#omegaverse worldbuilding can be very fun if you stop thinking about the sex stuff that's a hill i'll die on
marc--chilton · 29 days
(mgv) good morning. picture this: house's leg acting up while wilson is over so wilson offers to massage it for him. house gripes for a second, jokes about them not beating the homosexuality allegations, but relents. and while wilson is working out the knots, the relief is so palatable that house lets out the purrs he's been keeping a tight hold on ever since the spasm started. they're good ones, too, the tone and breathing just right to let you know he feels good. at that point house has relaxed back into the couch with his eyes closed so he doesn't see how wilson visibly perks up when he hears it. mr needs to be needed, bitching provider, doctor husband -- compounded with his status as an alpha, having proof that he makes house feel better, that he's good at what he's doing, he preens, working the muscles harder with a smile. it's so domestic and soft that wilson starts purring too, his lower and more rumbling compared to house's.
(they don't talk about it once the moment's over. back to the status quo.)
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