#omege si phi
itsdespicablebre · 5 years
I am almost certain I am turned off by greek organizations or any organization that involves some sort of "training" or "pledging" period to get in because I coulda swore in the third grade I witnessed a self-demeaning "hazing ritual" outside my home late one night. My next door neighbors at the time usually would always have people over (they were a big family) and they we're usually loud.
However, this night was different. There were these four women in these white t-shirts and they were being facilitated by this older woman to hold hands in a line, skip sideways around the cul de sac, and sing "The Brady Bunch" theme song. Except, instead of saying "we are the Brady bunch" they had to say "we are the chicken heads". Now, I understand thinking about it now and just reading it, it does sound funny. However, my gut told me that something was...off. It also didn't help that the neighbors children whom I was friends with, eyes would go wide and say "Oh...we can't tell you what they were doing.." And get uncomfortably quiet when I asked them "who were those people?" And "why were they doing that?"
I'm not specifically saying that this organization was a GREEK organization but it was an organization of some sort. And the whole situation just made me uncomfortable.
PS: I know not every greek org hazes but I personally believe it would be foolish of us to think that the act of hazing just doesn't happen anymore
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