#okay the last two (the ones as niki and rinne) also work really well as yuta and hinata respectively--i just couldn't decide
gompereatsall · 2 years
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one of the perks of being sick is getting cheaper pepsi :)
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aeoki · 2 months
Sweet Sweet Hunger - Chapter 8
Location: Meeting Space (COS PRO) Characters: Touri, Mitsuru, Kohaku, HiMERU, Niki & Rinne
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Niki: Ran-kun!? Didn’t you say you were gone on a work trip!?
Mitsuru: So does that mean Nagisa-senpai was the one who came up with the prank!?
Nagisa: …Yeah. Sorry for deceiving you.
…It was necessary for Niki-kun to believe that “tiantian” existed in order for the prank to succeed. And I was selected to take part.
…I was surprised to see you involved, though, Tenma-kun.
Rinne: That’s what happened. If the prankster was someone from “Crazy:B”, then Niki might’ve had his guard up.
But you wouldn’t think someone like Nagi would trick you.
And those websites can be easily made. Eichi-chan’s got the message from his agency so he’s also in on the prank, of course.
Touri: Oh! Right!
Eichi-sama was surprised because I was with Shiina-senpai.
Nagisa: …Yeah. I think Eichi-kun found it unexpected. It looks like he said some things and went along with it. He must have contacted someone from the filming crew right away.
Rinne: Yup. As expected of Eichi-chan. He’s good at this sorta stuff.
After that, there was a rush to prepare the store so that it would make sense with what he said.
Niki: …………
MItsuru: Uuu, how frustrating~! We got tricked!
Touri: Yeaaaah…! Me and Mitsuru weren’t even the targets for the prank. You’re so cruel~!
Kohaku: Well, I honestly do feel bad for you two.
Rinne: Man, that was great. You looked so desperate tryin’ to find somethin’ that doesn’t even exist… pffft ♪
Touri: Wow, you’re awful!
Uuu. You should say something too, Shiina-senpai! You were the one who was fooled the most, right!?
Niki: …G–Grrr.
Touri: ? H–Huh? Shiina-senpai…?
Rinne: Oh? What’s up, Niki-kyun? Have you gone pale after bein’ completely exhausted?
Niki: Gaaaaaaaaaah!
You’ve really made me lose my temper! I’m boiling with rage! I’m really mad~!
I’m not gonna feel better until I get my revenge~! Prepare yourself!
Rinne: ! Woah. That was close…!
Mitsuru: Shiina-senpai’s amazing, y’know~! He’s so fast. He got right close to his chest in one jump. Hehe ♪
Rinne: Gyahaha ☆ It’s been a while since Niki got angry ♪Well, Rinne-kun’s gonna magnificently run away, though.
Kohaku: Come to think of it, Niki-han gets violent once that switch gets flipped, huh. I haven’t seen him like this in a long time too. Looks like he usually gets like that if he’s starvin’, though.
HiMERU: Well, he hasn’t been starving much recently.
Niki: I’m not letting you get away~! Give me back my innocent feelings for “tiantian”!
The biggest crime in this world is using food to deceive people! Today’s your last!
I’ve got two grudges: One’s from when you insulted my love for good and the other is when you’re stressing me out every day. I’m gonna get rid of all of those grudges today, so prepare yourself~!
Rinne: Niki, you bastard! Don’t add your daily stress onto it!
Kohaku-chaaaan. A human stomach is bullyin’ me~ Save me~
Kohaku: Huh? Don’t hide behind me. Aren’t you embarrassed hiding behind someone younger than you?
Niki-han must have daily stress from Rinne-han… I understand that.
So today, you can do whatever you want to the man hidin’ behind me ♪
Rinne: Ah, how could you, Kohaku-chan!? I can’t believe you’d betray me!
Kohaku: HiMERU-han and I are always telling you to tone things down a notch.
Rinne: Okay, wait. Kohaku-chan, if you let Niki go on a rampage here, then it’ll just cause trouble for the agency, you know?
Then that means “Crazy:B’s” image is just gonna hit the gutter. You wouldn’t want that, right?
Kohaku: …Ugh. That’s true… We shouldn’t cause trouble for others.
I’ve got no choice. I don’t have any resentment towards you, Niki-han, but you’ll have to calm down.
Niki: Ugh!
Kohaku: Rest assured. I’ve only hit your solar plexus.
HiMERU: …Um, Oukawa? Shouldn’t you have used less strength…?
The solar plexus is a part of the human body. Were you trying to kill Shiina?
Touri: Hey, is this really gonna be aired on TV…? I hope it won’t be…
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< The next day. > 
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Niki: Woaaaaaah!
Mitsuru: Oh~! Shiina-senpai, you’re amazing, y’know`! The cream in the bowl was whipped in minutes! 
Touri: Hey, Mitsuru, Mitsuru! Try this freshly baked cookie. It’s really good.
Mitsuru: Is it? I’m gonna try it right away.
Touri: I’m gonna have one more too.
Mitsuru & Touri: *Munch, munch…* It’s delicious~♪
Touri: You’re gonna make us cake next, right? I’m so excited~
Niki: Grr… ugh! How could they trick me!? I didn’t know the world was so cruel to me.
I’ve had enough! If “tiantian” doesn’t exist, then I’ll make something delicious that rivals it! Take thaaaaaat!
Mitsuru: Some sorta dessert is being made. It’s like magic, y’know!
Niki: Anyway, you two had it rough too. This sorta prank will definitely make anyone feel frustrated. The higher your expectations are, the lower the disappointment is.
Mitsuru: Hmm~... But thanks to that, we get to eat the super delicious desserts you’re making for us, so I think it’s my lucky day, y’know? ☆
This is way more delicious, way more fun and way more happy than some rare tasty dessert~!
Touri: Yeah. I think all the desserts you’re making here are way better than “tiantian”!
Niki: Guys…
Hehe… Yeah. I’m really glad I’m a chef…♪
Mitsuru: Huh? Did you say something, Shiina-senpai?
Niki: Nope, nothing.
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Niki: Alrighty. I, Chef Niki Shiina, will make a bunch of desserts for you two~! I’m gonna fill this kitchen with sweets that are way better than “tiantian”!
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ← Previous Chapter
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