#okay but like the op and ed were kinda finre
speakyskelly-1999 ยท 9 months
so i know i've been doing fuck all for a while
i've had a lot of work to do and i've not been the wellest of people
and like i have other anime i need to talk about first but errr
i just finished watching I'm in Love with the Villainess and errr i don't know whatt o make of it
it was like fine for the first 7 episodes, hell even good
but then it throw me a massive curve ball, tolerated it. watched the the next couple episodes. and err let me tell you thoes curve balls just kept on coming and just kept on getting worse.
now did i enjoy the final episode. well kinda. ignoing the first errr 6 minuets it was fiiiiiiiiine. but holy shit
and like they're not really curve balls in terms of plot exatly. they impact it of course but like it's more how they chose to drive the plot thats bugging me
some spoilers by the way
claire, who's the love interet looses her maid whos been with her for ages. fine plot point. WHY SHE LEAVES. ERMM!!!! lets just say forbidden love in the forgers christmas ad variety
ha ha ha i'm in so much pain
then we get some one who tests rae and claires love (rae loves claire but claire hasn't realised that she loves rae yet basically)
i need ceral break one sec
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okay i have food to get me through this trying time.
it's so yummy
so err yea character who turns up to shake up the relationship
me: okay show whos this person
show: claire's first love
me; okay like a kid next door kinda thing
show; her sisterrrrrrrr
me: say sike rn
show: hahaha yea that's not her sister
me: oh thank god, weird that she calls her that but i guess if its a they were really close as kid but driftedf apart or what ever that's tolerable. as long as their not related i can tolerate-
show: sheeeeeee her cuuuuuuuuuuuz
me: kill me now
so like you might be wondering why i stared watchging
i'd like to nkow the answer myself
i think i reached a level of dispar that destoryed me mind body and soul that i had to know if it got worse
it did
cat break
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aaah that cat doesn't have a care in the world
no work, no school just moew moew
okay is everyone refreshed
good back tot he shit show
now the show does a bait and switch but not really , i think
the concept of claire's cuz (i cannot fucking spell her name and i don't want to) is that in the game (yes this is a reincarnated into a video games one, i had some idea of the quality i was getting into but geez) she's one of the only ally characters to the protagonist (rae) to hepl her get with one of the love interest that she likes. now in the game you can only pick from one of the three princes but rae is going after the villainess (hence the title) so she doesn't know whoch side she'll be on.
now to save everyone some trouble, claire's cuz was deliberatly playing the "bad guy who gets in the way of their relationship to make it deeper" cos claire still haddn't realised her feelings for rae really (it is a bit odd tho cos claire's cuz also just says she was actuaslly trying to get with rae at one point and i wanna die)
god call me errr junko what ever the fuck her surname is cos that despare vortex has be by the fucking neck
okay back to it. the way. THE WAY in which claire's cousin goes about her fucking plan, her fucking deal is the worse. she flerts with claire infront of rae to deliberatly provoke her into a fight. this dosn't work so she just straight up chalengers rae and almost FUCKING KILLS HER. so i was like "ah shown your true colores now, this was the plan, no one will like you anymore and you'll leave."
rae lost the bet so she had to quit being clair's maid beacvuse thoes there the tems and conditions tehy came up with for the fight in essence.
SHE๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ THEN๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ GETS๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ MAD๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ AT๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ RAE ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸฝFOR๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ QUITTING
tells rae that she dosn't really care for clair cos she gave up. rae states that like by law they can't be together and also claire dosn't like her back. manaria (i fucking learned her name for this, are you happy now. it's claire's cuz i didn't know if that was๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝerrr) talks about how she had a love who she didn't wanna say anything and then ended up hurting her. sounds like weirdly placed moral support considering you caused this to happen and knew rae couldn't win against you in the fight but okay i guess
the thing that manaria did (well "did" cos idk if she was just bullshitting to get them to get back together or, as she states later, just wanted to see rae mad cos she thinks that's cute) is not nothing you lie about if she did lie. AND DEFINATLY NOT SOMETHING TO LIKE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND ON HURTING THE PERSON YOU LOVE. because rae just quit her job. manaria did something incredibly horrific. and i'm moving on cos i don't wanna talk about this part anymore
look another emotional support cat
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ain't he just a darling
that's a good cat right there
you can tell i'm coping hard
yea so erm fuck
ultimatly love wins. rae and claire end up together, yay/ manaria goes home, thank fuck. and all the side characters are happy (that deserve happiness). cool is that the end of the show now. can i go home. they semi set up a season two
ooooh they semi set up a season two
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yea idk man like the first 7 episodes get a 7/10 and idk what the fuck the rest of it gets. it broke my scale
don't wantch it, but like if you want to just watch the first 7 episodes and you have a decent enough ending. don't watch the next time.
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