#omg eheheh this reminds me of myself and my friend
inkykeiji · 4 years
lowkey this onlyfans thing reminds me of afton’s issei “miscommunication” fic but like . w/ dabi. except dabi is definitely lsdkfjs meaner about like. all of it and his content and much rougher w/ the reader <3 y’all ever thing about how he probably has an audio and all you can is hear is like the sound of slapping and muffled crying and then he goes “that’s my good fucking slut” and thats the end
also on t*ktok i follow this dom and i’m slfkjskljf slfkjs SO MANY HAND VIDS AND AUDIOS and like What if Dabi made this kinda content u kno. gratitious videos of hands fisting the sheets roughly, wearing rings, in prime position to choke someone. there was also an aftercare audio and i’m imagining dabi in an established relationship leaning over you to kiss your forehead as you lay all fucked out and he jus goes “you did so good baby you took my cock so well”
sometimes i think about Not Studying but today i was like “clari would want me to study” so here i am, doing ochem and suffering :’)
CONGRATS ON 2.5K!!!!!! your blog is one of my faveessssss and i am very 🥺🥺🤍🤍💖💖🎉🎉🎉 for u
you: lmao my boyfriend thinks hes slick by saying hes gonna give me ‘inspiration’ // also you, after the biting thing: i am a Little Inspired
i told my guy friend i was horny and my first thought was to text him “do you ever wanna get railed?” but that i was like “lmao maybe he can’t relate bc hes like not into anything up his own ass” (like i told him slkfjs i was horny and my thought process) and he was like “the last person who asked me that couldn’t walk after sooo” and i’m like slkfjs what does he want from me. we are in a lockdown i physically cant see anybody. is he tryna rub the fact that he gets laid more regularly in my face (pre pandemic)? is this some weird dick power trip? is he mildly flirting with me? can i just ask to suck his dick and move on? i dont even know if hes seeing someone slkfjsl
anyway hope ur day was good clariiii i am trying to send the powers of my hot water bottle and hugs thru the internet 4 u
- 🦦
oooh i haven’t read that yet!!! but omfg he definitely does and i’d pay a ridiculous amount of money for it
love how u censored tiktok eheheheh BUT YES OKAY LISTEN, LISTEN. DABI’S HANDS MAKE ME FERAL LIKE !!!!!!! oh my good god just thinking about them has me going absolutely wild like my mind cannot handle it, if he made hand videos i’d literally pass out every time i watched one
OMG REALLY?????? THAT MAKES ME SO 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 OMG I’M SO GLAD!!!!! and i’m so proud of you for pushing through n studying!!! i think you mentioned in your last ask that you took ur lab exam, so i hope school’s finally giving you a lil bit of a break now <33 N THANK U FOR UR CONGRATS i really appreciate it + you + everyone here so much  🥺 <3333333
WOW U REALLY DID CALL ME OUT EH????? god this had me giggling for a good ten minutes i’m not even kidding because it’s so true ehehehe
ahahahaha oh my god okay okay personally i think he was mildly flirting with u!!!! n probably bragging a lil but like more in a way where he’s all yeah i could do it to u too if u want instead of a way where he’s just flaunting it yk what i mean???
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earthliingx · 7 years
Hello, my dear (◠﹏◠✿) Could you do 1, 11, 17, 36, 38, and (in the year of) 39? Eheheh, love you and best wishes in life -T xxx
just gonna say how much I loved that reference before starting :p
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie. so my fave movie (cliché I know omg *hides) is Titanic, I watched it for thr first time when I was 9 and loved it so much, cried so much and of course dreamed of a romance like that for when I was older...I watched it everyday my dad hid the tape from me and I never saw it again...it exists only in my memory
11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had. this might be a really hard one because sometimes my dreams are amazing, but I once had this dream where I was with a guy (I see him so clearly in my dreams but don’t remember that much of him when I wake up) and I felt so loved...we were talking and singing and just travelling...I felt so good !
17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with. I want to be friends with someone who has an open mind, who will understand how much I love them through memes, someone I can always count for spontaneous adventures, someone who is caring and respects people. somene I can laugh really loud and be comfortoable with...someone I can share my secrets and will not judge me...I could also tag some people but I’m actually feeling shy ?!
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures. chocolateis and will always be my guilty pleasure, and sometimes I dance and sing and dance along to some crappy music but I can’t help myself xD I don’t really understand the guilty pleasur thing tho
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.I am going to tag some people so they actually know *hides* when I see some band related jokes I can’t understand I think of @queen-mercury-may ; when I look at cats and just really extravagant things I think of @the-casbah-way because she is just pure art I mean ; when I see memes, John Deacon, dogs, flowers and those “i want to support you” memes I think of @qdeacon because she is my bish...
39: Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier. I wish I knew :
it’s okay to be bisexual
being chubby and having acne is totally fine
body hair is a natural thing
I don’t have to hide my love for things because everyone likes different stuff
I don’t have to be like anybody else in order to be happy
don’t have to be afraid to be an honest person and defend myself
this is so long omg xD love you loads
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hello-vampire-kitty · 7 years
reimeijennoir reblogged your photo and added: “reimeijennoir: Because I happened to pass by @crazyanime3`s thoughts…”
@hello-vampire-kitty Ehehehe Thanks!! And… (>v>) ,…
You described everything so well dear! I had similar thoughts just as you but I didn’t know how to express myself xD I wanna hug you! Looks at us, crying over Sakuya!
Oh yes he deserves beautiful songs  and omg those lines with the whole betrayal thing would make the perfect titles and also be sung in the chorus!
And the duet with Mahiru, dear me…I think they will sing about the good times they had together up until the point they had to part ways and basically the whole song would be in the form of replies, Sakuya telling him stuff like “I lied to you, “Now I am your enemy” whereas Mahiru would give him reassurance “ You are my friend” “I will come for you”. For the solo song I would really want to hear him have the final line “Thank your reaching out to me” and I could imagine just imagine Sakuya crying and also smiling as he says that, thinking of Mahiru.
Well there goes more hurt to my heart, sorry if I also caused for you @reimeijennoir;__;
Oh and that song you mentioned is like just so incredibly fitting albeit sad, but it’s just speaks of Sakuya! I’m working on a playlist and most of the songs can be from Sakuya’s POV in relation to Mahiru (and they also work for KuroMahi because I love both pairings,  isn’t that a joy?)
Tell me if you wanna hear some recommendations~ Maybe they will inspire you for your awesome drawings ^_^) (This reminds that Sakuya is the character that I have drawn the most in my sketchbook xD I really liked his hair lol And I ended up having a bunch of chibis with him.
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