#ok yea done fr bye
suiciderape · 10 months
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woa! get a life! we dont need u! go to italy! ur not even talking to anbody veronica ur hella fucking school nurse hahaha!! slut ok? shes family hi tahirih magee im not mean so were good literally im fine were ok! ew chak! hahaha i get it now it was hella much rude and she left her gang kill ur darlings fr! shes in the russian mafia now ok! so we get it it wasnt geet it scary but desarae hollins is a little girl likee guys stop the fight everybody get out! she was right shes not an ugly cunt or horrible looking or even asian! hahaha shes femme and thats it! literally im not done with asian im 100% south korean im just tired of trying to live! kpop idol manga slut ok! bye yes its called keeho he died! hahaha so did i ew! yea ur asian im not ok? what are u? femme skateboader super asian ok! what else yoon oh! okay well its an asian cop who? ok so im not asian? no u are right? no! south korean supet asian daddy keeho super asian asian? yes! ok well lets hope we dont ever meet bc im gonna meet keeho right now! ur gonna kill me i knew i was literally mixed keeho let u choose ew! hes not asian literally he quit he will be black now i will hahaha he did that im 9 sk ew! ur geto boi real omg sorry its super not good with anybody but u ok! solomon? keeho! hi its her father keeho omg! over here! keeho omg shes in! hahaha sucka
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aikkosupremacy · 2 years
Ok 👌 nice again kagehina female reader pt.2!👏😃
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Look at them. LOOK! Ok but fr fr
Hinata lives for PDA we can all agree right? If he’s feeling it he’ll kiss you, it’s so random he kissed you and Kageyama. In the middle of a McDonald’s. In public. Let’s just say Kageyama wears his mask now😁
Kageyama doesn’t like much PDA because once Hinata kissed him for too long he could not breath oml😭
You have to cook or else your house is on fire Kageyama doesn’t even know how to cook and Hinata tried to bake it turned out surprisingly good! 👍 you do most of the cooking tho, the most they do is cut and wash vegetables, fruits, etc they make it up with setting the table!😁
You burned your hand once because Kageyama and Hinata were running around the house and they bumbed you and they were crying on your hand and when you rapped it up they apologized the whole week, they even tried to cook and you  appreciated the offer, not the food tho
Every Christmas Kageyama is in heaven why? Decorating mistletoes you get on his shoulders and sit but your trying to reach that your shuffling your legs and thighs basically choking him he’s just blushing, if you ask him if he’s ok he’ll be like: “yup, just fine!” Hinata was super jealous until you crushed him when he was between your legs and you were watching maybe something competitive or just happy your favorite character is still alive in your show.
Your a bottom but you tried to top Hinata and ride him you successfully made him come first. He never ever recovered from that
Kageyama never new how to give you such a hickey but he bites just fine, once you started bleeding and it was great, he was so worried😭
Hinata and Kageyama double teaming they LOVE eating you out your juices and all Hinata uses his tongue every time but Kageyama fingers you somtimes👌
They split roast you for the first time and oml.. you were gone
moaning through your hand, Kageyama takes your hand of tho “c’mon now honey.. you know I’d love to hear you yell my name..”
Hinata takes your hand of your mouth and pins them to the headboard “Fuck.. please please just let me hear your lovely moans” “fuck.. so good for me”
Ok giving them head is all you need to dominate them edging them having them moan beggin you to let them come
Lactation kink🙂
Your not pregnant but Kageyama and Hinata love your chest and they want to try and get milk out of it so you get a pump and a few weeks later it’s out, your chest is leaking through your shirt, oml they. Go. Crazy always sucking the hell out of them and since it’s 2 of them, they don’t switch and your chest is hurting in pleasure, you have to pull them of, I kid you not in sync “we’re not done yet!!” “ I can’t take much more please..” you whimper “your so sweet tho” Hinata says “ yeah just five more minutes!” Kageyama says “wait 10!” He says again “yea please!” Hinata says!with puppy dog eyes you sigh and let them continue, for way more then 10 minutes, you moaning has them hooked on you and they start undoing your pants for that pretty clit of yours
Oml this is the last part🙂bye tananoya or kenhina next🙂
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softcarebears · 28 days
POOKIE I'M ALIVE I PROMISE....I JUST WAS SO SICK THIS WEEK😔(still sick) i did read the asks but did not have time to post on tumblr because of school but i also was not in the mood to post i was taking a mini idk tumblr break idk myself...😔i'm doing good i promise...its just my life is lowkey boring lmfao (no crushes no bitches lol) while my friend's (chingching bestie) life is a freaking kdrama
because of school i can barely do shit and also im bad at time management and also since our school's turning 50 next month we are doing weeks....for example "french week" "science week" yea alot of activities...its so fun!!...kinda slayful our school is doing entertaining stuff and is not monotone af😭
this week was french week it was so fun...we decorated the school the week before,on monday we had a whole ass assembly where we sang + prayed + had poems and the ambassador of fucking france was here boi,he also was present to give students their delf b2 (a french exam) diplomas
...fun fact: i'm gonna go do this exam in july😔..and did i start practicing?...no...i mean i've been starting to speak french at home and with my friends haha...its fine...haha...ha..😭,(since there's so many weeks we only did the delf introduction class...so yea...we haven't practiced yet...deadass) uhh what else we also had poems read in the assembly and there was karaoke session during recess on tuesday, then wednesday there was a dance in recess ,thursday there was a mini tea party for the teachers during the break, a FUNNY AND GOOFY ASS play about a disaster wedding done by the 11th graders😭
(here's some lines i translated since i have the script)
The bride: You Gerard Two by Two, as soon as I saw your snags, I knew I could endure your jackal breath until the end of my days. Your orangina body gives me gas.
The Groom: Shake me,Shake me
The bride: Your eyes…uh your eyes, well I don’t know anymore. I loved you I love you and I will love you until the end
Thanks WHO?
The groom: Wejdene Macaroni. My little sugar macaroni, oh no i meant macaron… honey of my life, my chocolate, my couscous.
Disgusted bride: ewww
The Groom: As soon as I saw your girlfriend I knew you were sexy but her...she's really hot. Winks to the girlfriend*
Guests: She's sexy but her girlfriend is hot (shook)
The bride: Wait, you're still talking about my girlfriend!
The Groom: Wait, I’m not finished. Wejdene you are the plum of my eye…uhh no apple i meant
Your Nicki Minaj Shein version body is driving me crazy… *literally sarcastic*
Love youuuuu.. Come on bye.
Priest: Let's exchange alliances *Exchange
Priest: let's not forget that a woman's place is in the kitchen.
The bride: But uhhhh, that's sexist. I didn’t come here to suffer okeh! Ah no eh. You just have to go to ti baz (local pizzeria in the country)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------on the same day our class did a lil party we did those french charcuterie board and we tried french cheeses...i only liked the camembert one, the gouda skewer and the tartare cream cheese..the blue brie cheese was so bad on god (there were two types so i think i got the stronger one because my friends thought theirs were ok...tasted like dirty socks...bro😔) and that comté cheese...nuh uh traumatising...😭the sausages were good ofc...i will stick to my craft cheddar cheese and creamcheeses boi...
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and on the last day we all wore blue,white and red shirts and also facepainted and there was a mini concert...my french teacher (she was also both my homeroom and french literature teacher last year sang AND SHE ATE!!😩🌹 and my ex-french teacher from last year also sang AND HE DIGESTED FR 😱....
but yea main reason i did not post this week until yesterday was because i was sick😔 @1-800-pastelskies
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hb a scenario where reader and tobio are best friends and they are practice kissing and it leads to a make out session 👀 and he’s actually a really good kisser so it throws her off guard
practicing kissing with kageyama
nonnie, this shit is GAS
also my plot was like ,,,, also making this kags first kiss so i hope that’s ok !
update! ok pt.2 is : here
“and hinata always talks about how i’m not popular with girls! he can sometimes barely talk to shimizu senpai… and we’re with her everyday!”, kageyama yelled. you laughed at his complaints. kageyama was going off on another tangent about hinata while you helped him with his homework in his room. “i meannnn, he does have a point,” you added. kageyama gasped, probably because you agreed with someone he had just complained about. “that’s not true. i have you,” he reasoned. you rolled your eyes at him. “that’s not the same, tobio! we’re best friends; we already had a relationship established. just say you’re pressed and go,” you argued. kageyama lightly threw his notebook at you to retaliate.
“have you ever even kissed a girl, tobio?” he folded his arms and nodded. “WHAT???”, you shouted. “in first grade. she came up to me and kissed me. and i ran away crying,” he said. you stared at him blankly for a few seconds before bursting out with laughter. “AHAHAHAHAH!!! YOU’RE JOKING!”, you wheezed, trying to catch your breath. “i meant an actual kiss, idiot.” kageyama narrowed his eyes at you but relaxed them again. “never… why? how many people have you kissed?”, he asked. “i dunno…three? four?”, you answered. he seemed a little shocked but hummed as a response nonetheless.
kageyama soon spoke up again, “were you nervous? like… have you ever wondered if you’d be bad at it or not?” you thought about his questions for a moment. “not really… although i do regret my first kiss. i was super nervous for that one, so it was probably a bad kiss,” you answered honestly. “why?”, you asked. “i would probably be nervous for my first…” you pushed yourself back to lay on his bed. “maybe we should practice then,” you suggested sarcastically. “really??”, kageyama asked. you immediately sat up again. “woah, i was just-“ kageyama cut you off, “i can practice with you so that i won’t be nervous for my first real kiss.” you stared at him in disbelief. you started laughing but stopped when you realized he was being completely serious. “i-i guess?”, you said.
you and kageyama had cleared all the notebooks and textbooks off of his bed and sat next to each other. “well… um. from personal experience, i usually just start kissing someone normally. like this…” you leaned in and gave kageyama a short kiss. you pulled away and noticed that he was slightly blushing. “obviously it’s more than one, though.” you leaned in again, except this time, kageyama started puckering his lips to kiss you back. his lips were surprisingly soft… and he wasn’t rushing anything. you two kissed like that for only a little while longer, then you pulled away. if you were being honest, you were kind of flustered. you were expecting him to mess up or something. “then…then uh, either myself or the person i’m with will start using tongue… i’ll initiate it since this is just practice for you, but you should also learn how to do it yourself.” kageyama stared at your lips in anticipation.
you leaned in again. when your lips were against his, you slowly sneaked your tongue out to lick his lips. you don’t think kageyama realized what you were trying to do, so you kind of opened his mouth yourself by pushing your tongue through his lips. you felt his breath hitch as you did it. he gracefully moved his own tongue against yours. damn, he wasn’t so bad at this… you automatically placed your hand on his thigh and felt him tense underneath you. for some reason, it made you excited. you slid your hand up a little and squeezed, causing his breath to hitch again. you felt yourself grow hot so you decided to pull away. however, your face stayed only a couple of inches away from his.
kageyama’s face was flushed with a beautiful shade of his pink and you noticed that his eyes seemed darker than when you two first started. you thought you guys were done, but kageyama leaned in… to the point where your noses were barely brushing up against each other. he titled his head and shoved his tongue in your mouth. it caught you off guard so you gasped, allowing kageyama to give you an open mouth kissed. he reached one hand over you and placed it on your waist. he squeezed your hip and pulled you onto his lap.
as you moved on top of him, kageyama sucked on your tongue. you weren’t sure if it was an accident or on purpose, but damn did it turn you on. you could feel that kageyama was hard under you and you subconsciously grinded on him. you accidentally let out a moan and froze. kageyama looked into your eyes and let out a deep breath before pushing down on your hips, kissing you again. his kisses grew rougher, but you couldn’t complain… he was really good.
your tongues continued moving against each other, but only for a couple more seconds… because you ended up getting a phone call. you jumped off of kageyama’s lap and answered. “-yup, okay! got it.” you hung up the phone and turned back to look at kageyama. “it was my mom. i have to pick some things up at the store… and she wants me to be home soon,” you said. kageyama cleared his throat, “oh uh, yea. okay.” you started packing up your things to try to avoid him but you could still see him awkwardly stand up and fix his pants in the corner of your eye.
you two stood near his bedroom door since you were just about ready to leave. “y/n… thanks for uh, helping.. me today.” he seemed unsure by his “gratitude.” you bit your lip out of embarrassment, “no problemmm.” both you and kageyama awkwardly stared at each other for what was probably too long. “well, bye!”, you blurted, quickly opening his door. “yeah! see you tomorrow!”, he babbled.
this fr has potential for a pt.2 but idk,, it can go SO many ways … if u guys have ideas lmk😌😌
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sortagaysortahigh · 2 years
Yeah I just finished it and overall im giving this shit a 5/10. It sucks. Its too long and too overdone, the riddler is cool i guess in comparison to the complete joke he used to be but his entire villain persona is a rip off of other horror/crime villains w the “vigilante i am god” narcissistic mindset with a dash of cult leader conspiracist. Giving very much scientology but if scientologists were graphic murderers bye. Cat woman is done well to a certain point, she literally felt like a side quest snd yeah i get the whole setting things up now for potential sequels but idk her character wasn’t all that fr fr and yea shes a bugler but they couldve made her a lil more of a badass instead of a stiff and nervous bitch outside the mask-especially considering the fact that her fathers the mob boss and she grew up in the slums of gotham. Bruce wayne, jesus h christ bruce fucking wayne was literally such an emo bitch half the time like yes this is his lile first or second year as fully committing to being batman and being vengence and all that shit but god fucking damn hes so angsty that its hard to just sit snd watch this shit happen, ok cool detective skills bruv i like that but youre doing toooo much bro. Way too much. Hes too fucking emo its obnoxious and exhausting and over done.
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mindflayedr-blog · 7 years
Loserz Club Binch // Modern Imagine
*In which the reader joins the losers club’s group chat*
I got this idea from another imagine :) I’ll link their account when I find it. I thought it was pretty cool so I decided to write one, but of course different from them.
Warnings: Cursing from Thotzier and company
Characters: Losers Club and female!reader (I can make a male one & a gender neutral one if ya want me too :~) just drop me an ask!)
Loserz Club Binch — 11:45 am
Bev Marsh: are you guys alive???? I have an announcement
BenBen: what is it Bev?
Richie Thotzier: sent an image
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Bev Marsh: but fr fr fr I need everyone here for this announcement, someone get the others
Richie Thotzier: YO I GOTCHU ILL SPAM THEm
BenBen: oh man Rest In Peace to them
-Private Message between Richie and Eddie-
Richie Thotzier: EDS
Eddie K: Listen here motherfcker I’m in math rn and unlike you I actually care about my grades ok fuc off and let me learn
Eddie K: ok u know what fuck you you’re getting blocked
Richie Thotzier: ok wait no don’t do that
Richie Thotzier has been blocked
“Son of a bitch.” Richie whispered loudly gaining looks from his fellow classmates.
-Losers Club Binch groupchat-
Richie Thotzier: smh Eddie’s hoe ass blocked me
BenBen: get rekt honestly
Richie Thotzier: fuc off bennyboo
Billy: ?????? What happened ???????
Richie Thotzier: aw damn I can’t spam bill to go on the chat now
Billy: ??? What why do you have to spam me ??
Richie Thotzier: bc you weren’t on so
Billy: ok???
Bev Marsh: you don’t have to, stan has study hall so he’ll get on soon
Mikey: NOOOOOPE IM HERE also can y’all stfu and let me read the chat for like 2 minutes k thanks
Stan Uris: yea me too I need to read what the fuck happened here
Richie Thotzier: aw damn I can’t spam y’all anymore
*Two minutes of inactivity*
Mikey: ok done
Stan Uris: thank jesus I got on quick, if I didn’t richie would’ve spammed me
Richie Thotzier: no don’t worry I’ll spam u rn
Stan Uris: sent an image
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Richie Thotzier: yOu aRE so FuCKINF diSRESPecTful
Stan Uris: :)
BenBen: I just got in trouble for laughing
Mikey: omfg stfu anywayyyy Bev please tell us your announcement
Mikey: sorry for saying stfu btw that wasn’t nice
Billy: it’s ok mike lol
Bev Marsh: OH RIGHT ok so I made friends with the new girl, Y/N, and I wanted to ask you guy’s permission to add her
Billy: I have no problem adding new people in the gc so yea sure go ahead Bev
Mikey: yea you can add her :~)
BenBen: ^
Stan Uris: add her as long as she doesn’t try to spam me LIKE RICHIE then I’m good
Bev Marsh: nah she’s really cool, you’ll see
Richie Thotzier: is she hot
Bev Marsh: bruh are you kidding me
Richie Thotzier: No I’m not
Bev Marsh: *eyeroll emoji* what does that have to do with anything?? so what if she’s pretty
Richie Thotzier: nothing I’m just asking ;)
Stan Uris: stfu Richie
Billy: Just add her Bev lol
Mikey: you’re a creep richie just saying
BenBen: exactly wth man
Eddie K: he’s always been a creep
Eddie K: I’ll unblock you whenever I want to
Richie Thotzier: I’m going to fuckin spam this chat if you don’t unblock me rn
Bev: can you not??? I’m about to add Y/N
Richie Thotzier: sent an image
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Stan Uris: can someone kick this hoe out of the chat
Eddie K: I second that suggestion
Bev Marsh has added (your screen name) into the groupchat
YourScreenName: I just got a shit ton of notifications omfg my phone is blowing up
Bev Marsh: Lol get used to it, it’s going to happen a lot if you’re in this chat
Richie Thotzier: so you’re Y/N huh 😏😏
YourScreenName: yes that’s me???
Billy: ignore him Y/N, Richie’s just being a creep
Stan Uris: ^
Richie Thotzier: iM NOTTTT I was joking
Richie Thotzier: or am I??? 👀
YourScreenName: is your last name really Thotzier bc that’s hilarious
Richie Thotzier: ya it is, it perfectly describes me bc I’m a thot 😉
Eddie K: his last name is not “thotzier” it’s tozier 🤦🏻‍♂️
(author’s note: if you can’t see the emoji, it’s the facepalming guy)
BenBen: Richie’s just being dumb lmao ignore him
Richie Thotzier: I’m kicking u out of the chat ben
Richie Thotzier: watch me hoe
Richie Thotzier has kicked BenBen out of the chat 
Bev Marsh: are you fuckin kidding me
YourScreenName: i’m so fucking lost what the fuck just happened what
Mikey: bruh i’ll talk to you guys later, i have work to do
Billy: alrighty mike, talk to you later
YourScreenName: ttyl mike
Eddie K: bye mike
Stan Uris: ^
Billy: also what the fuck richie
Richie Thotzier: lol i just wanted to do that bc I haven’t kicked anyone out in a long time
YourScreenName: who was the last person kicked out before ben lmfao
YourScreenName: dfbndklfjgkdjfg im cryign
Bev Marsh: anyway ima talk to you guys later too bc i have class in like 5 minutes so bye
Billy: same we’re switching classes in 5, also richie you better add ben back smh
Stan Uris: if you dont we’re goign to make a separate groupchat without you in it
Stan Uris: going*
Richie Thotzier: ok wait no don’t do that i’ll add him back rn
YourScreenName: dfkjngkdlfjg lmfaooaoaoaoa
Richie Thotzier has added BenBen into the groupchat
BenBen: you’re such a dick richie
Stan Uris: true, anyway i’m going to go now i’ll talk to you guys later
YourScreenName: me too, ttyl
BenBen: ^^
Eddie K: same same
Richie Thotzier: smh y’all are no fun
And so the losers shut their laptops and walked their way into their next class period. They all met up in the hallway at one point and properly introduced themselves to Y/N. 
That was funnn, I’ll make a part two once I reach 400 followers :) i hope you guys enjoyed that nonsense lol 
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