#okay maybe this one is a little far fetched but i just fking love sejanus. so much. i want to hold him gently in my hands like a bird.
the-woild-is-y-erster · 7 months
MAJOR TBOSAS SPOILERS you have been warned babes but i simply will actually perish if i can't talk about this movie
listen to me. i am taking you by the shoulders.
i have thought about this movie every five minutes since i have seen it. no, i am not okay right now that is not the point.
sejanus plinth. *distant sobbing*
there is no way that he truly thought of coriolanus as a brother like he said.
he told snow that there wasn't going to be a prize, and no one else. he followed snow's lead and tried to take food to the tributes. he came out of the frickin arena at snow's call after giving marcus the burial rites. he VOLUNTEERED to become a peacekeeper to go with snow, and after that followed him almost blindly before he found the rebels.
sounds like love, but is it really brotherly?
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