#okay happy april fools lmao asdfghjkl
arthrobug · 1 year
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by the way he has no eyes
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rimalupin · 4 years
IkeVamp April Fools: Isaac and Dazai!
A/N: It’s still April, which means more silly April Fools stories with the vamps! This one came out as a story w/o bullet points even though I probably should’ve stuck to that style bc my writing feels choppy now asdfghjkl, but I haven’t had much practice w/ writing fics in a while so I’m nervy about sharing this lol. Once again, this is just for funsies, but feel free to let me know your thoughts/reactions to these stories/headcanons! :)
It’s just a prank. A silly, little, harmless prank.
You repeat that mantra in your head over and over again as you make your way down the hall. Earlier today, you had agreed to help Dazai play a prank on Isaac for April Fools’ Day.
A few hours ago, early afternoon...
Dazai had climbed through your bedroom window (it was a familiar occurrence now that you two had gotten to know each other) with an interesting proposition.
“It’s simple!” Dazai says as he lays out the plan for you. “All you need to do is lead him to the gardens, right under that big tree.” He gestures at the tree through the window. “Once he’s there, you’ll give me the signal and I’ll drop the apple on his head!”
Your eyebrows furrow as you frown. “I’m fine with acting as bait for this, but could you drop the apple near Isaac instead of on him?” If this was to be a truly harmless prank, you wanted to make sure that Isaac wouldn’t actually be hurt by it.
Dazai chuckles lightly and gently pats your shoulder. “A little apple wouldn’t hurt Ike-kun. But if that is your wish, I shall honor it, Toshiko-san.”
You roll your eyes at him. “Another nickname?”
He shrugs and shoots you a carefree smile. “I’ve already told you: I’m bad with names.” 
“Yeah, especially when it comes to me,” you grumble to yourself.
Noticing your pout, Dazai leans down and peers at you curiously. “Oh? Have I upset you, Umeko-san?” 
You nearly face-palm yourself upon hearing your newest nickname. “Dazai-san, let’s just prep for the prank already.”
Present, prank time...
It didn’t take long for you to arrive at Isaac’s room. You take a deep breath before knocking on the door. “Coming! Give me a moment...” You hear the sound of his footsteps approaching the door, and you step back a little. Why am I so nervous..?
When the door opens, you look up and meet Isaac’s eyes, widened with surprise. “MC..! What brings you here..?” his quiet voice asks.
“Oh! W-well...” Don’t be suspicious. Play it cool. “I noticed that you were in your room most of the day -” Was that a weird thing to say..? Wait, this is no time to overthink: just keep going! “- and I was wondering if you’d like to get some fresh air with me.”
The blush that crosses Isaac’s cheeks prompts your own cheeks to redden a bit. “Ah... I suppose I could use a break...”  He keeps his gaze towards the floor as he speaks. “Where do you suggest we go?”
“Just the gardens, if you don’t mind.” You tilt your head a little, attempting to make eye contact with him.
He’s immediately flustered when he looks at you again. “No - I mean, yes..! I mean...” He lets out a breath as he tries to collect himself. “Sure. The gardens sound nice.”
“Great! Let’s head out while the sun’s still up.”
“Y-yeah. Okay...” He gives you a small smile as he walks with you outside.
The two of you walk in silence most of the time. You knew that Isaac wasn’t much of a talker, but you still wanted to make him comfortable. So you attempt to break the silence with some small talk. “So, what have you been working on lately?”
He raises his eyebrows, caught off-guard by the question. “Hm? How do you mean?”
“Back at the room, you mentioned that you needed a break from something..?”
“Ah, right. It’s nothing, really...” He rubs the back of his neck and looks away. Was he embarrassed to talk about his “secret” project?
“Well, I’m sure it’s something if you’ve been working so hard on it,” you say, stepping a little closer to him. “I’d love to hear about it.”
His eyes widen at you. “Really..? You would?”
“Of course! I know how hard you work, so I’m always curious about what you’re working on.”
Stunned, Isaac blinks at you, unsure of what to say for a moment. “MC... That’s honestly so nice of you to say...” He clears his throat before speaking again. “I’m glad you think that way. Thank you.”
“Oh! It’s no problem, really.” You take a moment to stop yourself from squealing about how adorable he was acting.
Soon enough, Isaac opens up about his latest project, and the two of you converse about it for a while. He’s explaining one of the trials he had conducted today when you notice that you two had finally reached the big tree. You glance up to see Dazai standing on one of the branches, apple in one hand and using the other to shoot you a thumbs-up. You shake your head and mouth “Wait” as you lead Isaac under the shade of the tree.
Unfortunately, Isaac notices you looking up at the branches. “Is something up there?” He asks, following your gaze.
Without thinking, you quickly turn around and place your hands on his shoulders to prevent him from moving forward. “No!” You didn’t mean for that to come out as loudly as it did, so you clear your throat a little. “Er, I mean- It’s just-” You and Isaac suddenly become very aware of your hands on his shoulders, and you take a step back to give him some space when...
“MC, wait!”
“Wha-? AH!!” You failed to notice a rather big tree root peeking out from above the ground behind you, which resulted in you in tripping over it. As you fall backward, you close your eyes, bracing for impact with the ground...
Instead, you feel Isaac’s hands grab yours, preventing you from falling further. “Isaac?!”
He pulls you toward him so that you’re standing upright. “Are you alright?” 
You’re still in shock from the near-fall as well as being so close to him, so it takes you a beat to find your voice. “Y-yeah, I think so. That was a close one...”
“You’re telling me. You gave me quite the scare...”
Just then, you both hear a whistle coming from above. “Heads-up, Ike-kun!” Dazai says cheerfully as he tosses a bright, red apple down to Isaac. 
Isaac catches the fruit, and his confused gaze moves from the apple to Dazai. “What was that for?”
“Oh, just a little experiment. And I’ve concluded that both apples and MC-chan are falling for you~.”
Your eyes widen and your blush intensifies. “DAZAI-SAN, WHAT?!”
The redness of your cheeks matches Isaac’s. “WHY, YOU-”
“Ah, would you look at the time: I’ve got a game with Arthur-kun.” You and Isaac watch Dazai hop to the nearest window. Before he leaves, the writer looks back at the two of you. “My sincerest and best wishes to the new, happy couple~.”
“HUH?!” You and Isaac say in unison as Dazai climbs back into the mansion.
Post-prank (If you could even call this a “prank” LOL)
After an awkward moment of silence, you and Isaac decide to return indoors. Before you start walking, Isaac has a request for you: “Hold onto me.”
“What..?” Suddenly, Isaac lifts you into his arms, bridal style. You instinctively wrap your arms around his neck. “Isaac, what is this for..?!”
“It’s just a precaution. We can’t have you falling for anyone -” You lift a curious eyebrow at this, and he immediately clears his throat to correct himself. “I-I mean, tripping over anything else...”
LMAO you two are a red, blushing MESS when y’all get inside, and EVERYONE in the mansion is quick to notice. Thanks a lot, Dazai.
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