#okay so watching parts of the playthrough that i hadnt seen to find some of this stuff to be able to explain it fully uhm . i feel violated
makedamnsvre · 2 years
trying to watch a playtrough of ultra despair girls was genuinely agonizing and i stopped watching after . that guy was introduced and i refuse to keep watching it . i mean. maybey its on purpose .. create larger despair to create even larger hope whatever but also i dont really care.
a million paragraphs of complaint under the cut, this got really long
1. starting off really quickly with the petty complaint that doesnt matter, but the playthrough i was watching was a terrible dub. the voice acting is incomprehensibly bad i dont know how someone could say these lines and think they did a good job . id be so embarrassed.
2. a major character is toko fukawa/genocide jack, which she is that horrible 'split personality' trope with the 'evil psycho killer' alter. which that was introduced in the first game but its still agonizing to have to see this . lawl <- said with disappointed agony. and the writers obviously know, i mean look at these screenshots i took of a dialogue scene
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its . incomprehensible to acknowledge this yet still continue to write the character this way. i mean, knowing anything about that awful anime, they clearly have no qualms with making retcons. and other things that are frustrating about this is that information that the game has about DID in the first game (trigger happy havoc) and this game, is actually very accurate. for the most part, they use a lot of correct terminology and seem to generally understand how DID works. and yet they still use these harmful and unrealistic tropes that hurt real systems.
3. i didnt finish it of course so i dont fully know but the way they handle it but from what ive seen, they dont really handle the topic of child abuse well. considering the whole plot is "abused children rise up and start hunting adults for sport" <- i was also amazed at how absolutely ridiculous bullshit this plot is.
4. ................................ haiji. i dont know what to say there. the entire concept of this makes me upset beyond comprehension. they introduce some character, the 'leader of the resistance' and i also feel so betrayed because i really liked his character design and was interested in his character. and then i searched him up really quick to send a picture to the friend i was talking to about this and immediately learned that apparently he is a pedophile and abuser. and that apparently the leader of the murderous children is his young abused half-sister, who he would physically assault, and ended up being the reason she is a paralytic wheelchair user. and not to mention that journal that is found in a locker and read before meeting his character, which is eventually heavily implied to be his. huge content warning for graphic depictions of violence.
"Devils. They're devils in the bodies of children. Damn devils! I want to grind down your organs, your heart, your liver, your kidneys, everything, into dust. I want to throw you all into a blender and turn you to sloshy livestock feed. I want to stab your eyeballs with a pencil until I can write with your blood. I want to boil you alive in a pressure cooker until your screams stop. I want to squeeze your little bodies until blood leaks from every pore on your skin. I want to slash open the wombs of the mothers that birthed you and stuff you back in."
and what i mean by its heavily implied to be his is that when talking to him after reading that journal, there is an emphasized part where he refers to the kids as devils.
and also the scene where he openly admits to being a pedophile, specifically he told toko that hes not sexually interested in her, or komaru, because "I... I like 'em younger. As young as possible."
5. tokos design in this game gave her paler skin than in the first game she was in.
6. everything else. i dont know how to list every little thing, especially since i havent watched all of it. there is a scene where (theyre like elementary schoolers by the way) monaca forces nagisa to kiss her, against his will, verbally sexually assaulting him, breaking his spirit to force him to do whatever she wants. which is all shown .
there is so much that is so genuinely horrible and impossible to watch.
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