tries to memorize his friends facial features
wayne is the one that got him into metal and bought him his guitar because he saw how happy his sweet eddie was listening to iron maiden and only wanted to see him smile like that
he says his favorite color is black but its actually green
he collects rocks he randomly finds in the trailer park or over by lovers lake and sometimes he’d save the prettiest ones to give to a future boyfriend (steve)
he keeps a picture of his mom on his nightstand so hell always remember what she looks like since she died when he was so young, her name was mariann and so he names every cat in the park after her (or variations of it)
he hates getting sick because it reminds him of his mom stuck in bed until she.. he refuses to let anyone help him when he’s sick until wayne finds him crying one night just knowing he’s thinking about her (she was his sister)
he kinda flirts with everyone a little because even though he’s comfortable enough being a “freak” he still craves people’s attention and he wants to be seen out of fear of being left behind
he spent years hating who he was and trying to hide his interests until one day in freshman year when he only had a clean iron maiden shirt left and steve fucking harrington walked past him after 3rd period, looked him up and down and said “cool shirt, munson. their mascot’s name is eddie too right?”
he has admired steve since 6th grade and he skinned his knee during gym class and steve helped bandage him up. they didn’t speak again until that day in freshman year and then once again in eddie’s 3rd senior year.
steve actually made the first move and it sacred eddie to death because he did genuinely think it was a joke. he saw steve’s face fall and he fiddled with a single flower in his hands- a sunflower (eddie’s favorite) and then kissed him.
steve will request eddie to make them fancy dinners and eddie will literally just shove spaghetti noodles in hot dogs and cook them (after many tries and a lot of wayne’s help)
the first time he watches the lost boys he makes it his mission to get steve to dress up as michael and him as david for halloween that year (steve always caves because he cannot resist eddie’s doe brown eyes)
steve had come over once with a book in hand and stupid cute reading glasses on and told him that he finished lord of the rings but he was confused they never got to mordor. eddie stood there shocked, grabbing him by the neck and kissing him but before it turned to a full make out session he handed steve the next two books and burst into laughter
steve and eddie will say ‘i love you’ to each other every waking moment possible because they both need the reassurance and eddie just likes seeing steve blush (and steve is obsessed with eddie’s dimples when he smiles)
eddie steals steve’s tears for fears shirts because he secretly also likes them and thinks steve doesn’t know but he has like twenty pictures of eddie asleep in them
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shinydixon · 1 year
i know this will fall on deaf ears and i apologize if i sound aggressive but for the love of god and all that is holy STOP INTERACTING WITH VQS!!!!!!!!! JUST STOP! if you see something, mute, block and move on. stop engaging with the con account. they want money, they want their clients to always come back. if they notice their post is being boosted because of a ship war, they're gonna lean towards the one they announced in the first place. that way they win vqs and hc's trust and they, in turn, will consider the possibility of going to a con even if their faves aren't present. you know, because the con was so kind and supportive. it's marketing, it's money, it's greed. they don't fucking care about who's fucking who, all they want is someone willing to pay 170 bucks for a fucking photo that lasts 5 seconds. the vqs think they're winning but they're being manipulated and since they all share one brain cell, critical thinking is nonexistent. and now, seriously, speaking as a steddie---- we already get so much shit, we're constantly threatened, called names, sought out for no reason other than hatred----why, just why in the world are some of you calling out a con account for promoting two actors together...WHY??? they were just doing their job and the vqs were gloating but look how fast that shit escalated. if no one had asked why they were putting joe and grace together, this mess wouldn't have happened. and now the vqs are even more insufferable and we're suffering hate AGAIN for fuck's sake, leave them alone in their corner. like, nonnie, you're telling me you spent 4 hours checking the replies fanexpo was giving to vqs? why would you waste time like that? this is so repetitive and taxing. it's always the same thing. always. every single day someone complains about grace interacting with a vq and how she's feeding this shit into her fans, then there's a break and then someone else complains about the same thing. it already hurts so much that we won't ever get a con with joe k and joe q because joe k was simply so traumatized that he quit doing cons. it hurts even more knowing that if he were willing to attend a con, steddie would never be announced like that because most venues are homophobic as fuck. so why give vqs more ammo? why make it seem like we're falling apart here because two actors whose characters could've very well been a couple, were announced together? and honestly, there's literally nothing wrong with what they said in the very first post. this entire thing was ridiculous and everyone involved, including the steddies that decided to question the con post, are in the wrong. just stop interacting with them and by them i mean the vqs. stop reacting to their ridiculous posts, stop giving them attention. that's what they want. they want attention, they wanna be the winning team. they don't care about grace or joe. they just want to be right. (shiny, when i say 'you' i mean the nonnies and not you, ok?)
I've try to convince people to not interact or ignore but sometimes you have to vent 👁️
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