#omfg i'm laughing at denki and Todoroki is just not having it
serosluv2 · 2 years
This is something I wrote like AGES AGO !!! And I’ve been VERY MIA LATLEY so here’s some cringe asss writing I wrote at like 6am
cw/ ok this IS a bit suggestive but a little kiss is all that happens ( OMG SPOILERS RHEA! ). sero does allude to something more but he isn't serious and never names it, just insinuates ig ?. sero being a nervous little teenager. this is actually something that i did like a week ago at a sleep over 😋. #bring back nervous men
ok. ok. okk. oookkk. he repeats over and over in his head. omfg stop sweating. your hands are so sweaty stop sweating sero! he yells at himself but because the body doesn't respond to agression, his pleads led to no avail. he sits up straighter thinking he's slouching too much. women don't like men with bad posture, makes them look shorter and sloppy! he can hear his mothers voice now nagging at him. he doesn't know why he's so nervous, you have been participating in these weekly movie nights with the some of class 1A and 1B for months now. so why is it now that he suddenly can't breathe with you next to him? you shift a little bit and suddenly it all comes clear to him. oh, she's next to me. she's leaning on me, not mina or urakara. is she mad at one of them? no no, you wouldn't bother coming down here if you were. maybe you were trying to make one of his friends jealous? did you like someone in this room? hell who cares, you're leaving on him. not bakugou, not todoroki, not denki, him.
he can feel your skin against his due to your shirt riding up. you're probably cold right? if you're so cuddled up next to him. he goes to reach for a blanket but stops. wait no, if you pull a blanket on the both of you, she'll probably think you're trying something. something you are definitely not trying. i mean.. you wouldn't mind trying... NO GOD SERO NO BAD! you aren't mineta. you're in a room full of people !! and plus that's a douche move. "are you good ?" you ask with a light laugh and he realizes he's just sitting straight up, with a arm mid way reaching out for the blanket. "uhhh" "oh! are you getting a blanket? thank god i'm like freezing in here." before he can really move you reach over and pull the white fluffy blanket over both of you. both of you. both. of. you. sero relaxes a little, leaning back into the couch with his hands in his lap like he's in church. another 15 minutes go by and he doesn't move. enjoying the smell of you and your soft hair splattered across his collar bone and the couch cushion. 15 more minutes of nothing. no movement. no sweating. just stillness until, you move your arm across his body to prop yourself up facing him. oh my god. what is happening. did i miss something? is she going to yelll at me ? can she read my thoughts? brain going a mile a minute he completely disregards you leaning in close to him, whispering in his ear "are you sure you're ok sero, you seem a little... tense." he turns his head to look at you and you pull away a little looking into his eyes. you look so pretty. how can someone look so pretty like this? he thinks. hair messy from endless tossing during the movies, no makeup, chapped lips and your face illuminated by the blue light from the tv. "um no no im fine. im sorry i just. school. stressful hahah.. you know?" god he sounds like a train wreck right now. 'hahah.. you know' wtf is wrong with you. he thinks as you giggle a little. he looks around briefly noticing everyone is alseep. how the hell did they fall alseep it's only, he looks at his apple watch, 1:47am, oh. "ha ha... yeah i know." god now you're mocking him. he would think he completely ruined the convo if it weren't for your slight smile tugging at your lips. you back away from his face and he doesn't know if he's glad or hating it. you're still turned towards him, just sitting back now on the edge of the couch. "aw boo, looks like they all passed out." you say looking down and around at your friends who are all snoring away. "are you tired yet?" you ask. and god he thinks his heart stops when you tilt your head to look back at him. "ummuh no not really. i could sleep but i could also stay up a little longer." yeah that totally makes sense. you sit there for maybe 10 more seconds but it feels like 10 more hours to sero, just looking at him, smiling. should he smile back? or keep his scared little boy expression? he needs to relax he shouldn't be this tense over a classmate. granted the classmate is the definition of drop dead gorgeous, and they're so smart and funny, more smart than funny but god does he really like that about you. "can i kiss u sero?" holy shit. that came out of NO WHERE. well not really but STILL ! you WANT to kiss him. YOU want to kiss HIM? you want to KISS HIM? his mind is racing, thinking of the perfect thing to say back. something cool and smooth and "yeah" oh. that wasn't cool or smooth but it got the job done. you look at his lips then back at him as you lean in with your stupidly adorable smirk. you stop momentarily, centimeters before touching his lips, the he leans in to close the gap. your chapt lips meet his softer ones and you put your hands around his neck, fingers gliding into his almost mullet as you break away. licking your lips and smiling like a total goof you whisper, "i need to get to bed. goodnight sero." you get up and kiss his cheek once more before vanishing in the dark hallway. and he's left there. motionless and euphoric. best first kiss ever.
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