#oly made it to the qsmp
crewfu · 1 year
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Good evening, considering what has been happening right now I think it's about time we talk about some things that I need to address:
Before we start, I want to say that I'll be calling cc!Wilbur William or Gold during this, mainly because he doesn't deserve to hide behind a pseudonym, and because of reasons that will be revealed later.
What William did is horrifying. I won't be getting into the details. I'm not the perfect person to talk about this as my mind has been a mess.
I came here to say that I'll still use c! Wilbur, because the character,in all his aus were and still are an inspiration for me, and they've always been my comfort character.
Another thing that brings me to say this, is something I don't talk about a lot:
We are a system.
Multiple people in one body. It's not something we like to broadcast online, as it's me (Oli) Who usually deals with social media, but this Is an important part of this statement.
We have a Wilbur introject (aka, an alter that originates as a sort of copy of Wilbur, this might not be the best explanation but it's all I can say right now with how my minds a mess.)
He's been having a hard time with finding out how awful his source was (even though, he's based on my version of cWilbur, not even the canon one), and seeing everyone just trying to erase him And talking badly about him has been making him breakdown (one of the other reasons we're calling the asshole Gold). For example, he disappeared yesterday, and today I found out from reading a chat that he's actually here, but has been avoiding us (which, I understand.)
I don't want to make him feel unwelcome in our system, as he's always been the first one to comfort us when stuff is bad. Hes the second alter that fronts the most, after me, and erasing him from all my content feels disrespectful.
Either way, I'll be going to take a break from the Dsmp and Qsmp fandoms and content making around them in general, but I will probably come back eventually.
Thank you for listening to my points and understanding.
Remember, listen to victims, and fuck William Gold.
(this post was made a few days ago but I wasn't feeling like myself enough to post)
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echolocati0n-art · 1 year
my dsmp , qsmp , empires , hermitcraft, etc headcanons because im insane
when c!puffychu are cuddling sometimes c!niki has to come up for air because c!puffys hair is just like, very curly/wool like and in the summer they have to turn on the ac to max, very nice in the winter tho
katherine would own a motorcycle but specifically in season 2 of empires and it would be painted half pink with glitter and the other side black with spikes
c!fundy makes a contraption where c!phil is able to use his wing again, that plus the syndicate helping him do physical therapy, he is able to fly again
the dream smp did not end badly fuck that ending they all live happily ever after
life series pearl tends to pick her nails a lot/bite them and tends to have a lot of bandaids on her hands, especially after the events of double life it got so much worse, in limlife, she kept doing it and big b would help bandage her hands and when he noticed her doing it, would give her a stick of gum or something to chew on + distract her or even they would paint eachothers nails
A CHEW TOY AHAHAHA werewolf pearl agenda
froggy is liml!pearl's PTSD ESA 👍
c!fundy is transmasc and c!quackity once had a lot on his mind and c!fundy happened to be shirtless, he saw the top surgery scars and was like "who did this to you", he still gets made fun of for it
avians (grian , jimmy, whoever else with fanon wings idk im too tired) cannot fly in the life series as the watches make their wings smaller to stop them from having an advantage / flying away but they can glide down hills and short distances, if they panic whilst falling they cant catch themselves
shelby and oli are swifties
in empires s1, both scott and xornoth have trouble walking through doors because of their antlers. Like xornoth will be chasing someone or something then he just hits the doorframe with a CLANG or scott will be trying to get outside and he just gets stuck and has to get someone to free him
speaking of those antlers my own hc is that when scott found the book in that tomb, he went from a regular elf to having the antlers and like deer ears / deer hybrid thing, during his elsa arc he shed them / he sawed them off because he felt he wasnt worthy but they grew back and sometimes have icicles hanging off them
jimmy hates the crust on sandwiches in all universes
c!purpled and c!punz are brothers, or at least sort of, c!purpled is an alien who crash landed on earth at like 5 years old and tiny 10 year old c!punz found him and they became very close, c!punz taught him earth culture
i loved that hc of lmanburg having a different language and using it to communicate and their own culture and such, for some reason I very much imagine it as french
no one speaks it anymore but when frustrated or excited you may find former members of lmanburg using it / they have slight accents
c!schlatt banned them from speaking said language so c!niki used it to spite him specifically
c!niki also shouldve lost a life during that festival she was beat to death by c!ponk under order of c!schlatt WHY ISNT THAT CANON!!
Tallulah loves the movie Tarzan and q wilbur really regrets showing it to her because. gorilla
qsmp has access to tv streaming services and the internet, chayanne and bobby love action movies but q phil chooses what he watches very carefully, tallulah and richarlyson are OBSESSED with bluey, dapper loves nature/informative documentaries, leonarda and ramon i feel would be a huge fan of nickelodeon, tilin used to love peppa pig, juanaflippa preferred to read
bobby has adhd because i said so he is a little ball of insanity
jaiden with the conure wings you already know
cellbit drinks an insane amount of high caffeine coffee, he started to have heard palpitations from it. The other portugese speaking people had an intervention
forever gives me ashfur vibes idk with the i love you philza you broke my heart
hcs9 impulse forgets to sleep because hes underground / inside a lot and doesnt see the sun, when he stays awake purposely to get work done gem and/or pearl will march him to the nearest bed and sit there until he is asleep
there were times where scott didnt feel safe at home because of xornoth so he would sleep in other empires, he felt safest in the cod empires because of jimmy (not because jimmy was strong but because gay people)
same with shrub, she would often end up in the overgrown napping in katherines castle
gem and fwhip are identical twins but it's impossible for there to be opposite gender/sex (?) identical twins so basically: transfem gem
thats it for now i am eepy but hope you all enjoy
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dappingtonsoulfire · 6 months
English translation below ⬇️
Silleen oon kyllä niin nauttinut QSMP:stä, koska siellä on just ne streamaajat, joita oon eniten katsonut aikaisemminkin järkyn paljon. Katsoin DSMP:stä vain niitä "hiljaisia" lopun aikoja ja silloinkin vain fooliksen basen rakennus grindausta. Mun vuoden statit Twitchissä oli silloin jotain 3000+ tuntia per vuosi.
Tubbo tais silloinkin olla se numero 2, mutta seuraavana vuonna se sitten nousi ykköseksi, kun alkoi streamaamaan enemmän ja Foolish alkoi Valorant mainiksi. Itselläni ei tippaakaan kiinnosta nää hitaat ampumapelit, kuten CS ja Valo. Pelaan itse TF2 niin aiemmin mainitut vain unettaa.
Badboyhalo on tosiaan se ehdoton ykkönen QSMP:ssä mulle, mutta mun on kyll pakko tunnustaa, että en lähes koskaan katsonut sitä DSMP:n aikaan, koska oli hiton epämukavaa seurata sen interaktioita niiden muiden ihmisten kanssa, jotka tuntui niin väheksyviltä sitä kohtaan. Tosin BBH ja Foolish teki ihan parasta komiikkaa yhdessä jo silloinkin. Oikeastaan ainut story arc, jonka näin alusta loppuun, ehkä ihan yhtä kahta streamia lukuun ottamatta, oli se pirun punainen muna. Silloin tosin BBH streamas tosi vähän, minkä takia on ollut hienoa nähdä kuinka QSMP-munat on saaneet Badin niin aktiivisesti tekemään kontsaa, että se on noussut mun eniten katsotuimmaksi. Tosin on mun Twitch-katsominen vähentynyt viime vuonna aika paljon. Tais olla statseissä enää se 2,3k tuntia, kun on niin paljon rahantakomishommia ollut.
Mut joo, pääpointti QSMP kyl ihan liikaa palvelee mun stream-mieltymyksiä. Nyt vielä kun saisi jojosoloksen tuonne niin voisin onnellisesti katsoa ainoastaan QSMP:tä (No okei, pitää sitä Hermicraftia joskus kans, as a treat). Mut miettikää mitä jojosolos sais aikaan Purgatoryssä!
Sike! Made you look!
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