adrianreeves-blog · 6 years
TEXT: Adrian <--> Open
Adrian: you'd think they would close the gym
Adrian: but noooo
Adrian: it's bull if you ask me.
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isaiah-shim-blog · 6 years
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Isaiah had just finished his shift when he got a text updating him about a possible earthquake. His friends had told him that having an emergency duffel with first aid equipment, reserved provisions, and a life vest was absurd and rather paranoid of him, but it never hurt to be prepared for situations like these. He thought about bringing his duffel and camping out at Alex’s apartment since he knew the blond was terrified of storms, but he hesitated. They weren’t really back together, and he had this sinking feeling about going to Alex’s apartment. What if he found someone else there? He’d just have to give him a call then--the universe couldn’t fault him for being concerned. Picking up his phone from his locker, he dialed the number that he long since memorized. “Uh, hello? Alexander?”
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ricspencer-blog · 6 years
With the sun setting and the moon rising Poseidon was sat on the shore, far enough in that the water rose to his ribs when the tide came in. He wasn’t yet ready to return from the feast he had just enjoyed, but feeling the ocean against his skin was a welcome sensation. He felt a ripple in the water, as if it was a part of his own being, as someone else approached, looking over his shoulder to see who it might be. "Yes?"
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olympusrebornrp · 6 years
The event has now started!
Please remember this event runs on a continuous timeline, meaning the clock doesn’t stop. Threads that reasonably relate to the event or can be logically during the event do not have to be dropped, but all others should. Remember to tag your event starters with olympus.event!
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hrmcs · 7 years
       Laying low was a very broad term for Hayden, rather, he didn’t know whta it fucking meant, nor was he one to practice it. He was certainly the life of the party if he could help it and most of the tie he could, feeling quite snazzy in his outfit ( and making sure he got a few good pictures in whether or not the camera people knew he wasn’t anyone important), Hayden made sure to keep to the walls for a good five minutes before he got antsy. There was so much to do and with a good buzz on already he was practically bouncing out of his skin. “Hey, I was gonna go wander around, wanna come with?”
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toddwilson · 7 years
Teddy knew that, being single at the Valentine’s ball, he’d have to play it smart. He couldn’t hover or remain on his own for too long for fear of seeming predatory, but he also couldn’t flit between companions too often or he would come across as desperate. So, when the girl he’d been dancing with excused herself to go to the bathroom, he didn’t waste any time standing alone, stepping off of the dance floor to stand next to the solitary person he’d spotted, ❝ I was hoping to sneak away for a swim later on tonight, do you think I’d make it ?? ❞
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peyton-pasithea · 7 years
✉ TEXT | Peyton ↪ OPEN
Peyt: I've been in bed literally all day
Peyt: But one of my downstairs neighbors just knocked on my door and said the world is ending?
Peyt: Bullshit.
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heath-madsen · 7 years
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“I can’t believe this,” Heath muttered, hands crossed over his chest, staring at the guarded door. Any option of him leaving the party early tonight had just completely burned to ash. All over pottery. “This is why I stopped going to these kinds of things.” 
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People were going a little overkill with this whole lockdown situation. That’s what all of his patrons were saying. It was causing people to get unruly and out of hand all the while they were beginning to get quite quarrelsome. But all Harrison could feel was unease. As he locked up bar alone, he carried a baseball bat with him. And when he heard steps behind him he shouldn’t have heard, well. He turned, swinging the bat with him only to stop inches from the person behind him. “That could’ve been the end of the line for you.”
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godofthnder · 7 years
Return of the King
“KRONOS!” Zeus bellowed, the words getting lost in the roar of the crowd, the thump of the music. His mind was sharp, the haze of memories lost lifted, his head clear for the first time in millennia. And he was furious. “FATHER! Come out and face me, you coward!” He hollered as he shoved through the crowd, searching blindly, almost wildly for the man responsible. The titan who had once swallowed his siblings, who had been the reason he’d grown up alone, hidden away by his grandmother, driven mad by the thumping of drums meant to keep him hidden. The man he had defeated to take his throne, who had somehow returned to take it back, and had succeeded in destroying all her had built. If this was the only opportunity Zeus would have to defeat him again, he would hardly squander it. Godly powers or no, he would fight, and he would prevail or die in the attempt. “SHOW YOURSELF!” He demanded as he shoved open the amphitheater doors, searching for the stairs to the VIP area.
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adrianreeves-blog · 7 years
“You can’t pay me enough to get into that photobooth.” Eyeing the ridiculous thing skeptically, Adrian turned his chin up at the very idea. “C’mon, it’s one thing for us to take pictures to keep ourselves, but expecting us to post them up?? That’s just stupid.”
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ellie-is-epione · 7 years
It was still daylight out and Ellie felt like she needed the air, so she sat at a bench near the beach. She listened to the waves crashing and tried to let them soothe the growing dread deep in the pit of her belly. Someone had gone missing and even though she didn’t know the woman, she felt like she did, and wondered if maybe she had known her in her true life as Epione. Letting out a sigh, she curled her legs up under her and messed with her wild curls as she normally did when she was stressed.
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isaiah-shim-blog · 6 years
Phones have been beeping off the hook at the waiting room with the earthquake alert blasting on all networks. He’s had patients admitted with mild cases of pneumonia from the storm, but otherwise the hospital wasn’t entirely too busy lately--unless you counted the occasional hypochondriac who usually wasted most of his valuable time. He checked the front desk for the line-up of patients in the emergency room before he walked back in to the first unattended patient he found. “Hello, I’m senior clerk Shim. How may I help you?”
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artofthomas · 7 years
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Thomas was sitting at the bar of the party when he heard the chair next to him shift ever so slightly. He titled his head and smirked. “Nothing like the end of the world as the perfect excuse to throw a wicked party. Tell me, what do you want to do with your last night alive? I’m taking a poll.”
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toddwilson · 7 years
Teddy was already quite drunk, having started the night with a bottle of wine before he’d even left his apartment. His date had ditched him not long after they’d arrived, but he found that he didn’t particularly care – he was having far too much fun by himself. Waiting until the bartender’s back was turned, he reached over and swiped a bottle of tequila, winking at the person standing next to him as he grabbed their wrist and pulled them along with him. ❝ The 2017 garbage fire is almost over, know what that means ?? ❞ He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, ❝ Shots !! ❞
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peyton-pasithea · 7 years
Peyton hadn’t even planned on getting her picture taken, yet there she was with the flashing lights aimed at her. She posed for a moment before sidling slightly away from the crowd and reaching into her clutch. She had purposefully chosen a slightly bigger one to hold a flask and a snack or two. The flask was her goal, but instead her fingers wrapped around a tube of lipstick.
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