#okay but tcg gameplay-wise i don’t think this would work at all but it is interesting to consider at least
mtbluecat · 9 months
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DAY 2 (reverse)
what if chaos breaker got to luard first.
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Update + Upcoming Developments
First off, Agent Carr, Krav Maga Agents, and the blue army card template have been updated. Their images on the original posts have been replaced with these updated versions. I recently noticed that I forgot to erase the artist icon/name on the blue template in particular (the artist was from the official card I used as my base for the template). I’m planning to the icon by itself back onto the templates later, so that I could potentially commission artists to make proper art for the new cards (though with 200+ cards that would need that artwork, it would be extremely expensive. Volunteer artists would certainly help with that a lot, but I would much prefer compensating them properly. The only reason I would be okay with not paying for the artwork would be if the artist was financially stable and wanted to make art to build up a portfolio, but only if the artist offered.
Currently planning to make Izumi Samurai next, followed by Finn, Thorgrim, Raelin, and Tarn Viking Warriors as two simultaneous posts (in order to keep from having multiple creature sub-types in one post) Details for upcoming cards below the fold:
Deathwalker 9000 & Zettian Guards: Current plans are to make these colorless Artifact Creatures, though I’m not sure how these can be incorporated differently from colorless Eldrazi. I would also prefer to have silver bordered cards for those, but I’m afraid that may take more time (and skill) than I have currently. I’m certain that they will be Golems once converted, but I may need some more time to work on them.
Grimnak & Mimring: Originally, I wanted Grimnak and the other orcs to be green creatures. However, looking through MTG Familiar at previous orcs in the official TCG, orcs have primarily been red in the past, and occasionally black. I believe I’ve said this on here before, but I am trying to keep these cards in line with MTG tradition, both gameplay-wise and thematically. Considering Mimring is classified as a Beast (as well as a Dragon), and I plan to make him red, looking forward at future orcs with abilities benefiting ally beasts, it may make the most sense to make them red creatures. The reason I’m hesitant to do this is because of green and black already lacking units as-is. With the way things are looking, Rise of the Valkyrie will cause a massive influx of white creatures, with only one green hero creature added and no black whatsoever. I’m going to get the remaining card images I need and do a look over to see if I’ll be able to balance this further down the line.
Raelin, Finn, Thorgrim, & Tarn Viking Warriors: Looking through the vikings’ abilities, as well as Raelin’s, they will all definitely be white creatures. Raelin is going to be made an Angel (to keep in line with Avacyn). Finn and Thorgrim’s “Warrior Spirit” and Aura abilities easily play into the white playstyle. Same applies to Raelin’s “Flying” and her own Aura. The Tarn are perhaps the least akin to white with their “Berserker Charge”, but I think they’ll still fit well enough. Movement seems to be a theme with white AOP creatures like Kor Aeronaut Captain, Avacyn on Bloodied Wings, and Kor Hookmasters, so I don’t think they’ll be too out of place.
Izumi Samurai: Having played back in the Kamigawa block of MTG, I know that eastern settings are not foreign to Magic. Samurai would definitely go in white based on that experience, and with the Izumi Samurai’s “Counter Strike” being the exact same as Gideon’s, I see no reason to not make them white creatures as well.
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