#okay stay with me i listened to on letting go while i finished ryuki
panicbones · 1 year
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waver not for love
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kaazzzyy · 4 years
Kengan Omega One shot series (1) : Learning to get along
Hi again ! Here’e the 1st one shot ! Don’t forget all one-shots are connected so they are meant to be read in chronological order. If you missed the introduction chapter, you can read it here. Enjoy !
"It's so hot today...", complained Yamashita, as sweaty as ever, his legs shaking from the effort, mentally cursing himself for having the idea to go out during afternoon, right when the sun's at his brightest. - "Yeaahh... so hot... I feel like I'm going to melt...", agreed (Y/n) as she took off her suit's jacket to tie it around her waist.
The duo was on their way to the SJPW training ground. Yamashita absolutely wanted to introduce the girl to the pro westlers. He thought she would feel comfortable easily around them and that was the occasion for her to meet more fighters and see how they live.
"Here we are !", exclaimed Yamashita, relieved to finally be sheltered from the deadly sunlight. "Let's go in !" - "Yeah !", agreed the girl with the same enthousiasm.
A wave of cool air made its way to their skin as soon as they entered the building. They both let a sight of relief, enjoying the fleeting feeling as much as possible. However, their entry was immediatly noticed by a very muscular man with dreads.
'He's huge !', thought (Y/n), both impressed and slighty panicked. She looked up at his toothy smile from her 165 centimeters height. He seemed friendly and intimidating at the same time.
"Mister Yamashita ! What a surprise !", yelled the big guy, which didn't let (Y/n) indifferent. - "Hi Sekibayashi ! Hope you are doing well ! How is Koga doing ?", answered the CEO with a smile.
'Wait, Koga ? The guy from yesterday ?! He is here ?!', screamed (Y/n) internally as she remembered how intimidating he was to her previously.
"See for yourself !", laughed Sekibayashi as he pointed to the crowd of men working out behind him. (Y/n) was looking at them in owe. 'They seem to work so hard... Some of them are even of the verge of fainting ! They are crazy ...!'
She finally spotted Koga. 'He seems to handle it well.', she commented to herself, with a small smile.
"And who is this little girl ?", asked Sekibayashi, intrigued by the new girl's presence. - "She is the new secretary for Yamashita Trading Co., (Y/n) (L/n) !" - "N-Nice to meet you ! You can call me my first name ! I mean... if you want to, of course...", she answered with a nervous voice the westler couldn’t not notice.
He looked a bit surprised first but his signature grin didn't wait to show up once more. "No need to be nervous, (Y/n) ! You are a part of the family now !", he said as he lifted her up in the air like she weighted nothing.
The sudden action made her let escape a sound of surprise. She could see the whole training ground from a better view now. Every eyes were on her. Her face started to burn just like when she was walking under the sunlight earlier. She just wanted to dig a hole and never come out but she couldn't run away so she decided to act instead.
"H-Hi everyone !", she yelled to the silent crowd with a very nervous smile and a wave of her hand.
A general laugh surrounded all the building. She noticed Koga looking at her, sweatdropping.
'Are they making fun of me... ? Not surprising, I was ridiculous as fuck here...'
Sekibayashi put her down and gently patted her head as he smiled down at her. "Don't worry, they just think you are very funny !" - "I-If you say so...", the girl muttered.
"Okay that's all for now ! Take some rest, you all !"
The sweating crowd dispersed in all the building, making it look way wider and more spacious than it already did. Everyone was taking a little rest.
Everyone but Koga.
"Hey Seki, can I do some shadow boxing while I wait to go up ?", he asked, wiping some sweat from his face. - "Oh ? Sure !", answered the giant wrestler, a bit taken aback, "That's fine by me..."
"He's still going on ?!", thought (Y/n) aloud, not able to contain her surprise. - "He's far more tough than when I was a rookie.", commented a voice from behind her.
(Y/n) turned around, surprised by the sudden voice apparition.
"Hi, I'm Kurachi Karugo. And this weird masked guy is José. Nice to meet you!", he greeted with a smile. The intimited girl bowed after she introduced herself. - "Who are you calling "weird", you viejo ?", started the masked guy, angrily.
"Koga is very strong, isn't he ?", the rookie secretary asked abruptly. She wondered how strong the young man was compared to all those imposant guys around her. - "Well, he just started his training with us, but there is no room for doubt in his talent."
'So he has still a long road to go, huh ? He will certainly make it if they talk about him like that... Don't give up Koga !', she tought with a determined smile on her face.
"What a shame", started a familiar voice, "You are letting it all go to waste."
The sudden intervention interpelled everyone's intention in the building.
'Ryuki ?! I didn't even notice him here !'
"What did you just said ? What am I letting go to waste ?", asked Koga, unfazed by Ryuki's rude comment. - "I'm telling you, this is a waste. You are never going to become a fighter, no matter how long you do this crap."
"Ryuki ?! Where's this coming from ?!", yelled Yamashita, obviously startled by Ryuki's behavior. (Y/n)'s anger was growing more and more.
'How dare he insults him and all the efforts he puts into his training ?!'
"I'm only calling it a waste because it is. What's wrong with that ?", Ryuki asked as he looked at Yamashita, "Would it be better if I didn't say anything at all ? What is Koga doing this for anyway ?"
Koga looked at Ryuki with obvious dismay everyone could notice easily. (Y/n) couldn't shut her mouth anymore.
"What are you talking about ?!", she started angrily, earning everybody’s attention in no time ,"How dare you denigrate all the effort he is putting in to become stronger ? Do you think it's easy ? Don't you have any manners ?"
She looked at Ryuki dead in the eye. He still seemed unfazed like usual, as if he said nothing. Koga, on the contrary was visibly shaken up and touched by her intervention. A very uncomfortable silence followed, as both (Y/n) and Ryuki glared at each other.
José suddenly stepped in. He exchanged a brief glance with the girl as if he thanked her silently before walking to Ryuki.
" 'A waste ?' 'This crap' ?" I'm not gonna let that slide. You're dissing pro wrestling, aren't you ? Get in the ring.", he commanded, dryly.
'A fight ? I don't want them to physically fight over this !', panicked (Y/n), her anger suddenly dropping.
"Mister José !", she tried, "I-" - "Don't waste your time, he is not going to reconsider his decision.", Sekibayashi cut her off, "Damn, José acting all immature..." - "Well, he is a pro wrestling fanatic, after all.", added Kurachi like it was nothing.
'I hope they won't seriously hurt each other...', (Y/n) was angry to Ryuki but she didn't want him to get hurt, though.
The fight went on under everyone's eyes. Ryuki finally aimed a powerful punch into José stomach. But that's wasn't enough to take him down. The masked wrestler took a fighting stance, ready to charge.
"José !", interrumpted Sekibayashi angrily, "You're fighting in the main event tomorrow, remember ?!"
The fight got shortened, thanks to Sekibayashi's help. (Y/n) and Yamashita both sighed in relief.
"You sure got some guts, little girl.", grinned Sekibayashi as he ruffled her black hair gently, "Wasn't expecting that from you." - "When I get angry I just can't control myself, sorry.", she apologized, trying to restyle her hair as much as possible. - "Don't apologize for that !", he laughed, "We love people with guts here !"
(Y/n) could only smile warmly at that. "Thanks, I appreciate the compliment."
"Listen, everyone ! Put all you've got in the sparrings ! You will be recompensed by a very nutritious diner !"
The crowd agreed in unison before taking place to start their sparring exercises.
"Are you going to prepare diner for all of them ?", asked (Y/n), surprised. - "Of course ! The SJPW's curry is legendary ! They have to eat well and a lot to grow strong !" - "Do you mind if I help you out?" - "Not at all ! That would be very much appreciated ! Preparing a dish for that amount of people isn't easy !"
(Y/n) stayed at Sekibayashi's side during the whole curry's preparation. The young secretary asked questions about fighting, wrestling and even nutrition. The wrestler was enjoying her curiosity and her presence a lot, actually. Diner time was about to come. Sekibayashi asked (Y/n) to set the giant tables they had to host all the pupils. She accepted with a smile; it made her feel happy to be useful to people. When she finished her task, she called out to the disciples' attention.
"Diner's ready, guys !"
Everyone was now sitting and enjoying the famous SJPW's curry. 'It's so good !!���, thought (Y/n) as she brang another full spoon into her mouth. She didn't even notice José sitting beside her.
"Where's Koga ?", suddenly asked Sekibayashi, worried as he turned his head everywhere in order to find the blonde. - "He is still in the dojo.", calmly answered José, making (Y/n) aware of his presence, "Don't worry, I taught him how to lock up."
'Is he still upset about today...?', wondered Sekibayashi, even more worried.
"I bet he is hungry after all that training !", exclaimed (Y/n) happily, a spoon and an empty plate in her hands. Once the rice and curry was almost spilling out of it, she walked to Sekibayashi.
"Sekibayashi !"
The wrestler looked at the smiling girl, intrigued by her sudden entousiasm. "Do you need something, (Y/n) ?"
"Can you show me where is the dojo Mister José talked about, please ?" - "Yeah, sure ! I was going to see what's Koga doing anyway. Is this plate for him ?", he pointed at the over-fullfilled plate in her hands. - "Yeah ! I thought he must be really hungry so I wanted to give him this." - "Ahahaha ! Young's love !", laughed Sekibayashi as loud as ever, making the young girl's face turning red in an instant. - "C-cut it out ! That's not like this !!" - "I'm joking, (y/n)~", he reassured playfully, patting her head gently.
(Y/n) pouted as she followed Sekibayashi closely.
"Here we are !"
They could see the dojo's light turned on from the high window. The huge wrester could easily look at that window, but the young girl couldn't even reach it with her hands.
"Need some help ?", he asked with a grin. - "Yeah, please...", she muttered, a bit ashamed by her small height. She put the plate aside as she watched through the window. She saw Ryuki drawing some circles on the floor before showing, she assumed, a sort of footwork exercise. 'He's moving so fast but in a very strange way...'.
Koga then reproduced it with a grin on his face. However, his proud state was easily broke by something Ryuki pointed to him as he took a bite of some rice ball he got in his hand.
'Ryuki is training Koga !', conclued (Y/n), her eyes sparking in realisation. "He doesn't seem to be a bad guy finally... He just really lack some tact. And seems very honest also...", she spoked her mind aloud. - "Indeed", nodded Sekibayashi as he put (Y/n) on the ground gently, "Are you not bringing him his plate of food ?". She shaked her head before taking the food back in her hands, "They are busy right now, I'll come again later !" - "I see !", grinned the pro wrestler, "Let's go back to the main building." - "Yeah, let's go !"
(Y/n) waited and waited but still no sign of Koga. She was one of the few people still remaining in the building at the moment. Sekibayashi walked to the table she was sitting at, the plate in front of her.
"It's getting late, you should go home (Y/n)." - "Koga still in the dojo, so I'll wait."
Her answer made him surprised but he didn't show it. "I see... Then, do you mind if I give you one of the building keys ? Just make sure you close it before leaving !" - "W-What ?! Seriously ? Do you trust me that much already ? I mean that's an important task and all-" - "Just take it.", he interrupted, putting the key on the table, just in front of her, "Oh and by the way, there is a microwave here if you want to heat it up." - "Thank you so much ! You're the best !", she thanked warmly with a smile.
Sekibayashi ruffled her hair gently before taking his way out.
"I hope to see you tomorrow, too ! Be careful on your way home !", he waved, his back at her. - "Yeah, don't worry. Good night, Sekibayashi ! And thanks again !"
(Y/n) decided to wait Koga just in front of the dojo to make sure he doesn't directy go home after his work out. The night wind was really pleasant everytime it touched her skin or made it's way through her pitch black hair. Her red elastic danced along with her high ponytail's strands of hair.
She passed around twenty minutes on her phone before the dojo's door opened only to reveal Ryuki's thinking face. Her presence remained unnoticed by him before she spoke up ironically, a bit vexed he didn't notice her.
"Hi there !"
Ryuuki looked up lazily at her sitting form. "Hi. What are you doing here this late ?" - "Waiting for Koga." - "Oh, I see.", he simply answered, now looking up at the night sky, absently.
An uncomfortable silence followed the small interaction, during which she noticed Ryuki's actually shirtless. She already saw him when he was sparring with José but he wasn't that close ! It made her blush in embarassment for thinking about that so seriously. But (Y/n) needed to say something important to her, so she gathered all her courage and went on.
"Hum... I...", she tried, her eyes focused on her nervously playing hands.
Ryuki looked back at her, curious.
"I just wanted to apologize for what I said to you earlier. You actually cared for Koga, I just was too stupid to understand it. I'm sorry..." - "Oh yeah ! I remember now !"
The young woman finally lifted her gaze to him, taken aback. 'H-He forgot ?'
"You didn’t need to apologize for that, but I appreciate you did.", he stated with his usual non-caring tone. - "T-Thanks I guess..."
Ryuki nodded at her before taking his leave, without a word.
'Still as polite as always...', she sighed internally before getting up to the door.
"Koga... ?", she hesitantly asked as she slowly opened the door.
She was welcomed by the young man's sweaty bare back. He was currently sitting on the floor, trying to catch his breath. 'Oh no, he's shirtless too !', she internally screamed as he turned his head to her.
"Are you okay ?", she asked with genuine worry as she approached him slowly. - "Y-Yeah...", he managed to answer between two breaths, "J-Just gimme a sec..." - "Oh, okay."
A brief silence followed before she continued. "I saved you a plate of food if you are hungry. I will be waiting at a table, so you can maybe take a shower and all ?" - "Yeah... thanks..." - "Don't make me wait too much, okay ?", she joked awkwardly before taking her leave, feeling completly ridiculous afterwards. If only she could have seen Koga slightly grinning at her tone.
(Y/n) happily made her way back to the main building. She couldn't wait to see him enjoying his meal. Seeing people happy like that always made her heart warm. She lived for these moments.
She immediatly put the plate of food into the microwave as soon as she entered in. Then picked it from the warming device and put it on the table, across from the spoon she also saved for him, then waited.
Koga came back not long after she left. He was now dressed like he used to the first time she encountered him. She realized she really like his blue baseball jacket.
"Thanks for saving me a plate, I'm so hungry right now.", he started as he took a sit in front of her. 'I-In front of me ?! Way to awkward... !!' - "Y-You're welcome !", she answered, a bit stressed out, "I-I thought you would certainly be hungry after all that training..."
Koga only looked at her suspiciously as he started to eat his meal. 'She is way too kind, that's weird. She must be hiding something.'
'Why is he staring at me like that ? Did I say something weird ?'
His green gaze only hardened at her visibly panicked self.
"Can you stop looking at me like that ? I feel like I did something wrong !", she let out, unable to ignore it anymore. - "I just thought you were way too kind to me for someone I just met.", he admitted, taking another full spoon of curry. - "Heh ?", she continued, startled by his answer, "What's wrong with being kind ?" - "I don't know. It's just that people usually don't act like this without having some shitty idea in mind." - "Indeed, I see what you are talking about. But I'm not thinking about something "shitty" at the moment, no need to worry.", she smiled at him, making him blush slightly. - "If you say so...", he finished, avoiding her gaze by looking at his now half-filled plate.
After this, (Y/n) asked him how his training went and learned it was actually his first day of training with Sekibayashi and co. She immediatly complimented him about how well he did which made him grin proudly. He then told her about his training time with Ryuki. (Y/n) acted like she didn't know Ryuki helped him. Koga thanked again the girl in front of him as he finished his dinner. They decided to go head home right away since it was already late.
"So, where do you live ?", asked Koga, walking across the girl. - "Not so far from the Yamashita Trading Co.'s office. You ?" - "I'm living with Yamashita, his son and Ryuki, actually." - "Really ?!" - "Yeah, he offered me to stay since I had nowhere to go around here. Same for Ryuki. Yamashita is such a nice guy." - "I agree ! And he's so nice to be around !", exclaimed (Y/n) with a smile, "Does he lives far from the office ?" - "Not at all. It's only a 10 minutes walk away from it, I think ?" - "Hum, I see ! Oh, here we are !"
The Yamashita Trading co.'s office was just meters from them now. (Y/n) ran straight to her motorcycle, checking for any scratching. She sighed in relief as she noticed nothing missing or damaged. Koga walked to her, dumbfounded.
"Is it yours ??" - "Yeah, you like it ?" - "I do. It looks cool.", he admitted, looking away from her.
(Y/n) giggled at his behavior. "Do you mind if I ride you home ?", she proposed, "I always have a second helmet in store so don't worry !" - "Really ?!", Koga asked, eyes filled with excitation, "That would be so cool !"
The young woman smiled at his impatience as she took her two helmets from the little trunk under her seat. She handed one to Koga who gladly put it on.
She was now sitting on her motorcycle, waiting for Koga to sit behind her. "Are you coming or what ?" - "Oh yeah, sorry !"
He quickly took his sit as he awkwardly looked at her waist. 'It would make this very awkward, isn't it ?'
(Y/n) looked at him from aside, now understanding why he was taking so long. "There is some kind of metal bar you can hold on just behind you.", she informed, secretly glad he didn't try to hold onto her waist. - "Oh, thanks...", he awkwardly answered, "You can go ahead, I will show you where to turn at when needed." - "Okay ! Let's go !"
The ride only lasted a few minutes but (Y/n) could feel Koga liked it. He suddenly pointed to the house on his right. 'So this is Mister Yamashita's house. Pretty casual for a CEO if you ask me...'
"Thanks a lot, that was a really cool ride.", Koga thanked her as he put off his helmet and stood up from the two wheels engine. - "The pleasure was mine.", smiled (Y/n) as she took the helmet from him, "Sleep well, you need a lot of rest to be able to train well tomorrow."
Her comment made him grin as he gave her a thumbs up, "Don't worry, I got this ! See ya !"
She waved at him silently before taking her leave. She thought about how fast they got along today. She didn't regret waiting for him that night. 
Not at all.
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alitaimagines · 5 years
request: “could i have an imagine for gaara and rin okumura? naruto and blue exorcist? like them falling in love, asking them to marry them, and finally the wedding? thanks!! it doesn’t have to follow canon if you’d like!” 
 rin okumura x fem! reader (au?)
fandom: blue exorcist / ao no exorcist  
note: no one has requested naruto or blue exorcist, i’m doing both but on different imagines
falling in love 
You knew Rin through Shiemi. You were the louder best friend as Shiemi tended to be the quieter one of the two. The two of you were biology partners and she offered to help you whenever you were falling behind. 
“Shiemi, you haven’t watched the documentary?” You half screamed as you stopped her in the middle of hall. “The Beyonce documentary was life changing! Are you kidding me? Even Izumo watched it!” 
Shiemi laughed, “I don’t have Netflix, I’m sorry!” 
“Enough of that, you at least have to listen to the album! It’s a life changing experience.” You shoved your headphone in her ear and started blasting it. 
You were dancing through the halls, Shiemi noticed the friends she had been meaning to introduce you to. Not wanting to stop you from dancing, she walked to them and questioned who the new girl was. Rin felt his face go red. He had never met Shiemi’s cute friend before. 
“Hey, why’d we stop?” You asked as you seen the new people in front of you. She had told you about her other friends before but you never got around to meeting them. The group was an odd one to say the least.
“(your name), these are my friends. Rin and Yukio are twins. You know Izumo. The rest of them are Ryuki, Shima, Suguro, and Konekomaru.” Shiemi said quietly as you shook their hands. “This is (your name), my Biology partner.”
“Are you finally showing her the Beyonce album?” Izumo asked jokingly as she took the headphone from Shiemi’s ear. “Great album, right?” 
“Sure.” Shiemi responded as Rin finally worked up the courage to finally talk. “Is it the Homecoming album? I just finished it!” 
You spun around to Rin and grabbed the poor kid by the shoulders, “Wasn’t it great! Tell me! Beyonce is a god, right!” You were excitingly talking to Rin as the others sighed in defeat. They had just shut Rin up about it and now here you were talking about it. 
“YES!” Rin screamed back just as excited. “Those transitions!” Both you and Rin squealed as they all groaned. They knew it was best to leave the two of you alone but decided otherwise and dragged you both to lunch. Shiemi had you in one hand as Yukio had Rin in the other. 
Since that day, Rin was hooked. He waited for both you and Shiemi outside of the Biology lab. At first he claimed that he needed to talk to Shiemi but after a while, he started to talk to you. On the days that Shiemi wasn’t there, he still stood outside with you. 
With whatever money he had, he’d make enough food for you now. Yukio could tell his older brother was starting to fall in love. He was happy for Rin. The two of you were exactly alike in terms of personality and interests and although you weren’t seeking Yukio’s approval, you had it. 
Shiemi approved on Rin’s behalf. She preferred that you dated him. It beat the last relationship you were in. She still had nightmares of seeing you so heartbroken over some idiot guy. Now all she had to do was beg Izumo to threaten Shima for going after you. 
Rin’s problem came in when he had to finally ask you out on a date. He knew that he could cook you a meal and just talk but he felt inclined to do more than that. Shiemi and Yukio were able to tell that Rin was starting to panic about the idea of having to ask you out. 
“(your name) is a simple person.” Shiemi explained. “She doesn’t need some kind of elaborate plan. Just make a lot of food, she could eat more than you think.” 
“Here she comes!” Yukio screamed as he pushed Rin into you and the two of them scurried away. 
Rin tried to think of the excuse he was going to but couldn’t come up with one by the time you got to him, “Where’d Shiemi go? We usually get together on Friday nights and watch Netflix together.” 
“Well, you see!” Rin tried saying. “I was wondering if you’d like to come over to my dorm! I’m making food and I’d like for you to try it!” 
“Yeah sure, just text me your dorm number and I’ll stop by!” You said calmly. “But it’s lunchtime now and I’m starving! So?” 
“Breakfast food?” “You read my mind!” 
Evening finally came and you made your way to the boys dorm. You knocked on the door and Rin screamed for you to come in. For Rin being the unorganized mess he was, the room was in pretty decent shape but maybe it was Yukio that did all of the cleaning.
“So what are you making me, Okumura?” You asked as you helped Rin to the kitchen. A few students were leaving the kitchen as the two of you entered it. “Sukiyaki, it’s my best dish.” 
You cheered as you sat across from Rin. He pinned his hair back as he slipped on the apron. He threw you the extra he had and helped you tie it from the back. 
“You’ll be helping me cut the vegetables.” Rin instructed as he handed you the various veggies. You slowly started to cut the carrots as he turned the stove on. “Make sure you don’t cut yourself!” 
“I can cook!” You said as you showed him your proficient cutting skills. “Okay, maybe I can’t cook as great as you can but I know how to cook some things!” 
Rin laughed as he let the things in the pot start to simmer and went over to you to help you out. 
As time continued, the kitchen was was getting extremely hot but Rin knew it was about to be done. “Go wash up and by the time you’re done, the food will be on the table!” 
You smiled as you went towards the bathroom. Rin ran to his room and grabbed the note he had written beforehand. 
“Go out with me?”
By the time you got out of the bathroom, Rin was setting the utensils down. He pulled your chair out and pushed it back in before he went to sit down himself. Before you had gotten there, he pre made dessert. Shiemi had told him that you loved any kind of cake but red velvet was your favorite so he made you that. 
As you were about to grab a napkin, you noticed a paper fall from the napkin. Picking it up from the floor, you opened it and read it. You could feel that your face was extremely red as Rin looked at you nervously. 
“Rin, of course!” You laughed as you grabbed his hand over the table. “FUCK YEAH!” 
Rin asking you to marry him. 
The two of you were out of True Cross Academy and still going strong. He couldn’t lie, he knew you were it for him. No one else on this god forsaken earth could handle him better than you could. Not even Yukio or Shiro for that matter.
You dealt with him no one was able too. Rin did have his moments where the two of you even wondered if the relationship was even worth it but whatever hurtles came in the way, Rin made sure the two of you got through it together. 
For the first time in a while, everyone finally had a chance for a vacation. To the normal person, they would have just thought that it was a regular vacation but Rin knew this was the perfect time to propose to you. He decided a few days in Paris wouldn’t hurt so he surprised you with the tickets.
He was taking Shiemi and Yukio along to make the proposal run smoothly. Rin had found a quaint restaurant near the Eiffel tower to make the proposal. All he had to do was lure you near the Eiffel tower and he’d act like he just found the restaurant and go in for the kill. 
“Rin, you really didn’t have to do all of this.” You said as you held his upper arm. “Traveling anywhere in Japan could have done justice for a vacation. Lord knows we needed it.” 
Rin chuckled, “Who wants to stay in Japan when we had the opportunity to go to another country?” You nodded finally agreeing as the two of you passed the sign that read “Eiffel Tower up ahead”. 
“Babe, I’m hungry. Before we get there, we should get something to eat.” Rin said nervously. “Yeah sure, I could go for some food. I just hope it’s something edible. The food we ate this morning still has my stomach turning.” 
Rin let go of a breath he was holding and walked you to the destination. You found it a bit odd that he had already picked out a restaurant but you didn’t question it. Maybe he actually wanted to be prepared this time. 
The two of you got to a restaurant that was smaller than others. You wondered why there wasn’t much traction to it but you didn’t want to jinx yourself. 
“Party for Okumura.” Rin said as he discreetly gave the signal to the hostess who immediately knew what was about to happen. “Right this way, we have an opening on the roof if you’d like.” 
Rin turned to you and nodded as the hostess gave the signal to the waitress. She went up to you and had the two of you follow up to the roof tables. You were mesmerized by the lights and cute scenery that the roof had offer. 
“I’ll be back with your menus!” The waitress said as she excused herself. “Rin, it’s beautiful, now I for sure have to plan a better vacation after this.” 
Rin chuckled as he waived you off, “I don’t think you’ll ever top me.” 
Just as you were about to retort, you could have sworn that you had seen Shiemi and Yukio but before you could question it, the waitress had came back. 
“We have an offer on all couples tonight, a free bottle of wine of your choosing.” The waitress said as she showed you the variety of wines. You looked at them before turning to Rin. “Whatever you want is okay with me.” 
You laughed and picked out a random red wine, “This one is okay! Thank you so much!” 
“No problem. Have the two of you decided on a meal?” She asked as she turned to Rin. “Yes. we’re both having steak tonight.” 
She nodded and took the menus from your hand. 
From that point on, all Rin had to do was the actual proposing. He was going to wait until after dinner when Yukio gave him the signal that all parties had left the rooftop. He was going to have Yukio on standby with a camera hoping he’d catch the perfect moment. 
The dinner had went smoothly. You weren’t suspecting a thing and by the end, you were already dozing off sleepily. 
“Hey, if you’re tired, we just need to do one thing and we can head back to the room.” Rin said as he looked over to Yukio. “Just trust me on this.” 
Rin grabbed your hand and stood you up as he went down on one knee.
“Through the cram school and every shit storm that followed, you were there for me. Not only for me but for Yukio and everyone else as well. I knew the from the minute that we met when you were screaming about that Beyonce album that you were the one. You taught me things that I would have only learned from you and I hope that once this journey hopefully continues, you can teach me a lot more. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming the next Okumura?” 
That was the moment Yukio captured the moment. Tears were falling down your face as your hand went to your mouth. You were entranced by the ring before realizing that you still hadn’t given Rin an answer. 
“Yes Rin, of course!” You screamed as he finally slipped the ring on your finger. Once he knew the ring was secure, he grabbed you and lifted you up. “Yukio, Shiemi, the two of you can come out now.” 
You turned around to see the two and ran straight into Shiemi’s arms as she congratulated you. Yukio gave Rin a ‘bro’ hug before going over to you and giving you another hug, this one much more affectionate. 
Wedding day. 
Planning for a wedding was a lot harder than you thought. You were arguing a lot more with Rin than you had originally thought but finally after months of arguing and bickering to no end, the day finally came. 
The wedding was held at Rin’s old monastery, much to everyones surprise. The two of you had preferred a small wedding with just clothes friends and family. Most of your family along with everyone who raised Rin and Yukio and everyone in the cram school. 
The colors suited the wedding nicely. Dark blue and white were the only colors that the two of you had agreed on. The reception, being that it was a decently warm day was going to be in the back of the monastery. 
You were shoved into one of the spare rooms to do finishing touches as Rin and Yukio stood at the front of the monastery. 
“Never thought the day would come, huh, Okumura?” He heard Bon say. “Yeah man, I’m glad all of you were able to make it.” 
He gave Rin a smile as Shiemi came in running, “It’s time! She’s ready! Everyone to their places!” 
They all listened to the frantic Shiemi and got to their places. Rin stood at the end of the alter as he fiddled with his bowtie. The minute the music started playing, he stopped and straightened up. 
The doors opened and you were at the front of the aisle as everyone stood up and awed. You gave Rin you familiar wink as your parent held your arm. Once you got to the end of the aisle, Rin thanked your parents and took your hand. 
This was it. Everything that the two of you went through finally paid off. 
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