#old navy plz call me back
Good news: no more 6 AM commute 😴🛏️✨💖🙌
Bad news: got laid off 3 weeks early with 2 hours notice and no reference 💀❌🙃⏳👎
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persephone11110 · 10 months
Mother I’d Like To….
Jake Seresin x Bradshaw Wife Reader
Warnings: grey hair, aging insecurity, age gap(reader:45 J:34), Jake“I Love My Wife” Seresin, stepdad j.s, unnamed douchy ex/husband, religious word is used once-blasphemy, sprinkle of curse words, slighty smutty end
Summary: She embraced her grey hair with ease never seeing a problem with it until one night a young mean woman words come crashing into her head.
“One man's loss is another man's gain”.
ofc:Lucie Bradshaw-Seresin, other oc: Leo Bradshaw-Seresin,
pretend goose was born in 59 and the b4 he met carole he had a kid in 77 and then met carole and had bradley in 80. Also there’s kid name in their bcus Lucie has a son from her previous marriage and his name is hyphenated just like his mother. idc idc reader is an admiral while jakes still a lieutenant idk how idky. There’s five admiral’s instead of four.
AN: plz i don’t why the title is that don’t ask me, im dealing with insomia rn. I was gonna do B.Bx Reader. But decided against it. an old draft that took forever to finish. Should I make this into a small series?
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“Awe, I think its nice your younger brother is here with you celebrating your 54th birthday”, the younger waitress drops the cake down infront of her.“Give him my number please”. (sn: waitress purposely switched the bday # around)
Lucie was beyond tired— not because she had get up for work the next morning, but because she’s sick and tired of being mistakened for her husbands sister. Jake Seresin is a blonde man, while Lucie Bradshaw-Seresin still had streaks of her brunette hair left. She couldn’t help but think about what that waitress said a couple of nights ago.
Look normally comments don’t bother her, being a mother and a woman in the navy she’s built a pretty thick shield around herself, Lucie always throws a fake smile on her face and pushes it to the back of her mind. But she’s cant help but realize the wrinkles that have made her face their new home or how her bones cracked when she went on her morning and evening run.
She’s getting old— what’s new?, You can only handle being mistakened as your husband’s sister for so long before your self-confidence sinks into hell. Lucie Seresin is always been known for impulsiveness, she’s proved it too many times to count. There’s a reason why the navy calls her Falcon.
An example is allowing that jackass to walk all over her.
She was standing infront of the bathroom mirror alongside her was a box of brown hair dye on the counter. While Lucie there she spends sometimes looking at herself, picking and prodding at her sagging skin.
Surprisingly. Only because she’s afraid of what Jake will think if her hair is re-dyed.
No matter how many times she dyes her hair, she still be old. “Hey Jake where’s your old lady at?”.
Lucie talked him up. She recognized that cologne from anywhere, Lucie straightens up and throws a fake smile on her face and greets her husband.“Hello Lieutenant Commander?”.
“I hate that dumb fuck so much”. Jake says, he has one hand on his hip and the other hand is carding through Lucie’s hair. “I swear Lucie the next time him and I—”.
Lucie could see Jake visibly stiffen, she could feel his confusion.“My Love is there is a box of hair dye behind you?”
“Mr. I See All”.
Shit…that— Lucie herself stiffens at the mention of the hair dye, suddenly finds herself combing through various insecurities in her head. Was she right— did Jake also hate her grey hair?, did he want her to keep the grey?
“Options”, Lucie lies with a smile on her face.“Just wanted to have just in case”.
Her husband green eyes zeroed in on her, but luckily he drops it.“okay darlin”. Maybe she should dye it, Jake doesn’t deserve someone like her on his arm.
“I know my opinion wasn’t asked for, but I love your grey hair”. You gotta be fucking kidding me. Wait a minute—
“Of course, darlin—how could I not?”
Thank god, that means Lucie doesn’t have use her hair dye— also means that she just wasted 15 dollars.
“Wow”, she doesn’t mean for that slip— but then again maybe this conversation is something they need have. She’s getting it over with.
“What Lucie?”Jake so gentle with her— he’s not getting angry by the minute. Lucie bites her lower lips in attempts to calm herself down. Great…now shes crying.
“Sugar, I’m so sorry I made you doubt yourself”, She hates whenever his eyes get so damn puppy like. He’s used it so many times to get out of trouble with her. EX:Between me and you darlin I purposefully pushed to mach 10”.
“It’s….It’s not your fault—”, Lucie starts again, her ex-husband words echoing in her ear.“Ducky, Ducky—me and you both your not pretty anymore”.
Jake’s fingers are underneath her chin, her eyes are rimming with tears.“Yes it is— I should’ve made sure my wife knew how much I was in love with her”. His arms wrapped around her waist— his fingers interlocked together. Never letting her go.
“I looked so much better in my prime Jake— I looked so good twenty years ago”. Lucie spits out her mouth-as if she just tasted something distasteful.
“Blasphemy” Jake’s shaking his head, and pulls from Lucie him— having the need to make sure his hardheaded wife listens to him.
“Jake—”. A strong hands strokes her face, dissuading Lucie from saying more hurtful words.
“Lucie, Lucie—darlin I know you outrank me by alot but listen to me right now”. He standing infront of her with a slight frown on his face. “I love every physical & emotional trait about you from your grey hair to the stretch marks from carrying our son to how you switch between Lucie to Admiral Seresin or how you always smile when you see a bird in the air”.
God her husband could’ve been a poet. She practically throws herself into Jake arms— clinging onto him for dear life. “You mean that Jake?”.
“Of course I mean that darlin, I’ll love you till the day I die”. She hates when Jake pulls her out of his arms again. “Darlin the dye must go”.
He walks over to the bathroom counter—“Would you like to do the honors Lucie?”
“Sure Lieutenant”, She replied with a small smile on her face, Lucie picked up the hair dye box and without hesitation threw it away.
“Need make sure you understand how much I love you twenty years later”, Jake stands behind her.
“Come show me Seresin”, he has his hands tightly wrapped around waist.
“I will Seresin”.
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mialeanz · 1 year
What if lo’ak and Tsireya had kids
P.S this is my first time writing so it may not be the best btw 
After the war with the sky people they never came back it had been 20 years sent  then now lo’ak and Tsireya have mated and have become parents to three kids a boy named 17 years old Nete  after neteyam and then a girl named la’reya 16 years old and another boy named Zel 12 almost 13 and with all of these kids u would think they had very different personalities well they did you see Nete with being the oldest was the leader in a way protecting his younger siblings from whatever trouble his sister made with is parents being two different kinds of Na’vi he took more after his mother his body was like the sea people he had 3 fingers but his color was a mix of his dad and mom like a dark teal his sister was different she was just like her father had a body of the forests people and the hair like the forests people and had yhe same color she had 3 fingers as now only being 25% not true Na’vi  it was going to be harder for her because they lived with the sea people now the baby of the family Zel was full sea people he had the same color and body but had 5 fingers and his hair was of the forests people but from a distance he looked like the sea people that’s the family  Nete was a good boy like neteyam really he was the perfect child the golden child now la’reya was her fathers daughter she was the troublemaker of the family and was the fighter too and a good one she had never lost a fight and had a mouth when it came to fighting and talking to anyone who disrespected her of her family she was a badass like her grandma Neytiri but she had her moments when she was her mother daughter and was kind and sweet she was beautiful they most beautiful Na’vi in the clan even if she didn’t look like them all the guys wanted her which made all the girls jealous of her now for the baby of the family Zel he was only 12 so people would call him cute he was his mothers son he was sweet and nice always helping people which made it hard to believe that his older sister was la’reya but her would get bully wilhich made la’reya get in too fights with people who bullied him it was always older kids never kids his age he was popular and was know as oh that kid he’s the nicest guy I’ve ever met which he loved to be know as . So now to the story 
It was a normal day they had breakfast
And they the left kids where are you going? Said Tsireya just to the reef said la’reya ok now at the reef la’reya saw the bullies of Zel they were older girls, so she knew she  would beat their asses I mean how dumb do they look bullying a 12 year old Zel looked do
Down and just started talking to Nete “ hey bro what up with la’reya and that guy who keeps looking over here, trying to change the subject from the girls walking by said Zel shut upbaby bro said la’reya yea listen to your sister, Zel one of the girls said  bitch what did you say my brother? Said la’reya said I can say that but you can’t you got that. La’reya leave it said Nete.Nah it ok bro let me get this la’reya plz sis  leave them said Zel No Zel said la’reya what you told your brother yeah, my brother you can say that as la’reya came up from the water girl chill why he’s a freak you guys are all freaks. He may look like us, but he still has five fingers and look at you you’re full on forest. How are you go over there? Oh really bitch now I know why your boyfriends always trying to get with me and trying to get me how about you control your boyfriend before you come over you’re talking shit to my brother yeah Cuz girl I don’t think you’ll like it to see what the things he says to me but he prefers me than you, so bitch stay in your fucking place before I take your man like I fucking wanna be that way with that ugly ass haircut he has all right bitch I got it pussy ass whatever fake Navi what the fuck you just call me bitch la’reya said la’reya come on said Nete and then she punched the girlface. That’s how you throw  a punch bitch. She got in top of the girl and started to punch Nete had to pick up his sis sis stop leave her befor u kill her please ewya help me I can’t with her and then the guy who keep looking over to see la’reya the guy picked up la’reya and Nete pick the other girl and throw the girl and said leave my brother before a let me sister beat you ass more then she has we good u got it the girl left  up who got me said la’reya let me go u punk ass bitch wtf ohh my bad umm you are a good fighter thx I guess thanks bro for getting my sister let’s go sis said Zel and nete just put his hand over his sister they said bye to they guy yo that was they guy I was saying was looking at la’reya what the fuck does he want who you know him sis said Nete well yeah I see him at the reef some time with his friends but I don’t know him like that. I don’t even know his name I mean he keeps looking at me all my friends that he likes me back I don’t know I don’t even know his name and then he comes here picking me up and like what the fuck you know.  
Let me know if u liked it and if you want a part 2
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Geralt and the Minotaur
Y’all can thank @bounce-a-coin-off-your-witcher for encouraging me to do this, I defs would have just thought about it for a couple months then forgot 😂
Pairing: None for this part
Warning: talk of violence and murder, retelling of Theseus and The Minotaur myth, talk of human sacrifice, if theres more plz let me know!
Summary/Notes: Myth background in case you didn’t go past the PJO books with your mythology obsession like I did. In ancient Greek mythology they believed in ‘joint fatherhood’ so basically the kid would have attributes from both fathers (bc philosophy was the tits back then not necessarily biology) King Aegeus (Vessimir) couldn’t produce an heir with his wife so he went to the Oracle of Delphi and she told him to ‘open his wine sack’ (helpful right?) long story short he bangs a princess and then Athena (patron goddess of Athens) tells the princess to go down to the sea with an offering where she bangs Posiden (co-patron god of Athens) hence Theseus (Geralt) is not only a demigod but a bastard prince.  I think this is all the background yall are gonna need if you don’t already know the myth
Geralt knew the story well. For as long as he could remember, his mother would comb his stark white hair before bed and he would ask, “Tell me about my fathers?” She would smile fondly and begin to braid his hair in a pattern much like her own. 
“My little hero, your fathers are powerful, fair, righteous men. You have not only the blessing and favor of Poseidon, but the right to the throne of Athens.”
When he was younger he would squirm and protest, “I know mumma, but who were they?”
Vissena would sigh and change the subject until he was older, at which point she began letting the crumbs fall from her words. Crumbs Geralt followed to the truth of his heritage, piecing together stories his grandfather had told him about a sword and sandals pinned beneath a stone. 
When he was twelve, his mother told him the truth.
“You are destined to free the city of Athens from a terrible fate. When you can lift the stone and retrieve your father’s sword you may travel to his palace and claim your place as prince…” Her voice came to a strangled end before she coughed and continued “But you mustn't think about that now. You’ve rope to braid and cattle to feed.”
When he finally told her he was ready to try, her eyes welled with tears. She merely nodded, continuing to run the comb through her baby’s hair like she always had. He understood as he grew older why she was so reluctant to let him go. What mother can willingly send her child away in only destiny’s hands, regardless of his exceptional strength?
At 16, he succeeded in his first task, retrieving his father’s things, and set off to Athens. He went by land, wanting to rely on himself, not his grandfather’s wealth and power. He fought Perophes, disarming the practiced warrior with surprising little effort, to complete his second task. Fighting Coercion sent chills down his spine, with the man’s reputation for killing every opponent he faced he was certainly formidable, but he bested him nonetheless. His third task was complete. However, his name only became synonymous with ‘hero’ after slaying the wild boar. 
His first kill was at 17, still on the road to Athens. He could have let Procrustes live, could have delivered him to the nearest king for imprisonment, but his gut had twisted at the thought of the consequences of his failure. He tied Procrustes to the same small table he tied all his victims before slicing clean through the giant man’s limbs that hung off the edge. Leaving him to bleed out like he’d done to the skeletons littering the floor. It only seemed fitting, though the memory still made him queasy on nights when he couldn't sleep.
Even upon arrival at his father’s home, there was danger staring back at him in those beautiful amethyst eyes. The prophetess Yennefer would stop at nothing to keep the life of luxury and power she’d gained. She whispered false prophecies in King Vessimir’s ear, convincing him this boy who claimed to be his son was nothing but an imposter. Geralt should have expected such a welcome. 
As he lifted a cup of poisoned wine to his lips, Vessimir glimpsed the sword at his side, recognizing it in time to knock the ceramic out of his hand. 
The vessel had yet to shatter on the floor before Vessimir had rounded on the violet eyed woman with fury in his eyes like none Geralt had ever seen. 
The whole of the dining hall was holding their breath, waiting for the explosion to come.
King Vessimir whispered but one word, “Disappear.”
The woman glared daggers at Geralt as she waved her hand, stepping through a portal into nothing. He stared after her for a long time, having never witnessed manipulated magic up close and if he were honest with himself, he was a bit dazed.
As his father explained and apologized Geralt simply tilted his head in confusion, slowly putting the pieces together in his shock.
“Your sword, it was mine. You must forgive me, I believed a lie. I beg you.”
Geralt nodded, “You have a state to protect.”
Vessimir grasped him by his shoulders, “No, I have to protect you.”
Geralt smiled, endeared by the old king’s sudden saccharine sentiments, “I’m no boy anymore, you shouldn’t worry.”
As the rest of the guests at the banquet began to resume conversation Vessimir guided Geralt to a window overlooking the beautiful city that he would now be calling home, “So I’ve heard.  I would have thought your mother would raise you to be more merciful.”
Geralt eyed the ground, “Mercy for one who has killed so many and would kill again isn’t really mercy.” His voice was smaller than he would like, but after all these years of imagining his father, well he hadn’t expected a criticism of his ethics. 
“Good.” Vessimir nodded, leaning against the edge of the window, “We can work on your tone, but that’s a good start.”
A tentative smile took over Geralt’s face, “Work on my tone?”
“If you’re going to rule Athens and defeat Crete, you’ll need to be more assertive. But none of that now,” Vessimir waved a hand and a servant brought two more goblets of wine, “Now, I want to get to know my son.”
The following months were filled with lessons, from Vessimir’s top generals in battle strategy and formal combat, from a matronly maid in etiquette and the cultural customs of the port city, and from Vessimir himself in diplomacy. Geralt was thrilled at first, ready to prove himself worthy, but the routine slowly lost its shine. Eskel and Lambert were no doubt excellent fighters and leaders, but there were only so many ways to disarm someone with every weapon in the royal arsenal, and they were running out of challenges for the boy. If that’s what you could call him anymore. With regular meals, unlike during his travels, and the way his trainers pushed him he was starting to look more worthy of his Olympian heritage and place at the throne. 
He stood by his father’s side and paid careful attention to all of his meetings, every last one. Even the ones at dawn after a night of drinking with Eskel and Lambert. 
He sat on a stool, a step down from the platform where his father’s throne was carved out of stone as he observed the nobles bringing their worries, reports, and complaints to the king from the outskirts of the territory. The large amphitheater was teeming with men ready to share their opinion. Geralt found that rarely did anyone bring something that really needed fixing, just listening was usually enough to soothe their egos. It was all rather mundane now, Geralt could mouth the words his father would say before they filled the air, until the last representative. 
"My king, the spring is approaching, will we allow Crete to take our children yet again?”
Geralt’s brows knit together, eyes darting between the man and his father as they spoke.
Vessimir wiped a hand over his face, looking ten years older in an instant, “We don't have a navy that could even begin to challenge Crete’s. We have no choice.”
The gathered crowd erupted in shouts of outrage, only silenced when Vessimir stood, “It is the life of fourteen, or the life of the nation. Which will you surrender?”
There was more yelling, this time between a select few delegates, but Geralt ignored it and leaned to his right, lowering his voice so only Eskel could hear him. 
“What does he mean ‘the life of fourteen’?”
Eskel frowned, “He hasn’t told you?”
Geralt glared at him, waiting for an explanation.
“King Minos’ son was killed at the games a good twenty or so years back, so as penance he takes fourteen virgins from us every nine years. Seven men, seven women, and feeds them to his bastard Minotaur.” Eskel glanced over Geralt’s shoulder at the king, a look of worry clear on his face. 
“I thought the Minotaur was just a story, a parable of Crete’s barbaric nature.”
Eskel raised an eyebrow, not impressed by Geralt's literary analysis, “It’s no tale. It's as real as the ground under your feet, and it plays with its food.”
Geralt whipped his head back around to his father in time to catch his words, “There is no voting on war because of the brashness of your grandfather Letus, tread lightly. Until we have a reasonable plan of action all we can do is submit!"
Before he knew what his legs were doing Geralt was standing and shouting, "I'll go! Send me father! I'll kill the beast and return!" 
Cheers erupted from the crowd but Geralt only cared about his father's reaction and Vessimir was still as stone. For a moment Geralt worried for his heart, then Vessimir gripped his arm and leaned in with a panicked look on his face, "You are my only son, I will not send you to your death." He growled. 
Geralt felt a fire rising in his chest, "Your people are forced to send their children unwillingly yet when yours volunteers you're exempt? Does that seem fair to you?"
Vessimir’s grip tightened, nails digging into Geralt's arm, "Doesn't matter. You are the only heir. I can't risk the stability of the government."
Geralt stepped closer, making sure to stand at his full height, "Then you do not believe in me? In the power and blessings of Posiden that courses through me?" 
Vessimir snarled but said nothing. Surely not used to being challenged, especially not so publicly, about his devotion to the gods. 
Geralt lowered his voice, "I will go. I will free Athens as is my destiny, and I will come back to you unharmed." Geralt gripped his father's arm, and nearly pleaded, "I cannot sit idly by, you know I can't." 
Vessimir's eyes softened ever so slightly as he released his grip, "I should have known your mother would raise a stubborn man." 
Geralt grinned, "She said I got that from you." 
The amphitheater had gone quiet, all eyes on the king and this strange new prince. 
"Geralt will go." Vessimir sighed, clapping a hand on his son's shoulder. The crowd cheered in earnest this time and Geralt soaked it all in, their hope and elation. Vessimir raised a hand for silence and continued, "Now tell me, scholars and strategists, how will we bring him back alive?"
part 2 here!
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AU idea:
basically, Thomas gets zapped to the future and he meets the sides and they have to try and get him back
Roman Heart 
he has wings and is a prince of the winged people
they’re gold red and silver
they have a really large wingspan
has dark brown hair
he’s tall but not as tall as Logan and Virgil
not insecure about that at all
is really handsome and knows it
wheres a lot of red tops but his favorite is a red crop top with a crown on
he’s so insecure about himself
someone plz give my baby boi a hug
he really wants to show off his wings but he can’t because of laws
he can make his wings disappear for some but after a while it gets uncomfortable
he can only fly when he gets to the bird kingdom 
so when he gets home he flaps his wings to get the air through them
he gets snappy when his wings have been away for too long
is very stressed about the fact that one day he’ll have to leave and rule a kingdom
he met Patton when he complimented his hair and asked him for his number
it didn’t work out but they're best friends now
Virgil Angel
he's a tol boi
is the tallest out of them all
naturally he has very dark hair but he dies it purple
he has his hoodie but he didn't make it himself
back ripped jeans
always has his headphones on him
can see ghosts & control shadows
didn’t know they were ghosts at first so just thought he was going crazy
then when he met a ghost saying he was his uncle even tho the ghost was like 12
he asked his mum about it and she said her brother died when he was 13
and Virgil started saying things about him and his mother said they were true
it freaks him out a lot but he lives with it now
he gets his shadow powers when he is like 16
his mum isn’t surprised as her child has been talking to ghosts for 6 years
Virgil doesn't tell people about his powers as he thinks they will call him a freak and shun him
gets the tea from ghosts
you would never want to get on his bad side 
he has grown up with a single mum as she was abused so she ran away when she found out she was pregnant 
met Patton when he had an anxiety attack and Patt helped him calm down
they exchanged numbers to keep in touch (as friends) and now they’re besties
it’s probably going to be long so I'm breaking it up now
Thomas Sanders
he gets chucked into the future when he's just a child
he’s trying to figure out how he’s here
he first turns up in the future in Logan’s house
is just very confused about a lot of stuff
is 11
Patton just adopts him on sight
I’ll get into it more in the story but he’s just very confused
is human 
the only clothes he has are his Steven Universe top and some jeans
roman takes him shopping soon enough though 
doesn’t remember lots about his life before coming to the future 
 Logan Crofters
he has sandy-colored hair
is the second tallest in the group
he doesn't just wear his shirt and tie 
he has a lot of navy blue t-shirts and jeans
has telepathy and telekinesis
hasn’t told anyone because
 “it’s only logical for me to sound stupid from that” 
he found out he had telekinesis when
 his parents started putting sweets and stuff on the highest shelf and Logan could still reach it 
queue them walking in to find the cookie jar floating across the room
he found out he had telepathy when he just heard people talking when they weren’t 
didn’t tell his parents about that one though 
he knew how badly they reacted to his first power why would the second one be any different
met Patton when Patt called him up because he found Logans notebook 
he returned it over some coffee and they started talking and now they are friends 
Doulos ( Deceit ) Ethel 
he’s a naga
he can shift into a more human-like form 
but the scales on his face and body look like scare tissue 
his scales run up and down his arms and across his face 
when he shifts into a human-like form it doesn't have to be him
it can be anyone he has seen in the past 24 hours 
but he can’t hold it for more than 21 hours 
his fashion choices are not as extra as they are in cannon
but he does wear a lot of hats and dress shirts 
his family are friends with Patton’s Mums but they don’t know they're not human
his family said they would disown him if he told anyone he was a naga
is scared of his parents  
he can lie really well because of this
is the smallest of the group 
his hair is black and curly
he wears hats to hide the floof
he has a mild venom 
but it just feels like a bee sting
only Patt can see through his lies
is just tired 
doesn't like most people
knows Remus is a winged person so by extension roman
winged people and nagas historically hate each other
Remus Heart
is still Romans brother 
so is also a winged person 
his winges are green and leathery
like a bat
when they go to the winged people kingdom Remus likes to wack roman with his wings 
he got bored one day and started taking gymnastics lessons
is now really flexible 
always brakes minor laws like shoplifting
he always gets grounded for this 
he never learns 
at the beginning of the story, he hates Roman 
 his hair is almost the same as Roman’s apart from the fact he bleaches the front part
literally, every part of this man is gross 
he’s just Roman but stinky 
sleeps anywhere he fits 
is the same hight as Roman
Remus tries to stop this hatred between nagas and winged people
met Patton when he needed to find Roman quick and he was at Pattons house
was joking around when he was there and Patt thought he was funny and now they’re friends
Patton  ?????
He’s a mixture of a dad and a two-year-old
he is the second smallest of the famILY (not including Thomas)
was adopted when he was 14
his Mums joke that he adopted them
just kind of showed up at the orphanage when he was 7 
no one ever questioned it
has blond hair 
lots of freckles
wavy hair
is definitely human
“if your human then what's your last name” “haha what”
got the boiz together when he invited them all over
everyone who meets him likes him
wears his cat hoodie on him a lot more
made Virgil's hoodie for him 
has a dog called truffles who is really smart 
really wants a cat but Logan won’t let him as he’s still allergic
will slap someone if they hurt the kiddos 
he keeps Thomas at his house as 
Virgil would be to stressed 
Logan would be too strict 
Roman wouldn’t be strict at all
Remus would kill him probably
and dee doesn't like kids
definitely has a sware jar for his house 
this is just the start so I might write something for it. sorry it doesn’t have a name yet 
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Three Little Words
Summary: Billy loves his girlfriend, he just can’t bring himself to say it. 
Author’s Note: Written from Billy’s POV!  More time jumps than I usually put in. Implied smut, big kids reading only plz. Shout out to Rachael and Emma for helping me with this one!
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She twirled her hair around her finger as the teacher lectured. Going over the third chapter of a novel she had finished long ago. I tapped the back of her chair with my foot, making her turn around to face me. She offered me a smile and a slight wave before turning her attention back to the notes she was pretending to scribble in her notebook.
She twisted back around, showing me a scribbled drawing of a stick figure, presumably of me from the looks of the hair,  making a disgruntled expression. She imitated the face she had drawn.
I rolled my eyes at her, giving her chair another kick. She stuck her tongue out at me just as the bell rang.
        “I don’t look like that,” I grumbled.
        “Yes you do, you’re a grump.” She beamed, holding up her masterpiece for me to look at again.
        “Only because I was sitting behind you and couldn’t see your pretty face.”
        “Oh, please.”
One of the things that drew me to her was that she saw right through my charm. The facade that I put on that allowed me to get whatever I wanted. She rolled her eyes, flipped her hair over her shoulder, and kept on walking. And she had me wrapped around her finger, following her around like a lost puppy.
                       Oh fuck. I think I’m falling in love with this girl.
As she swung around to strut away, she reached out behind her, an invitation to take her hand. I accepted this request, entwining our fingers as she led me through the crowded hallway and back to her locker.
She let go when she arrived at her number, dialing in the combination and opening it before tucking a couple books in and taking a couple others out.
        “Remember, we have to go to the dance tonight.” She reminded.
I let out a long groan.
The winter formal was tonight, and she insisted on going. Not that she wanted to go, but that her mother demanded she participates in school activities. Whether it was football games, student council meetings, theater productions, dances, she struggled to go to as many as possible.
        “I know.” She responded, letting out a sigh, “We only need to stay long enough for a couple pictures.”
 The bell echoed throughout the hallways,
          “Gotta go, can’t be late for Chem.” She hurriedly said, pecking me on the lips before bolting down the hallway.
 I licked the artificial cherry flavor of her lip gloss from my lips. The boys would mock me relentlessly if they caught me with pink lacquer on my lips.
I recoiled as she tugged at the collar of my shirt, buttoning it up all the way.
        “Are you trying to strangle me?” I choked, tugging on the collar with my finger.
          “I will if you don’t hold still!” She threatened as she wrapped the red tie around my neck, the same color as her dress.
          “Remind me why we’re doing this again?” I fussed.
          “Mom wants pictures.” She exhaled, “We don’t have to stay long if you don’t want to.”
 She evened the ends of the tie, brows furrowed in concentration, tongue peeking out from between her teeth.
          “I hate these stupid things.” She hissed when she messed up, untangling it and evening the ends once more.
 I looked at her and saw my mom. Forcing us to go to church, frantically getting ready because we were late. But she would slow down, take her time on my tie. Tongue sticking out between her teeth as her maroon painted nails worked on the knot. She always grumbled about getting me a clip-on tie though she never followed through.
I think she appreciated the bonding we did over that stupid, navy blue tie. Too long for my small frame at 7 years old. She’d finish by poking me in the belly, picking me up and hauling me out to the car.
Y/N looked up at me and tucked my hair behind my ears, clutching my cheeks before looking me up and down.
          “You’re starting to look like a proper gentleman, Mr. Hargrove.” She grinned, “Except for that.”
She had finally noticed that I had been resting my hands on her ass the whole time.
          “Sorry,” I smirked.
          “No, you’re not.” She quipped, seizing my wrists and arranging them at my sides.
We both let out an annoyed sigh as I parked the Camaro. She scowled at the steps leading to the dance, lined with tinsel and string lights.
        “Let’s get this over with.” She groaned, slipping her heels on and stepping out of the car.
I linked her arm with mine, leading her up the stairs and into the bustling gym. The music pumped in the background, lights and balloons littering the rafters.
A flash from our left stunned us both. Our eyes drifted over to the photo set up. A backdrop painted with snowflakes with a pine tree. 
        “Well, this is what we’re here for.” She exhaled, dragging me through the fake, cotton snow that sat on the ground.
Jonathan Byers was behind the camera, shooting me a stare as he snapped the photo.
We both stepped away, blinking our eyes to clear the spots caused by the flash.
        “Let’s get out of here.” She declared, clutching my hand.
        “Where to, princess?”
        “Ice cream.” She replied, “The parlor on Main by the theater.”
        “Ice cream? It’s freezing!”
She pouted at me, batting her eyelashes. My already weak resistance crumbled,
We relaxed in the back seat of the Camaro. She had a strawberry cone and I had a chocolate one.
        “Drip on the seats and I’ll kill you,” I warned.
She rolled her eyes, knowing damn well she could drive the car into a building and I wouldn’t even bat an eye.
I never much enjoyed ice cream, the California sun melted it in seconds, leaving it to drip down your face and hands. My mom would always laugh to herself, snapping a picture before using her thumb to erase the dried chocolate from my chin.
Y/N glanced up at me, letting out a giggle. She licked her thumb, running it along my cheek.
        “You’re such a mess.” She beamed.
        “Good thing I got you,” I replied, resting my hand on top of hers where it sat on her lap.
The way she smiled at me then. I realized I was a goner. But was it love? Maybe she only sees me as the newest thing in town. Something different than the boys in Hawkins.
But what if she doesn’t feel the same? What if her heart doesn’t flutter when she sees me like mine does when I see her? What if she doesn’t anticipate every phone call? If she doesn’t smile when she hears our song on the radio?
She leaned in to kiss me, the taste of strawberry ice cream on her tongue. We sat in silence as we finished our ice cream. She snuggled into my side, tucking herself under my arm. She hummed along softly to the radio, playing with the pendant that hung around my neck.
        “You never did tell me where you got this.”
        “Uh. My mom gave it to me… Before she died.”
She frowned at me, squeezing me a little tighter. She knew what happened with my mom, I had dropped it on her like a bomb one night. I came staggering over to her house, drunk as I’ve been.  
I had been drowning my sorrows on the anniversary of my mother’s death. Each year somehow became harder and harder, despite the passage of time.
She held me as I cried, didn’t ask any questions. Didn’t say anything. She just listened. It was cathartic, having somebody just listen to me.
        “It’s supposed to be for protection.” I explained, “For delivering good graces.”
She ran her finger over the engravings,
        “Does it work?” She asked.
I glanced down at her, staring back up at me with twinkling eyes,
        “Yeah. I think so.” I smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
I tugged her over to sit sideways on my lap. She settled her head on my shoulder, her forehead resting against my cheek.
She ran her hands through my hair, twirling strands of it around her finger. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of her hand on my scalp.
Her fingers slowed to a halt, making me let out a whine. I opened my eyes to see her passed out. She looked ethereal in the blue fluorescent light from the ice cream parlor.
The sweetest girl I had ever met was asleep on my chest. She couldn’t help her motherly tendencies. Hell, she even practiced them on Tommy H. Tommy H. Who she detested with every fiber of her being. The idiot had dropped his food on the floor and she gave him her sandwich. Whether it was to be nice or to quiet his complains, I’m not sure. When I asked if she was still hungry, she said not really, only taking one chip from my plate.
Although, when we left school that day, she promptly started to complain how hungry she was.
        “I hope Tommy doesn’t expect me to be nice to him all the time now.” She mumbled through a mouthful of cheese burger.
        “Oh please, you don’t have a mean bone in your body.”
        “Yes I do!” She fought.
        “Yeah, right.”
        “This bone.” She added, raising her middle finger at me.
I chuckled to myself at the recollection, making her stir. I let out a slight gasp, mad at myself for waking her up.
She glanced up at me,  her eyes half open as she squinted against the harsh neon light.
        “Did I fall asleep?” She asked, letting out a yawn.
        “Only for a few minutes,” I told her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
        “I need to go home and get this shit off my face.” She groaned, wiping her face on the back of her arm and smearing red lipstick across her cheek..  
She crawled off of me and into the passenger seat, sitting back and closing her eyes once more.
        “Home, please.” She yawned.
        “Your wish is my command, princess,” I replied, climbing into the driver's seat.
Just fucking say it, Hargrove. Just fucking tell her you love her. Don’t be such a pussy. 
She was too sleepy to notice how I gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles, my mouth hanging open as I tried to force the words out.
Before I built up the courage, we arrived at her house. I hurried out, running over to her side of the car and helping her step out. I placed my arm around her waist as she fished for the house keys in her purse.
She unlocked the door, stepping inside and rapidly slipping off her heels. I lingered on the porch, recognizing she didn’t want any funny business tonight.
        “Breakfast in the morning?” I asked. Saturday mornings, we went to Benny’s diner and got waffles. She got a cappuccino, extra whipped cream. And I got a black coffee. Every Saturday for the past year.
        “Of course.” She smiled sleepily, propping a hand on my chest and pressing one last kiss to my lips, “Night, Billy.”
        “Night,” I began, my heart racing as I geared up to say the words, but she had already begun closing the door. I cursed myself for not calling up the courage to just fucking say it.
But I knew I would be crushed if she didn’t say it back. And what we had going now was so good. Whether or not she loved me, I didn’t want to ruin that. I strolled out and got into the Camaro. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel.
I could’ve said it.  I had so many opportunities to say it.
But I couldn’t
What if she didn’t love me back? I mean, how could she? A piece of shit like me? No job, no ambition, going nowhere in life.
But she had to love me, right? We had been together nearly a year. The playful teasing, her wiping the ice cream off my face. Fixing my suit for me. Hell, putting up with me in general.
But it had been nearly a year…  Nearly a year and she hadn’t said it yet… she can’t possibly love me and not say it after being together that long.
But why else would she stay that long? 365 days of putting up with my asshole antics. That had to be love.
The argument continued in my head as I backed out of her driveway, speeding off down the street towards home.
        “The usual?” Maria asked as she approached our table.
        “Actually… can I try the chocolate chip cappuccino this time?” She asked, smiling politely.
        “Of course, darlin’. Extra whipped cream?”  
“         You know me so well.” She smiled.
A few moments later, Maria returned with our mugs, setting them in front of us. Y/N let out an excited hum as she took a sip of her cappuccino, wiggling in her seat. She set her mug down, looking at me with an expression that said “try it” as she pushed it across the table to me.
But my focus was exclusively on the whipped cream stuck to the tip of her nose.
        “You got a little…” I told her, pointing to the spot.
She poked her tongue out, swiping it across her skin and giving me a questioning expression.
I laughed at her pitiful attempt to lick her own nose,
        “I got it.” I leaned across her licking the whipped cream off her nose.
        “Ew!” She squealed, letting out a giggle as she pulled away. I marveled at the way her nose crinkled when she laughed. She swiped her hand across her nose, getting rid of any saliva I had left behind.
        “Funny, that’s not the last thing you were saying about my tongu-” She slapped her hand over my mouth, giving an apologetic glance to the elderly couple that sat at the booth across from us.
        “Stop it.” She hissed, unable to withhold the giggles that were bubbling up in her chest.
It was one of those moments where I realized how much I loved her. She was equally amused and disgusted. Her cheeks bright red as she laughed and covered her face. Her sleeves were tugged over her hands, her chipped painted nails peeking out. I pulled her hands away as I leaned in to kiss her, pushing her back against the booth.
One of her hands slipped to the back of my neck and the other rested on my chest, pushing me away after a few seconds.
        “Keep it in your pants, Hargrove.” She whispered, looking past me to the couple behind us.
        “You make it so hard, though.” I whimpered, “In more ways than one.”
        “Billy!” She shouted, giving me a whack on the arm.
        “Did you get your report card?” She inquired, changing the subject.
I had gotten it, but I hadn't opened it yet. Not ready to face the potential severity of my father’s rage.
        “Gimme.” She demanded, grabbing at me.
I handed over the envelope and observed as she opened it. A grin spread across her face as she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek over and over again.
        “I’m so proud of you!” She exclaimed.
I glanced at the paper, seeing that I brought my math grade up from a D- to a C+.
Proud of me…
It had been years since somebody said that to me.
Susan and Neil rented a cabin for the weekend and Maxine was staying the night at a friend’s house, so we had the place to ourselves.
She led the way up to my room, dropping her purse on my dresser and slipping her converse off.  She tucked herself under the covers in my bed, opening her novel. I slipped off my boots and jeans, sliding in behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. My hands slipped under her sweater, tracing circles on her waistline.
I read over her shoulder, not absorbing anything on the pages, only taking in the scent of her shampoo.
        “Stop sniffing me, freak.” She complained, turning the page.
I forced her sweater aside, pressing kisses to along her shoulder. She let out a gasp as I gently sank my teeth into her skin.
        “Billy. I have to read this chapter by tomorrow.” She warned, shrugging me off.
        “Didn’t you just finish a book?” I whined.
        “Yeah. And now I’m starting a book.” She retorted.
        “How many pages?”
She let out a hum as she flipped through the book, counting as she went,
        “Twenty.” She replied.
I let out a groan. She was turned away from me so I couldn’t see the smirk I knew was there as she wiggled her hips against mine.
        “Stop it.”
        “I’m not doing anything.” She replied sweetly.
I let out a grunt, continuing my work on her shoulders.
        “You know, if you keep distracting me, it’ll take longer.” She flipped another page.
I ignored her, slipping my hands further under her top, brushing along the wire of her bra.
She rolled over, scowling at me and thrusting the back of the book in my face in an attempt to get my hands off her.
Instead, I plucked the book from her hand, folding the corner of the page in and throwing it on the ground beside the bed.
        “Hey!” She complained as I rolled over on top of her, pressing my lips to her’s.
I trapped her underneath me, hands on either side of her shoulders as I dipped my head into her neck. Her hands snaked up the back of my neck, holding me in place. I smirked against her skin as she emitted soft sighs,
        “Isn’t this more fun than reading?”
        “Hmm… No.” She countered, mischief in her voice.  
I reached down, picking up her thighs and forcing them to wrap around my waist. She let out a surprised squeal as I pinned her hands above her head and gently sank my teeth into the spot on her neck that makes her squirm.
I whimpered as she picked her clothes up off the floor,
        “Where you going?”
        “I can’t stay the night, Billy.” She told me, leaning over and pecking me on the lips.
        “I’ve got an interview in the morning. I gotta get up and get ready.”
She pulled her top on over her head and bent down to put on her jeans. I snuck up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her back onto the bed with me. I rolled over on top of her, resting my head on her chest.
        “Billy.” She protested as I tightened my grip on her
        “Just stay for like… five minutes.” I urged.
        “Fine.” She sighed, wrapping her arms around me and closing her eyes.
Soon five minutes had turned into five hours, the sun slowly coming up above the horizon.
        “Oh shit!” She exclaimed, looking over me and to the alarm clock, “Shit, shit, shit!”
She scrambled out of bed, collecting her jeans from the floor and stumbling into them, doing a little hop to get them over her butt.
        “I have a job interview in like, ten minutes!” She shouted, pulling her boots on and running into the bathroom.
She returned a moment later with brushed hair and a toothbrush hanging from her teeth.  
        “Can I borrow the car?” She mumbled through the brush,
I reached over to my nightstand, grabbing the keys and tossing them to her. She smiled, shoving them into her pocket before returning to the bathroom to spit out her toothpaste.
She scooped her purse up off my dresser, pressing a kiss to my lips before running out of the room.
        “Love you, bye!” She called.
My world stopped, only continuing to turn once the front door slammed and broke my trance.
Love you. Bye.
The words played in my head like a broken record. The words that I had been poring over, searching for every detail as to why we hadn’t said it.
And she let it fly from her lips in passing, when she wasn’t thinking about it. Just something she hollered as she rushed out the door.
A smile crept onto my lips. I gripped onto my necklace,
Good graces.
        “Hey.” She grinned, handing my keys over to me as she pecked my lips.
        “How’d it go?”
        “Made it just in time. Manager seemed to like me okay.”
        “Do you… uh… do you remember what… what you said… before you left?” I asked, anxiously playing with my hands.
She took notice of this, taking my hands in hers and giving them a comforting squeeze.
        “I uh…” She pondered for a minute, thinking back to this morning, “I told you I had a job interview….then I said bye…”
Her eyes grew wide in realization,
        “I said I love you.” She murmured.
        “That’s uh…you’ve never said that before.” I stiffly shuffled my feet, cheeks burning as I refused to meet her gaze.
        “Yeah… I thought it was pretty obvious that I love you, goofball.” She smiled, taking my cheeks and making me look at her.
        “I-uh.. yeah… I mean… it.. I.. you’ve…” I stumbled over every word that came out of my mouth, “I just… can’t… why… me?”
        “Why you?” She scoffed, “You may be an asshole, but you’re all mush under that leather jacket of yours.”
        “I- I just… I don’t- I don’t deserve you.”
        “Hey.” She hissed, abandoning the sweet tone in her voice. “You deserve the fucking world, do you understand me? Besides, we don’t get what we deserve, we get what we need.”
I nodded, her gaze piercing through mine.
        “I love you, Billy Hargrove.” She told me.
        “I love you, too.”
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becumsh · 7 years
The Alphabet Tag Game
I was tagged by lovely @welcome-to-my-mind-shed
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better. 
A: Age | 19
B: Birthplace | Pyatigorsk/Пятигорск.
C: Current time | 0.53
D: Drink you had last | Earl Grey with a dash of semi skimmed milk
E: Easiest person to talk to | My best friends, I think. The ‘TMI’ does not exist. Also I like to vent on my blog which will probably bite me in the arse at some point, but I need my venting. But I do prefer to keep fandom life separate from real life. Apart from some people who happen to be in my life and who also happen to be into fandoms.
F: Favourite song | As of right now it’s my old fave - Of Monsters And Men - Lakehouse
G: Grossest memory | I don’t want to replay it in my mind, so no..
H: Hogwarts House | The most recent test said I’m Ravenclaw
I: In love? | No
J: Jealous of people | Sometime but I don’t want to brag but I’m pretty zen when it comes to being jealous. I mean, life is unfair and everyone are given uneven chances and different genetics. Being jealous won’t help you and no one is actually affected by your jealousy other than you so why bother. Have a drink and focus on good things because people you are jealous of lack something you have and vice versa, chill.
K: Killed someone? | You wouldn’t know either way.
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again? | I believe in a ‘click’ but it also takes me a while to get used to someone. A mixture of both?
M: Middle name | We don’t have middle names in Russia. My patronymic is Valeryevna because my dad’s name is Valeriy
N: Number of siblings | 0. There could’ve been a twin though!
O: One wish | To be in life where I need to be.
P: Person you called last | My Gran.
Q: Question you are always asked | “You are 19 and just finished school? Oh, you were studying abroad. Why did you come back?” Inflation, dear fellow. Currency rates suck. And politicians can kiss my arse.
R: Reason to smile | I went with my best friend to see a Doctor together and we talked and chatted; the dates were soft and sweet; I started to read a really good book (Peter Capaldi is always a reason to smile though)
S: Song you sang last | Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks
T: Time you woke up | 10.30 am. For me it’s really early, lmao
U: Underwear colour | Navy, white polka dot.
V: Vacation destination | I’d like to go to Prague. Also Nepal sounds appealing. There’s also my standard list of destinations I’d love to revisit over and over again but that’s another story for another day.
W: Worst habit | I’m very unpunctual. Also I’m forgetful. And the greatest procrastinator
X: X-rays | I used to have a lot of these when I was a child. Now it’s a couple of times a year
Y: Your favourite food | Ugh, I like all the food. But I’m a savoury person.
Z: Zodiac sign | Libra
I’m really tired to tag coz it’s late but team trevilieu plz do this. @tatzelwyrm @freyalor @stepantrofimovic pls spread the word?
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Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
"Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance -- will it get on cheaper when I move from Los Angeles to Colorado?
Or is it a myth that it's based on where you live? I currently pay about $100 a month, I think.""
Cost of newborn delivery/childbirth(California...
I'm wondering what the cost is for delivery/childbirth is in California, without taking health insurance coverage into account? Just looking for a general number, but if you want more specifics: -My area is the San Francisco Bay Area (east/south bay) -When I say childbirth, I mean: admittance into hospital/actual delivery procedure (not cesarian)/3 day hospital stay I'm shopping for health insurance, so any number that you come up with to help me budget/calculate would help me out greatly!""
New car insurance???
What do you think the insurance would cost on a Mazda Rx-8 for a 16 year old boy(first car possibility)
Im 71 years old will 1 speeding offence offence two years age effect my car insurance?
I have always used a Mobility car, hence the ignorance re, insurance""
Is auto insurance cheaper in Texas than California?
Is auto insurance cheaper in Texas than California?
Car insurance rates question plz help 10 pts?
I pay $187 a mth for car insurance & that's full coverage with $500 deduct. The reason I was told I'm paying that much was bc of a big wreck I had back in Aug 2010 and since it's coming up on 3 yrs and my premium expires in Aug I'm expecting my rates to go down a little. My insurance company jus told me that that's not why I'm paying that much it's bc of 2 speeding tickets I got back in 2010 Feb & April bt when my premium expires in Aug my rates will go down. My question is can you guys give me a estimate on how much you think I'll be paying in Aug when my rates go down??! I live in S.C. Btw Thanks so much in advance
Cheap auto insurance?
I am looking for auto insurance......i have a dui on my record and im about to get my license back....so i need some suggestions on some cheap insurance.....i have already tried the general and dairy land....
Car insurance cost in CA?
I just moved to Los Angeles county from Massachusetts. I have a 2002 Mercedes c230 that I brought with me. I used to pay $850/yr. for full coverage on it in MA. I have been looking around and getting quotes online for $900+ for 6 months here! I am a 25 yr old single, and I also have a perfect driving record. Is all insurance rediculously priced here?, or am i just looking in the wrong place? ( I've looked at GEICO, progressive, other nationwide online companys) thanks for any help.""
Short term car insurance for foreign visitors?
Me and a few guys (UK citizens) are planning on coming to the US and driving East to West over a few months. We are thinking of buying a car and then selling it before we leave. Is it possible to get short term car insurance for this amount of time? Keeping in mind that we are not from US also? thanks
My cousin wants to go on my insurance?
i have my own third party insurance for my own car, my cousin owns a van but cant seem to get insurance because he has 5 convictions so he wants me to take out insurance on his van and go on my insurance, does anyone have any ideas on insurance companies for him or can anyone tell me if i agree to do what he wants will anything he do affect my insurance costs in the future?""
Ow much does it cost to deliver a baby without health insurance in washington hospital california ??
Ow much does it cost to deliver a baby without health insurance in washington hospital california ??
Is it true that if you buy a brand new car the car insurance will be much more than a second hand car?
Why?? I'm going to buy the very first car for me (a mazda 3 hatchpack 2006 or 2008..) and I want it to be new cause I can afford any price. But my dad keeps telling me not to buy a new car cause i won't be having good bennefits from it..such as the car insurance. It will be higher than a second hand car's...around 1000 euros every year. Also the car insurance must be full if it's a new car and I should have it on 1/3 cause its cheaper. So if it's a new car I can't have it on 1/3. What do you think I should do? I really want that car and that's why I want it to be new..cause it's the one I've always wanted!
Do you still have to be added to your parents car insurance if you just borrow their car?
I don't have my own car yet, so ill occasionally be borrowing the car. Do I still have to be added? We have All State if that helps.""
Looking for a car insurance commercial.?
In the commercial a guy is using a marshmallow treat to simulate a wrecked car and to fix it he sticks it back together. I believe the commercial is trying to say the insurance is fast at fixing your car. I think there was some sort of frog/toad in the commercial too.. Help?
18 year old military personal auto insurance price in NY?
hello my name is Joseph and i recently just bought my first car yesterday. I financed through Navy federal bank and purchased a 2011 Mazda 3 I for 11k out the door price including tax. the check will be coming in the mail tuesday and i will need to have insurance to go pick up the car. ive been searching online and calling different insurance agents to get a quote and im looking at paying 400-600 per month for insurance ! here are some of the prices these insurance agents quoted me at. Geico - 500 State Farm - 400 USAA - 600 Progressive - 550 Esurance - 450 im just wondering if this is normal ? i was expecting to pay 200-250 but not 400-600, i am 18 years old. been in the military for 6 months. clean driving record. and have been license at the age of 16 since 03/15/2012 can anyone tell me if this is normal ? and what other car insurance companies are in new york ? thank you for your time.""
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Do car insurances typically give lower quotes for married couples?
I'm going to be jumping on to my fiances auto plan [Progressive] and heard that insurance agencies give lower prices to married couples. Is this true? He drives a 1988 bonneville and I drive a 2001 sunfire. I am also in college, he isnt.""
How much does life insurance cost?
I have coverage for life insurance through my work. My fiance dosent. He is 20 years old. How much would life insurance cost a month for him?
What is a cheap auto insurance company?
Please be specific.
Should I put a claim in with my auto insurance?
Today at a light a car rear ended me. My rear bumper has some small scratches and some paint marks from the other car. No dents or anything else. the car that hit me seemed to have worse damage to his front bumper. We called the police and they did a report. The other guy said he is not going to put in a claim with his insurance. He admitted fault and apologized over and over. I was wondering if it is worth me putting in a claim with my insurance? I don't want my rates to go up and even though I am not at fault, i wonder how aggressively my insurance will pursue a claim with the other guy's insurance since damage is so minor. I actually wonder if it was worth calling the police, when I really think about it. I was just shaken up at the time. I think re painting the bumper would actually be less than my deductible. I don't really have any pain and no noticeable injuries. I had a friend say I should put in a claim for minor back pain, but even if i was in minor pain, i have heard the 10,000 most companies give always go to lawyers and chiropractors I don't want to lie and don't want to spend time going to chiropractors too end up not getting anything and still having to pay to repaint bumper, have my rates go up and be aggravated. any advice?""
When buying life insurance what is the best affordable option?
I am 37 with 2 kids I currently have term life on me for 250,000.00 and 100,000.00 on each of the kids. Now there are tons of different life insurances out here is one really better than the other? I currently have it thru met life does it really matter?""
""My work offered health insurance, should i accept?""
So im working as a full time cocktail waitress and i was informed that there is medical and dental health insurance available for me. I moved to USA, NYC recently so this is why im unfamilliar with this. Im 27 and healthy. I do need some dental work but its not an emergency. Somebody told me that insurance trough my employer could cost me 400$ a month. Is that normal? Can i find more affordable insurance and do i really need to spend that much a month if im pretty much healthy? Any advice on this would be great.""
Can you report someone for driving without car insurance?
i know this person and i was just wondering if you could turn them in for not having car insurance without them knowing who turned them in. I want to prevent someone from getting hurt and not getting there part of the insurance claim or whatever.....anything will help..THANKS!!!!
Insurance for a driver without a license?
I'm getting my license in about a week, and the website said I need proof of insurance to do the driving test... I don't think they'll insure an unlicensed driver, so do I just need to show proof of insurance on the vehicle in general? It's my moms car btw, I can't find a job, so I don't have a car... Also, I'll be 18""
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
How much on insurance do you think this car would be?
Hey everyone, A little background on me first. I'm 18 and a female. I work at Popeyes (maybe Kohl's soon) and I am looking at getting a 370Z Nissan. The car ( with the features I want done to it ) costs about $45,000. I'm just wondering how much insurance will cost and if I can just stick with Popeyes or have to get a second job. I wont be getting the car till another 3 months because I need to save u for a down payment but I didn't know how much insurance will cost. If you guys have any clue please let me know. Thank you so much(: -Tayson""
Failure to provide proof of insurance.?
I got a ticket for failing to provide my insurance card to the officer. I had an insurance card, but it was expired. He told me to fight it in court and it will most likely be dropped. If it gets dropped, does it still appear as a conviction on my driving record. What are the impacts on my insurance rates if it does appear as a conviction?""
Does leasing a car affect insurance more than financing?
So because I don't technically own the car, will leasing a new car be more expensive than buying a new car... insurance wise? Or is there a negligable diffenence?""
Cheap health insurance?
what is the cheapest health insurance in california? i am male 22, i do not smoke..""
2000+ Toyota Celica Insurance and More?
I'm a 16 year old boy and expecting to buy this car for about $6,000 in August. I am looking for details such as mpg and insurance rates for a 16yo boy buying this car. I heard the mpg are really good on this car but will it be worth it if the insurance is high? Help me decide and give me other car ideas under the budget of $7,000 -Cory, CT""
Life Insurance - Can I insure my mom?
I am 34 years old. My mom is in her late 60's and in good health. Can I get a life insurance policy on her and collect on it when she passes? I can't imagine this being so - how could insurance companies stay in business if it were this easy? The monthly rates that I'm seeing seem to good to be true - I'd be stupid to not do it. I'm thinking I must be missing something. Is life insurance only for accidental death? Thank you.
What is a good insurance policy for funeral andextra money for your family?
I know nothing about life insurance progams. What is a good insurance policy for funeral and extra money for your family? I'm 47, smoker but could quit, on disability?""
Will my car insurance go up if i buy a new car?
i am currently driving a used 99 honda civic. suppose if i buy an all new 2012 toyota camry. Will my car insurance go up? i am currently 18, and my car insurance cost me 800usd for 6 month. and should college students like me buy an all new car?""
Cheap or free help with medical insurance?
I need health insurance for myself my children are covered under medicade and I need health insurance that is free or cheap
How much do footballers pay for car insurance?
just wondered cos Wayne Rooney Keeps spinning and having prangs, given his age, and the value of cars involved how much does he have to pay in premiums? I'm in no doubt he can afford it, but just wondered how much premiums would be.""
Insurance rate?
best insurance company in clear lake, houston""
What is the minimum you can pay for car insurance if your under 18 and a girl?
Is there any ways to get a low cost?
What will life insurance cost me ? Ballpark!!
what will life insurance cost me? im just looking for a ballpark price. i know i know . factors. just say im 40, a little over whight, non-smoker, 90,000.00 i have 10 at work. so if i die my family gets 100,000.00 what is this called. life term? or something. like i said just looking for a W.A.G. per month 10$? 20$? 5$? 30$? Thanks""
What is the difference between being forced to buy auto insurance and being forced to buy health insurance?
From my understanding: People have to buy health insurance so that if people get sick/injured, other people won't have to pay for them. Medical bills are very expensive so that's why people have it. And if a patient doesn't pay their medical bills due to not being able to afford it they will be treated anyway because of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. The health insurance companies will compensate for this by raising insurances rates of the insured. Having car insurance is so that if a driver causes an accident that driver's insurance can pay for the victim's damages. But if an uninsured driver hits an insured driver, the auto insurance company is allowed to raise the insured driver's rates. The reason for this is because the insurance company has to pay for their insured driver's car because there is no on else to pay up, and sometimes even they raise rates because they believe the insured driver is purposely putting themselves in situations to cause accidents. And it is a fact that unless a person lives in a major US city such as New York City, driving a car is a necessity. You need a car to be able to function in a non-metro environment without a car. The only time a person should have their driving privilege taken away unless they hurt someone. So the point is if another person doesn't pay into either health or auto insurance. The people who do pay lose. Because their rates increase. I don't see any significant punishment for people who do without either insurance. Because I know illegal immigrants pull stunts like these all the time. So I just don't see how their different.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in New Jersey?
I hate looking for car insurance and dealing with all the different rates and agents and policies etc. I just want to know what the cheapest car insurance is in New Jersey one that is quick easy and the best for what I am looking for. Help meee
Question about car insurance? (Progressive)?
So I am 19 and currently on my parents car insurance plan still. When I moved out the first time they put a hold on my car insurance because I didn't feel the need to have a car while living downtown. I moved back in with my parents for a few months to look for a new place and I got back on the insurance and now I am about to move out again permanently back to the city but this time I want to take my car with me. I will be changing my primary address and getting a new drivers license for that state (My family is in Indiana and I am moving back to Chicago). I will be going to school full time in that state as well as living there so my question is... does anyone know if I can stay on my parents car insurance if I am no longer living in their home/state?
How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?
How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?
Is comprehensive car insurance cheaper if you own the car?
is it cheaper than if you had a loan out on it? why is this? thanks
What is the best health insurance for the self employed? (and cheapest)?
What is the best health insurance for the self employed? (and cheapest)?
Best car for cheap car insurance England?
i'm looking for an affordable car for my first one i'm a 19 year old female, i''ve checked a 2001 ford ka 1.3 and it was the second cheapest one for insurance which was 1500 the only thing putting me off is my friend had one and she said it guzzled petrol :P which i think she means it wasted petrol, the cheapest was a fiat 500 the insurance was 1300 but i really can't afford one so just want a cheap run around until i've saved up enough to buy a new one, does anyone know any affordable cars max price 1500 with cheap insurance thanks!! oh and if anyone has had a ford ka do you recommend one?""
How do I find out my neighbors homeowners insurance company?
My daughter was bitten by my neighbors dog. He refuses to pay. I want to file a claim on his homeowners insurance, but he won't tell me.""
Car insurance Q??????????
Im 16 years old and Ill be geting my car In June that I paid $3,000 dlrs for Can I get the car title in my own name or do my parents half to also be on my title and when i get my car insurance will my parents be on that? im paying for every thing with my own money... And I live in the state of WI.""
Which car insurance is the cheapest and the best of all?
I know there are alot of car insurance out there and I want to know which one is cheap and reliable. I heard Geico is good, can someone confirm it, are there any other good one besides Geico?""
Health Insurance (Prescription insurance denied) Why?
Bad title for this question I know. I have never really had to go to the doctor for anything, ANYTHING. Recently I went to go see one because my energy level has been horrible, and I am always fatigued. After seeing the doctor, and getting lab work done, I had spent almost a $1000 dollars. But still, I'm okay with that, if its like one visit every six months or so, so what. Anyways, they found my Testosterone levels to be really really low. So they put me on a medication called androgel. Let me tell you, I can only get 15 days worth of this medication at a time, but every time I go to Walgreens to get a refill, I spend hundreds. Tonight when I picked it up it cost me $268.41. I called everywhere to see about health insurance, even though I only need help with prescriptions. I dont know what to do. I dont need all out full fledge health insurance. But apparently if I tried to get it anyway, I would be denied due to a pre-existing condition ((WTF))!! Apparently the only people who can qualify for health insurance are those who dont need it to begin with. And those who need it are denied because of a pre-existing condition. They are no programs that help with prescriptions that I know of, that dont require tons and tons of paperwork, audits, background investigations, and appointment after appointment. I am really upset and am lost with regard to getting the medication my doctor says I need, reduced in price. I cant afford almost $600 a month. But if even if I try to get health care, i will be denied. Could someone please help me out : ) Thanks for checking out my question I dont have health insurance because I never needed it. Plus I have always been responsible with my money""
Individual health insurance plan for college student?
I have social anxiety disorder and am going to visita doctor to get meds. I am new to the whole healthcare thing so I have s few questions. If I were to sign up for a health insurance plan now, wouldthey cover my docyor visits? What about meds? Can you reccommend some good individual health insurance coverages. I am mainly worried about doctor visits costs I assume they will be monthly my meds I can probably pay for myself Also do they have monthly payment plans for doctor visits for those without insurance""
Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
What would be insurance on this car?
I want to get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price is great, but how mh would te insurance be? For a 16 year old""
Is Future Generali(Future group) insurance good?
Hi, I am planning to take a life insurance policy, can I go for Future group's new venture Future Generali or is it safe to go with LIC.Kindly suggest me on the basis of how good they're in Service, and claims. Thanks, Jagadish""
How much would a 2002 impreza wrx cost to insure?
Im 17( i know im about to get a bunch of your going to kill yourself! AHHHH!!!! i regularly drive my dads 05 mustang gt, i know how to responsibly control power) and me and my parents have found a great deal on a 2002 impreza sedan, it has 125k miles on it, and the last thing deciding factor before buying this vehicle is the insurance. We already have a mustang gt on the family plan, i live in VA, make all A's(supposed to give me a 30% discount), im male, the color is blue, with only a greddy bov aftermaket part installed. The car itself is blue, it is the turbod WRX version(not the sti), and has never been wrecked. We have state farm, im not sure as to what other information anyone would need to know, but im jusst looking for a rough estimate, thanks for any input.""
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm looking for the cheapest car insurance coverage right now. All I need is an affordable quote, so I don't care about how good the company is or how much they will cover. I just need affordable insurance to drive a car. I had 2 tickets, and all the quotes I've been getting so far are over $1,000 for 6 months. I am fully aware that I drove like a dummy and was unlucky as hell; that's where the 2 tickets came from. So please don't make any comment on that. I just need some help. Thank you!""
Top life insurance companies in india?
Top life insurance companies in india and its performances
Insurance cost for the following car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT?
I am a teenager and I am buying a car and would like to know an estimate on how much this insurance costs before I call them up. Car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 L, 6 Cylinders. Title: Va - Salvage I originally wanted to buy a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse, 2.4, 4 Cylinder. I know the eclipse is a better choice, But auctions for the eclipse will end for quite a while on the website we are purchasing the car. And I need a car now, because it will take us a while to fix up the vehicle (Buying proken, and repairing)""
Whats a good insurance company?
Hi guys!I just bought my first bike and I'm trying to find out which insurance company is cheap? I bought Suzuki Sv 650 bike.I need full coverage insurance. I just don't know how to get a insurance for my bike please help. Please tell me everything I should know aboout.
How do i get an online auto insurance quote in British Columbia??
Fvcking stupid place! How do i get insurance online in this god damn provence!!!
Will my husband's car insurance cover the cost of the damaged car?
I was driving my husband's car (in the UK) which is insured in his name. He also put my name in the insurance agreement that I have permission to drive his car etc. However, I do not have a driving licence but my husband does of course. I got into a serious car accident and my husband's car is completely ruined. The police took information and saw that I was driving the car. Will my husband's car be covered by his insurance or will they reject it because I was driving it? He has fully comprehensive car insurance. Thanks.""
From whom can I get home insurance in Delaware if I own a Pit-bull?
From whom can I get home insurance in Delaware if I own a Pit-bull?
When does my insurance expire?
I have a Family HealthPlus insurance that I just renewed thus is valid until next year, I also just got a new job, and my employment insurance is in effect as of July 1. What happens next? is my HealthPlus automatically cancelled or can I use both of my insurances simultaneously? The reason why I am asking is that, I have a referral to extract my wisdom tooth from my old insurance, and would like to use it to do just that. My employer does not allow me to take sick/personal days off in the first 90 days of my employment, so I can't really do that between now and July 1, to schedule an extraction. Thanks a bunch!""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
An affordable car to purchase with cheapest insurance for a 17 y/o?
Hey, I'm 17 and looking to purchase my first car. Of course, insurance is a big issue for me. I was wondering what car would be a good buy where insurance wouldstill be cheap? I'm looking at spending around 500 for a second hand car, so all these new electric economic cars which cost thousands that google keep bringing up are too miuch for me. I heard about ford KA's, Nissan Micra's, Renault Clio's and Vauxhall Corsa's being good, however, when I look on insurance websites there's about 50 versions of each car with different engines, doors, years etc, and I don't have the slightest clue which version of the car would be the cheapest, other than having a smaller engine. I was wondering if anybody could provide me with the make and models of the cars which are the cheapest to insure, but are still well priced and can be picked up easily second hand. Thanks""
I have Kansas Progressive Auto insurance. Will my insurance drop when I turn 25? And if so approx how much?
Any answers pertaining to age 25 &/or the state of KS is helpful. I can't find anything on Progressive relating to age & insurance rates. Thanks!
""How much does it cost for one adult to live in an apartment, with food, car insurance, etc?
I want to know so I know how much I'll have to make a month once I move out of the house.
Is it true that the affordable care act will double the cost of my health insurance to meet the ACA requiremen?
Double premiums and out of pocket cost my health insurance is not from healthcare.gov exchanges
Cost of getting Insurance under parents car?
Hi im 17, living in Ireland and I want to get insured under my mothers car which is a 2005 skoda octavia with the 1.4 liter engine does anyone know how much it would cost because ive been saving up but not sure I have enough. also I only have a provisional license. thanks""
""I'm about to shop for auto insurance, but I'm afraid it could hurt me?""
I know that too many inquiries will look bad on a credit report. The guy at my current insurance office said inquiries for auto insurance aren't the same as others and dont bring my credit score down. Im not sure if he's lying or not. The last time I checked my report, I had 2 inquiries on it from when they looked for the best rate for me last time in Sept. He also said they could shop for me (for the best rate) at agencies that dont go off of credit scores . Why are there some agencies that use my credit score and some that don't- whats the difference? Does it affect my score/ look bad in general to have sevral inquiries from auto insurance agencies?""
Should I change insurance companies? How to change insurance?
If I don't pay insurance, company will cancel insurance, right? I don't link an insurance company to my bank, so I think stop paying, insurance will be cancel. Should I change insurance companies? Someone told me insurance company will increase fee every year, changing company may save money. In my case, I paid $650 for home insurance last year. However, I have to pay $800 this year.""
Car insurance???????
I'm a first time buyer (23 y/o) but I've been looking at small compact SUVs more so than 4door sedans just because I love them, but What would be a little cheaper for insurance purposes, a sedan or SUV ? I've checked with some insurance companies and they all say different things. Anyone know what would be the better option? Thank you! And I'm looking to get between an 04-2008 vehicle.""
""How much, on average, is contents insurance?""
I'm attending university soon and I will be flatting. I want to get contents insurance for my belongings. I will be taking $10,000 worth of things with me (Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, Bedding, Books, small shelves, clothing rack etc) What is the average cost for insurance per week? Any answer will help. I'm working out my budget! Thanks in advance.""
What is the best way to market homeowners insurance in Florida?
I m a relatively new property and casualty insurance agent in Florida. There is a perceived homeowners insurance crisis in Florida. Many of the big boys (ie Allstate, State Farm, Nationwide) are not writing any new business, policies are being nonrenewed, and if you're lucky enough to not get dropped, premiums are going up by more than 30% a year. Because of this, the average consumer thinks there's no alternative but pay what your Allstate, State Farm, or Nationwide agent gets you, which is usually a high rate with Citizens (the state run insurance company of last resort). However there ARE several small companies writing policies in Florida with great rates, but the captive agent of the big boys can't write them so people don't really know. I honestly haven't had a single lead who I couldn't save hundreds, maybe more than a thousand dollars a year. But I just don't know how to get the word out. Any ideas?""
Where can i get auto insurance for cheap?
i have a utah license but live in idaho. i don't want to pay much more than $150 a month.
Does 4x4 make auto insurance more expensive?
I wanted to buy a '95 Jeep Wrangler but I noticed it was a 4x4. Will my insurance go up because it has four wheel drive?
Car insurance expired what to do?
I bought an old car . its insurance expired on 9.7.12. how can i get it insured again?
Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
Ok i need help on finding health insurance?
Im 19 yrs old i have no kids or a job, So i cant get on medicaid. I have hyperthyroidism and im on 2 medicines and need to see a doctor but i dont understand the deductuble and all that crazy stuff so any info will help me.. Thank you""
How do unemployed get medical insurance?
March 31st is the last day for 'everyone' to sign up for medical insurance. How would it work in my situation? My fianc and I are now both unemployed, we have been searching for jobs high and low. Sad to say only 40% of 2 million jobless people will find jobs. Our uneployment ran out and have spent all our tax money on bills and rent. We are now on the verge of losing everything by next month. We have no income so how are we going to sign up and pay for insurance. Even $5 a month for each of us is a lot in our circumstance.""
How much will insurance be for me?
Hi! I'm 16 years old and I'm about to get my drivers license. I was wondering if anyone knew how much insurance will turn out to be? I heard there was a good student discount? Is that true? I'd be driving an 07 Honda
""Hey, i need help finding the right car insurance for me..? im 18 im from california.....?
im 18 and im from california.. i barely got my drivers license 2 days agooo and i was wondering what insurance is right for me? i want an insurance that is affordable... not so expensive... what do u recommend? what do you have? and how much do you pay for it?
I am looking for the cheapest car insurance for a u/25 driver?
I am looking for the cheapest car insurance for a u/25 driver?
Full coverage car insurance?
my daughter 27 years old was in a car accident was not injury,but the car was total and had full coverage insurance,because it was finance. she owned about $10,000 on the car now the insurance will only pay $7,000 on the car because the blue book say that what it is worth. i have never heard of that, full coverage is full coverage. so has anyone ever heard of this? we live in indiana thank you""
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
What is the cost for courier insurance?
I am looking into the idea of starting a local courier business, just me with no employees (at least to start with). I'm just trying to get an idea of what some of the start up costs would be, one of which is courier insurance, without having to talk to an insurance agent. I would only be delivering small packages and letters/paperwork in Green Bay WI and the surrounding areas.""
How much would motorcycle insurance be?
I am a 16 year old caucasian male. Want to know how much insurance would be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my first bike, a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i.""
What is the best way to get an insurance company to pay you what a car is worth?
My son was rear ended at a high rate of speed. He was pushed 6 feet into the car in front of him. The guy had to really be moving when he hit my son. He was driving a 1999 Chevy Lumina LS. The blue book value according to NADA is $5000. It only had 78,000 miles on the car. No rust on the body and overall in excellent shape. The insurance company offered me $3600 for the car. I can NOT find a replacement car in that shape for that price...""
""If my car was severely keyed, and i want insurance to pay for some of it, will my geico insurance rate go up?""
psycho ex bf keyed every single panel of my jeep, including F^&* you and cya boo and a couple of X s. fml. there's no way in hell i can pay for it on my own but it is so embarassing. if i try to get insurance to pay for it, will my rate go up?""
If i buy a new cbr 600 wat will my insurance cost? ?
im 19 and live in tx hoe much will i pay a yr? if its new or used wiill it make a differece>?
How much does it cost the average person to keep and maintain a CAR in a day?
including petrol, MOT, buying the car, insurance, washing, oil, air, tyres, extras eg booster, radio, or say how much money it would altogether cost a year then i can divide it :) THANK YOU xx by the way if you are wondering which car make well one that costs average""
Would car insurance be expensive for a Mazda RX-8?
expensive being around sportscar/ muscle car range or like a regular cars insurance?
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old?
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? I am learning to drive at the moment but I want to know what some cheap cars are to insure?
Can I have an estimate on my car insurance?
I am an 18 year old male, in the state of Pennsylvania who is gonna buy his own car. I have never been in a car accident or gotten a ticket in the past 2 years I've been behind the wheel (with my moms car). I also have State Farm insurance. Can someone let me know how much It would cost if I got a car insured under my moms insurance? Or maybe if it could be cheaper for me to get my own plan? Thank you!""
What is a good cheap car for a 17year old? I want cheap insurance as well.?
I have recent started driving lessons and I want to buy a car. I only earn 30 a day tho.
If a person gets a speeding ticket while driving someones car and they want your insurance does it effect you?
if you let someone borrow your car and they get a ticket while driving your car do they need your insurance? and if you decided to make a copy and give it to them for proof of ...show more
What is a good life insurance?
Does anyone know a good life insurance that they would recommend? and would you recommened term or whole?
""As a male with an excellent driving record, why am I forced to pay more for auto insurance because of others?""
who have a poor driving record, and who happen to be the same gender as me? Why does having male chromosomes make me responsible for the poor driving record of other people just because they happen to be the same gender? Why does having a uterus make women NOT responsible for those same people? Why is there so much gender discrimination in auto insurance?""
What is the best insurance company for young drivers?
Does anyone know of any insurance company which is cheap for young, new drivers? I am 17 and I found an insurance company that costs roughly 2,500 but that is still quiet a bit. Any help will be useful..!!""
My girlfriends has insurance for her vehicle but if she drive my car will he be insured?
I just got a new car and i chose esurance for my provider and she has statefarm for her car. According to esurance every driver i add to my insurance with cost me $40 more a month. so my question is if she drive my car will she still be insured by her insurance or do i have to add her to mine?
How much does a limo insurance cost?
im saving 33,480 dollars to buy an 04 limo""
How will health insurance brokers be affected by healthcare reform?
will health insurance brokers still have a job?
""Cant B on husbands car insurance, he said no cuz dad is on it & he wasnt gonna stop lending his car 2 his fam.""
I would like to be on my husbands car insurance. He said no because his dad is on it and he was not gonna stop lending his car to his family. He would however open a separate account for me. I asked him to stop lending the car he said no, it was his car.""
Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
Evergreen Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60805
0 notes
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
"Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Which Car Insurance is cheaper at the state of NJ?
I tire of riding in public transportation, I had my licend 1 year ago but the thing is that I am 21 years old and almost a new driver and I want to get the Cheaper option for me. I dont have the car yet but if i found a insurance that fix for me buy it will not be a problem. Let said that i buy a car from Honda 2000. I want something with the basic, i know it going to be hard for my age but their is no impossibe.""
Would zero demerit points mean that my insurance rates wont be effected?
In terms of my driving record, etc?""
""When people turn 25, should they just kill themselves?""
College is over, you're no longer young and you have to worry about decreasing in health, plus you get taken off your parents health insurance (if you went to college) because society expects you to be paying for it by working now for the rest of your life. You no longer can be immature. Marriage starts to happen, and then kids...blah 100 other reasons more, etc. Source: 17 Year Old, (18 in April) Senior in High School""
""What are some affordable health insurance options for those with preexisting conditions, here in Wisconsin?""
I have a friend who is 31 years old, and is unable to find health insurance due to the fact that she had a heart attack a few years ago. I'm sure that she is only one of thousands of people in the same situation..but there has got to be some way to get affordable health insurance for her, here in Wisconsin. Is there anyone out there who has been in this situation, and has lucked out in finding affordable health insurance? We have been looking, but as of right now...to no avail.""
""Hi, I am coming up to 17 and am going to need insurance for the car i'm going to buy.?""
I'm going to buy a vauxhall corsa 1.0 x reg. I will need to get it insured for when i have a provisional liscence, i've been on the insurance websites and the quotes are coming up at stupid prices like 1100. Does anyone know how to get a good priced insurance quote. I won't be the main user of the car becuase my mum will use it for work. If anyone can help me it will be much appreciated. Thanks""
1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta Insurance???
How much would a 1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta cost? Would it be really high because its a sports car? I have a great deal on a GREAT looking car and just wondered if i could afford the insurance..... Im almost 18 and a boy if that helps you answer....
Car insurance for LHD car ?
Hi there, I want to buy 2001-2004 year freelander (left hand drive), then drive to my country and insure it. I need insurance what would cover for two months on UK roads. Do you know any insurance company what would offer as cheap as possible and the possibility to cancel my insurance after 2 months ? Regards, Ed""
Can i get insurance on my car with out a licence?
Im 18..and i have a car..i dont have a licence yet...only my permit..so can i still get insurance on the car with out a licence?
Car Insurance Problem!?
Hey all heres my problem. I go in the navy in 4 weeks and my car insurance does'nt run out until april 2009. While im at base i wont be using my car until maybe feb 2009. Is there anyway i can cancel due to the fact that i wont be using my car. I don't want to be paying 121 a month when im not using my car at all for a while. Much help appreciated, mark!""
How can I get US health insurance for my (non US residents) parents (in late 50's)?
This is both an Immigration question and a Health Insurance question. My parents will start living in the US several months a year or more as legal visitors to live with us until they get green cards and can move here permanently. They are close 56, 59 years old. How do I go about getting them health insurance so unexpected health concerns don't ruin them, they can get their prescriptions filled w/o paying an arm and a leg, etc? Are there specialized US insurance companies that offer insurance to non-residents that's worth anything? I don't need the gimmicky travel insurance that won't cover anything or require outrageous deductibles and paperwork sent to some tax haven country ... I need a reliable US insurer who can be found, operates under laws of US, has customer service who can explain their policies, etc.""
Im looking for the Best Cheap Insurance for a young driver?
im looking to buy a 1973 chevy nova. and wondering whats a good insurance company that is cheap.
Car insurance and accident investigations?
My Gf was driving on the freeway going home from school. While driving about 10 car lengths ahead she saw that car were swerving out of the way. There was a stalled car in the number 2 lane. She had enough time to slow down and change to the number 1 lane without any incident when she was suddenly rear ended on her back right bumper. That force sent her into the ceneter median aand hit her front driver side hard enough that it spun her around and faced the opposite direction (facing traffic). Long story short she has severe front and back end damage on a Brand New 2008 Civic that she is leasing. After speaking with the appraiser of the he mentioned that it is likely a totaled loss. Ahe has full coverage insurance with AAA but don't think that she has GAp insurance. How is this going to affect her lease that she just entered a month ago. She was not at fault and the accident report hasn't been finalized. Will this affcet her in getting a new car and insurance?
What is the insurance expense on average per month to insurance an auto repair shop?
I'm trying to find information on approximately how much insurance costs for an auto repair shop. Specifically this shop will have one full time mechanic and one customer service representative. Two people, basically how much will it cost to insure (per month) this small auto repair business. The minimum liability required by law and between $25,000-50,000 to cover theft/fire/flood/etc.""
""How greatly does color impact the cost of insurance (Geico, if that helps.)?""
I'm car shopping (Even though I still don't have enough money. I'm still in the research stage). I was originally thinking dark blue (Thankfully, I want to stick to that on most of the sportier ones.), but I've found certain models that I really like in red. I was told that it's really hard to afford insurance on red cars. (Even if they aren't exactly party vehicles... The Buick Lacrosse is in my top 5.) How true is this?""
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How does being self employed affect car insurance rates?
I was laid off a month ago (I'm actually happy I was because I was not enjoying work at all). I've started my own company, and I mostly work from home and I don't drive very much. My car insurance is up for renewal. It says I drive 1-3 miles to work or school. Should I tell them that I'm no longer employed? Do you think my rates will go down???""
Dont have Health insurance question?
what happens if someone is severly sick and dont have health insurance.Will the ambulance still take them to the hospital and if so will he or she be treated even though they dont have insurance..
How/where can i get liability insurance as a massage therapist?
i am..well, was licensed (let my license expire because i'm moving out of state) in south carolina. i am moving to alabama and it seems like everything they require to be licensed is pretty much the same except i have to show proof of liability insurance before i can apply for the license. do i just call the same people i have my car insurance with? or can i go thru the NCBTMB or AMTA (whichever one the state of Alabama approves of?). please help.i didn't have to deal with liability insurance with the state of SC so this is new territory to me.""
Can i drive car on my full uk license on insurance for provisional license ?
Hi can i drive a car with full uk license but on provissional license insurance as i passed my test in additon i am 17 yrs old the reason of that is because the cheapest insurance for full uk license with my dad as 1st driver was 2.5grand.
Does the official DMV website offer a free point insurance reduction program?
my friend recently complete an online 6 hour class to reduce his insurance rates by 10%. he told me the class was free and that he found it from the dmv official website. but when i go on the website, it only directs me to classes from private companies that aren't free. does the dmv website offer a Point Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? http://www.dmv.ny.gov/broch/c32a.htm thanks!!!""
How to get health insurance for children.?
I'm trying to find info on getting insurance for a child. Does anyone know how a father that is ordered to provide the health care for his child but does not have custody can apply for programs like CHIPS. No insurance is offered through his job and I'm not sure what programs he can apply for since the child does not live with him. We are in Texas. Any info would help. Btw the mother cant qualify because of the new husbands income.
""How much would insurance cost me for a $200,000 porsche as a teen?????? PLZZ HELP GUYS PLZ!!!!!!?""
Im planning to buy a $200,000 porsche drive away. Im going to get superior insurance (the best insurance) that covers my car fully. HOWEVER the problem is im a teen 19 year old and insurance rates appparently fly above the sky. HOW much will it cost insurance a year????????????????????? ?????????????????/""
California to Canada Car Insurance?
Hi, my friend just asked me how to get car insurance in Canada when he used to live in California and he has a California license and had California insurance. He asked me about a Driver Abstract, which I have no idea what that is. He really needs help, but he is not available at the moment for me to ask him for more details. Please tell me the details of how to obtain car insurance in Canada when he used to have California insurance & has a California license/ID. Thank you!!""
18 year old full cover insurance?
I'm 18 and I have full cover insurance on a saab 97x but I pay 200$ I wanna see what I can do to pay less
How much will my insurance go down if i am on my dads policy ?
Hi i have just passed my test and obviously looking to get a car, i will be most probably having a friends car as he is getting a new one, its a 1.6 W reg Citroen saxo, if i have my own insurance (third party only) its around 3500.00 which is well out of my price range, if i did go on to my dads or moms policy, how much less would it be roughly, my dad lives in a nice area but did lose his licence for 3 months a few years back, my mom lives in a mediocre area but has no points and no history of any problems, i am 19 and i work as a clerical officer if that helps at all :S""
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Smart roadster uk insurance.?
Slight problem, was looking up TPFT insurance quotes for a smart roadster: 500 excess. 7000 yearly premium. 7500 annuall mileage. The car's only worth 8500 it has a 0.7L engine. How do they justify this price gouging?""
Health insurance in Texas for low income families?
My dad recently lost his job, but has an existing medical condition, an ex-wife, and 5 kids to support. I don't know much about the health insurance options in Texas, but I'm looking for a program that will allow my family to be insured for cheap... something like Arizona's AHCCCS health insurance for low income people""
Can I get Idaho car insurance if I'm a resident in Cali?
I'm currently a resident in Cali and my car is registered there. Can I get Idaho car insurance without becoming an Idaho resident because I don't want to register my car in Idaho or become a resident because I'm just going to school in Idaho for a few more years.
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over... So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
Is Globe life insurance any good?
I requested info from them, and after looking at their brochure, I think I would like to sign up for it. Is it really any good??""
Help with Car insurance cost?
ok so im 17 1/2 year old male and ive been driving since i was 15 1/2. As of right now im covered under my parents insurance with Mercury auto insurance and i pay $500 for 6 months of coverage ($1000 a year). I am currently covered for the three cars that my family owns 1996 Acura 2.5 TL (my crappy car) 2008 MBenz C300 (moms) 2011 Mazda 3 (Dads) So heres my question.. My car (the TL) is starting to break down and the cost of service is outmatching the value of the car. So ive been saving up to try to get another car and i am going to put down 40-50% of the money and my parents are gonna pay for the rest. The cost of the car is not the issue i was wondering more about my cost of insurance for the cars that i am interested in. I know that my most accurate response would be from the Insurance companies themselves, but i dont have time right now. I just wanted to know what you guys thought about how much i should pay per month for these cars. So the cars im interested in ( theres alot lol) are: 90's Toyota MR2 (preferably turbo, but i could live without it) Subaru WRX (Non-STI) Nissan 350Z Honda S2000 BMW 330i (coupe only) 00'-04' Ford Mustang GT There are others but i cant remember them right off the top of my head.. I know its gonna be WAY more expensive then what i pay now and that most of these cars are 2 door and 2 seat which will just make it worse. But im really willing to work for it and like i said i pay my own insurance bill. So how much do you think each of these cars cost for monthly insurance? And of the cars listed which would you most recommend?""
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
About car insurance and drive?
Hi, Anyone can tell, if my insurance for on my name third party only and my friend have just new license and he can drive without anything else like insurance!! If he can't. By legally so if he'll catch when he's driving my car so by uk law what punishment /fine For me?? Or. I'm safe!""
Car insurance for a learner...?
im 17 now and want to start learning to drive. But what i want to do is buy a car, then get insured on it as a learner and have my dad take me out driving to teach me. i want a car like a peugeot 206, renault clio, vauxhall corsa, a ford KA or something small like that. does anybody know how much insurance will be for me as a learner? also im female if that helps!?""
Average living costs for a UK 16 year old girl on the following things?
Ok, I'm planning to move out at the age of 16 and go study at collage in Poole 3 day's a week and also have a few job's on the go to! I'm looking at roughly the living costs (Rent, food, Car or transport, Car Insurance, TV Licence and Internet Bills ect.) Website links would be brilliant and any advice would also help! Also If I could get any help financially by the government for paying the rent as i won't be earning much, about 7,000 a year? Many thank yous in advance :) I'm figuring the earlier i start budgeting, the better""
Motorcycle insurance in GTA?!?
Hey, I am 21 and has had motorcycle insurance now for the past 3 years and have been insured for a 2009 kawasaki ninja 250r. I am currently paying $1700 a year for insurance with td and have a perfect driving record. I want to switch my bike to a 2012 harley davidson iron 883 and just got a quote from them for $5500 a year!! I think that is ridiculous! Does anyone know of any good motorcycle insurance for harleys or are similar in age and paying less? I really want this bike but $5500 a year is nuts. I can buy a brand new ninja every year lmao.""
Health insurance rates. Switch or stay?
In the past 2 years my family's health care plan (which is offered through my husband's work) has gone from great to way too expensive. We pay 250 a month as a premium, then we have a 1,000 each deductible, then our copays kick in 25 for office visit, 35 for specialty, 100 emergency room visit (must be okayed by dr. first, or they don't pay anything), 100 each day in the hospital. Perscription copays are 25/30/50, and not all things are covered. Two years ago we paid 275/a month and had 20 copays for everything (except hospital stays were always 100 and perscriptions they were 5/10/20). They do not pay for any vision, dental, or contraceptive. Certain (most) perscriptions are not covered. Is this similar to what everyone is paying, or should we start looking outside of his work for insurance?""
Where is the most cost effective auto insurance for male under 21?
I have been getting quotes online from a few places geico, esurance, and others and they are VERY expensive around 315-400 a month plus around $1000 down. I have no accidents or ...show more""
Should i be mad at my husband or his mother?
my husband gave his entire paycheck to his mother to pay her bills, She had a bunch of vet bills, her other sons (hes 30ish and has a job w/ insurance) medical bills, and a 1000.00 dollar tattoo, but couldnt pay her bills. our house payment was due and now i cant pay it cause he gave her all this money? also he chewed me out cause i started crying when he told me he did this. Help plese what should i do. p.s we have 3 small children that this could have helped out for food and stuff liek that.""
Do you need Car insurance to rent a car?
My Parents don't have a car and I'm sure my other family not gonna let me drive their car so don't bother ask. I don't have a friend who got a car. Its small town where I'm at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. I'm taking my written test next week, If i pass the written test, and then i want to take the road test. 1) Do i need a Car Insurance to rent a Car 2) Do they give me car for me to take a road test at DMV? 3) Can you buy a car without your Driver License? 4) How old do you have to rent a Car? ( I'm 19 Years old)""
Driving without insurance?
My mom has insurance in her name for her car. I passed my road test yesterday and got my license. Can i legally drive the car with her INSIDE of the car? I'm not listed on her insurance? If i get pulled over do i legally have insurance? What will happen?
Will my car insurance go up because i have a child with a driver's license?
Hello, I am writing from Tucson, Arizona and I have 2 teenage sons (16 & 17) that both live in Wayne County, Michigan (near Detroit). The boys live with my ex-husband and he wont let them get their driver's license because he claims 'his insurance rates will go up'. ???is this true???? (I have a 21 year old daughter and when she was 16 with her driver's license I just excluded her from my insurance with one company and when I switched to another company, I just ommitted telling them I had a teenage driver. Does anyone know who this works in Michigan, Harper Woods, Michigan, I believe he has just a local company with no-fault insurance, state basic minimim insurance. ???Or if the boys do have to get their own insurance when they do get their own car, does anybody know the best rates for new teenage drivers with a good record???? thanks""
All car dealerships require full coverage on insurance? ?
Full coverage insurance cost me around 400-600 a month because im 18 and want a sports car do all dealer ships require full coverage to make monthly payments?
Does an expired MOT invalidate insurance when making a claim for my car stolen from a private driveway?
I had no idea that my mot had ran out, when my car was stolen from a private driveway (not on public road) My insurance say i was in breach of the policy. But where do i stand legally with the car being off road when stolen? The insurance quoted no payout if there's no mot when one is required by law! Is there a loophole i can use""
Homeowners insurance quotes?
is it true you have to pay upfront 1 year homeowners insurance when buying a home.
What is the cheapest car and year range to insure for 18 year old?
My wife is 18 and got her license a few months back. What would be the cheapest car and of what year range, if insured in the USA? Which insurance companies insure 18 year olds, as I am aware most dont.""
Insurance RSX vs S2000?
Hi there, my dad is planning to buy me a car by the latest the last week of March. I asked him for an RSX simply because I like the reliability of a civic, but i feel that a civic is under powered. So I'm opting for an RSX. No, i will not be getting the type S because I know insurance rapes you for it. Well my dad said he'd rather buy me an S2000. I think it's cause he wants to drive it around so my mom doesn't have to nag at him for buying a sports car. I was wondering how the RSX BASE model will compare to the S2000? I know the Type S RSX's insurance is much higher than the S2000. I was wondering how about the Base model? My dad will be helping me with gas and insurance up until I graduate which will be in a few months. So I just want to start being smart about everything. Please help!""
Camaro Insurance cost?
I know insurance is a hard to estimate on since there are so many things that determine the price but can anyone tell me about the insurance for a 2012 camaro would cost for me? or how much extra it would cost for my situation. I have a 1998 toyota 4 runner and I am a 19 year old female. No tickets or car wrecks ever. My dad is getting me a new car and I am trying to talk him into letting me get a camaro. About how much extra would it cost yearly to go from an SUV to a sports car like a camaro?
Can auto insurance company refuse to pay claims if Company Vehicle?
I have a company vehicle for 5 years now and ok to use for personal needs. Now they have come out with new company policy. It states if in an accident on weekends or whenever it is used for personal reasons and I am in an at fault accident all damages and claims will be denied. Another words if I get in a wreck and do damages to vehicles, bodily injury or whatever while driving after work hours or weekends their insurance company will not pay any claims. It states I am responsible for all damages if using for personal use in an at fault accident. Question is can they actually do that. Can their insurance legally deny all claims due to the fact the I was using the vehicle outside of normal hours and for personal use.""
Does anyone how much full coverage insurance is for a hybrid car?
Does anyone how much full coverage insurance is for a hybrid car?
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Insurance notification?
if you go to the doctor with insurance and pay the co-pay there, will the people paying for the insurance still be notified. I need to go the doctor to get birth control, which i can legally get without my parents {I'm 15}. I was wondering if I use my insurance card that's linked to my parents insurance, will they still find out that I went if I pay for the $10 co-pay? I have a boyfriend for about a year but we aren't having sex. I want it to clear my acne and to have lighter periods, although if I ask my parents they will think that we are having sex.""
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
Driving without insurance?
I can't afford insurance for the truck I got, it's registered in my dads name and is legal, but what happens if I get caught with out insurance?""
What companies dont have age limit on driving any car with third party car insurance?
I have heard that there are still some companies that give car insurance fully comp and cover you third party on any car without an age limit. I know most are 25 and over but there must be someone out there who knows a company that doesn't have an age limit may have a car restriction but you know...
What car would be cheapest for insurance?
When I turn 16 I am deciding on getting a v6 1998 firebird or a 1998 v6 camaro what one do you think would be cheaper for insurance. I live in nebraska in a small town
Question about insurance differences for regular vehicles and motorcycles?
I currently have a car through my parents car insurance but I really want to branch out on my own and get my own insurance so I've been thinking about finally pursuing my dream of getting a motorcycle. They're cheap, run well, and from what I gather insurance is very cheap. Could anyone tell me what kind of money I might save in Pennsylvania or New Jersey in comparison between a motorcycle and a regular car? Thanks.""
How much motorcycle insurance
I'm 16 and i live in new york but i don't know how much insurance is
Can anyone recommend a good life insurance company?
I know all circumstances are different but I would like some recommendations as there are so many to chose from and I am sick of repeating my details, so if I could whittle it down a bit it may help!""
I am looking for insurance I am 18 I dont work I live with my god father but he doesn't have insurance either.?
And I was wondering if I could get free insurance in Mo
How much national insurance contributions will I need to pay to fill a two year gap?
I have a two year gap in national insurance contributions as I was taking care of a sick relative and not claiming any benefits as other family members were supporting me. What is the minimum amount I should pay to fill the gap.
Will my insurance go up after a carpool violation?
I was driving on the carpool lane today(I wasn't suppose to because carpool says 3 or more persons and it was me and my sister only), and a CHP saw me, so he pulled me and asked for my license, registration and insurance. Then he asked me why I was in the carpool lane, and I said that a car cut me off so I had to avoid coalition and so I went into the carpool lane...not sure if this was a smart answer, but anyway he gave me the ticket and said that I will receive something in the mail. My question is, I know i'm going to get a point for this violation, but will me insurance rate go up? how will this affect me?""
Question about starting a business and health insurance in CA?
If I was to decide to start a small business on the side (doing gardening, or growing food for sale, or something like that) and I am my only employee - I would be THE only person working this job - am I required by law to buy health insurance (especially if I already have health insurance through my husband's job)? I find this new thing kind of confusing... I'm in California, by the way, if it helps any. Thanks.""
Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I know about multicar but i cant do that, i know about named drivers etc but is there any way i can get a decent insurance quote for a 17 year old because ive been getting 15000 quid for quotes recently. Dont tell me you cant do it thats not gonna help me, thanks""
How much is Delta Airlines health insurance premium?
For an Economics family project, I have to be a flight attendant, make a monthly budget and help take care of my family. Probably the only thing missing from my project is health insurance. If I get it through my job , how much does the premium cost or is it covered?""
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
I have liability insurance on my vehicle...?
and early this morning as I was driving out of a parking structure I hit a light that I didn't see. I got out out of the vehicle to see any damages, there ware scratches on the front bumper, and the light appears to be fine but inside the light compartment, it was damaged, the bulb fell out of its place, the whole inside of the light was cracked. Will my insurance cover this? I tried calling my insurance and they're aren't answering. If they do, what do I do next? Go to a repairshop? Go to my insurance agent? WHAT?! If they won't, how much do you think it will cost to repair the light and the bumper? There are not dents, just scratches.""
Car insurance - premium increased without making a claim?
I rang my car insurance company to ask about my no claims bonus and excess as I thought there had been damage to my car. I am not taking out a claim. I have today received an email from them saying that We have amended the class of use on your policy due to the information provided by our claims department there is an additional premium of 21.38. This will be debited from the payment details we hold on file for you within the next ten days. Can they do this? I haven't amended any details and although I paid my car insurance last October in full for the year I didn't expect my payment details to be kept on file.
Seven years ago i got a speeding ticket with no proof of insurance in california.?
Then they turned it in to collections and suspended my licence. When does it get cleared?
What happens if I forgot to show proof of car insurance in Minnesota?
I got pulled over in my car a year ago for an unrelated issue. But I did not have proof of insurance even though I did have insurance at the time. The officer told me to show the proof of insurance later and I will be fine. So, later I mailed a copy of my insurance to the citation place but got a letter back that I needed to show up in person. I put this aside to take care of later, but forgot about it and just remembered it a few days ago because it came up in a conversation somehow. It has been a year now and I am really scared about getting a misdemeanor. I am otherwise a good person who always pays my fines. Am I going to be arrested for this? I haven't heard from them since the letter I received a year ago which I cannot find any more, and I have also moved since then. If I go and tell them it was an honest mistake will they go easy on me?""
Homeowner's insurance?
if you own a duplex and reside in one half and rent the other half, is the homeowner's insurance only for the rental part or both?""
""How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
Can California Civil Code 827 be used to enforce mandatory renters insurance?
Recently my landlord sent tenants a letter stating we have to buy renter's insurance, stating that California Civil Code 827 allows them to do this. Looking it up, I see 827 is about rent increased, not renter's insurance (and nothing about anything being mandatory). When I signed the lease with them, I was not required to pay for renter's insurance, but they claim that terms have changed and now I am obligated to pay this, and if I don't, may destroy my credit. All because of Civil Code 827. Can they actually do this? Or is this letter some kind of tactic to coerce me into signing this document and providing insurance? Thanks!""
NY registration insurance lapse 2 years ago?
I know I sound ridiculous. Over 2 years ago I moved, and left my car at a relatives with plates etc. Never turned them in. I don't believe I cancelled insurance either . I just moved back and would like to register and insure the car again. I checked my drivers license and it is valid with no suspensions or restrictions etc.. I went online to get a quote from the same insurance company and it seems like I could have signed up right now with a very reasonable quote. lucky or can I expect something else when I go to the DMV?""
Is a mechanical failure covered by an auto insurance policy?
is the cost of repairs for a mechanical failure covered by an auto insurance policy? Example: engine or transmission? I have full coverage on my vehicle
What do the insurance groups of cars mean. for instance is 1 high or low.?
What do the insurance groups of cars mean. for instance is 1 high or low.?
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
How does paying for car insurance monthly work?
im thinking of taking out a policy with co-operative insurance. The cost is 2300 per year , but they want 700 up front and the rest to be payed in ten monthly installments. When would i start paying the monthly installments , would it be straight away?""
How much would insurance cost for a 2010 Camaro?
My mom told me if I get a 3.0 this semester and throw in about 5,000 dollars to help then she would get me a 2010 camaro for christmas next year. She said it has to be the v6 base model. I'm 16 years old, a junior in highschool, a guy, my grades are decent, and the cars gunna be white with black stripes, not sure if that affects the price, but its gunna be automatic and my First car. I know some people think are gunna say im stupid for spending soo much on a first car but I really don't need to hear that from you. All I need to know is how much insurance is going to be since im the one paying for that with a part time job.. so what do you think is the cheapest my insurance will be?""
Are SUV's usually high in insurance for teens?
I've been told that I should wait a little longer before i can get a faster car, and I was just wondering whether insurance for an suv would be high, in my case, for an inexperienced driver, (16). Parents are thinking of buying an Fj cruiser and willing to give it to me when i get my liscense.""
Grad. Student needs health insurance?
I will be quitting my full-time job to attend Grad school full-time in May. Unfortunately I will lose my health insurance covered by my employer. I really cannot go with out health insurance. I need affordable coverage. Any suggestions?
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
Can my insurance drop me?
Hi, i took a urine test with my doctor the other day. I asked what h was testing for and he said everything , so Im not sure what hes testing. He said he was gonna check for diabetes and what not. I was wondering, in the case he drug tests me can he tel my insurance? Can I get dropped from the insurance for this? I smoked weed about 5 weeks ago. I live in California amd hnet is my insurance. Thanks!""
""I hit someon because of rain related skid, no one got ticket. Can I claim from their insurance my car damage?""
We pay insurance to cover us in accidents and my friends are telling me that it is my fault because I hit from behind. I say that it was out of my control and the skid just happenned becaus eof the weather. Can I be able to claim from other person Insurance company. I only had liability and it wasn't my insurance as I was driving someone else's car. Cn someone with their experience guide me, what will be the best way to take car eof it. the other car did not have any damage but my car has about $900 damage. If I take it to a reputable car place it might go upto $1500. Thanks in advance""
How much will a small tooth chip cost without insurance?
I live in Southern California just so you can get an idea... Okay, last night I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and laying down in front of him. As he was going to take a drink from his glass I stretched and accidentally elbowed his drink and heard CLANK! and he got up to spit some stuff out of his mouth. The chip isn't big at all and it's on the front, left tooth on the outer corner. It's very small (almost unnoticeable if you're more than 2-3 feet away and he's smiling big) and it LOOKS as if it would be an easy fix. I have assured him that I will pay for it as he owns a barber shop and his presence is important to him and I feel very badly. How much do you think this fix (looks easy!) would cost me without insurance AND do dentists take payments? I am getting dental/medical from my work in a couple of weeks but I don't think it would cover him. Please let me know and sorry this is long!""
Is it really imperative to get an insurance for a second hand car I've been driving uninsured for a year now?
A lot of my friends have been pushing me but I don't see the need.
Reduce motorcycle insurance?
would it be feasable to buy a moped (100ccish) & insure it for a couple of years just to get some no claim bonus!! then in a year or 2 buy a proper bike ( 650ccish) & hopefully the insurance will be cheaper. i used to have bike in my youth when i passed my test but as i havent ridden 1 for a while its difficult to get insurance ( reasonable cost any way ) thanks
Exactly what did Health Care supporters mean by affordable Health Care?
I talk to many that say much of their income is going to Health Care. Will Obama care really bring affordable health care to those who cannot afford it? This seems a little confusing?
Advice needed on Car Insurance?
I'm a 18 sixth form student who is learning to drive. I am currently looking at getting car insurance to make it easier to pass and then for afterwards but what would work out cheaper? - Get insurance on my mums car fully comp, as she doesnt want it wrecked! - Or buy a cheap little car for under 1000, and then insure it third party, to get my no claims bonus. Just ideas would be appreciated as well as advice. Cheers!""
I have 10 years old car and 1200cc and international driving licence. how much insurance to pay in london?
I have 10 years old car and 1200cc and international driving licence. how much insurance to pay in london?
Affordable Life Insurance?
i need help . which Life Insurance is the best one to buy
Cheap car to insure-young driver?
I'm 17 going on 18 and was looking at cheap cars to maintain and insure. I was really interested in the mini cooper s and new vauxhall corsa. Any opinions or suggestions? Thanks in advance
Are there any penalties for tricking your car insurance company?
My friend has been living & working in NYC for the past 5 years, but she's been telling her car insurance company that she never moved from Georgia to keep paying low rates and she never changed her driver's licence from Georgia to NY. But she drives her car here in NY every day so how did she manage this? If they found out would she get fined or anything?""
Health insurance options for single moms?
My daughter is on my boyfriends health insurance right now, but he is switching jobs and his new job makes him get through 60 days of training before being able to receive health insurance. I am personally covered under my parents insurance, but they will not allow me to insure my daughter with them, so I was wondering if there is any affordable insurance options for my daughter while my boyfriend is unable to insure her. I am currently unemployed (to stay home with our baby) and since we are not married I am considered a single mom""
Car Insurance?
If I take a car loan under my name, do I need to take the insurance under my name as well? Any possibility of using the insurance under my husband's name instead?""
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Motorcycle Insurance question?
I recently bought a motorcycle and i'm just about to buy insurance but i am abit confused, I'm thinking of getting the Third party fire & theft insurance, which means i wont get no claim if I crash my bike but what if the other drive is at fault? Does their insurance cover my damage or what? thank you""
Do you need car insurance to visit on a army base?
Well I am going to visit my friend on the Fort Lewis, Washington army base. and he is saying I need car insurance? Well my coworker said no but if you do get pulled over on base without car insurance the ticket is double. So do I need it to go on base? I will only be there for three days. Thanks.""
How much does medical insurance for a newborn cost monthly with a premium?
I just need an average. I'm doing a project for my health class on the costs of having a baby.
Do I still have to have car insurance? I'm a new driver?
I'm using my parents' car and they already have insurance for it. Do I still need to have my personal one even though my parents already have one for it? sounds kind of a rip-off for me.
What auto insurance company has the best rates for teenagers?
i live in ontario ca if that helps and i drive a 95 caprice
What's the best health insurance for a 19 yr. old?????
So here's the thing: I just turned nineteen last week, I'm no longer going to college, I have two part-time jobs. If I were still in college I'd be under my mother's insurance but that's not the case. And it's the law in Massachusetts (where I live) for every adult to have H. Insurance. So I'm in the process of quitting one of my part-time jobs. And the other doesn't give me benefits 'cause I'm part-time or whatever. So in the mean time I'm looking online, in newspapers, everywhere like crazy to find a good job that's full-time and gives me benefits that includes H.Insurance. So my question is what would be my best bet....Blue Cross Blue Shield, Pilgrims, what?! It has to be something affordable too right? 'Cause I'm no rich bank here. Please help.""
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
0 notes
I am looking for information on GE Health Insurance?
"I am looking for information on GE Health Insurance?
my husband will have health insurance through his job and I can't find any information on the carrier it is called GE health
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheapest car insurance?
ok so im a 20 year old male, ive had my license for about a year, im about to insure my sisters old minivan, its a 99 siloutte. what would be the cheapest insurance company to go with and does anyone know about how much that would be??""
How long can you take leave for NJ short term disability?
I've been at my current job since December so I am ineligible for FMLA. However, I understand that short term disability for pregnancy gives you 4 weeks prior to your anticipated due date and then 6 weeks after. Is this correct? Can this amount of time change if your company uses a private insurance plan vs submitting directly through the state.""
What car gives the cheapest insurance for a first time driver??
What car gives the cheapest insurance for a first time driver??
How much does small business insurance cost on average yearly ?
my friend is doing a project for her college class and needs to know a rough estimate on the yearly cost of small business insurance. Her business, is a used furniture partnership with a few part time employees. It does not need to be exact but time is a factor so any quick answers would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!""
Insurance for car accident?
I had a car accident where my mirror and signal were broken as well as my front door got skewed. The insurance company said that they either fix it at their garage or they estimate damage and give me money in return. Which is better?
Where can I find out insurance rates for US postal services with letters to the UK?
Each envelope would contain an item worth around the $30 mark, but as they would be going international I want them to be insured. I can find UPS rates, but not USPS rates for insurance.""
Help With Young Male Car Insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male (or will be in April) and am needing help finding a good car insurance deal. So far, I have used LoveMoney.com to get my car insurance as it's returning costs of around 1400 as-a-pose to over 2000 on comparethemarket.com etc. Although I am looking for 0.8 - 1.1L cars, the insurance is ridiculous and the fact that I have pass plus doesn't make a blind bit of difference. Does anybody know of any cheaper ways to get cheaper car insurance? and as an estimate do you know what the approximate monthly cost would be for a quote around 1400? unfortunately it doesn't state it on the quote. Thanks""
Car insurance question???
i have just had my car stolen and was wandering if it was worth claiming on. It is insured for 2500 and they are willing to right it off and pay up but I have a new car that I need to get insurance for. My cheapest qoute is 450. Anyone have a rough idea how much my insurance would go up if I claimed for my old car?? Basically... should i just accept my losses on the old car or claim. cheers
""How much would i pay per month for insurance on a $100,000 condo in northern virginia?""
say the condo is a few miles outside DC, is worth 100,000-120,000 whats the ball park amount id have to pay for insurance each year?""
""If I buy car under parents name and insurance, will it be cheaper?""
I'm looking to change my car, residing with parents, if I buy a new car say under my dads name, with insurance under his name, will it be cheaper if I was to be added to that policy? Compared to having the car in my name and insurance as well? Thanks""
Can I have my drivers license in one state and my license plate and car insurance in another?
I live in GA and bought a car in FL. To save money on taxes it was recommended that I register the car in FL and get a FL license plate. So, now I have a GA drivers license, a FL license plate, and FL car insurance. 1. Is this legal to have long term 2. If it's not legal and I switch everything back to GA, Will I have to pay GA taxes on the car that was purchased in FL ? To possibly complicate things more, the FL registration is not just in my name. It's also in the name of a friend who lives in FL who happened to cosigned for me to get the car. It's his address I'm using for the FL car insur and the registration.""
K what insurance is the best?
car insurance. ?
Motorcycle insurance in ontario?
How much would Motorcycle insurance be for 16 year old male liveing in Ontario? I was thinking of getting an older ninja between the years of 1987 - 96. Just wondering how much it would be around . I tried an insurance quote online, but it didnt really turn out right. Thanks""
Can i get good affordable health insurance? ?
I am 18 I live on my own and support myself. I go to school and work full time. But money is especially tight. I have no support from my parents and i haven't been to the doctor in years even though I've felt the need to go see one for the past year.. but its so expensive. Are there any possibilities of me being able to get good but affordable health insurance? And my job doesn't offer it
Suggestions for a first car? Cheap on insurance etc.?
I'm looking for my first car, but I can't seem to find any I like. I like 1999 Vauxhall Astra and Peugeot 206, 207 and rcz. I don't like new cars, I prefer the older ones if that's any help. Anyone know any good cars to have as a first car that's cheap on insurance ? Thanks in advance :)!""
18 year old military personal auto insurance price in NY?
hello my name is Joseph and i recently just bought my first car yesterday. I financed through Navy federal bank and purchased a 2011 Mazda 3 I for 11k out the door price including tax. the check will be coming in the mail tuesday and i will need to have insurance to go pick up the car. ive been searching online and calling different insurance agents to get a quote and im looking at paying 400-600 per month for insurance ! here are some of the prices these insurance agents quoted me at. Geico - 500 State Farm - 400 USAA - 600 Progressive - 550 Esurance - 450 im just wondering if this is normal ? i was expecting to pay 200-250 but not 400-600, i am 18 years old. been in the military for 6 months. clean driving record. and have been license at the age of 16 since 03/15/2012 can anyone tell me if this is normal ? and what other car insurance companies are in new york ? thank you for your time.""
Plz recommend good/affordable health insurance for 55+?
Looking for a good health insurance for my parents who are 55+. Is there such a thing as good and affordable??? Thanks!
Need a quote on car insurance by Norwich Union. Just passed test.?
A friend needs a quote on car insurance. He has just passed his test and is about to buy his first car. All details can be provided to find a rough estamate before he purchases car insurance from yourselves.
How much will my car insurance go up?
I already pay $270 a month for car insurance for my truck. If I were to buy a 1992 Jeep Wrangler, how much more will it go up?""
""Life insurance, how much is the cost?""
for 500,000$ insurance, for my family should something happen to me. i don't want my family to get in any trouble should i be gone. where can i get some estimates?""
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
""How much taxes will be taken out of $250,000 life insurance?
I am getting a life insurance policy pay out. Does anyone know how much taxes will be taken out?
How to handle a partial month of health insurance?
I currently am paying for a family health insurance plan with Oxford. The premium is $800 a month, due on the first of the month for that month's coverage, with a grace period of about 30 days. I am switching from a contracting position (where I pay my own insurance) to an employment position (with a very nice health plan) on 9/7/10. What I want to avoid is paying $800 to my current insurance company when I only need 7 days worth of coverage. I also want to avoid a lapse in coverage. Do I not pay anything until the 7th, when my new insurance plan kicks in, and them call them and tell them I am cancelling and only want to pay from the 1st through 7th? Or do I pay the full $800 and hope I will get a pro-rated refund? Thanks in advance!""
How can I lower my insurance rates at 19?
So I'm 19 and my insurance is about 100 a month and i pay 400(really its 300 but I pay 400 so I can finish faster) flat a month for a 2012 Chrysler 200 but initially at 18 I wanted a challenger, but my insurance rate was going to be more than my car payment, so here I am at 19 almost 20 in a few months and am wanting to try my luck again at getting a challenger(my dream car) but just want to know if theirs anything I can do to lower my rate for a sports car, I've built a substantial amount of credit I earn 30,000 a yr and have never wrecked is their anything else I can do? P.S I work hard and am a college student and in no way have received help from anyone to get what I want, I just work hard and want my dream car and feel like I can manage it but the insurance is killing me.""
Has anyone used Young Driver Insurance ? With CO OP?
Im searching for cheap car Insurance, I came across CO OP Young Car Insurance, Been Quote 1700 with my 1 years no claims and been driving for 4 years. Without CO OP insurance confused website I did the same search was quoted 2500. Has anyone had CO OP young Insurance can you tell me the Pros and Cons of this Insurance Company, Also if I was driving at 35MPH in a 30zone would I banned from the Insurance company.""
I am looking for information on GE Health Insurance?
my husband will have health insurance through his job and I can't find any information on the carrier it is called GE health
Insurance needed to instruct/run archery?
Hi, If I want to run an archery activity for a school at an outdoor adventurous activity site, what insurance do I need? Cheers""
What are health insurance claims?
im confused and dont know what health insurance claims are..i need to know its for school i need to know what is it, what is it used for and why...please and thank you!! :)""
Car Insurance In St Louis?
I just purchased a 2002 Mazda Protege today and I bought the car right out but now I'm looking into auto insurance but I have no idea where to go. I am looking to just get liability but doing online quotes is a lil' tiring because I really don't know what I'm looking at. Could someone tell me what is the best rate for auto insurance in St. Louis to go. I also have never had auto insurance before and have never had any priors driving anyone else's car.
How to get around paying the over priced rate of car insurance for teenage drivers ?
Does anyone know of a reasonable insurance company for auto insurance ? We just added our teenage driver to our policy and it went up $400. She doesn't even have a car. I have a 2007 Dodge Charger and my husband has a 2004 Chevy Avalanche.
Why is the insurance company bothering me?
Two months ago I was sitting a red light and was hit from behind . Now the driver's ins. company wants me to reimburse them. Why? What should I do? I'm trying not to think the worst, but when I got out the car she was on the phone and said her husband is a police officer and was sending his friend to the scene. This makes me wonder if some untruth is involved here.""
""Ran a stop sign, will I have to take traffic school to keep insurance rate down?""
I am a 21 year old who got a ticket for running a stop sign in Los Angeles. When I go to pay I see the option of traffic school, but it is more expensive than just paying the ticket off. If I want to keep my insurance rates at their current price, do I need to take traffic school? I am willing to do it, I just want to make sure the extra money won't be for nothing.""
""Young adult, no health insurance, I need help!?""
I am going to make this simple as possible: During this year, Jan to March, I have been on my parent's insurance, NJ FamilyCare, which we were enrolled under free-care because we were horribly under the poverty line, or above it? We're poor, that's it. And on April 1st, I was terminated from my insurance, they are saying I am 19 years of age, thus I have no insurance. Late August we (as a family) re-applied with all our names, and sent the papers in. But with a lot of research, I knew I shouldn't have been, under the Affordable Care Act I should have been on my parent's insurance until the age of 26. I meet the requirements: 1. Dependent Adult (19 years old) 2. Full - time student, no college insurance. 3. No insurance for 6 months now. 4. Not employed. I know for a fact, that being a full-time student, and being unemployed, shouldn't affect this, but maybe it is? I talked to a representative from the welfare office, (where my parents applied) and the lady (rudely) told me that because I am 19, and in school, I was terminated. And my social worker won't be done looking at the papers until late November. WTF? That doesn't make sense, so I kept the battle on, and told her that I should be covered under the law. But after some bullsh*tting around, she hung up on me. So I called again. And this time, another lady was saying, her son who is 20 years old, is insured under her insurance, and that I should come in with my parents, and tell our social worker that I am a full time student, who can't afford to be employed, (because of my 21 credit semester), I am dependent, and I have no job. I was like, well, it's not like I don't want a job, I just can't find the time to have one. I used to work 12 hour shifts, so don't think I don't like to work. The main reason I need the insurance, is because of my ADHD and Mania. I also always get sick, and have kidney problems. But with this, I still can't imagine why I was terminated. The lady told me I shouldn't have been under the law, but different people have different ideas... So, I will go to my social worker on the Tuesday, and find out what's happening. But I know I should be covered, and at least for my sake until I am 23-24. To which I plan to graduate and get my own insurance, and home. But if it doesn't work out, what other low-payment options are there? I heard about NJ Protect, but it's expensive on my part, and no way can I burden my parents with out-of-pocket payments. Thanks in advance.""
How much should i get for insurance repairs?
I have a 98 pontiac grand prix gtp and it was keyed all over every part of the car. The side mirror was broke off. The key marks are all the way down to primer. My deductable is 200. How much should i expect to get to cover the damages?
What would my approximate Auto Insurance rates be with a motorcycle?
I know no one can say exactly what my rate would be, but if I could get a ball park figure, that would be great. I live in Lakeland, Florida. I'm have State Farm, have never been ticketed for anything, get the steer-clear and good grades discounts. I am currently on my mom's plan. I would either stay on her plan with the motorcycle as my only personal vehicle, or would have my own car and my bike. I will take the MSF course before getting my license. I will be 20 when I get my bike. I would be getting a 250cc bike to learn on, and probably trading up for a 600cc later. Where would my rates fall for a 250cc bike and a 600cc bike? I would be listed as a primary driver on my mom's plan. I know insurance is full of variables, but if anyone could possibly give me any ballpark figure, I'd appreciate it! Thanks""
Reg Car Insurance and Road Tax?
Hi, My car insurance ran out. My road tax ran out last month. I applied for SORN and have one for my car. Now the problem is i want to tax my car. I dont want to take an insurance for a whole year. Is there a chance where i can get a pay as you go insurance for just a month and get it taxed for 6 months. Will they give me a tax disc from the post office if i have only a 30 day car insurance cover. Let me know""
Is there any way you can cheat on getting lower car insurance?
23/ single/ brand new car...and my parents just booted me out of there policy :-( HELP!!
Transferring insurance license from California to New York?
Does anyone know about this? Do the states have reciprocity? I searched Google/official sites but couldn't find anything. Thanks in advance.
How much is classic car insurance in Ontario?
Hi, I'm looking at making a car purchase for the summer. I'm looking at a couple cars, including a '72 Dodge Dart and a '69 (?) Chevy Nova. I like both because they are, a) under $2000 dollars, b) are both in need of some TLC, and c) I've heard that classic car insurance CAN be cheaper than regular insurance. I'm 20 with a perfect driving record and a full G-license, but I know that doesn't usually matter to insurance companies. Any advice? I'd be buying for a daily driver, so is it even worth the effort despite the serious increase in cool-factor?""
Allied car insurance coverage?
my 17 year old daughter wants to drive my car but i keep telling her that i have to add her to my insurance so if she did get into an accident the car would be covered. I went online looking for the policys that Allied car insurance had and i couldnt find the answer i was looking for... but i did some searching online and some other companies allow a person that lives within the household they would be covered, or i seen that some companies would provide coverage for new drivers and my daughter got her license about 3 months ago soo i suppose she is a new driver. The other thing i saw was that some companies put coverage only on the car but not the driver. So if anyone knows what Allied car insurance policy is, go ahead and post an answer for me, also please don't just post a link to their site and say well take a look for your self, I will be picking best answer. -Thanks""
Insurance quotes questions?
Im shopping around for car insurance but when i go online to get a quote, they always ask for a phone number and address and the reg of the car. But im only looking for estimates as I don't have a car and im only wondering how much different cars might cost to insure so how am i supposed to tell them how much the car's worth and all that. I dont want to leave my number because I dont want phone calls asking if i want their insurance or not. Any good way to handle this?""
Auto Insurance quote...please help!?!?!?
My sisters insurance..we live in CA by the way..has 2 cars insured. Her total premium for 6 months is 541 but we pay 114 a month. How did they get that monthly payment? If she was to add me to her policy the premium would go up 2 $740. My question is how much would the monthly payment turn out to be????
Who has the cheapest auto insurance?
I'm about to come back from active duty overseas and I just bought a 2004 Ford F150 4x4. I'm 28 and havent had any accidents or driving infractions in the past 5 years. Which provider is generally the best to use? Thanks.
Heallth insurance for the self employed?
I need dental and health insurance for an affordable price. I am unmarried.... what can I do? who offers it? how much will it cost?
Life Insurance?
If I sign up for term life insurance $75,000 for 30 years, and I die in lets say 5-10 years would my family receive the $75,000 or would they receive whatever I paid into the insurance?""
How much would it cost to import this motorcycle from the U.S to Canada?
this bike costs $ 6000 U.S. How much would it cost to import this bike back to canada. I am looking for all the fees, taxes insurance(if it needs it) every single dollar i would have to spend to bring the bike from u.s to canada. Also if you could list the exact steps that i would have to go through how many days it would take to do everything. I will bring the bike back on a trailer. I have never done this and know nothing about how this works so detail is a must and all the costs are a must to i am looking for dollar amounts. thanks a lot""
Need advice on getting speeding ticket reduced?
I got a ticket for 50 mph in a 35 mph. The officer reduced the ticket from 55 mph to 50 mph and advised me to plead not guilty and show up in court. He said he would be there and ...show more
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
I have been looking around for car insurance for a while now and other than getting a pretty good quote from a company that fit a box inside my car, the other quotes are no lower than 4,500! It's a 1.4 Astra, nothing fancy about it. It's a bigger car than usual learner drivers drive but i'm sure the quotes i am getting ar way to high..1000 deposit and 492 a month? Help needed!""
How much would car insurance be for a vauxhall Astra VXR?
How much would a vauxhall astra VXR car insurance be for a 17 year old In the uk
How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?
he amount my insurance went up may have nothing to do with your insurance increase. There are way, way too many variables""
Will your insurance go up with a Seat belt ticket?
In Georgia, will your insurance go up if you get a seat belt ticket with statefarm insurance?""
I am looking for information on GE Health Insurance?
my husband will have health insurance through his job and I can't find any information on the carrier it is called GE health
What is the cheapest car insurance in california?
My parents won't even consider getting me insurance because they think it's too expensive. I'm a girl, 16, gonna be 17 in October, and have above 3.0 GPA My car is a 1996 (i think?) toyota camry.""
Do I need life insurance?
Hey, I'm in 7th grade and my advanced academics class is doing a project on what our goals and daily life will be after we graduate high school. The final part of the project deals with the management of taxes and insurance and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure I've covered everything I need to, except for one aspect: life insurance. I'm not exactly sure if I need it, because I don't really know if I'm actually going to have people dependent on my paycheck. Here's my lifestyle: I'm going to live in Santa Monica, California as an occupational therapist in an apartment with a roommate. My mom's family and my dad's family will most likely keep residing all the way across the country on the east coast, with my brother in college and my younger brother in middle school. I'm pretty sure both my parents are going to be retired at that age, but I don't know if they would really depend on my paycheck. Opinions?""
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help""
Car insurance? Do they check your credit rating?
I have just phoned to change my insurance over to another car, and was told twice that it was declined - firstly, he said due to the group of insurance, and secondly, I was told that the operator had a system problem. I am a bit concerned as I know my credit rating is bad at the moment, but I am trying to better it, and I don't know if this is why my insurance was declined? I thought that they had to tell you if they carry out a credit search, but nothing was mentioned and I don't particularly want it going against me if it was searched twice. I have paid my insurance for the year, and was going to pay any extra instantly, so there would be no need for a credit search as far as I can see. Does anyone have any more information on whether they credit search you or not for this?""
How do I get insurance for my baby?
I'm 19 years old and pregnant and I've come across the problem of finding insurance for my baby. I am currently covered under my mom's health plan and can stay covered through college. Unfortunately, my baby won't be able to be covered under her plan seeing as how she will not be the legal guardian. Furthermore, I won't be able to get my own plan because I will not be working and will stay a dependent of my parents. Any suggestions as to the best route I can take to insure my kid? Thanks! Oh, and I also live in California if that makes a difference.""
No car insurance and got into an accident.?
I recently got in a car accident with no insurance. I rear ended someone and totalled his old car. The police came and made a police report and did not question me on wether I had insurace or not. If I bought Insurance right after that, can i use it to file a claim for what happened? If the other guy would cooperate and say we crashed at a later time would that work?""
What are some affordable nationwide health insurance plans in New /Hampshire?
looking for health insurance for my husband and unborn baby.
How much does a salvaged title make your auto insurance go up?
I am an 18-year-old first time driver that just got his license a week ago. I got a car that's a salvaged title and a theft recovery. I got a quote on the car before I ...show more
Insurance for new drivers?
hi i am about to turn 18 and for my birthday my mom and me are going to lease a car for me. the car is 20000 and its new. the insurance is crazzzy expensive but my mom is going to by a car to right when i am so is just keep that i mind for the insurance and stuff. what is the cheapest way to get insurance?? please help
""Do you believe in having life insurance? If so, do you have life insurance?""
I have a friend who sells insurance so I wanted to ask you guys... 1.) Do you have life insurance? 2.) If not, why have you NOT purchased life insurance? 3.) If you HAVE purchased life insurance, what motivated you to purchase life insurance?""
""Around how much would insurance cost for a 17 yr old girl - im from the UK, buying a 1999-2000 toyota celica?""
All appropraite anwers please, stupid answers are not welcome. Thanks xx""
How much is a down payment on a insurance rate of $161?
Im looking to buy progressive and they're rating my car at 161 a month. if anyone has this rate, do you remember what you paid?""
How do you justify an insurance company raising rates by 39% for individual policies?
California insurance regulators asked Anthem Blue Cross to delay controversial rate increases of as much as 39% for individual policies, hikes that have triggered widespread criticism from subscribers and brokers -- and now from the federal government. In a rare step, the Obama administration called on California's largest for-profit insurer to justify its rate hikes, saying the increases were alarming at a time when subscribers face skyrocketing healthcare costs. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-anthem-obama9-2010feb09,0,4384044.story""
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
I live in Austin. The business I work for is closing down. I will probably be offered a job in San Antonio.?
For several reasons I can't move there. Will I be eligible for Unemployement Insurance if I turn it down?
Is motorcycle insurance expensive?
is it more expensive than car insurance?
""Comparative general insurance costs for different types of vehicles (SUV, crossover, car)?""
I'm a newer driver and have never owned a car. I'm looking into buying one and I want to know about the average insurance costs. I've been told that SUVs have higher insurance costs. I'm looking into a 03 Ford Escape, is that considered an SUV? Also, how much is the average cost difference (of insurance!) if I was comparing it to a car such as a 03 Pontiac grand am? I realize this might be a dumb question and probably varies a lot, but a general answer is all I'm asking for!""
Is Liberty National Life Insurance is a good company to work for?
Ok, like a few days ago i've scheduled an interview with National Life Insurance company and was really excited 'bout workin' there until today, but tomorrow (8/05/09) i have my interview...anyways, while i was making some more researches about the company so that i could present my questions to the interviewer (u know when he/she will ask me if i have any questions...) and then i stumbled upon some acclaimed Liberty National Life Insurance scams ...u know how people can be HORRIBLE on the internet. so anyways people (customers or employees, especially EX employees) were saying really bad stuff about the company. Like, LNL insurance doesn't pay people fairly, and that if you just wanna buy a pair of shoes to wear then it's a fitted company to work for, and all the bad things u could imagine...in fact, the ex employees were really crucial about the company. So now, i'm really nervous about working for them you know? I mean what if what those ppl are telling the truth and that i'm just heading toward god knows what?! What if i get the job and realize then that everything that was being said on the internet was true? What if they don't pay me fairly? or i don't know.... All of this has gotten me very frustrated...so if any of u guys can be any help with reliable sources, or just helpful suggestions would be more than great! Thankx and oh lol i didn't realized i wrote so much...sorry 'bout that though....""
How much is insurance for a 16 year old boy driving a volkswagen jetta/golf?
I am going to go with my father to get a car next week because I got my license today. I will be using the sign then drive event for the car. About how much will insurance cost for a NEW car and would it be cheaper using a older car? I earn about 500$ in every other week for work, would that be enough you think? Thanks for the help!""
Car insurance help - first time driver!?
First time driver :) I'm 19 & female. I'm hopefully getting a car by the end of the year. So I was just checking the general insurance prices (I know they change regularly, but I just wanted to see) Anyway, I typed all my information, I was the main driver (I didn't put my parents down as additional drivers either) and the cheapest price was 694.94 - would that have been for the year? It was full comp too. It also had a total excess price, what does that mean? I'm really confused; I though first time drivers had high insurance?? BQ: If I got my car within the next month; then asked my dad to teach me, would I then be able to take a couple lessons with an instructor before I took my test? Or would I need to have all my lessons with an instructor? Thanks!""
Rover75 rear hit by a 4x4. Garage says not repairable what do I do? how much will the insurance pay?
The 4x4 damaged the rear end of my Rover 75, impossible to shut boot and lights not working. The garage and insurance now say it is not repairable. - but even after the accident, the car was driving perfectly. How much will the insurance company pay? Will they? Is there any way I can get the car fixed?""
Car insurance rates in Ontario for new driver?
I plan to import my '01 Camry from USA to missisuaga. How much shd I expect to pay p.m. in car Insurance rates ? I have 3 yrs clean driving history in USA.Will my driving history in USA help with getting a better rate in canada ? Initially I will have only a US drivers license.Pls help shed light on my doubts .. Forgot to mention - I am married , age 30 yrs""
Would you get Uninsured Insurance coverage in this case?
Car worth: $2000 (KBB) Annual driving: 4000 miles Uninsured Insurance Liability ($15k/$30k): $100 (a year) Uninsured Insurance Collision (up to $3500): $50 (a year) Not going to get comp/collision since it's only worth $2000. My insurance company is requesting that I sign a UI waiver since I initially said no to UI. So I'm not sure now. Just liability is costing me $700 a year (even with good driver discount) so getting UI would add $150 to it so was wondering if it's really worth it or not.
How much are you paying for motorcycle insurance?
I'm trying to get a quote for insurance on a 2008 Ducati 848. I tried Geico, State Farm, All State abd Progressive but they all are quoting me around the same which is around 4k a year for full coverage and 1k a year for just liability. This seems crazy to me as im only paying $350 a year right now for full coverage on my ninja 250. I know the Duc has a much larger engine but the price difference is drastic. Im a 23 year old male with 2-3 years riding experience. Clean record and i did the MSF course when i started riding. The 848 im trying to buy is used and i would be paying in full. How much are you guys paying?""
Next step after finding out your being kicked from auto insurance?
My boyfriend was on his parents policy with Met life and has been in 2 MINOR accidents in the last year and they told his dad either my boyfriend goes or everyone under that policy goes and they didn't tell us until a few days ago. Here's the kicker, he will be off the policy the end of the week. Will this make it harder for us to get him insured? How can a car incarnate company do this? He can't work without driving there and he can't drive there without car insurance. I don't know what to do. I currently have State Farm with my parents, would they let us open our own thing together even though we are not even technically engaged yet?""
I am looking for information on GE Health Insurance?
my husband will have health insurance through his job and I can't find any information on the carrier it is called GE health
What is a receipt of declination of health insurance?
I'm a college student and my school tells me that in order to partake in an internship, I need an error free resume, a completed work experience application, and a copy of my health insurance card or a receipt of declination of health insurance. I don't have health insurance, so what exactly is a receipt of declination? Is it just a letter written by me stating that I don't want health insurance, or whatever? Thank you!""
Auto insurance is so confusing!! Help?
My husband and I are currently covered at Geico. We pay 1320 for 6 months coverage. We've been with Geico about 5 years and our rates have stayed pretty much the same. I was looking at quotes online and there are significant differences between them all and I am so confused. I have been making sure that I am comparing apples to apples, all the same type coverage. Esurance quotes at $799 per 6 months, Teachers Insurance quotes at $1309 per 12 months, Mercury Insurance at $661 per 6 months, and then 21st century quotes at $1053 per 6 months. Why is there such a big difference between them?? My best bet looks like Mercury or Teachers right now...""
Health Care Insurance (CA)?
So 2014 coming around I know we need health insurance or else we have to pay a fee. My question is not sure what insurance to pick (specifically anything dental,vision, regular doctor ...show more""
How much would insuracne cost on a 2010 Chevy Camareo for a 17 year old?
What are some nice cars that arnt sports cars? Insurance costs alot for a 17 year old with a sports car
How much will the insurance company offer for my car?
a couple questions and description..... my car was involved in an accident and deemed a total loss. I was curious on how much the insurance company may offer? the accident was not my fault. i would like to buy it back though and fix it. how much do they usually offer a totaled car back for? its a 1994 honda accord lx with 128500 on her. shes in good condition with a small 1/4 size spot of rust on the left rear fender. everything else is in working condition. its a dark blue/green color. A/C, cruise, good tires, new cd player/ am/ fm, new speakers, new timing belt, distributor and ignition switch. it has a 2.2 4cylinder, automatic. any help is appreciated. interior is very clean, and paint was good condition. thank you!""
""I recently got into an auto accident in my gf's car whike she was present, will it raise her insurance?""
I dont have a car so i didnt have insurance, it was an atfault accident i think.""
Which car is cheaper on insurance?
for my first car I am 16 years old secondary driver plus I took a driving course to minimize 30 percent which of these three is cheaper a BMW M3 E46 BMW E39 M5 or a BMW 330i ZHP I am only interested on insurance and is it possible the m3 can be cheaper because it has less horsepower and a smaller engine.
Do I need uninsured motorists insurance on my motorcycle if I have it on my car policy?
I was just quoted motorcycle insurance by an agent - She claims that If I have uninsured motorists on my car policy, it will cover me even if I'm on my motorcycle and thus I don't need the coverage on my motorcycle policy, making it VERY cheap. Is this true? Are there any con's to doing this? The difference in price on my motorcycle policy is $280 a year without uninsured motorists, and $950 a year with uninsured motorists.""
How much would insurance be for a 1998-2001 mitsubishi eclipse for me?
im 16 and i need a car i would like to get a mitsubishi eclipse like a 1998-2001 model but I dont know how much my insurance would be. like i said im 16 and my grade point average is about a 2.5-3.0 (i get D and C) so if any one know plz share with me, thanks!""
Where can I find cheap Van insurance for a 19year old?
I have recently started up a new business, and I am about to employ a 19year old with a previous driving conviction. I need him to drive a van so I am wondering what the best way to get him insured is- Through my policy? or is their a business insurance policy for driving I can look into? Any advice is much appreciated""
My car was totaled by my insurance?
I bought a 1999 Honda for $4,500 in March of 2010 from a private party, about nine months ago. The owner never disclosed the fact that the car had been totaled in December on 2009. According to Washington State unless the total meets certain criteria it doesnt have to be listed on the title. On January 17th 2011, I was involved in a car accident. The insurance totaled my car. Somehow the insurance discovered that it had been perversely totaled, which I was not aware of. I had full coverage on the car. They now are saying that I will get receive what the car is worth with a savaged title. My question is, do I have to except this or can I fight for the value of a clean titled vehicle? Should they have run a check on the vin when I insured it with them and discovered the that the vehicle had been totaled before? Or is everything my fault?""
Car insurance quote?
does anyone know a website that can give me an aprox car quote without having to go through all of the sign up etc process?
How much does car insurance cost?
Im planning on getting a 2012 honda accord coupe. will it be more expensive to insure compared to the sedan model or will it only be a slight expensive?
Insurance price on harley-davidson?
what would be a good estimate for yearly cost of insurance on a harley? -92 heritage softail classic
What are 3 reasons why insurance rates are higher for driver's under the age of 25?
What are 3 reasons why insurance rates are higher for driver's under the age of 25?
How much money i need to start up car insurance business?
ok im licensed, i have office with experienced sales people , company name gaico , how much cash on hand i need to cover losses (lets say i signed 100 customers allready to gaico)""
I need to start saving on my healthcare insurance coverage. It is way too expensive. Since our congresmen?
and women are not working so that I can buy insurance outside the State of Colorado, could I possibly buy it from China? anyone know of any Chinese companies operating in the U.S. that are offering affordable health insurance?""
Why do insurance companies charge first and last?
I had a nice Allstate agent call me and discuss my insurance with me, give me a lower rate and then come pay time, tell me that they require first and last. When I asked her why the last, she could not provide a good answer. I know not all insurance companies do this, but what is the point? When asked when I would get the last back, she said when I cancel my policy some day!! What if I don't want to cancel..ever? This does not make sense to me at all. Why keep my money there for nothing? When one does cancel the policy, do they get the money back with interest on that? Once confronted with these questions, the agent was not so nice any more. Can someone please answer the above?""
If i lease a car do I pay insurance?
I am thinking about leasing a car, do I have to pay insurance?""
How does a speeding ticket affect insurance costs?
My parents own the car that I drive and cover insurance fees (I pay for gas/oil/maintenance). I got a speeding ticket today for $156 for going 52 in a 35 zone (if that price is legitimate and fair in CT, I'm not sure), but I'm curious as to how that will affect insurance costs? Anyone with knowledge in the area, your responses are much appreciated.""
Cost of insurance on a mercedes Benz each month?
i have to do a gay project
Can I add a non-family member to my auto-insurance plan?
I use USAA. I was wondering if I could add my boyfriend as part of my insurance plan, and he would just pay me when the bill comes. We do not live together yet, so I'm wondering if this is possible. He'd be driving his own car. The reason I'm asking is because USAA has good rates and I was wondering if I could share it with him.""
Average cost for an fr 44 in Florida?
I just trying to determine what the average cost for an fr 44 is in Florida after a dui
How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
""Driving other cars, insurance policy for under 25?""
does anyone know of any insurance companies that offer DOC on their comprehensive insurance policy for an under 25? If not, how much roughly would a weeks insurance cost on another car?""
I am looking for information on GE Health Insurance?
my husband will have health insurance through his job and I can't find any information on the carrier it is called GE health
0 notes
Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
"Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would car insurance cost for a 19 year old with a v6 chrysler 300 2012?
Please help me!
Does a citation go on your insurance?
Does a citation go on your insurance?
Do you have affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Do you get a good deal on insurance? Where do you have yours?
How much does car insurance cost for a 19 year old girl?
Living in South Jersey. 2 years with a license. No accidents/ tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good credit score. For a used car newer than 2003. I just need a rough estimate. I don't want some insurance agent to call me for an quote or get random e-mails from insurance companies, right now before I buy a car.""
Ticket and insurance rates?
My parents have 3 cars all insured in their names. I am 18 and I have my license but they never put me on the insurance because I almost never drive I usually just bike or get rides so it would be a waste of money putting me on. But recently I had to drive and I got a ticket driving for the first time in about 6 months. I am trying to get my ticket taken off my record but if I can't and it stays on then whats next? will it affect my parents insurance? or will I be forced to get on the insurance too? Is there anything I can do since I'm most likely not going to drive again until I go out and buy my own car later on.
Im looking for cheap insurance on a land rover series 3 im 17 years old where is the cheapest company?
what is the cheapest insurance company or cheapest option???
Honda city - 4 wheeler insurance -?
for a new honda city 2012 model, what will be the yearly insurance for it. for 31 yr old with 2 yrs of 4 wheeler driving record how to shop for cheap 4 wheeler insurance...and what to look for while buying it this is in chennai -""
2 speeding tickets in 1 days! USAA insurance. Help Please!?
Ok, so as the title says, i got 2 speeding tickets in 1 day. Yes that was stupid, i know. I am really worried. one is a $205 fine, the other $110 both for speeding 15 mph over. I think it is possible to get defensive driving with one of the tickets because my last ticket was around 2 years ago. Thats the other thing. 2 yrs ago i got in a wreck, my fault and a ticket too + defensive driving. so with all that taken into account. do you think i will get dropped from USAA insurance or how much do you think my rates will rise? Thanks for the help!""
Any statefarm agents that can help with a car insurance question?
I had my auto insurance with state farm for several years. I used to live in Miami, Fl for pretty much the whole time until this past January that i moved to Orlando. Until now (October 2012) i hadn't changed my address because i was planning on going back but now that i decided to stay in Orlando i ended up changing to another insurance company because my policy was going to be A LOT cheaper. My question is, should i be able to get retroactive pay for the difference in my premium from the more expensive premium that i was paying in Miami and the much lower one from Orlando? I sent my state farm agent my lease contract since the beginning of the year and she said that they weren't going to allow it. Does that sound right? I know it was my responsibility to have my addresses changed but since i didn't and i was paying my premium for one city while living at another. Thanks!""
Car insurance gets cheaper at 21?
Okay so this may sound stupid but I have heard that car insurance gets cheaper at the age of 21, I mean it is still alot for new young drivers compared to the 25+ year olds but apparently cheaper. For example a corsa would cost approximately 3,000+ for a 17,18,19 or 20 year old third party fire and theft...but when he/she hits 21, its goes down quite abit, probably to around 1,200 - 1,500....this is what I have heard but not too sure so wanted to see what you guys think!...thanks!:D""
Blue lake insurance address?
I need the addres to blue lake insurance or at least a direct telephone # to the address. The address used to be: 605 Coolidge Dr. ste 210 Folsom, CA 95630-4211 but they changed address and according to the mail they do not have a forwarding address. Does anyone have this insurance with the correct address and phone number?""
Insurance for electric components in a car?
I was wondering if anyone knowof an insurance company that offers affordable insurance for the elecltric components in a car such as cars that have a push to start button, navigation etc. The dealership offered insurance however it was not in my price range. Are there companies that have different options you can choose from""
How can low-income people *afford* lower cost health insurance?
Huckleberry suggested that low-income people will be able to afford low-cost private health insurance--but he doesn't say *how* that will be possible. Guliani says that with tax credits, people will be able to afford low-cost insurance. (How is that possible?) I haven't figured what the other GOP candidates want, but how can low-income people--and those on disability--be able to afford expensively HUGE health-insurance plans on what little money that is already afforded to them per month?""
Car insurance as a named driver?
Hi does any1 know any insurance companies who will insure a 20 year old as a named driver on a high performance car. This belongs to my dad and is a golf r32. I wont be fronting as i have my own car which i commute to and from work in so i know exactly what that is.. Anyone know any companys please recommend some I will give you the correct answer thank you.
Best child Plan or best insurance plan or Mutual funds ?
hi iam 30 year male from india working in merchant navy..i want to invest for future of my child through monthly investment of Rs.5000..please suggest me right way to achive my goal of getting good amount when my child reaches age of 18...i already have LIC jeevan anand..with cover of 10 lakh..and i am also depositing 70.000 p.a in P.P.F...so where u should think i invest to get maximum returns..??
Is Diesel cheaper than gasoline for insurance?
i need a 4x4 truck, im 16, which is cheaper for insurance?""
Car insurance under parents name?
So my parents are thinking about buying me a car. The only thing that is holding them back is the high insurance rate (I'm 21). Currently I am using my parents car for college and my current insurance is under my parents name. If my parents buy the car under their name, while having me on their insurance list, wouldn't the insurance rate be the same as my current one? Or at the least not as expensive as having my own insurance? Thanks.""
What is the best company for cheap car insurance?
I am doing my lessons, I am a 19 year old female and a mother of 1. I have just bought a renault clio 1.4 and need to get the cheapest possible insurance. To start i need insurance so that i can drive with someone in the car on my provisional but i also need quotes on how much it will cost me when i have past my test.""
Does anyone know if Nationwide insurance will raise your rates if you have a red car/suv?
I'm looking for a new car and wanted to call them this morning but it's a little late now. Does anyone know if Nationwide insurance will raise your rates if you have a red car/suv?
What insurance company provides the best rates?
So I just bought my Volkswagon Beetle and need to insure it. I'm looking for the most affordable and most reliable insurance company out there. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
Keep insurance if I am selling the car?
I am selling a car that I still have financed. Do I still have to have insurance (full coverage) if I'm selling it and I'm not driving it at all? Ohio Law plz
What are my options for extremely decayed teeth and no insurance?
I have extremely bad tooth decay and I have no insurance. I really need to do something about it before it starts causing more serious problems. I am assuming they will all need to be pulled and I will need dentures, or at least pretty close. There are not many teeth in my mouth that have not shown signs of decay. Is there any good options for me that will not leave me in tons of debt? I am not looking to pay nothing, I just can't afford to be left with huge bills that will take me years to pay. Thanks for any help.""
Need help with my car insurance. . . ?
i need some help cos i'm pretty confused so i bought a car at the start of the year, took out a loan to get it, etc and I have been having no problems paying it off so that was going fine. than two months ago i had a huge crash which totalled my car. It wasn't deemed my fault or the other person's fault. I did have full comprehensive insurance, but i missed two payments. I remember recieving a letter saying if i kept missing these payments then my insurance would be cancelled. Than when i put my claim in to get my insurance on my car through after the crash, they said i had recieved a letter syaing that my insurance had been cancelled due to lack of payments. I'm confused, i didn't get that letter. now, i have no car and am still paying off that loan. Is there any way I can fix this. I don't think i would be able to get another loan for another car, and i don't want to put myself into that much debt, but i really do need a car help?!?!?!""
What's your Scion TC's Insurance Rate?
Scion TC's are in the top 10 most expensive cars to insure. (Number 2) So I was wondering if you have a TC, how much do you pay monthly? What's your deductible? What insurance company are you with? And how old are you?""
How do you get health insurance?
I'm try'na get emancipated from my parents, and they said I medical/health insurance. No ******** answers.""
Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer?
Do all car insurance companies need a deposit?
Im getting a car this weekend, i havent passed my driving test yet and im 18. But all the insurance quotes i have looked at need a deposit, can i get one that doesnt need a deposit, because at the moment i cant afford that one of payment for the deposit. HELP PLEASE!!!""
Will my car insurance go up if this happens?
In NY, if you are under 18 and drive past 9pm you can have your license revoked for 90 days. If you are under 18 and drive past 9pm, get your license revoked, will it drive up the cost of insurance? I have State Farm insurance.""
Does any1 know what the cheapest insurance is for someone aged 17-19?
Does any1 know what the cheapest insurance is for someone aged 17-19?
Insurance to drive?
I'm a college student and I have student health insurance. I just got my permit and I was wondering which insurance I need to get to drive??
""How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
What is a fast car that is in a relativley low insurance group?
I was looking at a 1.6 Honda Civic Type S as that is insurance group 6, but they seem to be hard to come by. They are mostly 2.0 and that is group 11 which is too high as I am only 19. Budget is around 3500. Any ideas welcome. Can go over budget and put the car on finance for the right car.""
Where can i find the best disability insurance?
There are so many options out there I dont know who to choose.
I am 19 years of age i how much will they charge me for my insurance?
i have never been involved in a car accident or gotten pulled over by the police i live in california i have had my drivers license since i was 16. i own a 1997 nissan sentra gxe i pay 480 for it every 6 month and a 2011 nissan murano and i pay 554 every 6 months for it i have Farmers Insurance my dad is main driver my sister in the policy also. How much will they charge me if i buy a 2005 mustang will my car insurance sky rocket because i am consider an inexperience driver and mustang is a sports car Please help
Ok i need help on finding health insurance?
Im 19 yrs old i have no kids or a job, So i cant get on medicaid. I have hyperthyroidism and im on 2 medicines and need to see a doctor but i dont understand the deductuble and all that crazy stuff so any info will help me.. Thank you""
""On average, how much do YOU spend on utilities each month?""
I'm a college student getting ready to do into dental school. & I was wondering about how much do you spend on gas, electric, rent, insurance....etc. Please name what it is and about how much you pay. Do you have any money left over?? I'm like freaking out here because right now, I live in a dorm & I don't pay anything.""
Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?
Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?
Is there anyone on their parents car insurance ?
a few of my friends are and im wondering how much extra you have to pay to go on your parents car insurance rather than your own, thankyou""
I have question about car insurance?
so i literally bought my car insurance 2 days ago and i just got into a accident .... i have full coverage and a guy ran his red light and hit me and just left... will my insurance company think that i was just telling a lie or will they help me...i have progressive...
Pontiac Grand Am GT Insurance?
I am 20 years old. Looking at a 2 door coupe Pontiac GT. Never been in an accident, never had a ticket. Was wondering what the insurance is roughly going to cost me a month? I have All State. My dad doesn't want to call them because we just called them yesterday about another car, and we don't have the vin number. Thanks! Oh! It has power locks, a spoiler, and a sunroof too! As well as a single disc CD player.""
What would be the best choice for health and dental insurance?
I' am 22 year old college student in california and don't have insurance. i was wondering if anyone can help me with choosing a provider. i don't really know how health insurance works. but i would like to get something decent thats not to expensive or to cheap, i do want good coverage just in case. thank you""
How can I get additional health insurance for my kids?
i work for a hospital and i have excellent 90/10 insurance. but with both of my kids seeing specialists i cant afford a $30 copay x2 . i am paying $60 just to take them to the doctor. can i get a secondary health insurance that will help cover some of the copays?
Car insurance companies that allow you to drive other cars?
If i am over 25 and fully comp on my vehicle I can drive other vehicles that have fully comprehensive car insurance which insurance policy let you do this?
Does Progressive raise your insurance rates for no reason?
I got a good quote from them online, but the main complaint I have heard is that they raise people's insurance for no reason. They got good initial quotes, but a couple months later, they raise them. Anybody know anything about that?""
Health Insurance Ques?
Because he's a full time student, I can carry my son under my health insurance plan until he's 23. The problem is he'll be a full time undergrad until a few months shy of his 24th birthday. He works, but only part time so insurance isn't really an option at his place of work. It would be a bit much to go to school FT and also work FT. Any ideas? Don't want to go w/o insurance.""
""If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
How much would my monthly insurance bill be (18yr old male)(i just want a ball park figure)??
When I turn 18 I am going to buy my first car (im 17 now). I can't decide which car I want to get. Please tell me about how much insurance will cost me for each one. I will be on my own policy. I will get my license just before Im 18. I live in California. My car choices are: 1. 2009 Nissan Versa Hatchback 1.8S 2. 2009 Honda Civic Sedan LX 3. 2009 Toyota Matrix S 4. 2009 Chevrolet Aveo Sedan LT
How come I haven't been forced to buy car insurance?
I keep hearing from some people on here that the government forces us to buy car insurance. How come nobody has forced me to buy it?? My roommate also doesn't have car insurance. We live in the city and take public transportation so we always thought we didn't need to buy car insurance. Are we breaking the law? Also, my brother lives in New Hampshire and he drives a car but said he doesn't have car insurance!! Is he breaking the law?""
Around how much do you think I will need to pay for car insurance?
I'm moving out on my own. I'm 18, female, have had my license for 2 years, no tickets, no suspensions, no accidents. I'm going to be living in Los Angeles, driving a car probably from 1990-95. I know you can't give me an EXACT number, but around how much monthly do you think?""
Buying a car in NJ from a Private seller but want Georgia Insurance?
I have a Georgia License and am currently away at College in New Jersey (My family has a house here and in Georgia). I want to buy my first car, but insurance in NJ is extremely expensive. How do I get Georgia insurance, Registration, and my Georgia address to show on the vehicle Title? When I purchase the car from the private seller, how will I be able to get my car home with no plates?? Is there a way to get temporary plates in New Jersey and Temporary Registration? Will I need to get a New Jersey License? HELP !!! Can someone give me a step by step walkthrough of what I have to do to get the Georgia Insurance? Thank you !""
Proof of Insurance (and deferral)?
Hello, I live in washington state, and have a mitigation hearing tomorrow for a speeding ticket. It's my first, so I have a few questions. In my ticket im charged with no proof of insurance, BUT I was wrong, I had my insurance I was just confused, I did not realize our AAA was our insurance as well as the aid that they're known for. Anyways, since then I have lost my wallet. So I have a temporary lisence but still no insurance card. So how do I get proof that I had insurance on that day? I have an insurance policy card I've been keeping in the dash. Will that work? Then how do I get this deferred? Do I ask the judge, or do I need to go to the courthouse today to get a form, etc. Thanks for any help.""
Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer?
My parents wont put me in car insurance?
My dad keeps giving me excuses to why I'm not on his insurance yet. His excuse now is that he wants to switch car insurances first, but that he can't until he fixes his car. Like why can't he fix his car under the new insurance? it makes no sense. I've had my license for about 3 weeks now. All my friends have been put under insurance as soon as they got their license. I'm trying to get a job, but I cant because I'm not on the insurance. and no one can drive me to work since they work themselves. My parents think my older brother is my personal driver, its annoying. I don't know what to do. Any advice?""
Named driver car insurance?
My dad purchased a car and added me as a named driver. I use the car whenever he doesn't use it but as a majority he covers more miles than I do, some weeks it's 50/50 usage others I use it not as much. My dad is the owner of the car and the policy holder. He received a call from the insurance people and because he said we use it 50/50 some weeks they have now given him 7 days left before they are going to cancel the insurance. He payed this in fully and is only 2 months in. He recieved no terms and conditions, are they aloud to do this? Please help as he is isn't clued up on this and we both need to use the car. We were told that we need separate insurance for the vehicle which seems ridiculous seen as that would be double the price and not make any sense. He has his own other vehicle which he uses for work and I only use the shared car when necessary. Thanks in advance for any help. Ryan""
What is a reputable insurance company that offers liability insurance for DJs?
I am looking to get started into the mobile DJ business although am wanting to find out what insurance company is the best.
Will a bike licence bring down car insurance?
Ok, so I'm 18 and am looking to learn to drive. I know that insuring a car is going to cost a bomb anyway, but will the fact I have passed a full motorcycle test (A2) help to bring my insurance down? Or will the fact I will have access to two vehicles (car and motorbike) increase my insurance? By the time I pass my car test I would have had my A2 licence for a year and have 3years no claims discount. Also I am looking at getting a 1.1 Citroen Saxo. Will a two door be more expensive than the four door to insure or doesn't it make much difference?? Thanks.""
Individual health insurance plan?
I'm trying to find an individual plan that covers all my needs. I do have a routine medical problem that requires a few prescriptions every month, it's not a big and costly issue like cancer or HIV. Should I disclose this as a preexisting medical condition if asked, will I be denied coverage if I'm honest? If I obtain the insurance after denying my condition could I be denied the care/specialty visit/meds from a very routine medical condition?""
Can I Buy Car Insurance Without Having A Car?
I'm not planning on driving anyone else's car it's just that my mom doesn't want to put me on her insurance because she says that it'll be too expensive for her (even though I would pay her for my piece). Thing is I don't have a car yet but do plan on financing a ar very soon. I've been pre-approved so I'm pretty much set to go but want to just drive my car off the lot without any problems. Also, does 'non-owner's' insurance like roll over should you buy a ar yourself? Like say for instance I did get non-owners insurance, drove my mom's car and then finally got enough money to buy my own car, can I use the same insurance?""
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if you can get like your life insurance lisence online and where?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if you can get like your life insurance lisence online and where?
What is a good insurance for wisdom teeth extraction?
I am currently a college student, and I don't have any dental insurance coverage. I visited a general dentist today, he said that I have to get my four of my wisdom teeth remove ...show more""
Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?
Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?
Car insurances?
18yrs old just been quoted 1,300 for a 1100cc car K reg.Offered 300.00 plus 1.000.00 returnable deposit if he dont have any accidents, broker did not want to know but said on top of all that he has got to pay the first 350.00 if involved in a accident. How dear is that?ps past tests.""
How long should I get a term life insurance policy for?
I'm researching term policies to cover the shortfall for life insurance from my work. How long is reasonable to get a term policy for? Term to 60, 75 or 100 years?""
What insurance has the cheapest rate for teenagers in California?Is there a company that insures only a driver
What insurance has the cheapest rate for teenagers in California?Is there a company that insures only a driver
Exactly how much does credit score affect auto insurance rates?
Can anyone tell me roughly what percentage my rate is gouged (oops, I mean 'increased') as a result of less than perfect credit? I have Progressive insurance if that helps. Thanks!""
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
What is the cheapest Auto Insurance Company for male teens?
Insurance company's Screw teens so much, what are some of the cheaper company's? I have gotton quotes from $107 a month to $250 a month and everywhere in between for just state minimum liabilty""
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
Insurance cancellation question?
I cancelled my old insurance with Access about 2-3 weeks ago and I was told I'd be receiveing and reimburstment check back from them since the policy had only been active for about 2 months. What's to average wait time on one?
I just purchased car insurance today?
So I just passed my test today and just purchased insurance from Bell over the phone, and my policy starts from Friday. I know I cannot drive until Friday. So say I was pulled over by police on Friday night, and I have to take documents to the police station, how do I prove to them that I have insurance? I don't have a piece of paper but I DO technically have insurance .. What do I do if I get pulled over?""
What kind of vehicle would have the cheapest insurance?
I need to buy a new car, and have pretty high insurance. I was wondering what types of vehicles would have the cheapest insurance for a newer car (2000+)""
Where can I apply for free or low cost health insurance?
Im a poor student that works less than 20 hrs a week. I am a permanent resident (not a citizen). Please help. I think im going to die soon (see my other question). I also live in montgomery county maryland if that helps
Enquiry about car insurance and how it works?
Okay, the question is worded wierdly, but you'll get it :P. Anyway, I have my driving test coming up in April, so I have to be thinking about a car, insurance etc. I was wondering if there was an average of how much car insurance is for the first month after you pass, and how long it stays like this till it starts too go down. Also, is there anyway I can reduce it? I plan on making parents named drivers etc, will this help reduce?""
Insurance company !?????
How does someone own or idk a insurance company.. I mean I would like to own my own office with State Farm insurance how do you go by doing this
What insurance company will give me the cheapest full coverage policy on a sportbike?
I'm 23, I have one year of riding experience, and i have no traffic convictions. I'm looking to go no higher than a 600. I live in an apartment, and I will have a lojack installed. I can't seem to find a policy for less than 3,000 bucks a year.""
Question about car insurance?
a friend of mine parked his car in another friends shed.The car was an 18 yrs old golf.The problem is that the car went on fire and took shed and all.When the owner of the shed checked his insurance he had it under insured.My question is though should the car insurance cover the building of the shed and its contents?The grand total would be 23000 euro.The shed and contents were only insured for 3000euro and the car was only insured for 800euro?
Might be pregnant need affordable med insurance?
Im 18, my parents don't have any kind of insurance, I might be pregnant(my parents have no idea), I am in the process of getting a job as a Habilitation worker but they don't give me any insurance. what should I do?""
Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer?
""No fault claim on car insurance, will rate go up?""
My truck was hit by a car while parked in valet parking. The valet company was not driving the other car, it was a lady who tried to get around my truck because she did not want to use the valet. The valet company took her insurance information and wrote a report indicating what happened. I only have a few deep scratches on my bumper, but it is a new car and kind of want to get it fixed because it is new. I was hesitant to call my insurance and tell them about it because I have heard that a claim is a claim on my record regardless of fault. I did call my insurance to discuss the situation and when I could ask if my insurance would go up for a no fault claim, the lady told me she just filed the claim and an adjuster would contact me in a few days to answer all my questions. If it is only a few hundred dollars in damage, I would have rather paid it myself than have a claim. Anyone experience anything like this and how long does claim stay on record in case I have a real claim someday?""
How much is your car insurance a month?
What kind of car do you have? What car insurance company are you with?
After getting a speeding ticket how much does your insurance increase on average?
After getting a speeding ticket how much does your insurance increase on average?
MetLife Dental Insurance...?
Does anyone know how this insurance actually works? I got this insurance through my employer (haven't had insurance in a LONG time!!), and from what I'm reading...it sounds like you have to pay for services up front, and then they reimburse you?? Is this how it works, or am I mistaken? I'm so confused, and really want to go get a general cleaning and exam....but don't have the money to pay for it when I go!""
Life insurance and payout?
I want to get life insurance in the amount of 250000 for my daughter. If I pass away I am concerned how the money will be spent. How can I make sure the money goes to a college education and perhaps buying a home for her. I have no family so I cant ask anybody to take care of this if I pass away. Thanks. I live in California.
If my son is on my parents insurance does that mean they claim him on his taxes?
Okay my son is now 1 year old. He is on my parents insurance, we live with them, and my parents pretty much support him.(pay for all expenses).. Now my sons father wants to put him on his taxes. I know he just wants to get money to get him a new car. he also says he will get me a car too. but idk about that. When i told him i think my parents already claimed him, he started yelling its his son, and told me to give him his security card(he has a really bad temper and gets angry to where i get scared) so i did.. but now i need to sign a paper..and i dont want too.. Here is my thing i told him that he is automatically on my parents taxes, because he is on there insurance, so that would mean i would have to take aiden off of their insurance(Which means he wouldnt be on any insurance)he started yelling how stupid i am and just to sign paper, my question is is it true that because my parents have him on their insurance, he is on their taxes. What should i do? Thanks for anyhelp. Sorry long question. Please no rude answers""
Car insurance question?
i recently quit my job and was woundering if it is possible to cancel my car insurance and get it back when i get another job and btw i got state farm
How much is insurance for a used 2008 infiniti g37 insurance for a 16 year old male?
I will be turning 16 this march and im already looking for cars. I have good grades, about a 3.8 GPA, if not better. Im planning on paying for the car myself. not all up front of course. Im planning on getting a job and putting a down payment down of about $10,000. I would of cuorse pay the rest off monthly. If i do end up buying the car id like to get an estimate for how much it'd be... Id do all discounts possible and i live in illinois.""
How can i find out if someone has insurance on me?
life insurance police
Difference between health and life insurance?
Difference between health and life insurance?
California life and health insurance exam?!?
I took it once but only got 60% and it was super difficult with only studying the pre licensing course. Can anyone give me some other materials or advice for getting a passing score. Please and thank you. And please no bulls**t answers-___-
I think my short term disability due to giving birth got messed up?
So I want on leave on May 20th due to best rest. I used all my vacation and leftover sick time, and the rest is paid by short term disability, a total of about 9 weeks total. I stayed home 6 weeks after my baby was born since my work doesn't cover any of my pay. I work in a very small private business, just 3 of us. My boss had never handled maternity leave before, and I think he did it wrong. A few weeks after I gave birth he said he got a check from the disability insurance agency, it was made out to his business. So he cashed it and wrote me a check for the total amount from his business account. There was no explanation of how to dole it out, so he just gave me the total amount. Then, just now, 3 weeks later, I got another check mailed to my home from the insurance company?? What happened? I should of only got paid for the 3.5 weeks I believe from short term disability because I was paid for the rest. The insurance company is not open until tomorrow so I cannot call them yet.""
What is a good looking car that is cheap on insurance?
I am 15 and I am trying to figure out which car would be the best for me. I want to nice looking car that is not to fast because the insurance will be to much. I was looking at the Honda Civic and the Mazda 3. Any ideas? I do not want to spend more than 7 grand.
""Need a license, insurance, and car...?""
I need all three of these. What is the proper order to get them in? I thought you need insurance to get a license, and a license to get a car. But don't you need the car to get it insured? And can you get insurance without a driver license number? I'm confused any advice would be appreciated.""
What is an insurance quote?
how do I check what insurance is the best?
How much does medical marijuana cost? Does insurance cover it?
How much does medical marijuana cost? Does insurance cover it?
How do Americans live in a country where you have no health system?
If you get sick enough you could lose everything, if you don't have insurance. I think that you can lose everything even if you have insurance.""
How to be a insurance agent?
i need to some gain some knowledge about how to be a insurance agent. I am a senior in HS and i dont know what path to take. is insurance agent a difficult job? what classes should i take? is insurance agent a business major?
""I'm a female unemployed, living in upstate NY & need affordable health insurance! Desperate for suggestions!?""
I have been unemployed over a year. Although I am collecting unemployment benefits, I work a job per diem (usually 1-2 days per wk. which means I can't collect full unemployment benefits). I can't afford private pay insurance i.e. Healthy NY etc & don't financially qualify for Medicaid. Are there any other options? I would hate for a catastrophic illness to dictate my coverage & thus spend the rest of my life paying off medical bills!""
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
Car insurance?
I have a 94 camaro and I was wondering how much insurance would cost under my parents name. I'm 16 and a good driver, I don't know if that matters but I want to save some money""
How much does it cost to insure a 2003 hyundai accent 4 door?
How much does it cost to insure a 2003 hyundai accent 4 door?
Car insurance?
Is insurance cheaper on older cars?
How much money does car insurance go down when you turn 17?
I'm 16 years old and turning 17 in a few months. I am currently paying about $435 for insurance in a 6 month period. Will that rate decrease when I turn 17, not having any tickets or accidents?""
Where is the cheapest place in Nashville to get renter's insurance?
Anyone know of a good company or individual that offers inexpensive renter's insurance in Nashville, TN? Also, is the fee a one time fee for the entire year? or is it a monthly fee? Lastly, if you could give me an idea of prices for renter's insurance for a 1-2 bedroom apartment, that would be helpful too! thanks!""
Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer?
0 notes
omarandjohnny · 7 years
This time by @havocinthebluebox <3
A) Age: 35
B) Biggest fear: Ending up being a burden to my younger brother.
C) Current time: 17:52
D) Drink you last had: Lukewarm RC, eeeeesh.
E) Every day starts with: Mom waking me up to fix her breakfast.
F) Favourite song atm: This gorgeous cover of Loved By the Sun!
G) Ghosts, are they real?: Nah.
H) Hometown?: Folks moved around a lot when I was little, so a few places in Southern Indy/Cincinnati, OH.
I) In love with?: A pair of idiots from a fictional Northern village.
J) Jealous of?: Nothing, envious of a quite a bit.
K) Killed Someone?: Not yet...
L) Last time you cried: A few days ago. 
M) Middle name: Legal one is a family name, chosen one might be another.
N) Number of siblings: One wonderful 30 year old baby brother, two half-sisters who don’t factor into my life.
O) One wish: If the universe is listening, I’ll take one new boytoy plz!
P) Person you last called/texted: I know the last time I did this meme the answer was the local Chinese takeout joint, and yeah, answer’s the same this go ‘round XD
Q) Questions you are always being asked: “Did those hurt?” (tattoos) “Don’t THOSE hurt you?” (my ears, though since I downsized from 1 1/2″ to 7/8″, I don’t get quite as many people come up to me with pained expressions on their faces, lol)
R) Reasons to smile: My brother’s doing well, my folks are as okay as can be expected, I got invited to a social function by one of my brother’s hot friends (I get to pretend to be an adult in public, holy shit!)
S) Song last sung: Sang a few bars of ‘Back in Baby’s Arms’ when Aaron was released from prison, heh.
T) Time you woke up: Which time? 
U) Underwear colour: Navy
W) Worst habits: Too many to list.
X) X-rays you’ve had: Chest, left ankle, right foot, teeth, probably my right arm when I was little. (tried to do a Superman off my mom’s piano bench, ended up nearly snapping a wing)
Y) Your favourite food: Pesto & pasta, beef & broccoli, my own cooking ::toots horn::
Z) Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.
0 notes